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No. 3 (10), March 2008

SECURITY Monthly analytical bulletin on Moldova issued by IDIS “Viitorul”

After the PCRM
the country has
a new-old

The Communist
“Ship” Charts a
Course for 2009:
Should Foreign
Policy Change?

The truth is out

there: drugging
on the way to
rule of law
The Institute for Development and Social Initiatives (IDS) Viitorul is a research, education
and outreach organization which activates in the field of economic analysis, governance, law, political VIITORUL
sciences, strategic and organizational science. It was set up in June 1993 in Moldova as a nongovernmental,
not-for-profit organization, nonpolitical entity.

Domestic by Ion Marandici

Policy Sector
March 2008

After the PCRM Congress,

the country has a new-old

Summary elections. It should be mentioned that Formuzal was

never close to the Communist Party, but was sup-
No. 3 (10)

Elections in the Gagauz Yeri region often cre- ported by the opposition party Popular Republican
ate tensions between the central authorities and the Party led by Nicolae Andronic.
executive of the autonomous region because they The misunderstanding between the central
revel to Moldovan officials the region’s problems. The authorities and the Gagauz executive became more
election results do not favor the Communists Party pronounced when the Russian Federation decided to
of the Republic of Moldova (PCRM). The PCRM send to Gagauzia, one of the regions most affected by
Congress took place without any surprises and there the drought, humanitarian aid following a request by
was an attempt to promote youth. The surprise of the Formuzal. Still, the Moldovan Government consid-
month was the replacement of the Tarlev Govern- ered the distribution of the humanitarian aid during
ment with the Greceanîi Government. The changes the electoral campaign as inappropriate, fearing the
are not significant, but the representation of the increasing popularity of the pro-Formuzal candidates.
women in ministerial offices increased in the new So, the decision was to block the humanitarian aid.
government from two to six. The Republic of Mol- Later on, when the aid arrived in Moldova, Gagauz’s
dova obtained a credit of 19 million USD from the executive demanded that the whole aid be directed
IMF, but opposition parties and some researchers towards the region. However, regional representatives
show that the Government is not financing the local were not allowed to participate at the transporta-
authorities according to economic criteria, but on the tion and the unloading of the humanitarian aid.
basis of political criteria. Moreover, the Minister for Agriculture, Anatolie
Gorodenco, declared that no aid would be sent to the
The elections in Gagauzia: party failure region. The declaration provoked the dissatisfaction
or victory of independents of the regional authorities who demanded that Prime
Minister Tarlev clarify those statements and that the
Elections for the Popular Assembly from Republican Commission for Aid Distribution make
Găgăuzia show that in the region there are centrifu- public the list of aid allocated for the Gagauz region.
gal tendencies. Initially, the governor of the region, The electoral campaign took place in the con-
Mihail Formuzal, demanded the allocation of 1.2 text of tensions between Comrat and Chisinau. The
million lei ($108,000) to organize the elections for elections drew numerous Moldovan officials to the
the Popular Assembly of Gagauzia. The governor region and revealed certain problems not covered by
qualified the Government’s refusal to allocate this the republican press.
money as a „great error and a proof of Government’s Even though Russian is the working language at
disrespect towards the deputies and the people of the Comrat University and the majority of ethnic Ga-
autonomy.” The Popular Assembly of Gagauzia previ- gauzians speak Russian, there is a need for Romanian
ously voted to transfer the sum of 600,000 lei from language studies. According to many ethnic Gagauz-
the regional Reserve Fund to the Central Electoral ians, especially youth, there are no Romanian lan-
Commission. Still, Governor Formuzal did not agree guage professors in schools. For this reason, during
on spending the money from the Reserve Fund for an electoral meeting, speaker Marian Lupu promised
Monthly analytical bulletin on Moldova issued by IDIS VIITORUL POLITICAL & SECURITY STATEWATCH

to create a commission that will develop new state the central authorities towards the inhabitants of the
language teaching methods for non-speakers and will region.

March 2008
monitor the way this program is implemented. Previ- “United Gagauzia” expressed its support for the
ously, Gagauz’s executive demanded the allocation of “sovereignty and integrity of their homeland” under-
special funds for special Romanian language courses lining that Governor Mihail Formuzal wished the
for minorities, but their appeal went unanswered. people of the region to live in peace and understand-
Another problem widely commented on by PCRM ing with the central government, but “the last events
representatives was the interruption of an interview show the hand that regional authorities gave to the
broadcast by a local cable television station. Local national government was ignored.” The delegates

authorities declared that the interruption was due claimed that the region does not get any money for
to technical problems, but the PCRM doubted this the development of the language, of the national
explanation. culture, for publishing books by Gagauzian writers

No. 3 (10)
The political landscape of the region is defined by and poets.” According to certain press information,
three political groups and the independent candi- “Edinnaya Gagauzia” would seek to obtain the same
dates. A distinguishing political characteristic of the status as the Transnistrian region and proportional
region is the failure of Moldovan political parties to representation in Moldova’s Parliament. The Gagauz
gain ground. Instead, many of the candidates register declare they do not have representatives in the state’s
as independent getting support from certain par- higher offices and thus lack the capacity to influence
ties. Broadly speaking, the first of the three groups state policies. However, it should be mentioned that
is the informal block „For a flourishing Gagauzia in the governor (bashkan) is a permanent Government
a Renewed Moldova”. The block attracts members member and is consulted on all laws and govern-
who are close to former Governor Gheorghi Tabun- mental decisions. Moreover, one representative of the
scic and communist candidates. The second group is autonomous region is included in many of the high
comprised of supporters of Nicolai Dudoglo, Mayor ranking committees.
of Comrat. According to certain sources, the candi- In the context of a poor electoral campaign, the
dates from the Democratic Party are also part of this participation at the first round of elections was rela-
group. The third group is „United Gagauzia” Move- tively high, approximately 70%, and almost 60% in
ment supported by Ravnopravie (Valery Klimenco), the second round. The results of the elections showed
Nicolae Andronic (Popular Republican Party), the Moldovan parties failure to consolidate in the
Serafim Urechean (AMN) and Dumitru Braghis region. The final results show that 21 members of the
(PSDM). There are also independent candidates who Popular Assembly will be independent candidates,
are not supported by any of these groups. 10 will represent the PCRM, two the Democrats
Still, the most important regional structure is the and two will represent Ravnopravie and the Socialist
Social Movement „United Gagauzia” because it is Party.
supported by politicians who would like the region Obviously, after loosing the competition for the
to gain even more autonomy. At the last congress governorship and after loosing ground at the 2007
of the Movement in March, the first president of local elections, the PCRM also registered lower re-
the Gagauzian republic, Stepan Topal, compared sults at these elections. If in November 2003, Com-
the activity of the Movement with the late-1980s munists gained 16 seats, this time they only gained
national-patriotic movements “Gagauz Halki” and 10. However, at that time the PCRM managed to
“Vatan”. Topal declared that the Gagauzians are con- form a coalition with seven deputies. It remains to be
fronted with the same dangers as twenty years ago: seen whether the PCRM will manage to form a post-
they are threatened with assimilation; they do not electoral coalition in the Popular Assembly this time.
have representatives among the central authorities; Since the behavior of the independent candidates is
they cannot influence the politics of the country; and very hard to predict, it is not clear whether the coali-
their rights are infringed upon. At the congress, the tion will be formed by Communists or by supporters
Movement unanimously called upon the leadership of Governor Mihail Formuzal.
of the Republic of Moldova to change the attitude of Regarding the fairness of the elections, the

Delegation of the Congress of Local and Regional were surprised by Tarlev’s resignation only a few days
Authorities of the Council of Europe and the League after the party’s congress. For seven years there was
March 2008

for Defense of Human Rights concluded that these no change at the top of the Government and that
elections generally met international standards. The situation led to the stagnation of the Government’s
major deficiencies were the secrecy of the vote, the structures. Thus, Tarlev’s leave was considered as a
family vote, the low-quality paper of the ballots, and positive step for the activity of the Government. It is
the high number of persons on the additional lists. important to keep in mind that Vasile Tarlev re-
The Delegation recommended the elaboration of an nounced his office not because of certain criticisms,
electronic registry by the Central Electoral Commis- but only “to change the boring faces,” an explanation

sion and the urgent harmonization of the Electoral delivered by the president. The second explanation
Code of Gagauzia with the national one. offered by Voronin was that the simplest method to
change certain persons in the Government was to
No. 3 (10)

Premier Tarlev resigned after change the whole Government. During his activity,
the PCRM Congress Tarlev was a disciplined official who made a lot of
visits in the country and less abroad. Despite those
The Sixth PCRM Congress approved the new activities, the Tarlev Government’s success remains
party program and elected members to the party’s to be seen. There are no doubts that the resignation
leadership structures: the Central Committee (125 was planned to take place after the PCRM Congress.
members) and the Executive Bureau (9 members). Although surprising, the logical conclusion is that
Representing approximately 20,000 members, 412 Prime Minister Tarlev did not leave his office for rea-
delegates from all PCRM organizations participated sons of incompetence, but because voters, and later
at the congress. Deputies from the Communist on party leadership, became bored and desired gov-
parliamentary group and almost all Government ernment changes “without much noise.” Still, Tarlev
members were present at the congress. It was a con- continues to enjoy a high degree of popularity.
gress without any surprises, no splits and no criti- A day after Tarlev’s resignation, Voronin an-
cisms of the new party program. Hence, no wonder nounced Zinaida Greceanîi as the new Prime Min-
that Vladimir Voronin was reelected to the office of ister. Probably Greceanii will stay prime minister
Party Chairman by the delegates’ unanimous vote. until 2009. Former finance minister and prime vice
Also, the structure of the Central Committee of the premier, Greceanii has run for the mayor’s office in
party was extended to comprise 125 members and Chisinau on behalf of PCRM, but without major
the most important structure, the Executive Bureau, success. Even if she is considered a professional in
now has nine members. Members of the Executive the field of finances, she too played a role in the de-
Bureau remained Vladimir Voronin, Mark Tcaciuc, cision of the European Court of Human Rights that
Grigore Petrenco, Vladimir Vitiuc and Svetlana Popa the Republic of Moldova will have to pay 2,500,000
elected also at the last congress. The new members euros. It is not clear yet how successful were the
of the Executive Bureau are Victor Mindru, Ana- negotiations led by Greceanii with Russian giant
toly Zagarodnii, Alexandr Isaev and Doina Rotari. Gazprom regarding the price for the natural gas. On
All these changes took place in order to promote the other hand, she was the one which managed to
younger people. Marian Lupu was also promoted, re-start the negotiations with the IMF and World
probably in order to defeat rumors that he is likely Bank just after the PCRM came to power in 2001.
to leave the party. The same cannot be said about Still, Greceanii becomes the first female prime
Vasile Tarlev, at that time still prime minister. No minister in the whole history of the Moldovan state.
criticisms regarding his government were heard Previously, Eugenia Ostapciuc was the first female
during the Congress. Even if Tarlev’s dismissal was speaker. Many anticipated that Greceanii would
planned a few months before the congress, the come in front of the Parliament with a brand new
delegates found out only a few days later that the government, but she did not change much. In fact
Government and Vasile Tarlev, after seven years of five ministers were replaced: Victor Tvircun (Educa-
leadership, resigned. tion and Youth), Mihai Pop (Finances), Vladimir
The majority of political analysts and journalists Ababii (Public Health), Gheorghe Papuc (Domestic
Monthly analytical bulletin on Moldova issued by IDIS VIITORUL POLITICAL & SECURITY STATEWATCH

Affairs) and Vladimir Molojen (Development of on political criteria. Chairman of the Our Moldova
Information Society). They were replaced by vice Alliance party, Serafim Urecheanu, accused the
ministers or other high ranking public servants Government in a press conference of offering more

March 2008
except in the Ministry of Finances, in which case the funds for the Basarabeasca district, especially to the
former Moldovan Ambassador to the UK was ap- Bascalia village, former Prime Minister Vasile Tarlev’s
pointed, but she was also a vice minister for several hometown, while localities with non-Communist
years. The Ministry for Industry and Infrastructure mayors were deprived of public funds. Urecheanu
was dissolved, while a new ministry was created, the stated that the district of Basarabeasca, with a popu-
Ministry for Constructions, on the basis of a former lation of 26,000 persons, was receiving 26 million
agency. There are six new ministers, but they are not lei. At the same time, for the districts Ungheni,

government outsiders. At the top, Igor Dodon was Orhei, Hancesti, Edinet, with a population between
promoted becoming prime vice premier. At the same 100,000 and 150,000, were allocated on average in-
time, Andrei Stratan, Minister of Foreign Affairs and vestments of 850,000 lei. Moreover, the capital city

No. 3 (10)
European Integration, and Victor Stepaniuc main- will not receive any investment funds this year.
tained their offices of vice premiers. The statements were confirmed by a study
Basically, there are no spectacular changes with published by IDIS “Viitorul” concerning the politi-
persons brought from outside the Government, cal aspect of local administration financing. The
but rather the replacement of ministers with vice research demonstrated that the central authorities
ministers. Indeed, what is new with the Greceanii favor Communist mayors. According to the study,
Government is the higher number of women in 70% of the elected mayors on PCRM lists would
ministerial functions from two to six. Of course, in have received resources for capital investments in
a pre-electoral year the new Government will not 2007, while only 32% of the non-Communist
risk to undertake courageous reforms. Most of the mayors received such funds. Also, the study shows
needed reforms are of a liberal type and are very that the Government Reserve Fund was misused in
unpopular, thus it is highly improbable that the Gre- order to support independent mayors, with the hope
ceanii Government will have the necessary political of attracting them to the PCRM. In the first months
will to start radical reforms. of 2008, the Government succeeded in directing
almost 80% of the capital investment funds towards
The political aspect in financing the PCRM and independent mayors.
local authorities
In March, the International Monetary Fund
decided to allocate a new grant of approximately Confrontations between non-communist parties
19 million USD for the Republic of Moldova. The become more intense, particularly between Chris-
IMF Board of Executive Directors published also tian Democrats (PPCD) and Liberal Democrats
the prognosis and certain recommendations for (PLDM). In April, the Liberal Democrats will start
2008. On one hand, the IMF appreciated the fiscal gathering signatures for the initiation of a referen-
discipline of the authorities, but still views the risk dum that aims to change the way the president is
of an inflation rate higher than 10% as high. Ac- elected and to introduce a uninominal vote. After
cording to the IMF prognosis, the annual inflation the president’s recent declarations, it seems in the
rate should not surpass 11.4% in 2008 and should near future that the Parliament will raise the elec-
sink to 7.9% in 2009. The GNP should grow in toral threshold from 4% to 6%. The protests of the
2008 from 4.2 in 2007 to 5.3 billion USD and license holders will continue also in April. Negotia-
economic growth should reach 7%. The internal and tions to form a post-electoral alliance will begin after
external debt should decrease according to the IMF the second tour of elections in the Gagauz region.
prognosis. Of course, taking a new credit in advanta- It is also highly probable that in the period before
geous conditions is a success, but in the last period elections government financing of local authorities
there were increasing signals that public finances are will follow political criteria rather than development
re-distributed in the districts of the country based priorities.

Foreign by Sergiu Panainte

March 2008

Policy Sector

The Communist “Ship”

Charts a Course for 2009:
Should Foreign Policy Change?
No. 3 (10)

Overview Greceanii as Prime Minister, Tarlev as _____?

An unexpected milestone in Moldovan political Tarlev firmly held the prime ministerial chair
life is undoubtedly the resignation of the Tarlev during seven years of communist rule and enjoyed
government. No decisions adopted at Communist the trust of party leadership. His sudden decision
Party congress of March 15th could predict such a to resign is not logical since the government that
course of events. Mr. Tarlev willingly submitted his he led has been constantly praised for its successes
resignation and President Voronin did not hesitate and achievements. In any democratic country such
to accept it. Without referencing conspiracy theories, a paradox would never happen. Moreover, Tarlev’s
one would attribute the resignation to a strategic mentor, President Voronin, accepted his resignation
change in policy promoted by the party in power. In within seconds. It suggests nothing less than a very
light of the 2009 elections, the Communist “ship” well orchestrated Communist Party plan before the
appears to be making arrangements to continue parliamentary elections. Nevertheless, this equation
safely navigating the waters of Moldovan politics. lacks some variables obscuring the meaning of this
The issue is now what this move entails and what the undertaking.
course of the foreign policy will be. The only known variable is the president’s
The Russian Duma’s hearings about the three announcement of the nominee, Deputy Prime
unrecognized republics in the post-Soviet space Minister Zinaida Greceanii, for the post of prime
fed and strengthened rumors about Chisinau and minister. Facing a severe lack of qualified people
Moscow agreeing on a plan to solve the Transnistrian within the party, Greceanii is an acceptable choice for
conflict. Regarding South Osetia and Abkhazia, the situation the party finds itself in. The question
the Duma’s lower chamber recommended that is whether Greceanii will be any more able than
the Russian Federation consider recognizing Tarlev to cope with all the problems inherited from
their independence; no such resolution was made the previous government. However, considering
regarding Transnistria. The Duma considers that the party discipline and its rigid hierarchy, predictably
bilateral dialogue between Voronin and Putin does Greceanii will follow party decisions with regard to
not require such initiative and the process should all aspects of internal and foreign policy. She will
follow the agreements reached between the two not have much room for maneuvering and will not
presidents. get the chance to promote her own initiatives. She
In contrast, the EU Troika and Moldovan made a relatively good finance minister, but here the
authorities recently acknowledged at a meeting the pressure will be ten times greater. Nonetheless, with
positive results of EUBAM mission and reinforced her party’s blessing she will be an obedient prime
their commitment to reforms and cooperation. All minister just as Tarlev was.
in all, nothing unusual as the EU expects to see that The second variable is relatively unknown. What
commitment fulfilled with results, not just empty future is Tarlev expected to embrace? There is an
declarations. inexplicable silence on this topic. Tarlev himself did
not make any comments over his resignation, nor
Monthly analytical bulletin on Moldova issued by IDIS VIITORUL POLITICAL & SECURITY STATEWATCH

did anybody else within the party. However, just citizens residing in these territories. Although Russian
after accepting Tarlev’s resignation, President Voronin intentions are no secret, Moldovan authorities must

March 2008
decorated him with the highest state distinction, rely on the Russian Federation’s good will, which
the Order of the Republic. The Order is awarded actually President Voronin does all too well.
for extraordinary achievements in government The hearings revealed the Duma’s strong
service. This leads to the idea that while thanked for conviction that South Osetia and Abkhazia should
his service as a prime minister, Tarlev must receive gain independence and two documents have been
another “job” either within the party or within state drafted and submitted to the incumbent President
structures. Although there are speculations that

Administration and Government. They will have to
Tarlev is being groomed for the presidential chair, examine the proposed acts and to decide the fate of
it would be premature to accept this hypothesis. these regions in due time or to let this responsibility
However, it should not be disregarded either. What

No. 3 (10)
to the new administration.
other options are there for him? None fit the logic of With regard to Transnistria the Duma was less
his resignation. An ambassadorial mandate, foreign intractable. The Duma acknowledged that relations
minister portfolio, and most everything else would between Moldova and Russia provide for a constant
be a step down for Tarlev after holding the second dialogue on the Transnistrian issue and reconfirmed
most powerful position in the executive branch. its attachment to Moldova’s territorial integrity.
Therefore, Tarlev is either to become president or to However, until a political solution is reached, the
be dismissed entirely. Russian army contingent will not leave Transnistria
Whatever scenario the Communists have in order not to destabilize the region. Moreover, the
prepared it is relevant to question what foreign policy Duma suggested increasing this contingent just in
will look like? Presuming that Greceanii will not case.
be a better prime minister than Tarlev and will be The good part of these hearings is that for the
a docile “tool” in the hands of the Voronin clan, it time being the Russian Federation is not willing to
appears that there will be no change in foreign policy. recognize Transnistrian independence. The drawback
Relations with Russia will be further developed is that the Russian authorities do not seriously
in tandem with EU relations assuming that EU consider the withdrawal of Russian “peacekeepers”.
integration does not conflict with membership in On the contrary, they are considering augmenting
the CIS. As the saying goes, there is nothing new this military presence. This is outrageous since
under the sun. Once again, the 2009 elections will Moldova is a neutral state and it is neutral not only
decide who is to be trusted with the power to rule from NATO, but from Russia as well. This thing
the country. however, counts less for Moscow which tries to
coerce Moldova into drafting a document providing
How Close to Reunification? for the international recognition of country’s
neutrality to be signed during NATO Summit in
This month, the Russian Duma examined the Bucharest by the major powers like the US, EU
possibility of recognizing the separatist entities and so on. Meanwhile, Russia brutally violates this
of South Osetia, Abkhazia and Transnistria. This neutrality by still keeping its troops in Transnistria.
comes in response to Kosovo’s independence and It seems that the price for the non-recognition of
enormous Western support for the realization of this Transnistria is Moldovan neutrality. This represents a
independence. Stating that these “republics with countermove undertaken by Russia in the light of the
established democracies deserve to be independent NATO Summit in Bucharest where three new states
more than Kosovo,” the Duma, however, pledged will join the Alliance. These are the Former Yugoslav
its commitment to international norms and the Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), Albania and
territorial integrity of Georgia and Moldova. Croatia. Ukraine and Georgia are to be proposed for
Nevertheless, the roughly 17-year existence of these NATO membership. Thus loosing important ground
state-like entities urges the Russian Federation to to NATO, Russia is striving to fortify its position in
account for their “rights” and the rights of Russian Transnistria.

In conclusion, reunification between Moldova unchanged: the rule of law, respect for basic freedoms
and Transnistria is still a dream for the future. Where and liberties, and a functional market economy. The
March 2008

Russia is ubiquitously present in all the conflict economic premises have been set by entering into
resolution mechanisms, Chisinau is dragged more force from the 14th March of the Autonomous Trade
and more into asymmetric concessions. Discouraging Preferences. Politically, the meetings of the EU-
enough is that this situation is entirely approved Moldova Cooperative Committee, as well as of other
by the EU Special Representative for Moldova, committees, constantly raised the issue of democratic
Kalman Miszei, who emphasized that the “5+2” reforms and transparency of the democratic process.
negotiating format is the optimal one for reaching The following months will shed light on the way

a long-lasting solution. Once again, as so many the relationship between Moldova and the EU is to
times in the past the issue remains to be solved by continue and how long the sides can “bear with each
Moscow and Chisinau where Chisinau has nothing other.”
No. 3 (10)

to counterbalance the “Russian bear”.

How Much Progress Will Be
in the “Progress Report”? This spring began distinctly with the resignation
of Tarlev cabinet raising the issue of succession to
By the middle of the month the meeting of the the incumbent president. As such, Tarlev appears
EU Troika and the Moldovan delegation in Brussels as the most likely candidate to replace Voronin
rendered no new results for bilateral relations. and to secure the Communist Party grip on power.
The EU vocabulary hardly favored encouraging The foreign policy of the new government will not
declarations with regard to Moldova. The only undergo changes since the governing party altered
praiseworthy activity was the EUBAM mission the shape, but not the content. Therefore, one
which is successfully carrying out its mandate at the will witness the same close relations with Russia,
Moldovan-Ukrainian border. antagonism in relations with Romania, and feigned
Later on, at a conference dedicated to the compliance with European norms and values when
resolution of the Transnistrian conflict, the head of negotiating with the EU.
the European Commission Delegation to Moldova On the reunification issue, the Russian
announced that the unit he is heading will produce Federation has assured the international community
a “country report” to asses the progress achieved by that it will not presently recognize Transnistria on
Moldova in the implementation of the Action Plan. condition that Moldova would remain neutral and
This report will serve as the main reference point put that neutrality in a document signed by the
for the EU as a whole in deciding what the future major powers represented in the format of “5+2”
agreement with Moldova should look like. It seems format of negotiations. This will stop the expansion
that the EU has a tough job to do since there is of NATO at least in a region where Russia still has a
little progress to measure. In the last six months the military presence. If Georgia and Ukraine start the
recurrent phrase of EU officials visiting Moldova was procedure for joining the Alliance, Russia will be
“reforms should continue.” With the reformation surrounded on the whole of its western front. That
process on its knees, Moldova has no right to hope is why Moscow needs an ally, even one as small as
for receiving the Association Agreement it wants. Moldova is.
Nevertheless, the report must reference the While the EU made it clear that no new
results achieved by the same EUBAM or the process contractual agreement will be available for
of harmonizing national and European legislation. Moldova unless the parliamentary elections are
Based on these small accomplishments the EU held in accordance with democratic norms, the EU
should formulate its further approach to “reforms- Commission’s draft progress report will be definitive
reluctant” Moldova. While there is little to praise, the until 2009. It will clarify whether Moldova
EU will again draw attention to the things Moldova receives any further assistance and support for its
did not manage to accomplish. These targets remain enterprises.
Monthly analytical bulletin on Moldova issued by IDIS VIITORUL POLITICAL & SECURITY STATEWATCH


March 2008
by Alex Leşanu
Policy Sector

The truth is out there:

drugging on the way

to rule of law

No. 3 (10)
Overview From informational
to alimentary security
Regarding developments in the security sector
of the Republic of Moldova, this month witnessed On March 7th, The Supreme Security
a series of events which prove some well-known Council drafted a decision which recommended
patterns or widespread beliefs concerning the the Government adopt a series of measures,
behavior of the police service, as well as the including the possibility of dismissing Stanislav
state of affairs on the Transnistrian side of the Gordea, the Director General of the Agency
Moldovan-Ukrainian border. for the Monitoring of Telecommunications and
Referring to the police image in the Republic Informatics. Referring to the reasons which lead
of Moldova, one could easily state that it has not to this action, the Moldovan president’s official
improved since the Soviet period. Instead of being web-site states that it is a matter of the “lack of
a useful tool in maintaining public order and the responsibility and initiative, which, in its turn,
rule of law, security services have increasingly endangers the informational security of Republic
focused on the first task, while forgetting the of Moldova.”
meaning of the second. On the one hand, state Besides this statement, no other details
officials have praised the liquidation of organized concerning the dismissal of Stanislav Gordea
crime in the Republic of Moldova, referring to have been unveiled. One of the possible reasons
the detention of major criminal leaders, while is related to a letter, which was received by the
ignoring the widely held opinion that it is the Voronin Administration. It seems that this letter
police that, being involved in different illegal contained information on a possible placement
activities, actually adopted a sort of criminal by a certain mobile operator of its server on
behavior. the territory of Romania. In this respect, it was
In respect to the situation on the Moldovan- assumed that Romanian secret services were
Ukrainian border, this month witnessed two big granted access to this server, which gathers
drug trafficking operations, each of them pointing information on the phone calls and electronic
to activities of international trafficking networks, messaging of customers. Thus, it was perceived as
which are using Moldova, including Transnistria, a threat to national security.
as a transit country for smuggling drugs to and On the other hand, not so long after the
from the EU and to Eastern Europe. demise of Stanislav Gordea, new information was
unveiled stating that this server is on the territory
of Moldova. Nevertheless, there is another server
on the territory of a neighboring country, but it

deals with GPRS access, which demands expensive Is Transnistria

maintenance. As a consequence of this incident, „a black hole”?
March 2008

the GSM operator has taken the responsibility

to relocate the GPRS server on the Moldovan
territory in April or May. Since its Declaration of Independence on
In addition, the Council has decided to form August 27th, 1991, Moldova has not had any
a working group consisting of different control means of efficient monitoring of its border with
institutions. This group will conduct an assessment Ukraine, especially on the Transnistrian side of
of fiscal activity of mobile operators and will check the border. In the ‘90s it was widely beleived

the fulfillment of obligations assumed by these that the breakaway province of Transnistria
operators according to their licenses. Moreover, was „Europe’s black hole”. In other words,
on March 28th, Parliament drafted a law on Transnistria was perceived as a promised land for
No. 3 (10)

additional university specializations, one of which traffickers of all sorts - from drugs, weapons, and
happens to be “Informational Security”. human trafficking to food products. Since the
At the same meeting of the Supreme Security establishment of EUBAM, this perception was
Council, situations in the field of veterinary somehow dilluted as soon as its representatives
standards and of alimentary security were held numerous press-confferences where they
discussed. According to the information posted on revealed smuggling of only food products and
the Moldovan president’s official website, during limited amounts of drugs. Nevertheless, recent
the meeting participants had the opportunity developments are reminiscent of the ‘90s
to consult the results of a study, which points experience.
to some problems such as: frequent frauds in In March, a series of events related to
regard to public procurement of vaccines against drug smuggling have pointed to the increased
infectious animal diseases; misunderstanding of importance of Moldova as a transit country on
requirements for prevention, diagnosis, treatment the map of illegal trafficking. First, Ukrainian
and prevention of infectious animal diseases; mass-media reported the capture of more then
superficial inspection of quality of products of 40 kilograms of cocaine by Ukrainian customs
animal origin; incomplete and unprofessional authorities at the Odessa port. The drugs were
veterinary medical examination. found in 36 cans of coconut juice in transit with
In this sense, Vladimir Voronin demanded the the destitation of Costa Rica-Moldova.
punishment of heads of sanitary and veterinary Immediately after this information was
supervision agencies who allowed abuse and revealed, the press office of the Moldovan
indiscipline. Furthermore, a series of actions Prosecutor General anounced the destruction of an
must be taken regarding the re-organization of extensive drug trafficking network that operated
these agencies. Some ideas concerning the re- according to the following scheme: Columbia-
organization process were presumed to have been Guatemala-Costa Rica-Odessa-Moldova-EU. This
sent to the Government and Supreme Security network operated in Moldova since 2007.
Council during a ten-day period. Nevertheless, The source refers to the main culprits of this
ten days after this meeting of the Supreme affair: Anatolie Vidish, group leader, Boris Vidish,
Security Council, Prime-Minister Vasile Tarlev who was employed by Balti Forestry, and his
resigned. Thus, the task of veterinary services brother, Mircea Vidish, who is administrative head
re-organization has to be fulfilled by another in Tsypleshty village, Syngerey district. Along with
government, which in its turn has to undergo the these suspects, there are two Costa Rican citizens
same re-organization procedure. This resignation who are now in pretrial detention. They have
of the whole Moldovan Government comes after been engaged in activities of extracting cocaine
a series of sound resignation of particular heads of from different mixed liquids, which have been
some ministries or agencies. transported to Moldova since the beginning of
Monthly analytical bulletin on Moldova issued by IDIS VIITORUL POLITICAL & SECURITY STATEWATCH

2008. For their activities they were each promised draft law that grants the Prosecutor General the
a reward of 10,000 USD. exclusive right to initiate penal charges against

March 2008
One week later, the Deputy Minister of the Judiciary without the approval of Superior
Interior Affairs, Valentin Zubic, unveiled a Council of Magistracy, the balance of forces has
new scheme of drug trafficking during a press changed in favor of the Prosecutor General Office.
conference. This time it was a matter of 200 Moreover, due to the unclear circumstances
kilogramms of heroin, the largest amount of following the retirement of the Government, a
drugs captued on Moldovan territory since its series of corruption deals involving high-ranking
independence. Taking into consideration that one police representatives could be unveiled. This

gram of heroin costs 50 euro on the black market, revelation is increasingly possible since the Office
then 200 kilogramms can be valued at 10 million of The Prosecutor General is gaining more
euro. In this case, the network operated according influence, while the Ministry of Interior Affairs,

No. 3 (10)
to the following route: Afganistan-Turkey- along with some other control authorities such
Moldova-EU. as the Center for Combating Corruption and
According to Valentin Zubic this Economic Frauds, is loosing ground.
transportation was detected as a result of an Already, on March 28th, PRO-TV Chisinau, a
extensive transnational operation conducted private channel, provided some details concerning
in colaboration with some institutions from the record capture of 200 kilograms of heroin.
neighboring countries. Drugs were carried in a According to this source, it is highly likely
mini-bus and kept in sacks along with beans. Ala that the Office of the Prosecutor General has
Meleca, Spokesperson of The Ministry of Interior brought criminal charges against some top police
Affairs, stated that operation was organized in two representatives who were involved in illegally
months and, as a result, three suspects, all of them transporting drugs on Moldovan territory. It
foreign citizens, were detained. is a matter of three police officers who were to
supervize the secure transportation of these ilegal
goods on Moldovan territory up to the Romanian
Ministry of Interior Affairs border.
vs. Office of the Prosecutor In addition, the same TV channel stated
General: who is the winner? that the mini-bus used for the transportation of
drugs was stopped for an ordinary check by two
police agents. In this sense, it is highly likely that
Police corruption remains a problem according the so-called „multinational operation”, which
to the 2007 Moldova Country Report on Human was organized in two months, is no more than
Rights Practices, released by the The U.S. State a matter of chance or pure coincidence. This is
Department’s Bureau of Democracy, Human especially evident since these two police agents,
Rights, and Labor on March 11th, 2008. The instead of being praised, were fired.
Office of the Prosecutor General is responsible On the other hand, the prosecutor general’s
for investigating police activities. However, the increasing legal authority does not necessarily
prosecutor’s office staff stated that the Ministry presume the extrapolation of this authority on the
of Interior often ignored, or only superficially moral level. On the contrary, lack of political will
examined, their reports of violations by police. to reform the Office of the Prosecutor General,
From this excerpt it is easy to acknowledge along with certain incidents implicating this
that any sort of competition between the Ministry institution in the harassment of opposition parties
of Interior Affairs and Office of The Prosecutor and media institutions, is increasingly pointing to
General should not be excluded. Following the fact that the Office of the Prosecutor General
Vladimir Voronin’s recent initiatives to re-organize resembles a kind of „scarecrow” against all those
the structure of control institutions, and the recent whose viewpoints differ with the official party line.

Prognosis conduct illegal searches and wiretaps.” Taking

into consideration the developments of the first
March 2008

To illustrate the behavior of security services three months of 2008, it is increasingly possible
in the Republic of Moldova, the same report that these authorities did not learn their lesson in
released by The U.S. State Department refers to 2007 and this undemocratic instinct will prevail
the fact that „[in 2007] it was widely believed in 2008. In addition, the fact that there is less
that authorities, including the Ministry of the than one year left until the 2009 parliamentary
Interior, the Prosecutor General’s Office, and the elections will demonstrate some new elements of
Security and Information Service, continued to this „zero-sum game”.

No. 3 (10)

The Bulletin is a bilingual monthly publication aiming to The Institute for Development and Social Initiatives (IDSI) “Viitorul” is a research,
provide analysis on various elements of domestic and foreign education and outreach organization which activates in the field of economic analysis,
policy, as well as on some issues of special interest for Moldova. governance, law, political sciences, strategic and organizational science. It was set up in
June 1993 in Moldova as a non-governmental, not-for-profit organization, non-political
Political and Security Statewatch authors: Ion Marandici, entity.
Sergiu Panainte, Alex Leşanu.
The IDSI’s mission is to contribute to the growth of independent thinking environment in
In order to subscribe to the distribution list of Political and Moldova and in other emerging democracies; to contribute to the strengthening of the
Security Statewatch bulletin, please contact us by e-mail: local and regional governments; to assist the expansion of the civil society in which the
citizens act together to express their own interests, to exchange information and to strive
for mutual goals and influence government.
Coordination and distribution of the bulletin: Ghenadie
Mocanu. IDSI is also a common platform that brings together young intellectuals who are concerned
with the models of transition towards the free market and the open society. IDSI helps
Contacts: them to contribute with their energies, values and virtues, providing its logistic, moral
Chisinau, 10/1, Iacob Hincu Str., 2009 MD, Republic of and intellectual support and advices them regarding their future projects and initiatives.
Moldova Consistent with this mission, IDSI has forged several linkages between the academic and
Tel/fax: (+ 373/22) 21 09 32; 21.36.32; 22.71.30 policy-making environments, generating policy analysis and recommendations for various
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