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IE 370 - Manufacturing Processes I (Spring 2012) Instructor:

TA: Professor Gary Cheng - Office Hours: Wed 1130am-130pm or by appointment. Office: GRIS 375 Phone: 494-5436 (Office) E-mail: Mr. Yiliang Liao (Leon) <> Mr. Qiong Nian <> Office Hour: Wednesday afternoon 2:00-4:30pm or by appointment. Where: GRIS 100, or Study room in GRIS 2nd floor

Goals: To learn the capabilities of basic manufacturing processes and equipments. Objectives: To become familiar with engineering materials and their mechanical properties. To understand the fundamentals of basic forming and machining processes, tooling and machine tools. To understand tolerances and inspection methods. To understand the capabilities of modern manufacturing processes. Textbook: Materials & Processes in Manufacturing by DeGarmo, Black and Kohser 10th or 11th edition.

Reference: 1. Manufacturing Processes for Engineering Materials SI by Serope Kalpakjian, Stephen R. Schmid, and Chih-Wah Kok.
2. Materials Processing and Manufacturing Science by Rajiv Asthana, Ashok Kumar, Narendra B. Dahotre, ISBN: 0750677163. Course Outlines 1. Introduction to Manufacturing Engineering 2 Materials. (lab) 3. Measurement, Inspection and Quality Control (labs) 4. Casting 5. Forming Processes 6. Powder Metallurgy 7. Fundamentals of machining, and machining Processes (labs) 8. Nontraditional Machining Processes 9. Rapid prototyping. 10. Introduction to Micromanufacturing Rules:

You are required to come to the class. Attendance is required at all scheduled class meetings. Homework will be assigned during the class. Unless otherwise indicated, they are to be submitted one week later. From time to time a pop quiz will be given during the class. No make-up quiz will be given. Two tests will be given, one at midterm and the other at the end of the semester. Any excuse for missing the quiz and/or the tests must come with proper supporting documents (e.g. doctors letter). For non-emergency cases, the instructor must be informed at least two weeks before the test. The coverage of the test is non-cumulative.

Academic Integrity

I can not over stress the importance of academic integrity. A Guide for Students," which students are encouraged to read here: Make sure that you read the document and understand it. Anyone cheating based on the definition will be given a zero on the assignment/test and will be reported to the Dean of Students.

Grading: Homeworks and quizzes: 50% Project: 10% Midterm and final exams: 40% TOTAL 100% In case of campus emergency

1) In the event of a major campus emergency, course requirements, deadlines and grading percentages are subject to changes that may be necessitated by a revised semester calendar or other circumstances. Here are ways to get information about changes in this course. Blackboard Vista web page, my email address:, and my office phone: 494-5436. 2) We have added materials to cover some of the other types of emergencies the class may face. We encourage students to sign up for emergency alerts. The website is found at

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