What Is Six Sigma

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What Is Six Sigma?

Generally, Six Sigma is a problem-solving methodology that helps enhance business and organizational operations. It can also be defined in a number of other ways:
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A quality level of 3.4 defects per million opportunities A rate of improvement of 70 percent or better A data-driven, problem-solving methodology of Define-Measure-Analyze-ImproveControl An initiative taken on by organizations to create bottom-line breakthrough change

Six Sigma Principles

Six Sigma is based on a handful of basic principles, and these principles create the entire Six Sigma arrangement. Here are Six Sigma's fundamental principles:
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Y = f(X) + : All outcomes and results (the Y) are determined by inputs (the Xs) with some degree of uncertainty (). To change or improve results (the Y), you have to focus on the inputs (the Xs), modify them, and control them. Variation is everywhere, and it degrades consistent, good performance. Your job is to find it and minimize it! Valid measurements and data are required foundations for consistent, breakthrough improvement. Only a critical few inputs have significant effect on the output. Concentrate on the critical few.

The Six Sigma Scale

The Six Sigma scale shows how well a vital feature performs compared to its requirements. The higher the sigma score, the more efficient the feature is. This table shows the universal Six Sigma scale: Sigma Level (Z) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Defects per Million Opportunities (DPMO) 691,462 308,538 66,807 6,210 233 3.4 Percent Defects (%) 69 31 6.7 0.62 0.023 0.00034 Percent Success (Yield %) 31 69 93.3 99.38 99.977 99.99966 Capability (CP) 0.33 0.67 1.00 1.33 1.67 2.00

The DMAIC Method of Six Sigma

The DMAIC (Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control) project method is a formalized problem-solving process of Six Sigma. It s made-up of five steps to apply to any procedure of a business to improve effectiveness. 1. Define: Set the context and objectives for your improvement project. 2. Measure: Determine the baseline performance and capability of the process or system you re improving. 3. Analyze: Use data and tools to understand the cause-and-effect relationships in your process or system. 4. Improve: Develop the modifications that lead to a validated improvement in your process or system. 5. Control: Establish plans and procedures to ensure that your improvements are sustained.

The Tools-Methods Landscape of Six Sigma

Having the right tools and knowing how to apply them to your Six Sigma projects will help you produce accurate, acceptable, and reusable outcomes. Here s an overview of the Six Sigma landscape:

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