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Effects of infrasound on people : The Sonic Weapon of Vladimir Gavreau

Posted By: watcher51445 [Send E-Mail] Date: Saturday, 28-Mar-2009 21:14:16 Users Online: 1,784 Checks & Money Orders: RMNews P.O. Box 5-007 Rome, OH 44085
Effects of infrasound on people [very important... please read] MICHAEL SPITZER Sat, 17 Mar 2001 03:14:09 -0800 Dear Editor, Distinguished Professor of Comparative Literature at Brown University, Arnold L. Weinstein comments in his taped course The Soul and the City: Art, Literature, and Urban Life, "City dwellers are connected by waves of sound." In the l990's, excluding the most obvious airplane and highway noise, an inaudible antagonist has proliferated. In the early l990's both GE and EMD (Electro Motive Division of General Motors) began experimenting with and manufacturing locomotives with AC powered traction motors. From an economic viewpoint it made sense. There are no brushes or commutators to wear out in AC motors, and a computer controlled thrysistor maintains tractive effort to reduce wheel slip and motor burn out. Locomotive efficiency is increased and maintenance reduced propelling the rail industry back into the Fortune 500 from near bankruptcy in the l980's. In l982 there must have been a reason why politicians lobbied to dismantle and stop funding the federal Office of Noise Abatement under Ronald Reagan. Trains are noisy, but at least you know what it is when you hear it...or do you?

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The thrysistor is a software controlled electronic device that varies the frequency and voltage of AC. On diesel/electric trains, a turbo-charged diesel engine drives an alternator that produces alternating current. A rectifier converts it to DC where it is controlled by a computer, whence an inverter changes it back to AC to power the traction motors. When the traction motors are producing electricity by the inertia of the moving train, the electricity is fed back to a grid to dissipate the energy. This is called dynamic braking. All in all controlling electricity, not diesel power, moves the train. A few years ago the Evening News did a story on the elusive Taos Hum. [The sound of an ongoing hum in Taos, New Mexico] Residents were hearing an annoying hum twenty-four hours a day. No one seemed to know the source. In Fayetteville and Columbus I was hearing a hum that fit the description of the Taos Hum. The hum is produced by low voltage AC drives controlled by the thrysistor. Near Taos, there is a Molybdenum mine in Questo a few miles away. There is a long conveyor belt that moves the metal from the mine to the refinery. There are also two mines near Littleton, Colorado. The Union Pacific railroad was the first to experiment with AC powered locos, mostly for logging work. There is also a thrysistor in the Bonneville Power Administrations power grid in the Pacific Northwest. What does this have to do with a standing wave? Seattle and Portland, the birthplace of Grunge is in the Pacific Northwest. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, Attention Deficit Disorder, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Panic Disorder, and Sleep Paralysis have all escalated in the last decade. Rockers got


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Paralysis have all escalated in the last decade. Rockers got dark, rappers got violent, and teenagers began shooting at their classmates. The medical establishment has no physiological cause for any of these. What could be causing this downward trend in mental health in the last decade? The answer is infrasound. Vladimir Gavreau, a French Scientist, experimented with the effects of very low frequency sound, inaudible sound waves below 20 Hertz. Many speculated he was working on a non-lethal weapon for the military. Officials soon realized it was difficult to control the dispersion of omni-directional infrasound and abandoned it. It killed the operator as well as the enemy. Infrasound travels faster through water and solids and does not dissipate. Its physical and psychological effects are varied but the overt characteristic is an intense feeling of oppression. Fatigue, blurred vision, irritability, headache, nausea, difficulty concentrating, tingling skin, and aching limbs are all effects of infrasound. Low frequency electro-magnetic waves have similar effects. David S. Walonick did a study of the effects of 6-10 Hz ELF on brain waves. Brain electrical activity in the theta and alpha (the creative, insightful and meditative states) centers around 6-8 Hz. Most of our awake thinking is in the Beta range, above 12 Hz. Brain wave frequency ranges can be associated with mood or thought patterns. He determined the brain "locks onto" artificial electro-magnetic energy. It attempts to fight the invasion, then locks onto the electric energy. Likewise it can work at the cellular level causing disease. AC drives produce both. As a composer, the AC traction motor locomotive has invaded nearly every aspect of my life. NASA has documented 17 Hz infrasound produces extreme blurring of vision. After two cornea transplants, even with 20/20 vision with glasses my eyes produce vision akin to the Comedy Channel's Dr. Katz show. Images pulsate almost 24 hours a day. With 48 inch cooling fans for the power inverters, I either have high volume white noise, infrasound, or audible hum in my home most of the day. Tinnitus accompanies all of this. Likewise I experience all the physical and psychological symptoms associated with EMF radiation and infrasound. I don't think my brain has operated in the theta stage since I moved to Columbus. I wake up with a backache from my mattress resonating. I am irritable, nervous, and can't concentrate. I have no privacy because my home is connected to all the other city dwellers by a huge tsunami-like standing wave. When I recorded recently in Nashville in a professional studio, the electro-magnetic waves in the air produced by AC powered locomotives destroyed five ADAT digital recorders. They disturb television reception and produce an audible buzz in my stereo system. On the phone voices have a ghostly echo. Electro-magnetic waves manifest themselves on preexisting wires carrying current. The engineers in Nashville didn't know what was causing it. They grounded equipment and put down insulating material but to no avail. What can you do when it is in the air? All you have to do is listen for the rushing white noise outside. For GE and GM, there is one issue that is substantial. If my right to privacy is being revoked by two corporations, that makes their practices unconstitutional. If they knowingly designed and manufactured a device that produces infrasound and the effects are documented, then they are negligent. Because infrasound is invisible and inaudible, it seems apparent they were irresponsible and abandoned sound thinking and a sense of well being for humanity in exchange for the dollar. Everyone has suffered and will continue suffering until something is done. It is no coincidence people are depressed, sick, and violent. With a country that now hums 24 hours a day with dangerous infrasound both through the ground and through the air, where are we to go. I guess NASA has the answer, although it seems noise is a big problem in space too. Sincerely, Paul A. Reichle III ================================================================= Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT FROM THE DESK OF:

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Effects of infrasound on people : The Sonic Weapon of Vladimir Gavreau (views: 3329)
watcher51445 -- Saturday, 28-Mar-2009 21:14:16

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