Change in Rating of Austria

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Erste Group Research Short note | Fixed Income | Austria 16 January 2012

Change in Rating of Austria

S&P lowers Austrias rating by one notch from AAA to AA+

Analysts: Gudrun Egger Adrian Beck

On December 5, rating agency Standard and Poors placed the long-term triple-A rating of Austria and all other triple-A counties of the Eurozone on CreditWatch with negative implications. This was justified by concerns about the deepening political, financial and monetary problems within the EU and Eurozone. Eventually, Austria was downgraded by S&P from AAA to AA+ with negative outlook on January 13. At the same time, the short-term country rating (A-1+) was confirmed and the stable governance and predictable economic policy, as well as the robust economy itself, were highlighted. Contingent liabilities are described as moderate. Overall, last Friday, S&P downgraded nine Eurozone countries. The reasoning of the rating agency is based on the impact of deepening political, financial and monetary problems within the Eurozone and the whole EU. It is especially criticized that the EU summit did not produce a breakthrough and thus did not bolster the rescue operations or sufficiently support countries suffering the worst of the debt crisis. S&P furthermore emphasized that budgetary discipline is not the only reason for the current crisis, but also the rising external imbalances as well as divergences in competitiveness within the Eurozone. Thus, it criticizes the reform process, which is mainly based on budget consolidation. That domestic banks might suffer from the negative developments in Italy and Hungary is evaluated as a further risk for Austria. If economic growth turns out lower than currently expected, it could undermine the consolidation of the budget and/or lead to a delay of structural reforms. On the basis of the latter arguments, which could result in an increase of Austrias gross debt to above 80% of GDP, S&P also justified the negative outlook of the Austrian rating, which implies a probability of at least one third for a further downgrade in the course of 2012 and 2013. Stabilization of the rating is contingent on these risks remaining under control. Both of the other two important rating agencies (Moodys and Fitch) assess Austria with triple-A with stable outlook. Moodys recently appreciated Austrias efforts in consolidating the budget and limiting CEE exposure. Concerning this matter, a meeting with representatives of the government, the National Bank and the financial market authority is scheduled for today. Yields spreads of Austrian 10Y government bonds already increased significantly in November (ahead of the S&P report of 5.12.) to record levels

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Erste Group Research Short note | Fixed Income | Austria 16 January 2012 (>180bp), but have slightly decreased since then. This is also partly due to measures announced by the government and the Austrian National Bank (e.g., the debt brake or additional capital buffer for banks). The reaction to the actual downgrade was limited (10-15bp).

We are still convinced that the strong and balanced economic structure of Austria, in combination with moderate new borrowing, constitute important advantages. In the past 10 years, economic growth in Austria was above average and we still expect growth rates above the average of the Eurozone. Austrias current account has been positive since 2002, which reflects its international competitiveness. GDP per capita is near the top and unemployment is currently the lowest within the Eurozone (4.0%). In light of the high wealth, additional consolidation measures by the government should not be threatened. However, the pace regarding structural reforms and political decisions (as well as in the whole Eurozone) should rise, in our opinion, in order to counteract further downgrades.

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