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Setting: Dental Clinic in City Patient You have gone to see the dentist suffering from a bad toothache. You have had this pain for some time but you have delayed seeing the dentist. It is particularly painful when eating or drinking cold or hot foods and beverages or when biting down. Task Explain to the dentist why you have come today. Answer dentists questions. Express concern if dentist recommends referral to oral surgeon. Request alternative treatment such as antibiotics and pain killers.

_________________________________________________________________ ____ Setting: Dental Clinic in City Dentist This patient has presented complaining of toothache. Examination reveals abscess in 3.3 which you suspect originated from a carious lesion but has now spread to gum. Recommended treatment: Pain killers to relieve pain, Antibiotics, Erythromycin 250mg to treat infection and surgical treatment due to severity of the condition. Task Ask the patient about the pain. Explain your diagnosis to the patient. Recommend treatment including referral to an oral surgeon. Stress importance of proper treatment and describe the possible consequences of delaying treatment.


Setting: Dental Clinic in the City Patient You are a 45 year old office worker who rarely goes to the dentist. You are visiting the dentist today because you have cracked one of your molars while eating nuts. It is very painful especially to hot and cold stimuli. Task Ask dentist what is the best option. Prefer another filling or if that wont work removal as you feel you can live without that tooth. Consider options provided by dentist. Be wary of expensive options.

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Setting: Dental Clinic in the City Dentist Your patient is a 45 year old male. He has presented with a fissure in tooth 44. The previous restoration is loose. Examination reveals it is possible to save the tooth as it still vital and without carious lesions. You believe a crown is the best option. Task Enquire about the cause of the problem. Advise against extraction as you believe the tooth can be restored. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of the following materials: Gold, Porcelain, Plastic. Use persuasive language to convince patient that some form of crown is the best option.

ELDERLY PATIENT Setting: Dental Clinic in Brisbane Patient You are a 79 year old man suffering from a toothache which you suspect is due to a filling which recently fell out. As a result the tooth is very sensitive to hot and cold stimuli. You would like the problem tooth to be repaired but are reluctant to have any work done on the other teeth. You have a fear of dentists due a previous painful experience and are concerned that this might happen again. Task Explain why you have visited the surgery today. State that you only want basic treatment to fix the current problem. Be reluctant to accept that there are other problemsmaybe the dentist is just trying to make money! Express fear of pain involved with treatment.

_________________________________________________________________ ____ Setting: Dental Clinic in Brisbane Dentist An elderly patient is presenting for the first time to your surgery complaining of toothache. Examination reveals that a cusp on 1.6 has fractured off and that a previous occlusal composite filling has fallen out. You also notice carious lesions on 3.7 & 2.2. General dental hygiene could be improved with regular scaling and cleaning. Task Enquire about the pain and take a detailed general history. Explain the current situation and treatment options including saving 1.6 and repairing the other teeth. Explain the dental procedures in detail including pain relief options, amalgam options & number of visits required. Stress the importance of regular follow up visits in order to maintain healthy teeth.

EXTRACTION Setting: Dental Clinic in the City Patient You are a 43 year old woman whose upper right molar is loose. The tooth becomes inflamed when the body immune system weakens, such as when you have a cold or fever. You also suffer from sinusitis. After more than a year with this condition you have finally decided to visit the dentist today because you feel the condition is worsening. Task Explain to the dentist why you have come today. Express concern when dentist explains condition. Ask for detailed information about the options available.

_________________________________________________________________ ____ Setting: Dental Clinic in the City Dentist This 43 year old woman has presented to your clinic for the first time today complaining of discomfort in upper right molar 1. You observe gingivitis in the area associated with mobility of the tooth in question. X-ray reveals an alveolar bone resorption. Task Ask patient about their condition. Explain diagnosis and that tooth may need to be removed but that a visit to a prosothodontist is recommended. Explain the options available if tooth is extracted: o Bridge (best option but expensive) o Denture (removable prosthesis) o No replacement (cheap but may be uncomfortable when chewing)

FLUORIDATION Setting: Dental Clinic in Brisbane Patient You are a resident of Brisbane, where the local council has recently introduced fluoride to the water supply. You are concerned about the health impact fluoride may have on the health of you and your children. Your kids have never had fillings or dental problems. As you are worried about the negative effects of fluoride you have brought a water filter which removes fluoride from the water. Task Ask the dentist about the benefits and drawbacks of fluoride. Explain that you are removing fluoride from the water, is this okay? Should you give the kids fluoride in another form? If so what forms are available? Is fluoridated toothpaste sufficient? Is excessive fluoride dangerous? Will it discolour your childrens teeth?

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Setting: Dental Clinic in Brisbane Dentist The local government has recently introduced fluoride into the water supply. As a result, many of your clients have expressed concern about possible risks associated with fluoride. A regular patient of yours is making an enquiry today about the possible benefits and drawbacks of this plan. Task Explain the benefits of fluoridation such as: o reduction of decay, particularly in children. o improved dental health of the community. The possible drawbacks such as: o increased risk of developing severe tooth enamel fluorosis, a condition characterised by discolouration, enamel loss and pitting of the teeth. Finally give your overall opinion on the introduction of fluoride into the water supply.


Setting: Dental Clinic in the City Patient You are a 55 year old woman with a limited income. You do not visit the dentist regularly. Your gums are bleeding and your teeth are loose. You are scared that they may fall out. Task Explain the purpose of your visit. Ask dentist what can be done. Ask about specialists cost..resist suggestion to see a specialist. Ask about possibility of antibiotics or mouthwash. What will happen if you do nothing? Finally accept dentists advice

_________________________________________________________________ ____ Setting: Dental Clinic in the City Dentist A 55 year old woman has presented at your clinic with the complaint of some loose teeth. On examination you find severe gum disease. This requires specialized treatment if teeth are to be saved. It is obvious that patient the does not attend dentist on regular visits Recommendation: Specialist treatment from a periodontist. Cost: $800~1200 Task Answer patients questions. Convince patient that without treatment tooth loss will occur. Indicate that it is the best option for the future.

MOUTH GUARD Setting: Dental Surgery Patient You are a father whose 12 year old son has hurt his front teeth in a backyard rugby game. Although not loose you are worried that there may have been some permanent damage. Task Establish whether any permanent damage has been done. Ask for details of best method of protecting sons mouth from future damage. Consider options provided by dentist. Ask whether there are any special cleaning requirements for a mouth guard .


Setting: Dental Surgery Dentist Your patient is a 12 year old male accompanied with father. Condition: Painful front teeth after recent backyard rugby game. Examination reveals no permanent damage. Task Recommendation custom mouth guard (and not stock mouth guard). Explain benefits such as: o Best fit o Comfort o Maximum protection Respond to any questions.

PAIN TOOTH 36 Setting: Dental Clinic in the City Patient You are a 60 year old man who has severe pain in one of your teeth on the lower left side. The pain has been steadily getting worse over the past week, and you were not able to sleep last night. Medical History Cardiovascular problem Ischaemic heart disease You take 3 kinds of medication every day. Aspirin in the morning, Atacand 4 mg to control BP, Lipex, once a day 10mg at bedtime to lower cholesterol.

Task Explain to the dentist why you have come today. Resist to have the tooth extracted and that you would like it be saved. Demand to know why it cant be filled or replaced with a crown.

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Setting: Dental Clinic in the City Dentist This 60 year old male patient has presented with pain associated with tooth 36. Examination reveals that there is deep decay and therefore impossible to save his tooth. Medical History Cardiovascular problem Ischaemic heart disease The patient takes 3 kinds of medication every day. Aspirin in the morning, Atacand 4 mg to control BP, Lipex, once a day10mg at bedtime to lower cholesterol.

Task Ask the patient about his current condition.

Question patient to confirm medical history & medication. Explain the necessity of extraction. Explain complications of surgery related to medication and patient condition. SNORING

Setting: Dental Clinic in City Patient Your doctor has referred you to a dentist for treatment options regarding your snoring condition. You are desperate to find a solution to this problem as it is affecting your sleep, causing tiredness and disturbing your partners sleep. Task Explain to the dentist why you have come today. Answer dentists questions. Ask detailed questions about the treatment options provided including: safety of use, comfort and effectiveness.

_________________________________________________________________ ____ Setting: Dental Clinic in City Dentist This patient has been referred to you by his doctor requesting treatment for his complaint of chronic snoring. Your dentistry has had considerable success (85%) with a custom made device which is worn at night. Task Recommend the benefits of this device to your patient including: o Excellent and comfortable fit o No interference with breathing through mouth o Promotion of deeper and more restful sleep Respond to patients concerns.

BRACES Setting: Suburban Dental Clinic Patient You are the father of a 15 year old girl who has irregular lower front teeth and slightly protruding upper front teeth. You are considering braces for your daughter and would like more information about it. You would like to know how effective braces would be and what the costs would be. Task Ask the following questions: How are modern braces different from your generation? How long would your child have to wear them? Will they be effective in straightening the teeth? What is the cost? Who does the dentist recommend to do the treatment?

_________________________________________________________________ ____ Setting: Suburban Dental Clinic Dentist The father of a 15 year old girl has presented with their daughter. The girl has irregular lower teeth and protruding upper teeth. The father is enquiring about orthodontic treatment in the hope that it will realign the upper teeth and straighten the lower teeth. Your examination indicates that the appearance of the teeth and dental hygiene will be improved after orthodontic treatment. Task Explain what the treatment options are and the positive outcomes. The necessity of a referral to an orthodontist and possible cost ($4000). Respond to the fathers questions and give detailed information about: o what impact braces will have on your daughters teeth. o length of treatment. o general maintenance and hygiene requirements.

ELDERLY PATIENT Setting: Dental Clinic in Brisbane Patient You are a 79 year old man suffering from a toothache which you suspect is due to a filling which recently fell out. As a result the tooth is very sensitive to hot and cold stimuli. You would like the problem tooth to be repaired but are reluctant to have any work done on the other teeth. You have a fear of dentists due a previous painful experience and are concerned that this might happen again. Task Explain why you have visited the surgery today. State that you only want basic treatment to fix the current problem. Be reluctant to accept that there are other problems maybe the dentist is just trying to make money! Express fear of pain involved with treatment.

____________________________________________________ _________________ Setting: Dental Clinic in Brisbane Dentist An elderly patient is presenting for the first time to your surgery complaining of toothache. Examination reveals that a cusp on 1.6 has fractured off and that a previous occlusal composite filling has fallen out. You also notice carious lesions on 3.7 & 2.2. General dental hygiene could be improved with regular scaling and cleaning. Task Enquire about the pain and take a detailed general history.

Explain the current situation and treatment options including saving 1.6 and repairing the other teeth. Explain the dental procedures in detail including pain relief options, amalgam options & number of visits required. Stress the importance of regular follow up visits in order to maintain healthy teeth

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