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Ideas for double page spread

Two dominant pictures on both pages A heading that represent the whole double page Sub headings that label little stories around the double page A little quiz that takes up a quarter of the page Light blue back ground, keeping the same theme as the rest of the magazine. Headings and subheadings in white coloured fonts connoting clouds as the background colour will be sky blue. Different music genres on this double page A paragraph each just concentrating on each of the dominant images

Overall my double page will be covering a lot of genres of music; it will be like a gossip plus entertainment page of my magazine. The page altogether will all over the place meaning little bits of information facts and jokes will be spread out every where. The double page will have two dominant pictures one for each side of the page. These dominant pictures will have a paragraph next to the highlighting the story behind the pictures. Plan of my front page

Plan for my Contents

Double page spread PAGE 1

Double page spread Page 2

Publication plan
Title: Price: 3.45 Target: 16 year olds to people that are into that specific genre of music. Positioning statement: for all musicians Frequency of publication: monthly Distribution: Newsagents, WHSMITHS, Tescos. Etc Issue size: 50 pages Gender of music: all types of music Colours used: a mixture of different colours which fit in with a specific gender of music Rationale: Its more of a bulletin magazine updating people on specific genres of music. Its for people who love music and are interested what happens behind the scenes of there favourite musicians. It will also give details on upcoming events and interviews.

Style: Its going to be a mixture of fun comical gossip but also factual knowledge but it will vary depending on the genre of music. The magazine will be updating the audience on the latest news about their chosen genre of music or their favourite artists, e.g. relationships or upcoming events. The magazine will be written as an informative report and will not be shy of giving its own opinion. The magazine will use simple vocabulary making it easy to read and understand. Dominant feature: Gossip points and Artist images Regular content Top ten tunes-lists of ten most popular songs of the month Most popular artist- most recognised artist of the month New talent- a new musician/producer Monthly poster- a poster of instrument/artist Biggest flop- biggest flop album or artist of the month Feature content: New entry of young struggler

Target Audience Survey My target audience will enable me to choose the right contents for my magazine cover. It will help me as I will no tools I should be using to create an eye catching affect on my reader,

What is your favourite type of music? Rock Classical Hip Hop Rnb (Other)

Do colourful music magazines appeal more to you than NonColourful ones? Yes No Do you buy branded magazines or just any with the Information you want? Branded Information I want

A magazine on a specific genre of music would interest me more than one concentrating on all types of music? Yes No

What attracts you most to buy a music magazine? Music genre Gossip column Dominant image Price of magazine

On my first question my response was strongest for hip hop and R&B so I kind of gave them the edge in my magazine although my magazine still contains all genres of music. Mostly everyone rooted for the colourful magazines which was my initial idea, so my magazine is very colourful and eye-catching to attract the readers attention. For my third question there was a huge margin of difference in favour of (brand) so I decided to brand my magazine and call it beats rather than it being a magazine with out a brand and concentrating and taking ideas from different magazines, so re4ally I have just gave it an identity. My fourth question favoured all types of music which I used and last but not least my price is very reasonable as thats what attract people most these days when buying a magazine. Font sizes and stories to be featured on page

My font sizes will vary according to what they represent. For example the font size of my headings and title will be larger than the paragraph sized font. The average size font that I want to keep for my titles and subheadings is around 38 to 30. My paragraph font will best suite the size of 14 to 18 as I still want my paragraph font be eye-catching and visible and not be overruled by my titles and subheadings. All my fonts will be bold and in the colour white and grey as they will play the role of clouds in the theme of my magazine layout which is the sky. I will also verify my fonts with darker colours around them insinuating dark clouds. I will mostly keep all fonts the same on all pages to maintain my theme.

Stories that I will have on my front cover will be just little phrases and sentences giving a glimpse of what is in the actual magazine. My contents page will not have any stories on it but will give the page numbers of certain stories or facts etc. My double page spread will cover the main story of the magazine of a dominant image that I will have on the front cover. My double page spread will also have little facts and jokes on celebrities and there wil be a quiz on the double page as well

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