Degree Engineeringsachin - Gevariyarelational Database Design Concepts Course Overview

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Relational Database Design Concepts Course Overview: Developing Relational Databases Relational Database Fundamentals Database Development Methodology

gy Overview Building a Logical Data Model Transforming to Physical Design Migrating Entities to Tables Selecting Primary Keys Defining Columns Enforcing Relationships with Foreign Keys Implementing Exclusive and Recursive Relationships Implementing Supertypes / Subtypes Enforcing Business Rules o NOT NULL, UNIQUE and o o CHECK Constraints Assigning DEFAULT Values DELETE and UPDATE Rules Understanding Data Analysis and Modeling Identifying Entities and Attributes Isolating Keys Relationships between Entities (One-to-One, One-to-Many, Many-to-Many) Creating Entity-Relationship Diagrams Complex Modeling Issues o Exclusive and Recursive o Relationships Supertype / Subtype Entities Normalization as a Design Technique Progressive Steps to Normalization (First, Second, and Third Normal Form) Higher Levels of Normalization Using Normalization to Build an E-R Diagram

Historical and Control Tables Database VIEWs Estimating Table Sizes

Designing for Security: Users and Roles Designing for Performance Transactional vs. Query Tables Indexing Denormalization Row Column Layout Table Partitioning Addressing Data Contention

Other Design Issues Selecting Database or Database Management System Software Operating Environment Considerations Referential Integrity Enforcement and Implications

Storage Considerations Constructing the Database Creating the Database Objects

Populating the Database Creating and Manipulating Data

o o o o

The Schema Creating Tables, Indexes, Constraints and Views Using SYNONYMs Using Table and Column COMMENTs

o o o o


Controlling transactions o COMMIT o o ROLLBACK SAVEPOINT

Creating ROLEs and GRANTing Privileges Managing Database Objects o Dropping Tables, Indexes o o o and Views Revoking Privileges ALTERing Tables, Indexes and Views Enabling and Disabling Constraints

Data Loading Utilities

Backup and Recovery Planning Basic SQL Queries Displaying Table Structures SELECTing Column Data FROM a Table SELECT DISTINCT values COUNTing rows Restricting Rows Using the WHERE Clause Using Operators o Logical o Mathematical o o Comparison Concatenation

Manipulating and Summarizing Results Using Row Functions Using Column Functions Handling NULLs Aggregating Results Using GROUP BY Restricting Groups with the HAVING Clause

Advanced Query Techniques Outer Joins Set processing: UNION, MINUS and INTERSECT Subqueries Tips for Developing Complex SQL Queries

Sorting Results Using ORDER BY Joining Multiple tables

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