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This guide is in direct response to the widespread interest generated by the report of the internal Auditors Advisor dated 13th February 2009


In this document a policy is a concise, formal and mandatory statement of principle which provides a framework for decision-making and a means by which the PNG Ports Corporation Limited reduces institutional risks. Policies support the Company s course for the foreseeable future and should therefore change infrequently.

In this document Procedures are the mandatory steps required to implement and comply with a policy and meet its intent. Procedures specify who does what and when. They may be reviewed and revised more frequently than policies.

The policy owner is a department or management position or body responsible for the development, oversight and review of policy.

The scope of a policy includes: The ports managed and or operated by PNG Posts Corporation Limited to which the policy applies. There relevance, the type of management system or program to which the policy applies (e.g.; Online undergraduate courses; Online postgraduate coursework programs or MBA

programmes; off-shore programs at which PNGPCL is the employees sponsor or facilitator). The members of the Port community or user and their stakeholders to whom a policy applies.

The department or management positions or bodies responsible for implementation of the policy and procedures in their work area (e.g.; Divisional Executive Manager (e.g.; PNG harbours Management Services/ CMCO); Department managers; Team Leaders/Coordinators and or Supervisors). The department or management positions or bodies responsible for monitoring implementation of and compliance with the policy and its associated procedures.

The key stakeholders are those directly affected by a policy, including those responsible for implementation and compliance monitoring, and must be consulted during development or revision of the policy and its associated procedures. Key stakeholders may include employees or members of the external community as well as their staff. The global or regional maritime and logistics associates to PNGPCL are key stakeholders in all PNGPCL policy and must be consulted during policy development and review.

The Endorsement Body: the department or body appointed by the Chief Executive Officer of PNGPCL with responsibility for endorsing the policy and approving procedures, and submitting policy to the ultimate body for approval. This department or body shall revise all policies and procedures before submitting to the approval body and this department shall be called the Corporate Standards Department reporting directly to the Chief Executive Officer.

The Approval Body: the body responsible for the approval of all PNGPCL Policy, and notification of the policy owner. This body shall have full authority to direct a revision of all policies and procedures before submitting to the board and shall be called the Corporate Standards and Governance Oversight Committee comprising of the Chief Executive Officer, the Company Secretary and The Business Assurance Department Representative or Manager.


Identify need for new policy and/or procedures

1. The need for new policy and/or procedures may be identified by: The ultimate (approval) body; The penultimate (endorsement) body; or The/a stakeholder.

The triggers for a new policy and/or procedures may include:

Changes to the external operating environment;

Changes to government policy or legislation; Review of the strategic directions of the university; New initiatives within or across academic or management areas; Need for consistency across areas of service delivery.

Review of Existing Policy and Procedures

Policies and procedures must be reviewed on a regular basis. The review cycle may vary depending on the policy type and its scope, but twelve months would be typical, and there must be no more than three years between policy reviews. Procedures are likely to be reviewed more frequently. Review dates should be set to allow adequate time for revision and approvals processes. Minor editorial updates that do not affect the title or substance of the policy (purpose, scope, policy statement) do not need to go through the formal approvals process. These include correction of typographical errors or changes to: stakeholders policy owner contact person/maintainer key words and definitions

Notify policy maintainer of review due date

The policy maintainer is the position/role in a department nominated to be the maintainer of the policy and its associated procedures in the web-based Policy Bank. In the interim while the Qudos3 Document Management System shall be utilised by the maintainer who is also the contact person for queries about the policy. The maintainer will be notified automatically by Qudos (the web application) on the scheduled review date.


Identify scope and stakeholders

The policy owner identifies the scope and key stakeholders. An email distribution list of key stakeholders should be prepared at this stage of the process. The responsibility for maintaining the list of stakeholders rests with the policy owner.

Research and analyse

Relationship to Company (PNGPCL) legislation It is important that the company s (PNGPCL) statutes and regulations be checked prior to policy development/review to ensure consistency and prevent duplication. Company policies must not cover the same matter as statutes or regulations. If it is considered that there is a need to review or repeal a piece of PNGPCL legislation, this must be referred to the Company's Secretary and Correspondences Copied (CC) to the Chief Executive Officer s Office.

In some cases it may be desirable or necessary to have company policy dealing with areas of external (government) legislation in order to amplify and interpret the application of external legislation to the PNGPCL context. New policy and/or procedures The research process for a new policy and/or procedures is initiated by the policy owner and may include environmental scanning and comparative analysis of relevant internal and external organisations, as well as investigation and analysis of: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Relevant government policy and legislation, and national codes Company legislation Existing policies Gaps Need to revise or rescind Consistency Possible constraints on implementing the policy at lower organisational levels, particularly at outer ports with slightly different provincial legislative frameworks 8. Previous records of relevant bodies 9. Other relevant data Review of policy and/or procedures The research process for review is also initiated by the policy owner and includes investigating: 1. Whether the policy and/or procedures is still consistent with best practice, strategic directions of the university, and changes in national codes or government policy and legislation; 2. Whether the policy meets stakeholders needs; 3. Possible constraints on implementing the policy at lower organisational levels, particularly at outer ports with slightly different provincial legislative frameworks; 4. The level of compliance with the existing policy and/or procedures; 5. Whether any related policies need to be revised or rescinded Draft policy and/or procedures Based on research and analysis, a draft of the new, amended or revised policy and procedures is prepared by the policy owner. If consequential revision is required to related policies or procedures, these drafts must also be prepared. Consult key stakeholders The policy owner discusses the drafts and any recommendation to rescind with the key stakeholders. Consultation may include formal meetings, phone conversation or email. The policy owner must also consult with the relevant University Compliance Officer to ensure that the draft is consistent with and complies with relevant legislation. Outer Ports Corporate-wide policies apply to all ports, both the Head Quarter and outer ports, and differing requirements for the outer ports should be accommodated as far as possible in procedures rather than policy.

However in some cases policy variations may be required at the outer port due to differences in local law or their internal organisational structure. These will be determined on a case-by-case basis and approved by the same approval body as for the corresponding company policy after consultation between the port and the central policy-owning group, and endorsement by the relevant reporting body, in which case to the Chief Operating Officer s Office who then submits to the endorsement body. Amend or revise After the consultation process, further amendments or revisions may be required. If further revision is recommended, a revised draft is prepared and a new round of consultation with the key stakeholders is initiated by the policy owner. This cycle is repeated until no further amendments/revisions are recommended by the key stakeholders. Consideration for policy endorsement and procedure approval When the key stakeholders are satisfied with the draft/s, the policy owner submits the draft/s to the penultimate body for endorsement of policy and approval of procedures, together with any recommendations for rescission of existing policy. When the penultimate body is satisfied, the penultimate body submits the draft/s and any recommendation to rescind an existing policy to the ultimate body (Corporate Standards and Governance oversight Committee) for approval. In the case of policies and procedures under review, if the policy owner considers that no revision is required, a recommendation is made to the penultimate body that the existing policy and procedures stand and be next reviewed according to the review schedule. A recommendation to this effect is submitted to the ultimate body. Notice to policy owner For both new policies and procedures and those under review, the penultimate body advises the policy owner if further amendments and/or revisions are required. The policy owner then re-initiates the process of revision and consultation with the key stakeholders.

When no further amendments and/or revisions are recommended to procedures, the penultimate body advises the policy owner. Consideration for policy approval When the ultimate body is satisfied with the endorsed draft/s, the draft is approved as policy. For policies under review, any recommendation from the penultimate body that no revision is required must be approved by the ultimate body. For existing policies, any recommendation to rescind must also be approved by the ultimate body. Notice to policy owner If the ultimate body considers that further amendment and/or revision is required, the policy is referred back to both the penultimate body and the policy owner.

The policy owner then re-initiates the process of revision and consultation with the key stakeholders. If no further amendments and/or revisions are recommended, the ultimate body advises the policy owner. Submitting Policies and Procedures The policy owner or designated position submits the policy and procedures to the Policy Bank via the web-based submission templates. The Policy form will not be published unless: All defined fields are complete; The Procedures form has also been completed and submitted. If a policy is being rescind, the policy owner or designated position also submits this information via the template. Detailed instructions for completing the customised Policy and Procedures web templates can be downloaded from the Qudos3 Application Document Toolbox in the Corporate Standards webpage. Repository Update The Policy Repository will be automatically updated after the Master Document template has been submitted by the policy maintainer and the generated web page approved by the policy owner.

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