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UNILAB History In 1945, a small drugstore opened shop in a street corner in war-torn downtown Manila after a fortuitous meeting

between its founders. This drugstore was to be the forerunner of Unilab. As small as it was, the drugstore had a mission: to provide quality medicines at prices within reach of as many people as possible in the community. Postwar conditions no doubt had a hand in molding this mission. In the minds of the founders, it would have been unreasonable and coarse to sell medicines at prices determined by pure business objectives alone to sick people whose livelihood had been lost in the war. Conditions may have changed and improved over the years; but the mission is unchanged. The founders and their successors believe that the mission is as valid and true as when first it was given expression. A few years after its quiet start, the drugstore had quickly developed into a pharmaceutical company, with a simple manufacturing setup and a modest marketing force to promote and sell high quality and affordable medicines. This was to be a major step in realizing the founders' vision of transforming the drugstore into a significant and leading provider of pharmaceuticals. By the end of the fifties in the last century, Unilab had become the top pharmaceutical company in the Philippines, an astounding feat in an industry in which, then as now, big multinationals are active. At about same time, its presence in Southeast Asia had begun to take shape, with the creation of marketing and manufacturing tie-ups in the major countries in the region. These tie-ups have proved to be durable as they exist up to this day as important parts of Unilab s vast regional network. Through the years, Unilab has been able to solidify its position of leadership not only in the Philippines but in Southeast Asia as well. Today Unilab has a strong leading presence in the region as a major provider of healthcare goods and services in several countries Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong and Vietnam, among others. UNILAB Today UNILAB is a regional healthcare company with a leading presence in the Asia. Many of our products have become top brands in Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Vietnam and Myanmar. UNILAB has a global network of strategic alliances delivering a steady stream of innovative products and technology. UNILAB is the most dominant provider of over-the-counter pharmaceuticals in the Philippines and is a massive, top echelon corporate identity. UNILAB is a professional organization driven by team spirit and capable of responding to the opportunities of growth in the region. UNILAB adheres to a corporate culture of continuing improvement and service excellence, where systems and processes create competitive advantages. UNILAB adheres to the Bayanihan or GotongRoyong Way of Life that is dynamic, flourishing and continually made relevant in a changing world.

About UNILAB Our business is to develop, manufacture and market a wide range of prescription and consumer health products covering all major therapeutic categories. Many of these products are now leading brands in the Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Vietnam and Myanmar. Unilab operates strategically located manufacturing facilities throughout Southeast Asia, linked to extensive and expanding market coverage and technical support. The major Unilab manufacturing complex in Metro Manila, (the Philippines is the region's largest and most significant pharmaceutical market) has been cited by international health organizations, as one of the finest is Asia. Construction has already begun on a new complex, which will exceed the current facility in both scale and technical capability, clear evidence of the company's unswerving commitment to excellence and continuing improvement. Unilab has developed significant technical and marketing alliances with major multinational pharmaceutical companies and research organizations based in the United States, Europe and Japan. Growing international involvement, a broader regional role and more diverse operational activities are underpinned by a committed and highly trained work force. It is therefore from a platform of strength and with an ethos of integrity that Unilab confidently views the challenge of delivering broad-based health care into a dynamically changing Asia in the 21st century. EC Council It is in the spirit of Bayanihan that Mr. J.Y. Campos established the Employees Council (EC) in December 1959. The Council was founded on the belief that no one could best determine the needs of the employees than they themselves, with the full support and encouragement from management, with the belief that increased productivity could be achieved if the employees had a stake in their own welfare and benefit. Source:

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