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Mario Woo & Taseal Ahmed The party seeks power entirely for its own sake one

does not [establish] a dictatorship The Party (Inner and Outer) The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power. ..Only power, pure power Power is not a means, it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. OBrien is explaining to Winston on the reason why the party exists. This is a crucial point in the play as it defines the reasons on why, as Winston constantly asks why throughout the novel, the party alters the past or why it puts an immense amount of resources into torture and the Ministry of Love and The Ministry of Truth. We know that the Party is split into two parts. The first part is the Outer party which consists of the workers and the second part is the Inner party which can be considered as the executive party that holds a lot of the power. y One of the first aspects that are seen is the economical levels of both parts of the party. The narrator explains that the Inner party has the few luxuries that he does enjoy his large, well-appointed flat, the better texture of his clothes, the better quality of his food and drink and tobacco, his two or three servants, his private motor-car or helicopter -- set him in a different world from a member of the Outer Party, and the members of the Outer Party have a similar advantage in comparison with the submerged masses whom we call the proles. The next feature of the two parties can be seen is the class distinction that is projected from the jobs. In this sense, below the Inner Party comes the Outer Party, which, if the Inner Party is described as the brain of the State, may be justly likened to the hands. This is can be seen as the largest mass of people as they are the work force that drives Oceania forward. There are some similarities that each part of the party has. It is in the ranks of the Party, and above all of the Inner Party, that the true war enthusiasm is found. This kind of shows how that the Inner party, no matter how different socially and economically, seems to have also have the element of being brainwashed also.

Although the Inner party might be the control center of all the operations, the Outer party still does the work required. The Outer party at most part does not understand that they are being brainwashed to think that everything is normal and that everyone is equal. y It seems as though OBrien has a different stature of being in the Inner party. He is able to understand both sides of the philosophy by still being completely devoted to Big Brother. So this shows that the Inner party does have some

Mario Woo & Taseal Ahmed corruption. Julia verifies this when she states there are plenty that would if they got half a chance. Theyre not so holy as they make out. Differences between Inner/ Outer The differences between the Inner and Outer Party creates conflict and contrasts between each character. Winston 1. A hard worker in the Ministry of Truth in the public eye, working tirelessly to change information to what the party deems acceptable. a. Private life with Julia b. Diary c. Brotherhood d. OBrien e. Mr. Charington f. Hope in the inner life outer life = conformity i. Fear of the oppressors exist in the outer life 1. Working in the Ministry of Truth 2. Two Minutes Hate (although he hates Julia, not Goldstein) ii. Inner life allows the readers the freedom of expression 1. Dreams 2. Memories 3. Link to the past 4. Diary 2. Julia a. Outer life i. Anti-sex league sash ii. Loyalty to the Party b. Inner Life i. Pleasure 1. Sex with party members ii. Relationship with Winston 3. OBrien and Mr. Charington a. Both inner and outer life are ambiguous in these characters The contrast in lifestyles between the inner and outer party: y Privileges and Censorship: People of the outer party such as Winston possess little to no luxuries and all their movements, actions, and daily activities are censored.

Mario Woo & Taseal Ahmed 'It is called wine,' said O'Brien with a faint smile. 'You will have read about it in books, no doubt. Not much of it gets to the Outer Party, I am afraid.' His face grew solemn again, and he raised his glass: 'I think it is fitting that we should begin by drinking a health. To our Leader: To Emmanuel Goldstein.' o We see OBrien possess something Winston has never seen before, only heard of, we can see a huge gap between the provisions between what the inner party has and what the outer party has Winston wrenched his body out of bed -- naked, for a member of the Outer Party received only 3,000 clothing coupons annually, and a suit of pyjamas was 600 -and seized a dingy singlet and a pair of shorts that were lying across a chair. o Once again, emphasizing what the Outer Party gets Connections with both parties He would have been incapable of speaking. O'Brien, however, had continued forward in the same movement, laying a friendly hand for a moment on Winston's arm, so that the two of them were walking side by side. He began speaking with the peculiar grave courtesy that differentiated him from the majority of Inner Party members. o Characters such as OBrien and Mr. Charington are inner party members who are communicating with the outer party by disguising like them. The quote above also tells the reader that the Inner party members may have been educated

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Ministries Ministry of truth: One of the four ministries, involved with news media, entertainment, the fine arts and educational books. Its purpose is to rewrite history and change the facts to fit Party doctrine for propaganda effect. Ministry of peace: It serves as the militant wing of Oceania's government, and is in charge of the armed forces, mostly the navy and army. The Ministry of Peace may be the most vital organ of Oceania, seeing as the nation is supposedly at war continuously with either Eurasia or Eastasia and requires just the right force to not win the war, but keep it in a state of equipoise. Ministry of love: The Ministry of Love enforces loyalty and love of Big Brother through fear, a repressive apparatus, and brainwashing. The Ministry of Love building has no windows and is surrounded by barbed wire entanglements, steel doors, hidden machine gun nests, and guards armed with "jointed truncheons". Its importance is played down by the Party, but its function is well known and it is arguably the most important ministry, controlling the will of the population. This ministry contains the room 101, where the worst thing in the world is contained.

Mario Woo & Taseal Ahmed Ministry of plenty: The Ministry of Plenty is in control of Oceania's planned economy. It oversees public access to food, supplies, and goods. It is also in charge of rationing these goods. As told in Goldstein's book, the economy of Oceania is very important, and it's necessary to have the public continually create useless and synthetic supplies or weapons for use in the war, while they have no access to the means of production. This is the central theme of Oceania's idea that a poor, weak populace is easier to rule over than a wealthy, powerful populace.

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