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C. David Beatty, SPHR 15700 E. SR 46 a- Columbus, IN 47203 (H) 812-546-5972 a- (C) 812-350-4907 a- db116f95a@westpost.

net Human Resources Manager a- Manufacturing and Distribution Plant Environments Human Resources Professional with nearly 15 years of experience supporting all a spects of the HR functions in both union and non-union environments. Proven abi lity for understanding both the business and employee needs of a facility and tr ansferring those needs into beneficial and strategic HR services. Key skills an d abilities include: a- Recruitment, Staffing a- Employee and Labor Relations a- HR Communications a- Time & Attendance Administration a- Compliance, Audits a- Safety, Workers Compensation a- Benefit Open Enrollment, Communication, Support a- Performance Management, Employee Development a- Continuous Improvement, Six Sigma, Lean Manufacturing ________________________________________________________________________________ __________ Education Indiana Wesleyan University / M.S., B.S., Degrees in Management a- Outstanding Professional Award recipient (twice) Professional Experience Dicksons, Inc. 5/07 - 9/10 Human Resources Manager o Managed all aspects of Human Resources for 175 employees including hiring, ben efits, safety, employee relations, employee communications, etc. in a gift manuf acturing and distribution plant. o Implemented new ADP ezLabor Manager Time and Attendance System within three mo nths. o Led the upgrade from ADPas PC Payroll System to ADPas web-based Human Resource s and Payroll System which improved overall service levels to internal employees . o Established and led the first Safety Committee which significantly reduced OSH A recordables and Workeras Compensation claims o Created a new performance review process for salaried employees to minimize su bjectivity and improve time-to-completion rates, revised employee handbook to in corporate the latest labor law changes, and managed the downsizing process to re duce salary and hourly headcount by 70 employees. Cummins, Inc. 9/86 - 3/07

Human Resources Manager; Cummins Industrial Center, Seymour, IN; 11/98-3/07 o Provided HR functional support of 400 employees for two separate organizations : the Cummins Industrial Center and the Cummins Komatsu Engine Company. o Increased utilization from 75% to 95% by streamlining Cummins Performance Mana gement Process. o Met compensation budget annually by effectively managing the compensation proc ess of exempt employees. o Hired over 100 hourly employees in last 2 years in plant; reduced time of fill ing exempt positions from 120 days to 90 days; and successfully increased female population from 2% to 25%. o Led Six Sigma Project to reduce internal movement of hourly employees. Movemen t was reduced by 25%. o Managed 2 hourly employees who provided support for the HR processes for all e mployees in the facility including: conducting investigations of grievances and policy violations, developing and maintaining succession plans, identifying high

potential employees, and developing effective action plans to address issues.

Cummins, Inc.; continueda 9/86 - 3/07 Human Resources Manager; Cumminsa Columbus Engine Plant, Columbus, IN; 2/96-11/9 8 o Provided HR function support for manufacturing support groups of 300+ employee s and across the facility overall, for 1600+ employees. o Developed/continually improved interview process for hourly selection; hired 2 00+ employees in 2 years. o Managed the Apprenticeship Program; hired first external candidates for the pr ogram. Technical Training Manager, Cumminsa Columbus Engine plant, Columbus, IN; 9/86-2 /96 o Managed Cummins Apprenticeship Program for all plants in Southern Indiana, sel ecting 95 apprentices in 2 years; worked with local technical college to develop Apprenticeship and Skilled Trades curriculum, and worked with Industrial Psycho logist to assess old selection process and evaluate new process. o Managed technical training for plant of 1600 employees. Scheduled training for skilled trades and engineers; implemented training program for Cutter Grinders. o Provided direct oversight of the Plant Learning Center: purchased computer-bas ed training system to deliver training for skilled trades and operators, and col laborated with Kettering University to establish MS Degree in Manufacturing Mana gement program at facility. o Served as member of Plant Design Team responsible for developing Team Based Wo rk System and the development of new internal selection and bidding process. Certifications 6/09 a" Re-certification as Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR) 3/06 a" Completed Six Sigma Green Belt Training at Cummins, Inc. Affiliations o o o o o Ivy Tech Community College - Adjunct Faculty Member a" 8/98-5/05 Oakland City University - Adjunct Faculty Member a" 8/00-Present Anchor House (Homeless Shelter) - Board President a" 1/09-9/10 Seymour Area Chamber of Commerce - Board Member a" 1/07-9/10 Seymour Noon Lions Club a" President a" 7/10-Present

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