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65 the basis for the opinion survived peer re-

64 P O L I C Y F O R U M : S C I E N C E A N D T H E L AW view and has it been published? And (iv)
63 Is it generally accepted among scientists in
61 Is Science Different the pertinent f ield? Justice Breyer in
Kumho Tire, however, did not attempt to
60 offer similar criteria by which to judge the
for Lawyers? “many different kinds of experts, and
many different kinds of expertise” routine-
57 David L. Faigman ly confronted by judges (4). This monu-
56 mental task, the Court said, would be left
55 n 7 January of this year, Judge “technical or specialized experts,” Daubert to the discretion of lower court judges.
O Lewis Pollak, former dean of the
Yale Law School and a highly re-
spected federal district court judge,
does not apply. All sorts of formerly proud
scientists joined the exodus from science,
including psychologists, engineers, and
In his first opinion, Judge Pollak laid
out the Daubert framework and found that
fingerprinting had not been adequately
51 stunned the legal world when he held that medical doctors. To their everlasting tested, had no known error rate, had not
50 fingerprint experts could not testify that a shame, many forensic scientists also dis- produced research that was published in
49 latent print found at the scene of the crime claimed the science mantle. Obviously, peer-reviewed journals and was only gen-
48 “matched” the defendant’s print (1). De- however, any failed science might make erally accepted among a group of like-
47 spite being admitted into courts for nearly such an argument. Allowing every failed thinking professionals who are all in the
46 100 years, Judge Pollak found that no one science to proclaim itself a “specialty” fingerprint identification business. At the

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45 had bothered to conduct any meaningful would have gutted the new standard. In a same time, it should be noted, Judge Pol-
44 research on the technique. His ruling was 1999 decision, Kumho Tire Co. v. lak also held that there was no dispute that
43 based on the landmark opinion in Daubert Carmichael (3), the Supreme Court closed each person’s fingerprint was unique so
42 v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc., in this loophole. It held that all expert testi- that identification could be readily accom-
41 which the Supreme Court held that trial mony is subject to the requirement that it plished when two full prints could be com-
40 court judges must ensure, as gatekeepers, be demonstrated to have a valid and reli- pared. He took judicial notice of this fact.
39 that proffered scientific evidence is valid able basis, whether it is accounting or Moreover, he held that the government ex-
38 and reliable. On 13 March, however, Judge rocket science. pert would be permitted to introduce ex-
37 Pollak reversed his earlier ruling (2). Upon hibits illustrating the similarities between
36 reflection, he said, he had come to the re- the partial latent print found at the scene
35 alization that fingerprint identification and the defendant’s print. These two hold-
34 was not a matter of “science,” it was a ings are not terribly controversial in them-
33 “specialization,” and thus need not meet selves. The holding that ignited the
32 the rigors of the scientific method to be firestorm was Judge Pollak’s order that the
31 admitted in court. This distinction between expert would be foreclosed from offering
30 science and specialization is premised on a an opinion on the import of those similari-
29 basic skepticism of the scientific method ties or that they indicated a “match.”
28 and its usefulness to judicial decision- In reversing the first decision, Judge
27 making. Although this skepticism is not Pollak was obligated to explain how these
26 universally held by judges, it threatens the factors were now met or why they were no
25 fundamental reform wrought by Daubert, longer relevant. Remarkably, he stated, “I
24 because it is shared by many and is concluded in the January 7 opinion that
23 thought intellectually respectable by most. Daubert’s testing factor was not met, and I
22 In fact, however, this skepticism stems have found no reason to depart from that
21 from ignorance, a condition that can only conclusion.” (5). Yet, somehow, he now
20 be remedied by a sustained effort to edu- found that the other three factors men-
19 cate these decision-makers about the prac- The challenge that arose after Kumho tioned in Daubert, error rate, peer review
18 tices and culture of hypothesis testing in Tire, and one foreseen in Justice Breyer’s and publication, and general acceptance,
17 science. Scientists should lead this effort. opinion for the Court, was the question, by were satisf ied. How this was possible,
16 Shortly after Daubert was decided, ex- what criteria should the multitude of ex- without testing, is a great mystery of the
15 perts in many disciplines that assist the perts who appear daily in court be evaluat- decision. For him, this mystery was solved
14 law looked about and realized that they did ed? This is no easy task, because this mul- by his observation that fingerprint identi-
13 not have the research to support the opin- titude includes physicists, biologists, toxi- fication “is not, in my judgment, itself a
12 ions they routinely offered in court. These cologists, epidemiologists, psychologists, science.” He likened forensic scientists to
11 purveyors of science-“lite” cleverly sought engineers, medical doctors, historians, ac- “accountants, vocational experts, accident
10 to avoid the new rule. They claimed that countants, auto mechanics, and the list reconstruction experts, [and] appraisers of
9 the tough new gate-keeping standards did goes on almost without end. This extraor- land or of art.” (5). Forensic science was a

8 not apply to them because the decision in- dinarily broad array of expertise is simply specialty, not a science.
7 volved only “scientific” evidence. These not susceptible to any one scheme of eval- Judge Pollak’s conclusion has been
6 experts, and the lawyers who employ uation. In Daubert, the Court had suggest- echoed by a great number of federal
5 them, argued that when witnesses are ed four criteria that might be used to as- judges. Judge Crow similarly held that fin-
4 sess the reliability of scientific opinion: (i) gerprinting, though as yet untested, is ad-
3 D. L. Faigman is a professor of law at the Hastings Col-
Is the opinion testable and has it been test- missible in court. He was persuaded by the
2 lege of the Law, University of California, San Francisco, ed? (ii) Is the error rate associated with the technology’s success over the past 100
1 CA 94102, USA. E-mail: technique or opinion acceptable? (iii) Has years, in which it “has withstood the scruti- SCIENCE VOL 297 19 JULY 2002 339

S C I E N C E ’ S C O M PA S S
65 ny and testing of the adversarial process.” question that should depend on two fac- burden on the government creates perverse
64 (6). Scientists undoubtedly will find such tors. The first concerns the difficulties in- incentives. If courts admit untested specu-
63 an assertion laughable. Judge Crow, how- herent in studying the phenomenon. The lation, what incentive does the Justice De-
62 ever, answered their snickering as follows: second involves the legal stakes present in partment have to do the research? The
61 “Those of a ‘scientific’ bent certainly cases in which the specialized knowledge greater the costs in liberty, lives, and prop-
60 can take issue with whether the judges and might be employed. In the specialty area erty, the greater should be the expectation
59 lawyers have the education or training to of fingerprinting, both factors indicate that that good-quality work be done.
58 engage in ‘scientif ic’ testing and with the courts are getting it wrong. In the context of fingerprinting, the
57 whether the courtrooms provide the sterile, On the difficulties of studying the phe- amenability of the subject to test and the
56 laboratory-like and objective atmosphere nomenon of fingerprint identification, con- gravity of the legal stakes involved make
55 associated with and probably conducive to sider the following hypothesis: There is a it an easy case. Admittedly, other kinds of
54 scientific analysis. Even so, it seems an vanishingly small statistical likelihood that specialized knowledge will present harder
53 unreasonable stretch simply to discard this some set of ridge characteristics (say 8, 10, cases. Particularly difficult for lawyers
52 experiential testing as wholly unreliable or 12) on a given fingerprint will be found and judges is the first factor, whether an
51 and to relegate the testifying opinion of all in a random sample of the population. This empirical subject is amenable to test. Sci-
50 these fingerprint examiners to ipse dixit. hypothesis depends on the factually testable entists can be enormously helpful in ad-
49 Moreover, this court joins others who do question of what proportion of the popula- dressing this question in concrete cases
48 not read Daubert and Kumho as elevating tion (or relevant subpopulations) has partic- ranging from alcohol and drug testing to
47 the scientific method to the touchstone by ular ridge characteristics. This is a question polygraphs. Organizations such as the
46 which all [expert] evidence is to be of base-rates. To be admissible, fingerprint National Academies of Science and the

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45 judged.” (6). identification need not be powerful enough AAAS have already entered partnerships
44 In doubting the value of the scientific to show identity, but the fact-finder should with legal institutions, such as the Federal
43 method as the touchstone by which expert be given some idea whether one person in Judicial Center and the National Institute
42 evidence is to be evaluated, judges like 5, or 100, or 1000, could have left the par- of Justice (7). These and other science or-
41 Pollak and Crow fail to say what should tial print. Of course, other hypotheses could ganizations should be encouraged to do
40 replace it. Presumably, it is some combina- be imagined, including especially proficien- more. Most judges and lawyers have little
39 tion of “years of personal experience” and cy rates among practitioners of the special- creativity when it comes to conceptualiz-
38 general acceptance among members of ty. Proficiency testing would provide data ing how certain empirical statements
37 some well-meaning guild. As a matter of regarding the accuracy of forensic examin- might be examined. Topics such as pre-
36 law, I believe this is an incorrect interpre- ers in applying the technology, with possi- dictions of violence, the battered woman
35 tation of Daubert and Kumho Tire. More ble comparisons to laypeople or even com- syndrome, post-traumatic stress disorder,
34 troubling though, it reflects a basic misun- puters. But these hypotheses are hardly fire and arson investigation, birth defects,
33 derstanding of the subject of empirical ex- daunting and, indeed, a modestly bright and repressed memories, all challenge the
32 pertise. Contrary to Judge Crow’s belief, graduate student could design research to legal imagination. If lawyers and judges
31 this overreliance on undifferentiated expe- test many of them. Over time, however, as are going to improve their comprehension
30 rience does indeed relegate the opinions of the science of fingerprint identification pro- of these and other subjects, bridges must
29 testifying experts to ipse dixit—a Latin gressed, more difficult and sophisticated be built between the legal and scientific
28 phrase that roughly translates as, “because hypotheses might emerge, requiring greater communities.
27 I said so.” ability and resources to study. But the most Daubert initiated a scientific revolution
26 Judge Crow’s statement is remarkable basic work has yet to be done. The other in the law. Although it has taken more than
25 for both its candor and its utter failure to forensic sciences, including bite-mark anal- 200 years, the law is ever so slowly com-
24 appreciate the culture attending scientific ysis, handwriting identification, firearms ing to embrace the scientific culture of
23 testing of hypotheses. Science does not analysis, and so on, are similarly amenable empirical testing. Yet some courts remain
22 “exist” categorically or in some concrete to test. Unfortunately, like fingerprints, in a prescientific age. When Galileo an-
21 encyclopedia of knowledge that passes most have not been seriously tested. nounced that he saw moons around Jupiter
20 muster by, say, some committee of the Na- The second factor concerns what legal through his telescope, the Pope declared
19 tional Academies of Science. Science is a risks are involved in the case, or cases, that he was mistaken, for the Bible did not
18 process or method by which factual state- presenting the expertise in question. Fin- allow it. But the moons are there. Similar-
17 ments or predictions about the world are gerprint identification is offered by prose- ly, courts can decree that fingerprinting is
16 devised, tested, evaluated, revised, re- cutors in thousands of trials each year in reliable, but this does not make it true. On-
15 placed, rejected, or accepted. There are as which defendants are in jeopardy of their ly testing will tell us whether it is so.
14 many methods of testing as there are hy- liberty and sometimes their lives. In addi-
13 potheses—indeed, probably more. Courts tion, as a practical matter, prosecutors References and Notes
12 make a fundamental error when they try to have the institutional wherewithal, espe- 1. United States v. Plaza, 179 F. Supp. 2d 492 (E.D. Pa. 7
January 2002).
11 divide the world into science and specialty cially through the Justice Department, to 2. United States v. Plaza, 188 F. Supp. 2d 549 (E.D. Pa.
10 categories. In truth, every expert who ap- invest in the research. It is true that testing 13 March 2002) (Plaza II).
9 pears in court has “specialized” knowledge fingerprinting, not to mention the surfeit 3. Kumho Tire Co. v. Carmichael, 526 U.S. 137 (1999).
8 of one sort or another. At best, it is special- of other forensic sciences, is an expensive 4. Kumho Tire, 526 U.S., p. 150.
5. Plaza II, 188 F. Supp. 2d, p. 564.
7 ized knowledge based upon good applied proposition. Cost should affect courts’ ex- 6. United States v. Cline, 188 F. Supp. 2d 1287 (D. Kan.
6 science; at worst, it is specialized knowl- pectations regarding what research is done 21 February 2002); p. 1294.
5 edge based upon “years of personal expe- and when it gets done. But the government 7. The interested reader will find more information on ex-
4 rience.” The question is, for all specialized has so far not claimed that the costs would isting partnerships between scientific and legal groups at
the National Institute of Justice,;
3 knowledge proffered in court, how much be prohibitive in this area—a claim likely the Federal Judicial Center,; and the Ameri-
2 and what kind of testing should be neces- to receive a skeptical response in any can Association for the Advancement of Science,
1 sary before it is admitted? This is a policy event. Indeed, failure to put the testing

340 19 JULY 2002 VOL 297 SCIENCE

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