Operations Director or Operations Manager or Project Manager or

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JAMES L. SHELOR 250 Gage Blvd, Apt 2122, Richland, WA, 99352 Phone: (509) 531-4533 Email: js11576f2@westpost.

net OBJECTIVE A Senior Management position where my continuous improvement (Six Sigma/LEAN, an d DFSS), program/project management, operations management, and engineering mana gement skills will produce significant, lasting improvements in customer satisfa ction and the bottom line. SUMMARY Certified as Project Management Professional (PMP). Certified as Six Sigma Blac k Belt (SSBB). As Six Sigma, Lean, and DFSS consultant, produced more than $70,000,000 in produ ction processes savings and over $24,000,000 in business process savings. For o ne five year project, Spent Nuclear Fuel Project, total savings produced was mor e than $38,000,000 in production process savings and more than $18,000,000 in bu siness process savings. As Program Manager of a $125 million torpedo improvement program, successfully c ompleted program 9 months ahead of schedule and $23 million under budget. As the startup testing manager and Senior Technical Advisor to the Director, Spe nt Nuclear Fuel Project, a Completed a rigorous startup testing program in time to complete moving the fi rst Multi-Canister Overpack (MCO) of spent nuclear fuel from the K West Basin to the Cold Vacuum Drying Facility, a major Tri-Party Agreement milestone. a Executed a rigorous program for validation of all system design requirements. This requirements validation program was noted by a DOE Operational Readiness R eview Team as being aexceptionally complete and thorougha. a Revised the kinetics equation for the chemical reaction of Uranium with Water, an equation in use for more than 50 years, to correctly account for dissolved o xygen. This revised equation is being used as the Safety Basis to load and ship sludge from the K East Basin in Large Diameter Containers (LDCs). a Implemented design improvements resulting in a 235% increase in productivity f or cleaning and loading spent nuclear fuel. a Identified and developed improvements for the spent nuclear fuel drying proces s resulting in reducing the drying process average time from 85 hours to 42 hour s per canister. a Identified improvements for the process of storing spent nuclear fuel Multi Ca nister Overpacks (MCOs) at the Canister Storage Building, reducing the average t ime to store an MCO and reload the cask from 18 hours to 10 hours per MCO saving $8 Million per year. WORK EXPERIENCE Innovative Management and Technical Solutions. 2005 to Present

Consultant, DOE-Office of River Protection, WTP Engineering Division Nov 2007 a" Dec 2010 a Provided Six Sigma services for large experiment data reduction and analysis. a Provided design consulting and engineering consulting services. o Reviewed and recommended major changes to piping design in black cells. o Provided expert services in controlling and improving test/experimental functi ons as applies to the M-3 Inadequate Mixing Issue.

o Performed engineering assessments and design oversights. o Provided expert services in determining the physical and chemical properties f or waste to be processed in the WTP Pretreatment Facility. Consultant, ATT Corporation, Process Improvement Division Jun 2007 a" Nov 2007 a Contracted as a Six Sigma Master Black Belt. o Provided classroom training, project monitoring, and project assistance for 20 ATT employees seeking Six Sigma Black Belt certification. Started Sole Proprietor Consulting business (Innovative Management and Technical Solutions) April 2005 a Obtained Project Management Professional Certification (PMP) July 2005 a Obtained Six Sigma Black Belt Certification (SSBB) Feb 2006 NUVOTEC, Inc 1999 to 2005

Senior Technical Advisor, Project Manager and Process Improvement Expert, Spent Nuclear Fuel Project a Lead a team of six scientists and over a one month period developed a technica l basis document for the behavior of gasses (hydrogen and oxygen) in the complex actinide chemical environment (uranium) of a large diameter container filled wi th spent fuel sludge. This paper modified the kinetics equation for the chemica l reaction of Uranium and Water, an equation used for over 50 years to estimate the hydrogen generation rate produced by that reaction. This technical paper is being used as the Safety Basis to load and ship spent nuclear fuel sludge in La rge Diameter Containers (LDCs). a Developed and maintained performance metrics that measured the effectiveness o f each step of the spent nuclear fuel process. Presented a weekly report to the Director, Spent Nuclear Fuel Project on performance, issues, and recommended co rrective actions. This project progress report was used as a primary source of information for DOE-HQ and the DNFSB for weekly status of the project. a Conducted analysis of spent nuclear fuel retrieval process. Designed a method of using two additional parallel paths (manual loading tables) for loading fuel . The design improvement resulted in a 235% increase in productivity and remove d the cleaning and loading of the spent nuclear fuel from the critical path for shipping spent nuclear fuel. a Conducted analysis of spent nuclear fuel drying process. Identified and devel oped several improvements for the drying process resulting in reducing the dryin g process average time from 85 hours per canister to 42 hours per canister. The se improvements resulted in removing the Cold Vacuum Drying Facility from the cr itical path for processing Multi-Canister Overpacks (MCOs). a Identified several improvements for the process of storing MCOs at the Caniste r Storage and reloading the shipping cask with an empty MCO for use. These impr ovements resulted in reducing the average time to store an MCO and reload the ca sk from 18 hours per MCO to 10 hours per MCO. These improvements eliminated the need to increase the staffing at CSB to initiate 24/7 operations. Leaving CSB in two-shift operation rather than 24/7 operation saved the project approximatel y $8 Million per year. a Conducted analysis of maintenance planning, scheduling, and integration. Init iated improvements necessary to transition from a fuel storage mission to a prod uction mission by instituting maintenance outage periods targeted at minimizing production system downtime. Project Manager, Phased Startup Initiative, Spent Nuclear Fuel Project a Through exacting planning, flawless execution and innovative resolution of dif ficult design and material issues; completed a rigorous startup testing program for the Fuel Retrieval System (FRS) and Integrated Water Treatment System (IWTS) in time to support the major milestone of moving the first Multi-Canister Overp ack (MCO) of spent nuclear fuel from the K West Basin to the Cold Vacuum Drying Facility.

a Developed, managed, and executed a rigorous program for validation of all desi gn requirements for the FRS and IWTS. This requirements validation program was noted by an Internal Readiness Assessment Team, a DOE Readiness Assessment Team, an Internal Operational Readiness Review Team and a DOE Operational Readiness R eview Team as being aexceptionally complete and thorougha. B&W Hanford Company 1996 to 1999

Project Manager, Phased Startup Initiative, Spent Nuclear Fuel Project a One month after arrival at Spent Nuclear Fuel, established a detailed executio n plan and resource loaded schedule for accomplishing this intricate project. a Provided the model for scheduling and resource loading for the Spent Nuclear F uel Project. Technical Advisor to the Director, 300 Area Stabilization Project a Assumed control of a CsCl shipping project 2 months behind schedule and comple ted the project 3 months ahead of schedule. Total time for working the project was 3 months. a Identified and solved several issues associated with proper classification of radioactive waste. a Revitalized the Conduct of Operations Champions program for providing useful, implemental guidance for the work force. Principle Engineer and Advisor to the Director BWHC ESH&Q a Identified and provided resolution for several nuclear safety related issues. Manager, Evieonmental Safety Health, Quality, and Radiological Control at Pluton ium Finishing Plant a Improved environmental compliance. a Improved chemical management. a Improved integrated work planning by establishing teamwork planning including worker involvement. Manager, Radiological Control, Plutonium Finishing Plant a Reduce personnel contamination rate from twelve per year to three per year des pite a substantial increase in high-risk radiological work. a Reduced the rate of personnel internal contaminations from 5 per year to 1 per year as well as greatly reducing the magnitude of the intakes occurring. a Vastly improved the use of engineered barriers for the performance of work, el iminating the need for unnecessary respiratory protection and protective clothin g. a Designed, tested, and implemented a portable glovebox enclosure for use in cha nging operational glovebox panels and viewing windows. This enclosure reduced t he hazard to the personnel performing the work from surface contamination levels of >1,000,000 dpm/100cm2 to < 100 dpm/100cm2 and airborne contamination levels from >10,000 DAC to less than detectable. This enclosure resulted in the abilit y to change 14 glovebox viewing windows in 12 weeks rather than the 12 months pr eviously used. As a result PFP met the requirements of a stretch goal milestone for performance of this work. a Improved work efficiency by examining past practices and eliminating those pra ctices with no technical basis or no practical gain. a Substantially improved overall radiological safety for the workers by personal ly reviewing all operating procedures and ensuring appropriate radiological cont rols were implemented in these procedures. Westinghouse Hanford Company 1993 to 1996

Assistant Director, Radiological Control and Manager, Radiological Engineering a Developed the first radiological release plan for large contaminated land area

s using a statistically based survey methodology. Presented and gained approval of survey methodology from the Department of Energy and the Defense Nuclear Fac ility Safety Board. Manager, Tank Farms Transition Projects Radiological Control a Reduced operating cost for radiological support by more than $3 million per ye ar (30%) through staff reductions (primarily management), elimination of unneces sary requirements, and improved efficiency. a Greatly improved the planning and execution of radiological work through direc t involvement in planning and execution. a Implemented worker involvement in work planning process, improved relationship between the workers and the Radiological Control Organization and substantially improved work execution in the field. Manager, Tank Farms Transition Projects Compliance Programs a Reduced corrective action management staff and budget by 33% while increasing efficiency and productivity. a Reduced the time to complete corrective actions from > 100 days to < 30 days. a Reduced rejection rate for corrective action reports by DOE reviewers from > 5 0% to < 10%. Manager, Operating and Administrative Procedures a Reduced procedure writer staff and procedure budget by 25% ($2.4 million to $1 .8 million) while reducing production time for new procedures from 76 days to 14 days and procedure changes from 15 days to 5 days. a Developed electronic procedure distribution system that eventually reduced pro cedure writer staff by more than 50% while reducing new procedure production tim e from 14 days to 5 days and change implementation from 5 days to a maximum of 2 4 hours. a The electronic procedure distribution system was eventually adopted as the Han ford Site Standard for production and update of procedures across the site, redu cing costs as well as improving the control of procedures to prevent the use of out of date procedures by workers. Duty Plant Manager for Radiological Control a Introduced the use of outdoor containments to control the spread of radioactiv e contamination and dangerous waste products during outdoor work activities. a Developed method of ventilating outdoor containments for worker safety gained approval and permitting from Washington State Department of Ecology. a Designed and developed a self-contained ventilation and HVAC system for outdoo r containments. United States Navy 1969 to 1993

Commander Submarine Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet, Tactical Weapons Officer a Developed and implemented improved maintenance and logistics plan for ADCAP/MK 48 torpedoes. a Managed two conventional weapons repair activities for torpedoes and cruise mi ssiles. a Designed, planned and conducted the first warshot torpedo sinking exercise of a double-hulled submarine using the ADCAP torpedo. a Planned and analyzed numerous tactical exercises involving submarine vs. subma rine and submarine vs. surface ship. Executive Officer, USS OMAHA (SSN 692) a Managed all aspects of ships operations, personnel and training. a Selected as best ship in Submarine Squadron Seven. Operations and Navigation Officer, USS OHIO (SSBN 726)

a Managed all ships operations. Managed all shipboard training including develo pment and execution. a Selected as best Trident submarine in Pacific Fleet. Engineer Officer, USS PATRICK HENRY (SSN 599) a Assigned following significantly below average Operational Reactor Safeguards Examination (ORSE). Awarded an overall grade of Above Average with grades of Ex cellent in Radiological Controls, Training, Administration, and Level of Knowled ge five months later. a Managed defueling and decommissioning of ship. a Selected as best Engineering Department in Submarine Squadron Seventeen. Assistant Shipyard Representative Mare Island Naval Shipyard a Assigned to this post Engineer billet prior to serving as Engineer Officer. a Monitored progress of eleven submarines in various stages of overhaul. Assistant Engineer Officer, USS ABRAHAM LINCOLN (SSBN 602) a Managed the deactivation of all shipboard systems during the decommissioning p rocess. a Participated in defueling process as Senior Supervisory Watch. Tactical Weapons Systems Department Head, Trident Training Facility. a Participated in the startup of this new training facility. a Developed training courses for use in training Trident submarine crews in weap ons and tactics. a Conducted training for officers in tactics, fire control system and sonar syst em operation. USS CASIMIR PULASKI (SSBN 633) a Served as Electrical Officer, Communications Officer, Main Propulsion Assistan t, and Damage Control Assistant. Enlisted Service a Completed Electronics Technician Class "A" school. a Served as instructor at Electronics Technician Class "A" and aCa school. a Selected to participate in Navy Enlisted Scientific Education Program (NESEP) leading to a commission. General Electric Corporation - Salem, VA. 1968 to 1969 a Design technician for wired program computer systems for steel mill control. a Assisted design engineer in meeting specifications for control. a Produced wiring and packaging specifications for system. a Produced testing specifications and supervised factory acceptance tests for sy stem. EDUCATION BS Electrical Engineering, North Carolina State University 1972 to 1975

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