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HP3000 Basics

The HP3000 machines have the same POST sequence as an HPUX machine. Where all hardware will be checked until BCH is reached. BCH in HP3000 is exact same as BCH in HP9000 too. The only difference at this level is you cannot autoboot an HP3000 machine. It will always stop at BCH and you will always have to boot to ISL to load the O/S. You have three choices at bootup: 1. boot from the root disk 2. boot from an install tape (SLT) 3. boot from a pre-configured backup tape (CSLT) Type sea to find the hardware you wish to boot from. Each hardware item/path will be given an instance number (p0,p1,p2 etc). Type bo p0 for instance p0. When asked to interact with ISL, type yes. This will take you to the ISL prompt. ISL> install (to install from the SLT or CSLT tape) ISL> start norecovery (to boot from the root disk) Login: HELLO manager.sys High priority login (if there are other users on): HELLO manager.sys;hipri Once you have an O/S installed and loaded, you will need to configure the system (unless you restored from CSLT tape). The area/program to configure disk systems and peripherals is called sysgen # sysgen confg9x8 (where the system type is 9x8) You will need to find out the system type prior to using this command. Thos information will be found on the front panel or the rear of the system on the system label. Now you will see a sysgen prompt, where you can enter different commands to edit the system. Sysgen> ba config This command will show you all the different command sets you can use Devices: AD Add DD Delete LD List MD Modify Paths: AP Add DD Delete LP List MD - modify

Sysgen> ld (this command will list devices, it will show you all hardware configured for the machine) The HP3000 machines do NOT self configure, there may be items in the LD which are false and need to be removed. There may also be devices missing that need to be added. Every device has an instance number, most of these numbers are not important, however there are a few entries which MUST be in this list and MUST use their allocated instance numbers: LDEV1 boot disk LDEV7 tape drive LDEV10 tape drive LDEV12 printer LDEV20 - console These entries MUST be here, even if there is no associated hardware attached. DD delete device This command is used to delete any unwanted devices, the instance number is used to select the device. Such as: DD 22 would delete LDEV22. MD modify device This command is used to modify any devices you wish to keep but need to change the information. MD 2 ID=HPARRAY (would change the ID of LDEV 2 to HPARRAY). The ID you must already know. There is documentation to help you find out and also running mapper in ODE mode before starting the system will give you this information. HPARRAY is the alias for the Autoraid 12H disk array. MD 2 PATH=56/40 (this would tell the operating system that the hardware path for this device is 56/40) PSEUDO Every peripheral needs a Pseudo driver. The PSEUDO driver is the end of the bus, so really the middle point of communication between the server and the peripheral. PSEUDO is configured as an ID on the associated path. AP Add Path Here is an example of how to add a group of disks hanging from a SCSI card in the system at HW path 56/40. AP 56/40 ID=HP28696A (where HP28696A represents the SCSI card) AP 56/40.1 ID=PSEUDO (this is the link between server and peripheral)

Now we need to tell our device that it resides on the new path we have just created. For this example we shall use the Autoraid 12H which has an ID of HPARRAY. LDEV1,2,3 & 4 have already been created / modified to represent each of the four LUNs. To modify further to add path: MD 1 ID=HPARRAY PATH=56/40.1.0 MD 2 ID=HPARRAY PATH=56/40.1.1 MD 3 ID=HPARRAY PATH=56/40.1.2 MD 4 ID=HPARRAY PATH=56/40.1.3 When finished editing all of the device files in sysgen you MUST save your config before leaving or all details will be lost. To do this: Sysgen> hold Sysgen> keep To create a bootable configuration and OS backup tape (CSLT), type the following command: Sysgen> ta This will take about half an hour to complete Then to leave sysgen Sysgen> e Finally, there are a few other commands you might need when navigating through the HP3000 operating system. All accessed from the shell prompt: Login: HELLO manager.sys Logout: bye Shutdown: Show devices: showdev Showvar hpsusan Showvar hpname

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