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LO SOU NDON T G l o H WA R K be r oad

Elizabethan Best Magazine

January 1600 Issue 1



In fact he wears an earring which means that he is more fashionably racy than the average person. Furthermore he is usually dressed in black & we can tell he is prosperous!2 LIFE IN LONDON Queen Elizabeth sleeps with an old sword beside her bed for precaution! In our metropolis life expectancy never exceeds 35 years. Plague is virtually always present somewhere in the city. With darkness theres a curfew (coprifuoco) at which time taverns are shut and citizens forbidden to be out. London bridge is the noisiest place in the metropolis but also the cleanest and so it has become the outpost of wealthy merchants. At the Southwark end of the bridge the heads of serious criminals are displayed on poles, each serving as a kind of odd bird-feeder. never seen one? SCHOOL Boys normally attend school for 7 or 8 years beginning at the age of 7. The schoolday is long and characterized by an extreme devotion to tedium. Pupils sit on hard benches from 6a.m to 5 or 6 p.m. with only two short pauses for refreshmnt, six days a week. In fact Shakespeare wrrote in As You Like It about a boy creeping like snail unwillingly to school. :-)






An exclusive interview to James Burbage. Topic? THEATRES

Theatres: what a wonderful revolution said an English man. Acting is the best way to express English art and to extend it in the rest of the world. This is the same point of view of Mr. Burbage, the architect of The Theatre. I met him last Sunday, dear readers, and I asked him some questions you may be interested in. Can you explain us how actors act their plays before the advent of permanent theatres, for example in 1540? Well, as far as Im concerned before permanent theatres there were troupes of professional actors that toured around giving public performances. Their performances were staged on movable platforms. In fact when I was younger, I went every weekend in the countryside to attend the performances of professional actors: what beautiful shows!. There were also troupes of actors in courts for wealthy people, for a small elite of rich people: these were called court interludes. This changed very quickly with the establishment of proper* theatres. Why did you decide to build The Theatre? Im not sure, but I think that when I started building it I didnt have a particular purpose. Maybe to give a good opportunity to the actors troupes to have a stable place where they can act without travelling from town to town. Also to promote the spread of theatres. I suppose also to become famous, isnt it a good reason? Im joking obviously.
Maecenas pulvinar sagittis enim.

The design of The Theatre is adapted from inn-yards* that served as playing spaces for actors and bear baiting* pits. The building is a polygonal wooden one made of three galleries that surround an open yard*. From one side of the polygon extend a thrust stage*. The open yard in front of the stage is cobbled and provides standing room for those paying a penny. As you know well, for another penny, the audience is allowed into the galleries where they can either stand or, for a third penny procure a stool*. One of the galleries is divided in small compartments that could be used by the wealthy and aristocrats. H av e yo u e v e r m e t Wi l l i a m Shakespeare? Yes, I met him last year, in November. He was just 28 year-old. He has already written Henry VI and I suggested he should come to The Theatre to act his new play with his company of professional actors, The Lord Chamberlains Men. And what did he say to you?. He said that he was very pleased. And I felt really proud of myself. In fact this performance was a great success and the company of actors received lots of applauses and congratulations. Have you ever taken part in a troupe of actors or playing company? Yes, certainly sir. I took part in The Earl of Leicesters Men from 1570 to 1583. When my brother-in-law, John Brayne, and I built The Theatre, Leicesters Men was the company of professional actors that occupied the theatre when in the autumn of 1576 began the performances. The period

from 1576 to 1583 was the apex of Leicesters fortune. In 1583, as you can really know, the foundation of a new company, Queen Elizabeths Men, stripped Leicesters Men of its three most talented and prominent members, Robert Wilson, John Laneham, Richard Tarlton: what a pity for my company. And what about the beautiful opening ceremony of The Theatre? Can you remember it? Yes, what a wonderful inauguration! I remember as if it were yesterday. There were lots of important people and aristocrats, and there was also Queen Elizabeth. What a pleasure for us to have at that opening day the Queen of England. I can also remember how she was dressed that day. She was wearing a fanciful multicoloured dress with a cloak of the same colours. She was also wearing the regal crown and she was holding a black sceptre. She is one of the best good-looking women that I have ever seen. During the celebrations she was sitting on her throne surrounded by her little personal army. She was raised by the rest of the people. The inauguration lasted all day and all the guests enjoyed them selves a lot dancing with their partners, eating lots of food and drinking alcohol. I think that this opening ceremony can keep in our mind for all our life.


How is The Theatre structured?



After the great success of Romeo e Ju l i e t , t h e t r a g e d y b y Wi l l i a m Shakespeare, the winner of the prize the best writer of the year, awarded by Queen Elizabeth I, we have the occasion to interview the new phenomenon of English literature in his beautiful house. Claudius. Hamlet meets his fathers ghost, who tells him that he was murdered by ! Claudius, and Hamlet resolves to take revenge for his death. Sorry...but I cant tell anymore.


J: How do you feel after the winning of the prize for the best writer of the year? W: Obviously Im very happy... I feel like Im in a dream and I cannot wake up from this. J: Why have you chosen a tragedy instead of a comedy? W: I know, it is a hazardous choice, because currently people prefer comedies to enjoy themselves, but I had to try it! I wanted to surprise the audience with a turn of events. J: What did you want to convey to the audience? W: Id like people enjoy my plays, I hope they learn something through my plots. The main themes of my plays are about power, love, ambition, conict between different generations, war, death and so on. For example Romeo and Ju l i e t p l ay s w i t h t h e a u d i e n c e s expectations: unlike Romeo, the audience knows about Juliets plan, but can only watch how he mistakenly believes she is dead. J: What are you doing now? W: mmh... I dont know if it is a good idea to give you some anticipation. Anyway it is another tragedy, the title is Hamlet. The story opens with the sudden death of Hamlets father. Geltrude, Hamlets mother, marries the dead kings brother,


J: Do you think that there is something of your life in your writing? W: Of course... every writer takes inspiration from his life. In every work there is something about my life, for example in the last play the name of the main character is Hamlet like my son. J: Now, I want to speak about your life, in particular about you and your family. W: Well... I was born in Stratford on 23rd April 1564. In 1952 I married my beautiful wife Anne Hathaway; she is eight years older than me, and we have a daughter, Susanna, and twins, Hamlet and Judith. Then I decided to go to London to make a fortune and when the plague caused the closing down of Londons theatres I started to write. Consequently I became a leading member of the theatres company: the Lord Chamberlains Men. And now Im here. J: Thanks for your kindness. Good luck for your next play!! Glossary Awarded = conferito Mistakenly = erroneamente Revenge = vendetta ELENA BECCIU & GIULIA VALACCHI





itizens, we honor and glorify to our heroes who fought breavely and valiantly for their homeland ! defeating the strongest fleet that ever plough through the seven seas, the Spanish Armada. When the Spanish fleet arrived near the coast of Plymouth, ours were there to wait. The warships of the two enemy fleets were equivalent in numbers, but not in form. The Spanish galleons were very high on water and on their decks there were several shortrange guns. The huge turrets on the bow and stern made them similar to floating fortresses. The Spanish tactic foresaw that the men boarded the enemy ship to overwhelm us. Our warships were lower, faster and with longer-range guns. Our strategy was to avoid to drawn near to the enemy and destroy the Spanish vessels from afar. Between the two fleets there were small clashes throughout the length of the English Channel and two minor battles. The Spanish defense training proved to be efficient, anyhow our fire failed to sink any galleon. British Masters concluded that had somehow to faze training and walk up to the enemy. The occasion appeared on August 7th. At the dawn of the day we fought the decisive battle: it was wicked, epic, for a moment the sky was obscured by the smoke of the ships in flames and the explosions but in the end at the dispersing of darkness we came out winners, with a few survived Spanish warships forced to a humiliating retreat. Now our nation is the greatest naval power in the world and our position in the history is assured. People of the whole world be afraid because when you catch sight of our flag, the Union Jack, waving in front of your eyes in the midst of the seas you will be dead. A L E S S A N D R O VA N Z E L L A ALBERTO MASO




New Fortune inauguration: ve hundred attended

Yesterday, after two years of work, Edward Alleyn presented the reconstruction of the famous Fortune Theatre. It was very difficult, said Alleyn, but my company and I have managed1 to rebuilt one of the most famous theatre of London. We are happy to present to you our new jewel. Five hundred people have attended at the inauguration that took place between 16:00 and 18:30. Their faces were all surprised coming out the door after have visited the inside of the building. At the end of ceremony, Alleyn offered a banquet2 to all the presents. ! The reconstruction cost 1000 and the new theatre is located at the same place of the old Fortune, in Shoreditch. It is approximately square and measures 127 feet across3 and 129 feet deep4. It is made on a foundation of lime5 and brick. Its three storeys6 tall: the firstfloor galleries are twelve feet high, those on the second floor eleven, those on the third nine. Each row7 of galleries is twelve feet deep. The stage and tiring-house8 are thrust forward into the middle of the square. The tiring-house is glazed9 windows. The stage is forty-three feet across and it is covered with tile10. After the success of the old Fortune, that has hosted many famous performances as Albumazar and The Spanish Tragedy, Alleyn expect a great theatrical season and he invite the people to attend at his next performances. GIUSEPPE MUSOTTO Glossary 1. to manage = riuscire a fare qualcosa con fatica 2. banquet = banchetto 3. across = in larghezza 4. deep = in profondit 5. lime = calce 6. storey = piano 7. row = fila 8. tiring-house = edificio dietro il palcoscenico che conteneva i camerini, la galleria per i musicisti, passaggi e sala per le macchine. 9. glazed = di vetro 10. tile = mattonella, piastrella





by GIULIO ZORZOLI Today, the 2nd of October 1599, we nally have our new theather!!.The construction was completed using timber from an earlier theatre, The Theatre, by James Burbage in 1576. There are three ways to get in: one main enxtrance and two side entrances. All the entrances are used and that's a good idea cause otherwise we would have had to wait outside for hours. The rst thing you can see inside the theater is the esagonal shape. Having a poligonal shape is very common nowadays for the theaters,as you certainly have noticed. The characters play on a raised platform supported by pillars, nails and stone. On this platform there there are different trap doors which are used for special effects. To see the plays you can stay in the yard (for 1 penny) or go to sit in Lord's room but that is reserverd to nobility (for 5 pence). The best sitting place is reserved for Queen Elizabeth who sometimes may come to see the best plays. From the entrance you can have a great view of the sky and I suggest you to see the theater is the daylight. All the plays are in the morning of course from 8 o'clock to 2 o'clock in the afternoon. There are several rooms behind the stage; the rst one is the tyring house. Here all the actors dress up and there are lot of costumes and stuff for anythin you may need .A rectangular stage platform, also known as an 'apron stage', thrusts out into the middle of the open-air yard. The stage measures approximately 43 feet in width, 27 feet in depth and is raised about 5 feet off the ground. On this stage, there is a trap door used by performers to enter from the "cellarage" area beneath the stage. It is called the Trapdoor and Hell. These are special machines for special effects. The hell is used to go under the stage and the Heaven is used to help actors y and go to the sky. Next to the tyring house there is the Hut, a special room for all stuffs very similar to the tyring house. Above the stage and the scene there is the Elizabethan advertising. It is a special ag with a picture that advertises the next play. There is even a balcony that house the musicians and can also be used for scenes requiring an upper space, such as the balcony scene in Romeo and Juliet. The amphitheatre is approximately 100 feet in diameter long THE GLOBE and ,infact, it can house up to 3,000 spectators. At the base of the stage, there is the yard called the pit, where the most of the people stand to watch the performance. During the plays you can do everything, from eating to driking, but you have to listen carefully if you want to understand the meaning of play. Around the yard there are three levels of seats, which are more expensive than standing room. The globe thater is made of wood, timber, nail , stone, plaster and straw like everything in this beautiful city. Anyway The canon used for special effects and all the other machines may cause problems in the future, they are so hard to handle and a bit dangerous if not used in the right way. Even the straw-structure may burn easily so everybody has to take an eye on what they do. In my opinion this theater will be one of the greatest in the history and maybe in 500 years they will still remember this bulding as the rst great Thater. I suggest you visit The Globe as a magnicent place where you can see the best actors playing. Tomorrow there'll be Romeo And Juliet and I will go to see how the characters will play and how they will involve the audience.




Globes opening
By FEDERICO RICCIO Today a lot of people coming from all over the country are here to celebrate the ofcial Globes opening. All the most famous specialists believe that this day will remain in the history of Great Britain. The Globe is the hugest building in the area and its white timber is visible from all the city at a glance since its shape is overshadowing and it overpowers all the houses around. The theatre is colossal even inside, nothing is done by chance; there are seats for all the social classes: inside there are three galleries protected from rain and sunlight by a roof, with plushy seats in front of the stage for noble people and standing room in the yard for the poor ones. In the rst galleries just in front of the stage, the interior designer put a golden throne in honor of the queen who few days ago said: I really enjoy watching drama; I hope that in this new theatre will play a lot of excellent actors. The Globe was built using timber from an earlier theatre: The theatre, but the new one is bigger and it was built using a new style making it more pleasing to the eye. The globe was built thanks to Burbages family and few other artists, like Shakespeare, that gave money and made offers to see a new theatre in the centre. The openings day rises to the greatness of The Globe; an abundant banquet is offered by the shareholders and all the important people of London are invited. The special guest of the day is Queen Elizabeth, who had the honor to be the rst spectator to enter the Globe. The Queen and all the other people who were invited to the opening are gladdened by a performance written by Shakespeare and acted by The lord Chamberlain.


Exactly in front of an impatient Queen the actors do a fantastic exhibition, at the end of the drama a lot of clapping ring out in the theatre. At the end of the party all the guests were satised with the theatre; sadly we cant say the same thing about the performance of the actors, not all the audience were pleased about the play, for example few people like ! Lord Hackwood says: Ohthe Globe is very nice, really exceptional, but the actors today were scandalousmaybe for the tension of the rst performance in the new stage, but they were freighted, they looked scared, but fortunately the banquet was appetizing Luckily most of the people liked the play and even the Queen is impressed by the actors. In agreement with the Queen is Mark Blinkey, who told journalist: The Globe is really fantastic, they thought about everything, even the party is gorgeous, and what else can I say? Truly perfect! This theatre is also an important economic resource, in fact hundreds and hundreds of people, coming from all the world, will spend their money in London to see the most important performance of the best European artists; this is the really important thing, that now another theatre brings wealth to our city. We can be proud of our city than now has a new place where a lot of talented artists will be allowed to show their abilities for a long time from now, I hope.





World instead of tasteless and rule herbs! Moreover the preservation of the food uses a new method that introduces spices of pepper, mustard, saffron, cloves and cinnamon, so the new salty taste makes you enjoy the unique taste of dishes. But if you have lunch in a poor house of lower class you must eat herbs and only in a particular occasion you can eat meat. And certainly the presentation of the dish doesnt exist! This is the clean cut between people of our time that is present also in the little things like cuisine. GLOSSARY: With these beautiful and appetizing masterpieces of cuisine you can nd colored drinks that change in every moment of the banquet. And the exquisiteness of the food oh, can hypnotize you! You can eat vegetables such as rapes, onions, garlic and leeksthat accompany new recipes of all types of meat from the New masterpieces = capolavori leeks = porri rule = solito mustard = senape saffron = zafferano cloves = chiodi di garofano cinnamon = cannella exquisiteness = squisitezza

Its fantastic how the queens banquets are creative: you can satisfy your palate and your look with precious dishes marked with great details and elegant presentation. Coloring agents produce a red or purple dye and the presentation of dishes can change to owers for m or animals form.

Claudia de Dominicis






nd out the most elaborated Elizabethan cuisineDuring breakfast, instead of eating normal bread, the chef offers you manchet, a round loaf which weighs about six pounds after it is cooked and it is browner than normal bread. With bread you can have butter, used to avour it, eggs and pancakes. Instead during dinner, you can nd different dishes prepared with meat, sh and vegetables as side-orders but always very elaborated and made of delicious sauces. Finally supper is similar to dinner but as it is one of the most important meals, its more plentiful. Below you can nd and example of a typical menu in the tavern, offered to the guests last week: GLOSSARY: 1. Ram = montone 2. Steer = carne di manzo 3. Veal = carne di vitello 4. Casserole = casseruola 5. Oyster = ostrica 6. Artichoke = carciofo 7. Peel = buccia 8. Currant = uva passa 9. Dates = datteri PRIANKA PAITHANKAR
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Good morning readers! Today I want to inform you about the new tavern The Fire Inn, in London. The tavern is not very big, but it tries to copy the insides of a court, with spaces for the dances and long tables for the banquets. In the tavern you can nd the most elaborated Elizabethan cuisine, in fact dishes always have a hard and sophisticated visual impact, they are composed with colours and various props as the feathers of peacocks, and meals are usually accompanied by music and famous dances. The chef offers a vast range of dishes having a preference for ram, veal, steer, pork, pigeon and peacock meat. These kind of meat are usually prepared in many different ways, the most famous in The Fire Inn are: salted, fried, backed, roasted and boiled, all accompanied with vegetables prepared to decorate dishes. The tavern is open at the Breakfast: generally served between six and eight oclock Dinner: generally served between twelve and three oclock Supper: generally served between six and nine oclock






The winner of the best writer in the year Yesterday in the Globe the commission joined together to appoint the winner. BY ELENA BECCIU
T h e w i n n e r i s : Wi l l i a m Shakespeare! said the President of The Best Writer of the Year. Yesterday the commission joined together on the stage of the Globe to appoint the person, It was simple to decide said the President, Queen Elizabeth I, His plays are great, and everybody thought that he would have been the winner. So at the age of thirty-six William Shakespeare won the rst prize of The Best Writer of the Year with the play Twelfth Night, the historical Julius Caesar and the most important script, the tragedy Hamlet. The last story narrates how Prince Hamlet exacts revenge on his uncle Claudius. In fact Claudius has murdered Hamlet's father, the King, and once he had taken the throne, he married Hamlets mother. It is the second time that he receives this prize; the last time he won with Romeo and Juliet said the Queen. This is a tragedy about two young people who fall in love during a masked ball, but their families are enemies. They decide to marry secretly, but I don't want to tell you the end of the tale. Although he is young - he was born in 1564 on April 23rd he has already won two prestigious rst prizes. He attended the Stratford Grammar School, but he didn't go to Oxford or Cambridge. He had written nine comedies (Comedy of Errors, The Taming of the Shrew, Love's Labor's Lost, Two G e n t l e m e n o f Ve r o n a , A Midsummer Night's Dream, The Merchant of Venice, Much Ado About Nothing, As You Like It, Twelfth Night), the historical plays (Henry VI parts I, II, III, Richard III, King John, Richard II, King Henry IV part I, II, Henry V, Julius Caesar) and three tragedies (Titus Andronicus, Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet). Someone said that he is working on two new tragedies, Othello and Macbeth. Even if he started his career as a playwright with the historical plays, he was also a poet and an actor. He started to write when he was living in Stratford Street with his father John Shakespeare, a glove-maker, and his mother Mary Arden, who belonged to a prosperous family. In 1592 he met his wife Anne Hathaway, eight years older than him. They had a daughter Susanna, and twins, son Hamlet and daughter Judith. After the twins birthhe wrote only a few historical tales. In those years, he went to London to have a good career as a playwright. Since 1594, Shakespeare's plays were perfor med only by the Lord Chamberlain's Men, a company owned by a group of players, including himself, that soon became the leading playing company in London. In 1599, a partnership of company members built their own theatre on the South bank of the Thames, which they called the Globe. Im satised about this victory said William Im very surprised at receiving this prize because it is the second time! William Shakespeare is the new phenomenon of English drama. I hope to have the possibility to interview him one day and I look forward to writing a new article about his next victory. Glossary Appoint = nominare Revenge = vendetta Murdered = assassinato



BArchi Luxury real estate agency
since 1560 Barchi has offered you the house of your dreams, we have a wide set of wonderful houses with luxurious furniture If you are interested send a carrier pigeon to: Piccadilly Circus n3, London With Barchi your dream becomes true

Offers of the month Just for this month you have two opportunities, two houses belonged to the most famous writer William Shakespeare: Anne Hathaways Cottage Anne Hathaways Cottage is situated in a beautiful and peaceful neighbourhood of Stratford , where Shakespeare and his wife did their courting - and it's just plain gorgeous! Anne Hathaways Cottage is the archetypal chocolate-box building, with its half timbered walls, thatched roof and sleepy village location. Gorgeous appearance is possibly the only thing the building has in common with an every-day cottage. The 12-roomed Elizabethan farmhouse bears all the hallmarks of wealth and prosperity. The cottage is surrounded by 90 acres of land .

countryside and you have an elegant and worthy house. Your dreams come true with only: 4,500 penny

Mary Ardens House Situated a few miles from the town of Stratford in the small village of Wilmcote, stands Mary Ardens House, the childhood home of William Shakespeares mother. Mary was the daughter of Robert Arden, a wealthy farmer who lived in the village. This house is in an exclusive neighbourhood near the centre. There are a big kitchen, an elegant salon, four bedrooms with two


There is also a falconry exhibit at the farm and an orchard featuring rare varieties of English apples and rare breeds of farm livestock. Its yours for: 3,800 penny

The house is lled with luxurious furniture and the slating walls and oors provide the perfect backdrop with the fabulous gardens, glorious backdrop of Shottery and the surrounding





The local page of London (morning edition)


"I'm going to win without complications because I'll ght for my nation".This is the witticism of sir. Little boat. In fact as everyone has expected. Sir.Little boat had dominated and passed qualifyng round, and tomorrow he'll ght in the centre of London against the winner of the last edition of "the best wrestler in London", Sir Hedgehog. In this sport, wrestlers are competing for victory: this sport consists in a ght into a ring delimitated by great ropes and the one who will defeat the other will become the new "King of the ring". We recognize sir. Hedgehog as a very strong and nimble man, but also Matthew Little boat has a great wealth of experience. This will be a hardfought contest. Who will win? Let's see it tomorrow. (Bets are not allowed).

Glossary Today "Sports and Games" To d a y i t ' s t h e 1 0 t h anniversary of the famous festival "Sports and Games" If someone doesn't know anything about it, here is some information. The festival "sport and Games" starts today at 10 o'clock. It consists in a list of activities to do; those who want to participate must register quickly, because the festival is starting; it costs two golden coins per person (only people over 20 years). There are many sports: archery, bowling, cards, dice, hurling, quoits, skittles, wrestling and mob football. This year there are also 3 brand new games: Bear and bull baiting, dog and cock ghting; (We are accepting bets) hunting (those who will catch the highest number of quarries will be awarded a price) and hawking that is a sport played with hawks until today only by the high nobility. Witticism = battuta di spirito Qualifying round = round di qualicazione Defeat = sconggere Nimble = agile Wealth of experience = bagaglio di esperienza Hard-fought = duro Bets = scommesse Archery = tiro con l'arco Dice = dadi Hurling = combination of hokey and polo Quoits = gioco del lancio degli anelli Skittles = gioco di birilli Mob football = calcio "in piazza" Bait = esca Bull = toro Quarries = cacciagione Hawking = caccia di uccelli







A very good Bargain! Shakespeares birthplace is on sale!! The house is one of Stratfords most famous landmarks. It stands on Henley Street and it is very beautiful. It is magnicent and has been carefully and painstakingly restored to paint an accurate picture of Elizabethan life. Some stars and also friends of William Shakespeare visited the Bards birthplace and autographed the walls and the windows as a mark of the buildings importance. In this house William spent his formative years, so this house has an enormous reputation. The Great Hall is a very big room with a long table in the centre. In this room you can have dinner or lunch with your parents or friends. Also in this room there is a hearth which warms up the room. It is near the table so you can sit on the comfortable chairs and you prize the very sweet and romantic atmosphere of the hearth which warms up the room. The tannery is used to make gloves, the trade of John Shakespeare, the Bards father. This room is very big

and very well nished. As well as the magnicent interior, the walled garden at the back of the house is well worth a visit in the more clement months. The garden has been specially planted with ora named in Shakespeares titles and looks truly spectacular particularly when the sun is shining. So call me and buy the house. Price: 375.758 Don t allow other people buy this beautiful house instead of you. So hurry up!

To all my readers. Im Steve and I am an estate agent. I am writing this because I decided to sell some of the beautiful properties of William Shakespeare. There are some bargains to you! Read with attention all the details and the historical information about each house. After the reading you have to get in touch with me. If my descriptions arent exhaustive enough you can ask me some other details. Then we can visit your future house together. The houses are very comfortable, beautiful and luxury. In these ancient Shakespearean properties you can relax and you can have a good time with your family. About me: Im Steve Collins your estate agent! My real estate agency is in the front of the Globe Theatre. So get in touch with me by a letter or you can come to my agency if youre really interested.





Nashs house and New Place Garden for the price of one! What are you waiting for?
You must go down to the end of Henley Street and turn right at the Market Cross Island and walk down High street to Chapel Street to nd Nashs House and New Place, which stand side by side. Thomas Nashs house is a ne collection of furniture from the Jacobean and Elizabethan periods. In this property you can live comfortably. This is a good dwelling house where you can relax and spend your afternoon in the garden at the New Place. It can be accessed via Nashs House. This is the Shakespeare Memorial Garden which is a perfect heaven from the hustle and bustle of Stratford town centre. In the New Place Garden there are some beautiful and polished owerbeds so if you like gardening this old Shakespeare property is really suitable for you. Price: 444.697

A beautiful house! Another fantastic property of William Shakespeare on sale! Hasty! Halls Croft: the heaven of young couple

Shakespeares daughter Susanna married a local medic, Dr. John Hall, and their house, Halls House is a delightful place were you can live like in the heaven. The magnicent house was extended to make a tting residence for Dr. Hall who was held in very high regard amongst the Stratford community. The earliest parts of the house show us how beautiful is the life for young couples. This Shakespearean property so is most suitable for young couples due to the spaces and the price of the house. You can live in luxury, very comfortable and you can enjoy yourself. The interior is nely furnished, in fact there are some wooden beams on the ceiling. These beams bestow elegance on the house. Trough the windows of the room you can see the beautiful garden which surrounds the house. Hurry up young people! Price: 311.288,00 GLOSSARY: o Tannery: conceria (pelletteria); o Hearth: focolare; o Trade: mestiere, professione; o Truly: veramente; o Dwelling house: abitazione; o Hustle and bustle: andirivieni dalla citt; o Flowerbed: aiuola o Wooden beams: travi di legno;





Dear Madame Fashions, I would like to have your help because I will have dinner with the beautiful lady I love next Sunday. I hope that you will be able to dress me as an elegant gentlemen. Thanks a lot, Philip Hello Philip! I will be very happy to advise you for your date and I promise to make you irresistible!! So, we can start from the underwear; I think that a shirt made of silk (seta) decorated with fine needlework (ricamo) is the best choice, but its a little bit expensive (20). If you dont want to pay so much you can buy a shirt made of different kinds of linen. Then a corset and a hose (calzamaglia).

A special doublet (jacket) for a special ! occasion! I hope that you like red, because I advice you an elegant red doublet to enhance the geometric, triangular, shape of broad shoulders and a slim waist. You can choose the material: silk, satin (raso), velvet (velluto) or taffeta; they are all wonderful. I think that it is more important how the doublet is embellished: with fine needlework and embroidery and decorated with jewels, spangles (brillantini), pearls. Breeches (trousers) ! So important are the breeches* that I love the ones made of satin or damask ! but the price could be extremely expensive: even up to an exorbitant 100. Then you can buy a fine cloak (mantello) made of cloth, velvet, taffeta or silk, decorated with lace ( merletti), ribbons (nastri) gold, silver and glass jewels. In my opinion you can chose the material that you like best but different from the doublets material! The hat that I recommend is red like the doublet and made of velvet. Very nice! If you want, I think that a brown belt (cintura) can make you look like a very elegant man and dont forget the ruff!! Good luck for your special dinner ;) have a ! good time!! Madame Fashions GRAZIA BASTASIN


Stefania Buono



Clothing begins with the underwear, which is, as you now, a chemise (canottiera da donna) or smock (blusa) .The chemise is a nightgown (camicia da notte) -like undergarment, usually of white linen because is more rened. Working women are often depicted without over sleeves or jacket, with their chemise sleeves rolled up. For upper class women, this chemise may be of very ne linen, and beautifully worked with embroidery (ricamo) that no one but the new ! designer and the lucky woman ever saw. The old style said that it may show slightly (leggermente) above the bodice (corpetto) or through the sleeves (maniche) ,but it is underclothing and therefore normally hidden. Precisely. In the rst picture we can see an adorable country girl with her new dress where we can see the fantastic striped petticoat (sottana) . We can also see the black smock that matches with the petticoat and also with the skirt. Divine! Now the next fabulous dress is worn by the famous top-model Sophie Steward. We all know "Mary Stuart" style, with a heart-shaped (a forma di cuore) headdress around the face, is fancied by anyone. You know about the recently fashion scandal (if you read other newspapers, because I never talk about scandals, only innovations) where women also wear mens hats for show best the new heart-shaped headdress. Now instead, everybody loves this style and accepts it. Take a look at the third and the fourth dresses. They are for women that work every day in the country. They need comfy (comodi) dresses, full and soft. Working women wear their skirts above their ankles (caviglie) ,and often till midcalf (polpaccio). They couldn't afford to be

tripping (inciampare) on them. They need agility. Sleeves may then be attached by pins. Therefore women can work leisurely, without giving up the fashion. The two dresses are so similar. They are made by the two main style opponents of this time. Also upper class women can wear this type of clothes if we make some changes like a "pair of bodies" (corset) to enrich the style and a variable number of petticoats (sottoveste) to blow up the skirt. The corset is boned (con le stecche) to give support and look without wrinkles. Fantastic! The last, but not the least is the magnicent wedding dress worn by Madeleine DArcy. She will get married to the most famous bachelor (scapolo) known all over Northern Europe. The dress has got loos sleeves hand-embroidered (ricamato a mano) with wonderful gold owers. The skirt is not very rich in details, but the fabric is so soft and wet look. Marvellous! You must see the wedding. I want to see all the details and then I will tell you. See you, and read me in the next week issue.

! !

Hi darlings!!! Also this week Im here to comment on the latest clothes that fashion recommends to buy, or just see these wonders. You now, my dears, that I choose dresses for all walks of life, so dont worry. First of all you must put in the dustbin all your old dresses because they are out of fashion. You must dress to kill (vestirsi splendidamente). Here there are some special clothes, the best in my opinion! You can nd also some patterns (modello da sarta) in the next edition.





Yesterday , near Southwark Bridge in the Globe Theatre was unwound a memorable concert. The orchestra Angels held a concert directed by conductor Sir Henry Balton. The concert hall was full of people. Everyone heard the concert in complete silence. Watching aN orchestra, great musicians and their instruments was a big pleasure. The orchestra included musical instruments from the Medieval period together with current musical instruments . On the left of the stage there was the violin and the rebec : stringed

instruments that propagated enchanting melodies. In the centre there were many wind musical instruments: clarions, trumpets, sackbuts, recorders, and utes. Among other instruments the utes had a sweet and solemn tone. In the orchestra there were three different types of utes: the large ones and small ones known as shawmsThere was also an instrument called hautboy that had a double reed. Percussions and keyboard musical instruments backdropped one drum, one triangle and some harpsichords. The Virginal instrument that generates sound ! by plucking a string rather than striking one was played by the famous musician Glossary James Stevenson. Also the The Rebec - The rebec was a clavicytherium and spinet spread their musical instrument with a beautiful sounds. round pear-shaped body ( an The concert ended with lot of early violin ) applauses. Cittern or Gittern - Similar Besides the impulse plunge in this to a modern guitar The Shawm - The shawm fantastic world the concert has taught was a reed instrument with aristocracies that music enriches the vent holes - a predecessor to soul. Luca Alessandrelli
the hautboy The Hautboy - A wind instrument, sounded through a reed, similar to the modern oboe





! Did you know that the materials used to create the cosmetics worn by women during our time are kohl, ceruse, vermilion (vermiglio), etc.? Standards of beauty change over the centuries. To understand the cosmetics by Elizabethan women, it's important to understand the effect they are trying to achieve and the "ideal" of beauty that they want to imitate.

Even without corroboration from other period sources, one can begin to catch a glimpse (dare unocchiata) of the ideal Elizabethan female: bright eyes, snow-white skin, red cheeks and lips, and fair hair. A fair approximation of this ideal can be found in Lettice Knollys, Countess of Leicester and cousin to Queen Elizabeth herself, who is widely regarded as one of the most beautiful women at court. To the right is a portrait of Lettice, emphasizing the features that the court so admires. Pale skin is a sign of nobility, wealth, and (for women) delicacy, and is sought after by many. In a time when skin problems and the pox (vaiolo) are commonplace, (sunscreen unheard of), and skin creams and ointments out of reach for all but the well-off (benestante), smooth, unblemished and pale skin is a rarity. Remedies for spots, blemishes, acne and freckles range from the application of lemon-juice or rosewater to dubious concoctions (mistura) of mercury, alum, honey and eggshells. Indeed, washing your face with mercury is a common period "facial peel" use to make a woman's skin soft and fresh. Ass's milk is another substance favored by the nobility, and mentioned as an ingredient in baths and washes.

The white make-up is also a useful aid to hiding the signs of ageing! White face make-up is applied to acquire the pale look. The f a v o u r e d application of the upper classes is a make-up called ceruse - a mixture of white lead (piombo) and vinegar (aceto). It is poisonous! This white foundation is applied to the neck and bosom as well. The rst record of this skinwhitener is found in 1521, and now is wellestablished as an essential item for the fashionable woman. A pale complexion is so desirable that women are bled to achieve the desired look. Face paint made from plant roots and leaves is also applied. An Upper Class Elizabethan woman follows this fashion further and might even dye her hair yellow with a mixture of saffron (zafferano), cumin seed (seme nero), celandine and oil! Expensive dyes (tintura) such as Cochineal is used to redden (arrosare) the cheeks and lips. Madder and vermilion is also used to achieve this effect. You can use Kohl to darken your eyelashes. Queen Elizabeth has a wide variety of wigs (parrucche) and hair pieces - believe to number over eighty! These are often referred to as Periwigs.





Naturally, spreading lead upon your skin caused a variety of skin problems; some authors of this time warn against it, describing how it makes the skin "grey and shrivelled", and suggesting other popular mixtures such a paste of alum (allume) and tin ash (cenere di stagno), sulpher (zolfo), and a variety of foundations made using boiled egg white, talc, and other white materials as a base. Egg white, uncooked, can also be used to "glaze" (smaltare) the complexion, creating a smooth shell and helping to hide wrinkles. A writer of an interesting pamphlet (opuscolo) is a well travelled Londoner called Philip Stubbes. He is well educated and attended both Oxford and Cambridge University. He is also a strict Elizabethan Puritan and holds rm views on any social practices which, in his view are, untting true Christians. He names his work " The Anatomie of Abuses " in which he strongly criticises many of the fashions and clothing worn by our women. It entered in the Stationers' Register on 1 March 1583. This pamphlet includes his view and some

valuable information about Elizabethan Make-up. "The women of Ailgna use to colour their faces with certain oyles, liquors, unguents and waters made to that end, whereby they think their beautie is greatly decored : ...I holde this for a Maxime, that they are made of many mixtures, and sundry compounde simples, bothe farre fetched and deer bought, cunningly couched together, and tempered with many goodly condiments and holsome confections, I warrant you." Women the mixture that is used to create your make up is very harmful to the skin and poisonous!!!! In fact we believe that the cause of death of some of our compatriots is the application of this white make-up called ceruse - a mixture of white lead and vinegar. So listen to us and write us several letters with your advices to create together a new and better product for our skin. Together we can really change this dangerous art of making up!!!! CHIARA TRUCCOLO





Music in Its Great Aspects


Something weve always loved to do is listening to music and capture its peacefulness, with all the different musical instruments together. Music is something that everybody likes, both people from small villages and people that live in a big city, poor or aristocrats close to Queen Elisabeth. At Elizabeths court, musicians often gather to play music, but eve people like us pass the time singing while we work in the elds and we sing to God in chuch every Sunday. Once I met a rich traveller. He heard me while I was singing, and so he decided to tell me about music and he told me about a wonderful thing that I would never have thought possible!!! He said that in the theatre ( Ive never seen a theatre, but a friend talked to me about it many times), theres a lot of music, and it isnt used to spend the time or to praise God, but music is played to mir ror the feelings of the characters and to express emotions, and he said that there are a loto of orchestras that play different instruments to create magic emotions!!!

He told me about an important author named Shakespeare and he said that his plays with music were beautiful... The traveller told me hes passionately fond of musical instruments, in particular, hes passionately fond of stringed instruments! I remember that there are a lot of stringed instruments. Theyre named stringed cause they are played by plucking or scraping the strings to make sound. One stringed instrument is called harp, and its played by plucking the strings with the nger. This instrument has a lot of strings. Another important instrument is the violin, that you can play by scraping the strings with a bow. This instrument is sometimes used even by street musicans. In the end there are the lutes. A lute is an instrument with strings that you can use by plucking strings with the nails of your right hand,while the left hand stays on a neck and the

ngers press frets to make differenr sound notes. When he nished telling me about these things, he set out again. I dont know his name, but Ill remember forever him cause he delivered love for music in me. GLOSSARY: Stringed instruments: Instruments that make notes with strings; Plucking ( to pluck): To pull the strings of a musical instrument; Bow: A long thin piece of wood with a tight string fastened along it, used to play musical instruments like violin; Neck: narrow part of stringed instrument where stay frets. Frets: One of the raised lines on the fretboard of a guitar ( fretboard is name of the long piece of wood on the neck of guitar).





Journey into music

This weeks topic is music: lets see what we can nd out together about this wonderful topic As you all know, plays and theatres undoubtedly play a very important role today; honestly, can you imagine a world without theatres!! But a mistake that many make is to take music for granted and not reect on its importance: how could we live without music? Although audiences often remember and talk about plays, lms, theatre , the actors performances, the plot, the overall message, it seems that music is an aspect which isnt considered as much, unless it is the shows primary focus, like in a concert or symphony. H o w e v e r, I f e e l t h a t m u s i c a l accompaniment in plays and theatres is no less fundamental than these other aspects, even for the simple reason that almost all plays are accompanied by the varied instruments available: stringed, wind, percussion, and keyboard. Focusing on the plot unfolding before us, we often dont realize the beautiful, peaceful or dramatic sound that is the back-ground of the play, and that creates an atmosphere and unveils the characters feelings. Of course, tuning into this world is something no teacher or book can teach. You can only learn by listening to real music, to how it reects different types of moods and emotions. You just have to let yourself go, free your mind of any thoughts, and listen, just listen now you can close your eyes and we can discover and appreciate together how music started to be played and where!!! We can start this journey into music by considering those who made it great, powerful and extremely expressive: Im talking about the most important artists and composers who make us dream with their compositions and instruments, like William Byrd, Thomas Campion, John far mer, Orlando Gibbons, Robert Johnson and Thomas Tallis; and these are just some of the best, they are too many to count.!! There are some cases in which, even before starting lessons, the individual was able to play and compose music at high level, just like a little genius, Id say! As you may already know, plays started to be put on in the streets and in the backyards of inns or houses, and thats where music also started to be played: on the roads of the city, so that everybody could listen, even the members of the lower classes. Music reaches everybody, somehow. Then dramatic representation evolved and theatres started to be built, so music found a way to move indoors as well, and started being very important for society members, especially for the Court and the Churches, in fact, eventually, music appeared in these places as well. Before we were born, in the time of our ancestors, there used to be strangers, known with the name of travelling minstrels and troubadours who, with simple instruments, played on the streets and around the city. However, most people dont like strangers, and look at them as if they werent people like us, we dont consider them at all so, what has happened to these musicians? Well, theyve been replaced by street, tavern and theatre musicians. On the street, they play music at weekly markets and at the occasional fairs, feasts and festivals. Their music and songs are not only a form of entertainment, but are also a way to transmit news and commentaries in a playful way. Getting to know all the different types of music, wealthy people were so attracted by these musicians that they became used to hiring them to play during the evening of special parties or dinner in their houses. Do not think that it was only the nobles who hired musicians for private events, even those of the lower classes had at least one servant who knew how to play an instrument and read music, for every occasion. For reasons of convenience, street music was played with small instruments, which are easier to carry around and play on the roads of the town, these are in particular, ddles1, lutes2, recorders3 and small percussion instruments. There were big differences between big and small towns; in the big towns we could nd musicians who were more famous, popular and better paid. These were called Waits, and used highpitched pipes4 or hautboys5. With time, they transfor med into groups of musicians, called to play in important towns for special occasions and civic ceremonies, or for concerts, often free and nanced by the town council government, or some generous rich man (quite rarely though!!). Very different from Street and Town music, are types of music that can be heard in churches or which was played at court.



Church music is very soft, sombre and peaceful; typical types of this music are sacred songs or Gregorian chants. Its a beautiful and calm type of music, even to show respect for a sacral place, and is really the only type of music which is being written down, and so, will most likely be passed on to future generations. Church music includes canzonets, ballets and madrigals. The two Church music styles are the Madrigal and the Ayre. The style is described as choral polyphony; in fact, its more or less, music played by a group and not an individual. Almost all of the greatest and most known musicians are called to compose songs and music referring to the Holy Bible and to special ceremonies. An important noticeable difference between Court music and other types of music, is that musicians use more instruments than the others, due to the fact that wealthy people can surely afford better and bigger instruments, like the viol, the hautboy, the spinet6, harpsichord7 and the virginals8, which provide rened sounds. Im sure they will be even more rened, close to perfect sounds in not more than a couple of years. There must be a particular aspect in this way of playing music that gave composers the opportunity to create unusual and creative music, something I dont really know how to describe, maybe its just like that after the success of music in Court, and surprised by the beautiful and rened sounds that were played, special schools have been built for learning this type of music. Queen Elizabeth employs at least seventy musicians and singers, and for extremely special occasions, she has even reached the number of one hundred musicians. They play various pieces, soft music and ballads, but most of the time they play lively dance music to encourage people to dance and have fun and thats a way to enjoy themselves too! Now I could say: open your eyes and just enjoy life how it is having fun with friends and relatives, going to the theatres or to some concert!! Enjoy music because one day it could just all disappear or change, leaving nothing more than a memory. Even if it remains, but changes, it is important to pass on to our daughters and son, our rich musical patrimony, which is part of who we are I think our trip for today is over, I hope I have left you with a little bit of knowledge for music in our time and that I have brought you a little closer to what a wonderful thing music is. I can just add a farewell, waiting for a new topic to discover together next week By David Tramontin Glossary: - ddle1:violino, viola - lute2: liuto



- recorder3: auto dolce - pipe4: piffero, auto, zampogna, cornamusa (termine usato per vari strumenti) - hautboy5: oboe - spinet6: spinetta (piccolo pianoforte) - harpiscord7: arpicordo - virdinal8: virginale


1 3 18 7 19



14 15 13 12

10 6

17 11

8 4

Across 1. He circumnavicated the world between 1577 and 1580; 2. The bank of the Thames in which was built the Globe Theater in 1599; 3. Who closed down the Globe Theater?; 4. A writer of plays; 5. It had great importance but it was not realistic; e 6. One of the themes of Shakespeares plays; 7. Short comments that the characters make for the audience; 8. A cultural movement; 9. Erasmus of ; 10. In the theater the stage was half covered by a 11. Juliets cousin, killed by Romeo; 12. One of the most metaphisical poets; Down 1. When did the English navy defeat the Spanish Armada?; 2. The kind of food, over potatoes, Sir Walter Raleigh introduced into Britan from America 3. Was called the Virgin Queen; 4. He died when he was 52 years old; 5. List of the characters involved in the play; 6. Was invented by William Caxton in 1476; 7. Director of Romeo + Juliet; 8. The most signicant play by Christopher Marlowe; BY ALBERTO MASO& ALESSANDRO VANZELLA




1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.



3EPNI THE GAL LANT GOSSIP v ia I n te r n a 1 Porde non e


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