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Capricorn: Yearly Overview

12/22 1/19

Year 2012 Overview

The confusion of 2011 is about to lift as clarity returns in 2012. You've no doubt been through a series of powerful metamorphoses since 2008, when Pluto took possession of your stars for the long haul. You're not even a quarter of the way through the 18-year shedding process that Pluto requires ... and yet you're not the same person you were just a few years ago by any stretch of the imagination. In some ways, you can expect this year to be a long, dramatic pause. You'll be questioning many aspects of your existence, especially your professional life. Mars, the planet of work and action, will be retrograde for the first quarter of the year in your house of higher learning and travel, putting you in a deeply introspective and philosophical mode. During this time, you'll be less inclined to hit the road than you will be to hit the books. When the eclipse patterns stir up the winds of change for you again in spring and summer, you'll experience some major epiphanies about the new direction you need to take. The new Moon solar eclipse in your work sector brings a fresh approach to the way you go about your daily routine. And then, the full Moon lunar eclipse of June in your dream sector will bring the muse and vision to inspire you to go beyond the known. The total solar eclipse and new Moon in your goal sector in November is the final push to plant radically new seeds. There's no question that you're leaving your old life behind; it's now just a matter of faithfully emerging into the new. Love is in the air with generous Jupiter in sister Earth sign Taurus, showering your romantic sector until June. The planet of fortune will provide ample opportunities for you to fall in love with someone new - or simply love the one you're with. Pleasure becomes a key theme for the first half of the year, providing a nice balance to your normal dutiful life.

Capricorn: Career & Finance

Year 2012 Career
Your planetary ruler will give its final teachings and tests in your career sector this year during its final transit through Libra. Have you learned your lessons these past two years in balance, beauty and harmony? Apply this wisdom and take your professional status to the next level in 2012 - especially in the first 10 months. You've learned how essential creativity and beauty are to your process, and from now on, these qualities must be an integral part of your work and your larger career aspirations. In October, Saturn will move on to your sector of goals, wishes and group associations. At that point you'll want to focus on how to rally a fabulous crew to back your vision! Venus will spend an extended period in your work sector between April and August. During the retrograde phase in May and June, some projects may get stalled. But if you use this as a creative and introspective time, it could be incredibly rewarding. When Venus turns direct in June, you can turn all your creative visions into reality. Neptune, the planet of inspiration and glamour, will transit back into your mental sector in February to bring back a deluge of creative visions. You're beginning to think more like a poet and a mystic, and with just a little practical application, this can easily translate into wondrous creations in the world. Jupiter will join Venus in June, doubling pleasure and luck in your daily work. June's new Moon solar eclipse in your house of work will speed up the ongoing changes you've seen over the past 18 months. You've been on an accelerated course chock full of unexpected twists and turns. As usual, you've navigated all the unexpected shifts with perfect grace. The confluences of powerful forces all seem to pointing you toward a spectacular future. Just follow the signs - they're everywhere now!

Capricorn: Love & Relationships

Year 2012 Romantic
Love is in great abundance during the first half of 2012, while Jupiter showers big fortune on your romantic sector. If anything, you'll be bombarded with so much affection, you'll feel guilty having to break so many hearts. You could easily fall in love overseas or with someone from another country under Jupiter's influence; at the same time, love could take you on such a fabulous adventure that your entire world will open up! In any case, this is a year when you'll fall in love a little bit with everything and everyone. Life itself becomes a daily romantic experience! Mars, the planet of drive and mojo, will be in positive aspect to your stars for the entire first half of the year. This also bodes exceptionally well for your love life. Your ability to magnetize intense encounters is remarkable under this aspect. The chemistry you have with your partner is what makes life so alive and on fire, so enjoy it. It also makes it necessary for you to have more physical outlets for your surplus of libidinal energy. You're usually more apt to direct this energy toward your work, but during the first half of the year, you're more likely to put it into your love life. With Pluto continuing to excavate nearly every area of your life through its ongoing 18-year renovation project in your constellation, your relationships are no exception. One-to-one encounters are like being in constant psychoanalysis - you learn so much about yourself through the mirror of your relationship, and that isn't always easy or pretty. Still, you'll perpetually unearth some very deep insights about yourself through this process. If you've endured lost love over the past few years, trust that every death in your love life will be followed with a powerful rebirth.

Gemini: Yearly Overview

5/21 6/21

Year 2012 Overview

Another year of sweeping changes are in store, Gemini. If you thought last year was a whirlwind, hold the line. With an encore round of eclipse patterns hitting your constellation this summer, you're gearing up for the next level of transformation! Your personal image and intimate relationships will continue to change over the course of the next 12 months, so be ready for anything. If you're single, this could very well be the year you finally get hitched. If you're already betrothed, this is the year you could reclaim your singledom, buy a house or have a baby. Either way, you're moving toward the great unknown, so let go - and let the stars show you the way! This is your year to finally regain that sense of discipline you swore you'd have at the start of last year. With Saturn moving into your sector of health and routines this year, you should be able to get a good grip on daily wellness practices. Healthy foods and consistent exercise will be key to pushing your vitality from acceptable to stellar. You'll need to be operating at maximum potential to navigate all the exciting changes just around the bend! The other big news is that Saturn is finally leaving your romance and creativity sector in October. After many hard-earned lessons in love over the past two years, you're ready for a serious reprieve. You've certainly upgraded your standards, haven't you? Use this year to live the words that you preach in your relationships. Many people look up to you as a role model, so act accordingly. With Mars activating your domestic sector for a good portion of the year, you'll have plenty of intensity on the home front to contend with. If you're not happy with your current living quarters, this is the year to put energy into making that change.

Gemini: Career & Finance

Year 2012 Career
Neptune, the planet of inspiration, moves back into your career sector this February to work its mystical glamour for the next several years. This is a time when your dreams and visions insist on becoming tangible realities. A quality of inspiration infuses all that you manifest over the next 12 months, so consider the world your creative oyster! No longer will you work just for the sake of earning a wage; rather, your career promises to become more of a soul-calling. The only downside to this influence is that it can sometimes bring confusion or disillusionment. If this is the case, trust that it's simply a necessary sacrifice that will later bring deeper levels of fulfillment. Mars, the planet of action, will be out of phase for the first four months of the year, putting everyone in a more introverted frame of mind rather than visualizing the future. You usually thrive on continuous movement, but this imposed pause in the action couldn't come at a better time. Use this energetic slowdown to properly integrate all your sources of inspiration and recent feedback. Your whole concept of work is in a profound process of metamorphosis right now. Saturn, the cosmic taskmaster, enters your work sector in October, where it will take up residence for the next two-and-a-half years. This is a time to transform your daily schedule and weed out any methods that waste time. You'll begin to take your talents more seriously and realize that you deserve higher pay and, more importantly, a higher ranking. Integrity in your work style becomes the theme for the last few months of the year, ultimately setting the tone for 2013.

Gemini: Love & Relationships

Year 2012 Romantic
Saturn will run its final series of tests in 2012 in your creativity and romance sectors. Hopefully you've gotten clear about where your boundaries lie, and what (and who) you need to say no to in order to remain true to your highest principles. You've learned the hard way what you will and won't tolerate in your love life, and you can now apply this wisdom to a current (or future) romance. You have until October to master those deep karmic teachings since Saturn won't return to this area of your chart for another 27-and-a-half years. With the planet of sexual energy, Mars, revving up the base of your chart for the first half of the year, you'll have more than ample mojo to see you through. This is an unusually long time for Mars to occupy one particular sign - it's been in your fourth house since November 2011. And once you get your groove back, Mars moves into your romance sector in July to make a sweet contact to Venus while touring Gemini. 2012 is set to be your summer of love! The planets work in perfect succession to keep you in the sunshine of your love all the way through December. Venus, the goddess of beauty and love, will grace your constellation for an extended visit between April and August. It will be retrograde between the end of May and June - right during your birthday season - so don't be surprised if ghosts from your romantic past make an appearance. And with the arrival of autumn, you'll still have many planets singing you amorous tunes. Venus will enter your romance sector at the end of October to continue the theme of love, beauty and pleasure. To sum up this delightful conglomeration of love transits during the second half of the year: You'll go from high-energy to pronounced libido to romance to creativity to sexuality to love to commitment (or break-up) and back - all within the span of six months!

Taurus: Yearly Overview

4/20 5/20

Year 2012 Overview

With lucky Jupiter continuing to bless your stars, you can definitely expect to have the Midas touch in 2012, Taurus. Take advantage of your cosmic carte blanche during the first half of the year and get yourself firmly on the map. The first six months of the year are part of an ongoing personal renovation project before generous Jupiter leaves your stars. Not that you'll be losing much once the planet of fortune and fame moves into your neighboring sign and starts to bless your money sector. On the contrary - as soon as Jupiter moves into Gemini in June, your luck continues to build while grounding you in positive energy. The second half of the year will bring you great financial prosperity and opportunities to expand your talents. You certainly won't starve for love, lust and creativity in 2012. Mars, the planet of action, will heat up your romance sector for the first half of the year. The first four months of 2012 could bring the return of old flames. Use Mars's first quarter retrograde phase to wrap up old creative and romantic business. Having both Mars and Jupiter working hard on your behalf for the first six months of the year is a glorious predicament, indeed. Between mid-May and late June, your ruling planet, Venus, will turn retrograde, so mark that period on your calendar as a reminder to slow down, reflect and re-evaluate your relationship priorities. In fact, this would be an ideal time to take a hiatus from responsibilities in favor of completely relaxing and immersing yourself in beauty. Money and finance take center stage for most of the year as you experience several gains and losses. The key to your sanity will be to ride the wave of unpredictability and, in the end, trust that you'll still come out ahead. Pay special attention to your finances around the major eclipse points in May, June and December. Watch for new money-making opportunities around your birthday. It's just in time, because you may very well need to pad your piggy bank for some unexpected expenditures in June and July.

Taurus: Career & Finance

Year 2012 Career
You're in stellar standing in 2012, especially during the first half of the year. You'll definitely feel like the 'It' sign, with Mars and Jupiter doing your bidding. Your creativity is off the charts with the action planet, Mars, running an extended six-month stint in your sector of self-expression. Mars will be retrograde during the first quarter, which could create the illusion that not much is moving forward - and yet you've never felt more creative and inspired. Trust that all your inner preparation will meet with great rewards and forward motion. Neptune had been causing some confusion about your professional identity over the past few years, but now that it will be leaving your career sector for good in February, clarity - if not a major epiphany - is coming. Write everything down, because breakthrough ideas will come like flashes of lightning and will be as easily forgotten as fast as they come. It's time to translate all the gifts of inspired creativity and vision that Neptune brought you over the past several years into flourishing future plans. The tragedy would be to keep all of these gifts locked up as mere potential. When the big eclipse points hit your money and talent sector this summer, you'll see another huge wave of changes unfolding over the latter half of 2012. And since you can be the most stubborn of all signs when it comes to embracing the new, you may actually welcome this colossal cosmic push. There is no going back, Taurus - you're destined for bigger and more glamorous things (with many of them likely involving extensive travel). La Dolce Vita, baby!

Taurus: Love & Relationships

Year 2012 Romantic
With sexy Mars heating up your love and romance sector for the first half of the year, you'll have no shortage of suitors in 2012! While Mars will be retrograde until May, you may find your energy consumed with lovers from the past. That's not necessarily a problem, as long as you realize you must sometimes go backward in order to move forward. Just don't get too caught up in your past's paradise, because the second half of 2012 is all about the new. You're a romantic pleasure-seeker in any case, so expect a slew of fabulous events through which you could very well meet your next serious partner. How many years have you been saying, 'Just one more year and I'll be happy'? Well, wish no longer, Taurus! Love is about to take a serious and committed turn this October, once Saturn enters your partnership sector. It's no longer a matter of if it will happen, but rather how soon. Get ready to dive deeper into your next commitment than ever before. With Saturn, the cosmic taskmaster in Scorpio, passion and profound intimacy are essential. Get ready to learn the great love lessons of your life over the next two-and-ahalf years while Saturn tours your sector of significant relationships. Scorpio is a fixed Water sign, so feelings will easily become deep fixations. November 2011's total solar eclipse new Moon in Scorpio activated your relationship sector. Love has likely felt more like a hurricane at the onset, but trust that you're sure to see a profound series of change and passionate transformation over the next several months. The theme of 2012 is to commit and spend quality time with those you cherish most. Make the time to cultivate and/or nurture deep and lasting relationships.

Aries: Yearly Overview

3/21 4/19

Year 2012 Overview

Your quest for radical self-love and self-knowledge continues in 2012. Never has the impetus to know yourself, own your core values (even if it means going against the grain) and possess your truth been more essential. No longer can you deny all that is rare and sensational about you. This is truly your breakout year in which your myriad talents will shine! And get ready to work your horns off this year, Ram. Although your ruling planet, Mars, will spend the first quarter retrograde in Virgo, it will also push you to focus and finish like never before. The devil is definitely in the details this year. Mars retrogrades less frequently than the other planets, but when it does, you surely feel like someone has slammed on the brakes! But don't panic. Rather, consider this a chance to finally catch up on every loose end and unfinished project that's piled up over the past few years. With Uranus upping the ante in your stars for another round, the status quo of pre-2010 has been left in the dust forever. And by June, the planet of change, Uranus, makes its way towards an exact square with the planet of death and rebirth, Pluto. The changes you experienced in 2011 were simply the tip of the iceberg! With the onslaught of intense cardinal energies barreling toward a standoff this summer, the potential for one-way change this year is deep and unmistakable. Of course, change can be exhilarating if you release your grip on the past and the specific demands of ego. Getting your own way is practically your divine birthright, but this year you'll have to trust that life sometimes brings you what you need at the expense of what you want. The eclipse patterns of 2012 continue to speed up change in the realms of teaching, education, publishing and travel. If you have any issues with siblings or other close relatives, this could also come into play during the next 12 months as a result of this year's eclipses. On the upside, however, Jupiter will continue to boost your finances until it moves into Gemini in June. November's total solar eclipse in Scorpio in your eighth house of life force, sex and resourcefulness promises to bring sexy back. This eclipse pattern will also reveal any latent interests in psychology or metaphysics, and could also bring money issues to the forefront.

Aries: Career & Finance

Year 2012 Career
With Pluto still pulling rank in your career sector, your star continues to rise over the course of the year in your chosen field. Of course, with Capricorn involved, this is not without hard work. After all, your stamina is noble. When Pluto and Uranus reach their exact square in June, you'll be confronted with the culmination of a quest for radical change that began in summer 2011. Use the momentum of the first quarter of the year to launch your major projects, since Pluto will turn retrograde between April and September, causing a forced slowdown and re-evaluation of your priorities. With Jupiter bringing good fortune to your money sector for the first half of the year, you'll experience fabulous ease in attracting opportunities to boost your income. You're learning how important it is to value yourself and not sell any of your talents for less than they're worth. The summer brings fabulous opportunities for writing and publishing, so if you've been sitting on a book (or two) that you know needs to be written, this is your year to put pen to paper and fingers to keyboard! The new Moon solar eclipse in mid-May is the perfect time to get started if you haven't already. Chances are, you felt the initial impetus during the new Moon eclipse in Sagittarius in December 2011; 2012 demands that you finalize your copy. June's full Moon lunar eclipse in your house of publishing will bring the final lucky push to get your work seen and put into print!

Aries: Love & Relationships

Year 2012 Romantic
Throughout Saturn's residence in your partnership house over the past few years, you have endured some of the most challenging and rewarding relationship lessons of your life. In October, after putting you through the karmic ringer, the cosmic taskmaster will finally leave this sector of your chart for another 30 years. You'll happily bid farewell to the trials, tests, tribulations and insecurities, despite all the wisdom they've imparted. When Saturn enters Scorpio this fall, you'll discover deeper levels of your sexuality and resourcefulness than you have in 30 years - if ever. You're ready for the real thing, and that's because you've finally developed the most important relationship of all - the one with yourself. Now that you're crystal clear about what you will and won't put up with in your intimate relationships, there's no turning back! You've set your standards high and there's no need to compromise. You've also learned that you often get what you think you deserve ... or at least what you have the capacity to put up with (consciously or unconsciously). You're also learning not to drag things out - your time is too precious. Although Mars, your ruler, will take up prolonged occupancy in your work sector for the first half of the year - leaving you little time to even think about dating, mating or relating - you'll more than make up for it during 2012's second half. September is potentially one of your most romantic months of the year, so put yourself out on the dating scene without excuses. And finally, December is your most auspicious time for meeting someone you could settle down with. This is your make-or-break year - so let it rip!

Cancer: Yearly Overview

6/22 7/22

Year 2012 Overview

New beginnings have indeed arrived in your favor with the onset of 2012, Cancer. Although the biggest changes in the love realm won't arrive until autumn, romance will return as a central theme for you in 2012 - just when you'd started to give up hope of anything new ever returning to your life! Although Pluto has been working on deeply transforming your partnership sector since 2008 (forcing you to shed the outmoded), you were indeed beginning to wonder if anything new would ever come to fill the void. And alas, it shall! Saturn has been weighing heavily on your family and home sector over the past few years, bringing plenty of challenges your way. On one hand, this has been an incredibly grounding time filled with enough reality checks to put you firmly in touch with truth. It's also revealed the importance of your roots, although it may have brought a wake of suffering, either through loss of relatives or a major strain on family relations. Take heart, dear Cancer - all is about to lighten up as Saturn moves out of a difficult aspect to your stars. When this cosmic taskmaster moves into your love and creativity sector in November, you'll get serious about making more time for romance and self-expression. This also means you'll be disciplined about your passions instead of throwing your precious energy around willy-nilly! Expect to stay remarkably connected with others throughout 2012. Mars will be activating your communication for the first half of the year, keeping all your communication gadgets continually buzzing. During the first four months, the red planet will be retrograde, bringing mixed messages and retrospective reverie galore. Cancer folks are forever prone to dwelling in a nostalgic world, and this will be even more acute in 2012. The future is glorious - but first you've got to root yourself firmly in the present!

Cancer: Career & Finance

Year 2012 Career
The continued presence of future-forward Uranus in your career sector will insist you remain open to the big picture and be willing to put yourself out there in a rebellious way. Experimenting, taking risks and being a pioneer in your chosen field are all requirements in 2012! No longer can you remain in the safe protection of your shell. As the old adage goes: Life starts where your comfort zone ends. When Pluto and Uranus make an exact square in June, you'll be forced to make a major change if your career still isn't where you want it to be. With action planet Mars spending most of the year in the workaholic sign of Virgo and activating your communication sector, you can expect your inbox to practically overflow; you won't get a break from networking until summer. In fact, you may have to impose your own tech fasts just to preserve your sanity! Especially during the first quarter of the year while Mars is retrograde, you'll be craving many pauses and will need to power off once in a while. Use the first few months of 2012 to reflect on where you've been and what you've learned; then, apply those lessons to your future goals. Have you written everything down? If not, now is the time to get clear in very deliberate terms what you want out of your career. Another wave of eclipse patterns will rock your work sector this spring and summer. The new Moon solar eclipse in May creates a domino effect of long-lasting changes in both the way you work and the kind of work you'll be doing. Are you utilizing all your talents, Cancer? If not, this is your breakout year. All the planets are begging you to take a chance and expand your concept of what you believe is possible. The cosmos will reward you for any risks you take on its behalf!

Cancer: Love & Relationships

Year 2012 Romantic
Cancer, this is your year to take romance seriously! If you've been a dilettante, your time is running out. Saturn will enter your love sector this October and ask you to make important choices about what you will - and won't - accept in your love life. The cosmic taskmaster planet will also require you to put up or shut up when it comes to romance. No longer can you say one thing and do another. Either you're in it for the long haul ... or you're a free bird. There's no longer any in-between. Friends could easily become lovers, or vice versa, under the lucky auspices of Jupiter in your social sector. It also means you could meet someone very special through your circle of friends. You won't be spending much time at home this year, so your chances of meeting someone special are multiplied by the amount of time you spend out with friends. Always dress for success, because you never know who you might meet! Pluto continues to rock the very foundation of your significant relationships. This has been going on for so many years now, it's starting to feel status quo. You've certainly been to hell and back so often in recent times that you've grown accustomed to picking up the pieces and starting over. The redeeming factor of this intense transit is that each time you go through a personal cataclysm, you emerge that much stronger. Your ability to regenerate is astonishing at this point. You've weeded out the toxic relationship patterns and - more importantly - the negative people from your life. When it comes to love, you are the Phoenix!

Leo: Yearly Overview

7/23 8/22

Year 2012 Overview

This is a year of fabulous fortune for you, Leo, especially in the career realm. You'll have the auspices of Jupiter in Taurus doing your bidding for the first half of 2012; during the year's second half, you'll have the lucky planet blessing your long-range goals and wishes. And if that's not enough of a cosmic bonus, Jupiter will also bring good things to your social life from July through the end of the year. Expect unprecedented party invites and new friends pouring into your life by the time summer arrives! Mars will activate your financial sector for the first half of 2012, so expect a good portion of your energy to go into making (and spending) money. The first quarter of the year is a good time to conserve your resources and put more effort and reflection into how you can double your investments and increase your earning potential. When Mars comes out of retrograde in May, you'll be able to trust your instincts and spend your money more freely. The eclipse season begins in May - just in time to shake up your romantic sector for the summer! The new Moon solar eclipse in May brings the year's first winds of change into your love life. You may or may not be expecting such intensity in your romantic life, but you'll welcome it all the same. You've been daring life to take you on, and now you can finally meet a partner capable of handling your towering strength and confidence. After all, isn't it about time you met your match? And now that Saturn is moving out of your communication sector - after two-and-a-half years of blocking your ability to speak from the heart - you'll be back to your old outspoken self after October!

Leo: Career & Finance

Year 2012 Career
You've got it going on this year, Leo, as Jupiter continues to reign over your career sector. If you had one shot and opportunity to seize everything you've ever wanted, would you not pounce on it? Well, now is your time! It's all about expanding your perception of what's possible in 2012. You were born for superstar status, and you know it. So what are you waiting for? Pluto has taken up residence in your work sector for the long haul, so there's no new tale to tell on that front. However, it doesn't mean that the mighty presence of the god of the underworld should be taken lightly! The demands of Pluto are relentless. The need for constant change - and to shed anything that no longer serves you - are its minimum requirements. You're a constant work-inprogress, so don't get too comfortable or complacent if you want to remain in good standing. This year is about realizing your true potential. Saturn will be leaving your communication sector in October, making all your business correspondence and networking tasks that much easier. You've learned important lessons about what to say (and what not to say) when it comes to expressing yourself with higher-ups. Now you can apply those lessons to every arena in your life by only using the words that are absolutely necessary to convey your truth. Finally, Mars will be spending an inordinate amount of time in your financial sector this year, forcibly putting you in business mode - like it or not. Think like a mogul and you'll be amazed at all the new money-making schemes you can manifest in 2012!

Leo: Love & Relationships

Year 2012 Romantic
Leo is the sign of love, so you'll be pleased to know that Cupid won't be giving you the cold shoulder this year! With another round of eclipse patterns stirring up passions in your romance sector this spring, you'll be anything but starved for affection. If anything, you'll have the other extreme to contend with - too many alluring suitors vying for your attention. Choosing only one requires excluding others, and this has never been your strength. The new Moon solar eclipse in May in your house of love is just the tip of a very amorous iceberg to hit your world this year! Venus spends most of September in your chart, so mark that as your month of pure pleasure. This is the time of year when the goddess of beauty and love gets to shine through you most brightly. Love is especially in the air between May and December, while in November, sexy Mars activates your romance sector, making sure there's plenty of heat to take you through the colder months. This October, Saturn enters Scorpio and moves into your chart's base camp. Over the next few years, you'll be asked to plant roots. If you're not already in a settling-down mode, you may certainly feel a push to deepen your commitment towards creating a solid home life. In any case, you'll be considering long-term stability and what your priorities are in terms of home and family. If you've managed to remain an eligible swinger, the cosmic taskmaster will force you to give up your wild days in favor of something more permanent and meaningful.

Virgo: Yearly Overview

8/23 9/22

Year 2012 Overview

This year is all about non-stop action for you, Virgo. With Mars spending the entire first half of 2012 in your sign, you may start to wonder if there will be any break in sight before 2013. The first quarter of the year will be under Mars's retrograde influence, a transit that could push you into a semi-neurotic workaholic mode. Be sure to give yourself plenty of physical outlets in order to channel all that excess Mars energy. When Mars turns direct in Virgo in May, you'll possess tremendous energy to make amazing things happen! With Neptune moving back into your partnership sector in February, you'll settle for nothing less than your true soul mate; either that or you'll feel blissfully wedded to your spiritual nature ... or perhaps a little of both! In any case, this is the time of your life to realize how important it is to satisfy the longings of your soul. You've compromised, settled and rationalized trying to make the wrong relationship right for long enough. Now you're willing to wait for the real thing. You'll be thrilled to know that Saturn, after putting the brakes on your spending over the last few years, is finally about to take leave of your financial sector. Any financial challenges you've had to endure since 2009 should come to an end this October. A change of residence or alterations to your current abode are possibilities under the next wave of eclipse patterns. June's full Moon lunar eclipse in your domestic sector is the beginning of many profound changes to affect both home and career prospects between late 2012 and early 2013. And then, the new Moon solar eclipse in November in your communication sector could bring new potential for learning, speaking, writing or travel opportunities.

Virgo: Career & Finance

Year 2012 Career
More eclipse patterns are waiting on deck to keep your professional life in crazy, fast-forward motion throughout 2012. You can appreciate the beauty of speed, but you're still getting over your fear of the unknown. When your life changes so radically and so quickly, it's hard not to wonder where it will all land. Trust that you're being put on an accelerated course to success. With Mars spending an exceptionally extended period (eight months) in your constellation, your workaholic tendencies will be off the charts. The upside is the amazing accomplishments possible for you this year - people will start to wonder if you're hooked into some kind of supernatural limitless energy supply! Venus will also be gracing your career sector for an unusually lengthy stint between April and August. The retrograde phase of Venus is between May and June, so take advantage of April and July as your months to shine (and boost your financial portfolio!). Finally, Neptune will leave your work sector this February, making it easier to focus on a plan. You've enjoyed the blessings of Neptune's spiritual gifts, while also experiencing the confusion and inability to stick to a consistent daily rhythm.

Virgo: Love & Relationships

Year 2012 Romantic
Venus might not make its way into your chart until October, but you'll have plenty of other powerful planetary influences to keep your romantic life flourishing. For one thing, you'll have the supercharged masculine mojo of Mars revving your stars for the first six months of the year. You'll have no problem going for what you want - and getting it! Pluto continues to exert a powerfully subterranean influence over your romance sector, as it will for years to come. You're slowly becoming accustomed to Pluto's ongoing death-and-rebirth experiences in the realms of love and creative selfexpression. You've already shed many selves over the past few years, and Pluto has been gutting out your love life in order to create space for greater levels of passion and intimacy. You may have learned - or you may still be learning - the hard way that the more you let go, the more you receive. With the rather new presence of Neptune - the planet of glamour, illusion and longing - in your partnership sector, you're still finding your sea legs in that area of your life. Relationships are no longer a problem to be solved, but a mystery to be lived. Discrimination used to be one of your finest points when choosing a partner, but now you're more prone to the highs and lows of romantic projection. Seeing what you want to see, rather than what's real, is the true pitfall of Neptune's rose-colored glasses. Under Neptune's influence, you have a tremendous amount of compassion for your partner. Just be wary of becoming too selfsacrificing.

Libra: Yearly Overview

9/23 10/22

Year 2012 Overview

Although many have secretly been dreading the arrival of 2012, you've personally been looking forward to it. That's because karmic taskmaster Saturn has been doing a number on your life over the past two-plus years. Relationship lessons have been relentless throughout this time. If you haven't made important decisions about where to commit - and where to quit - these are your final months to do so. Don't wait another 30 years to get clear on what you truly want in your relationships. You'll be in the throes of Saturn's testing until October, when it moves into your neighboring sign, Scorpio. Consider this your final exam! Jupiter will be in its fellow Venus-ruled sign of Taurus, making a magical aspect to your stars for a good portion of 2012. Jupiter's lucky presence in your sector of sexuality, transformation and other people's money brings every material and emotional resource you could ever want or need. You'll have no problem attracting the proper support to fund your current or future projects. This is also the year for coming into your true power by transforming all the dead weight of your past. Change looks good on you, Libra. You've been shedding layers of karma, and now you're about to reap the wonders of renewal. World travel beckons in 2012, so pack your bags! The spring-summer eclipse patterns activate your travel sector in May and June, and Venus is in your travel sector between April and August. During the retrograde phase in May and June, you may want to be lay low or avoid more intricate itineraries. Mars will be spending the entire first half of the year in your sector of sleep, unconscious processes and dreams. This could create some inner turbulence (if not all-out insomnia) if you don't give yourself enough expressive and physical outlets. As always, it's about finding balance, Libra.

Libra: Career & Finance

Year 2012 Career
The cosmic taskmaster, Saturn, takes his final run in your constellation until October. Use the first 10 months of the year to perfect your relationship with time, your integrity and your value system. Work and collaboration are the prime focusese for the first six months. You love to team up in all affairs, but business is always a bit tricky to navigate when it comes to the balance of give-and-take. If you haven't figured out what doesn't work for you, let Saturn show you the way. When Saturn moves into your money sector in October, focus on how to rebuild your resources wisely. If you haven't done so already, now is the year to weed out all projects that waste your time and reap little reward. Too much output with little payback has to become a thing of the past. This is the year to expand your horizons, Libra. If 2011 was the year of deepening your commitment, 2012 is your year to go beyond comfort zones. There is a whole world of creative potential waiting for you, and all you have to do is grab the brass ring. With Neptune returning to your work sector in February, you're being called to cultivate a more soulful attitude toward your daily process. If you can dream it, you can become it! Let your dreams and your imagination be your guide. No longer can you get away with putting off doing what you love without a huge sack of guilt hanging over your head. You may be more drawn to music, film, fashion and photography than ever before. Communication plays a vital part in your professional projects this year. With the eclipse patterns activating your sector of correspondence, you'll be asked to choose your words even more carefully than normal. Watch for blunt language and putting your foot in your mouth, especially during the summer months.

Libra: Love & Relationships

Year 2012 Romantic
Uranus, the planet of unexpected surprise, continues to play tricks on your relationship sector in 2012. The method to all this madness is to persuade you to think outside the box about dating, mating and relating. Co-dependence is set to become a thing of the past for you, as the planets insist you find your inner warrior and forge ahead on a new path of individuality and freedom. This doesn't mean you have to be alone, nor will you; in fact, this could be one of the most rewarding relationship cycles of your entire life, if you play your cards right. With Saturn continuing to exert its grave, but wise influence over your chart until October, relationships are nothing to take lightly. No more flirting just to see if you're liked. If you're in it, you've got to back up all your subtle innuendo with substance! You can expect to forge a better sense of grounding in who you really are, which can only translate into more passionate relationships. With Saturn helping improve your integrity over the past few years, you have a clear sense of self and boundaries. It's finally become easier for you to say no without worrying so much about disappointing others. This allows for more authentic relationships and romance to enter your life. And when Saturn leaves your chart in October, you'll be ready to apply all the powerful relationship lessons you've learned over the past two-and-a-half years. Love may be blind, but you're thankfully about to have one of its veils lifted after February. Neptune, the planet of illusion and delusion, leaves your romance sector after haunting you for several years. Instead of projecting your ideal onto lovers, you'll be more inclined to look for a partner who is your equal. Fancy that!

Scorpio: Yearly Overview

10/23 11/21

Year 2012 Overview

Scorpio, 2012 is your year of reckoning! You worked yourself to the bone in 2011, and now you've hit a major impasse. You've got until October to continue experimenting with what you want out of life; after that, big decisions must be made. Saturn is about to take up residence in your constellation for the first time in nearly 30 years. This planet rules karma, time and integrity, so each of these will be key themes throughout the year. Your values will be tested during the last quarter of the year, so get all your ducks in a row by then to avoid the stress of Saturn's inquisition. The good news is that a weight is about to be lifted from your consciousness, and all the background melancholy you may have felt over the past few years should lighten up. A major eclipse pattern takes hold of your stars in autumn 2012. November's total solar eclipse in Scorpio is sure to rock the very foundation of your life, so get ready for some major shifts in your relationships. Your life will definitely not be the same by the time 2013 rolls around. You're a butterfly and a phoenix - expect to shed some major skin this year. This could also be one of the most socially driven years you've ever seen. With Mars activating your house of friendship and goals in the sign of Virgo, expect a majority of your energy to be engaged with a barrage of social situations. It's all for a good cause, however, and will translate into your bigger life goals; in fact, a good portion of the parties you attend will have some sort of work component behind them. And with glamorous Neptune moving back into your pleasure sector in February, life will suddenly become very art-house cinema for you.

Scorpio: Career & Finance

Year 2012 Career
As long as Uranus continuing to exert its zany influence in your work sector, you'll continue to be pushed to new ground! You've been learning how to think outside the box over the past year, and now it's starting to become an entire way of working for you. You can translate this new genius into moneymaking opportunities by applying the discipline of Saturn as it arrives in your chart this October. If you've felt all over the map the past few years, you'll welcome Saturn's urgent influence as motivation to gain focus. Procrastination is soon to become a thing of the past for you. You'll be feeling more ambitious than ever with the imminent influence of Saturn. It's one of those years when you'll constantly make bucket lists in terms of career goals and worldly ambition. What are you here to accomplish? These larger questions loom heavier than ever before. No more playing the passionate dilettante when it comes to your career. Your agenda is too large for that now. With Mars exerting its pushy influence in your goal sector for the entire first half of 2012, you'll have a near-impossible time directing your energy anywhere besides working to manifest your dreams. You benefit by association with kindred spirits and could find yourself working in more group situations than usual; you may even be involved in teaching or performing for large groups. Friends will play a vital role in furthering your career goals this year, so never underestimate the power of who you know.

Scorpio: Love & Relationships

Year 2012 Romantic
With Neptune returning to your romance sector for the next several years, your love life is about to take a poetic turn. A deep, soulful connection becomes the prerequisite for hooking up from now on! You won't settle for anything less than a soul-stirring union that inspires you to create art. Your lover becomes your muse, and vice versa. The only caveat to this inspired transit is to avoid the blind delusion of Neptune. Although there's always some level of projection and idealizing when in love, that doesn't mean you have to fall blindly into a situation with potentially destructive partners. Keep your wits about you, and do your usual background check before giving your heart away. There's a feeling of destiny when Neptune is in the picture. The winds of fate can be very fickle, so keep yourself grounded. With Saturn entering your constellation near your birthday, you'll be ready to go through a maturation process, regardless of your age. Saturn requires absolute integrity and commitment in all arenas of your life - especially relationships. This requires you to get very clear on where your line in the sand is, and what you will and will not put up with in relationships. There will be no more dragging anyone's heart around once Saturn enters the picture. You've been through enough losses over the past few years to understand that there's no point in getting even. It's time to relinquish the weight of the past and move bravely forward. This especially holds true in November, when the total solar eclipse in Scorpio accelerates fast-forward change!

Sagittarius: Yearly Overview

11/22 12/21

Year 2012 Overview

The winds of change are not about to let up just yet! With the arrival of 2012 comes yet another flurry of eclipse patterns to shake up your status quo. In June, the full Moon lunar eclipse in Sagittarius is the last of the series, bringing the final wave of a sea of oceanic changes you've weathered over the past few years. You've probably experienced dramatic endings or beginnings (or both) of important relationships and extensive personal transformations recently. Depending on where you find yourself at the start of the year, you can expect to experience the total other end of the emotional and relationship spectrum before 2012 is over. Venus will grace your relationship sector for an extended stay this year (spring to summer), setting the tone for beauty and romance at the ideal time of the year for new love. You'll welcome the amorous reprieve, because Mars and Jupiter will have kept you working hard most of the year. Plus, Jupiter will spend the first half of the year in your work sector, something that will bring glorious opportunities in your chosen field ... but won't leave much time for anything else. And with Mars firing up your career sector for the first six months of 2012, you'll channel some serious energy in service of taking your career to the next level. By summer, you should be at the very top of your game. This is the year to get yourself on the map, Archer, so go for it! In June, Jupiter will enter your relationship house, changing your focus from work to relationships. Saturn will depart from your social sector this October to give you back a real social life. When it moves on to your house of sleep and dreams in the fall, you'll welcome the retreat after the constant work mode of the first half of the year. Be sure to push all your projects during the first nine months of 2012 - you'll be ready for an extended vacation by the time October comes around!

Sagittarius: Career & Finance

Year 2012 Career
This is truly your year to shine in the big leagues, Sag! First, you have Jupiter using its luck and charm to open several new and fabulous doors - many perhaps abroad - for your work until June. Jupiter asks you to expand your talents and what's possible with your work, and it's an excellent time for attracting mentors and advisors that want to help you. Don't be afraid to ask for any guidance or support you need. Secondly, you have planet of action Mars powering your career sector for the entire first half of the year. Clearly the majority of your focus and energy will be pouring into professional pursuits until summer. Although Mars will be retrograde in your career house during the first four months, you'll still be working hard ... just more internally. This is the time to incubate new ideas and contemplate how to take your professional status to the next level. Come spring, you'll be a serious force to be reckoned with! Saturn will be applying its final, patient pressure on your sector of long-range goals until October, so three-quarters of your year will be spent fine-tuning your bigger aspirations. Have you recorded your five-, ten- and even twenty-year plan? If not, it's time to get clear on where you'd like to be going. When Saturn moves on to your sleep and retreat sector in October, you'll be less inclined to focus on any kind of agenda. The last part of the year will be spent in a more introspective state, during which you'll rather pursue solitude than worldly success. It's a natural reaction to all the hard work you've channeled into your career throughout the first half of the year.

Sagittarius: Love & Relationships

Year 2012 Romantic
This is the year for finding an exceptionally harmonious match, or greatly improving your current one. In April, Venus will bring sweetness and light to your relationship sector for an extended period set to last until August. Due to a Venus retrograde period between May and June, the goddess of beauty and love will take up residence in your partnership arena for longer than normal. During Venus's retrograde phase, keep an eye out for the return of old lovers. As tempting as it is may be go backward, just be aware that when Venus turns direct at the end of June, your feelings - or the situation itself - could change drastically. Uranus will continue to tour your romance sector, causing a few interesting - and sometimes shocking - twists to the plot of your love life. But as long as you remain true to yourself, you'll be fine. Use the erratic and unpredictable patterns of Uranus to attract someone who keeps you on your toes. You certainly won't have to suffer through a boring or predictable love life by any means! In fact, you could find yourself attracted to some very eccentric personalities. If anything, you may be the one craving more freedom and distance in your romantic life at times, just to keep things interesting. Jupiter will join Venus in your relationship sector in June to bring good fortune for finding someone both fabulous and generous. If you're already hitched, this will feel like winning the lottery - you'll want to celebrate your partnership as if you're on a second honeymoon. From June until the end of the year, relationships feel blessed by the fates in every way. Even the crazy eclipse patterns due this spring and summer will have to comply with Jupiter's expansive demands. Change is inevitable, but you can rest assured that you have luck on your side this time. Jupiter's your go-to planet, and it always makes sure you get what you want!

Aquarius: Yearly Overview

1/20 2/18

Year 2012 Overview

This is the year to come out of recent hiding, Aquarius. Saturn, your traditional ruler, will be making its way to your sector of fame and recognition this year, so get ready! Your standing in the world takes on great importance, especially during the latter half of the year. The total solar eclipse in November in your career sector is another huge catalyst to boost your professional status. Being born under the sign of fame, this spotlight is in keeping with your destiny, darling. It's time to come out of humble reclusion, and let yourself shine! Jupiter spends the first half of the year in your home and family sector, placing the focus squarely on family dynamics and other long-buried issues. You'll gain many philosophical insights during this period about not only your roots, but your role in your family. This is a chance to expand your viewpoint on past events that have shaped who you are today. You may also find yourself in a more introverted and introspective space during the first half of the year until Jupiter enters your romance and pleasure sector in June. Perhaps the best news is that foggy Neptune is finally leaving your chart in February, allowing you to see clearly - especially in your relationship to yourself. After perhaps suffering some serious disappointments and disillusionments over the past few years, you have started to doubt your ability to read people accurately. However, you'll no longer be under the influence of Neptune's illusory powers, so you'll be able to get back on track. But beware: Neptune will move into your money sector, potentially obscuring your ability to be spend within the bounds of your financial reality. The upside is that Neptune in your financial house could bring an inspiring and soulful means for you to earn money. The arts - film, dance, photography or painting, in particular - could play a bigger role in your income than in years past.

Aquarius: Career & Finance

Year 2012 Career
This promises to be a stellar career year for Aquarius - your star is clearly rising! You've been in a bit of a gestation period for the past few years, but now you're getting ready to unveil your genius. Though 2011 may have felt like a bit of a stalemate for you, you'll soon realize that you were simply collecting experiences, ideas and dreams that will all be put to good creative use this year. Saturn will be sitting strong at the zenith of your chart for the next few years beginning in October. Under Saturn's tutelage in your career house, you'll be applying the proper focus, discipline and follow-through necessary to make things happen. Your time has come! While Mars is retrograde until April, you may still be holding your cards closer to your vest as the incubation period continues. But with Mars powering up your sector of resources and other people's money for such an extended period (the first six months of the year), you should have no trouble asking people for backing you might need to get your larger-than-life plans off the ground. You'll be highly resourceful during the first half of 2012, so take advantage of your innate networking skills - they will most definitely pay the bills! Come springtime, your projects will go off the charts. November's total new Moon solar eclipse in Scorpio will further trigger amazing events in your career house over the latter part of 2012. Themes of death and rebirth - as well as a total transformation of how you approach your career - are certain to emerge, and you'll be required to possess much more power in your chosen field. Do you see yourself as a key player, a leader and a pioneer? Hopefully so, because you're about to be called upon to step into the biggest shoes of your life. No playing small! This is your year to see and be seen, Aquarius.

Aquarius: Love & Relationships

1/20 2/18

Year 2012 Romantic

Your romantic sector can expect plenty of planetary action in 2012, bringing an abundant supply of love and pleasure. Venus will be visiting this corner of your chart for an extended stay between April and August. During Venus's retrograde period between May and June, you may enter a period of reflection and reconsideration over recent romantic developments; you may also encounter unexpected reunions with lovers from your past. In any case, you'll be revisiting sweet memories of love to remind you where you've come from - and help direct you where your love life is going! The new Moon solar eclipse in mid May will make a strong imprint on the love sector of your horoscope for the duration of the year. The effects of the eclipse will be revealed as an unfolding of events during 2012's second half, all having to do with romantic matters. Current relationships could develop quite quickly, causing a bit of a whirlwind in your heart. When Jupiter joins your love house in June, this will only amplify the power-of-love theme. Although you often pride yourself on being rather detached and objective, you could find yourself swept up in the drug of love before 2012 is finished with you. But with two of the most benefic planets blessing the romantic house of your horoscope during the second half of 2012, how can you go wrong? Enjoy your fate as a hopeless romantic without having to suffer the tragedy of unrequited love. If anything, you'll be the one turning down offers!

Pisces: Yearly Overview

2/19 3/20

Year 2012 Overview

This year puts you back in your wonderful watery element, Pisces. First off, Neptune, your ruling planet, will be moving back into your constellation in February for its full cyclic residency. You got a taste of this mystical infusion in 2011; now you can fully immerse yourself in the oceanic bliss of inspiration, oneness and compassion for the duration of 2012. You'll feel like you've come home to your true self. Whether you're an artist, healer or closet mystic, you'll have no choice but to move toward fulfilling the deeper longings of your soul. No longer can you deny how truly empathic and sensitive you are. It's time to channel those special qualities into proper use! You'll be doing quite a bit of digging into your past (and even your ancestral roots) for answers this year as Venus, Jupiter and May's new Moon solar eclipse make significant contact with the core of your horoscope. This is the perfect opportunity to finally sever old fears, guilt or regrets. Consider 2012 your year to move forward into the present! You've been haunted by the ghosts of your past long enough. Your career continues to evolve nicely under the auspices of 2012. You may experience some kind of radical peak around the full Moon eclipse in June impacting your career house - watch for significant meetings and messages around this time. The events and results of an eclipse usually take about six months to fully develop, so be patient and watch. Jupiter will offer his generous luck and assistance in your communication sector for the first half of the year until he moves on to your domestic sector. Get all your writing and other important correspondence finished before June, because the second half of 2012 could have you consumed in a hunt for a new home. Fortunately, things look quite lucky for you in real estate during the second half of the year, when Jupiter enters your domestic sector.

Pisces: Career & Finance

Year 2012 Career
You're looking at the big picture in assessing your career needs for 2012. You've been so immersed in the details of daily life that you've almost forgotten to pause and ask yourself if you're fulfilled. The last of the eclipses to hit your career sector for another 14 or so years arrives in June to give you that final push. You realize that you can no longer separate your soul's passion from your work. You've got too many artistic and mystical gifts to just plod along in survival mode, playing the savior for others at the expense of your own soul. You can be of service in a way that makes you want to get out of bed in the morning. Help does not have to mean suffering and martyrdom. It's time to celebrate all your talents and put your vision into action. Sometimes you're too subtle and invisible for your own good. Why are you hiding? This year holds big expectations for your potential. You've got the angelic influence of the planets on your side this year. Use this beneficient time to make your dreams a reality. This is what you do best, Pisces, since life is more like a dreamscape or art film to you anyway. If life became too ordinary in 2011, it's time to change your script in 2012. What did you really come into this world to do? With Neptune moving back into your sign in February, many messages will come to you in the form of intimations, epiphanies and other pieces of synchronicity. Take everything as it comes without second-guessing or doubt. You won't need your intellect too much this year, as you'll be operating under sheer heart and intuition. Trust that you're exactly where the Universe wants you to be!

Pisces: Love & Relationships

Year 2012 Romantic
Mars will create some serious heat in your relationship sector throughout the first half of 2012. It's an unusually long time to have the presence of this feisty, fireball planet in one specific area of your chart. In 2012, Mars will force you to direct energy toward your partnerships. If you've been playing it solo - or even celibate - all that is about to change under the aggressive presence of Mars. Although there could be some turbulence in your intimate relationship during the first four months of the year while Mars is retrograde in your partnership sector, you'll learn a lot about yourself. The way you fight reveals many of your own shadow tendencies. What you criticize in someone else is often a direct mirror into aspects of yourself you may need to examine more closely. Communication plays a vital role in your romantic life, especially during the first half of the year. If you let your words drip like honey, you'll be amazed at how many opportunities for love open up. This year, you're being tested to only speak and think from a place of love, rather than one of fear and paranoia. When you jump to conclusions and react accordingly, you're bound to create serious damage to your love life. But this is the year to break those destructive patterns. And with Neptune guiding the way in your sign, you'll enjoy near-immediate psychic knowledge of how your destiny is unfolding. That said, your greatest blind spots will come in the form of your relationships. The hardest part will be seeing your own role clearly. Let go of illusions and delusions that keep you bound to any kind of guilt or fear. This year is about unconditional love - starting with number one!

Capricorn Characteristics People born under Capricorn sign are deep thinkers. Capricornias are ruled by Saturn, whose symbol is the goat. Capricorn is a conservative sign. This is the most brilliant and the most depressed sign in the zodiac. They are usually careful in all money and business matters. They usually do several things at a time. These people are fine entertainers, have excellent memories and excel in storytelling. Women under this sign are very careful housekeepers, possessing much taste in arrangement as well as the management of the home. Sometimes these people are selfish and self-distrustful. They are great talkers and have a great sense of responsibility and determination to complete any project once started. These people are very ambitious, humorous, prudent, punctual and affectionate. Suspicion is one of the negative traits of Capricorns. Since they don't get much support in their lives, so they know how to handle and how to achieve their ambitions in life and they make it all alone. Sometimes Capricorns find it very hard to express their feelings. Repressions of the emotions may lead to depressions. They strive always for honesty and are normally confident, strong willed and calm. They dislike wild schemes, fantasies and mockery. Capricorns make commitment only after weighing all the elements of a potential union. Very few people are as practical and ambitious as Capricorn natives. People under this sign are never afraid of hard work for getting what they want in their life.

Weekly Capricorn Love Horoscope

Monday, January 02, 2012 - Sunday, January 08, 2012 The transition of years will make transitions in your relationships also. You might break up with your partner but stars predict that someone else will come in your life with whom you can think of developing a long lasting relationship. For singles, a perfect time to enter in a relationship is indicated by the stars. If you've been the host in the past, try making the event a little different this year by adding some surprising elements. Overall, a new meaning to your life will be added his week.

Monthly Capricorn Horoscope

January, 2012 Career January 2012 will be a month full of initiative and action. You'll have energy, will, ideas and opportunities. You can get ahead with your projects and ambitions on the condition that you get involved, struggle and fight. The procedures requiring commitment, courage and spontaneity will be more successful than the planned ones. Towards the end of January 2012 you might come across a professional event that is related to last year. January 2012 will have strong financial connotations: Jupiter will be in the house of residence, Mercury will be with Rahu in the 11th house. Be alert but prudent. Health You'll be at your best, vigorous, energetic, dynamic. However, it seems there will be some extra energy that you'd better use for exercise and effort. If not used, it can end up causing accidents, inflammations, infections or pains, acute ailments or conflicts that can disturb your inner equilibrium. Love/Marriage/Personal Relations Mars' presence in Leo awakens your passion and instincts. Your sexuality will manifest vigorously. You'll have a lot of sex appeal, you'll attract without efforts, but at the same time you'll take great pleasure in provoking, inciting, conquering over. Your wishes will be very intense and will demand immediate fulfillment, but in spite of this haste, you won't lose your head. You'll manage to be moderate, to control your emotions and actions, at least regarding important decisions. All in all, you have a few "hot" weeks ahead of you that you can enjoy freely. Advice If you want to make a change, do it now.

Daily Capricorn Horoscope / Capricorn Horoscope Today / Capricorn Daily Astrology

Tuesday, January 03, 2012 Energy wanes even as success seems closer at hand. You could find yourself in an exciting new situation-which will

also bring you financial gains. Your knowledge and good humour would impress people around you. Don't indulge in eve-teasing today. Your boss will not be interested in excuses- Do your work to remain in his good books.

Capricorn Horoscope 2012

Year 2012 General A good year is predicted for you with the developments in career and business picking up in the second half of the year. In the first half of the year you will face domestic tension so be a little diplomatic and avoid confrontations. Eligible Capricorn natives will find their soul mate in the second half of the year. This year you will be able to change a life style, to get rid of obsolete things courageously and to choose another path. Dont hesitate to explore unconventional possibilities and perspectives Finance Major opportunities will present themselves to you especially in the second half. You will get promoted. The second half sees you forging ahead on professional fronts. You will start a new business or make innovative changes in the existing set up to reap a rich harvest. Gains from commission and contracts foreseen. Health In the first half of the year Capricorn energy level is quite high and diseases are not likely to occur Love/Marriage/Personal Relations Private life is continuing to play tricks that have roots in the past. There may be serious family problems this year. If things are not going well already, the relations may break up or will suffer great changes at least. In the second half of the year there may be problems with children, which may make you upset and require immense expenses. If the first half of 2012 is unfavorable for married couples, the second half will prove to be difficult for sweethearts. The success of intimacy will depend on sincerity and mutual desire to help each other. Listen to your heart and do not be guided by advices of strangers. In November or December your relations will be extremely delicate and can break up any time Family & Friends Control your emotions in the first half of the year as tension on the domestic front is foreseen. Health needs to be taken care of especially from February to June. Lucky Number 8 Lucky Color Sky Blue
Lucky days for Capricorn : Tuesday. Monday & Saturday : avoid anything afresh on. Wednesday : will bring happiness in personal life. Friday : is auspicious for short journeys. lucky number for Capricorn : 1, 4, 5, 6, 9. Avoid 2, 7 & 8. lucky Stone for Capricorn : ruby , emerald. lucky color for Capricorn : orange, red, green. Avoid blue and white. Beyond May 8 2012, of good luck of the purchase of a good to exist. You will be located close to the family and in left the resentment to their consideration sometimes too. This is a period where it is necessary to remain prudent and positive.

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