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AERODYNAMICS, VENTILATION AND TUNNEL SAFETY FOR HIGH SPEED RAIL TUNNELS Rudolf Bopp, Gruner AG, Basel - Switzerland Bernd Hagenah, Gruner GmbH, Vienna - Austria
Abstract With increasing train speed the pressure wave, which is generated at the entry of a train in a tunnel and which propagates at the speed of sound through the tunnel, as well as the train induced airflows, become evermore important. Tunnel aerodynamics must therefore be considered in the design of new high speed tunnels. This paper gives in a first part an overview of the relevant aerodynamic topics which have to be confronted during the design process: Pressure loads on equipment and doors inside the tunnel TSI safety criterion Tunnel cross section, train sealing and pressure comfort Sonic boom and possible countermeasures In the second part of the paper the most important aspects related to ventilation and tunnel safety are presented. Special attention is given to long double bore tunnels with two parallel tunnel tubes connected by cross passages.

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1 Introduction
Modern high speed railway lines are often characterised by more and longer tunnels. With increasing train velocity the aerodynamic effects due to high pressure fluctuations and high airspeed in the tunnel have a direct influence on the design of the tunnel (tunnel cross section, pressure relief shafts, portal hoods etc.). Aerodynamic phenomena have thus to be taken into account in the design phase of a new high speed line or in the case where an existing line is upgraded to be operated with higher train velocities. Especially in longer tunnels the aspects of tunnel safety must also be considered. Escape routes and access for emergency services have to be provided. An optimum selection of infrastructural, technical and organisational safety measures must be taken into account. In very long tunnels even underground emergency stations with smoke exhaust systems may become necessary. The paper gives an overview over the most important aerodynamic (chapter 2) and safety (chapter 3) aspects which have to be addressed in the design of railway tunnels and which may have significant consequences on the tunnel system.

2 Tunnel Aerodynamics

2.1 Pressure variations in high speed train tunnels

2.1.1 Phenomena
Pressure fluctuations in high-speed rail tunnels occur due to train induced pressure waves and by passing trains. Pressure waves - compression or expansion waves - are generated when: trains enter or exit tunnels trains pass cross-sectional variations trains pass openings to the opposite bore (for single track double bore tunnels) trains pass shafts or other openings to the outside Pressure waves in tunnels travel with the speed of sound. If compression waves hit portals they are reflected as expansion waves and vice versa. In addition, trains cause pressure fluctuations in a tunnel due to a sharp pressure drop when a train nose passes and due to the pressure decrease along the train (see figure 1).

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pressure drop at train nose tail direction nose


tunnel length

static pressure decrease from train nose to tail

Figure 1: Pressure profile in a tunnel showing the pressure drop at the train nose and pressure decrease along the train The superposition of pressure waves, reflections and the static pressure decrease along the train (from nose to tail) as well as the pressure drop at the trains nose will cause rather complex pressure situations in the tunnel and hence inside the train. Figure 2 shows the pressure signature at an arbitrary point in the tunnel for a simplified situation without any pressure wave reflection. Additionally, any track gradient will cause changes of atmospheric pressure for passengers as well. E.g. a height difference of 100 m will cause atmospheric pressure differences of approximately 1.2 kPa.



Figure 2: Pressure variation at a selected point inside a tunnel due to a train entrance (see table 1 for breakdown of events) Table 1: Numbers denoted in Figure 2 and explanation of pressure variation origin
No. Origin pressure variation Entrance of the train nose leads to a sudden compression wave with a pressure rise. Pressure increase due to air friction on the train surface. Entrance of the train tail generates an expansion wave. The pressure signal (1), (2) and (3) travels through the tunnel with the speed of sound and will be reflected at the exit portal. Reflections are not shown.

1 2 3

4 5 6

Sharp pressure drop due to the passage of the train nose. Pressure decrease from nose to tail while the train passes, almost inverse of signal (2). After the passage of the train tail the pressure will return to the prevailing atmospheric pressure (might take some time).

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2.1.2 Assessment of pressure variations

First rough estimations of pressure variations in tunnels can be done with simplified semi-analytical approaches [3], [4]. However, more sophisticated situations involving successive trains or reflections from passing trains etc. are too complex for analytical approaches. On the other hand, complex pressure variations can be predicted by modern 1d numerical simulation tools. This is not very surprising since the physical dimension of tunnels and trains are more or less one dimensional. However, experience and knowledge is needed for accurate consideration of several phenomena, such as the impact of air friction, train nose and tail shape, cross-sectional changes of tunnels, etc. [6]. The use of powerful simulation tools is especially recommended if different design parameters should be taken into account, such as pressure waves, traction power, pressure comfort, etc.

2.1.3 Magnitude of pressure variations

The magnitude of pressure variations depends on several parameters. The most important ones are the train speed, the blockage ratio (ATunnel /ATrain) and the tunnel length. Normally, the highest pressure amplitudes are generated at the train entrance. Due to air friction and damping, pressure waves will decrease while travelling through tunnels. But, for relatively short tunnels, it is important to take reflected pressure waves into account. Hence, the magnitudes of pressure variations differ for different tunnel lengths. The 'critical tunnel length' is defined as the length with the highest train induced pressure variations, caused by the superposition of reflected pressure waves and the static pressure decrease at the train tail. The investigation of the critical tunnel length gives for single train runs conservative amplitudes of pressure variations. Different critical tunnel lengths are shown in table 2. Table 2: Critical tunnel length for different train speeds and train lengths
train length [m] train speed [km/h] critical tunnel length [m] 200 200 2178 400 250 2886 400 350 1572

The impact of pressure variations in tunnels is of high importance for the electronic and mechanical equipment (cabinets, jet fans, cable ducts, doors, etc.). As mentioned train induced pressure waves travel through tunnels at the speed of sound. Hence, objects hit by the pressure wave will be passed within a fraction of a second. However, passing pressure waves might act on enclosed volumes within the tunnel system (e.g. closed cable ducts, closed cross-passages, etc.). Specifically doors and dampers between the tunnel bore and an adjacent volume (technical room, cross-passage, ventilation duct, etc.) need to be able to withstand the aerodynamic loads. It is evident, that small objects, like hectometre signs are not affected since the extension in the propagation direction is about 2 mm (no volume) and hence, the pressure equalisation between both sides will happen within approx. 10-6 s. Pressure loads generated by passing trains will have the same effect on closed volumes, doors, etc. If it is possible that several trains move through the tunnel system simultaneously, two major aspects have to be taken into account: (1) Due to the superposition principle, much higher pressure variations may occur.

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(2) Aerodynamic pressure loads will act on the rolling stock itself. This will cause forces across train surfaces and act on windows, doors, junctions, etc.

2.2 Air flows in high speed train tunnels

2.2.1 Phenomena
Trains entering and passing through tunnels accelerate the internal air column (piston effect). The air speed obtained is rather low (approximately 3-8 m/s). On the other hand, passing trains will generate high air speed (gusts) in the annulus between train and tunnel. Close to the train, the air speed might be 30 % higher than the train speed [9]. Gusts will act on air flow exposed equipment like signs, loud-speakers, jetfans, catenaries-system, hand-rails, cable ducts, cameras, etc.

2.2.2 Assessment of air flows

Airflow loads on equipment are of high importance for the dimensioning and the selection of the electro mechanical equipment. A rough estimation for the dynamic pressure of the train induced air flow is given by the Deutsche Bahn guideline [2], which has to be applied for new rail tunnel projects in Germany. However, for different rolling stock, cross-sectional areas of the rolling stock, train speed, cross-sectional areas of tunnels, track design, passenger- / freight-traffic, etc. the choice and application of these guidelines has to be analysed carefully. 1d numerical tools are able to predict the piston effect excellently. However, if detailed analysis or knowledge of the air flow around trains is needed (e.g. critical loads on exposed objects) 3d simulation tools have to be used. It should be mentioned, that air flow due to the piston effect will cause air inflow at the entrance portal and outflow at the exit portal of single track tunnels. Hence, the air exchange will have an impact on the tunnel climate, especially in the portal regions.

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2.3 TSI pressure criterion and pressure comfort

2.3.1 Basics
The pressure variations in the tunnel are transmitted by openings from the exterior of a train to the interior. Hence, the pressure level inside a train can not be constant and will vary. Pressure variations within a certain time interval (few seconds) are relevant to the passenger pressure comfort and health [5]. High pressure variations inside a car body may lead to discomfort and in extreme cases injure passengers or staff. TSI health criterion: The European specification for interoperability of high speed trains defines that pressure variations must not exceed pressure variations of 10 kPa (peak to peak) within the entire passage through a tunnel - in any situation [14]. This value is mandatory and valid even for a complete failure of the train sealing (e.g. broken window) and crossing high speed trains. This strict criterion is called the TSI health criterion. Pressure comfort: For lower pressure variations the travel and pressure comfort are strongly related to individual perception. Hence, different national rules and guidelines were developed over the last 20 years. Maximum pressure variations (peak to peak) which should not be exceeded during a certain time interval are usually defined [6]. The most popular pressure criteria are defined within the UIC-Code 660 [16], which is originally addressed to rolling stock manufacturers. The UIC-Code 779-11 [17], which is addressed to the tunnel design (civil-engineering), gives contradictory recommendations. Table 3: Pressure comfort criteria (maximum pressure variation within a certain time interval)
time interval criteria UIC 660 UIC 779 SBB Rail 2000 (project specific, ) Tunel de Guadarrama (project specific) < 0.5 kPa < 1.0 kPa < 0.8 kPa < 1.6 kPa < 1.5 kPa < 2.5 kPa < 1.0 kPa < 2.0 kPa < 2.0 kPa 1s 3s 4s 10 s 60 s

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However, passengers may feel bad or sick even though pressure comfort criteria are met. Generally the comfort of passengers does not specifically depend on the pressure variations, other important aspects are: distraction / entertainment (nice landscape, interesting discussions, etc.) noise (rail, aerodynamic or loud passengers, etc.) vibrations state of health or age of passengers frequency and duration of tunnel passages After several years of experience working with the UIC-660 pressure comfort criteria it comes out that specifically the long time criterion (pmax in 60 s < 2 kPa) is very difficult to satisfy. The main reason is the development of rather long double bore single track tunnels with typically small free cross-sectional areas (ATunnel 40 - 50 m2). The constant pressure decrease along the train during the tunnel passage leads to a significant pressure-step at the exit portal. Indeed several studies concerning pressure comfort are underway in Europe with the aim to understand more about this phenomenon and the impact on passengers. However, since the topology of countries is important for the track design (Netherlands with no mountains compared to Austria within the Alps), it is evident that pressure comfort criteria will stay a national or project specific aspect.

2.3.2 Train sealing

The most used countermeasure for high pressure comfort on high-speed lines with tunnels is the use of sealed trains. Normally pressure variations outside the train (exterior to the train surface) will be transferred to the train interior by openings. Hence, the pressure between exterior and interior of the train will be equalised. Large openings will lead to faster equalisation than small ones. Sealed trains with minimised openings lead to slow pressure equalisation. Typically sealed trains have excellently sealed body junctions, good door sealing, closed cable leadthrough, etc. The train sealing quality may vary with the aging and the usage of the rolling stock. The most important impact factors are: the frequency of usage the route of usage (tunnels, quality of tracks, vibration, twisting of coach etc.) the exposition to sunlight (uv-radiation on sealing) or other aggressive environment quality of the original materials and the standard of manufacturing (poor or brilliant finishing, etc.) quality and frequency of maintenance. It is convenient to describe the pressure development inside the train (pinterior) on the basis of the external pressure (pexterior) and a pressure sealing coefficient . The - value gives the time in seconds in which the initial pressure differences at t = 0 s is decreased to 36.8 % of the initial difference.

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Figure 3 shows the pressure evolution inside a train (pinterior) for two different train sealing coefficients: = 0.5 and 5.0 s for a generic situation were the pressure difference of 100 % is present at = 0 s (step function). It can be seen that in the sealed train ( = 5.0 s) the pressure change is much slower, leading to smaller values of maximum pressure changes in a given time interval. Typical train sealing coefficients for different train types are listed in table 4.

110 100 90
pinternal [% of pexternal at t=0]
= 0.5 s - unsealed train = 5.0 s - sealed train typical value

80 70 60 50 40 30 t = 0.5 s 20 10 0 t=5s 5

time [s]





Figure 3: Pressure evolution inside a train for two different sealing values ( = 0.5 and 5 s) Table 4: Typical - values for different train types [5]
Train type unsealed train (e.g. regional transport) poorly sealed train (e.g. Eurocity) well sealed train (e.g. ICE1, TGV) excellently sealed train (e.g. ICE 3, AGV) Pressure sealing coefficient < 0.5 s 0.5 s < < 6 s 6 s < < 15 s > 15 s

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2.3.3 Other measures to reduce pressure fluctuations

Instead of using sealed trains to provide high pressure comfort, it is possible to take other measures into account [19]. The most important measures are listed in table 5 below: Table 5: Measures to reduce pressure variations in tunnels
Measure operative Description Reduced train speed No succeeding or crossing trains civil Portal Design (e.g. trumpet shape) Lower pressure wave amplitude at entrance portal Effect Reduced amplitudes of pressure waves No superposition No construction costs Advantage No construction costs. Drawback Unreasonable solution on high speed lines Unreasonable solution on high speed lines Expensive, might be disadvantageous for pressure comfort while leaving the tunnel Openings between tunnel bores or between tunnel bore and atmosphere. Especially in the portal regions (shafts, slits, etc.) Partial reflection of pressure waves amplitudes Use of pressure relief shafts might lead to smaller cross-sectional tunnel areas money saving measure. Shafts might be used as emergency exits. Larger crosssectional area Lower blockage ratio leads to lower amplitudes. Big cross-sectional areas reduce the traction power requirements. The operational costs might be reduced. Higher construction costs. Shafts might bring unpleasant effects in the surroundings (noise). Openings between bores might cause safety problems.

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It has to be pointed out, that these ventilation systems guarantee only smoke free areas creating a pressure difference to the incident tube but they do normally not influence the smoke movement in the incident tunnel itself. Smoke exhaust systems are generally only foreseen for emergency stations. In addition there is a big number of shorter tunnels with lateral or vertical exits equipped with a ventilation system to guarantee an overpressure inside the escape exit to the tunnel and thus keeping the escape route free of smoke.

3.3.1 Objectives / protection goals

Due to the lack of guidelines for railway tunnel ventilation projects specific safety objectives and protection goals have to be defined. Typically the following topics should be covered: Normal operation: The climate inside the tunnel must be maintained within a certain range. This aspect is especially important in very long tunnels with high overburden where high temperatures can result due to the thermal flow from the surrounding rocks and the waste heat from the trains. Maintenance: During periods of maintenance work a sufficient dilution of exhaust gases from diesel trains and other machinery in operation for maintenance must be guaranteed to comply with occupational health and safety requirements. Tunnel fire: In the case of a tunnel fire a safe area has to be guaranteed, in which the passengers can escape. This may be a parallel tunnel tube or in very long tunnels a special emergency station (see chapter 3.3.1). In these safe areas survivable conditions have to be maintained over an extended time period. A method to prevent smoke penetrating in the safe area is to provide an airflow of typically 2 m/s from the safe area towards the incident tube (see figure 8).
safe area 2nd door cross passage 1st door incident tube

air flow towards incident tube

Figure 8: CFD Simulation of the smoke propagation into an open cross passage under the action of a airflow through the cross passage from the safe area (left side) to the incident tube (right side).

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3.4 Very long tunnels

3.4.1 Emergency stations

According to TSI SRT [15] "appropriate provisions must be laid down to take account of the particular safety conditions in very long tunnels". The probability that a burning train can't reach the portal (safe area) increases with increasing tunnel length. According to TSI RST a passenger train should maintain its movement capability for 15 minutes, so that in the case of a train fire inside a tunnel, the train is expected to reach the tunnel portal. Assuming a train speed of 80 km/h only tunnels which are significantly longer than 20 km are therefore normally equipped with a emergency stations. Table 9 gives an overview of railway tunnels with such underground emergency stations.
Table 9: Railway tunnels and tunnel projects with underground emergency stations Tunnel Ltschberg Base Tunnel Gotthard Base Tunnel Brenner Base Tunnel Koralmtunnel Semmering Base Tunnel Lyon Turin Base Tunnel length 34.6 km 57.0 km 55.0 km 32.8 km 28.4 km 53.1 km Number of emergency stations 1 2 3 1 (no direct connection to surface) 1 1 + 3 interventions sites

These emergency stations are used to allow a burning train to stop and are designed in a way that a safe and fast evacuation of a train is possible. The passengers then wait in a safe area nearby until they can be transported outside by a train entering the second tube.

safe area

escape passage

exhaust air

fresh air

railway tunnel smoke exhaust duct emergency station

Figure 9: Possible layout of an underground emergency station

for freight trains only

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3.4.2 Train operation in the case of a tunnel fire

Another aspect which has to be considered in long tunnels is the fact that several trains may be in the tunnel system simultaneously. This has multiple consequences for the operation in an emergency situation: Following trains: A fire may endanger trains following the incident train which is trapped behind the burning train. Emergency procedures must therefore be put in place to stop following trains as quickly as possible. Influence on airflows/ventilation: The movement of rescue or fire fighting trains does have a direct influence on the airflows in the tunnel (piston effect) and may compromise the functioning of the ventilation or smoke exhaust system. The maximum speed of these trains must therefore be limited to guarantee that the ventilation and the smoke exhaust system perform properly. Additional information to these important aspects can be found in [7].

4 Conclusions
Tunnel design processes for modern railway tunnels have to take different interdependent domains into account. Some of most significant aspects are shown in figure 10. For practical reasons and in order to provide efficient and cost-effectiveness civil planning, it is of highest importance to evaluate the impact of tunnel aerodynamics and tunnel safety in the initial planning phase as these aspects play a crucial role in the planning process.

Traction Power Rolling Stock Pressure loads

Maintenance & Costruction

TSI Criterion

Tunnel Design

Tunnel Climate

Pressure Comfort


Sonic Boom

Figure 10: Interdependency of civil engineering work and adjacent domains

5 Acknowledgements
We would like to thank Peter Bailey for his review of this paper.
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6 References
[1] Anforderungen des Brand- und Katastrophenschutzes an den Bau und den Betrieb von Eisenbahntunneln, Eisenbahn Bundesamt, 1.07.2008 [2] [3] DB Netz AG, "Eisenbahntunnel planen, bauen und instand halten", Richtlinie 853, 2003 European Norm EN 14067-5, "Applications ferroviaires Arodynamique Partie 5 Prescriptions et mthodes d'assai pour arodynamique en tunnels, 2006 Gackenholz, L., "Beitrag zur Ermittlung der aerodynamischen Verhltnisse in langen Eisenbahntunneln bei schnellen Zugdurchfahrten", Promotionsschrift, Technische Universitt Hannover, 1973 [5] Hagenah, B.; Reinke P.; Shaha J.; Ravn, S. - "Efficacit des puits de dcompression appliqus au trafic ferroviaire grande vitesse dans les tunnels", TUNNELS ET OUVRAGES SOUTERRAINS, No 197 Septembre/Octobre, 2006 [6] Hagenah, B; Vardy, A.; Reinke, P.; - "Effectiveness of pressure relief shafts full scale assessment", 12th International Symposium on Aerodynamics and Ventilation of Vehicle Tunnel, Portoroz, 2006 Neumann, C; Bopp, R; Harer, G; Burghart, M; Koinig, J - "Incident management in a very long railway tunnel", 3rd International Symposium on Tunnel Safety and Security, 12-14 March, Stockholm, Sweden [8] BFV-RL A12, "Bau und Betrieb von neuen Eisenbahntunnel bei Haupt- und Nebenbahnen, Anforderungen des Brand- und Katastrophenschutzes" Richtlinie, sterreichischer Bundesfeuerwehrverband, Ausgabe 2000 [9] Schweller, M.; Hagenah, B; Lrtscher, M.; West, O.; Matthes R - "Besondere aerodynamische Verhltnisse im einspurigen Ltschberg-Basistunnel", Elektrische Bahnen, Oldenbourg Verlag, 2007 Schulte-Werning, B.; Grgoire, R.; Malfatti, A.; Matschke, G.; "TRANSAERO - Initiative on Transient Aerodynamics for Railway System Optimisation", Notes on numerical fluid mechanics and multidisciplinary design, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2002 [11] [12] [13] SN 505 197, SIA 197, Projektierung Tunnel, Grundlagen, SIA Zrich 2004 SN 505 197/1, SIA 197-1, Projektierung Tunnel, Bahntunnel, SIA Zrich 2004 Thielkes, T.; "Aerodynamic Aspects of Maglev Systems", 19th international conference on Magnetically levitated systems and linear drives, Dresden, 2006 [14] TSI INS, "Technical specification for interoperability relating to the infrastructure subsystem of the trans-European high-speed rail system", 2002/732/EC, 30 May 2002




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TSI SRT, "Safety in railway tunnels in the trans-European conventional and high-speed rail system", 2008/163/EC Union International Des Chemins Des Fer (UIC)-Code 660, "Dispositions pour assurer la compatibilit technique des trains grand vitesse", Paris, 2002 Union International Des Chemins Des Fer (UIC)-Code 779-11., "Dtermination de l'aire de la section transversale des tunnels ferroviaires partir d'une approche arodynamique", Paris, 2005 UIC leaflet 779-9, Safety in Railway Tunnels, August 2003 Vardy, A.; Hagenah, B.; "Full-scale flow measurements in a tunnel shaft", 12th International Symposium on Aerodynamics and Ventilation of Vehicle Tunnel, Portoroz, 2006



[18] [19]

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