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Unit Title: People in Action Unit Question: How can movement be shown in visual form? Teacher: Mirjam Blaser Class: MYP4
Which particular area of the AoI sets the context of learning

Stage 1

Time frame: 8 weeks Significant concepts:

AOI focus questions:

What we want students to remember for the years to come

Movement can be shown in various ways in art. Movement follows certain rules.

Specific Objectives:
Objectives which are addressed in, and pertinent to, this unit

Assessment Task(s) and Criteria:

What constitutes acceptable evidence of understanding? How will students show what they have understood?

Learner Profile Qualities:

Aspect(s) of the learner profile the unit will help develop

To use a variety of methods and techniques to show movement (based on Muybridge, Delaunay, Nolde and Duchamps example.) To reflect on the work of others, identifying pieces which show movement effectively, and explaining why. To select and record from firsthand observation. To adapt the working methods of artists and photographers for their own purposes. To visualise, demonstrate and record a sequence of action.

Complete final pieces, showing

the ability to make an interesting composition. B Use subject specific vocabulary in class discussions. A Analyze how elements and properties of design have been used by various artists to portray a movement. A Document each stage of the process in the Developmental Workbook, writing a full explanation and evaluation B C Engage fully in the project. D Review, adapt and develop their work as it progresses. B C

Knowledgeable: Students will learn which parts of a body move during an action sequence. They will know how to record and portray movement.

Unit Planner
Stage 2

Knowledge and/or skills used to develop the significant concepts of stage 1 and to enable the student to answer the unit question

Teaching strategies and learning experiences:

Prior knowledge, how to monitor and support learning throughout the unit, formative assessment, learning styles, differentiation, mother tongue issues


Improving observational skills. Explore ideas about movement; collect visual and other information on how to communicate movement in visual form. Investigate a range of materials and processes and combine and organise line, tone, shape and colour to represent figures and forms in movement. Compare comment on ideas, methods and approaches used in their own and others work, relating these to the context of the work. Adapt and improve their work to realise their intentions.

Group introduction and instruction in English, reinforced with French. Initial task sheet. Demonstration Individual support and instruction. Group discussion. Peer feedback. Written and verbal evaluation. (Written in English, verbal may be in French) Formative and summative assessment.

DWBs A3 paper Gouache Pencils Pastels Willow chalk PP presentation on movement eg Eadweard Muybridge advertisements, images of athletes from ancient Greece, the work of expressionists, the work of futurists, such as Unique forms of continuity in space and The dynamism of a footballer by Boccioni; Wildly dancing children by Nolde; The Cardiff team by Robert Delaunay; The three dancers by Picasso muybridge/ http://www.understandingduchamp.c om/ Photographs and magazine cuttings of people in action

Unit Planner
Development of subject-specific and general ATL skills

Organisation: Be able to independently organise drawing and painting materials for each class session of the Unit. Collaboration: Through experimentation, be able to identify and resolve problems of the depiction of movement to produce a final piece. Communication: Participate in class discussions on paintings and photographs. Information literacy: Use both books and the internet to research artists depicting movement. Reflection: Evaluate their work process and document feedback clearly in DWBs. Transfer: Show clearly that the understanding of the learned theory has lead to a successful final piece.

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