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fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ ofl,attel<-day Saints

P.O. Box 840459

Hildale. Utah 84784
Thus Saith Son Ahman, Even Jesus Christ, to the Leaders of Somalia,
'Vord of Prophecy and 'Varning and Judgment to Come Upon Thee
Revelation of the Lord Given to
President Warren
Eldorado, Texas
Tuesday, May 31,2011
1, the Lord, speak to the nation of Somalia, my word to be sent to what leadership
remains there, and to their ability to let their people know my word, even Jesus Christ who
Repent ye ofyour violent ways, or you shall no longer be a nation, conquered by other
nations and humbled, not only by war, but by pestilence and in thy borders.
Let this, my word, be sent forth to the leaders of Somalia of a soon happening, those
who can be found; and if needs be, through United Nations representatives, other nations
who go therein to deliver food and clothing and arc of a defensive nature in behalf of United
Nations, to tell leaders of Somalia I, the Lord, have spoken.
I am Son Ahman, the Creator of heaven and earth, sending my word through my
servant on earth to your understanding.
And 1 have redeemed all mankind by suffering on the cross more than man can suffer,
yea, redeemed all peoples from the grave to be and brought forth to stand before
me to be judged for their works done in the flesh on this earth.
1 am a just God.
Because of your corruption in government, taking of bribes, giving way to the desires
of other nations to come into your borders, you sought to get gain and power
thereby, now you have revolution and great cormptions in your own government.
Thus saith the Lord: Do a work of peace negotiation "vith neighboring nations of soon
happening, and be of a peaceful intent, even upon thine own peoples.
I shall cause a healing to take place; otherwise revolution shall sweep through thy land
and you no longer be a nation of sovereign power, other nations conquering thee.
And they also shall be humbled by judgments as continue in wickedness.
And though you heed me not, my word shall be known future times that I warned
thee, and my word has
'Warning of Son Ahman to the Nation of Somalia Page 36 Copyright 2011 by the Fundamentalist
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
We, the undersigned witnesses, bear record to the leaders of Somalia and the peoples of the
that these are verily the words of Jesus Christ, the God over all creation, who speaketh through
His authority on earth that He hath ordained; and we are witnesses of the same of the coming forth
of the word of God through His servant. And as the Lord speaks, He will fulfill, seeking only the
salvation of all mankind tlu'ough the merits and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and His Gospel and
message of salvation. Amen.
3 I 7I14if 2-0 II
Vaughan E. Taylor
Patriarch in the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

John M. Barlow
Counselor in the Bishopric of the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Copyright 2011 by the Fundamentalist Page 37 Warning of Son Ahman to the Nation of Somalia
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

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