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COMMUNICATION THROUGH ENGLISH GRAMMAR Class: Students of Philosophy Grammar Test 5 on Units 6, 7.1 & 7.2 Student Name: Duration: 45 minutes READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST If you have been given an Answer Booklet, follow the instructions on the front cover of the Booklet. Write your candidate number and name on all the work you hand in. Write in dark blue or black pen. Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid. Answer all questions. Dictionaries are not permitted. At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together. The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question. Score Classification PART PART 1 PART 2 PART 3 PART 4 PART 5 TOTAL Total Marks 10 10 10 10 10 50 Marks Awarded Subject: English Grammar Dates: 13 January 2012 Roll Number: Total Marks: 50

Arul Gaspar Teacher in Charge Dharmaram

1. Fill in the blanks with the words in the brackets. Add ly endings to the words where needed. (10 marks) Example: Leela took her medicine slowly. (slow) 1 They arrived -------------------------- for the New Years Day party. (early) 2 Ms Strubbe spoke --------------------. (soft) 3 The athletes ran ----------------------- across the pedestrian cross. (fast) 4 I spent a few hours --------------------- relaxing in the restaurant. (quiet) 5 I cant believe he got that money -----------------------. (honest) 6 The play was ------------------- received by the critics. (warm) 7 She spoke ------------------------- to them. (kind) 8 Peter waved ----------------------- as the car pulled on. (excited) 9 Shes been acting very -------------- lately. (strange) 10 This meat is ----------------- tender. (extreme) 2 Underline the correct words in the brackets to complete the passage. (10 marks) The soldiers marched 1 (bold / boldly) into the cotton field with their deadly weapons. The hot sun was setting very 2 (late / lately). The yellow mountains were 3 (full / fully) covered with blue jade tiny flowers and the cattle at the far end were 4 (quietly / quiet) moving towards the green pasture. The herdsmen were playing their flutes 5 (happy / happily), because all they could

do was 6 (joyful / joyfully) spending their carefree life in the greener part of the world. Even the animals, birds and insects 7 (hard / hardly) worked for their peace. This serene atmosphere 8 (real / really) pricked the hearts and minds of the tired soldiers who couldnt walk 9 (straight / straightly). However, they could march 10 (swift / swiftly) to reach the field. 3 In each sentence, the verb does not agree with the subject. Underline the incorrect verb and write the correct form of the verb just above the wrong one. (10 marks) 1 The Phenomenology of Mind trace the development of Mind from its first appearance . 2 The process are neither purely historical, nor purely logical, but a strange combination of the two. One might say that 3 Hegel are trying to show that history is the progress of Mind along a logically necessary path . 4 Perhaps the most celebrated passage in the Phenomenology concern the relationship of a master to a slave. It well 5 illustrate what Hegel 6 mean by dialectic, and it introduces an idea echoed in Marxs view of the relationship between capitalist and worker. Suppose we have two independent people, aware of their own independence, but not of their common nature as aspects of one universal Mind. Each 7 see the other as a rival, a limit to his own power over everything else. This situation is therefore unstable. A struggle ensues, in which one 8 conquer and enslave the other. Hegel 9 describe this as a situation in which Mind is alienated from itself- that is, people 10 takes other people as something foreign, hostile, and external to themselves, whereas they are in fact all part of the same great whole (from MARX A Very Short Introduction)

4 Rearrange the words to form negative statements. (10 marks) 1 do like not the cat I --------------------------------------2 large shirt is not my. ---------------------------------------3 an aquarium have does not Mark ------------------------------------------------------4 hump not have does rhino a. ----------------------------------------------------5 think alike most of us do not. ---------------------------------------------------6 music loud of fond isnt Rosalind. ------------------------------------------------------7 wait for Marie longer any want dont to we. -----------------------------------------------------------------------8 gas mercury not is. -------------------------------9 Mandarin speak teacher does not my. --------------------------------------------------------10 hardworking colleagues arent Lauras as is she as --------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 Underline the sentences that are wrong and rewrite them correctly. (10 marks) Some people think it arent really stealing if the theft would go unnoticed, or the other person has enough of it anyway. Taking things that does not belong to us without permission even with the intention of replacing them before being found out, is stealing.

Just because the culprit are not easily identified for stealing, it is not absolve him of his responsibility. St Paul says, Love does not jealous, it is not brag, and it is not proud. Love does not gets upset with others. Love does not happy with evil but is happy with the truth. (1 Corinthians 13:4-6) Giftedness do not determine greatness in Gods book. So it arent hard to figure out why gifts and talents are so readily substituted for fruit. 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------2 --------------------------------------------------------------------3 --------------------------------------------------------------------4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------6---------------------------------------------------------------------7---------------------------------------------------------------------8---------------------------------------------------------------------9--------------------------------------------------------------------10--------------------------------------------------------------------

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