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Section A : Directed Writing
[ 35 marks ]

You are advised to spend about 45 minutes on this section.

Your friends and her family have moved into a new house and she has written to you about
having a garden. You are interested in gardening and have advice about having your own
garden. Write a letter to your friend, giving advice about having a garden.
Use the notes given below to write your letter.

Express delight at friends new house

Interested in set up garden

Siblings to play in add atmosphere and character family personality

Do it yourself inexpensive open concept features:


Pond- low shrubs

Pots of sunflowers and bougainvillaes

Decorations decorative garden lamp

Garden table and stools

Carpet grass

Maintenance time

When writing the letter, you should remember:

To lay out the letter correctly.

To use all the points given

To add TWO new points of your own

To include any other details to make your letter as interesting as possible.

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1119/1 Hakcipta JKD Bahasa Inggeris Daerah Kluang



Section B: Continuous Writing

[ 50 marks ]
[Time suggested : One hour ]
Write a composition of about 350 words on one of the following topics.

Describe a school activity that you enjoyed.

Parents are mainly responsible for indiscipline among teenagers Discuss.

A memorable person

Write a story beginning with ... She hugged me and walked away....




Section C
[25 marks]

Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.

No one disputes that calcium is essential for building strong bones and teeth.
Women, men and children need it. In fact, while the message about osteoporosis
prevention and bone strength seems directed at older women, it is even more
important to bolster calcium intake during childhood and adolescence, when
there is significant and rapid bone growth.

Bone mass is built up between age 9 and 18 and ninety per cent is developed
before age 20 and the rest by age 30. After 30, we take in calcium just to
maintain the bone strength we have. That makes it critically important to begin
a diet high in calcium as children and continue it throughout our lives. Parents
should give children calcium-rich food from the age of 4.


Unfortunately, it is not always easy to get children to consume calcium-rich

foods. Many of us have strayed away form the idea of milk with every meal.
One reason is allergy concern. Many people cannot digest dairy products which
are the best calcium sources. Some parents act before there is a problem and
give soy formulas to their children. Another obstacle is that as children become 15
teenagers, parents do not have the same control over their diets. Teenagers are
trying to keep their weight down or they do not like the taste of milk. They often
stop eating breakfast. So, even in families where they like yoghurt with fresh
fruits and granola as kids, when they get older, they are exposed to a whole new
level of tastes and they change. Quite often beginning at age 11, milk-drinking 20
declines and by the time some girls reach 19, they are drinking three times more
soda and 25% less milk. This means they will have less calcium overall in their
diet, a fact that will set them up for osteoporosis later in life.

In general, foods that contain the most concentrated amounts of calcium are dairy
products such as milk, yoghurt, cheese and ice cream. It makes little difference
whether the dairy item is full-fat, low-fat or skim as there is still calcium content.
But, if milk or other dairy intake is not consumed, there are other good calcium
sources. Some of these are beans, tofu, canned salmon (with bones) and sardines
(with bones), fresh salmon, almonds, sesame seeds, dried figs, certain vegetables
and some grains especially fortified cereals. Calcium-enriched soy milk or
orange juice, yoghurt or a smoothie and even string cheese makes a great
breakfast for those in a hurry.




Calcium supplements come into play where dietary calcium leaves off. It
is best to get your calcium need through food intake. But, if that is not
possible, supplements can help make up what the diet lacks. There are
several forms but the two major types are calcium carbonate and calcium
citrate. The former usually has more elemental calcium per pill but must
be taken with food because stomach acids are needed to break it down.
Calcium citrate, which usually has less elemental calcium per tablet, is
absorbed more easily. The most important factor to consider when
choosing a supplement is the amount of elemental calcium in each dose,
not the weight of each tablet. When using supplements, be sure to take
only the recommended dose for your age and no more than 500 mg at a



Questions 26 - 30
Answer all questions. You are advised to answer them in the order set.

From paragraph 1, at which stage of our lives is there significant and rapid bone growth?

From paragraph 2, why is it important to begin a diet rich in calcium as children?


From paragraph 3, give two reasons why children shy away from calcium-rich food.



(ii) _____________________________________________________________________
[2 marks]

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From paragraph 4,
a) what is the importance of dairy products in our diet?
b) name two types of food that rich in calcium.
(i) _________________________________________________________________
(ii) _________________________________________________________________
[2 marks]


From paragraph 5,
a) What are the two major types of calcium supplements?

[1 mark]
b) What should you consider when choosing a calcium supplement? Give a reason

for your answer.


[2 marks]

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Question 31
Based on the passage given, write a summary on:

problems of getting children to take calcium-rich food

sources of calcium

Your summary must

be in continuous writing (not note form)

use material from lines 12 to 44
not be longer than 130 words, including the 10 words given below

Credit will be given for use of own words but care must be taken not to change the original
Begin your summary as follows:

Calcium-rich food is critical for children but parents face problems

[15 marks]

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1119/1 Hakcipta JKD Bahasa Inggeris Daerah Kluang



32. Read the following stanzas In The Midst Of Hardship and answer the questions that
The whole day and night had just passed
they had to brave the horrendous flood
in the water all the time
between bloated carcasses
and tiny chips of tree barks
desperately looking for their sons
albino buffalo that was never found
They were born amidst hardship
and grew up without a sigh or a complaint

now they are in the kitchen, making

jokes while rolling their cigarette leaves
Latif Mohidin
(a) Why were they out that night?
[ 1 mark ]

(b) Which line tells that they led a hard life?

[ 1 mark ]
(c) What two things were floating in the water?

[ 1 mark ]
(d) Do they complain about their hardship. Using your own words, give
reason to support your answer.
[ 2 marks ]

1119/2 Hakcipta JKD Bahasa Inggeris Daerah Kluang


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33. Read the extract from the short story The Fruitcake Special below and
answer the questions that follow.

I have to say that at this point I was feeling very confused. Five minutes
ago my boss didnt want to be seen with me. Now, he was saying he was
crazy about me! What could be making him behave like this? Then, all at
once, I realised: it was the fruitcake special! Intrigue might smell great, but it
didnt make a girl attractive to men. But my fruitcake perfume did.
I feel my heart growing with love for you, Anna, said Mr Amos. He was
looking at my body through the black dress.
Just then a waitress came to the table. She told me that I had a telephone
call and asked me to answer it in the lounge.
I wondered what it was all about.
Excuse me, David I wont be long, I said.
A minute is a long time when you are gone, Anna, he said. His words
were like conversation from a bad movie. But I kept quiet about it he was
my boss, after all, even if he had gone crazy.
(a) What is intrigue?

[ 1 mark ]

(b) Why did Mr Amos say I feel my heart growing with love for you, Anna?

[ 1 mark ]

(c) Why did Anna has to leave the table?

[ 1 mark ]

(d) How do you think Anna felt at the restaurant? What would you do if you
were Anna?

[ 2 marks ]
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1119/1 Hakcipta JKD Bahasa Inggeris Daerah Kluang


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