Bulletin 16th Jan 2012

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SIXTH FORM BULLETIN Week Beginning 16th January 2012

EXAMS Details of the public exams, including the January timetable, can be found on the Exams page of our website YEAR 13 IFS A reminder to all Year 13 IFS students the final exam will take place on Tuesday 7th February YEAR 12 WORK EXPERIENCE After the January modular exams I will be launching our work experience programme for 2012. Please can Year12 students remember to use your powers of Networking" when meeting up with friends, family and neighbours - as there may be some potential placement opportunities right there in front of you. Many of the best placements come from people you know! Work experience will take place the week beginning Monday 11th of June 2012. All year 12 students will be expected to participate. Julie Calder Considering an alternative to university post Sixth form? The event is for students considering an alternative to university who would like to know more about A level recruitment schemes within the financial services, investment banking and retail sector. Weds 15th February (during half term), Holloway Road, London Students can attend morning or afternoon session Criteria: students must be predicted a minimum of 280 ucas points. To find out more about the event go to: www.purepotential.org and look at events/schools. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO BOOK A PLACE SEE JULIE CALDER ON TUESDAY, ONLY A FEW SPACES LEFT. WELLCOME TRUST SANGER INSTITUTE Work Experience (scientific research) opportunities: Please see Julie Calder if you would like to apply for a 1 or 2 week placement with the Sanger Institute. If you are considering a career in scientific research this would be a fantastic opportunity. Applications are made independently by the student with the deadline being 31st January. See me for more information. Julie Calder, Sixth Form Careers. UNIQ University of Oxford Summer Schools Every year the University of Oxford run summer schools for a total of 750 Year 12 students. The week long residential programme is designed to introduce the most academically able and enthusiastic students to the opportunities that the University has to offer. Demand for places is high with almost all successful applicants last year having achieved 6 A* or more at GCSE level. Applications can be made between 9th Jan 23rd February via the online system independently by students: www.ox.ac.uk/uniq . If you require further information about this event you can email them directly on uniq@admin.ox.ac.uk . Please let me know if you make an application for school UCAS reference purposes. Julie Calder, Sixth Form Careers. BRIGHT NETWORK YEAR 13 CONFERENCE The above one day event is aimed at introducing and educating students about leading careers sectors and the opportunities open to them. It is a 1 day event on TUESDAY 14TH FEB (half term) in London. Representatives from Investment Banking, Commercial Law, Professional Services and Management Consultancy companies will be there to discuss their career paths and schemes. Applicant criteria - All applicants must have a minimum of 6 A grade GCSE to include Maths and English. Interested? See Julie Calder, Sixth Form Careers for an application form asap as places are limited and highly competitive. University of Oxford - Law Open Day On Wednesday 14th, Thursday 15th and Friday 16th March Oxford University will be holding "open days" for students to find out information about the Oxford Law courses, methods of teaching, admissions, life as a student and careers in law following university. If you are keen to apply please see Julie Calder before Monday 23rd January when I am required to nominate 2 students. To find out more view: http://www.law.ox.ac.uk/opendays2012

LEAVING SITE In accordance with our attendance policy - it is important that when leaving the school site all sixth form students sign in and out of school at the main reception. APPLICATIONS TO JOIN OUR SIXTH FORM If you know of anyone who is looking to join our Sixth Form in September 2012 full application details can be found on our website.

IF ANYONE HAS ANY IDEAS OR SUGGESTIONS FOR OUR BULLETIN PLEASE CONTACT LYNN SALT. SIXTH FORM IMPORTANT DATES Year 13 IFS Exam Tuesday 7th February UCAS Talk to Year 12 Parents Wednesday 8th February. 7pm Inset Day Friday 10th February Year 13 Parents Evening Thursday 15th March Year 12 Parents Evening Tuesday 20th March Model United Nations, Haileybury Friday 23rd, Saturday 24th & Sunday 25th March Year 13 Leavers Ball Friday 18th May, 7pm Year 12 Work Experience 11th June 15th June 2012

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