PT2 Protocol 1

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CARDS 2006 Regional Quality Infrastructure project Proficiency Testing Albania Bosnia & Herzegovina Croatia Montenegro Serbiathe

the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

PT 2 Scheme Drinking water PT Protocol

University of Ljubljana Faculty of Electrical Engineering Laboratory of Metrology and quality Traka 25, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Center for ecotoxicological research of Montenegro Put Radomira Ivanovia 2 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro Tel.: +382 81 658 090 Danijela ukovi e-mail: sukovic.r@cg.yu

Purpose of the scheme

The aim of this proficiency testing is to picture objectively the degree of equivalence and the quality of physical-chemical measurements by comparing participants measurement results with external reference values. These reference values are completely independent from the participants results. The above project, funded by the European Commission and EFTA, has contracted the University of Ljubljana to conduct a very wide-ranging series of intercomparisons for

laboratories in the countries of the Western Balkans. The Center for ecotoxicological research of Montenegro has been chosen as a pilot laboratory for drinking water PT.

An expert advisor assigned to PT2 testing scheme is Dr. Janja Turi from the Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia.

There are eight participants to this intercomparison. Contact details are listed alphabetically: Albania Participating laboratory: Contact person: Address: Zip: City: Phone: Mobile: Email: Bosnia and Herzegovina Participating laboratory: Contact person: Address: Zip: City: Phone: Mobile: Email: Participating laboratory: Contact person: Address: Zip: City: Phone: Mobile: Email: Watersupply Sarajevo (Federation BiH) Mrs. Senija Alimanovi ul. Jaroslava ernija 8 71000 Sarajevo +387 33 440 024 +387 61 520 613 Tati d.o.o Tati laboratory Mrs. Radoslava Pijunovi Osjeani bb 74225 Osjeani-Doboj +387 53 284 023 +387 65 709 384 Public Health institute (AL) Pranvera KASAJ Alexander MOISIU 80 1000 Tirana +355 4374756 +355 692387042

Croatia Participating laboratory: Contact person: Address: Zip: City: Phone: Fax: Email: Public Health Institute of Istrian Country (HR) Mrs. Sonja Dikovi V. Nazor 23 52100 Pula +385 52 529 060 +385 52 529 076

The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Participating laboratory: Contact person: Address: Zip: City: Phone: Mobile: Email: Serbia Participating laboratory: Contact person: Address: Zip: City: Phone: Fax: Email: Kosovo Participating laboratory: Contact person: Address: Zip: City: Phone: Mobile: Email: National Public Health Institute (Kosovo, UNSCR 1244) Dr. Burbuqe Nushi-Latifi University clinical Hospital,Center Compound, Mother Theresa nn Prishtina -Kosovo UNMIK 10000 Pritina +381 38 551 431 +377 44 127 617 Public Health Institut "Dr Milan Jovanovi Batut" (RS) Mr. Dejan Nati Dr Subotia 5 11000 Beograd +381 11 268 5593 +381 64 244 8006 Republic Health Protection Institute (MK) Mrs. Svetlana Toevska ul.50-ta Divizija br 50 1000 Skopje +389 2 312 5044 +389 70 809 144

Republic of Slovenia Participating laboratory: Contact person: Address: Zip: City: e-mail: Envoronmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia (SI) dr.Janja Turi Vojkova 1B 1000 Ljubljana

Test items and parameters

In order to prepare samples with matrixes that are as close as possible to routine drinking water samples, test items of concern will be tap water and spiked tap water. In the following table are presented parameters and proposed methods for the PT. In addition, laboratories may use methods they are accredited for or methods they use for routine measurements. Parameter pH at 25 0C Electrical conductivity at 25 0C (S/cm) Chlorides (mg/l) Sulphates (mg/l) Sodium (mg/l) Potassium (mg/l) Lead (g/l) Cadmium (g/l) Proposed method of analysis ISO 10523 EN 27888 ISO 10304-1 or alternative method ISO 10304-1 or alternative method ISO 9964-3 or alternative method ISO 9964-3 or alternative method ISO 15586 or alternative method ISO 15586 or alternative method

Storage conditions
The water will be bottled in 8 polyethylene containers, each of them containing about 100 ml, with clerly denoted parameters to be measured on each sample. Laboratories using flame atomic absorption spectrometric method will receive larger volumes for Cd and Pb analyses (one 1 l bottle for the analyses of both Cd and Pb). Samples for Pb and Cd determinations will be acidified with HNO3 to pH between 1 and 2. The participating laboratories are requested to reply regarding date of package reception via e-mailed form.

Reporting of results
All participating laboratories are required to report the results electronically via the Internet in the e-mailed report form. Report the measurement results for as many of the eight parameters as possible, standard deviation conected with results, methods used and date of analyses. Outline of statistical analyses The assigned values are to be determined by the means of reference measurements made by the Pilot Lab. The participants will receive summary of all measurements, reference values and uncertainties of reference values, and evaluation of the performance. The evaluation of measurement results will be made on the basis of Z-score: Z= where x : participants result X : reference value : target value for standard deviation The following criteria are used to judge the performance of the laboratories in a proficiency testing programeme: Z 2, results are satisfactory; 2 < Z< 3, results are questionable; Z 3, results are unsatisfactory.
x X

You will receive packages with samples until 10th March 2008. The deadline for reporting the results is 10th April 2008. The report for the participants containing reference values and Z-scores of individual laboratories will be distributed until 10th May 2008. Date: March 4, 2008

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