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19462 610-275-1911 EXPERIENCE SUMMARY Extremely creative, thorough tanding experience in developing new sign on a PowerBuilder /Oracle/ DB2/ xcellent interpersonal and technical designer /analyst /project leader with outs systems using structured programming and de Sybase/ Data Warehouse/ Java environment. E skills.

EDUCATION BBA Degree in Computer Science Temple University, graduated 1980. TECHNICAL HARDWARE/OS - WINDOWS XP, WINDOWS NT, WINDOWS 95, DEC SKILLS VAX/VMS, PDP/11, DOS, IBM 3XXX SOFTWARE - POWERBUILDER 8.0/7.0.2/5.0/4.0/3.0/2.0, ASCENTIAL DATASTAGE, DATA WAR EHOUSING USING STAR SCHEMA, COGNOS IMPROMPTU/POWERPLAY, ORACLE SQL PLUS, DB2, SY BASE SQL SERVER (SYSTEM 11/10), ORACLE, PL/SQL, PFC, SYBASE SQL ANYWHERE, CAST S QL BUILDER, SQL ADVANTAGE, Q&E, WISQL, STORED PROCEDURES, TRIGGERS, REPLICATION, COBOL, VISUAL BASIC 3.0, SMARTSTREAM BUDGET, VAX DCL, EXCEL, MS WORD, WORDPERFE CT 6.0, MS ACCESS 2000,SUN SYSTEMS GL APPLICATION, VAX DEC FORMS, VAX DBMS, ASK/MANMAN, SUPRA, VAX DATATRIEVE, VAX FMS, WA TCOM 4.0 EXPERIENCE February 2005 to Senior System Analyst Present Independence Blue Cross Powerbuilder 8.0.3, Oracle, DB2, PVCS, SQL Plus, PL/SQL, Powerbuilder-Websphere/ Java Webservice interface, Java (in-house training), Direct Connect MDI Gateway Developed and maintained 4 Powerbuilder applications; Infocare (Oracle), RAPS Risk Adjustment Processing (DB2), Family Planning (DB2) and IDDPS - Part D Presc ription (DB2). Worked extensively with both IS and Business Management groups du ring the design, testing and implementation phases for each application release. Installed versioning software (PVCS) and developed automated deployment procedu res for all 4 applications. Implemented a security subsystem for Infocare and RA PS where user's permissions were database-controlled. Maintained interface with CMS Marx website thru a Powerbuilder/Proxy/Java Webservice located on IBC Websph ere server. Developed a release as part of the design team for the MBRS application (Member Retention) utilizing Powerbuilder as well as Oracle packages and stored procedur es. Served as the focal point for IS and business user's software and application in stalls. June 2002 to Consultant (CDI Corp) January 2005 Independence Blue Cross Powerbuilder 8.0.3, DB2, Direct Connect MDI Gateway Environment: Risk Adjustment Processing System (RAPS) - Designed and implemented a Powerbuilder/DB2 application, which allows the client to correct claim/diagno sis errors that are input into a corporate database and passed through an intern

al edit process. The claim/diagnosis attributes, errors and history reside in a DB2 database, which is accessed with Powerbuilder through a MDI gateway. The err or processing is complex, allowing the client to perform many functions, dependi ng on the attributes of the claim/diagnosis. The application contains online rep orts that aid in the correction process. It also allows the client to request a report via the batch system. This is done by creating an e-mail within the appli cation that contains the batch report parameters. The e-mail is sent via Powerbu ilder to the mainframe scheduler to be executed. Powerbuilder 8.0/6.5, Oracle 8i, Cognos Impromptu/Powerplay, Data Warehousing, A scential Datastage, MS Access Environment: Member Retention Management Data Warehouse (MRM) - Helped design an d implement an Oracle data warehouse, which will uncover trends that will be use d to retain Blue Cross membership. The data warehouse is a star-schema containin g 8 million rows. Several extract files from several databases residing on vario us platforms are imported into the data warehouse. Powerbuilder was used to perf orm the initial load of 3 years worth of data. Datastage, an Informix product, w ill be used to automate the monthly imports. Cognos Power Cubes have been create d to give the user a MRM multi-dimensional reporting tool. Cognos Impromptu is b eing used for drill-down reporting from the Power Cubes. Future phases of this p roject will involve additional data to give the data warehouse even more reporti ng power. June 2001 to Consultant (Robert Half, Inc.) June 2002 Independence Blue Cross Environment: Powerbuilder 6.5, DB2, MS Word Designed, coded and implemented Fami ly Planning System (FAP). This system allowed the user to drill down, browse and correct Family Planning claims. The claim information, which included demograph ic and payment information, was stored in a DB2 database. The system used treevi ews, listviews and tabs to perform the browse and modifications. FAP also includ ed reporting and maintenance table processing. FAP was documented in MS Word and integrated into the FAP Help processing via intranet. Apr 1998 to Consultant (Robert Half, Inc.) June 2001 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter (formerly Miller, Anders on & Sherrard) Environment: Powerbuilder 7.0.2/PowerBuilder 5, Sybase SQL Server 11/10, CAST SQL Builder, SQL Advantage, Q & E, Snagit, Windows NT, Unix, Informix Billing Application - Designed, coded and implemented Billing system for system for Morgan Stanley Dean Witter. The Global Revenue Management Information System (GRMIS) is used by Finance/Controllers to automate the billing of Morgan Stanl ey's separately managed clients. GRMIS calculates and creates invoices based o n the Portfolio Account, Billing Contact and Fee Schedule data in AGCIS. (Asset Gathering Information System) GRMIS also includes a reporting system, search cap abilities and AR/Performance feeds which are pipelined to an Informix database. GRMIS currently serves 3 billing locations; NY, W. Conshohocken & London. It wil l be expanded to include Tokyo & Singapore. GRMIS handles multiple invoice, lett erhead and date formats based on billing/cycle/basis types and location. This i ncludes several standard and aggregate invoice formats. The next phase will incl ude multi-currency fee schedules and functionality. This system replaced several local billing systems and will set a billing standard for all of Morgan Stanley 's separately managed clients. Nov 1996 to Project Leader / Analyst Apr 1998 IBAH, Inc. (formerly Biopharm)

Environment: Powerbuilder 5.0, Sybase SQL Server 10.0.04, Sybase SQL Anywhere, SQL Central, Windows 95, MS Access, Excel, SUN GL, V AX Alpha Severs, Pentium 133 Invoice Application - (Project Leader) Designed, coded and implemented Billing system for IBAH, Inc. and its worldwide subsidiaries. This replaced a manual system maintained with Excel spreadsheets. The system allows the user to crea te invoice drafts and actual invoices using numerous pre-defined formats. The user can also create a customized format for each project. The system also c ontains credit memos, master contracts, grant billing items and numerous repo rts. The billing input is 1) pipelined from a Sybase Revenue system, 2) impor ted from a SUN GL system and 3) imported from Excel spreadsheets. The system maintains multiple currencies and conversion rates. I designed and created a billing database in Sybase SQL Server and SQL Anywhere (and stored procedures ). Using Powerbuilder 5.0, designed, coded and implemented worldwide application which imports SUN GL data by task into a Sybase revenue database. The appl ication calculates administration fee markups , updates the revenue database (using conversion rates) and then creates an export file to send the markups bac k to the SUN system. Using Powerbuilder 5.0, designed, coded and implemented application which eates an IRS 1099 electronic file. June 1996 to Consultant (EDP Contract Services) Nov 1996 Merck, Sharp and Dohme Environment: Powerbuilder 4.0, Smartstream Budget (with dynamic stored dures), Sybase SQL Server, Windows 3.1, Pentium 133 proce cr

Marketing/Budget Application - Using Smartstream Budget, enhanced a budgeting application built with Smartstream; a Powerscript 4.0 code-generator. I create d and modified data-entry screens and reports that utilized dynamic stored procedures. Jan 1996 to Consultant (EDP Contract Services) June 1996 IBAH, Inc. (formerly Biopharm) Environment: Powerbuilder 4.0, Watcom 4.0, Sybase SQL Server, Windows 3.1, S Access 2.0, Excel, SUN GL, DEC Pathworks, Pentium 120, VAX DCL M

CRO Project Management/Revenue Recognition Application - Using Powerbuilder 4.0, enhanced application primarily used for entering and reporting revenue and expenses by project. The DBMS was Sybase SQL Server for corporate use and Watcom 4.0 for salespeople in the field. VAX DCL command procedures were used to download data from the corporate database to the PC laptops, which utiliz ed Watcom 4.0. Sep 1994 to Consultant (RSI, Inc.) Jan 1996 Corestates Bank Environment: Powerbuilder 3.0A/4.0, ORACLE 7.0, DB2, WATCOM 3.0, Windows 3.1, ORACLE SQLNet Gateway, 486/66 PC Workstation & Server, IBM frame (server), Platinum, MS Access, EHLLAPI, Excel, Trinzic Infopump Mani

Banking Application - Using Powerbuilder 4.0/3.0A, designed the update of re porting database (DSS) that resides on both an IBM Mainframe (DB2) and a netw ork LAN server (ORACLE). The update required input screens that captured the non-performing data in ORACLE and transferred it to DB2 via EHLLAPI upon user

request. The Oracle SQLNet gateway provided access to the DB2 reporting data . Infopump was used to replicate the smaller DB2 tables to Oracle for faster access for lookup list boxes. Created numerous reports that detailed the NPA activity which were distributed to namagement. Our group also prototyped deli very tools for adhoc queries and multi-dimensional analysis (COGNOS). July 1994 to Consultant (Devon Consulting) Sept 1994 Air Products Environment: Engineering Application, Powerbuilder 3.0A, Sybase SQL Server, DDE (Excel/Formula One), NVOs, Windows for Workgroups 3.0. VBX Controls (Vis ual Tools - Formula One spreadsheet), Novell LAN, Powerbuilder reports and lab els Jan 1994 to Consultant (Devon Consulting) July 1994 Air Products Environment: Powerbuilder3.0/3.0A, DB2, SAF (Microsoft SQL Server Query Faci lity), Watocm 3.0, Platinum (IBM/DB2 SQL Query Facility), COBOL, Windows 3.1, 486/50 Workstations, DEC Pathworks 4.1, MDI Gateway 2.00.02, Select Client f or Windows, IBM Mainframe (server) Using Powerbuilder 3.0A and DB2, helped develop the next release of a Human Resource MDI appliction called SUMMIT 3.01A,B. The SUMMIT application used Po werbuilder 3.0A to maintain classified employee information for AIR Products w orldwide. The latest release utilized inheritance, multiple window instances, dynamic datawindows, dynamic SQL and remote stored procedures called from COB OL on the IBM Mainframe. The client workstations utilized DEC Pathworks and a MDI Gateway to gain access to CICS/DB2/IDMS on the IBM mainframe.

Apr 1993 to Consultant (EDP Contract Services) Jan 1994 Charming Shoppes, Inc. Environment: Powerbuilder 2.0A/3.0, Microsoft SQL Server 4.2, SAF, Windows SDK, Windows 3.1, DOS 5.0, 486/33 Workstation & Server, Novell LAN, Watcom 3 .0, MS Word, IBM Mainframe Using Powerbuilder 2.0A/3.0 and MS SQL Server, helped develop a prototype Assortment Planning System (APS). APS was responsible for the distribution of merchandise to the more than 1500 Fashion Bug retail clothing stores nationwid e. APS categorized this distribution by season, item style, item color, item groups, staple/non-staple items, geographical location, trend, etc. APS wil b e utilized 18 months before the actual distribution of merchandise. APS resid es on a Novell LAN consisting of 486 clients and server. Merchants and planne rs provide some APS input while the rest is downloaded weekly via bulk copy f rom a IBM Mainframe. Oct 1993 Elected to Who's Who Worldwide - Professional Services Sep 1992 to Consultant Mar 1993 Actium (formerly Information Technologists - ITI) Environment: Powerbuilder 2.0, Sybase SQL Server, Gupta SQL 3.1, Novell LAN, Lotus Notes Base, Windows

Attended Powerbuilder 2.0 training class at ITI. Helped to develop in-house Client/Consulting Information System application using Powerbuilder/SQL Server. Continued to develop at home with Powerbuilder software installed on 386SX PC

Used Lotus Notes to e-mail messages from my home to ITI.

Apr 1992 to Consultant (CGI Inc. - formerly Matrix) Sep 1992 Scott Paper Environment: Procurement Application, VAX/VMS, VAX 6XXX, VAX 9XXX, COBOL, DEC FORMS, DATATRIEVE, CMS, MMS, CDO, DCL Jan 1992 to Consultant (Devon Consulting) Apr 1992 Personnel Data Systems Environment: Payroll/Budget Planning Application, VAX/VMS, VX 8250, VAX 50, HP3000, IBM PC, AS400, COBOL, FMS, DCL Jan 1991 to Consultant (Information Technologists) Dec 1991 Centocor, Inc. Environment: Marketing/Sales Application, SUPRA, MANTIS (4GL), COBOL, PC E xpress, RFFlow (PC Flowcharting), VT420, VAX Cluster, DCL, IBM PC, VAX Word perfect 5.0 Jun 1989 to Consultant (Computer Assistance - Cooper's & Lybrand) Jan 1991 Stanley G. Flagg, Inc. Environment: ASK/MANMAN, VAX/VMS, COBOL, FORTRAN, VAX DBMS, FMS, CDD/CDO/DMU, DCL, VX6410 DATATRIEVE, DML, 11/7 IBM PC,

Manufacturing, Order Management and Accounts Receivable Application Conver ted and downloaded IBM VSAM/ISAM files onto DEC VX 8350 / DEC ASK/MANMAN DBMS databases; OMAR (order mgmt/acct rcvble & Manufacturing. Created and enhanc ed several MANMAN screens (order entry, shipping, invoicing) using COBOL and FORTRAN. On-hand experience with RAxx and TUxx drives. Jan 1989 to Consultant (Computer Assistance - Cooper's & Lybrand) Jun 1989 Health Care Systems Environment: Pharmaceutical/Sales Application - VAX/VMS, VAX Cluster, , DATATRIEVE, DCL, TDMS, CDD/DMU COBOL

Applications included prescription/refill entry, drug interactions and sales an alysis. Created sales analysis tapes (EBCDIC/ASCII RMS files) for various IBM /DEC customers. Documented existing pharmacy system. Hands-on experience with disk and tape drives. Apr 1988 to Consultant - (Day Data Systems) Dec 1988 Wawa, Inc. Environment: Payroll/Cash/Pricing/Inventory Applications, VAX/VMS, System/ RTL Services, COBOL, FMS, DATATRIEVE, DCL, CMS, VAX 11/780, VAX Cluster Used VMS system and run-time library services to automate the maintenance of in-house and remote user authorization files (also using COBOL and spawned DCL subprocesses). Created a reporting front end in DCL to execute reports and pr int them on a store terminal LA50 slave printer. Dec 1987 to Consultant (Computer Assistance) Mar 1988 Merion Software/Praxa Systems Environment: Manufacturing/Payroll/Accounts Payable Application, VAX/VMS, BOL, Microvax, PRAXA Software, DCL, DATATRIEVE CO

Designed and coded reports. Installed software on-site at Praxa on Microvax usi ng TK50 tape drive. Jul 1983 to Project Leader / Programmer Analyst Oct 1987 Shared Medical Systems Environment: VAX/VMS, PDP/DSM-11, MUMPS, COBOL, DCL, VAX Cluster, X 11/780, VX8XXX, MicroVAX DEC NET, V Lea

Progressed from Associate Programmer to Programmer (Feb 1984) to Project der (Dec 1985).

Designed an Incident Reporting System (AIRS) that processed data and statistics concerning client's problems and support requests. Redesigned and recoded VAX Startup package (DCL) that initialized operating and application systems on client hardware. Received Merit Award. Spent two months in Japan converting AIRS from PDP to VAX using . Jan 1982 to President/Owner Oct 1983 Paycomp Services Environment: TRS-80, TRSDOS, BASIC Established and ran own payroll service to maintain all payroll data and issue checks for clients. Individually researched payroll needs and developed compl ete payroll system in BASIC. Complete one person operation. REFERENCES Gladly furnished upon request. MUMPS/COBOL

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