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Task 1. Match the words on the left with the definitions on the right.

Put the correct letter into the box next to each word. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 extinction (n) overpopulation (n) contribute (v) global warming (n) distinct (adj) likelihood (n) asteroid (n) collision (n) a b c d e f g h to help to cause something to happen a mass of rock that moves around in space strong and definite the chance that something will happen the situation when an animal, plant, or language no longer exists a crash in which two or more things hit each other a situation in which too many people or animals live in a certain area the increase in the world's temperature

Task 2. Go through the following text quickly and match the questions below with their corresponding paragraphs. Write the correct number in each box. 1. Can science predict the end of the world? 2. Do you think people really believe 2012 will bring the end of the world? 3. How is astronomy linked to doomsday predictions? 4. Should we be worried that the world will end in 2012? Louie Bernstein (astronomer): There have always been instances in history where people thought that the stars foretold the doom and disaster. Any time there are alignments of the planets people believe that the world would come to an end. Of course that hasnt been the case. The world hasnt ended although there have been mass extinctions. We dont have to worry about 2012 but theres a lot that we have to worry about. One of the main things is overpopulation. I mean thats really at the root of the problem that we are having today, the problem of pollution, climate change So thats something that we have to take seriously. The fact that we all need energy and we all contribute to global warming means that there is a distinct likelihood that the climate is going to change. We cant truly predict when the end of the world will be although we can come close. The Sun will go out one day. That will be in about five billion years. And a little easier to predict there have been asteroid collisions in the past, one spelled the end of the dinosaurs, and there will certainly be other asteroid collisions with the earth in the future. It may not break the planet apart but it will certainly have a major effect on life on the earth. I doubt that anybody seriously thinks 2012 will spell the end of the world because I dont see people cashing in their mortgages and going off to live in the tropics, and partying and having a good time, so I think that secretly even the people who believe 2012 is going to spell the end, I think secretly theyve cried off banking on tomorrow. Task 3. Now watch the video and answer the following questions. 1. According to Mr. Bernstein, what is one of the main things we should worry about? ... 2. What other problems does he mention which are related to this? . 3. When will the Sun go out? .. 4. What caused the end of the dinosaurs? 5. How likely is it that there will be other asteroid collisions with the earth in the future?

Task 1. Discuss the following questions with your partner, your group, or your class. 1. Have you heard of any doomsday prophecies (predictions)? Do you believe them? 2. Have you seen the film 2012 by Roland Emmerich? What kind of film is it? What is it about? 3. What do you know about the Maya people and their civilization? 4. What is the name of our galaxy (as it is seen from the earth)? 5. Can you explain what the winter solstice is? 6. Match the following words with their definitions. Put the correct letter in each box. 1 alignment (n) a a set of pages showing the days, weeks, and months of a particular year 2 conquest (n) 3 calendar (n) 4 keep track b c d have all the information that you need about something arrangement in a straight line the act of taking control of a country by force

Task 2. Go through the following text quickly and match the questions below with their corresponding paragraphs. Write the correct number in each box. 1. The Mayan Calendar ends during the winter solstice. What significance does this hold? 2. Who were the Mayans? 3. Why do you think people are fascinated with doomsday predictions? 4. How are the Mayans connected to the 2012 doomsday prediction? Louie Bernstein (astronomer): During the height of their civilization they were one of the few cultures that had established writing, that had art, mathematics and also astronomy. People are familiar with the Mayans, everyones heard of them, but not many people know much about them. The Mayans were an amazing culture that lived in Mesoamerica from southern Mexico to northern Central America. Their culture began in around 3000 B.C. and it lasted until the Spanish conquest which ended around 1780. The Mayans were one of the few cultures to have an accurate calendar because they were astronomers and they kept track of the cycle of the planets, the sun and the moon. They had several calendars and one of them is called The Long Count Calendar. It lasts 5125 years. On Dec. 20th 2012 its the last day of the Mayan Long Count Calendar. The next day, Dec. 21st 2012, the Long Count Calendar starts over. People got the impression that since this long Mayan cycle is coming to an end, so is the world. But in fact its like our calendar. We dont worry that the world is coming to an end on Dec. 31st each year because theres a new beginning the following day. Ive heard that the winter solstice, Dec. 21st 2012, is going to mean that the Earth aligns with the centre of the Milky Way. In fact, the Earth aligns with the centre of the Milky Way around every winter solstice. Each time the Earth goes around the Sun on the winter solstice, what happens is the Earth is on one side, the Sun is in the middle, and the centre of the Milky Way is on the other side, but its not a perfect align. As a matter of fact, the entire solar system is about 4000 light years above the plane of our galaxy, which means there can never be a perfect alignment. The idea of looking out for doomsday is not only important, it kind of strikes a chord in all of us but I think also theres a certain sense of excitement and mystery about it all. Task 3. Now watch the video and answer the following questions. 1. Where did the Maya people live? .... 2. When did their culture begin? . 3. When did the Spanish Conquest end? .. 4. How long does the Long Count Calendar last? . 5. What is going to happen on the winter solstice on Dec. 21st 2012? . 6. Is this going to happen for the first time? 7. Why can there never be a perfect alignment? .


Will the World End in 2012?

Watch the video here: Video description: The year 2012 has often been the subject of theories suggesting its importance, most notably as the year that would bring the end of the world. The hypothesis is based on the planetary alignment that will occur near the end of the year. However, this is not the first time a doomsday prediction has been made, and it likely wont be the last. Humans have an obsession with forecasting our end, a trend that will likely never end. In this video, learns more about doomsday predictions, the theories on which they are based, and why the human race is intent on predicting Armageddon. Task 1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 e g a h c d b f Task 2. 3 4 1 2 Task 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. overpopulation pollution, climate change, global warming in about five billion years an asteroid collision with the earth there will certainly be other asteroid collisions with the earth in the future

2012 Mayan Doomsday Prediction

Watch the video here: Video description: The Mayans are known for being ultra sophisticated and advanced, despite the fact they lived thousands of years ago. Living in Mexico and Central America, we still see traces of this pre-Colombian culture in the area in the form of step pyramids and artifacts. They are also known for inventing the only fully developed written language of the time, and for using astronomy and mathematics. The Mayans have been linked to a doomsday prediction suggesting the world will end in the year 2012. Did they really make such a prophecy? In this video, learns more about the Mayans, and the doomsday forecast thats on everybodys minds. Task 1. 3. 4. the Milky Way 5. the time of the year at which the sun reaches its lowest point in the sky at midday, marked by the shortest day [] 6. 1 c 2 d 3 a 4 b Task 2. 2 4 1 3 Task 3. 1. They lived in Mesoamerica from southern Mexico to northern Central America. 2. Around 3000 B.C. 3. Around 1780 A.D. 4. 5125 years 5. The Earth will align with the Sun and the centre of the Milky Way. 6. No, this happens around every winter solstice. 7. Because our solar system is about 4000 light years above the plane of our galaxy.

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