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Study of Kerala State Government Websites 2010


INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................3 IMPACT OF KERALA GOVERNMENTS WEB INITIATIVES ......................4 Case Study: SPARK..................................................................................4 Case Study: Smart Move ........................................................................6 Keralas dominating Web presence vis-vis other states in India ..............7 USABILITY ANALYSIS OF KERALA STATE GOVERNMENT WEBSITES .....9 The Building Blocks: Leveraging Usability parameters for Citizen Centricity ............................................................................9 Heuristic Analysis of Kerala State Governments Web Portals : Overall State Performance....................................................................10 Top Ten Websites in Kerala State Government......................................16 Websites Performance Across Individual Usability Parameters..............22 Department Wise Performance Based on Usability Parameters.............36 Review of 5 Underperforming Websites across Kerala State Government Departments ........................................................................................46 JOURNEY TO WORLD CLASS E-PRESENCE ..........................................50 Implications of Sub-Par e-Presence.......................................................50 Guidelines for a World Class e-Presence ...............................................51 METHODOLOGY ..................................................................................52 Note on Webchutney Usability Toolbox: Composition of Usability Framework.............................................................................52 APPENDIX A: List of Kerala Government Websites ranked on compliance with Usability parameters..................................................55

There is no parallel in India that can match Kerala's contribution to the country's human development indicators, which is comparable with that of many advanced countries but with a much lower per capita income. Apart from being one of the most sought after tourist destinations in the world, it is a state with the highest rate of literacy at 100%, the lowest population growth rate at 0.91% vis--vis India's at 1.93%1. This is testimony to the fact that Kerala has achieved much beyond its economic means through a sustained development model. The 'Kerala Model' of equitable growth which emphasized land reforms, poverty reduction, educational access and child welfare has been a favorite topic for intellectual and economic discussion over the years. Proportion of Literate Persons in Population, Kerala India Year Persons Kerala 1981 1991 2001 81.6 89.8 90.9 India 43.6 52.2 65.2 Males Kerala 87.7 93.6 94.2 India 56.4 64.1 75.6 Females Kerala 75.7 86.1 87.9 India 29.8 39.3 54

*Source: Census Report, various years Amongst other indices of socio-economic development, the state's commitment to transforming itself into a knowledge society with strong focus on building robust infrastructure through IT/Info Parks and enhancing its citizens language/education skills to bridge the digital divide equally among rural and urban districts is commendable. No other Indian state in the country can boast of allocating 5% of the State income i.e. Rs 10,000 crore to a stimulus package in 2009-10. In the financial year 2010-11, the total budget allocated to Information Technology in the state has seen a rise of 77% i.e. Rs 153 crore from Rs 86 crore in 2009-10. Kerala is a region with relative abundance of educated and technically qualified personnel, one of the highest telephone density, 100 per cent digital connectivity and high PC penetration, making the State

a fine place for the growth of ICT and ITES industries. The state government has taken positive steps in this direction to make itself more accessible to citizens and the promise of attaining good governance, enhanced efficiency, transparency, accountability and a citizen-orientation in the adoption of IT enabled governance are truly remarkable. With bold and massive strides taken by Kerala particularly in E-Governance and providing citizen-friendly government services , our study aims to analyse the state government's web presence and its effectiveness in creating online platforms to achieve greater Government to Citizen interaction. Web sites are key information delivery channels for the government and it is important that these delivery channels are effective. One important determinant of the effectiveness of a web delivery channel is its usability. In this report, we present detailed findings from a Usability analysis of 232 Kerala state government web sites with our recommendations to help Kerala set a substantial benchmark for other Indian states.

Impact of Kerala Governments Web Initiatives

In August 2003, Chamravattom village, a small backward hamlet in Kerala, South India, earned a unique distinction. It became the first village in India to become 100% information technology (IT) literate. At least one person in each of the 850 families of the village was provided computer training on basic word processing skills and browsing, under the 'Akshaya' project1. The Kerala State IT Mission's endeavour in creating IT Infrastructure and and E-governance facilities has yielded phenomenal results for the state and serves an outstanding example for other Indian states to follow.

Case Study: SPARK2 Objective

Services and Payroll Administrative Repository for Kerala (SPARK) was one of the 93 projects approved (November 2003) under the Modernizing Government Programme (MGP) of the Government of Kerala. The system has been developed with a view to cater to the administration, payroll and accounts matters of all government establishments. A centralized, integrated, computerized personnel and payroll information system will help the departments to get details of any employee immediately, achieve highest level of transparency in dealing with the employees, achieve more consistent application of rules, etc.

SPARK is a G2E web-based personnel administration and accounts software for the Government of Kerala covering 5.25 lakh employees. Permanent em1 2

Case Studies on Innovation In India: ICMR Case Book Collection Reference: Case Studies: SPARK

ployee numbers for all employees are allotted through the system. The system addresses all requirements in service, salary, income tax and accounts matters. A centralized data base helps in quick decision making and applying rules and regulations uniformly for all employees. Activitydriven procedure-linked data capture is ensured. All reports are generated in PDF format. Provision is available to send alert messages to employees when payments are credited. Provision to generate identity cards is another facility.

The system has been successfully implemented in the Kerala Government Secretariat and is in constant use for the last 8 months. The project has accrued following benefits to both employees and the Government: Easy and speedy pay bill preparation. Automatic generation of employee identity card. Employees who are unaware of what is happening on their claims submitted will be notified through automatic alerts from the system. Most of the salary, income-tax- and GPF-related details are available online. This will reduce the distance between head office and remote offices to a mouse click. The administration will be benefited as 90% of the activities are carried out through the system. Results in transparency and smart administration.

Case Study: Smart Move


The Motor Vehicles Department is one of the departments offering the highest number of citizen-centric services. SMART-Move (Customized Vahan-Sarathi) is a package automating all the services and citizen-centric procedures in the offices of Motor Vehicles Department.

SMART-MOVE and its components constitute proprietary software developed by the National Informatics Centre (NIC), Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Government of India. The application is organized around modules and relevant functions that enable the department to logically assign work to the various personnel engaged in their respective functions. Every module is interlinked with other modules for necessary electronic data interchange between all offices of the Motor Vehicle Department. The following manual procedures are replaced by the implementation of this package: ? ? ? ? All registration records Tax collection registers All permit and license registers Register of driving schools, dealers, etc.

The information which are of public interest are made available through multi-channel service delivery access points like internet, touch-screen kiosks, service counters etc. Agencies such as SWAN, FRIENDS, Akshaya Centres and Kudumbasree units will also become service delivery points in later stages.


Reference: Case Study: SMART Move

The project was rolled out to all RTO/SRTO after the successful implementation in three RTOs as the pilot phase. 50/60 RTOs/SRTOs are now fully computerized. SMART Move has accrued the following benefits to both citizens and the Government of Kerala: Better service to citizens through quick access to information Better working ambience Better records maintenance, higher traceability and less paperwork leading to better collaboration G2C, G2G and G2B services which are inter-operable with national model The project received the Microsoft e-Governance Awards 2006.

Keralas dominating Web presence vis-vis other states in India

While the emphasis has been primarily on automation and computerization, state endeavours to use IT include forays into connectivity, networking, setting up systems for processing information and delivering services. At a micro level, this has ranged from IT automation in individual departments, electronic file handling, access to entitlements, public grievance systems, service delivery for high volume routine transactions such as payment of bills, tax dues to meeting poverty alleviation goals through the promotion of entrepreneurial models and provision of market information. The thrust has varied across initiatives, with some focusing on enabling the citizen-state interface for various government services, and others focusing on bettering livelihoods. A comparison of Kerala's e-readiness index vis-avis other states in India indicates that it is a leader in the context of proactively improving ICT performance. This is owed to the significant stress on availability of online training programmes for officials and provision for usage of ICT as a governance tool along with a competitive market environment, education, access to communication facilities, and forward-looking policies, regulations and reforms.
Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Kerala, Chandigarh, Maharashtra
Leaders Aspiring Leaders Expectants Average Achievers Below Average Achievers Least Achievers

Punjab, Delhi, Haryana, Goa, Gujarat

Uttar Pradesh, Pondicherry, Rajasthan, West Bengal Chattisgarh, Himachal Pradesh, Uttaranchal, Sikkim, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand Mizoram, Meghalaya, Assam, Lakshadweep, Jammu & Kashmir, Bihar


Manipur, Arunachal Pradesh, \Andaman & Nicobar,Nagaland, Tripura, Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Daman & Diu

A comparison of state-wise teledensity4 in India indicates that Kerala is a leader among developing states next to only Delhi and Chennai which are developed states. This is another healthy indicator of Kerala's progress in the IT and Telecom industry.

Service Area Wise Teledensity as on September 30th 2009

Service Area Andhra Pradesh Assam Bihar Delhi Gujarat Haryana Himachal Pradesh J&K Karnataka Kerala Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra (Mumbai) North East Orissa Punjab Rajasthan T.N. (Chennai) U.P. (E), U.P. (W) W.B. (Kolkata) Total Rural Teledensity 18.84 15.31 10.56 27.62 31.98 45.04 22.21 17.96 38.92 10.68 22.36* 19.85 15.68 34.77 24.69 32.00* 12.28* 19.4* 18.46 Urban Teledensity 121.92 77.85 100.28 85.04 84.62 231.19 96.25 116.11 156.27 77.00 99.53* 81.94 102.94 107.77 106.78 107.14* 88.52* 89.83* 102.79 Total Teledensity 47.35 24.47 22.75 154.99 50.52 49.32 65.24 41.86 54.01 68.98 28.11 57.77* 34.62 30.08 64.22 44.26 72.02* 29.11* 39.18* 43.50 11

*Population data/projections are available state-wise only


Source: TRAI

Various open source initiatives have been taken up by NIC Kerala for standardization and cost effectiveness using open source for online and other applications. Various flavours of Linux like Redhat, Fedora and Mandriva have been deployed on the mail server, web server, intranet server, application and database server. Open Office trainings have been imparted at State and district levels covering over 500 revenue officials. With such tremendous thrust on IT and ICT initiatives, an analysis on the Usability of Kerala Government websites has been conducted to measure their effectiveness in achieving good user-experience as per best practices and usability standards prescribed globally as well as by the National Informatics Center of India. What follows is a detailed, in depth look at the websites performance from the point of view of a common, educated citizen of Kerala.


Usability Analysis of Kerala State Government Websites

The Building Blocks: Leveraging Usability parameters for'Citizen Centricity'

As evidenced earlier, Kerala has left no stone unturned to ensure inclusion through e-governance so that all citizens benefit from trusted, innovative services and easy access for all. Usability practices make access to government information and services through online portals efficient and effective, thus significantly contributing to high user satisfaction. Our study of Kerala government websites indicate that the state has made a credible effort in developing websites that are user friendly and offer a positive web experience especially in terms of their design and ease of navigation. At the same time, there are concerns about fundamental usability parameters like accessibility to content, search for information and service support. These factors directly impact how a citizen interacts with the website and how 'useful' the website is to meet users' objectives. Our recommendations to improve usability among these websites suggest immediate attention towards citizen-centric efforts which include implementation of best practices, and mandatory measurement metrics. Existing requirements should include updated content, multilingual support, search parameters, user-friendly content layout, sharp categorization of information, greater interactivity and engagement, and better service/support components including FAQs, privacy, security protocols, and citizen feedback allowing a two Effective E-Presence through way dialogue. The true Excellent Usability measure of overall customer satisfaction depends on the usability Service & and interactivity offered by Aesthetics Navigation Content Search Security the website along with heuristic studies and measurement analytics.
Figure 1: Building Blocks of Usability in Websites


Heuristic Analysis of Kerala State Government's Web Portals: Overall State Performance
Webchutney performed a heuristic analysis on 232 Kerala Government websites across 10 departments using a proprietary framework that incorporated usability parameters to assess the compliance of government websites with globally accepted best practices and standards in website design and functionality. The following figures indicate the level of compliance with usability parameters for all Kerala state government websites as a whole. Aesthetics Navigation Content

21% 79%

38% 62%

53% 47%

Compliant Non Compliant

Compliant Non Compliant

Compliant Non Compliant


Service & Security


45% 55%


Compliant Non Compliant

Compliant Non Compliant


Website design and aesthetics is the key to visual communication through effective use of colours, typography, design, pictures, video clips, graphics and flash animations. Jakob Nielsen, who has contributed some of the most important research regarding software development and HumanComputer-Interaction (HCI) creates an appropriate benchmark for website aesthetics stating Less is more which is also commonly advocated in Web 2.0 standards. Our criteria of a well designed website is one which adapts site design to site content, functionality, genre of the brand and its target audience to create successful user-experience. Report Card: Compliance of Kerala Departments with Aesthetics Standards Kerala Departments Performance in Aesthetics
% compliance with Aesthetic Standards
Govt. Colleges Commissions, Boards & Projects Autonomous Bodies, Cultural & Other. Govt. Dept. Districts LSGI Dept (Municipal Corporations) Govt Offices Thiruvananthpuram Cooperative Orgs Field Dept. Universities 69 73 73 75 75 78 83 81 81 80

98% of all Kerala websites help citizens access information systematically with effective use of typography to distinguish between page/navigation titles, headings and content. 94% of Kerala websites create an effective presentation of the home-page by enabling access to content without too much scrolling However, 58% of all websites fail to create memorable branding and successful visual impact for citizens due to excessive use of colour, variation in typography and dedicating less white space to overall site design


A website with improper or poorly planned navigation scheme is handicapped to a large extent. Navigation schemes should be intuitive and perceptive to the needs of citizens and relevant audiences who access information and services on the website. The navigation structure of the website should remain consistent throughout all pages, and a good navigation system also helps placing the website prominently on search engines. Usability studies indicate, that the most effective navigation structure is one which is left oriented and top down or horizontal. Depending on the depth of information and services offered on the website, multi-tier navigation schemes go a long way in creating ease-ofuse for citizens, and allows them to jump from one link to another without going through unrelated pages/information in between. Report Card: Compliance of Kerala Departments with Navigation Standards Kerala Departments Performance in Navigation
% compliance with Navigation Standards
Autonomous Bodies, Cultural & Other. Universities Commissions, Boards & Projects Cooperative Orgs Govt. Dept. Field Dept. Districts Govt Offices Thiruvananthpuram Govt. Colleges LSGI Dept (Municipal Corporations) 68 67 63 61 60 60 57 56 56 47

92% of the sites offer good navigation schemes for citizens to access information easily with like items grouped together in local and global navigation 94% of all websites have broken links which is the biggest barrier to good user-experience in navigation 73% of all websites do not have a site-map which is an essential navigation tool to help users identify relevant sources of information without browsing the length and breadth of the website. 17

Most citizens access government websites looking for specific information or for a specific purpose/service. They generally skim, scan and selectively read content available on a page. For a good user experience, website developers should organize content logically and present it in order of priority devoid of spelling or grammatical errors. Pages should be kept short with content broken up into separate sections, and wherever possible, it is best to display content visually with use of interactive elements and keep sentences short and sharp. The layout of content across all pages of the website should be such that it helps achieve the brand's purpose, organize text and graphics to create a visual path for citizens to follow and thus, attract their attention. Use of popular Content Management systems like Joomla or Drupal is recommended to enhance overall user-experience. Report Card: Compliance of Kerala Departments with Content Standards Kerala Departments Performance in Content
Districts Commissions, Boards & Projects Govt. Dept. Autonomous Bodies, Cultural & Other Cooperative Orgs Universities Field Dept. LSGI Dept (Municipal Corporations) Govt Offices Thiruvananthpuram Govt. Colleges 53 51 50 47 45 45 42 39 36 26

% compliance with Content Standards

92% of the websites offer error-free content without grammatical and spelling mistakes, and 81% of the websites have a clear information structure to help citizens identify how information is organized on the website 92% of websites do not offer content in Malayalam or other languages apart from English. 18 90% of the websites do not offer e-newsletters or RSS feeds to keep citizens informed of latest updates, and use of interactive features like videos, podcasts, chats etc to enhance citizen engagement is restricted to only 22% of the sites

While most site developers try and create user-friendly wireframes for websites to intuitively cater to users needs/requirements, it is impossible to cater to each and every single one of them. This is the reason why Search plays a vital role in website usability. Most citizens know before-hand the nature of information or service they seek on a website, but may not be able to locate such information easily. Search option should be made available on every page of a website so users can immediately get access to information and browse through related information easily. Needless to say, Search results should be 100% accurate with apporpriate titles and metadata to provide a snapshot of the information sought. The option to refine search queries through Advanced search options are a big value-add to make overall user-experience successful. Report Card: Compliance of Kerala Departments with Search Standards Kerala Departments Performance in Search
% compliance with Search Standards
Universities Govt. Dept. Field Dept. Autonomous Bodies, Cultural & Other Commissions, Boards & Projects LSGI Dept (Municipal Corporations) Districts Govt. Colleges Cooperative Orgs 2 Govt Offices Thiruvananthpuram 0 43 24 22 20 16 15 11 8

70% of the websites analysed do not have a Search option 22% of websites with search option available, do not provide this function on every page 97% of them do not offer advanced search facility for users to customize their search, and only 15% accept Boolean operators like 'and'. Overall, absence of search is the biggest barrier to usability.


Service & Security

Feedback, FAQs and contact through e-mail are the only few interactive elements on a website which give citizens real time information on website usability and its success. The FAQ pages are full of keywords, which is an essential feature for search engine optimization while being one of the most vital pages in any website design. Website Security, Privacy and Usability may not be primary factors in userengagement but have a direct and significant impact on building citizen's trust, and relationship commitment, particularly on websites which offer eservices, e-payments or e-transactions. Report Card: Compliance of Kerala Departments with Service & Security Standards Kerala Departments Performance in Service & Security
% compliance with Service & Security Standards
Universities Govt. Dept. Commissions, Boards & Projects Autonomous Bodies, Cultural & Other Field Dept. Cooperative Orgs Govt Offices Thiruvananthpuram Districts LSGI Dept (Municipal Corporations) Govt. Colleges 63 61 57 54 54 51 50 47 45 44

99% of all websites are accessible through commonly used multiple browsers like Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. 74% of the websites do not offer users an option to find solutions to common problems faced through a section on Frequently Asked Questions. 20 89% of the websites do not instill user confidence in them due to lack of an informative security or privacy policy.

Top Ten Websites in Kerala State Government

Of the 232 websites analysed, a rank list of the top ten websites based on their overall performance across all usability parameters are presented below. Department Tourism Department Kerala State IT Department Kudumbashree State Poverty Eradication Mission Kerala IT Project Info Park Election Department KISSAN Project of Agriculture Department Kerala State AIDS Control Society Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Bio-technology Kerala Institute of Local Administration (KILA)

Best Website in Kerala State Government: Rank 1

Tourism Department The official tourism website of Kerala is an excellent website and sets a great benchmark with explicit attention given to a positive, interactive and aesthetic user-experience.


Best Website in Kerala State Government: Rank 2

Kerala State IT Department The website maintains a perfect balance between providing important information in a user-friendly manner. The strategic approach to keeping site design light and consistent while content is heavy, adds to the positive user-experience.

Best Website in Kerala State Government: Rank 3

Kudumbashree State Poverty Eradication Mission With excellent information hierarchy and a Web 2.0 standard site design, this website is a users' delight and an excellent example for other websites to follow. 22

Best Website in Kerala State Government: Rank 4

Kerala IT Project The site is informative and interactive with great attention given to details of aesthetics. It provides an excellent user-experience with ease of navigation.

Best Website in Kerala State Government: Rank 5

Kerala Info Park With videos, sharp graphics and thoughtful content layout, this website is intuitive to users' needs through classification of information based on different types of users accessing the website for their needs. 23

Best Website in Kerala State Government: Rank 6

Election Department A compact website which is interactive and is easy on the eyes as well as information. Content is to the point, navigation scheme is extremely user friendly.

Best Website in Kerala State Government: Rank 7

KISSAN Project of Agriculture Department Content layout on this website is intuitive and receptive to users' needs. Site design is Web 2.0 compliant, and the site supports multiple languages for easy access by citizens of Kerala.


Best Website in Kerala State Government: Rank 8

Kerala State AIDS Control Society An engaging site with informative content, it has strategically made good use of a vibrant colour scheme to spark user interest, and achieves the website's main objective of spreading awareness through a positive user-experience.

Best Website in Kerala State Government: Rank 9

Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Bio-technology The website makes good use of Flash with a clean aesthetic design. Navigation on this website is smooth, with carefully structured multi-tier layout of information. 25

Best Website in Kerala State Government: Rank 10

Kerala Institute of Local Administration An interactive website, it creates a perfect balance with a light design while being extensively informative. One of the few Kerala Government sites which uses Drupal CMS, the site is easy to navigate and extremely user-friendly.


Websites Performance across Individual Usability Parameters

A detailed look at Kerala Govt. websites' performance on each usability parameter is presented in this section. A sample of 5 websites within each individual parameter that have scored 100% is showcased to highlight examples of effective use and implementation of such usability tools.

A total of 60 out of 232 websites (28%) score 100% on compliance with usability standards in aesthetics. % Websites Scoring Between 100-0% in Aesthetics
% of website 35

28 22 11 3
0-40 40-60 60-80 80-99 100

Majority of the websites (85%) have scored above 60% which is a positive indicator of Kerala Government Websites user-friendliness in aesthetics.

Showcase of Positive Implementation in Aesthetics Standards by Kerala Government websites 1. Kerala State IT Department : 100% compliant with Aesthetics Standards

The visual branding of the website matches the overall purpose and identity of this department, thus conveying its importance to citizens.


2. Non-Resident Keralites Affairs Department: 100% compliant with Aesthetics Standards

System fonts and neutral colors make text clearly legible to users

3. Tourism Department of Kerala: 100% compliant with Aesthetics Standards


White space on the website gives a sense of space and freedom to explore information easily, as opposed to cluttered designs with every inch of space covered with information

4. Kerala Drugs Control Department: 100% compliant with Aesthetics Standards

The layout design of content is clean, with information flowing from top left corner to the lower right corner of pages on the site.

5. Kerala Public Works Department: 100% compliant with Aesthetics Standards

Effective use of graphics, buttons and thumbnails help reduce redundancy of text on the website while making it equally visually appealing


Most websites of Kerala government are reasonably compliant with navigation standards, which indicate citizen-friendly implementation of usability parameters. % Websites Scoring Between 100-0% in Navigation
% of website 74

19 5
0-40 40-60 60-80



A total of 76% websites score between 60 -88% and are hence complaint with navigation standards which is a positive indicator of Kerala Government Websites user-friendliness in navigation.

Showcase of Positive Implementation in Navigation Standards by Kerala Government websites 1. Attappady Hills area Development Project: 100% compliant with Navigation Standards
The only website to score 100% on Navigation, it offers clear navigation options with intuitive grouping of similar information under a simple local and global navigation scheme.


2. Rajiv Gandhi Center for Biotechnology: 88% compliant with Navigation Standards

While a meager 12% of all Kerala websites help identify current position in the site through use of 'Breadcrumbs', this website serves an appropriate example of helping citizens skip to relevant information within a section without any hassle.

3. Election Department: 88% compliant with Navigation Standards

The website offers extensive content presented through simple navigation menu options that enable citizens identify where they are most likely to find information they seek. 31

4. Kerala State IT Mission: 88% compliant with Navigation Standards

This is another information heavy website with all parts of the website accessible from the home page. Citizens can browse through the home page to gain immediate access to information, without navigating through all pages on the website

5. Department of Agriculture: 75% compliant with Navigation Standards


Navigation scheme offers users multiple choices to access information in a quick glance.

The emphasis on maintaining quality content on the website for citizens has been demonstrated in the earlier section. Overall performance of Kerala websites on this usability parameter does not indicate a healthy impression on citizen friendliness and should be paid immediate attention through use of interactive and engaging features , in keeping with the state's vision to leverage ICT with increased G2C interaction. % Websites Scoring Between 100-0% in Content
% of website


26 13 2
0-40 40-60 60-80 80-99


A majority of the websites (85%) score below 60% in Content which is an implication of lack of interactive features on most Kerala Govt. websites

Showcase of Positive Implementation in Content Standards by Kerala Government websites 1. Tourism Department of Kerala: 100% compliant with Content Standards

The only website to score a 100% on Content Parameter, it offers wide range of information presented in a user friendly manner with social interaction.


2. Official Kerala State Government Website: 86% compliant with Content Standards

The website offers content that is fresh, up-to-date, and is an important source of information for Kerala citizens to keep abreast with latest policies and announcements.

3. Kerala Sate AIDS control Society: 86% compliant with Content Standards


Content is organized based on thoughtful information hierarchy to match the needs of users and offers interactive features like Online Counseling, 'I Speak' section and opinion polls amongst others.

4. Kerala State IT Department: 86% compliant with Content Standards

With a range of information on services offered on the website from E-governance to Mobile governance projects, the website makes good use of interactive features like Newsletter and RSS feeds to help citizens stay updated with latest news and reforms.

5. Kerala State Technopark: 86% compliant with Content Standards

The website's caters to a variety of local, national and international audience with content strategically segregated on the basis of user requirements. It also incorporates a 'Virtual Map' to help users get information they seek in an engaging manner.


A major pain-area identified in Kerala State Government websites is the absence of a search function. For most information-heavy websites, absence of this feature is a major barrier to user-experience and may result in citizens leaving the website without successful completion of their tasks/objectives.

% Websites Scoring Between 100-0% in Search

% of website

10 4
0-40 40-60 60-80

9 2
80-99 100

The chart depicted here is skewed towards a negative user-experience on almost 79% of Kerala Government websites due to absence of Search.

Showcase of Positive Implementation in Search Standards by Kerala Government websites 1. Employment Service Kerala: 100% compliant with Search Standards


The website offers 2 different types of Search features for prospective job seekers as well as a Google Search option

2. CATFOSS: 100% compliant with Search Standards

Search and Advance Search results on the website are comprehensive and descriptive enough for all citizens to use conveniently.

3. Kudumbashree State Poverty Eradication Mission: 100% compliant with Search Standards

Although the home page does not support search, inner pages with relevant details are displayed under a search option.


4. National Institute of Oceanography: 100% compliant with Search Standards

The site offers a search function which is accessible from every page.

5. Kerala Forests and Wildlife Department: 80% compliant with Search Standards


Search results are descriptive with appropriate tags and metadata for users to distinguish between various links and select appropriate information.

Service and Security

Vital Services like Frequently asked Questions and online feedback forms are missing from most websites. Security and Privacy policies are also scarcely available on these websites

% Websites Scoring Between 100-0% in Service and Support

% of website



16 3
0-40 40-60 60-80 80-99


Around 45% of the websites score less than 60% in providing basic and appropriate user services like feedback forms.

Showcase of Positive Implementation in Service and Security Standards by Kerala Government websites 1. Food and Civil Supplies Department: 100% compliant with Service & Security Standards The Election
Commission of India offers useful information to The website provides citizens through aqueries answer to simple well laid out citizens seek information content structure Cards, for, such as Ration and clear and Certificates information Complaint Redressal heirarchy Forums thus enhancing the user-experience.


2. Kerala State Lotteries: 100% compliant with Service & Security Standards
Exhaustive contact information ranging from Physical address, to contact number and Name of contact person across various locations has been provided for users to gain direct access with the department easily when required.

3. Employment Services Kerala: 100% compliant with Service & Security Standards
With related links, FAQs, downloadable forms, provision to register online and security policy ensuring privacy of personal data, the site goes a step beyond providing basic services and incorporates all elements a job-seeking citizen may require intuitively.


4. Kerala Technopark: 100% compliant with Service & Security Standards

The site provides interactive tours and Value added services with supporting information for citizens to take action, which enables an experiential activity for citizens thus enhancing user-experience.

5. Shree Shankracharya University of Sanskrit: 100% compliant with Service & Security Standards

The website offers comprehensive services and information on forthcoming events, General enquiries, FAQs, details of relevant Contacts etc. for prospective students to access information easily.


Department Wise Performance Based on Usability Parameters

1. Government Departments
Service & Security Search Content Navigation Aesthetics
24 50 60 80 61 39 76 50 40 20

Compliant Non Compliant

Overall compliance to Usability Standards is 55% for 38 sites Most websites lack a Security/Privacy Policy, while 100% are functional in multiple browsers Few websites have a Search function out of which only 3% have an option for advanced search. Only 13% of these sites offer Newsletters and offer content in at least 2 languages. Only 29% have a site map, and none of them are free from broken links. 16% help identify current position on the site Most of them have good branding with Site name clearly visible, and offer information in a user friendly manner. Maximum websites in this department do not comply with Usability standards. Websites such as the Schedule Tribe Development, Kerala Museum and Zoo, Commercial Taxes Department need immediate attention to improve design, layout and create a positive experience for users trying to access information.
Top 5 Websites Tourism Depatment Kerala State IT Department Non-Resident Keralites Affairs Department Under Performers Directorate of Ayurveda Medical Education Information and PR Department Kerala Commercial Taxes Department Kerala Museum and Zoo Schedule Tribe Development


Cooperation Department Forest and Wild Life Department

2. Field Departments
Service & Security Search Content Navigation Aesthetics
22 42 60 73 54 46 78 58 40 28

Compliant Non Compliant

Overall compliance to Usability Standards is 50% for 30 sites Most of the websites lack FAQs and an Online Feedback Form Most of the websites lack Search function and do not accept Boolean operators Only 7% of these sites offer Newsletters and do not offer content in at least 2 languages. Only 23% have a site map, and all sites have broken links. Information hierarchy is good in 80% of the sites. 97% of them display all relevant information on the home page in a concise manner

Most websites in this department offer a pleasant visual experience to citizens, with ease of use in access to information. Since most sites offer a host of information and services to citizens, the use of interactive features and stronger service support measures are recommended to increase the efficiency in meeting users' objectives.

Top 5 Websites Election Department Archaeology Department Electrical Inspectorate Department Registration Department KTDC

Under Performers Higher Secondary Education Directorate Rural Development Commissionerate Technical Education Department Town and Country Planning Department Harbour Engineering Department


3. Commissions, Boards & Projects

Service & Security Search Content Navigation Aesthetics
22 42 60 73 54 46 78 58 40 28

Compliant Non Compliant

Overall compliance to Usability Standards is 53% for 56 sites All websites are functional in multiple browsers, and offer detailed contact information for direct interaction. Only 27% of all sites have a search feature out of which only 2% offer customization through advanced search. A major chunk of websites offer lucid error-free content. Use of interactive features is highly recommended. A healthy number of 98% sites have a link to home page on all sections of the website. Most websites incorporate white space in site design creating a positive user experience.

Websites in this department should take immediate action on fixing secondary elements that become a barrier in usability, such as incorporating Search and introducing robust service features such as FAQs to offer citizens a seamless experience in online interaction.

Top 5 Websites Kerala IT Project Info Park KISSAN Project of Agriculture Department Kerala State AIDS Control Society State Information Commission Kerala

Under Performers State Resources Centre Kerala State Pollution Control Board Kerala Water Authority Kerala State Electricity Regulatory Commission State Election Commission, Kerala


4. Government Colleges
Service & Security Search Content Navigation Aesthetics
8 26 56 83 44 92 74 44 18 56

Compliant Non Compliant

Overall compliance to Usability Standards is 43% for 10 sites No FAQs and Security/Privacy policies offered on any of these websites. Search results are inaccurate for 20% of sites that offer this feature, with no metadata and advanced search option Content does not seem to be updated regularly with poor categorization of information thus confounding users. Only 10% have a site map, and none of them are free from broken links. 30% help identify current position on the site Most websites make good use of typography and colours with 80% sites free from intrusive/annoying graphics. The strength of this department lies in creating an impressive visual presentation of individual websites, but this positive experience falls through with poorly organized content and lack of interactive support features to fulfill citizens needs and purpose. Special focus should be given to these elements to increase usability on these sites.
Top 5 Websites Government Engineering College, Kozhikkode Calicut Medical College Government Engineering College, Idukki Medical College, Thiruvananthapuram Government Engineering College, Barton Hill, Thiruvananthapuram Under Performers Government Engineering College, Kannur Government Homeopathic Medical College, Thiruvananthapuram T.D. Medical College, Alappuzha Rajeev Gandhi Institute of Technology, Kottayam College of Engineering, Thiruvananthapuram


5. Universities Ranked Best Department in Usability Analysis

Service & Security Search Content Navigation Aesthetics
43 45 67 69 63 57 55 33 31 37

Compliant Non Compliant

Overall compliance to Usability Standards is 57% for 6 sites Only half of the websites analysed provide an online feedback form to initiate two way interaction. A healthy 83% of the sites offer Search option, but is not accessible from every page, and no advanced search. All websites offer content in English only, and do not provide Malayalam language as an option Majority of the sites offer structured, well-thought navigation scheme with like items grouped together. All sites display the organization name clearly but overall branding on 67% of sites fails to create a memorable impact. Overall performance of websites in this department is impressive, and site design, layout and content matches the way users think and would access content. Visual impact of most sites could be improved to make a greater impact on citizens to creative effective brand identity.

Top 5 Websites University of Calicut Shri Shankracharya University of Sanskrit Kannur University, Mangattuparamb

Under Performers Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT) Kerala Agricultural University, Vellanikkara, Thrissur Kerala University, Thiruvananthapuram


6. Autonomous Bodies, Cultural and Other Institutions

Service & Security Search Content Navigation Aesthetics
20 47 68 81 54 80 53 32 19 46

Compliant Non Compliant

Overall compliance to Usability Standards is 54% for 56 sites All websites are functional across multiple browsers, while only 23% provide FAQs Only 30% of the sites offer Search with a dismal 4% providing advanced search. Interactive features are missing from the sites, and only 7% offer multiple language option. All sites offer a good navigation scheme with clear categorization of content. Site aesthetics are impressive for most websites, with good use of user-friendly typography, colours and graphics. Some of the best websites in Kerala State Government are found in this department. Attention to detail in design as well as access to information and service by users offers a positive user experience. Use of Interactive features like videos, Newsletters etc. will help enhance G2C engagement further.
Top 5 Websites Kudumbashree State Poverty Eradication Mission Kerala Institute of Local Administration (KILA) Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Bio-technology National Coir and Management Institute Institute of Management in Government Under Performers LBS Centre for Science and Technology NORKA ROOTS Centre Plaza National Institute of Fisheries (Govt of India) Institute of Human Resources Development (Regional Centre) Kerala Forest Research Institute


7. Cooperative Organizations
Service & Security Search 2 Content Navigation Aesthetics
45 61 73 51 98 55 39 27 49

Compliant Non Compliant

Overall compliance to Usability Standards is 46% for 11 sites None of the sites have FAQs and Security/privacy policy. Search criteria is almost non-existent on sites in this department. All sites have clear information hierarchy but none of them offer content in multiple languages. None of the websites help identify current position on the site through a navigation path or 'Breadcrumbs'. Good use of font size, typography and colors/graphics/sliders facilitate easy reading of the content. One of the most important factors in site usability is virtually missing on almost all sites in this department. Search is essential to help users find accurate information fast and should be ignored. Website functionality and overall purpose to interact with and provide various services to citizens is only partially met in this department.
Top 5 Websites Kerala State Handloom Weavers' Co-operative Society Ltd. (HANTEX) Kerala State Cashew Workers Apex Industrial Co-operative Society Ltd. (CAPEX) Kerala State Handicrafts Appex Co-operative Society Ltd. Kerala Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd. Under Performers Kerala Karshaka Sahakarana Federation Ltd. Kerala State Co-operative Federation for Fisheries Development Ltd. (MATSYAFED) Kerala state Co-operative Rubber Marketing Federation Ltd. Kerala State Rural Women's Electronics Industrial Co-operative Federation Ltd. Kerala State Co-operative Coir Marketing Federation Ltd.


Kerala State Co-operative Agricultural and Rural Development Bank Ltd.

8. Districts
Service & Security Search Content Navigation Aesthetics
11 53 57 78 47 89 47 43 22 53

Compliant Non Compliant

Overall compliance to Usability Standards is 49% for 19 sites None of the sites have FAQs and only 37% sites provide an online feedback form. Search function is not found predominantly among sites, with weak results amongst sites where it exists. Content on most sites is constructed of simple short sentences, and use of interactive elements is minimal. All sites have broken links which become a big barrier in positive user experience. Most of the websites are free from annoying/intrusive graphics/media which distract users from their purpose. One of the most important factors in site usability is virtually missing on almost all sites in this department. Search is essential to help users find accurate information fast and should be ignored. Website functionality and overall purpose to interact with and provide various services to citizens is only partially met in this department.

Top 5 Websites Malappuram District Industry center Thrissur Police Thiruvananthapuram Thrissur Wayanad

Under Performers Kozhikode Ernakulam Alappuzha Malappuram Greater Cochin Development Authority


9. Government Offices Thiruvananthpuram

Service & Security Search 0 Content Navigation Aesthetics
36 56 75 50 100 64 44 25 50

Compliant Non Compliant

Overall compliance to Usability Standards is 43% for 2 sites None of the sites have FAQs and security/privacy policy in this department. Search function does not exist on both the websites. There are no interactive features found on both sites. Navigation options are clear enabling ease-of-use in browsing the sites. Both sites are well-designed with user-friendly elements like white space, typography, font etc. incorporated well.

One of the most important factors in site usability is virtually missing on almost all sites in this department. Search is essential to help users find accurate information fast and should be ignored. Website functionality and overall purpose to interact with and provide various services to citizens is only partially met in this department.

Top 5 Websites Government of Kerala Offices

Under Performers Office of Chief Engineer Lsg


10. LSGI Departments (Municipal Corporations)

Service & Security Search Content Navigation Aesthetics
15 39 47 75 45 85 61 53 25 55

Compliant Non Compliant

Overall compliance to Usability Standards is 44% for 4 sites All sites are functional in multiple browsers but do not provide FAQs and security/privacy policies. On sites where Search option is available, it is limited only to the home page, and not across all sections. Long pages with heavily laden content are the biggest barrier to a positive user-experience in this department. All sites have broken links. They do not identify current position on the site while navigating through layers of info. All sites provide clear distinction between navigation title headings, page and section headings enabling ease of use. Content is the lifeline of a website. It should be presented in a manner that is user friendly, and should intimidate users with long pages of endless paragraphs. Replacing text with graphics/visuals/images and interactive features will help reduce the weight of information on these sites, thus building a positive user experience.
Top 5 Websites Local Self Government Department Corporation of Thiruvananthapuram Under Performers Corporation of Cochin Corporation of Thrissur


Review of 5 Underperforming Websites across Kerala State Government Departments

1. Kerala Schedule Tribe Development: Overall Usability Score is 30%
The website is unable to communicate its purpose with all content restricted to one language. Multiple language options should be made available and more attention should be paid to users' needs across various segments. Insignificant tags with characters are meaningless for users and a waste of time Language is a barrier with all content available in Malayalam language only


Too much movement on the screen with scrolling text and annoying graphics is a big barrier to user experience

2. Kerala Schedule Tribe Development: Overall Usability Score is 30%

The website is unable to communicate its purpose with all content restricted to one language. Multiple language options should be made available and more attention should be paid to users' needs across various segments.

Most pages on the site follow the same pattern of lengthy content with few interactive features

Lengthy paragraphs and long sentences on the home page create a sense of heaviness and fatigue for users visiting the site for specific information With lengthy pages it is imperative to incorporate Search function so users can cut through the clutter and jump straight to the information they seek.


3. Corporation of Thrissur: Overall Usability Score is 30%

The website must address major technical glitches at the earliest as highlighted below. Text is garbled on the home-page, as well as all subsequent pages. The website has a good design and aesthetics, but must resolve issues related to access to content as it defeats the purpose of having a website.

Garbled text renders the site ineffective in being of any use to citizens and creates a frustrating user-experience. This is a prime example of barriers to usability.


4. Kerala Museum and Zoo: Overall Usability Score is 33%

Branding on this website has been completely ignored. Long pages and overuse of colours in headings, titles and text end up confusing the user.

Navigation scheme is not receptive to users' needs, and should be re-constructed.

The website has long pages with excessive content and no search facility for users to jump straight to the information they seek

Name of the Department is barely visible on the home page which is poor branding.


5. Kerala Technical Education Department: Overall Usability score is 36%

While site aesthetics and design is user-friendly, it loses out on organization of content and its presentation. There is no consistency in navigation scheme with links scattered all across the home page. This creates a sense of confusion in the users mind, and they might leave the website in frustration. Information hierarchy on the home page should be revised/re-evaluated as there are a lot of repetitive and excessive links for users to review and click through.

Scrolling text moves out of the page border creating a sense of unprofessionalism.


Excessive use of different fonts, sizes and colours confuse and distract users from their purpose and lead to a negative user experience.

Journey to World Class E-Presence

Implications of Sub-Par e-Presence
The state of Kerala has been instrumental in bringing a number of department and their services close to the citizens through its epresence. The majority of websites conform to basic necessary usability standards but lack on few parameters. The e-presence of Kerala Government is gaining momentum as they are increasingly being accessed by all sections of society apart from the elite class. Increased citizen participation in availing e-government services poses a risk to optimum utilization of time and financial costs involved.

1. Lack of security poses a risk to less usage of the website and a negative perception of e-services as a whole 2. Updates User remains unaware of the latest developments 3. Multilingual websites A chunk of non-English speaking citizens are left deprived of e-services 4. Navigation Poor navigation leads to dissatisfied users and costs time 5. Interaction Lack of interactive tools creates a gap between government and citizens

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Higher costs and time spent on government related tasks/records Sub-optimal decision related to government schemes and policies Compliance costs with regulatory requirements increases Increased vulnerability to corruption due to information symmetry Empowerment of citizens directly impacted

It is imperative that the Kerala state government takes necessary steps to gauge usability and eliminate barriers in making E-governance secure, well informed, robust and productive.


Guidelines for a World Class e-Presence

A thorough analysis of Kerala State Government websites reveals a need to mould their existing efforts into taking their e-presence to the next level. This is augmented by the fact that citizens increasingly consider e- services not only as services but an experience. An upgrade in technology, design and digital trends are other factors highlighting the need for more user friendly websites.

Centre for Web Excellence

One of the key priorities for the government should be to establish an independent centre of web excellence, to succeed in increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of its online interactions with citizens on a continuous basis.
The Centre shall research global guidelines and standards with focus on customizing for the requirements of Indian government & citizens.

The Centre shall establish and propagate best practices to ensure that Indian government portals are the most citizen friendly worldwide.

Best Practices
Regular monitoring of adherence to standards with an annual survey & awards for the best portals among government entities to be instituted.

The centre shall provide consulting services to government on design, compliance and improvement for e-presence implementation.



Centre for Web Excellence

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Training and skill enhancement services for government talent involved in design and maintenance of web properties.

Webchutney performed a heuristic analysis on 232 Kerala State Government websites using a proprietary Webchutney measurement toolbox that included carefully analysed parameters to assess ease-of-use and functionality of these sites. A heuristic analysis is a relatively low cost and rapid approach for evaluating website usability. This systematic approach consists of thoroughly examining a site based on a set of generally accepted criteria (heuristics) and judging the site's success in meeting these criteria. Usability criteria are based on best practices that describe common properties of usable interfaces; they have been developed over the last several decades in software development circles and adapted as needed for websites. While there are a number of ways to evaluate usability, heuristic analysis can often uncover many of the significant usability problems that exist with a site. A heuristic analysis is often the first step in a comprehensive usability analysis and may be followed by user testing and other evaluations.

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The proprietary frame work developed by Webchutney over the course of 10 years has a list of parameters that are closely mapped to global usability measurement frameworks

Note on Webchutney Usability Toolbox: Composition of Usability Framework

Over the years, the world has witnessed an increase in the usage of internet. Various governments throughout the world have endeavored to provide their services online and are putting in continuous efforts to increase their website penetration among masses. Various studies have been conducted to gauge the usability of government websites. The most successful amongst many are guidelines provided by the US Government, Andersen and National Informatics Center (India). These Usability studies have invariably helped government authorities to scale up the usability of their websites. Webchutney has developed its own usability analysis framework over years of designing and building portals in highly demanding consumer facing environments like consumer products, transaction services and brand communication portals. The framework evolved from an inbuilt checklist that emerged from internal experience and was collated by experts within the company that routinely did usability and quality testing of client portals and for generic studies. The frame work has been constantly upgraded over the time and has been built using a bottom-up approach. We have benchmarked our propriety frame work with globally recognized usability guidelines such as Andersen study on Usability, Guidelines of Government of India on Web Usability published by National Informatics Centre and Guidelines of Government of the United States on Web Usability. The framework includes 131 parameters grouped into 5 factors (building blocks) for ease of classification with the following weightage I. 60 II. III. Aesthetics: 24% Navigation: 24% Content: 21% IV. V. Search: 15% Service & Security: 15%

A sample of Usability parameters from our Toolbox are presented below:

1. Aesthetics
Aesthetics (types of fonts, font size, Colors and gifs) The visual impact of the site is consistent with the brand identity? Do the font size, type and other use of colour, buttons and sliders facilitate easy reading of the content? Is the site free from intrusive and annoying graphics or other media? Is there plenty of white space? Different text sizes to differentiate between titles, headings, and text? Is the organization name clearly visible Does the content appear to flow from the upper left corner to the lower right corner? Is all the relevant information visible in the first screen (without scrolling)

2. Navigation
Navigation Does the site have a local and global navigation scheme Does the navigation help identify current position in the site? Are navigation options clear with like items grouped together? Is there a site map? Is there a clearly identified link to the home page on each page Is the site free from broken links Are all parts of the site accessible from the home page? Is the site URL user-centered?


3. Content
Content Is the content free from spelling, grammatical and typographical errors? Is the content fresh and up-to-date? Is the content constructed of simple, short, clear sentences? Are the paragraphs short and to the point? Does the site offer e-newsletters and or RSS for updates? Does the site have language options? Does the site have clear information hierarchy? Are there interactive mediums like chat, videos, maps etc available?

4. Search
Search Does the site have a search facility Is it accessible from every page Do search results contain meaningful title tags and metadata Are Boolean operators like "and" accepted Is there an 'advanced search' facility

5. Service & Security

Service & Security Are there FAQs? Is there an online feedback form? Does the site support more than one browser? Is there multiple customer service media such as name, department, physical address, phone, fax, email, working hours etc. available Is there a security/privacy policy?


Appendix A: List of Kerala Government Websites ranked on compliance with Usability parameters
Name Kerala State IT Department Tourism Depatment Kudumbashree State Poverty Eradication Mission Kerala IT Project Info Park Election Department KISSAN Project of Agriculture Department Kerala State AIDS Control Society University of Calicut Kerala Institute of Local Administration (KILA) Department Government Departments Government Departments Autonomous Bodies, Cultural and Other Institutions Commissions,Boards & Projects Commissions,Boards & Projects Field Department Commissions,Boards & Projects Commissions,Boards & Projects Universities Autonomous Bodies, Cultural and Other Institutions Website Usability Compliance (%) 85% 85% 82% 79% 79% 76% 76% 76% 76% 76% 76% 73% 73% 73% 73% 73% 73% 73% 73% 70% 70% 70%

Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Bio-technology Autonomous Bodies, Cultural and Other Institutions Non-Resident Keralites Affairs Department Cooperation Department Archaeology Department State Information Commission Kerala Ombudsman Akshaya Project National Coir and Management Institute Institute of Management in Government Forest and Wild Life Department Scheduled Caste Development Department Kerala State Lotteries Government Departments Government Departments Field Department Commissions,Boards & Projects Commissions,Boards & Projects Commissions,Boards & Projects Autonomous Bodies, Cultural and Other Institutions Autonomous Bodies, Cultural and Other Institutions Government Departments Government Departments Government Departments


Name Electrical Inspectorate Department Registration Department Sanitation Project Kerala State Women's Development Corporation Centre for Development of Imaging Technology (C-DIT) All - State Website Finance Department Drugs Control Department Kerala Public Works Department KTDC Kerala State Land Use Board CATFOSS Technopark Attappady Hills Area Development Society, Palakkad Institute of Human Resources Development (IHRD) National Institute of Speech and Hearing (NISH) National Institute of Oceanography Regiment Center Kochi Sree Chithira Thirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology Kannur Airport Malappuram District Industry center Thrissur Police Social Welfare Department Transport Department Economics and Statistics Department Mining and Geology Department Kerala Women's Commission Guruvayoor Devaswom

Department Field Department Field Department Commissions,Boards & Projects Commissions,Boards & Projects Autonomous Bodies, Cultural and Other Institutions Government Departments Government Departments Government Departments Government Departments Field Department Commissions,Boards & Projects Commissions,Boards & Projects Commissions,Boards & Projects Autonomous Bodies, Cultural and Other Institutions Autonomous Bodies, Cultural and Other Institutions Autonomous Bodies, Cultural and Other Institutions Autonomous Bodies, Cultural and Other Institutions Autonomous Bodies, Cultural and Other Institutions Autonomous Bodies, Cultural and Other Institutions Districts Districts Government Departments Government Departments Field Department Field Department Commissions,Boards & Projects Commissions,Boards & Projects Commissions,Boards & Projects

Website http://www.keralawomenscommissi

Usability Compliance (%) 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 67% 67% 67% 67% 67% 67% 67% 67% 67% 67% 67% 67% 67% 67% 67% 67% 64% 64% 64% 64% 64% 64% 64%


Kerala State Veterinary Council

Name Kerala State Remote Sensing and Environment Centre Shri Shankracharya University of Sanskrit Kerala Kalamandalam State Central Library State Institute of Children's Literature State Institute of Languages Kerala Sahitya Academy State Institute of Educational Management & Training Law Department Health & Family Welfare Department RTI Kerala State Center for Water Resource Development and Management(CWRDM) Kerala State Biodiversity Board Kerala Sate Productivity Council Kerala State Science and Technology Museum and Priyadarsini Planetarium Institute of Handloom and Textile Technology Kerala Council for Historical Research (KCHR) National Transportation Planning and Research Centre (NATPAC) National University of Advanced Legal Studies The State Institute of Encyclopaedic Publications Thenmala Ecotourism Promotion Society (TEPS) Institiute of Land and Disaster Management Kerala State Handloom Weavers' Co-operative Society Ltd. (HANTEX) Thiruvananthapuram

Department Commissions,Boards & Projects Universities Autonomous Bodies, Cultural and Other Institutions Autonomous Bodies, Cultural and Other Institutions Autonomous Bodies, Cultural and Other Institutions Autonomous Bodies, Cultural and Other Institutions Autonomous Bodies, Cultural and Other Institutions Autonomous Bodies, Cultural and Other Institutions Government Departments Government Departments Field Department Commissions,Boards & Projects Commissions,Boards & Projects Commissions,Boards & Projects Commissions,Boards & Projects Autonomous Bodies, Cultural and Other Institutions Autonomous Bodies, Cultural and Other Institutions Autonomous Bodies, Cultural and Other Institutions Autonomous Bodies, Cultural and Other Institutions Autonomous Bodies, Cultural and Other Institutions Autonomous Bodies, Cultural and Other Institutions Autonomous Bodies, Cultural and Other Institutions Cooperative Organisations Districts


Usability Compliance (%) 64% 64% 64% 64% 64% 64% 64% 64% 61% 61% 61% 61%

61% 61% 61% 61% 61% 61% 61% 61% 61% 61% 61% 61%


Name Local Self Government Department Agriculture Department Food and Civil Supplies Department Kerala Police Social Welfare Employment Services Kerala The Kerala State Human Rights Commission Kerala Khadi and Village Industries Board Center for Management Development Cyberpark Kerala IT @ School Project State Institute of Educational Technology KELTRON Kerala State Electricity Board Kerala State Industrial Development Corporation Kerala State Literacy Mission Government Engineering College, Kozhikkode Kannur University, Mangattuparamb Centre for Earth Science Studies (CESS) Thiruvananthapuram Co-operative Service Examination Board Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management Kerala State Chalachitra Academy Regional Cancer Centre Kerala State Cashew Workers Apex Industrial Co-operative Society Ltd. (CAPEX) Thrissur

Department LSGI Departments (Municipal Corporations) Government Departments Government Departments Government Departments Government Departments Field Department Commissions, Boards & Projects Commissions, Boards & Projects Commissions, Boards & Projects Commissions, Boards & Projects Commissions, Boards & Projects Commissions, Boards & Projects Commissions, Boards & Projects Commissions, Boards & Projects Commissions, Boards & Projects Commissions, Boards & Projects Government Colleges Universities Autonomous Bodies, Cultural and Other Institutions Autonomous Bodies, Cultural and Other Institutions Autonomous Bodies, Cultural and Other Institutions Autonomous Bodies, Cultural and Other Institutions Autonomous Bodies, Cultural and Other Institutions Cooperative Organisations

Website www.ksidc.or

Usability Compliance (%) 61% 58% 58% 58% 58% 58% 58% 58% 58% 58% 58% 58% 58% 58% 58% 58% 58% 58% 58% 58% 58% 58% 58% 58%




Name Wayanad Kollam Government of Kerala Offices Fisheries Department Pharmacy Department Election Department Land Revenue Department Medical Education Directorate Stores Purchase Department Archives Department Urban Affairs Department Koodalmanikyam Devaswom Agency for non-conventional energy and Rural Technology KELTRAC National Service Scheme Kerala State Legal Services Authority Calicut Medical College Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT) Kerala Agricultural University, Vellanikkara, Thrissur Centre for Continuing Education Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram Centre for Development studies, Thiruvananthapuram Centre for Heritage Studies, Ernakulam Model Finishing School Sophisticated Test and Instrument Centre State Council of Education Research and training (SCERT) Vizhinjam International Seaport Ltd.

Department Districts Districts Government Offices Thiruvananthpuram Government Departments Government Departments Government Departments Government Departments Government Departments Government Departments Field Department Field Department Commissions, Boards & Projects Commissions, Boards & Projects Commissions, Boards & Projects Commissions, Boards & Projects Commissions, Boards & Projects Government Colleges Universities Universities Autonomous Bodies, Cultural and Other Institutions Autonomous Bodies, Cultural and Other Institutions Autonomous Bodies, Cultural and Other Institutions Autonomous Bodies, Cultural and Other Institutions Autonomous Bodies, Cultural and Other Institutions Autonomous Bodies, Cultural and Other Institutions Autonomous Bodies, Cultural and Other Institutions

Website ome.htm http://www.calicutmedicalcollege.

Usability Compliance (%) 58% 58% 58% 55% 55% 55% 55% 55% 55% 55% 55% 55% 55% 55% 55% 55% 55% 55% 55% 55% 55% 55% 55% 55% 55% 55% 55%

Survey and Land Records Department Field Department


Name Rajiv Gandhi Aviation Academy Kerala State Handicrafts Appex Co-operative Society Ltd. Tourism Dept Kollam Kozhikode Corporation Thiruvananthapuram Development Authority General Education Department Science, Technology and Environment Department Revenue Department Collegiate Education Department Factories and Boilers Department Treasury Department Coconut Development Board Center for Research & Education for Social Transformation Information Kerala Mission Government Engineering College, Idukki Commissionerate of Entrance Examinations Supplyco Vastuvidya Gurukulam Kerala Institute Labour and Employment Kerala Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd. Kerala State Co-operative Agricultural and Rural Development Bank Ltd. Kerala Sate Homeapaethic Cooperative Pharmacy Limited Kasargod Kottayam Palakkad

Department Autonomous Bodies, Cultural and Other Institutions Cooperative Organisations Districts Districts Districts Government Departments Government Departments Government Departments Field Department Field Department Field Department Commissions,Boards & Projects Commissions,Boards & Projects Commissions,Boards & Projects Government Colleges Autonomous Bodies, Cultural and Other Institutions Autonomous Bodies, Cultural and Other Institutions Autonomous Bodies, Cultural and Other Institutions Autonomous Bodies, Cultural and Other Institutions Cooperative Organisations Cooperative Organisations Cooperative Organisations Districts Districts Districts Government Departments

Website http://www.collegiateedu.kerala.

Usability Compliance (%) 55% 55% 55% 55% 55% 52% 52% 52% 52% 52% 52% 52% 52% 52% 52% | 52% 52% 52% 52% 52% 52% 52% 52% 52% 52% 48% 48%


Health and Family Welfare Department Government Departments Industries and Commerce Department

Name Scheduled Tribe Development Department Vigilance Department Coir Development Directorate Ground Water Departmernt Sainik Welfare Department SSLC Examination Government of Kerala Kerala Public Service Commission Coir Board HACCP State Horticulture Kerala State Wakf Board Kerala Feeds Limited Kerala LiveStock Development Board Ltd Medical College, Thiruvananthapuram Kerala Press Academy State Institute of Rural Development (SIRD) Tropical Botanical Garden and Research Institute Cooperative Academy of Professional Education Kerala Government Idukki Kannur Kozhikode Corporation of Thiruvananthapuram Corporation of Cochin Planning and Economic Affairs Department Directorate of Ayurveda Medical Education Animal Husbandry Department

Department Government Departments Government Departments Field Department Field Department Field Department Field Department Commissions, Boards & Projects Commissions, Boards & Projects Commissions, Boards & Projects Commissions, Boards & Projects Commissions, Boards & Projects Commissions,Boards & Projects Commissions, Boards & Projects Government Colleges Autonomous Bodies, Cultural and Other Institutions Autonomous Bodies, Cultural and Other Institutions Autonomous Bodies, Cultural and Other Institutions Autonomous Bodies, Cultural and Other Institutions Districts Districts Districts LSGI Departments (Municipal Corporations) LSGI Departments (Municipal Corporations) Government Departments Government Departments Field Department

Website http://www.groundwater.kerala.

Usability Compliance (%) 48% 48% 48% 48% 48% 48% 48% 48% 48% 48% 48% 48% 48% 48% 48% 48% 48% 48% 48% 48% 48% 48% 48% 45% 45% 45%


Name Sports and Youth Affairs Directorate Vocational Higher Secondary Education Directorate Irrigation Design & Research Board Kerala State Mental State Authority

Department Field Department Field Department Commissions,Boards & Projects Commissions,Boards & Projects

Website http://www.medicalcouncil.kerala.

Usability Compliance (%) 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45%

Travancore Cochin Council of Medicine Commissions,Boards & Projects Kerala State Co-operative Marketing Federation Ltd. Government Engineering College, Barton Hill, Thiruvananthapuram Government Engineering College, Kannur Government Homeopathic Medical College, Thiruvananthapuram T.D. Medical College, Alappuzha Energy Management Centre Commissions,Boards & Projects Government Colleges Government Colleges Government Colleges Government Colleges Autonomous Bodies, Cultural and Other Institutions

Kerala University, Thiruvananthapuram Universities

Kerala Books and Publications Society Autonomous Bodies, Cultural and Other Institutions Kerala Institute of Tourism and Travel Studies (KITTS) Kerala Lokayukta Cooperative Institute of Technology Kerala Karshaka Sahakarana Federation Ltd. Kerala State Co-operative Federation for Fisheries Development Ltd. (MATSYAFED) Kerala state Co-operative Rubber Marketing Federation Ltd. Kerala State Rural Women's Electronics Industrial Co-operative Federation Ltd. Ernakulam Information and PR Department Kerala Commercial Taxes Department Autonomous Bodies, Cultural and Other Institutions Autonomous Bodies, Cultural and Other Institutions Autonomous Bodies, Cultural and Other Institutions Cooperative Organisations Cooperative Organisations

Cooperative Organisations Cooperative Organisations

45% 45%

Districts Government Departments Government Departments Field Department Field Department

45% 42% 42% 42% 42%


Port Department Kerala High Court

Name Kerala Legislature Kerala Sate Planning Board Public Sector Restructuring and Internal Audit Board State Resources Centre LBS Centre for Science and Technology NORKA ROOTS Centre Plaza National Institute of Fisheries (Govt of India) Kerala State Co-operative Coir Marketing Federation Ltd. Alappuzha Malappuram Higher Secondary Education Directorate Rural Development Commissionerate Kerala State Pollution Control Board Kerala Water Authority

Department Field Department Commissions,Boards & Projects Commissions,Boards & Projects Commissions,Boards & Projects Autonomous Bodies, Cultural and Other Institutions Autonomous Bodies, Cultural and Other Institutions Autonomous Bodies, Cultural and Other Institutions Cooperative Organisations Districts Districts Field Department Field Department Commissions,Boards & Projects Commissions,Boards & Projects

Website http://www.townplanning.kerala.

Usability Compliance (%) 42% 42% 42% 42% 42% 42% 42% 42% 42% 42% 39% 39% 39% 39% 39% 39% 39% 39% 36% 36% 36% 36% 36% 36% 33% 30% 30% 30%

Rajeev Gandhi Institute of Technology, Government Colleges Kottayam Institute of Human Resources Development (Regional Centre) Kerala Forest Research Institute Autonomous Bodies, Cultural and Other Institutions Autonomous Bodies, Cultural and Other Institutions Field Department Field Department Commissions,Boards & Projects Commissions,Boards & Projects Government Colleges Government Offices Thiruvananthpuram Government Departments Government Departments Field Department LSGI Departments (Municipal Corporations)

Greater Cochin Development Authority Districts Technical Education Department Town and Country Planning Department Kerala State Electricity Regulatory Commission State Election Commission, Kerala College of Engineering, Thiruvananthapuram Office of Chief Engineer Lsg Kerala Museum and Zoo Schedule Tribe Development Harbour Engineering Department Corporation of Thrissur


About Webchutneys dotGov Division

Webchutneys dotGov division is committed to partner with Central, state and local governments in India to provide convenient, citizen oriented and cost effective public services through electronic media. Our goal is to enable the Indian government and public bodies make optimal use of the digital medium to deliver information and services to the citizens. Webchutney has been ranked the Number 1 Digital Services Company in India, two years in a row by Economic Times (Dec 2008, 2009). Our offices are in New Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore. We work closely with Fortune 500 and Blue Chip Indian companies in implementing their digital strategies and solutions.

We provide a wide array of consulting services ranging from strategic planning and change enablement to technology assessment and portal implementation. For more information, log onto

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