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Monthly analytical bulletin on Moldova



Domestic Policy Sector:

Since its independence, the Republic of Moldova
is deemed as a “partially free” country

Foreign Policy Sector:

The never ending story: “we came, we saw and we

Security Policy Sector:

Transnistrian conflict: old game-new players?
No. 1 (8), January 2008

The Institute for Development and Social

Initiatives (IDS) Viitorul is a research, education
and outreach organization which activates in the
field of economic analysis, governance, law, political
sciences, strategic and organizational science. It
was set up in June 1993 in Moldova as a non-
governmental, not-for-profit organization, non-
political entity.
Political and Security Statewatch no. 1 (8), January 2008

Domestic Policy Sector

Since its independence, the

Republic of Moldova is deemed as
a “partially free” country

by Ion Marandici

Although Freedom House classified Republic regions. Of course, the classification of FH

of Moldova as a “partially free” country and the is not convenient for the current party in
separatist region as a “not free” territory, one of government. However the scores for Moldova
the chief ideological leaders of the Communists did not change significantly from 2002. The
party was appointed as first vice-premier. The Law aggregate scores for Political Rights and Civil
208, that regulates the activity of petty traders, Rights remained the same 3 and respectively 4.
determined a chain of protests in the country. State Only during the period 1998-2001 the score
comes too close to the Church of the majority of for political rights was the best, namely 2.
the population. The state-owned media companies Since its independence Moldova is classified by
are not transparent, reluctant to any criticisms and Freedom House as a partially free country.
are still resistant to reform.
Freedom Years Political Civil Rights Status
Freedom House classified Moldova House Edition Covered Rights (PR) (CL)
as a “partially free” country 1991-92 1991 5 4 Partially Free
1992-93 1992 5 5 Partially Free
The Freedom House released its annual
1993-94 1993 5 5 Partially Free
ratings and classified Moldova as a “partially 1994-95 1994 4 4 Partially Free
free” country. The major criteria used by 1995-96 1995 4 4 Partially Free
Freedom House are the respect for political 1996-97 1996 3 4 Partially Free
1997-98 1997 3 4 Partially Free
rights and the respect for civil liberties.
1998-99 1998 2 4 Partially Free
Electoral process (A), political pluralism 1999-2000 1999 2 4 Partially Free
and participation (B), functioning of 2000-01 2000 2 4 Partially Free
government (C) compose the Political Rights 2001-02 2001 2 4 Partially Free
2003 2002 3 4 Partially Free
score. Whereas freedom of expression and
2004 2003 3 4 Partially Free
belief (D), associational and organizational 2005 2004 3 4 Partially Free
rights (E), rule of law (F), personal autonomy 2006 2005 3 4 Partially Free
and individual rights (G) are forming the 2007 2006 3 4 Partially Free
2008 2007 3 4 Partially Free
score for Civil Liberties.
Moldova’s neighbors Ukraine and
Romania are classified as free countries, Analyzing the subscores provided by
while Russian Federation is termed as a Freedom House since 1991, we observe that
“not free” democracy. At the same time, the the most problematic field during the years was
FH ratings regard the separatist region of the respect of civil liberties. During 2006 and
Transnistria as not free, while Abkhazia and 2007, the worst situation was in the areas of
Nagorno-Karabach are deemed as partly free Freedom of Expression and Belief (CL; D;10),

Institute for Development and Social Initiatives (IDSI) “Viitorul” 2

Political and Security Statewatch no. 1no.
August 2008

electoral process (PL; A; 9), Personal Autonomy of Romanian language in schools. If such a
and Individual Rights (CL; G; 9). move would be undertaken, then there will be
immense protests, because the independence of
The Party of Communists chief the country came into being in the context of
ideologue was appointed as first vice- specific identity demands related to language
premier rights.
Even if ideology was not an obvious norm
when the discussion was about governmental Protests against the Law 208 amplify
decisions, in January, Moldova’s government At present, protests occur in different
was completed with Viktor Stepaniuc, which localities in Moldova, because for material
was appointed as vice-premier, responsible for reasons. Petty traders protested in several
the social policy of the Government. At the rayons (districts) against the Law 208. After the
same time, Stepaniuc is considered the chief protests in Ungheni, Orhei, Falesti, Edintet,
ideologue of the Communists Party and one of Floresti, Rezina, Soldanesti, Stefan-Voda,
the orthodox Communists. He is celebrating it is likely that this protests would amplify,
every year the old Communist holidays like because the last took place in the second
Lenin’s birthday, the November Revolution and largest city Balti, where approx. 1000 persons
also commemorating Lenin’s Death. Stepaniuc protested against the above-mentioned law.
was formerly the chief of the parliamentary The traders threatened that they would block
committee responsible for science and culture in the international railway track and the national
the Moldovan Parliament. He is also one of the road Sculeni-Balti-Chisinau. During the period
most prominent members of the Communists February 5 – May 30 the traders plan to organize
Party. meetings in front of the national Parliament.
However, even if Victor Stepaniuc is the The people are dissatisfied, because the law
incumbent of a significant office, he does not stipulates a series of changes in their activity.
have a portfolio. It is likely that he will monitor Thus, they should register an enterprise and
the activity of the Government in the field of they should have an accountant. There are
social policy, education, youth and culture. At also other stipulations in the law that would
the previous parliamentary elections, Stepaniuc make their activity less profitable. However the
was also the chief of the electoral staff of authorities are firm and insist to apply the Law.
the Communists Party. Education is one of The prime-minister Vasile Tarlev declared that
the fields, where also the Council of Europe the organizers of the protests actually “want
required more reforms. Hence it was probably to destabilize the situation in the country or
no surprise that the year 2008 was declared the they follow mean goals”. The reaction of the
Year of the Youth. In that context, it should be traders is understandable since they were not
mentioned that Viorelia Moldovan-Batranac consulted before the law as adopted. The
was appointed at the end of 2007 as presidential Law 208 was adopted as a consequence of the
counselor. It seems that education will be the recommendations of international experts,
main concern during 2008. Despite these but it is not excluded that its effects will
efforts, it remains to be seen if the education favor certain local economic interest groups.
and the youth will not come under the Many traders think that actually there are
ideological influence of the Government. The businessmen intending to invest in the opening
attempts to introduce another course of history, of new supermarkets that would then replace
integrated history textbooks, in the secondary the local markets. Anyway, the discontent with
schools encountered a strong disagreement the implementation of the Law will increase,
from the history teachers. Various sources since the state structures are not prepared to
affirm that the Communists plan to introduce register such a great number of individual
the teaching of Moldovan language instead firms. Regrettably no impact assessment of the

Institute for Development and Social Initiatives (IDSI) “Viitorul” 

Statewatch no. 1no.
August 2007

Law was performed and thus the Government accepted by the heads of the two orthodox
is unprepared to cope with the situation. churches. Under those circumstances, the
authorities often undertake steps that show a
The state comes too close to the clear endorsement of the Moldovan Orthodox
Moldovan Orthodox Metropoly Church, making the distinction between state
Latest signs show that the relations between and a specific cult vague.
the Church and the high state officials tightened.
High state officials participate at all the most The reform of the public-owned media
important religious services and can be seen arrives before the court
very often accompanied by the Metropolitan of The reform of the audiovisual is taking place
the Moldovan Orthodox Church, the Church of very slowly and in some sectors it is stagnating.
the majority of the population. The Moldovan The reform of the state-owned company
Orthodox Church is subordinated directly to the “Teleradio Moldova” is particularly difficult.
Russian Patriarchate and the recent expulsion Two members of the Council of Observers, a
of three priests pertaining to the concurrent structure that has to monitor and to guide the
Bessarabian Church can be considered either reforms, published a report reflecting particular
as “the fruit” of the friendship between the deficiencies of the current reforms in the public
Church of the majority and State or as the institution “Teleradio Moldova”. The reaction
result of the “appeasement” policy followed by of Valentin Todercan, the director of the
Moldova towards Russian Federation. institution followed without delay; he accused
Bessarabian Orthodox Church, subordinated the two members of the CO of damaging the
to the Romanian Orthodox Patriarchate, is image of the public institution and initiated a
a rival for the Moldovan Metropoly and “a lawsuit against them. The process is likely to
thong” for the Moldovan authorities since the become a symbolic one, since the court will
independence. It was legally registered only decide whether the reform is ongoing or it is
after its representatives have won the case at the actually lingering as the two authors assumed.
European Court for Human Rights. The interest In addition to the fact that “Teleradio
of the current state officials in a closer relation Moldova” is not a really open media institution,
with the Church has also an electoral tone. the Broadcasting Coordination Council
Even if the current leaders of the Communists approved the creation of two networks: one TV
Party refer to the Soviet period as a good one, network and a radio-network. Of particular
they forget with intention that communism is concern is the fact that the TV network will be
irreconcilable with the religious beliefs. The composed of TV stations close to the party in
trust in Church is over 80%, hence the Church Government. In other words, the new network
is the most trusted public institution in the will resemble a pro-governmental media trust.
country. Thus the party which is closer to the At the same time, one could observe that
Moldovan Orthodox Church has the greatest the respect for journalists is decreasing. Two
chances of influencing the voters by using the new cases were registered when journalists were
priests. The authorities diminish the influence intimidated by personal bodyguards or police
of the Bessarabian Orthodox Church and thus forces. The first case refers to a journalist
win the trust of the other Orthodox Church from an online news portal that was treated
from Moldova. A possible solution for the brutally by the presidential bodyguards, while
conflict between the two Orthodox Churches the second case relates to the interdiction to
would be their merger and the appearance of access a building where numerous officials were
an autocephalous Moldovan Orthodox Church present. On the other hand, the Broadcasting
that would be independent from Bucharest Coordination Council sent a notice to the
and Moscow. Still the solution was not fully Radio “Noroc” station, because two of its

Institute for Development and Social Initiatives (IDSI) “Viitorul” 

Political and
Political and Security
Security Statewatch
Statewatch no. January
no. 1 (8), 3, August2008

talk show moderators did not react promptly of vice-premier will lead probably to the
when a listener expressed certain xenophobic ideologization of public policies in the fields
statements. Yet, other journalists questioned of social policy, education, youth and culture.
the reliability of the accusations brought by the Civic unrest is likely to increase. When the
Broadcasting Coordination Council. meteorological conditions will become more
suitable, the protests against the Law 208 will
Prognosis amplify. Protests and pressures on the reform of
The Freedom House ratings did not improve the public-owned media companies will increase
since the Communists Party came into power and might lead to certain improvements, but the
and it is likely that they will remain the same overall course of the reform in the audiovisual
also in 2008. The appointment of the chief is likely to be put in danger by certain political
ideologue of Communists Party in the office interests.

Foreign Policy Sector

The Never Ending Story: “We Came,

We Saw and We Left”

by Sergiu Panainte

The political year 2007 has come to an with his Moldovan counterpart the opening of
end. It is time for evaluations and assessment the Italian Embassy in Chisinau. This move
of what has been good and what has been done will enormously facilitate the life of hundreds
wrongly by those who represent the state on the of thousand Moldovan citizens now working
international scene. It is time for taking some in this country and will offer the possibility to
rest before the new hardships of Moldovan others for a legal employment there. On the
political life will come back to the stage. It is other side the Moldovan Ministry of Foreign
time to learn from the lessons given by 2007 Affairs and European Integration announced
and not to make the same mistakes in 2008. the opening of a General Consulate in the
The first month of the new 2008 year Italian city of Bologna to protect and serve the
was witnessing no crucial events determining interests of its citizens.
the path of the Moldovan foreign policy. As However, the attention of the Moldovan
expected, the Autonomous Trade Preferences public has been kept by several visits related to
granted by the EU to Moldova have been the same topic: Moldova’s never ending story –
adopted by the EU Commission, however their Transnistria. Here one has to point out the visit
appliance will start only from March. of the Finish Foreign Minister, who is holding
A fairly important event was the visit of the chairmanship of OSCE to Chisinau and
Italian foreign minister to Moldova who agreed Tiraspol. Mr. Kanerva expressed the support his

Institute for Development and Social Initiatives (IDSI) “Viitorul” 

Statewatch no. no.
1 (8),
3, January 2008
August 2007

country and the organization he is representing being there legally or illegally, the Moldovan
will devote to the resolution of the Transnistrian authorities have to take care of its citizens. On the
conflict and first of all to the resumption of the other side the Italian authorities are compelled
negotiation process. Following the same topic to do at least something in order to control the
one should insert to the picture the visit of migration of Moldovans to Italy. Making the
President Voronin to Moscow where he met the process as transparent as possible and offering
Russian Patriarch to be awarded the medal for possibilities for legal work places should be the
protecting the rightful Orthodox religion which primary concern of the Italian government in
could be interpreted as a reward for suppressing the relationship with Moldova.
the non-rightful one (read as Bessarabian An expected and highly desired outcome was
Metropolitanate). Voronin met the Russian the news about the opening of an Italian Embassy
president as well. With the renewed debates in Chisinau announced by Massimo d’Alema,
over the possibility of Moldova’s federalization the Italian foreign minister during his visit to
the issue of a secret plan agreed between the Moldova this month. While Moldova has an
above two for solving the Transnistrian problem Embassy in Rome for a long time, according to
sprang again. Hence, it is salient to follow the the reciprocity principle the same thing had to
outcome of this visit and what consequence it be done by the Italian authorities. However, at
may have for the country’s integrity. In relation that time Moldova did not justify the necessity
to this, the recent visit of Voronin to Brussels of having an Embassy in Chisinau. No doubt,
raises big question marks. The president has the circumstances have changed now and more
been allegedly promised significant support, and more Italian citizens are visiting Moldova, a
both political and financial for the resolution of thing which prompted the government in Rome
the conflict, in exchange for not opposing the to take this decision. Needless to say, the newly
independence of Kossovo. Such a precedent will expected Embassy will ease the process of getting
aggravate even more the problem of separatist the visa and documents legalization for the
movements in the post Soviet countries, where Moldovan citizens working there. Moreover, it
Moldova is directly affected. will save them a lot of money and more important
Last, but not least it is relevant to mention – time for doing it as up to now Moldovan
the visit of Deputy Secretary General of NATO nationals had to travel to Bucharest and apply
to Chisinau. While the organization pledged for visa at the Italian Embassy in Romania.
support for the resolution of the Transnistrian With Romania joining the EU, this category of
conflict and Moldova’s neutrality, it reinforced citizens joined those staying in the queues at the
the cooperation the partners started within the Romanian Consulate in Chisinau.
Individual Plan of Actions and Partnership signed Therefore, this event which may look like an
in 2005. Overall the picture did not change. ordinary one for two states having diplomatic
As in the past representatives of international relations represents a big relief first of all for
organizations are coming, making declarations the Moldovans working or preparing to go for
and then leaving. If to paraphrase the famous work in Italy and second, it sets the premises
Julius Caesar’s quote, one would have to say for making the migration of these people, either
“We came, we saw and we left”. for work or for permanent residence, legal. Mr.
D’Alema promised on behalf of his government
Back to the Origins: “Conquering the to increase the number of legal work places in his
Apennines” country and to continue the good cooperation
The relations with the Italian Republic tend with the Republic of Moldova.
to increase in intensity. The objective reason Nevertheless, the sad part of the story is
for that is the permanently growing Moldovan that now the number of people willing to leave
community on the Apennine peninsula. Either the country for a better life on the Apennine

Institute for Development and Social Initiatives (IDSI) “Viitorul” 

1 (8),
3, August

peninsula could dramatically increase. Italy is solution, OSCE did not achieve too much in
confronted with a huge number of migrants this respect. Obviously the blame should not
coming from Eastern Europe, mainly Romania be put only on OSCE as it is formed from
and Moldova given the close resemblance member states, some of which have been part to
between the Italian and Romanian language. De the conflict e.g. Russia. Therefore, Russia as a
facto this process could metaphorically mean mediator to the negotiations format and OSCE
the return to the origins where all the Latin member, opposed for the last years the adoption
nations have their roots. However, even if the of the OSCE yearly final conference decisions
Visa Facilitation Agreement between Moldova that made references to Russia’s legal obligation
and the EU has entered into force, the efforts to withdraw its troops and munitions from
should be aiming at making this agreement work Moldova and Georgia.
properly. Adding to this more openness on behalf The recent visit to Chisinau and Tiraspol of
of Italian authorities on the one hand and more the Finish foreign minister Ilkka Kanerva who
efficiency on behalf of Moldovan government undertook the chairmanship of OSCE brought
in lobbying the interests of its citizens should a new insight to the problem. The Finish official
establish at the end of the day a mechanism that stated that Transnistrian problem should find
would ensure legal and advantageous working its solution and the negotiations process has to
conditions for Moldovan citizens and on the be restarted. Moreover, there are more and more
other side the feeling of security for Italian voices which brought back into discussion the
citizens. idea of federalization as a solution to the conflict.
Thus, it is clear that Finish presidency wants to
Transnistria Stays on the Top of break the stalemate and give a new impetus to
the Agenda: OSCE, EU and Russian the talks. While this should be understood as
Perspectives an ordinary declaration of a country official
OSCE is the single international security undertaking the chairmanship of OSCE,
organization directly involved in the resolution nevertheless Western European countries, both
of the Transnistrian conflict as a mediator in the members of OCSE and EU try to speak with the
“5+2” negotiations format. The same OSCE has same voice and reach common goals.
the less effective tools and authority to play a key From EU perspective this enhanced support
role in these negotiations. With NATO as the for the resolution process is determined by
major security and military international actor another burning issue for the EU foreign agenda
and the rising military capacities of the EU, the and namely Kosovo. The struggle over the issue
OSCE as an organization has been sidelined of recognition or non-recognition of Kosovo
and deprived of both authority and resources to independence might and would create an
accomplish its primary goals. Being too loose explosive precedent. If Kosovo independence is
and comprising a striking variety of members, to become a reality, Transnistria, South Osetia,
it is generically referred to as the organization Chechnea and other separatist regions will claim
which ranges from Vancouver to Vladivostok. their independence too. During his first official
Keeping a consensual procedure for adopting visit in the year 2008 to Brussels, president
major decisions the actual ability of OSCE to Voronin has been allegedly promised support,
take decisions is almost equal to zero. both political and financial for not blaming
That is why organization’s inefficiency has the eventual Kosovo independence. How this
been severely criticized both by its supporters political support could materialize into practical
as well as the opponents. In this context the action it is very difficult to say since the EU
OSCE Mission to Moldova makes no difference did not express the will to upgrade its status in
from the general picture. Being present in the negotiations format to that of a mediator.
Moldova from 1994 with the aim of settling However important, the financial support the
and bringing the conflict to a lasting political EU is up to offer will probably sink in offshore

Institute for Development and Social Initiatives (IDSI) “Viitorul” 

Statewatch no. 1 no.
(8), 3,

bank accounts of high officials from presidential are either elected or appointed. That is why
apparatus and government. one has to expect the same position Russia was
Federalization as a solution for Transnistrian displaying in 2007 at least for the first months of
problem would meet Russian interest in the 2008 which means “Moldova, be still as long as
region too. Though, the driving force behind we give you gas and allow you to sell your wines
these interests is totally different from those of on our markets and don’t forget that we do keep
the EU. At the last meeting between presidents control over Transnistria, not you”. Therefore,
Voronin and Putin on January 23 the issue of the ones who came, saw and did not leave are the
Transnistria was inevitably approached. Given this Russians. Probably it is early to say they won,
was the last meeting with Voronin in his capacity but they are not very far from doing so.
of President of the Russian Federation there were
speculations about making public the plan for Moldova, EU and Central European
the settlement of the conflict secretly negotiated Initiative
in the second half of 2007.What Russia would 2008 does not promise too much for
like to be the outcome of this federalization is Moldova in its relationship with the EU.
first of all the recognition of all the properties The implementation of the Action Plan was
and investments in Transnistria privatized and unsatisfactory for what reason it can be extended
owned by Russian businesses. Second, Moldova for an undetermined period. Moldova looses
has to reiterate once again its neutrality, but ground in Brussels and the support for Voronin
allowing the Russian Federation to keep its troops communist rule is vanishing. That is also a
in Moldova. Third, the constitutional order has consequence of the close relationship to Russia
to be changed in order to fit the interests of both and disregard for European norms and values.
Chisinau and Tiraspol. One way out would be the successful
Nonetheless, even if Voronin would submit fulfillment of the Moldovan presidency in
to Russian conditions, he would have to face the Central European Initiative (CEI), a regional
opposition back home. In spite of a dispersed organization aiming at helping the member
opposition, it can rally immediately as it did in states overcome the transition and come closer
2003 to fiercely oppose the Kozak Memorandum. to the EU. This organization is more viewed as
No doubt, the Party of Communists holds all the a precursor of the EU as all Central-European
levers to control the country, but vital issues such states now members of the EU joined CEI to
as Transnistrian problem and changing of the prepare their countries for EU membership. CEI
Constitution is capable of bringing the people to is first of all about developing trade relations and
the streets. Whatever the situation may turn out, economy on the regional level. Consequently,
keeping the status quo will also ensure Russia gets Moldova would increase its European chances
most of the benefits. What concerns Voronin, he by completing a successful presidency in CEI.
supposedly made this kind of verbal promises to This means proposing an agenda for further
Putin, but the actual legislation does not provide advancing the goals of the organization, regional
for any of the above mentioned conditions to trade between the CEI members as well as
take effect. That is why it will become clearer CEI members and EU. Second, this means
about Voronin’s intensions regarding this issue professional civil servants who would be able to
when respective actions will be taken. run smoothly the activities of CEI institutions
Another reason for Russia to keep the status and a clear strategic leadership for enhancing the
quo is its ongoing presidential campaign. No ties between CEI members.
matter the fact that it is obvious who the next Unfortunately, it is memorable the failure
Russian president will be, high Russian political Moldova undergone when it held the presidency
circles led by the incumbent president would in the Council of Ministers of the Council of
prefer to leave aside Transnistrian issue until the Europe. It has been a unique opportunity which
new president, government and prime-minister Moldova was not able to ripe benefits from. CEI

Institute for Development and Social Initiatives (IDSI) “Viitorul” 

Political and
and Security
Security Statewatch
Statewatch no. 1 no.
August 2008

presidency as well as the one in South-eastern the results do not give reasons for optimism
European Cooperation Process can follow the since the federalization of Moldova as a solution
same sad scenario. If Moldova is really poised for Transnistrian issue came back to the table.
to make progress and to reach the status of an Therefore, it is difficult to make any forecasts
EU member state ever, it has to start doing it until the negotiations in the “5+2” format will
now. be resumed.
It will be interesting to follow the position
Prognosis of the EU on this issue and how efficient the
First half of January was calm due to New Finish presidency in the OSCE will be for the
Year and Christmas celebrations. The political resolution process. Given the rising interest for
life in the new 2008 year started with important the given issue it is expected that the debates
events such as several visits of Western officials over Transnistria will intensify and it will
like the Italian foreign minister, Finish foreign involve the major stakeholders like Russia and
minister and chairman-in-office of the OSCE the EU. However, unless a common ground is
and Deputy Secretary General of NATO. found between these two, no major changes
Transnistria was by far the most important shall be forecasted.
topic discussed during all these visits. However,

Security Policy Sector

Transnistrian conflict: old

game-new players?

by Alex Leşanu
Along with other habitual activities, each of Moldova has awaited for some Great Powers
beginning of the year is an appropriate time to solve its security problems.
to think ahead and to analyze further actions. This attitude has been particular visible
In other words, each beginning of the year has from 14-th till 22-nd of January when Moldo-
some strategic weight. On the contrary, refer- van President Vladimir Voronin has attended
ring to the actions of Moldovan authorities, a series of meetings with NATO, OSCE, EU
the dose of arbitrariness and unpredictability and Russian top officials.
has increased progressively. It seems that there is nothing strange about
Despite the emphasis put by Moldovan these meetings: last year President Voronin has
authorities on the resolution of Transnistrian had four meetings with, Russian President,
conflict and on the rehabilitation of Moldovan Vladimir Putin and one meeting in Decem-
statehood, this month has repeatedly shown ber with the President of the European Com-
the lack of strategic thinking and the fragil- mission, Jose Manuel Barrosso. Concerning
ity of Moldovan statehood. In a broader sense, the visit of OSCE Chairman-in-Office, Ilkka
during its short history of statehood, Republic Kanerva to Chisinau, it has already become a

Institute for Development and Social Initiatives (IDSI) “Viitorul” 

Statewatch no. no.
1 (8),
3, August

good tradition, for each new appointed OSCE tional Security Concept was designed with the
top official to pay a visit to Chisinau. assistance of local and foreign experts, and it is
Nevertheless, one might notice the absence of in the Parliament, already for several months,
NATO officials from the list of frequent quests waiting to be drafted.
to Chisinau. It is without doubt that visit of During his visit to Moldova, Robert Sim-
Robert Simmons, Deputy Assistant Secretary mons, Assistant of NATO General Secretary
General for Security Cooperation and Partner- has repeatedly stressed the necessity to draft
ship and Special Representative for the Cauca- The National Security Concept, in the frame-
sus and Central Asia, could not be unnoticed work of IPAP implementation. In this respect,
even if his visit corresponded with that of Ilkka NATO official has received an answer from
Kanerva, or it is precisely this coincidence that President Vladimir Voronin, who mentioned
should be taken into consideration. that the draft law is in the Parliament, waiting
for some changes, which will reflect the recent
Moldova-NATO: from mutual benefit to presidential initiatives for confidence building
mutual distrust? between Tiraspol and Chisinau.
As soon as the reform of the security concept Immediately after the publication of the
is concerned, since March 2006, it is linked presidential initiatives in the Russian press,
with the implementation of IPAP. Since then, there were speculations that some of these ini-
two evaluation reports has been drafted and tiatives, in particular demilitarization, are con-
sent to NATO headquarters. The content of tradictory to IPAP, which emphasize the need
these reports is not available to public. On the to increase military capability. In other words,
other hand, Moldovan officials and external it seems that that there is a contradiction be-
observers acknowledge the sameness of IPAP tween the principle of neutrality and the ne-
with EU-Moldova Action Plan. Thus, it is pos- cessity to deploy troops in peacekeeping op-
sible to evaluate the state of IPAP on the basis erations. Nevertheless, there are neutral states
of EU-Moldova Action Plan progress reports like Finland and Sweden, which participate at
issued by European Commission. NATO and UN peacekeeping operations.
In this respect, the EC progress report On the other hand, the draft of National
from December 2006, along with the decla- Security Concept, which is published on the
rations of Jose Manuel Barosso, the President website of Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Eu-
of the European Commission, made, in Janu- ropean Integration of Republic of Moldova, re-
ary, during a press conference in Bruxelles, af- fers to a strategic cooperation between NATO
ter a joint meeting with Moldovan President, and Republic of Moldova, for mutual benefit.
Vladimir Voronin, illustrate the abundance of Taking into consideration, the fact that par-
“good laws” and the scarcity of implementa- ties and mediators of the 5+2 format, recognize
tion mechanisms. the crucial role of Russia in the resolution of
the Transnistrian conflict, and NATO is not a
These observations are more or less appro-
part of negotiation process, there is a possibil-
priate for the description of reform process in
ity that the new draft of The National Security
the security sector of Moldova. Moreover, if in
Concept, will stress the strategic importance of
the case of EU-Moldova Action Plan there have
Russia, and will consequently decrease the im-
been drafted some 200 laws, when it comes to
portance of relations with NATO.
IPAP, a number of important laws are missing.
The most important is The National Security This situation might be confirmed in March
Concept, which is waiting for Parliament vote. when according to Robert Simmons a delega-
In fact, the modernization of security estab- tion from NATO will evaluate the implemen-
lishment is impossible without a comprehen- tation of IPAP, and afterwards will propose
sive long-term strategy. A project of the Na- some adjustments to this document. According

Institute for Development and Social Initiatives (IDSI) “Viitorul” 10

1 (8),
3, August

to NATO official, IPAP is a changing entity and all the countries from the region, integrated into
it is not cut in stone. Thus, it might be subject Euro-Atlantic structures.
to some changes. Despite these changes, the one On the contrary, refering to the perspectives
thing is clear: The National Security Concept is of Georgia and Ukraine, which would like to ap-
vitally needed, but its drafting must be preceded ply for a Membership Action Plan, NATO of-
by a strong public debate on this issue. ficial hesitated to give an answer, suggesting that
Referring to the modernization and reforma- the decision will be taken at the last moment.
tion of the security sector, one must take into This incertitude has grown even further amid
consideration that despite the adoption of hi- the speculations about the possible meeting of
tech vocabulary, which talk about new security NATO-Russia Council, in Bucharest, at the same
threats like cyber war or terrorist attacks, accord- time with NATO Summit.
ing to Ministry of Interior Affairs, Gheorghe Taking into consideration the interest of
Papuc, only 50 out of 851 rural police stations NATO in the question of CFE Treaty and the
have a kind of transportation means. In addition, ratiffication of The Adapted CFE Treaty only
some of these stations don’t have any technical after the Russian fullfilment of Istanbul OSCE
equipment and there are some 115 vacant places Summit commitments, it is highly likely that for
of local police agents. Republic of Moldova, the meeting of NATO-
Another example is the program of neutral- Russia Council will be more important than the
ization of some 1245 tones of toxic substances, organisation of NATO summit in its immediate
imported in the 1980’s for agricultural purposes. neighborhood.
From 2003 till 2007 this program was supervised On the other hand, the fact that all the im-
by Moldovan Ministry of Defense. According to portant NATO events, including the Bucharest
Moldovan Ministry of Defense, Vitalie Vrabie, summit, will take place in the first half of 2008,
the storing facilities were frequently robed. What at the moment when Russian political leadership,
kind of modernization of armed forces or increas- will be involved in presidential elections, seems
ing of military capability is possible, if Ministry to announce no major breakthrough in the devel-
of Defense is unable to protect its own facilities? opments around The CFE Treaty.
Apart from CFE Treaty, it is the Kosovo is-
What is the role of NATO in the resolution sue that, suddenly became a highly-debated is-
of the Transnistrian conflict? sue, last year, after the declaration of Russian
At the annual press reception on the occasion President, Vladimir Putin that the resolution of
of the New Year, held at NATO Headquarters, Kosovo conflict would be a precedent for other
NATO Secretary General, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, frozen conflicts. Taking into consideration the
outlined the priorities of the Alliance for 2008. difficult situation of Russian national and reli-
He talked about the upcoming meetings of De- gious minorities, it is highly likely that Russian
fence Ministers in Vilnius in February, of Foreign president did not expect that his declaration on
Affairs Ministers in Brussels in March, and about Kosovo precedent, will have such a great impact
the Bucharest Summit in April. on the international relations and on the devel-
Asked about the priorities of NATO in 2008, opment of international legal norms.
NATO Secretary General referred to the possible Besides, what is the value of Kosovo precedent
enlargement of the Alliance, its threats and chal- in the case of Transnistrian conflict? From 1992,
lenges, such as cyberdefence and energy securi- despite its unofficial status, the separatist entity
ty, and NATO’s operations in Afghanistan and on the left bank of Nistru, is a „de facto state”
Kosovo. Concerning the Western Balkans, Jaap with its own symbols, currency, Constitution. If
de Hoop Scheffer welcomed the three candidate in the case of Kosovo, the probable scenario is
countries, but also stressed the necessity to see that its independence will be recognised by US

Institute for Development and Social Initiatives (IDSI) “Viitorul” 11

Statewatch no. 1no.
August 2008

and the majority of EU member states, what In the same key, Robert Simmons stressed
is the possible application of this scenario to the importance of CFE, and declared that The
Transnistria? Adapted CFE will be ratified only after Russia
An easy answer would be that Russia will of- will comply with the commitments of OSCE
ficially acknowledge the existence of Transnis- Istanbul Summit. NATO official also reasured
trian state. Therefore, since 1992, Russia has that no bargain will be possible on this issue,
been the only state to provide financial, lo- and in case Russia will not respect the provi-
gistic and military support to the separatist sions of CFE Treaty, NATO will respond ad-
entity. A recent example would be 27 million equately by increasing its military capabilities
US dollars, granted to Transnistrian authori- in its new member states. Thus, it seems that
ties, in order to overcome the consequences of despite the lack of a major breakthrough in the
drought and to diminish the deficit of local resolution of the Transnistrian conflict, there
budget. In addition, Russia has opened some seems to be a new actor involved in the pro-
24 voting stations on the left bank of the river, cess.
despite the note of protest delivered by Moldo- Prognosis
van Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European As soon as the Republic of Moldova does
Integration. Thus, one can easily assert that not have a coherent strategic document like
Kosovo precedent was deliberately launched by National Security Concept, which will clearly
President Putin in order to check the reaction determine its long-term strategic goals, IPAP
of West. remains only an example of wishfull thinking.
Refering to the ways in which NATO can Either the drafted National Security Concept
help Moldova with the resolution of Transnis- will acknowledge a strategic cooperation with
trian conflict, Robert Simmons mentioned Euro-Atlantic structures, or will focus on the
that NATO cannot directly contribute to the development of a priveleged cooperation with
resolution of this issue, becuase it is not a part Russia, depends on the performance of major
in the negotiation process, but there are some decision makers concerning the Kosovo issue
NATO member states that show their interest and CFE Treaty. Regarding the prospects for
to provide financial assistance in order to facil- the resolution of the Transnistrian issue, it is
itate the withdrawal of Russian military forces clear that NATO will assume a more promi-
from the region. Nevertheless, the fact that nent role, as it is interested in positive develop-
NATO is not a part in the negoriation process ments in Kosovo and around the CFE Treaty.
does not necessarily presume the fact that it
will never be.

The Bulletin is a bilingual monthly publication aiming to provide analysis on various elements of
domestic and foreign policy, as well as on some issues of special interest for Moldova.

Political and Security Statewatch authors: Ion Marandici, Sergiu Panainte, Alex Leşanu.

In order to subscribe to the distribution list of Political and Security Statewatch bulletin, please
contact us by e-mail:
Coordination and distribution of the bulletin: Ghenadie Mocanu.

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Institute for Development and Social Initiatives (IDSI) “Viitorul” 12

Statewatch no. no.
1 (8),
3, January
August 2007

The Institute for Development and Social Initiatives (IDSI) “Viitorul”

is a research, education and outreach organization which activates in the
field of economic analysis, governance, law, political sciences, strategic and
organizational science. It was set up in June 1993 in Moldova as a non-
governmental, not-for-profit organization, non-political entity.

The IDSI’s mission is to contribute to the growth of independent thinking

environment in Moldova and in other emerging democracies; to contribute
to the strengthening of the local and regional governments; to assist the
expansion of the civil society in which the citizens act together to express
their own interests, to exchange information and to strive for mutual goals and
influence government.

IDSI is also a common platform that brings together young intellectuals who
are concerned with the models of transition towards the free market and the
open society. IDSI helps them to contribute with their energies, values and
virtues, providing its logistic, moral and intellectual support and advices them
regarding their future projects and initiatives. Consistent with this mission,
IDSI has forged several linkages between the academic and policy-making
environments, generating policy analysis and recommendations for various
areas of public interest, creating and disseminating of the best practices, good
governance and economic analysis.

Institute for Development and Social Initiatives (IDSI) “Viitorul” 13

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