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Name_______________________________ Science Process Skills Review Packet: Put all answers for the multiple choice on this page.

For the constructed response, put all answers below each question. Answers (part 1) 1._____ 4. ._____ 7 ._____ 10 ._____ 13._____ 16._____ 19._____ 22._____ 1. A student examined a rock sample and described it as having particles of various colors that were 1 millimeter to 12 millimeters in size. The student was making (1) an inference (3) a prediction (2) a hypothesis (4) an observation 2.The graph below represents the relationship between the amount of spring rainfall recorded at a pond and the number of frogs in that pond. The data were collected over five spring seasons. 2._____ 5. _____ 8. _____ 11.._____ 14._____ 17._____ 20._____ 3._____ 6.._____ 9. _____ 12.._____ 15._____ 18._____ 21._____

rainfall was 5 cm and when the rainfall was 20 cm? (1) 20 (3) 50 (2) 40 (4) 60 3.The diagram below shows a triplebeam balance.

What is the maximum mass, in grams, that could be measured by this balance? (1) 110 (3) 610 (2) 500 (4) 1510 Base your answers to questions 4 and 5 on the graph below, which shows the average number of Calories needed each day by young people.

4.How many more average daily Calories are needed by a 17-year-old male than by a 17-year-old female? (1) 300 (3) 2700 (2) 500 (4) 3000 5 Which statement is supported by the graph? (1) At age 9, a female needs the same daily Calories as a male. (2) At age 14, a female needs more daily Calories than a male. (3) An 11-year-old child needs twice as many daily Calories as a 6-year-old child.

What is the difference between the number of frogs in the pond when the

(4) An 8-year-old female needs fewer daily Calories than a 5-year-old male

6.The diagram below shows a rock suspended above an overflow container filled with water up to the overflow spout. A graduated cylinder is positioned next to the container to collect water that comes out of the overflow spout.

Base your answers to questions 8 and 9 on the information and graphs below and on your knowledge of science. Some species of bacteria are harmful. Antibiotics are chemicals that kill bacteria. Some bacteria are resistant to antibiotics and are not killed by these chemicals. Over time, the resistant bacteria can reproduce and create populations that are not affected by antibiotics. The graphs below show the results of a controlled experiment that measured the population of one species of bacteria that had been grown in four containers under identical conditions. Different antibiotics were added to three of the four containers.

Which property of the rock can be directly determined when the rock is placed in the overflow container? (1) mass (3) volume (2) density (4) hardness. 7.The data table below shows changes in four different measurements as a human develops from birth to adulthood. Each measurement is expressed as a percentage of the adult value.

According to the table, which measurement shows the greatest percentage increase from birth to age 5? (1) brain weight (3) height (2) head size (4) total body weight

8. Which conclusion about this species of bacteria is best supported by the information in the graphs? (1) Antibiotic A continuously slowed the growth. (2) Antibiotic B was least effective in controlling the growth. (3) Antibiotic C was most effective in controlling the growth. (4) Antibiotics A and B slowed the growth.

9. The control in this experiment is represented by the container with (1) antibiotic A added (3) antibiotic C added (2) antibiotic B added (4) no antibiotic added

12.A student wanted to study the amount of mold growing on pizza at different temperatures. In the experiment, the student set up four identical pans of pizza. Each pan contained the same amount of pizza. The temperatures and light conditions are shown in the data table below.

10.The data table below shows the mass of an 800-gram block of ice as it melts to a 600-gram block of ice.

One error made in setting up the experiment was that the four pans of pizza (1) were at different temperatures (3) had different ingredients (2) were different sizes (4) received different amounts of light

If the current rate of melting continues, how many more minutes will be required for the 600- gram block of ice to reach a mass of 400 grams? (1) 15 (3) 45 (2) 30 (4) 60 11.Which instrument could be used to determine the volume of an irregularly shaped solid?

Base your answers to questions 13 and 14 on the drawings of bird feet and the dichotomous key below.

What is the diameter of the ball? (1) 6.0 cm (3) 14.0 cm (2) 8.0 cm (4) 17.0 cm

16.The graph below shows the water levels that result from tidal action over a 24-hour period.

13.Bird B is correctly identified as (1) a cormorant (3) an eagle (2) a duck (4) a jacana 14. What is a common feature of both the eagle and the kingfisher? (1) claws large (3) three toes webbed together (2) claws curved (4) four toes webbed together

What was the approximate height of the water on the tide marker at 6 p.m.? (1) 4.3 ft (3) 8.5 ft (2) 5.4 ft (4) 11.2 ft

15.The diagram below shows a ball held in place by two blocks. The diameter (width) of the ball is shown between the two blocks.

17.The pie chart below compares the amounts of energy from different sources used in the United States each year.

18.The information below shows what happens to incoming solar radiation.

Which pie graph best represents this information?

Which two energy sources together provide more than 50% of the energy needs of the United States? (1) nuclear and natural gas (3) oil and coal (2) hydropower and oil (4) natural gas and coal

19.The diagram below shows a tall beaker with four different liquids and their densities.

If a ball that has a density of 1.73 g/cm3 is placed in the beaker, where will the ball come to rest? (1) on top of liquid A (2) between liquids B and C

(3) between liquids C and D (4) on the bottom of the beaker

The formula for calculating an objects density is: Density = Mass /Volume

20.Which graph below shows an object slowing down?

Which statement about the densities of these three objects is correct? 1 B is more dense than A. 2 A is more dense than C. 3 B and C have equal densities. 4 A and C have equal densities. 22.The graph below shows the distance and time traveled by four cars.

21.The data table below shows the masses and volumes of three objects (A, B, and C). Which car traveled the slowest? 1 Car #1 2 Car #2 3 Car #3 4 Car #4

Base your answers to questions 23 and 24 on the diagram and information below and on your knowledge of science. The diagram shows an experiment conducted to see how quickly water moves through different size particles of the same substance.

Two identical columns contained equal volumes of different-size particles. The same amount of water was added to the top of each column. A student timed how long it took

for the water in each column to reach the wire screen. The data table below shows the results.

23 List two variables that were held constant in this experiment. (1) _______________________________________ (2) _______________________________________ 24 State one conclusion based on this experiment. ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________

Base your answers to questions 25 and 26 on the information below and on your knowledge of science.
A student conducted an experiment to find out if air temperature affected the total number of seeds that germinate. Two groups of 100 identical seeds were used. One group was kept at an air temperature of 10C and the other at an air temperature of 20C. All other conditions were held constant. Observations made during the experiment are shown in the data table below.

25.On the graph below, plot with an X the total number of seeds that germinated at 20C for each day of observation. Connect the Xs with a line. Note: The graph shows the total number of seeds that germinated at 10C.

26. Using the graph that shows the total number of seeds that germinated at 10C, determine how many seeds would have germinated at 10C by day 12. Total number of seeds: _________

27.The diagram below shows a rock being placed in a graduated cylinder containing water.

What is the volume of the rock? Note: 1 mL = 1 cm3. [1] ___________ cm3 28.The beaker shown below contains four liquids of different densities. The blocks shown in the beaker represent four different solid materials. The table below shows the densities of the four solid materials.

Indicate where each of the four solid materials would be located by writing the name of each solid material in the space provided.

29. A science class did an experiment to find out whether right-handed people catch better with the right hand than with the left hand. Five right-handed students each tried to catch a ball 20 times using the right hand and 20 times using the left hand. The results are shown below.

Identify two factors that should have been held constant in this experiment. (1) ____________________________________________________ (2) ____________________________________________________

30. A student made this entry in her laboratory notebook: 5/5/2005 We are doing an experiment to determine if the size of soil particles affects the amount of water that flows through soil. We poured 100 milliliters (mL) of water through four different types of soil. The equipment is shown below.

We got the following results: With gray soil, the average particle size was 2.0 millimeters (mm) and 80 mL of water flowed through. We then used tan soil. Its average particle size was 0.5 mm and 40 mL of water flowed through. With brown soil, 60 mL of water flowed through. Brown soil has an average particle size of 1.5 mm. In our last trial we used black soil. It has an average particle size of 1.0 mm and 50 mL of water flowed through. a Using the data table below, organize the results to show the average particle size and the amount of water that flowed through for each type of soil. Be sure to include column headings, data, and units in the table.

b. What is the dependent (responding) variable in this experiment? _____________________________ c. What conclusion can be drawn from the data that the students collected? ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

Base your answers to questions 31 through 33 on the information and table below and on your knowledge of science. A farmer grows and sells flowering plants. The best-selling plants are the ones with the most blossoms. The farmer reads an advertisement for a plant food saying that it will make plants grow faster and taller. The farmer predicts that taller plants will have more blossoms and performs the following experiment to test this hypothesis. Two groups of 10 plants each are grown in identical pots filled with equal amounts of identical soil. The amount of sunlight, the room temperature, and the amount of water are held constant for both groups. Group A is given plant food at regular intervals according to the instructions on the package. Group B is not given plant food. The farmer observes the plants after 15 weeks of growth. The results are recorded below.

31. State the farmers original hypothesis. ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ 32. Based on the results of this experiment, is the farmers original hypothesis correct? Circle one: Yes No Explain your answer. ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ 33. Explain why the amount of sunlight, the room temperature, and the amount of water were held constant for both groups. ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________

Base your answers to questions 34 through 37 on the information and diagrams below. Saltwater plants of the same species were grown in soil in separate containers with 1 liter of water. All of the plants were the same height at the beginning of the experiment. Different amounts of salt were dissolved in each container as shown in the diagrams. All other conditions were held constant. Measurements for the final height of each plant are


34. Use the information from the students experiment to construct a line graph on the grid below. a Use an X to plot the final height of each plant at the end of the experiment. b Connect the Xs with a solid line.

35. Based on your graph or the information provided, determine the expected height of this same type of plant if it were grown in 1 liter of water with 2.5 grams of salt added. __________ cm 36. State one conclusion, based on the information provided, about the growth of this type of saltwater plant in water containing 0 to 20 grams of salt per liter. ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ 37. In this experiment, the student used plants of the same height and species in equal amounts of water. Identify one other condition that the student needed to keep constant. ____________________________________________

Base your answers to questions 38 and 39 on the information and diagram below. A student was given samples of four different liquids, A, B, C, and D. The student poured equal amounts of two different liquid samples into several test tubes. The results are shown in test tubes 1, 2, 3, and 4.

38. What physical property of the liquids causes them to separate into different layers when poured into the test tubes?_________________________________________ 39. When equal amounts of liquids A, B, C, and D were placed into test tube 5, the liquids separated into four layers. A diagram of test tube 5 appears below. On the blank lines next to each layer, list the final order of the liquids as they would appear in test tube 5.

Base your answers to questions 40 and 41 on the graph below. The graph shows the results of an experiment that tested the effect of time on the growth of a plant. A student measured the height of several plants for ten weeks and determined the average height. The results are shown in the graph below.

40. Identify one variable that should be held constant during this experiment. __________________________________ 41. According to the graph, what will the average height of the plants be at week 11 if growth continues at the same rate as in weeks 8 through 10? __________ cm

Base your answers to questions 42 and 43 on the information and on the diagram below. A student set up the experiment below to learn about plant growth. The student added a different amount of water to four identical containers, each containing four seeds in 100 cubic centimeters of soil. All of the containers were placed in the same sunny location.

42. State a hypothesis being tested in this experiment. ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ 43.a. Identify one variable that is being held constant in this experiment. ________________________________________________ b Explain why this variable needs to be held constant. ______________________________________________________________________________________


Base your answers to questions 44 through 48 on the experiment described below. Heat was applied at a constant rate to a solid substance under controlled conditions. The temperature of the substance was recorded every 3 minutes. These data are recorded in the table below.

44.Use the grid above to construct a line graph from the data in the table. Follow the steps below. a Use Xs to plot the data for time and temperature. b Draw a solid line that connects the Xs. 45. Provide an appropriate title for the graph. Title: ________________________________________________________________________________ 46. According to your graph, what would the temperature of the substance be at 23 mins? ____ C 47. What is the independent (manipulated) variable in this experiment? ___________________________________________ 48. If heat was added at a constant rate to the solid substance, why did the temperature remain at 16C for approximately 6 minutes? [1] ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________

49. A student wants to design a controlled experiment to solve the following problem: When placed in a freezer, will hot water or cold water reach 0C faster? The student plans to place two containers with equal masses of water (one hot and one cold) in the same freezer in the classroom. a List three conditions the student should keep constant for the hot-water and coldwater setups when planning this experiment. b For each condition you name, give a scientific reason why the condition needs to be the same for both the hot-water and cold-water setups.

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