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Please contact: Mr Andrew McGreevy Direct Dial: 0300 200 7830 Dear Sir/Madam, Location: Adjacent to No.

72 Torr Road, West Torr, Ballycastle, Co.Antr im, BT54 6RQ. Proposal: Single Storey Dwelling and Amenity Space ( Infill Site )

The Department has received a planning application for a development at the abov e location. If you have concerns you may, in the first instance, find it helpful to discuss the proposal directly with the applicant. You can track the progress of this planning application and view the associated documentation by logging onto the Planning Web Portal, ope ning the link to the PublicAccess website and entering the planning application reference number (as quoted above). If you do not have access to the Planning Web Portal, you can call into this or any Area Office during normal office hours and we will make the information avai lable to you at a computer at reception. Alternatively you may view this information or the main fice. You should note, however, that the main file is a certain times of the process it will not be immediately nt is therefore essential and you can make arrangements le Team. planning file at this of working document and at available. An appointme to view with the Open Fi

While it is not necessary for you to do anything further in response to this let ter, you may wish to bring to the attention of the Department any relevant mater ial planning matters which you think should, in the public interest, be taken in to account before the application is decided. Material planning matters include adverse environmental effects, traffic impact and impact on the established cha racter of a neighbourhood. It is important to remember that, when we take a deci sion on an application, we can only consider those comments that are strictly pl anning matters. Information leaflet 3 Commenting on a planning application is cu rrently being updated and will be published on the Planning Web Portal (www.plan as soon as possible. It provides some basic guidance on how to c omment on an application and what we do with your comments. In order to improve overall accessibility to the planning process, information o n planning applications is now published on the Planning website through the Pub lic Access Portal ( Subsequently the details of any repre sentation received, i.e., letters of objection or support, will also be publishe d and made available for public viewing. The Department will take extreme care not to publish on the website signatures, personal telephone numbers, personal email addresses and any sensitive personal data received such as medical or financial information. (Please supply this info rmation only if absolutely necessary). Any information considered by the Department to be of a derogatory or offensive nature will be removed from the representation before it is placed on file and p osted on the Planning Web Portal. In giving your views on a planning application you should concentrate on relevan t planning matters. Any complaints regarding staff, application processing, enfo rcement proceedings or requests for information should be forwarded under separa te cover. If such material is contained within the representation it will be rem

oved and dealt with under the relevant procedures. Where the Department considers that the nature of comments made or information p rovided in a representation is such that it largely detracts from the relevant p lanning matters, the representation will be returned to the sender with a coveri ng letter advising that the representation should be reconsidered and reworded b efore being returned. While the Department is normally unable to enter into correspondence concerning detailed comments made, we will acknowledge receipt of any written representatio ns and will notify you of the outcome of the planning application. . The Department cannot take into account private matters such as boundary dispute s, moral issues or impact on a private view. Any relevant comments you make wil l be considered in assessing this application and these should be submitted to t his office in writing by 25th January 2012. Yours faithfully for Area Planning Manager

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