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Mohammad Hidir & Rahmawati 2011 1

2 categories:

ASHABUL FURUDH (Quranic heirs) ) (

Has 12:
1. Husband (H)
2. Wife (W)
3. Father (F)

Primary heirs

4. Mother (M)
5. Daughter (D)
6. Fathers father / Grandfather (FF) x get if has F
7. Fathers mother / Grandmother (FM) x get if has M

Substitute heirs

8. Sons daughter / Granddaughter (SD) get if has only 1 D

9. Germane sister (GS)
10. Consanguine sister (CS)
11. Uterine brother (UB)
12. Uterine sister (US)


Secondary heirs
- will only inherit in the absence of F / S / SS
(male agnetic deceased how-low so ever)

ASABAT (Residuary) ) (
2 classifications:
1) ASABAT SABABIYAH (by cause) ) (
- master of freed slave

Mohammad Hidir & Rahmawati 2011 2


2) ASABAT NASABIYAH (by blood tie) )(

- 3 categories:
a) BINNAFS (by their own rights) ) (
b) BILGHAIRI (through / because of another) )(
c) MAALGHAIRI (in accompany of another))(

a) BINNAFS (by their own rights)) (

- male relatives / male agnetics of deceased.
- take whole / balance by refer list of priority based on Al-Jabaris

Take whole in absence of Quranic heirs.

Take balance in presence of Quranic heirs.

3 rules:
a) Rule of class
b) Rule of degree blood tie
c) Rule of strength of blood tie

Has 12:
1. Son (S)


2. Agnetic sons son / grandson (SS)

3. Father (F)


4. Agnetic fathers father / grandfather (FF)

5. Germane brother (GB)
6. Consanguine brother (CB)
7. Germane brothers son how-low so
8. Consanguine brothers son how-low
so ever (CBS)


Mohammad Hidir & Rahmawati 2011 3


9. Fathers GB
10. Fathers CB


11. Fathers GBs son how-low so ever

12. Fathers CBs son how-low so ever
- In Quran, take fix portion, but in presence another male,
take whole / balance same as male portion in ratio 2:1.
- 4 female Quranic heirs:
1. Daughter (D) in presence of son (S)
2. Sons daughter (SD) in presence of sons son
3. Germane sister (GS) in presence of germane
brother (GB)
4. Consanguine sister (CS) in presence of
consanguine brother(CB)
-take balance only if:

In presence female descendant (i.e: D, SD how-low so


In absence male descendant (i.e: F, S, GB and so on)

-Has 2:
1. Germane sister (GS)
2. Consanguine sister (CS)
3) ZAWUL ARHAM (Distant kindred) )(
- will get under wasiat.
- i.e: daughters daughter (DD), daughters son (DS), female cousin,
aunties, mothers father (MF- false grandfather) and so on.

Mohammad Hidir & Rahmawati 2011 4


)1). HUSBAND (4:12
( )
( )

1/2 : no S / D

1/4 : with S / D

)2). WIFE (4:12

( )
( )

1/4 : no S / D

1/8 : with S / D

)3). FATHER (4:11

R : no S / D

( )1/6:with S alone / with S & D

1/6 + R : with D only & no S

( )

( )

)4). MOTHER (4:11

1/3 : no S / D / 2@more GB / GS / CB / CS / UB / US

( )
1/6 : with S / D / 2@more GB / GS / CB / CS / UB / US

( )
( )
1/3 of balance : in case there is only F, M, H@W ( based on Omars
) practise

Mohammad Hidir & Rahmawati 2011 5


5). SON (4:11)

R : no D

R : with D in ratio 2:1


6). DAUGHTER (4:11)

1/2 : alone and no S

R : with S in ratio 2:1

2/3 : more than 1 D, no S


7). SONS DAUGHTER (SD) (4:11)

1/2 : alone and no S / D / SS

R : with SS, no S / D - in ratio 2:1

2/3 : more than 1 SD, no S, D, SS

1/6 : with 1 D only, no S / SS (not get anything if D more than 1)


8). GERMANE SISTER (GS) (4:176)

1/2 : alone and no S / SS / F / FF / GB


2/3 : more than 1 GS, no S / SS / F / FF /GB


R : with GB, no S / F, with ratio 2:1


R : with D, no S / SS / F / FF / GB ( practise of Prophet )

R : with SD but no D / S / SS / F / FF / GB ( practise of Prophet )

Mohammad Hidir & Rahmawati 2011 6



1/2 : alone and no S / SS / D / F / GB / GS / CB


2/3 : more than 1 CS, but no S / SS / D / F / GB / GS / CB


1/6 : if 1@more CS, with 1 GS, but no S / SS / D / SD / F / GB / 2 GS /


R : with 1 D @ more than 1 D , but no S / SS / F / SD / GB / GS / CB

(practise of Prophet)

R : with 1 SD @ more than 1 SD, but no S / SS / F / D / GB / GS / CB

(practise of Prophet)


1/6 : if only 1 US / 1 UB, but no S / SS how-low so ever / F / FF / D / SD

how-low so ever / GB / UB

1/3 : if 2@more UB / US, but no S / SS how-low so ever / F / FF / D / SD

how-low so ever / GB / UB not apply ratio 2:1. UB & US get same.

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