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Week 1 Lesson Plan (Introduction)

Learning Outcomes: To enable students to be able to:    Identify the author of the novel. Identify the era and the setting involved in the novel. Identify all the characters involved in the novel.

Class activity:
Level 1 Match the characters with the correct descriptions. Level 2 From the internet, find background information of the author of the novel. Level 3 o o From the internet, find other novels that he has written. Find information about the Victorian era in 1880s (buildings, costumes, customs, etc)

Quick Quiz

1. 2. 3. 4.

Who is the author of the novel? When was the novel written? Where does the story take place? Guess:

a. Who is Dr Jekyll and who is Mr Hyde? b. How are they related to each other?

Assessment: Students answer the Quick Quiz. Homework: Please read chapter 1.

Week 2 Lesson Plan (Chapter 1 - Night in the City)

Learning Outcomes: By the end of the lesson, students would be able to:

Class activity:
Get into groups of 3 4. Level 1 Rearrange the sentences according to the correct sequence of the plot. Level 2 Analyse Mr. Hydes appearance as described by Richard. Using a digital camera, capture a picture of Mr. Hyde look alike acted by one of the team members and upload it in the class web. Level 3 Edit the picture you have taken and include the description of Mr Hydes appearance as described by Richard underneath the picture. Assessment:


Describe the sequence of events involved in chapter 1 Describe how Mr. Hyde looks like.

Quick Quiz

1. Name two places Mr. Richard Enfield had gone to

before he witnessed the terrible incident.

2. What made Edie walk alone in the wee hours of

the night?

Describe the incident that happened that night from Edie's point of view
Homework: o o Fill in the bubbles of the comic. Read Chapter 2.

Week 3 Lesson Plan (Chapter 2 - The Signature)

Learning Outcome: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: y identify the sequence of the events which happened from chapter 1 until chapter 2.

Class activity:
Get in groups of 3 or 4 Level 1 Match the conversations with the correct character. Level 2 Discuss whether or not the compensation was enough. Why? Suggest a different way of paying the compensation. Level 3 Discuss what made Richard thought the cheque was forged. Provide rationales. Assessment:

Quick Quiz:

1. Whose signature was the title refer to? 2. How much did Mr Hyde need to pay as
compensation? 3. Which bank issued the cheque?

Draw a flow chart indicating the places Mr Enfield had been to in chapter 1 and 2
Homework: Read Chapter 3

Week 4 Lesson Plan (Chapter 3 - Blackmail House)

Learning Outcome: To enable the students to:   Describe Mr. Uttersons appearance and personality. Suggest other alternatives to the action taken by Richard.

Class Activity:
Level 1 Fill in the table provided with the descriptions of Mr. Uttersons appearance and personality Level 2 In pairs, discuss at least 3 actions you would take to uncover the mystery of Mr. Hyde if you were Richard. Level 3 o Imagine you are Richard. In one paragraph, describe what you would do when Mr. Utterson tells you that something terrible is happening and there is worse to come Share your opinion in the online class forum

Quick Quiz:

1. Who labeled the blackmail house? 2. Who is Richard to Mr. Utterson?

Assessment: Describe why is the house called the blackmail house. Homework: Read Chapter 4.

Week 5 Lesson Plan (Chapter 4 - Search for Mr. Hyde)

Learning Outcomes: By the end of the lesson, students would be able to:

Class activity:

(Pair work)


Identify the content of Dr Jekylls will. Recognize Dr Lanyons feelings towards Dr Jekyll. Identify what Mr Utterson did in his effort to find Level 2 Mr Hyde. Write the will as if it was written by Dr Jekyll.

Level 1 Fill in the empty boxes with the correct venue and event which occured in chapter 4.

Quick Quiz

Level 3 Write the dialogue between Mr. Utterson and Mr. Hyde when they met for the first time. Assessment: List down the efforts taken by Mr Utterson in searching for Mr Hyde. Homework: y Students write a reflection of todays activity in the class blog. Please read chapter 5.

1. Who is searching for Mr. Hyde? 2. Why is he searching for Mr. Hyde? 3. What did he do when he found Mr. Hyde?

Week 6 Lesson Plan (Chapter 5 - Dr. Jekyll)

Learning Outcomes: By the end of the lesson, students would be able to:

Class activity:



Describe how Mr. Utterson describes Mr. Hydes appearance. Identify why Mr. Utterson wants to see Dr Jekyll that night. identify why Dr Jekyll wants to stick to his will.

Level 1 Fill in the correct reasons why Mr. Utterson wants to see Dr Jekyll in the blanks provided. Level 2 Analyse Mr. Hydes appearance as described by Mr. Utterson and compare the description given by Richard in chapter 1. Level 3

Quick Quiz :

1. What made Mr. Utterson think that Mr. Hyde was

deformed and yet was sound of body? 2. Was Mr. Utterson successful in convincing Dr Jekyll that he should not proceed with his will? Why?

Summarise Mr. Uttersons and Dr Jekylls conversation about the will.

Assessment: Answer the Quick Quiz. Homework: Read Chapter 6.

Week 7 Lesson Plan (Chapter 6 - The Carew Murder Case)

Learning Outcomes: By the end of the lesson, students would be able to:

Class activity:

(Pair work)


Describe the actions taken by the police at the crime scene. Write about the maidservants statement regarding the case to the police.

Level 1 Fill in the flow chart of the sequence of events involved in this chapter. Level 2 Discuss the actions taken by the police when they reached the crime scene. o Level 3 Identify all the items found at the crime scene.

Quick Quiz :

1. How did the maidservant recognize Mr. Hyde? 2. Who identified the victim as Sir Danvers Carew? 3. How did Mr. Utterson know where Mr. Hyde

Write a dialogue between the police inspector and the maidservant while investigating the case.

Write a newspaper report about the incident. Include a suitable headline.

Homework: Fill in the wanted poster. Please read chapter 7.

Week 8 Lesson Plan ( Chapter 7 - The Letter )

Learning Outcomes: By the end of the lesson, students would be able to:

Class activity:

(Pair work)


Describe Dr Jekylls reaction towards the murder done by Mr. Hyde. Identify Mr. Guests discovery on the two different Level 2 Write the dialogue between Dr Jekyll and Mr. Utterson signatures. about the murder done by Mr. Hyde. Level 3 Identify the similarities and the differences between the two letters and signatures as discovered by Mr. Guest. Assessment: Write a journal entry describing the whole day event as if you were Mr Utterson. Homework: Read Chapter 8.

Level 1 Rewrite the letter as if it was written by Edward Hyde.

Quick Quiz :

1. What was the content of the letter? 2. How did Dr Jekyll receive the letter, as he
claimed? 3. What made Mr. Utterson sense that Dr Jekyll lied about how he received the letter?

Week 9 Lesson Plan ( Chapter 8 - The Terror of Dr. Lanyon )

Learning Outcomes: By the end of the lesson, students would be able to:

Class activity:

(Pair work)

Describe Mr. Uttersons effort in finding the answers to what was actually happening to Dr Jekyll. Describe Dr Lanyons condition which brought to his death.

Level 1 List down the efforts done by Mr. Utterson in trying to uncover the mystery of Dr. Jekylls solitary life using the worksheet provided. Level 2 Describe Dr Lanyons expression in details when Mr. Utterson mentioned Dr Jekylls name to him. Level 3 o o Discuss why Mr. Utterson decided not to open the second envelope? If you were Mr. Utterson, what would you do? Why?

Quick Quiz :

1. How many months had passed since the

disappearance of Mr. Hyde?

2. Why do you think Dr Jekyll turned to his solitary

life again?

3. What made Dr Lanyon say that his days are

numbered? Assessment: Write the synopsis of chapter 8 in a form of a concept map. Homework: Please read chapter 9.

Week 10 Lesson Plan (Chapter 9 - The Face at the Window)

Learning Outcomes: By the end of the lesson, students would be able to:

Class activity:

(Pair work)

Describe the incident when Mr. Utterson and Mr. Enfield saw Dr Jekyll by the window of his laboratory.

Level 1 Fill in the dialogues between Mr. Utterson and Dr Jekyll in the worksheet provided. Level 2 Record the conversation using Microsoft sound recorder, save it and upload in the class website. Level 3 Identify 2 actions you would take if you were Mr. Utterson after witnessing what had happened to Dr Jekyll and state the reason why. Assessment: Write a journal entry describing the incident as if you were Richard. Homework: Read Chapter 10.

Quick Quiz :

1. What was Dr Jekyll doing when Mr. Utterson saw

him? 2. What happened to Dr Jekyll in the middle of their conversation?

Week 11 Lesson Plan (Chapter 10 - The Last Night)

Learning Outcomes: By the end of the lesson, students would be able to:

Class activity:

(Pair work)

Level 1 Match the conversation and the character as well as the Describe the incident when Mr. Utterson and Poole place where it happened. broke into Dr Jekylls laboratory. Level 2 Rewrite the note written by Dr Jekyll to a wholesale chemist. Level 3 Imagine you were Poole; describe the incident at the laboratory from Pooles point of view. Assessment: Describe Poole's effort in convincing Mr Utterson to break open the laboratory door. Homework: Please read chapter 11.

Quick Quiz :

1. Why was Poole afraid? 2. Why did Mr. Utterson start when he heard the
voice from inside the laboratory? 3. What made Mr. Utterson decide to break the laboratory door at last?

Week 12 Lesson Plan (Chapter 11 - The Disappearance)

Learning Outcomes: By the end of the lesson, students would be able to:

Class activity:
Level 1

(Pair work)


Describe the scene as Mr. Utterson and Poole entered the laboratory. Identify the actions taken by Mr. Utterson and Poole to save the good name of Dr Jekyll.

o o

List down all the items found in Dr Jekylls laboratory. Match the actions which the correct character.

Quick Quiz :

Level 2 Rewrite the will which Mr. Utterson found on the business table. Level 3 If you were Poole, list at least three things you would do while waiting for Mr. Utterson to return before midnight. Assessment: Write a newspaper report about the death of Mr Hyde. Include an appropriate headline. Homework: Read Chapter 12.

1. Why was the long mirror in the laboratory? 2. Where do you think Dr Jekyll had been?

Week 13 Lesson Plan (Chapter 12 - Dr. Lanyon's Statement)

Learning Outcomes: By the end of the lesson, students would be able to:

Class activity:

(Pair work)

Describe the content of Dr Lanyons statement.

Level 1 Arrange Dr Jekylls instructions to Dr Lanyon in the correct order. Level 2 o How did Dr Lanyon describe Mr. Hydes appearance? Describe the changes involved when Mr. Hyde mixed the potion.

Quick Quiz :

1. Why do you think Dr Jekyll regarded his life was

at Dr Lanyons mercy? 2. Who lived in Cavendish Square? 3. Why do you think Dr Jekyll could not take the content of the drawer himself?

Level 3 Describe the transformation of Mr. Hyde to Dr Jekyll as seen by Dr Lanyon. Assessment: List down and describe at least three reasons why Dr Lanyon wrote the statement. Homework: Please read chapter 13.

Week 14 Lesson Plan (Chapter 13 - Henry Jekyll's Full Statement of the Case)
Learning Outcomes: By the end of the lesson, students would be able to:   Identify the causes and effects relationship of Dr Jekyll's actions. Describe the agony that Dr Jekyll had gone through as a result of his scientific formula.

Class activity:
Level 1 o o

(Pair work)

Quick Quiz :

Match the incident with the correct venue where it happened. Match the right causes and effects of Dr Jekylls action.

1. What made Dr Jekyll experiment the drug on

himself? 2. Why didn't Dr Jekyll share his scientific formula in his confession?

Level 2 Identify and describe three actions taken by Dr Jekyll to cover his double identity from the public. Level 3

Identify and describe at least three difficulties faced by Dr Jekyll as a result of his scientific formula.
Assessment: Discuss whether the effects of Dr Jekyll's experiment on himself was worth while and explain why.

Week 15 Lesson Plan (Analysing Characters)

Learning Outcomes: By the end of the lesson, students would be able to: Class activity: (Group work) Each group is given one question in the worksheet provided. The list of questions are as follow:

Write about the characteristics of the major characters involved in the novel.

1. Write about a character that you would like to 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

make friends with. Give evidence from the novel to support your answer. Write about a sad character in the story. Give evidence from the novel to support your answer. Write about a character that you think is loyal. Give evidence from the novel to support your answer. Write about how one character can influence another characters actions. Give evidence to support your answer. Write about a character who is honourable. Give evidence from the novel to support your answer. Write about a character you admire. Give evidence from the novel to support your answer.

Assessment: Students discuss their answers and present them to the whole class using diagrams, mind maps, graphic organiser etc.

Week 16 Lesson Plan (Themes)

Learning Outcomes: By the end of the lesson, students would be able to:

Class activity:

(Group work)

Identify, elaborate and present the themes relevant to the novel.

Write on any one of the following themes: a. Love b. Hope c. Courage d. Honour e. Good against Evil f. Honesty g. Friendship Give two evidences from the novel to support your answer. Use the worksheet provided. Assessment: Students discuss their answers and present them to the whole class

Week 17 Lesson Plan (Moral Values)

Learning Outcome: Students would be able to:

Class activity: (Group work)

Write on one of the moral values: a. Honesty Write about one of the moral values learnt from the b. Responsibility content of the novel. c. Loyalty d. Kindness e. Patience f. Determination g. Trustworthiness Give evidence to support your answer. Use the worksheet provided to guide the students in answering the question. Assessment: Students present their answers to the whole class.

Week 18 Lesson Plan (Event/Plot)

Learning Outcome: Students would be able to :

Class activity:

(Group work)

Write about the specific events mentioned in the novel.

1. Write about an incident that changes the life of a 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

character in the story. Give evidence to support your answer. Write about an incident you find interesting. Give evidence from the novel to support your answer. Which part of the story did you find interesting? Give evidence from the novel to support your answer. Write about an incident which you dislike the most and suggest how would you like it to be. Do you like the ending of the story? Give suggestions on how you would like the story to end. Relate your answer with close reference to the text. Use the worksheet provided to help the students answer the question.

Assessment: Students present their answers to the whole class.

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