The Cost of Living (Final Call) - Final Draft

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THE COST OF LIVING By Michael Humphrey & Iain Milne

FADE IN: EXT. BACK STREET - NIGHT The street is desolate and dirty, and contains a vandalised phone box. A car approaches and parks nearby. EXT. CAR - NIGHT A middle aged, middle class man sits in the car. This is the CUSTOMER and everything about him, from the clothes he wears to the car he owns, scream that he does not belong in this part of town. He waits nervously in the car before making his way to the phone. INT./EXT. PHONE BOX NIGHT The customer enters the phone box. He takes his wallet from his pocket and fumbles as he removes a coin. He then takes a folded slip of paper from the notes section. INSERT SLIP OF PAPER A phone number is hand written on the paper. BACK TO SCENE The customer puts on his glasses to read the number before dialling. The phone RINGS once and is picked up. MANS VOICE (VO) Hello? CUSTOMER Hello, is Davis there? MANS VOICE (VO) Speaking. CUSTOMER I believe that you can help me... ... I have some business that needs attended to... ... I was told that you offer certain

3 specialist services -DAVIS (VO) I know what this is about. I just need to know who, where and when. So first things first, describe him. CUSTOMER Well, hes middle aged... pathetic... a coward. The mans -DAVIS (VO) No, what does he look like? The customer turns to look at his own reflection in the glass of the phone box and begins to describe himself, face first, then looks down to give height, build, etc. DAVIS (VO) Any distinguishing features? The customer looks back at his own reflection. CUSTOMER None. DAVIS (VO) Youre not making this easy -Anyway, Ive got the details of where hes going to be. You sure hell be in his office at that time of night? CUSTOMER I can guarantee it. DAVIS (VO) So, how do you want this done? CUSTOMER What do you mean? DAVIS (VO) Well, we can do it quick or, you know, take our time with him... A pause from the customer as he considers this statement. CUSTOMER

4 (panicked) No, please, nothing like that. make it as quick as possible.


DAVIS (VO) No problem. Some people just like to make it clear. Let them know what its for. CUSTOMER Trust me, he knows. DAVIS Right then, it all seems simple enough. Lets say... ... five grand. CUSTOMER (shocked) Five grand? Yeah. DAVIS (VO) Is there a problem?

CUSTOMER No, no. Not at all. I just expected it would come to more than that. DAVIS (VO) Well you can pay as much as you want, but its just some nobody alone in his office. Five grand will do it. Ill take the payment as arranged. Any questions? CUSTOMER No. DAVIS (VO) Good. Dont contact me again unless theres a problem. Davis hangs up and the customer is left holding the phone. He exhales and hangs up. The customer stands alone in the phone box, reflecting on what he has done. He struggles to not break down, before gathering himself and turning to leave.

5 Suddenly, his face is smashed hard into the phone panel by an unseen ATTACKER, and then held, pressed painfully to the panel. ATTACKER (OS) Give me your wallet. CUSTOMER What? The attacker wrenches the customer from the phone box and pulls a knife out. ATTACKER Give me your wallet or Ill fucking kill you. The customer reacts in disbelief at being threatened at this moment, in this way. CUSTOMER You what? The threat proves too much for the customer after all he has been through. In anger, he launches himself at the attacker. CUSTOMER Not like this. NOT LIKE THIS. The two struggle furiously until the customer pushes the attacker to the ground. The shocked attacker picks himself up and flees. The customer pauses and reflects on his instinctive response to this threat. Motivated by the strength in his reaction he heads to the phone box and goes to redial. Realising that he needs the phone number he reaches into his pocket and winces in pain. He clutches at his stomach. Staring at his hand he is shocked to see that it is covered in blood. He pulls his jacket open and sees that he is bleeding heavily from a knife wound. He sways, and then falls to his knees.


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