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Between many names in death metal story throughout the U.S.

's domination, Embryo nic Devourment appear with the bohemian style to relying grind- gore cultivation with their mature concept of the musical transplantation. Punctuality and techn iques are the main arts of this band to act and react including the superior vie w due the thematic landscape. Embryonic Devourment is purely eccentric than othe r bands that has been existed and stood differently with the European enormity d ue the lane. Here they come undone, to bathing you with a holy water of conscien ce. There have no oil wars anymore and we are Chitauri hunters at the end. Keep the faith equally and be yourself first to value this all words cleverly. You ar e the oneguiding the essence. Hello guys. Its a pride to talk with you and its meaningful to know you all after the second full-length Vivid Interpretation of The Void, just make some confirmati on here as an info? This is Austin Spence (Bass and Vocals) Thank you, we are stoked for the new album, we feel its our strongest release yet . We spent a lot of time on the writing process and we think people will like it . Still deliberate the album and possibly its not too late from the launching date, how do you explain especially the recent musicality that you offer to the audie nces? How if its compared with the first album? Well, its definitely more structured, in the sense that we are becoming better mu sicians and better songwriters. On our first album we made music solely for our own satisfaction. We didnt care about impressing people or having slam parts for pe ople to mosh too. On this new album however we tried to write in a way that woul d cater more to the fans of bands like Spawn of Possession, Immolation, and Gorg uts. We want the crowd to like what we are playing and be able to bang their hea ds non stop hopefully we accomplished just that. The promotion seems less and in rarely the buzzing goes to Embryonic Devourment, why have had that thing happened and what about the circulation to how many cop ies the CDs that are sold? This is due mainly in part to our label (Deepsend Records). We feel that we dont get the support we need regarding tours and promotion. Anything we do promotion wise come out of our own pockets financially. We have to book our own tours and do our own promotion it seems. Our label does do a little bit as far as distribu tion and merch goes, but thats about it. We made a crumby decision in signing wit h Deepsend and its no ones fault accept for ours. He tricked us into signing on f or yet another album, and we want nothing more than to end our ties and find a m ore professional label that will actually promote us and give us tour support. I s that too much to ask? Haha. Embryonic Devourment was formed in 2003, where the the line- up are compromised to the lead vocalist and now become 4 elements with a vocalist in bass duty to t he concept of technical Death Grind. Why have you relied that way and could you give some clarity about your decision in extreme music as how your existence is admitted now? We love the technical death grind genre with all our hearts and want to continue in that vein. We dont wanna be a band of disappointment and turn into Metallica. We will continue to put forth the sickest music we can come up and avoid being watered down. We added a 2nd guitarist ( Adam Weber ) a few years back and chemi stry between the 4 of us is better than its ever been. We now have leads, harmoni es, and dueling guitar work which makes for a more interesting sound and approac h to our song writing. As the genre to your deepening side, Embryonic Devourment play Death Grind with the technical and progressive touches and its so rarely in US where the mostly ba nds of Death Metal play Brutal Death and Slam Death Metal to the types. What is the reason you walk this path?

We are influenced heavily by the European death grind scene. We hate the status quo of all these us metal core and slam bands and so we try to be as original as possible. Our drummer has a lot to do with our sound as well. He hates normal d rum beats, and is also left handed but plays a right handed kit. It makes our so und all fucked up but in a good way, haha. You all have been still be a legion of Deepsend Records with the first album, wh at do you endure until you keep believe that label as your official label eventh ough you all certainly involve in that label? Why havent you joined with major la bels such as Relapse Records or Century Media where your musicality is to excell ence if it compares with the average? Weve sent to those labels before and never even got a reply. I guess theyre just s tuck on hats marketable and popular. Weve been asked this same question many times and brings me to wonder; Do they just hate us? Or do we just suck? Or maybe our label is preventing us from signing with a bigger label. Who knows; we wont let i t ruin our day through, haha. If people like us theyll just to hunt us down and f ind our releases, fuck it. Regarding the themes that Embryonic Devourment write, its so unique where some cu ltural philosophy also protrudes with the scientific circle to strengthen the me aning of the purpose, from where do you have a thought or base to do that great? What books do you usually read or like as a reference? We really like all the David Icke books like The Reptilian Agenda and The Biggest S ecret. We are all controlled by Reptiles from another planet- sounded cool enough to write about. Every band writes gore lyrics and we wanted to separate ourselv es from that lump of shit. Human behaviours are usually influenced from many factors until the paradoxical decision where a lot of people often fasten the wickedness to find a calmness or tranquility to live, where delirium, anger and ridiculousness are ordinary thin gs in this time to obey the religions where some also have no attitude. Have you ever chosen a paradox to your (sociality) days and where do you stand as your f irms? Its so, if you correlate to the straight edge movement or skin head view. We like to smoke a lot of pot and we think skinheads are bald. We dont wanna be b ald! We like our hair, haha. I think we just have to live in the now and meditate as often as possible to break up the routine of the every day rat race. Go deep inside your own cognitions and always think outside the box, eat healthy food. B ecause the government wants us to commit cholesterol suicide through McDonalds, and lung cancer from cigarettes. Its a form of mind control and we dont want any p art of it.

Do you believe Satan have inhibited our lives prop/deviate our existence in extr eme music if we still resolute an opposition or refusal where all that we are do ne is inhuman such as the artworks or the genre irony? Whats the religion subject or purpose to Embryonic Devourment music? Well, I think we should worship our end. We should embrace the fact that the wor ld will end in atomic flames and hopefully cleanse the earth of all this bacteri a we call humans, population, oil, war, religion, and corruption are what humans bring to the table and its just fucking disgusting really. As Morbid Angel once said Cleanse this world with fire to us, its not a religion; its a solution. Pure dea h is divine in the sense that the world can recycle itself for a better purpose. Your shows are really cool with the 4 members formation, what do you practice be sides at the rehearsal studio? Its so wonderful to see Luke plays some punctual b eats or the adrenaline transfusion from your energy. Currently we have been writing new material and have 8 songs so far. We plan to record them in February 2012 but nothing is certain as of yet. Were a very live b and and come across better than our studio albums when were up on stage. Luke (ou r drummer) is the main heart and soul of our uniqueness and really shines in a l ive situation. He is unlike any other drummer, and I can say that with full conf

idence. A split had been made for Embryonic Devourment with grind/noise core band Kuru, how could that happen because you all are into death metal? What about split alb um do you mean and will you do that method to release stuffs later again? We have known Kuru for years and talked about the idea on several occasions. I p ersonally love the noisy grind core type stuff as well. Kenny from the band Kuru runs his own label called Buried in Hell Records and offered us the opportunity t o do a split and we were were more than excited to hop on board. I hope we relea se more vinyl in the future. It keeps things underground and non-commercial. What do you think about Islamic culture after some occurrences where Osama was k illed for his accused terrorism to kill many people not only in U.S. also Libyan president- Omar Qadhafi to the big enemy of capitalism as US civilians? Where do you determinate for places such as Pyongyang or Havana? I say support the troops, fuck of the government! All these leaders who are at w ar: Osama, Obama, Khadafi, etc. Ughhh, they are all controlled by a masonic forc e - a reptilian force. They are merely puppets on chess board that are controlle d by reptiles from another planet called Niburu. Its out of their hands. they are mind controlled slaves that are a part of a bigger picture. A massive human har vest that meets the needs of population control. San Francisco, California is a big spot for underground/extreme music scene, but how about Willits your hometown regarding the state of extreme music, how about the improvement? Our hometown is a small mountain community with no metal scene whatsoever. When we play shows in Willits there is only like 30-50 people at most. To play bigger shows we have to travel to San Francisco or tour other states where there is a bigger scene. Most of the bands in our area play reggae and folkrock. Its much li ke the cartoon southpark here in Willlits, haha. Many familiar bands such as Cannibal Corpse, Suffocation, Cephalic Carnage, etc have shared the stage with you, if you are in choice to choose with the other gr eat bands, what bands do you wish to play with and why? Napalm Death, because they practically invented the grind core drum beat which s o many bands copy nowadays. Their lyrics have political sense and meaning. They have a message and its a good one which comes across very angry with a lot of emo tion. They rule. Our dreams will have come true if e can ever score a show with Napalm Death. Cheers to Barney! A little mess and twisting, what is the meaning of beauty for you guys and defin itely Embryonic Devourment? Are you all married? (We should go to Africa to find Cleopatra girls.) Yes, we are all married except for Adam, but he is well on his way, haha. To us, we are married to the most beautiful girls in the world, both inside and out. T hey support our music and want us to go far. Without them, our band would be ser iously crippled. Wed be homeless with no direction, ahaha. Europe is in the resurgence of extreme music once more, Asia is in the fast grow th and Africa is doubly injected by. What do you view about the world-wide scene to the strength and function correctively in reality, wherein misery, injustice also repression still hinder a together victory on humanity? What has to be don e as our duty (where our music is only sawn by some people as entertainment like mainstream music)? I think death metal becomes stronger everyday as a result of all the corruption in the world. It gives us something to be pissed off about. If the world were pe rfect then death metal wouldnt exist because there wouldnt be imperfect people flo oding the music industry with blast beats. Death metal thrives best in poor plac es, areas of poverty. Real metal you know? Ugly, poor, and pissed off at society .

After a little journey from 2003, how do you emphasis your hearts and- hoping wi th some recognitions to play your deadly musicality? Our journey is far from being over. We still have like 10 albums to write before we will be satisfied. We look at Cannibal Corpse as the main example of why we need to stick around. They did it, so can we. We are starting to headline bigger shows now and getting paid money so we will only get better I hope. Our love of music is ultimately what keeps us going, and the growing support and respect fr om fans. What do you propose for the next release after "Vivid interpretation Of The Void " concerning the theme and the musical form? Its so substantial if you give an in terpreted description. We will continue to explore new musical directions within the framework of bruta l death grind and dig up any cool conspiracy theories and try to make sense of t hem. We will extract the menstrual blood of a virgin and use it as the red ink f or our next CD cover. Maybe it will be a scratch and sniff cover so you can real ly smell the brutality, haha. Its too late and time to go. Thanks Austin to guide us. Please say goodbye to the readers by your last maxim or aphorism? Have a great day and see ya again. I would like to remind people not to download albums on the internet because tha t is what ruins bands. Without financial support we wont be able to tour and make death metal our livehood. Support your local scene by going to shows and buying physical CDs and t-shirts. Go to our website at and buy something! Help us out! We need your support! Dont buy from our label! Buy di rectly from us because our label doesnt give us any money!

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