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Lovely Professional University,Punjab

Format For Instruction Plan [for Courses with Lectures and Tutorials

Course No MGT513


Course Planner 13509 :: Sunil Budhiraja

Lectures Tutorial Practical Credits 3 1 0 4

Text Book:

1 Dessler, G and Varkkey, B(2009) 11th edition, Human Resource Management, Pearsons Education.

Other Specific Book:

2 Ivancevich, JM(2009) , Human Resource Management, Tata McGraw Hill. 3 Rao P.S. (2009), Essentials of Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations, Text, cases and games, Himalya Publications.

Other Reading Sr No Jouranls atricles as compulsary readings (specific articles, Complete reference) 4 The economic meltdown- Impact on recruiting. May 2009, P-23 HRM Review ICFAI University 5 Managing business during recession. Oct 2009, P- 33 HRM Review ICFAI University 6 Employee Induction and orientation. July 2009. P-18 HRM Review ICFAI University 7 Article 360 degree feedback: Appraisal or development. Dec 2009 P-5 HRM Review ICFAI University 8 Collective Bargaining in Global business environment. Sep 2009 p- 53 HRM Review ICFAI University 9 Article on training need analysis ( 10 How to handle two careers? 11 Men outnumber women in workplace: Fair or Foul play? 12 Changes Coming in Compensation, Staffing, Training for Associates: What Tomorrow's Law Firm Will Look Like ( did=1933646061&sid=2&Fmt=3&clientId=129893&RQT=309&VName=PQD) 13 The coming battle over executive pay.( Harvard Business Review) 14 How to manage your negotiating teams. ( Harvard Business Review) 15 Create three distinct career paths for innovators. ( Harvard Business Review) 1

Approved for Spring Session 2010-11

16 Private bank recruiters share an insights on industry. index=9&did=1897634941&SrchMode=1&sid=1&Fmt=3&VInst=PROD&VType=PQD&RQT=309&VName=PQD&TS=1262948241&clientId=129893 17 Article on employee leasing( 18 Article on Whistle blowing. ( 19 Case Study: Telecommunicating: Empty cubicals vs. Beyond job design?( Rao P.S. (2009), Essentials of Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations 20 Manning of 4 Elite As by Sonde.( Manpower planning). (case study HRD by H kaushal) 21 Decide now, But do it tomorrow.( Rao P.S. (2009), Essentials of Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations) 22 God helps Celestine (Training). (case study HRD by H kaushal) 23 Low salary for nationals and high salary for expatriates for the same job= Halting the wings of the flights.( . Rao P.S. (2009), Essentials of Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations) 24 Seniors versus Juniors ( Pay package). (case study HRD by H kaushal) 25 Troubles never come singly.(case study HRD by H kaushal) 26 Promotion due to Organizational development( Tale of two Mehtas). (case study HRD by H kaushal) 27 Employee Employer relationship(case study HRD by H kaushal) 28 collective bargaining vs. industrial bargaining.(Rao P.S. (2009), Essentials of Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations) 29 A foreign business partner( case study HRD by H kaushal)s 30 Different ideas of New entrants. (case study HRD by H kaushal) 31 New issues in Collective Bargaining ( 32 Authority of Personnel Manager at Regional level.(Rao P.S. (2008), Essentials of Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations. 33 Case Study: Which is more important- Recruiting or retaining?.(Rao P.S. (2008), Essentials of Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations. 34 Indian Management Redefining HR, June 2009 p-49 Relevant Websites Sr. No. (Web adress) (only if relevant to the courses) 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 2 Salient Features Provide information on current HR practices Contains all kind of new HR issues and easy way to exchange ideas with HR people. Provide guidance on all HR components. It is complete integrated online library on the management books. It will helpful in many HR issues and have good HR related articles. Open courseware useful for assignments. Various issues related to HRM( username 3VYEZZWRB8 and password welcome) Approved for Spring Session 2010-11

42 43 vid=339

How LG Electronics reinvented itself in the US Powering the Google engine: innovation is key

Detailed Plan For Lectures

Week Number Lecture Number Lecture Topic Chapters/Sections of Homework to be Assigned Pedagogical tool Textbook/other to students Demonstration/case reference study/images/anmatio n ctc. planned

Part 1
Week 1 Lecture 1 Lecture 2 Lecture 3 Week 2 Lecture 4 Lecture 5 Lecture 6 Week 3 Lecture 7 Introduction to HRM: Meaning. Evolution of HRM function HRM policies, Relationship with other fields. EHuman Resource Management The changing role of HRM and the recent trends in HRM. Strategic HRM environment. Organization and HR as distinctive competitive advantage Creating the strategic Human Resoirce Management System. Creating the HR scorecard. ->Reference :1,Chapter 3 Term Paper 1 Allocation Case Study: Different ideas of New entrants The Hotel Paris International: An example ->Reference :1,Chapter 3 HomeWork 1 Allocation Case study: Jack Nelson's Problem Article: How HR should support strategy? Book :1,Chapter 1

Lecture 8 Lecture 9 Week 4 Lecture 10

Job analysis, Job description, Job specification, Job ->Reference design, Job redesign :1,Chapter 4 Team design and analysis, Job carving, dejobbing and flexible job environment Job Rotation, Job enrichment, Job enlargement ->Reference :1,Chapter 4 HomeWork 1 Submission Article: Redefining HR Case Study: Telecommunicating: Empty cubicals vs. Beyond job design?

Approved for Spring Session 2010-11

Part 2
Week 4 Lecture 11 Lecture 12 Competency based Job Analysis. Comparing Book :1,Chapter 4 Traditional Versus Competency Based Job Analysis HR Planning, HRP Process ->Reference :1,Chapter 5 Book :1,Chapter 5 ->Reference :1,Chapter 6 HomeWork 2 Allocation Case Study: Manning of 4 Elite by Sonde.( Manpower planning). Case study: Decide now, But do it tomorrow. Case study: Decide now, But do it tomorrow. 2. Article: The Economic Meltdown- Impact on recruiting Case Study: Which is more importantRecruiting or retaining? Article: Employee Induction and orientation HomeWork 2 Submission Case Study: God helps Celestine (Training). Quiz 1 Article on training need analysis 1. Article: 360 degree feedback: Appraisal or development. 2. Case Study: Low salary for nationals and high salary for expatriates for the same job= Halting the wings of the flights

Week 5

Lecture 13 Lecture 14

Rightsizing the enterprise and outplacement of employees. Recruitment and Selection: Process planning and forecasting, Internal and External sources of recruitment, recruiting and more diverse workshop, selection test and simulation process Types of interviews and common errors, Employee Outsourcing; Pros and Cons. Employee induction and placement: Challenges. Training and Development: Training process

Lecture 15

->Reference :1,Chapter 8 ->Reference :1,Chapter 8

Week 6

Lecture 16 Lecture 17 Lecture 18

Training methods and evaluating the training efforts. Book :1,Chapter 8 Managing organizational change and development Performance Management System: Performance planning, Monitoring, appraisal and counselling ->Reference :1,Chapter 9

Week 7

Lecture 19

Lecture 20 Lecture 21

Potential Appraisal need and assessment Centres Revision

Approved for Spring Session 2010-11

Week 8 Lecture 22 Compensation: Establishing strategic pay plans. ->Reference :1,Chapter 11 Article on Changes Coming in Compensation, Staffing, Training for Associates: What Tomorrow's Law Firm Will Look Like

Lecture 23 Lecture 24

Job Evaluation Pay for Performance and Financial Incentives ->Reference :1,Chapter 12 ->Reference :1,Chapter 13 HomeWork 3 Allocation Case Study: Seniors versus Juniors (Pay package) 1. Article The coming battle over executive pay 2. Case study: Troubles never come singly

Week 9

Lecture 25

Employee benefits and Services: challenges of renumeration

Lecture 26 Lecture 27 Week 10 Lecture 28 Lecture 29

HR Development; Need and Scope of HRD HRD Practices in Indian Oranizations Management Development: Techniques of management development Career Planning and succession planning, steps in career development system

->Reference :3,Chapter 7

->Reference :3,Chapter 10 ->Reference :1,Chapter 10 HomeWork 3 Submission Article: How to handle two careers

Part 4
Week 10 Lecture 30 Management Development and career planning: Techniques of Management Development ->Reference :1,Chapter 10 Case Study: Promotion due to Organizational development( Tale of two Mehtas). HomeWork 4 Allocation

Week 11

Lecture 31 Lecture 32 Lecture 33

Equal opportunity and the law: equal employment opportunity, Diversity management and affirmative action programmes

->Reference :1,Chapter 2

Managing global human resources: implementing a ->Reference global HR system, staffing the global organization. :1,Chapter 17

Quiz 2

Approved for Spring Session 2010-11

Week 12

Lecture 34

Challenges of managing expatriates, training and development for international assignment. Employment Relations, Labour relations and collective Bargaining Approaches of IR and Trade Union. Labour Legislation in India, Industrial conflict

->Reference :1,Chapter 17 ->Reference :3,Chapter 19 Book :3,Chapter 19 and 20 ->Reference :2,Chapter 15 ->Reference :3,Chapter 23

Term Paper 1 Submission Article: Create three distinct career paths for innovators Case study: Employee Employer relationship

Lecture 35 Lecture 36 Week 13 Lecture 37

HomeWork 4 Submission

Lecture 38 Lecture 39

Workplace Safety and Health : industrial Safety and ->Reference :1,chapter Health 16 Revision ->Reference :1,Entire syllabus

Spill Over
Week 14 Lecture 40 Lecture 41 Lecture 42 Employee Leasing Whistle blowing Talent management in cost cutting economy Book :17,Employee Leasing Book :18,Whistle blowing Book :5,Talent management in cost cutting economy Article on employee leasing Article on Whistle blowing. Article: Managing business during recession Role play

Week 15

Lecture 43

Managing diversity in BPO industry

Details of homework and case studies

Homework No. Homework 1 Homework 2 Topic of the Homework Case based presentation on a pre alloted case. Report has to be submitted before presentation. 5 marks for the report and 10 marks for the presentation. Nature of homework (group/individuals/field work Group

The student has to design the recruitment advertisement for two different organization from different Individual industries.Students need to look at the old advertisements of these organizations and then need to redesign the advertiseement and present how the new advertisement is more effective and useful. Submit report that how and why recruitment advertisements differ for different organizations. It is to be followed by 5 minutes presentation. 10 marks for the content (report) and 5 marks for the presentation. Each student has to compare the HR practices of two organizations operating in the same sector and will FieldWork submit their comparative analysis. 15 marks for the report. The focus should be on the quality of analysis and innovations. Approved for Spring Session 2010-11

Homework 3

Homework 4

An organisation will be allotted to the students and they have to study the performance appraisal system of the organization and then find out the factors helps in training need identification of the employees as the end result of performance appraisal system. The student is required to design the training program depending upon the training need identification. 10 marks for the quality of analysis of the Performance Appraisal System and 5 marks for the training need identification.


Scheme for CA:out of 100*

Component Homework Term Paper Quiz Frequency 3 1 2 Total :Out Of 4 Each Marks Total Marks 15 25 15 55 45 25 30 100

* In ENG courses wherever the total exceeds 100, consider x best out of y components of CA, as explained in teacher's guide available on the UMS List of suggested topics for term paper[at least 15] (Student to spend about 15 hrs on any one specified term paper) Sr. No. Topic 1 Relevance of job rotation in banks in terms of learning, motivation and performance. 2 Study on identifying the measures adopted by industries to retain high performance teams in insurance sectors. 3 Study on the success or settlement aspect of the trade union CITU. 4 Managing workforce diversity. 5 Each student will be allotted an industry in which they have to find out how different companies have managed trade unions as well as strikes. 6 Each student has to analyse the importance of self managed work teams in the organizations and how they can be helpful for sustaining high performance. 7 Each student will be given an insurance company to find out how they should compensate to retain employee. 8 Planned Exit 9 Why CEO feels HR plays small role in organizations success. 10 Employee engagement and communication for rainy days 11 Glass ceiling 12 Each student will be given different companies and they have to find out the various strategies followed by the various companies during recession 13 Creating a leadership pipeline 7 Approved for Spring Session 2010-11

14 Culture coaches for on boarding 15 Training a competitive advantage 16 Understand and compare the Industrial Scenerio of two manufacturing companies.

Plan for Tutorial: (Please do not use these time slots for syllabus coverage)
Tutorial No. Lecture Topic Type of pedagogical tool(s) planned (case analysis,problem solving test,role play,business game etc)

Tutorial 1 Tutorial 2 Tutorial 3 Tutorial 4 Tutorial 5 Tutorial 6 Tutorial 7

Job specification HRP Recruitment and selection Case based Presentation Performance management Term paper Review Case based Presentation

Case analysis Case analysis Role play Case analysis Case analysis

Case analysis

After Mid-Term
Tutorial 8 Tutorial 9 Tutorial 10 Tutorial 11 Tutorial 12 Tutorial 13 Outsourcing Term paper review Compensation Employment relations Managing global HR Doubt Clearing Business game Business game Case analysis Discussion Case analysis

Approved for Spring Session 2010-11

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