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MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF DELHI (HEALTH DEPARTMENT) Office of Addl. Mpl.Health.Officer. (Med.), Room No. 50-51, Town Hall, Delhi-110006. Phone No. 23977045, Telefax No. 23832314 No. Addl. MHO (M)/2007/1352 Dated: 14.08.2007. CIRCULAR Subject: Facility to Municipal Pensioners &Family Pensioners Health Scheme. Introduction - Revised Medical Facilities for Municipal Employees members of Medical Municipal Corporation of Delhi is providing medical facilities to its employees and pensioners / family pensioners in accordance with approved medical scheme under Central Government Health Scheme & Delhi Government Employees Health Scheme. Municipal Corporation has been adopting amendments made in these schemes from time to time, to suit the needs of Municipal Employees and Pensioners/ Family Pensioners. Municipal Corporation of Delhi being an autonomous body, it was felt that certain amendments / modifications can be made in the existing scheme which is best suited for the welfare of Municipal Employees / Pensioners/ Family Pensioners. Delhi / NCR is a large metropolis and has its own problems. Most of the beneficiaries are residents of Delhi / NCR. An employee after retirement needs more of medical attention, therefore expenditure incurred on treatment of self and his/her dependents is more. With meager and dwindling resources, it makes the lives of such pensioners/family pensioner miserable. Similarly certain essential amendments regarding medical scheme for C & D category of employees was long over due. Hence Corporation vide its resolution No.865 dated 26.2.2007 has approved this revised scheme. The salient features of the scheme are enumerated below: The Scheme: Following representations from retiring and retired employees it was considered that the

following amendments be made in the existing facilities / scheme to make it best suited for Municipal Employees & members of the scheme Medical facility to Municipal Pensioners/Family Pensioners. Municipal Pensioners/Family Pensioners who do not opt the scheme are entitled to draw a medical allowance as is applicable. Once a pensioner/family pensioner opt the scheme, he / she shall not be entitled to draw the medical allowance. Neither he / she can opt out of the scheme at a later date. 1. Credit facility indicates the medical facility extended by private recognized hospitals to the beneficiaries without charging. The bills raised towards treatment of the beneficiary shall be claimed by the hospital directly from Municipal Corporation of Delhi. Therefore the beneficiary will have the privilege to undergo necessary treatment through a cashless transaction. In the earlier scheme no credit facility was being provided by the recognized hospital to the beneficiary. With rising cost of treatment, the pensioners / family pensioners are constrained to receive quality treatment even in recognized hospitals, as they have limited resources and being senior citizens are unable to pursue their medical reimbursement claims. Hence it was felt: pensioners and their dependents entered into agreement for providing such facility. List of hospitals is annexed as Annexure A. Credit facility:Credit facility will be extended only to Municipal Pensioners / Familyin recognized Private hospitals that have Municipal employees can draw advance for major treatments as per CS (MA) Rules. Credit facility will not be extended to serving Municipal Employees. Serving However, all charges reimbursed / extended through credit facility will be strictly as per prevailing CGHS approved rates.The agreement on credit facility shall pertain to only private recognized hospitals and not diagnostic centres. 2. All members of the scheme Medical facilities to Municipal Pensioners/Family Pensioners are issued valid identity cards, which shall clearly depict: Identity Card.Name, designation and department from where retired. members, duly attested by the D.D.O.

Photograph of the pensioner/ family pensioner along with dependent family Serial Number of the Identity Card. P.P.O No. Signature / Thumb impression of the Pensioner/Family Pensioner.Last Basic Pay drawn.Name of the allotted medical center.G.8 receipt No. & date vide which membership contribution was deposited.An employee or municipal pensioner / dependents shall be presenting himself or herself at recognized Private hospital with valid Identity Card along with referral slip for treatment, which shall be mandatory except in case of emergency. Details of dependants. 3 . R eferral Members of the scheme Medical facilities to Municipal Pensioners/ Family Pensioners recognized hospital should have been referred by authorized medical attendant which will include concerned M.O. / C.M.O. Incharge of allotted medical center, concerned CAMO/ Addl. MHO (M) and specialists of concerned speciality of major hospitals of MCD in format, along with signature, name and seal (Annexure D) / specialist.In cases of major hospitals of M.C.D., Addl M.S. / Nodal Officer deputed by concerned M.S., shall monitor all cases requiring specialized treatment, who are referred to any private recognized hospital. The institution shall maintain centralized record of cases referred along with details and number. In case of serving employees referral when necessary shall be made by authorized medical attendant which includes medical officer of any municipal or other govt. allopathic dispensary / hospital. Medical Officers of the concerned discipline shall refer patients, if necessary, for treatment in institutions under ISM / Naturopathy. An employee / municipal pensioner/family pensioner or their dependent shall only be extended medical facilities in recognized private hospitals as per CGHS approved rates, only if they have been referred, except in cases of emergency. In case of emergency, the beneficiary under the scheme Medical facilities to Municipal Pensioners/family pensioners will get a referral / authorization from concerned M.O.I/c / MS or concerned CAMO/Addl.MHO (M) within two working days. 4 . E mergency treatment and their dependents when present themselves for treatment in any privatea prescribedof the referring medical officer In case of emergencies as detailed below, a beneficiary can avail treatment from any private recognized hospital without prior referral: (a) Acute Coronary Syndromes (Coronary Artery By-pass Graft/ Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty) including Myocardial Infarction, Unstable Angina, Ventricular Arrhythmias, Paroxysmal Supra Ventricular Tachycardia, Myocarditis, Cardiac Tamponade, Acute Left ventricular Failure/Severe Congestive Cardiac Failure, Accelerated Hypertension, Hypertensive emergencies, Complete Heart Block and Strokes Adam attack, Acute Aortic dissection. (b) Acute Limb Ischemia, Rupture of Aneurysm, Medical and Surgical shock and peripheral circulatory failure. (c) Cerebrovascular Attack-Strokes, Sudden Unconsciousness, Head injury, Respiratoryfailure decompensated lung disease, Cerebro Meningeal Infections, Convulsions,Acute Paralysis, Acute Visual loss. (d) Respiratory failure, decompensated lung disease, Pneumothorax, Haemothorax. (e) Acute Abdomen: - Hepatitis, Amoebic liver abscess, obstructive jaundice, Biliarycolic, Acute cholecystitis/choledochocystitis, Acute pancreatitis, Pancreatic abscess,Acute apenditicitis, Acute intestinal colitis, Acute gastritis, Peptic ulcer, Perforative peritonitis, Renal Calculus, PUJ Obstruction, Pyonephrosis, Pyelonephritis, Ureteric calculus, Acute or Subacute intestinal obstruction, Obstructed Hernia, Enteritis, Tubercular Abdomen, Mesenteric lymphadenitis, Diverticulitis and any other miscellaneous acute conditions. (f) Road traffic Accidents, Head injuries, with injuries including fall, other injuries,electrocution, drowning, fractures etc. (g) Dengue Fever (complicated), Chickengunia.

(h) Acute poisoning, snakebite. (i) Acute Renal Failure. (j) Acute abdomen in female including acute Obstetrical and Gynecologicalemergencies. (k) Heat Stroke / exhaustion. (l) Any other life threatening emergent condition which is not covered above. 5 . R ecognized private medical centres / hospitals However, all charges reimbursed / or claimed through credit facility shall bestrictly as per prevailing CGHS rates. The list of Private hospitals which have entered into an agreement with MCD / diagnostic centres which have submitted necessary undertaking to extend facilities to municipal beneficiaries are annexed as Annexure A & B respectively. Further clarifications regarding private recognized hospitals / diagnostic centres are as under: 1.(a) Package Rate shall mean and include lump sum cost of inpatient treatment / day care / diagnostic procedure for which a Municipal beneficiary has been permitted by the competent authority or for treatment under emergency from the time of admission to the time of discharge including (but not limited to) (i) Registration charges, (ii) Admission charges, (iii) Accommodation charges (vii) Doctor / consultant visit charges, (viii) ICU / ICCU charges, (ix) Monitoring charges, (x) Transfusion charges, (xi) Anesthesiacharges, (xii) Operation theatre charges, (xiii) Procedural charges / surgeons fee,(iv) Operation charges, (v) Injection charges, (vi)per-se, does not require admission.same for all categories)Treatment of Cancer in r/o Municipal beneficiaries: - In view of the hardships 3. Dharmshila Cancer Hospital &Research Centre, Dharmshila Marg, Vashndhara Enclave, Delhi Cancer Diagnosis, Chemotherapy,Radiotherapy, Palliative care &general diagnosis purpose. 4. Rajiv Gandhi Cancer & Research Institute, Sector-5, Rohini, Delhi Cancer Diagnosis, Chemotherapy& Radiotherapy. As the above mentioned hospitals are presently not on the list of CGH empanelled hospitals, these hospitals may not extend credit facilities to pensioners and hence the beneficiaries may have to claim reimbursement at the rates notified in 2001 or actual or whichever is lower, after getting themselves treated at the hospitals. (xiv) Cost of surgical disposables and all sundries used during hospitalization, (xv) Cost of medicines, (xvi) Related routine and essential investigations, (xvii) Physiotherapy charges etc. (xviii) Nursing care and charges for its services. (b) Cost of Implants is reimbursable in addition to package rates as per CGHSceiling rates for implants or as per actual, in case there is no CGHS prescribedceiling rates. (c) Treatment charges for newborn baby are separately reimbursable inaddition to delivery charges for mother. 4. Hospitals / diagnostic centers empanelled under MCD shall not charge more thanthe prevailing CGHS Delhi package rates/ rates.

(e) Expenses on toiletries, cosmetics, telephone bills etc, are not reimbursable andare not included in package rates. 5. Package rates envisage duration of indoor treatment as follows: Upto 12 days: for Specialized (Super Specialities) treatment Upto 7 days: for other Major Surgeries Upto 3 days: for Laproscopic surgeries/ normal Deliveries 1 day: for day care / Minor (OPD) surgeries. No additional charge on account of extended period of stay shall be allowed if thatextension is due to infection on the consequences of surgical procedure or due toany improper procedure and is not justified. In case, there are no CGHS prescribed rates for any test/procedure, then AIIMS rates are applicable. If there are no AIIMS rates, then reimbursement is to be arrived at by calculating admissible amount item-wise (e.g. room rent, investigations, cost of medicines, procedure charges etc) as per approved rates/ actual, in case of investigations. 3. a) Municipal beneficiaries are entitled to facilities of private, semiprivate or general ward depending on their basic pay / pension as per existing policy. b) The package rates given in rate list are for semi-private ward. 6. The package rates prescribed are for semi-private ward. If the beneficiary is entitled for general ward there will be a decrease of 10% in the rates; for private ward entitlement there will be an increase of 15%. However, the rates shall be same for investigation irrespective of entitlement, whether the patient is admitted or not and the test, 7. A hospital / diagnostic centre empanelled under MCD, whose rates for treatment procedure / test are lower than the CGHS prescribed rates shall charge as per actual. 8. a) The maximum room rent for different categories would be: General ward Rs.500/- per day Semi-Private ward Rs.1000/- per day Private ward Rs.1500/- per day Day Care (6-8 Hrs.) Rs.500/9. Room rent is applicable only for treatment procedures for which there is noCGHS prescribed package rate. Room rent will include charges for occupation of Bed, diet for the patient,charges for water and electricity supply, linen charges, nursing charges and routine up keeping, c) During the treatment in ICCU/ICU, no separate room rent will be admissible. d) Private ward is defined as a hospital room where single patient is accommodated and which has an attached toilet (lavatory and bath. The room should have furnishings like wardrobe, dressing table, bedside table, sofa set, etc. as well as a bed for attendant. The room has to be air-conditioned. e) Semi Private ward is defined as a hospital room where two to three patients are accommodated and which has attached toilet facilities and necessary furnishings.

f) General ward is defined as halls that accommodate four to ten patients. g) Normally the treatment in higher Category of accommodation than the entitled category is not permissible. However, in case of an emergency when the entitled category accommodation is not available, admission in the immediate higher category may be allowed till the entitled category accommodation becomes available. However, if a particular hospital does not have the ward as per entitlement of beneficiary, then the hospital can only bill as per entitlement of the beneficiary even though the treatment was given in higher type of ward. If, on the request of the beneficiary, treatment is provided in a higher category of ward, then the expenditure over and above entitlement will have to be borne by the beneficiary. 6. In case of non-emergencies, the beneficiary shall have the option of availing specific treatment / investigation from any of the empanelled hospitals/ diagnostic centre of his/her choice (provided the hospital / diagnostic centre is empanelled for that treatment procedure/ test), after the specific treatment/investigation has been advised by concerned authority, as detailed earlier. 7. The empanelled hospitals/ diagnostic centers shall honor permission / referral issued by competent authority as detailed above and provide treatment / investigation facilities as specified in the permission/referral. 8. During the In-patient treatment of the Municipal beneficiary, the Hospital will not ask the beneficiary or his attendant to purchase separately the medicines / sundries / equipment or accessories from outside and will provide the treatment within the package rate, fixed by the CGHS which includes the cost of all the items. 9. In case of treatment taken in emergency in any un-empanelled private hospitals, reimbursement shall be considered by competent authority at CGHS prescribed Packages/ rates only. 10. If one or more minor procedures form part of a Major treatment procedure, then package charges would be permissible for Major procedure and only 50% of charges for minor procedure. 11. This will supercede all earlier orders relating to empanelment of Hospitals and diagnostic centers for specialized and General-purpose treatment and investigations for Municipal beneficiaries. 12. faced by beneficiaries under going treatment for cancer (both fresh and old cases) , pending a final decision on the application for empanelment in respect of the following hospitals is continued for a period of six months w.e.f. 2.4.2007 for the facilities / procedures for which they were empanelled under CGHS during 2001. This is in accordance with the MOHFW, GOI OM No.04/JD (Gr.)/CGHSI Delhi/CGHS (P) dated 2.4.2007. The Hospitals are: Sl.No. 1. NewDelhi Radiotherapy Name of the Hospital Empanelled for Indraprashtha Apollo Hospital,Sarita Vihar, Mathura Road,

2. Batra Hospital & Medical ResearchCentre, 1 Tuglakabad Institutional Area, NewDelhi Chemotherapy & Radiotherapy 13.The revised CGHS package rates in respect to municipal beneficiaries will be effective from the date of issue of this circular In the existing medical reimbursement facility for serving employees of category C &D, reimbursement is allowed only for 34 specific disease conditions as contained in the circular No.D/756/ADC (H)/87 dated 21.07.1987 as approved vide Corporation Resolution No.29 dated 28.04.1986. The employees under these categories are entitled to monthly medical allowance. In the revised facility, options can be exercised in a prescribed format (copy annexed as Annexure C by an employee of C & D category whether he / she wishes to join the scheme. In the event of a municipal employee of C & D Category, exercises option to avail this facility, he/she shall be eligible to avail medical reimbursement facility as applicable to officers of A & B category. However, he / she shall have to 1 2. O ther Terms & Conditions. .E mployees of C & D category. forego medical allowance effect.payable to him / her. All facilities shall be from

prospective The other terms & conditions as contained in the existing medical reimbursement facility for municipal employees & members of the scheme Medical Facility to Municipal Pensioners/Family Pensioners shall continue to be the same. Sd/Addl. M.H.O. (Med.) Copy to: (Dr. U. C. Tyagi) 1. Secy. to Commissioner, for information of the Commissioner. 2. All Addl. Commissioners. 3. Director Hospital Administration. 4. Municipal Health Officer. 5. Mpl. Secretary. 6. All Dy. Commissioners. 7. All Head of Deptts. 8. All Addl. Dy. Commissioners/Asstt. Commissioners. 9. All Addl. M.H.Os/Dy.MHOs/CAMOs/DHOs. 10. All Medical Superintendents of Major Hospitals. 11. All RMS of Colony Hospital and Polyclinics. 12. All DCAs/ACAs through ACA/F&G. 13. MO I/c of PHCs/Dispensaries. 14. Guard File/Office copy. Copy forwarded for favour of information to: 1. Honble Mayor 2. Honble Deputy Mayor. 3. Honble Chairman, Standing Committee. 4. Honble Leader of House. 5. Honble Leader of Opposition. 6. Honble Chairman, MRPH Committee. 8

Annexure-A List of recognized private hospitals for MCD beneficiaries Sl. No. 1. Escorts Heart Institute & Research Centre Ltd., Okhla Road, New Delhi Specialised Cardiological services including cardio-thoracic surgery and diagnostic purposes (laboratory, MRI, CT scan, USG, ColourDoppler, Xray). 2. specialised purpose for joint replacement. 3. purpose Jeewan Mala Hospital Pvt. Ltd., New Rohtak Road, New Delhi-5 General and Laproscopic surgery, Lithotripsy, TURP, IOL and

Jeewan Nursing Home and Hospital, 2-B, Pusa Road, New Delhi. General

4. Kalra Hospital, A-5&6, Kirti Nagar, Main Najafgarh Road, New Delhi General and specialised purpose forCardiological investigation, cardio-thoracic surgery, Haemodialysis, Lithotripsy, TURP, Laproscopi surgery, IOL implant and Joint replacement. 5. Kukreja Hospital & Heart Centre, C- 1, Vishal Enclave, Rajouri Garden, New Delhi General & specialized purpose - Laproscopic and endoscopic surgery. 6. M.G.S. Hospital, Rohtak Road, West Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi For all specialities. 7. purposes. 8. 9. Depot) New Delhi General Metro Heart Institute, Sector 12, Noida Cardiology, CTVS, & respiratory

Metro Multi Specialty Hospital, Sector-11, Noida General purpose. Park Hospital, 12, Chowkandi, Outer Ring Road, West Delhi (Near Keshavpur purpose.

10. Prakash Hospital, T-12, 12-A, 12-B,Sector-33, Noida. General and specialised purpose for Laproscopic surgery, Lithotripsy, TURP, IOL, Joint replacement 11. purposes forLaproscopic Surya Hospital, 383/11C, East Azad Nagar, New Delhi-51 General and specialised surgery.

12. Vinayak Hospital, NH-1, Sector-27,Atta, Noida General and specialised purpose for Laproscopic surgery, IOL and Joint replacement 13. Yashoda Hospital and Research Centre, III-M, Nehru Nagar, & H-1, Kaushambi, Ghaziabad General and Specialised purpose for laparoscopic surgery, IOL implant and joint replacement. Diagnostic services in laboratory medicine and imaging (Mammography,USG/Colour Doppler). 14. Kailash Hospital & Research Centre Ltd., H-33, Sector 27, NOIDA 201301. General and specialised services includingcardiology (invasive & non invasive) services, cardiothracic surgery and cardiac surgery and diagnostic services) 15. Delhi Heart & Lung Institute, 3MM II, Panchkuian Road, New Delhi 110 055Cardiology & Cardiothoracic Vascular Surgery. 16. R.L.K.C Hospital & Heart Institute (A unit of R. L. Khera Charitable Trust) Pandav Nagar, Naraina Road, Near Shadipur Depot, New Delhi Cardiology & Cardiothoracic

Vascular Surgery. 17. National Heart Institute, 49,Community Centre, East of Kailash,New Delhi Cardiology & Cardiovascular Surgery 18. Ridge Heart Centre, Sunder Lal JainHospital, Ashok Vihar -3, Delhi 52 Cardiology & Cardiothoracic Vascular Surgery. 19. purpose. Sri Balaji Action Medical Institute, A-4, Paschim Vihar, DelhiGeneral & specialized

20. Narinder Mohan Hospital & Heart Centre, Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad- 201007 For Cardiology, Cardiothrocic surgery,medicines, surgery, Obs. & Gynae, Paediatric, Ophthalmology, Nephrology, Skin & VD, Neuro psychiatry , pulmunology, Gastro enterology, urology, neurology, neuro surgery, plastic surgery, ENT, Dental, Orthopaedic , oncology, memology. 21. Metro Hospital & Heart Institute, 14, Ring Road, Lajpat Nagar, NewDelhi Cardiology & Cardiovascular Surgery. 22. Shri Ram Singh Hospital and Heart Institute, B 25- 26&26A, East Krishna Nagar, New Delhi 51. General Purpose including Laparoscopic Surgery & Lithotripsy. 23. Diagnostic 24. Tirath Ram Shah Charitable Hospital, Rajpur Road, Delhi 54.General purpose &

Jaipur Golden Hospital, Sec 2, Rohini, Delhi 85Cardiology & Cardiothoracic surgery.

25. Saroj Hospital and Heart Institute Instt.Area, Madhuban Chowk, Rohini, Delhi 85 General and Specialized, Cardiology &Cardiothoracic Surgery. 26. RG Stone Urological Research Institute, East of Kailash, New Delhi-65. Lithotripsy, endourology, laproscopic surgery and holmiology laser surgery. 27. Fortis Hospital B-22, Sector 62,Noida 201301 UP Cardiology, Cardiothoracic surgery, Joint replacement (TKR, THR only and renal transplantation). 28. Metro Hospital & Cancer Institute, 21, Community Centre, Preet Vihar,Delhi. Cardiac, Cancer & general purpose. 29. Sumitra Hospital, A 119 A Sector 35 Noida. General purpose and specialised purpose (Neurosurgery, orthopaedics includingarthroscopic surgery and joint replacement endoscopic and laproecopic surgery, Gastroenterology & SI surgery, paediattrics and paediatrics surgery, ENT and ophthalmology. 30 Dr. Pattanik laser Eye Institute, C-2, Lajpat Nagar, New Delhi-110024 Cataract/ Glaucoma, Retinal Medical & Vitreoretinalsurgery, Strabismus, Occuloplasty and Adnexa and other specialised treatment. 31. Shree Jeewan Hospital, 67/1 New Rohtak Road, New Delhi Glaucoma and Strabismus.

32. Mohan Eye Institute, 11B Ganga Ram Hospital Marg, Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi110060 Ophthalmology. 33. Delhi-110087. Chaudhary Eye Centre and Laser Vision, 4802 Bharat Ram Road, 24, Darya Ganj, New Ophthalmology.

34. ICARE Eye Hospital & Post Graduate Institute, E-3A, Sector 26 Noida. Cataract / Glaucoma, Retinal- medical/ vitreoretinalsurgery, strabismus, Occuloplasty and Adnexa

and other specialised treatment. 35. New Delhi 110017 Venue Eye Institute & Research Centre, 1/31, Sekh Sarai, Institutional Area, Phase-II, Ophthalmology.

Name of the Hospital Empanelled for Annexure-B A. List of Private Recognized Diagnostic Centers for municipal beneficiaries Sl.No. 1. services 2. CT scan, USG/Colour mammography. 3. CT scan, mammography, 4. services and Cardiological TMT, Holter and PFT). Name of the Diagnostic Centre Empanelled for Chetnas Pathlab, M-26, Basement, Chitranjan Park, New Delhi Laboratory

City X ray and scan clinic (P) Ltd., Tilak Nagar, New Delhi Laboratory services, Doppler, MRI, Bone Densitometry, ECG, TMT, X-ray and

City X ray and scan clinic (P) Ltd., Vikas Puri, New Delhi Laboratory services, USG/Colour Doppler and X-Ray. Delhi Heart Hospital, 176, Jagriti Enclave, Vikas Marg Extn., Delhi Laboratory investigation (colour Doppler, echo cardiography,

5. Delhi Institute for FunctionalImaging, K-16, South Ex., Part I,New Delhi Diagnostic centre for nuclear medicine 6. Center, Safdarjang 7. Densitometry, USG / Colour 8. Delhi Laboratory services Delhi MRI and CT scan Centre, Aashlok Hospital, 25-A, Block AB, Community Enclave, New Delhi CT scan and Ultrsonography only. Delhi MRI Scan Centre, M-2, Hauz Khas, New Delhi MRI, X-ray, Bone Doppler. Dr. A Lal Chandani PathologyLaboratories, J-36, Lajpat Nagar-II, New

9. Dr. Anand Imaging & Neurological Research Centre, G-14, Preet Vihar, Vikas Marg, Delhi 92 Imaging services including MRI, CT scan, Ultrsonography / Colour Doppler, X ray and mammography. . 10. services only. 11 New Delhi. X-ray, 12. Sector-VIII, Rohini, Dr. Handa X-ray & Imaging Centre, B-87, Defence Colony, New Delhi USG

Dr. M.L Aggarwal X-Ray & Ultrasound Clinic, A-1/150, Safdarjang Enclave, Ultrasonography and colour Doppler imaging services Dr. Mittal Diagnostic centre, Madhuban Chowk, Main Outer Ring Road, 611/C-8, DelhiLaboratory services, USG/Colour Doppler and X-ray.

13.. Dr. P. Bhasin Path Labs (P) Ltd., S-13, Greater Kailash, Part-I, New Delhi Diagnostic procedures in Laboratory services 14. Mammography, USG/Colour 15. Dr. S.S. Doda's Ultrasound Centre, 23-B, Pusa Road, New Delhi, Delhi CT, Doppler, Xray. Dr. Savita Jain's Arun Imaging Centre, D-29, Vivek Vihar, Delhi Diagnostic

centre for USG / colour XRay, ECG, TMT and Holter

Doppler,Echo mammography, Bone densitometry,

16. Final Diagnosis Centre, C-1/2, Sector-31, Noida. Laboratory services, Ultrasonography and Mammography. 17. 18. Colour Doppler, CT scan, 19. New Delhi Diagnostic 20. Rohini, New Delhi Doppler and X-ray. First Dwarka Lab, 185, Sector-6, Pocket-I, Dwarka, New Delhi Laboratory services Focus Imaging and Research Centre, C-10, Green Park Extn., New Delhi USG / Mammography, Bone densitometry and X-ray Focus Imaging and Research Centre, 47/1-2, Yusuf Sarai Market, Aurobindo Marg, services in MRI Ganesh Diagnostic and Imaging Centre Pvt. Ltd., Pocket-A-1, Plot No.109, Sector-8, Laboratory services and Imaging- MRI, CT scan, USG/Colour

21 GMR Institute of Imaging Research, A-13, Green Park Main, Aurbindo Marg, New Delhi MRI, CT scan, USG / Colour Doppler, X-ray, Bone densitometry and Mammography. 22 services and imaging Goyal MRI and Diagnostic Centre, B-1/12, Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi Laboratory services in MRI and USG/ Colour Doppler.

23. Green Park Diagnostics, (1st Floor), G-43, Green Park, Main Market, New Delhi Laboratory services 24. centre for USG / colour 25. imaging viz CT 26. Biochemistry. India IVF Centre and Research Institute, 17-A, Lajpat Nagar-IV, New Delhi Diagnostic Doppler,ECG, TMT and Holter. Janta X-ray and Clinical Lab, WZ-4, Raja Garden, DelhiLaboratory services and scan,mammography, USG/ Colour Doppler. JDAR Pathology Lab, 2/6, ShantiNiketan, New Delhi Clinical pathology and Clinical

27. Krystal Scan and DiagnosticCentre, 1, Paschimi Enclave,Rohtak Road, Peeragarhi Crossing,New Delhi.Laboratory services, MRI, CT scan, USG and X-ray. 28. Life Line Laboratory, H-11, Green Park Extention, New Delhi Laboratory services

29. M/S Janta Diagnostic Centre, 12/404, Sunder Vihar, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi Laboratory services, CT, mammography,USG/Colour Doppler, ECG, ECHO 30. USG/Colour Doppler, Mahajan Imaging Centre, K-18, Hauz Khas Enclave, New Delhi MRI, CT scan, mammography, X-ray and Bone Densitometry.

31. Mahajan Nuclear Medicine and Bone Densitometry (Sir Ganga Ram Hospital), Delhi Diagnostic Imaging Services (Bonedensitometry and nuclear medicine) 32 services, CT scan, Modern Diagnostic & Research Center, 363/4, New Railway Road, Gurgaon Laboratory mammography, colour Doppler / USG, X-ray and Bone densitometry

33 National CT Scan & DiagnosticCentre, 17, NWA, Club Road,Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi Laboratory services, USG, Bone densitometry,X-ray and CT scan. 34 NMC Imaging Centre (VIMHANS), 1, Institutional Area, Nehru Nagar, New

Delhi Laboratory services, MRI, CT scan 35 DelhiX-ray and 36. densitometry.

and X-ray

Noble Diagnostic Centre, WZ-409- C, Janak Park, Opp. DDU Hospital,Hari Nagar, New Ultrasonography. Organ Imaging Research Centre,A-23, Green Park, New Delhi MRI, CT scan, X-ray and Bone

37. Saral Advanced Diagnostic Pvt. Ltd., E-1073, Saraswati Vihar, Pitam Pura, Delhi Laboratory services, USG / colour Doppler,mammography, CT scan, X-Ray, Bone Densitometry and Nuclear Medicine. services are not recommended. 38. Doppler, OPG South Delhi Ultrasound & X-Ray Clinic, A-44, Hauz Khas, New Delhi.Ultrasound /Colour andMammography

39. Star Imaging and Path Lab, 4B/4,Tilak Nagar, New Delhi Laboratory services, CT scan, Ultrasonography/ colour Doppler, X-ray and Bone densitometry. 40. Sun Imaging Centre, 15,Hargovind Enclave, Vikas Marg Extn., Delhi MRI, CT scan, USG/ Colour Doppler and Bone densitometry 41. Suvidha Diagnostic Center, C-105,Mandwali, Patpar Ganj Society Complex, Opp. I.P. Extn. Delhi. Laboratory services, X-ray and USG/Colour Doppler. 42. The Clinical Laboratory, E-13/9,Vasant Vihar, New Delhi Laboratory services

43. Vasant Vision Ultrasound with Colour Doppler & X-Ray Clinic,F-9/4,Vasant Vihar,NewDelhi Ultrsonography and Xray. 44 investigations. Dr. Lal Path. Lab. (P) Ltd., Eskay Home, 54, Hanuman Road, NewDelhi Laboratories

45. Millenium Bone Densitometry and Osteoporosis Research Centre, Pusa Road,(Near Tel. Exchange), NewDelhi 05. Bone Densitometry 46 Dr Garg Labs (P) Ltd., A73, Laxmi Nagar, Vikas Marg, NewDelhi 92 All Laboratory investigations exceptHistopathology 47. Dr. Khannas Path care Pvt.Ltd. A-43, Hauz Khas, New Delhi Laboratory (Clinical Pathology, Biochemistry and microbiology) 48 (MRI). 49. Pathology and Focus Imaging & Research Centre, IHBAS Complex Dilshad Garden, Delhi Diagnostic Centre

Nanda Diagnostic Centre, ED- 9A Madhuban Chowk, Pitampura, Delhi. Laboratory (Clinical Biochemistry/ Doppler, X-Ray Bone Densitometry).

50 Dr. S.B. Gandhi Diagnostic Centre,A2/152 Janakpuri, New Delhi-110058 Diagnostic services (Laboratory, X-Ray, CT Scan, USG, Color Doppler, MRI). 51 The Apollo Clinic (Licensee Bharti Medicare (P) Ltd.), C 70, Major Sudesh Kumar Marg, Opp. Madhav Park, Near Main Market, RajouriGarden, New Delhi -110027 Diagnostic services (Laboratory, USG / Colour Doppler, X-Ray, TMT, FFT, ECG and Echo). (AERB approval for XRay is notavailable.) MRI Annexure-C

(To be submitted in triplicate) Municipal Corpopration of Delhi (Health Department)

Option form (for Group C & D employees)

I_________________________________W/o/S/o/D/o Sh./Smt.__________________ shall not claim medical allowance as payable to me under the rules and will avail the medicalreimbursement facility as is applicable to Group A & B category employees/ shall continue to draw medical allowance as is applicable to C & D category and shall not claim anyreimbursement of expenditure incurred on treatment of self or dependent family members except those contained in the circular No.756/ADC (H)/87 dated 21.07.1987. The details are as under: 1. Name of the employees: 2. Designation : 3. Pay scale : 4.GPF No. : 5. Deptt. Where working : 6. Present Address : 7. Permanent Address : (Strike out which is not applicable) Signature of the employee with date Signature of D.D.O. With seal Note: incumbent. Necessary entry will be made in the service book & ECR. Second copy to be submitted with concerned ACA and third copy will remain with the incumbent. The one copy of the option form shall be attached in service book / personal file of the Annexure-D In triplicate (Hospital copy/Pensioners copy/office copy) MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF DELHI (HEALTH DEPARTMENT) S.No. Dated:

(For beneficiaries under the scheme Medical Facilities to Municipal Pensioners and Family pensioners and their dependents for cashless transaction / Credit facility in private recognized hospitals) I, Dr._________________________________, Designation_____________________, am fully authorized to refer the patients to private recognized hospitals under the schemeMedical Facilities to Municipal Pensioners and

family pensioners and their dependents for cashless transaction (Credit facility). I am referring Mr/Mrs._________________________________, age / Sex __________to ____________________________ Hospital for necessary treatment as detailed below: 1.Name of Pensioner/family Pensioner : 2.Medical I. Card No.: _____________ PPO No._________________ 3.Relation of the patient with Card Holder : 4. Brief History and provisional diagnosis : 5. Referred for (Purpose) : The above patient may be extended cashless facility / credit facility as per our agreement. All charges should be as per prevailing CGHS Delhi Rates. Bills raised are to be submitted with office of Addl.Municipal Health Officer (Medical), Municipal Corporation of Delhi, Room No.50-51, Town Hall, Delhi-06. Signature with seal including patients diet, Dressing charges,

list of private hospitals

Consolidated list of Private Recognized Hospital / Diagnostic Centers/ Dental Clinics for Municipal beneficiaries as on 1.1.2011. Annexure-A

List of recognized private hospitals for MCD beneficiari es.

S.No. Name of the Hospital Empanelled for Area of Delhi/NC T


Escorts Heart Institute & Research Centre Ltd., Okhla Road, New Delhi


Jeewan Mala Hospital Pvt. Ltd., New Rohtak Road, New Delhi-5

Specialized Cardio logical services including cardiothoracic surgery and South diagnostic purposes (laboratory, MRI, CT scan, USG, Color Doppler, X-ray). General and specialized purpose for Central Laparoscopic surgery,

Lithotripsy, TURP, IOL and joint replacement. 3 Jeewan Nursing Home and Hospital, 2-B, Pusa Road, New Delhi. General purposes Central

6 7 8

General and specialized purpose for Cardio-logical investigation, cardiothoracic surgery, Kalra Hospital, A-5&6, Kirti Nagar, Main Najafgarh Road, West Haemodialysis, New Delhi Lithotripsy, TURP, Laparoscopic surgery, IOL implant, and Joint replacement. General & Specialized purpose, Laparoscopic surgery, Endoscopic surgery, nephrology, Kukreja Hospital & Heart Centre, C-1, Vishal Enclave, Rajouri dialysis, cardiology West Garden, New Delhi (interventional & non interventional excluding Cardiothoracic surgery. M.G.S. Hospital, Rohtak Road, West Punjabi Bagh, New For all specialties. West Delhi Cardiology, CTVS, & Metro Heart Institute, Sector 12, Noida Noida respiratory purposes. Metro Multi Specialty Hospital, Sector-11, Noida General purpose. Noida

Park Hospital, 12, Chowkandi, Outer Ring Road, West Delhi (Near Keshavpur Depot) New Delhi


Prakash Hospital, T-12, 12-A, 12-B, Sector-33, Noida.


Surya Hospital, 383/11C, East Azad Nagar, New Delhi-51


Vinayak Hospital, NH-1, Sector-27, Atta, Noida

General purposes and super specialty in cardiology, West cardiovascular and cardio thoracic surgery. General and specialized purpose for Laparoscopic surgery, Noida Lithotripsy, TURP, IOL, Joint replacement. General and specialized purposes East for Laparoscopic surgery. General and specialized purpose for Laparoscopic surgery, Noida IOL and Joint replacement.





Multi specialty general purpose and specialized purpose, ( Orthopedics surgery including Joint replacement, Neurology & NeuroSurgery Yashoda Hospital and Research Centre, III-M, Nehru Nagar, & Gastroenterology, H-1, Kaushambi, Ghaziabad Oncology ( Surgical and medical) Endoscopic and Endoscopic/Laparosco pic Surgery, Cardiology, Cardiothoracic & Vascular Surgery. Cardiology & Delhi Heart & Lung Institute, 3MM II, Panchkuian Road, Cardiothoracic New Delhi 110 055 Vascular Surgery. Multi specialty general purpose and specialized purpose, ( Orthopedic surgery including Joint replacement, R.L.K.C Hospital & Heart Institute (A unit of R. L. Khera Neurology & NeuroCharitable Trust) Pandav Nagar, Naraina Road, Near Shadipur Surgery Depot, New Delhi Gastroenterology, Oncology (Surgical and medical) Endoscopic and Endoscopic/Laparosco pic Surgery) Cardiology & National Heart Institute, 49, Community Centre, East of Cardiovascular Kailash, New Delhi Surgery. Cardiology & Ridge Heart Centre, Sunder Lal Jain Hospital, Ashok Vihar -3, Cardiothoracic Delhi 52 Vascular Surgery. Sri Balaji Action Medical Institute, A-4, Paschim Vihar, Delhi Narinder Mohan Hospital & Heart Centre, Mohan Nagar,

Gaziaba d







General & specialized West purpose. For Cardiology, Cardiothoracic surgery, medicines, surgery, Obs. & Gynae, Pediatrics, Ophthalmology, Nephrology, Skin & Gaziaba VD, Neuro psychiatry, d pulmunology, Gastroenterology, urology, neurology, neuro surgery, plastic surgery, ENT, Dental, Orthopedics, oncology, memology.

20 Ghaziabad- 201007


Metro Hospital & Heart Institute, 14, Ring Road, Lajpat Nagar, New Delhi

Cardiology & Cardiovascular Surgery.



General Purpose Shri Ram Singh Hospital and Heart Institute, B 25- 26&26A, including Laparoscopic East East Krishna Nagar, New Delhi 51. Surgery & Lithotripsy. General purpose & North Diagnostic Cardiology & Jaipur Golden Hospital, Sec 2, Rohini, Delhi 85. North Cardiothoracic surgery. General and Specialized, Saroj Hospital and Heart Institute, Instt.Area, Madhuban North Cardiology & Chowk, Rohini, Delhi 85 Cardiothoracic Surgery. Lithotripsy, endourology, RG Stone Urological Research Institute, East of Kailash, New laparoscopic surgery South Delhi-65. and holmiology laser surgery. Cardiology, Cardiothoracic surgery, Fortis Hospital B-22, Sector 62,Noida 201301 UP Noida Joint replacement (TKR, THR only and renal transplantation). Tirath Ram Shah Charitable Hospital, Rajpur Road, Delhi 54. Metro Hospital & Cancer Institute, 21, Community Centre, Preet Vihar, Delhi. Cardiac, Cancer & general purpose. East

23 24






31 32

Cataract/ Glaucoma, Retinal Medical & Vitreo-retinal surgery, Dr. Pattanik laser Eye Institute, C-2, Lajpat Nagar, New DelhiSouth Strabismus, 110024 Occuloplasty and Adnexa and other specialised treatment. Glaucoma and Shree Jeewan Hospital, 67/1 New Rohtak Road, New Delhi Central Strabismus. Mohan Eye Institute, 11B Ganga Ram Hospital Marg, Rajinder Ophthalmology. Nagar, New Delhi-110060 Chaudhary Eye Centre and Laser Vision, 4802 Bharat Ram Road, 24, Darya Ganj, New Delhi-110087. Central





Cataract / Glaucoma, Retinal- medical/ vitreo-retinal surgery, ICARE Eye Hospital & Post Graduate Institute, E-3A, Sector strabismus, Noida 26 Noida. Occuloplasty and Adnexa and other specialized treatment. Venue Eye Institute & Research Centre, 1/31, Sekh Sarai, Institutional Area, Phase-II, New Delhi 110017 Ophthalmology. South












General & Specialized purpose for Cardiological Maharaja Agrasain Hospital, West Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi- investigations. West 110026 Cardiothoracic Surgery, TURP, IOL implant and Joint replacement. Endoscopic/Laparosco pic Surgery in the filled Sunil Hospital, 15/199, Main Panchsheel Shivalik Road, of Surgery South Malviya Nagar, New Delhi Gynecology/ Obs. ENT & Urology. Superspeciality Jain Hospital, 177-178, Jagriti Enclave Vikas Marg Extension, (Neurology & East Delhi-110091 Neurosurgery). Cardiology & Cardiovascular Surgery Faridaba Metro heart Institute, Sec. 16A, Faridabad Haryana and Pulmonary d Function Test. Cardiology & Cardiovascular Faridaba Surgery, Joint Fortis Escort Hospital, Neelam Bata Road, Faridabad-121001 Replacement, Surgeries d ( TKR,THR only) and Kidney transplantation Cardiology & Cardiovascular Fortis Flt. Lt. Rajan Dhall Hospital, Sec-B,Pocket 1 Aruna Surgery, Joint South Asaf Ali Marg, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi-110070 replacement, surgeries , (TKR, THR only( and Kidney Transplant. All general & Fortis Jessaram Hospital, Karol Bagh, New Delhi Central specialized purposes. Endoscopic/Laparosco pic Surgery in the field Garg Hospital, 8-9, AGCR Enclave, Near Karkardooma of surgery, East Courts, Delhi-110092 Gynecology/ Obs. ENT & Urology. Eye Care ( Catract/Glaucoma, Bajaj Eye Care Centre, 101, Vikas Surya Plaza, Plot No.7, Strabismus North DDA Community Centre, Pitampura, Delhi Occuploplasty & Adnexa) or other specialized treatment Superspeciality Eye Care (Cataract / Glaucoma) RetinalMedical and VitreoNaraina Institute, B-8 Derawal nagar Opposite Model Town, Retinal Surgery Except North Delhi corneal transplant, Strabismus, Occuloplasty & Adnexa) or other specialized treatment.


Bharti Eye Foundation 1/3, East Patel Nagar, New Delhi110008


Sharp Sight Centre( East) 81, Defence Encalve, Opp. Preet Vihar, Vikas Marg, Delhi

Superspeciality Eye Care (Cataract / Glaucoma) RetinalMedical and VitreoRetinal Surgery Except Central corneal transplant, Strabismus, Occuloplasty & Adnexa) or other specialized treatment. Super speciality Eye Care ( Cataract/ Glaucoma Strabismus East Occulpolasty & Adnexa and other specialized treatment) Laparoscopic Surgery Gaziaba d


Chandra laxmi Hospital, Sector-4, Plot No.337, Vaishali, Gaziabad-201010


Narang Eye Institue, B-8, Derawal nagar Opposite Model Town, Delhi


Primus Ortho & Spine Hospital, Chander Gupt Marg, Chankayapuri, New Delhi-110021


Orthonova Hospital, C-5/29, SDA Opposite main IIT Gate, New Delhi-110016


Deepak Memorarial Hospital & Medical Research Centre, Vikas Marg, Extn. -II, New Delhi

Superspeciality Eye Care (Cataract / Glaucoma) RetinalMedical and VitreoRetinal Surgery Except North corneal transplant, Strabismus, Occuloplasty & Adnexa) or other specialized treatment. Orthopedics surgery including arthroscopic Central surgery and joint replacement. Orthopedic surgery including arthroscopic South surgery and joint replacement. General purpose, specialized purpose (Neurology and Urology, Orthopedic surgery, including arthroscopic surgery and joint replacement, Gastro-enterlogy and East GI surgery except liver transplant, Pediatrics and Pediatrics surgery and ENT) and Diagnostic centre (Laboratory, CT X-Ray and USG/Colour Doppler) Laparoscopic Surgery. South


Bansal Hospital, A-1, New Friends Colony, New Delhi110065


Khetrapal Hospital, F-95, Bali Nagar, Main Najafgarh Road, New Delhi 110015

Endoscopic / West Laparoscopic surgery.






Superspeciality Eye Care (Cataract / Glaucoma RetinalMedical & Vitreo Vision Eye Centre,12/27, West Patel Nagar, Near Arya Samaj Retinal Surgery, Mandir, New Delhi strabismus, Occuloplasty & Adnexa). Except corneal transplant). Superspeciality Eye Care (Cataract / Glaucoma) RetinalKhanna Eye Centre, E-368, Nirman Vihar, Vikas Marg, Delhi Medical & Vitreo -110092 Retinal Surgery, strabismus, Occuloplasty & Adnexa). Superspeciality Eye Care (Cataract / Glaucoma RetinalMedical & Vitreo Dr. Kapurs The Healing Touch Eye Centre, D-8, Vikaspuri, Retinal Surgery, New Delhi - 110018 strabismus, Occuloplasty & Adnexa & other specialized treatment). Super specialty in Lions Kidney Hospital & Urology Research Institute, New Urology including Friends Colony, New Delhi dialysis and lithotripsy. Orthopedics, Orthopedic Surgery ( Including arthroscopic surgery & joint replacement) Indian Spinal Injuries Centre, Sector-C, Vasant Kunj, New Neurology & Delhi -110070 Neurosurgery, Gastroenterology and GI Surgery and Urology including Lithotripsy and endoscopic surgery. Jeewan Anmol Hospital, Mayur Vihar, Delhi Khandelwal Hospital, B-16, Main Road East Krishna Nagar, Swaran Cinema Road, Delhi-110051 General Purpose. Urology & UroSurgery. Superspeciality Eye Care (Cataract / Glaucoma RetinalMedical & Vitreo Retinal Surgery, strabismus, Occuloplasty &






60 61

East East


Visitech Eye Centre, R-13, Greater Kailash-I, New Delhi


Adnexa). Except corneal transplant).








Endoscopic East Laparoscopic Surgery Multi-specialty general purpose and specialized purpose in Neurology and Neurosurgery, Urology including dialysis, Orthopedic surgery Sunder Lal Jain Charitable Hospital, Ashok Vihar, Phase-III, including joint North Delhi replacement and arthroscopic surgery Gastroenterology and GI surgery Pediatrics and Pediatrics surgery Endoscopic Surgery and ENT. Urology including Goyal Hospitals, E-4/8, Krishna Nagar, Delhi East Lithotrapsy Cardiology/Cardiovasc ular Surgery, Mool Chand Kharati Ram Hospital & Research Orthopedics, Joint Centre. Lajpat Nagar III, New DelhiReplacement Surgery South (Hip, Knee, Shoulder, 110024 Elbow & Wrist) & Ophthalmic Surgery. Comprehensive oncology including SMH-Curie Hospital, 2, Institutional Area, Vikas Marg, DelhiEast Surgery, 92 Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy. Superspeciality orthopedic surgery Kamal Hospital KA Block, Kaushambi, Near Telephone Gaziaba including arthroscopy exchange, Opp. Wave Cinema, Gaziabad-201020 d surgery and Joint replacement Super speciality (Endoscopic surgery & Laproscopic surgery) and Eye care (Cataract/ Gl;aucoma, Strabismus Bhagwati Hospital. A unit of Sarvoyad Health Foundation. North and Occuloplasty and CS/OCF-6, Sector-13, Rohini, Delhi-85 Adenexa and other specialized treatment except surgical Retina). Malik Radix Health Care C-218, Nirman vihar, Delhi -110092






Superspeciality Eye Care ( Cataract/ Glaucoma, Retinal, Medical Strabismus Sardana Eye Institute, A-2/19, Rajouri Garden, New Delhi-27 and Occuloplasty and West Adenexa and other specialized treatment except surgical Retina). OPD Services, Prem Chikitsa Kendra (a unit of Ashutosh Dawar Trust) Kanak Physiotherapy, Dental, South Ultrasound, X-Ray and Durga Camp, Sec-12, RK Puram Lab Services Multispeciality general purpose and specialized purpose in cardiology, cardiovascular and cardio-thoracic surgery, Gastroenterology & GI Surgery, Orthopedic Surgery including Joint Faridaba ORG Central Hospital & Research Centre Ltd, Faridabad Replacement and d Arthroscopic Surgery, Neurology and Neurosurgery, Oncology ( Surgery and Chemotherapy), Paediatric and Paediatrics Surgery, Endoscope Surgery and ENT. Multispeciality General Surbhi Hospital, Morna Sector-35, Noida UP- 201301 Noida purpose Superspeciality Eye Care ( Cataract/ Glaucoma, Retinal, Goyal Eye Institute, 1/10, East Patel Nagar, New DelhiMedical Strabismus Central 110008 and Occuloplasty and Adenexa and other specialized treatment).

* No Credit Facility is available at Prem Chikitsa Kendra


Annexure-B List of Private Recognized Diagnostic Centers for municipal beneficiaries. Area of Delhi/NC T


Name of the Diagnostic Centre

Empanelled for


Chetnas Pathlab, M-26, Basement, Chitranjan Park, New Delhi

Laboratory services




Laboratory services, CT scan, USG/Colour Doppler, MRI, Bone City X ray and scan clinic (P) Ltd., Tilak Nagar, New Delhi West Densitometry, ECG, TMT, X-ray and mammography. Laboratory services, CT scan, City X ray and scan clinic (P) Ltd., Vikas Puri, New Delhi West mammography, USG/Colour Doppler and X-Ray. Laboratory services and Cardiological Delhi Heart Hospital, 176, Jagriti Enclave, Vikas Marg Extn., investigation (colour East Delhi. Doppler, echo cardiography, TMT, Holter and PFT). Delhi Institute for Functional Imaging, K-16, South Ex., Part Diagnostic centre for I, New Delhi nuclear medicine Delhi MRI and CT scan Centre, Aashlok Hospital, 25-A, CT scan and Block AB, Community Center, Safdarjang Enclave, New Delhi Ultrsonography only. MRI, X-ray, Bone Densitometry, USG / Colour Doppler. Laboratory services South





Delhi MRI Scan Centre, M-2, Hauz Khas, New Delhi Dr. A Lal Chandani Pathology Laboratories, J-36, Lajpat Nagar-II, New Delhi Dr. Anand Imaging & Neurological Research Centre, G-14, Preet Vihar, Vikas Marg, Delhi 92 Dr. Handa X-ray & Imaging Centre, B-87, Defence Colony, New Delhi Dr. M.L Aggarwal X-Ray & Ultrasound Clinic, A-1/150, Safdarjang Enclave, New Delhi.




Imaging services including MRI, CT scan, Ultrsonography / East Colour Doppler, X ray and mammography. . USG services only. X-ray, Ultrasonography and colour Doppler imaging services Laboratory services, USG/Colour Doppler and X-ray. South





Dr. Mittal Diagnostic centre, Madhuban Chowk, Main Outer Ring Road, 611/C-8, Sector-VIII, Rohini, Delhi



Diagnostic Procedures in Laboratory Services., ultrasound, Dr. P. Bhasin Path Labs (P) Ltd., S-13, Greater Kailash, Part-I, colour Doppler, bone South New Delhi densitometry, Eco Cardiography, TMT, PFT, & Uroflowmetry


Dr. S.S. Doda's Ultrasound Centre, 23-B, Pusa Road, New Delhi, Delhi


Dr. Savita Jain's Arun Imaging Centre, D-29, Vivek Vihar, Delhi

16. 17

Final Diagnosis Centre, C-1/2, Sector-31, Noida.

CT, Mammography, USG/Colour Doppler, Central X-ray. Diagnostic centre for USG / colour Doppler, Echo mammography, East Bone densitometry, XRay, ECG, TMT and Holter Laboratory services, Ultrasonography and Noida Mammography. West

First Dwarka Lab, 185, Sector-6, Pocket-I, Dwarka, New Delhi Laboratory services


USG / Colour Doppler, Focus Imaging and Research Centre, C-10, Green Park Extn., CT scan, South Mammography, Bone New Delhi densitometry and X-ray Focus Imaging and Research Centre, 47/1-2, Yusuf Sarai Market, Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi. Diagnostic services in South MRI .





Diagnostic Centre (Pathology except histopathology), Clinical Biochemistry, Microbiology, USG/ Ganesh Diagnostic and Imaging Centre Pvt. Ltd., Pocket-A-1, Color Doppler, Bone North Plot No.109, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi Densitometry, Echo, TMT, ECG, EEG, EMG, PFT, CT, Spect CT, NCV, VEP, Baera, Nuclear medicine and Uroflowmetry MRI, CT scan, USG / GMR Institute of Imaging Research, A-13, Green Park Main, Colour Doppler, X-ray, South Aurbindo Marg, New Delhi Bone densitometry and Mammography. Laboratory services Goyal MRI and Diagnostic Centre, B-1/12, Safdarjung and imaging services in South Enclave, New Delhi MRI and USG/ Colour Doppler. Green Park Diagnostics, (1st Floor), G-43, Green Main Market, New Delhi Park, Laboratory services South





Diagnostic centre for India IVF Centre and Research Institute, 17-A, Lajpat Nagar- USG / colour South IV, New Delhi Doppler, ECG, TMT and Holter. Laboratory services and imaging viz CT Janta X-ray and Clinical Lab, WZ-4, Raja Garden, Delhi West scan, mammography, USG/ Colour Doppler. Clinical pathology and JDAR Pathology Lab, 2/6, Shanti Niketan, New Delhi South Clinical Biochemistry.


Krystal Scan and Diagnostic Centre, 1, Paschimi Enclave, Rohtak Road, Peeragarhi Crossing, New Delhi.

Laboratory services, MRI, CT scan, USG and X-ray.



Life Line Laboratory, H-11, Green Park Extention, New Delhi Laboratory services








Laboratory services, M/S Janta Diagnostic Centre, 12/404, Sunder Vihar, Paschim CT, mammography, West Vihar, New Delhi USG/Colour Doppler, ECG, ECHO MRI, CT scan, USG/Colour Doppler, Mahajan Imaging Centre, K-18, Hauz Khas Enclave, New mammography, X-ray South Delhi and Bone Densitometry. Diagnostic Imaging Mahajan Nuclear Medicine and Bone Densitometry (Sir Ganga Services (Bone Central Ram Hospital), Delhi densitometry and nuclear medicine) Laboratory services, CT scan, Modern Diagnostic & Research Center, 363/4, New Railway mammography, colour Gurgaon Road, Gurgaon Doppler / USG, X-ray and Bone densitometry Laboratory services, National CT Scan & Diagnostic Centre, 17, NWA, Club Road, USG, Bone West Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi densitometry, X-ray and CT scan. Laboratory services, NMC Imaging Centre (VIMHANS), 1, Institutional Area, MRI, CT scan and X- South Nehru Nagar, New Delhi ray Noble Diagnostic Centre, WZ-409-C, Janak Park, Opp. DDU X-ray and Hospital, Hari Nagar, New Delhi Ultrasonography. West







MRI, CT scan, X-ray Organ Imaging Research Centre, A-23, Green Park, New Delhi and Bone South densitometry. Laboratories services, USG, Colour Doppler, Saral Advanced Diagnostic Pvt. Ltd., E-1073, Saraswati mamography, CT Scan, North Vihar, Pitam Pura, Delhi X-Ray, Bone Densitometry, Nuclear medicine & MRI Ultrasound /Colour South Delhi Ultrasound & X-Ray Clinic, A-44, Hauz Khas, Doppler, OPG and South New Delhi. Mammography Laboratory services, CT Scan, Ultrasonography, Star Imaging and Path Lab, 4B/4, Tilak Nagar, New Delhi West Colour Doppler, XRay, Bone Densitometry & MRI MRI, CT scan, USG/ Sun Imaging Centre, 15, Hargovind Enclave, Vikas Marg Colour Doppler and East Extn., Delhi Bone densitometry


Suvidha Diagnostic Center, C-105, Mandwali, Patpar Ganj Society Complex, Opp. I.P. Extn. Delhi. The Clinical Laboratory, E-13/9, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi Vasant Vision Ultrasound with Colour Doppler & XRay Clinic, F-9/4, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi

Laboratory services, Xray and USG/Colour East Doppler. Laboratory services Ultrasonography and X-ray. South South

42. 43


Dr. Lal Path. Lab. (P) Ltd., Eskay Home, 54, Hanuman Road, Laboratory New Delhi investigations. Millennium Bone Densitometry and Osteoporosis Research Centre, Pusa Road, (Near Tel. Exchange), New Delhi 05



Bone Densitometry




All Laboratory Dr Garg Labs (P) Ltd., A73, Laxmi Nagar, Vikas Marg, New investigations except Delhi 92 Histopathology Laboratory (Clinical Pathology, Dr. Khannas Path care Pvt.Ltd. A- 43, Hauz Khas, New Delhi Biochemistry and microbiology) Focus Imaging & Research Centre, IHBAS Complex Dilshad Diagnostic Centre Garden, Delhi (MRI). Laboratory Clinical Pathology and Nanda Diagnostic Centre, ED- 9A Madhuban Chowk, Biochemistry/Doppler, X-Ray Bone Pitampura, Delhi. Densitometry USG/Doppler) Diagnostic services Dr. S.B. Gandhi Diagnostic Centre, A2/152 Janakpuri, New (Laboratory, X-Ray, Delhi-110058 CT Scan, USG, Color Doppler, MRI). Diagnostic services (Laboratory, USG / The Apollo Clinic (Licensee Bharti Medicare (P) Ltd.), C 70, Colour Doppler, XMajor Sudesh Kumar Marg, Opp. Madhav Park, Near Main Ray, TMT, FFT, ECG Market, Rajouri Garden, New Delhi. and Echo). (AERB approval for X-Ray is not available.) Dignostic Purpose Focus Imaging & Research Centre Pvt. Ltd, H-10, Green Park (MRI), C.T, EEG, Extension, New Delhi EMG, & NCV) Diagnostic Centre( Clinical Pathology, Orbit Imaging & Path Lab Pvt. Ltd, 35-B, Pusa Road, New Biochemistry, Laboratory, MRI, CT, Delhi USG/ Color Doppler, & X-ray Diagnostic Purposes (Laboratory, Clinical Diagnostic Centre, 69, Hargovid Enclave, CT, USG, Color Karkardoma, Delhi-110092 Doppler & X-ray)

















55 56

Focus Immaging Centre, Hindu Rao Hospital, Delhi-110007 Focus Immaging Centre, SDN Hospital, Dilshad Garden, Shahdara, Delhi Dr Makashir Diagnostic Medical Lab Pvt. Ltd.1/4, Vikaram Vihar, Lajpat Nagar-IV (Opposite Haldiram), New Delhi110024

CT Scan CT Scan

North East

57 (50*)

58 (51*)

Diagnostic Centre (Clinical Pathology, Central Biochemistry & Microbiology) Diagnostic Centre (Clinical Pathology, Unipath Diagnostic, G-49, Lajpat Nagar-II, New Delhi-110024 Biochemistry, South Microbiology & USG & Color Doppler)

Note: 50* & 51* numbers were repeated by mistake so these are given new numbers i.e. 57 & 58 respectively

Annexure C Area of Delhi/NC T


Name of Dental Clinic

Empanelled for

Navneesh Dental Clinic, Unit No.2, Begum Jeely Market, Moti Dental Care ( General Central Bagh-1, New Delhi-110021 Dentistry) General entisry, Special dental Procedures & Precsion Dental care, C-1-59, Sarita Vihar, New Delhi Central Diagnsotic procedures. Except maxilofacila truma surgeries. General dentistry special dental procedure ( Prosthodontics, Dr. Bhim Sains Family Dental Clinic, Kutub Plaza, DLF City Gurgaon Endodontics, Phase-I, Gurgaonimplantology and Dental Radiology) and diagnostic procedures/ investigations. Dental Care Centre, ( Dr. Chhabra Dental Clinic, 1097, Sectpr-4,. Gurgaon Haryana. Gurgaon General Dentistry) General Dentistry only. Not recommended for Leela Dental Care, B-39, Ring Road, Majlis Park, Azadpur, special dental North Delhi procedures and diagnostic procedures investigations. General Dentistry & Dental Solutions E-7, 1st, Floor Kalkaji, New Delhi Special Dental South Procedures. Singhs Dental Hospital 30-34, Sewak Park, Dwaraka, Mor Metro Station, Uttam Nagar, Delhi-110059 General Dentistry. West

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