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S sees his health as healthy but he added that he is a hypertensive but still he considers himself as a healthy person. He feels that he have a strong body. The other members of the family also stated that they are healthy and they dont feel anything concerning their health. SELF-PERCEPTION SELF-CONCEPT PATTERN Mr. S.S sees himself as a person who is very strong because of what he experienced in his life. As the father of the family he needs to be firm so his children will follow him. He Believe that he is a good person in terms of how she interacts with the others. A.S sees himself as the second father of the family and he needs to do everything for the family, same for S.S as the second child of the family. While for J.S as the third child of the family she needs to obey her parents and older brothers and she needs to be a role model to her younger brothers and sister namely M.S, MR.S, and J.S. ACTIVITY-EXERCISE PATTERN Mr. S.S stated that he is an active person even if hes 52 years old. He can still carry heavy things and can also help in doing some household chores in their house. He is still working as a driver and a caretaker together with his wife in Puerto Azul Resort. As for A.S he also thinks that he is still an active person and he didnt think that hes weak. Sometimes he is the one who manage their small sari-sari store, as well for S.S they are the one who manages the store. J.S also helping her brother in managing their but often she was out actively hanging out with her friends. While M.S, MR.S, and J.S is always playing outside the house with their friends. J.S is always hanging out with her friend in the neighborhood. But sometimes they gather in the living watching t.v. SLEEP-REST PATTERN Based on the answers of the family they all sleep well at night. They dont experience any disturbances in sleeping at night. Mr. S.S usually sleeps at nine oclock in the evening usually wakes up at 6 in the morning. He wakes up early to prepare himself for his work. While A.S and S.S they usually sleep around 10 in the evening and wakes up around 8 in the morning. While J.S, M.S, MR.S, and J.S usually sleep also at 9 in the evening and usually wakes up 5 in the morning in weekdays to prepares themselves in school. All of them take a nap when they have free time to do so. NUTRITIONAL-ELIMINATION PATTERN

The family usually eats 4 times a day; it consists of breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner. The food preferences of the family are rice, seafood, vegetables, bread, and meat. The usual viand of the family is fish because it is accessible to them and inexpensive in a big family like them. Mr. S.S likes salty foods even though he is hypertensive. While the children like to eat sweets like chocolate, and candies. They usually eat together, they consider it as their bonding time together while eating. ELIMINATION PATTERN Mr.S.S does not have any difficulty in voiding or eliminating. He usually eliminates once per day in the morning and brownish to yellowish in color. He usually voids three to five times throughout the day. It is increased when he drinks an increased amount of liquids. A.S also does not have difficulty in urinating or defecating. He usually defecates once per day. The usual color is brownish. He voids three to four in a day with the color of transparent to yellowish. S.S also does not have any difficulty in voiding or eliminating. He usually eliminates once a day. He usually voids two to three times a day. J.S also does not have any difficulty in voiding or eliminating. She usually eliminates once a day. Three to four times she voids per day. M.S same with J.S she also does not have any difficulty in voiding or eliminating. She usually eliminates once a day. Three to four times she voids per day. MR.S also does not have any difficulty in voiding or eliminating. He voids tw0 to three a times and eliminates once a day. J.S also does not have any difficulty in voiding or eliminating. He defecates two times a day and voids three to four times per day. ROLE-RELATIONSHIP PATTERN Mr. S.S stated that they are all close together and they happily in one single house. He has a good relationship with all of them as well as the children to him. The family has close relationship with their neighborhood. COPING-STRESS TOLERANCE PATTERN Whenever Mr.S.S has problem he consult it with his wife, and they are trying to solve it. He will just sit and think of possible ways to solve the problem and that the way he copes to his problems. Sometimes they discuss the problem within the family so that they can understand what is happening. While A.S and S.S whenever they have a problem they also consult it with their parents but sometimes they just drink just to cope up the problem. Then, J.S, M.S, MR.S and J.S they just run in to their parents whenever they have a problem. VALUE-BELIEF PATTERN

The family is a Roman Catholic. Their beliefs as a Catholic remain intact and they are a God-fearing person even though they are no longer able to regularly attend mass because the church is too from their house.

Intindihin mu na lang ang grammar ku! Hahaha XD

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