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MARCH 2005

Aims of the Policy

The Policy seeks to:

guarantee a healthy working environment and protect the current and future health of
employees, customers and visitors to the Head Office & Mines Offices

ban smoking and use of tobacco in all parts within the premises of Head Office & Mines

guarantee the right of non-smokers to breathe in air free from tobacco smoke comply with Health & Safety Legislation and Employment Law raise awareness of the dangers associated with exposure to tobacco smoke and to
actively promote a campaign to highlight the health risks of smoking

take account of the needs of those who smoke and to support those who wish to stop ensure the ultimate aim of becoming a totally smoke and tobacco free organisation
(buildings and all enclosed public places) by the end of 2010


recognised in upper quartile of employers for delivering effective Smoke Free Workplace Policy

This Smoke Free Work Place Policy is implemented by V. M. Salgaocar & Bro. Pvt. Ltd., Goa on the 1st Day of October 2008 and will be subject to a formal review 12
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INTRODUCTION The Central Government has framed the Prohibition of Smoking in public places Rules, 2008 which shall come into force on 2nd October 2008. VMSB acknowledges that the Prohibition of Smoking in Public Places Rules 2008 requires Employers to provide a safe environment for Employees and members of the public. The above Rules require Employers to provide smoke free working environment for all Employees. There is a growing campaign both nationally and internationally to reduce or exclude smoking in public and in workplaces. This is primarily due to increasing evidence of the potential risk to human health as a result of passive smoking. VMSB has constituted this Policy to actively promote better environment for health of all its employees, visitors, and customers. VMSB acknowledges that passive tobacco smoking is both a public and work place health hazard and have therefore adopted this Smoke Free Workplace Policy. In view of the overwhelming medical evidence that both active and passive smoking is harmful to health, VMSB is committed to introduce and manage a total smoking ban throughout its premises. This Policy has been prepared following comprehensive consultation with all employees/staff and with the support of Trade Union representatives. OBJECTIVES

To ban the use of tobacco/smoking within all work places of the Company. To protect ALL employees, contractors and visitors from exposure to passive tobacco smoke by providing a smoke-free environment. To actively promote a campaign to highlight the health hazards/risks of tobacco smoking, the cost to the organisation and to individuals of smoking and to provide assistance and support to smokers wanting to stop. To achieve a completely tobacco smoke-free environment by 2010.
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3. SCOPE AND RESPONSIBILITIES This Policy refers to all VMSB employees at the Head Office & Mines, Service Users (customers) Contractors, Sub-contactors, and Visitors. Everyone must strictly abide and comply with the Smoke Free Workplace Policy. The policy covers the premises known as the VMSB Head Office & Mines Offices. Two weeks prior notice will be given before the enforcement of this Policy. The policy will come into effect on Wednesday, the 1st October 2008 and shall remain in force and shall stand amended from time to time in accordance with the provision of Prohibition on Smoking in Public Places Rules, 2008. Restrictions on Smoking Provision of Smoke Free Zone Smoking is not permitted at any time, or by any person regardless of their status or business with VMSB in any part of the premises being any entrance or exit to the Head Office Building and Mines Offices. Furthermore any employee seen smoking by VMSB customers using the Head Office / Mines Offices premises or bringing the policy into disrepute shall be deemed to have breached the terms of the policy. Standard Contract Agreements The Standard Contract Agreement will be amended to ensure necessary compliance of the Smoke Free Workplace Policy by all Contractors, Agents engaged for the business of VMSB. 4. ENFORCEMENT The Policy will be communicated throughout VMSB to all employees become part of Local Conditions of Service. and will

Breach of terms of the Policy will need to be managed in a fair but effective manner and in accordance with best practice. Support will be provided in all cases of non-compliance (See following section). However, serious breaches of this Policy will be subject to disciplinary action by the Management of VMSB. 5. GAINING ACCEPTANCE , SUPPORT EDUCATION AND INFORMATION VMSB will actively promote the improvement of the health of its employees by providing information on the health risks and other problems related to smoking of tobacco products. Information on the effects of smoking (both active and passive ) and advice and help on stopping smoking will be readily available to employees at regular intervals. In an effort to help individual employees adjust to the changes, the following help will be provided:

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to encourage compliance with the smoke free workplace policy

internal and external signs which will be displayed to reinforce the Smoke Free Workplace Policy. opportunity to attend Smoking Cessation support meetings during lunch times or evenings will be provided subject to demand and within existing resources an educational programme to inform employees and visitors about the financial and health impact of smoking for individuals and the National Health Service. publicity and health promotion information on the health risks and other problems related to smoking tobacco products are readily available to help employees and visitors stop or reduce smoking. emphasise this Policy during induction of new employees and in future while recruiting employees preference will be given to those employees who do not use tobacco in any form. requiring all employees working at VMSB offices to comply with the Policy. Inform all visitors of the Policy in literature, information booklets and whereby practicable VMSB publicity.


MONITORING AND REVIEW This Policy will be reviewed annually to ensure that it continues to meet its key aims and any changes in legislation, regulations and best practice. The Trade Unions will be consulted and their comments will be included in any review process. Comments related to the maintenance of this Policy should be directed to The General Manager Personnel, who can be contacted by Phone on Ext.136 or email




Goa Mining Labour Welfare Union Affiliated to All India Trade Union Congress (AITUC) Velhos Building, 2nd Floor Opp. Municipal Garden Panaji, Goa.

2. Kamgarancho Ekvott Gurudatt Building, 3rd Floor Dr. Dada Vaidya Road Panaji, Goa.

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This Policy is endorsed by the Trade Unions: Trade Union Comments Let us make life a creative, meaningful and worth living for and march towards Tobacco Free World.

Christopher Fonseca General Secretary Goa Mining Labour Welfare Union Panaji, Goa. Date: 16th September 2008 Our union whole heartedly supports Smoke Free Workplace Policy 2008 of V. M. Salgaocar & Bro. Pvt. Ltd. and extends full support for implementation, awareness and support those who want to make the workplace free of tobacco.

Subhas Naik Jorge President Kamgarancho Ekvott Panaji, Goa. Date: 16th September 2008 9. ENDORSEMENTS V. M. Salgaocar & Bro. Pvt. Ltd. Salgaocar House Off. Dr. Francisco Luis Gomes Raod Vasco-da-Gama, Goa 403 802. This Policy is endorsed by the Management: VMSB Management Board Comments The Management is committed to implement the Smoke Free Workplace Policy 2008 and extend all the support to actively promote better environment for health of its employees, visitors and customers.

Shivanand V. Salgaocar Managing Director

Dattaraj V. Salgaocar Managing Director

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Date: 16th September 2008

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