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2012 Brazil predictions by Elaine Estrela



Brazils Independence Declaration was due on September 7th 1822, around 5 PM, Sao Paulo, when D. Pedro I became Emperor, separating the country from Portuguese domination. Surya is in Leo, a royal sign, which reflects the fact that Monarchy was the first government regime established in Brazil . In 1889, Brazil adopted the Republican regime, but Brazilian astrologers tend to use the Independence Declaration chart as more effective. Rising lagna is Aquarius showing a modern society established upon the principles of democracy since 1985. Chandra moon is in Taurus, streghened in the 4th bhava and yuti Jupiter in taurus. This configuration shows a big country, in fact the 5th largest in the world, with a huge population, around 200 millions inhabitants ( 6th most populated country ) and extensive rural areas, with a wild nature. The people are warmlike. Retrograde shani in the 3rd house shows poorer neighbours countries. mangal is debilitated in libra in the 9th house, showing less favourable trade treaties that the countries signed in the past years. Mangal opposite shani shows the military coup in 1889 and 1964, which were decisive moments of Brazilian history. The coffee plantation was greatly responsible for Brazilian Economy between 1850-1930, being overrided by industrialization. At present Brazil struggle to be a global player as it shares in international trade is just about 1%. Economy relies upon domestic consumption. Brazil has been modernizing since the end of the Last Century, when the President was Fernando Henrique Cardoso. A left wing government came to office with President Lula da Silva in 2002 , changing foreign policy, increasing investments and diminishing income unequality. Since Lula da Silva, Brazil has been experiencing a period of economic

flourishing, with discovery of new oil places on its coastline. In 2011, Brazil reached the position of the 6th biggest Economy , although it is one of the most unequal income country in the world. Brazilians local prophecies foretell that a huge world disaster is to happen, with some countries disapearing, and foreign population dislocating to Brazil, in search of harbor, as some areas of Brazil will survive to disaster. A new race will be formed in Brazil until the 7th millennium.


Neptune is opposing natal sun and mercury, showing a change in its image. Neptune lords the seas, lakes and rivers and Brazil is endowned with a huge amount of potable water. Some flods are afflicting some areas of Brazil during its hottie summer. Neptune is lord of the second house, which is the house of finances. Neptune is in paravartana with uranus in pisces, showing an inflow and outflow of money in Brazil. The national currency is strong, although manipulated by the government interventions in the market. natal pluto is in the second house showing a country of hidden treasuries and source material. Oil is also represented by pluto and neptune . uranus in pisces shows up and downs in richness. The great problem is unemployed which is slightly high. Informal employment is another problem. Neptune, lord of the second house, opposing natal sun shows corruption in the high echelons of the government. A serious of scandles surfaced in 2011, related to Dilma Roussefs Ministers. More than seven ministers are facing judicial investigation and were dismissed from their places. In 2012, more scandles are to appear in the News, because of sun-neptune opposition. Money grafting occurs also in the small cities of the country. Elections are to happen in the second semester of 2012 so as to form a new Congress, but this will occur under Brazilians desillusion concerning politicians. Neptune square moon ( people ). Shani was in Virgo in 2011, in the 8th house of lagna. GNP grew less than expected, but as rich countries did not grow at all, Brazil improved its position as 6th economy of the world. Government has beens investing in infrastructure which is fuelling economy growth. In 2012, shani is in libra, a 6th position from chandra moon and 9th

position from lagna. Economy will be sound and growing. New laws will come to effect. Judiciary reform and political reform will be discussed throughout the year. Shani is opposing natal shani in the 3rd house and Brazil is receiving refugees from Haiti, although in the beggining of January a new law was enforced establishing quotas to their entrance. Shani trine Neptune are good news for economy, mainly from international investments in Brazilian market. Guru is in Aries, a 12th position from chandra sign, bringing some concern with neighbours countries economy, mainly Mercosur, a common market in the south cone of the continent that Brazil takes part. Guru in Taurus, from May 2012 till the end of the year bring good nwes to Brazil as it is a jupiter return which happens once twelve years. It is a new moment to reestructure economy and new opportunities to the people will arise, due to jupiter yuti moon. Less unemployment, less unequal income and more opportunities.


Lagna of Brazil is aquarius conjunct the United Statesmoon, indicating a good relationship, although hampered by transiting neptune. Mutual suspicious can arise, as Brazil defends Iran. Neptune can show States as a diminishing international power, and Brazil responding to this change in internation stage, forming new allies. Brazil aim to change the international finance system from the G-20. Interestingly , several planets in gemini falls in the second bhava of brazils chandra lagna, showing that brazilians depend on the US commerce ( 17% of Brazilian exports go to US ). Both of their rahu are in opposite signs, showing a karmic equilibrium. The United States has rahu in cancer, forming a serpent of materialism, in the North of the American continent ending up in Brazils rahu in capricorn, in the south of the continent.

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