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A LITTLE ADVISE AS YOU DECIDE ON WHO TO VOTE FOR IN 2014 Greetings my fellow citizens My fellow Malawians, we need a government

that will put us before its interests, we need a government that will govern as a government not like a family company, we need a leader that will have a vision and a leader that will take us forward not to make us stay at the same position. We need a mother who will be there for us, whether we are struggling or celebrating. We need a mother that will give us comfort and hope during tough times. My fellow citizens, we must vote for a political party that has a vision, mission goals and ant-corruption and more, come 2014. Peoples Party was formed by Joyce Banda, that we all know. She formed the party not for her own interests but for the interests of the whole Malawi nation and its citizens. When you will be voting come 2014, you will be voting for your right to democracy, Your right to live in an environment where you will be able to achieve your dreams and you will be shaping a bright future for your children. Let us ignore those that are insulting us and calling us all sorts of names. Let us keep our hearts and minds strong. We might be pulled down by the unfortunate consequences of failures of those we elected to rule our us. We have just entered into a new year and it is scarier than the years before because we dont know what the future holds, we dont know what will happen next and who is going to get most votes in 2014. But believe me my brothers and sisters we can shape up our own future and know the outcome if we remain true to ourselves. We cannot afford to vote for hypocrites and selfish bullies into the most comfortable and sensitive position in our land. That is why I am asking you to think clearly before you can make that vote because if you repeat the same mistakes over and over again then we will simply crown all Malawians as the biggest failures. I have mentioned before in my statements that we need a qualified and experienced politician to run our country so that the current socio-economic crises happening in our country can be solved within a short period of time. We need to vote for a person who has been there in the previous governments and is aware of the blunders that some individuals did. While you are making your decision to vote for another Malawian politician who is going to rule us come 2014 and beyond, you must consider the woman who has founded and run many initiatives in developing Malawi and her people, Most Malawians are able to put food on their tables and all thanks to her, today we have hope and we are proudly Malawians because of this woman, please see below; 1. Donated MK0.5M towards fight against cancer

2. She designed the National Platform for Action on Orphans and Vulnerable Children and the Zero Tolerance Campaign Against Child Abuse. 3. She founded the Joyce Banda Foundation for Better Education. She also founded the Young Women Leaders Network, National Association of Business Women and the Hunger Project in Malawi

Joyce Banda Foundation Prior to becoming vice-president, she was the founder and CEO of the Joyce Banda foundation. for better Education. A charitable foundation that assists Malawian children and orphans through education. It a complex of Primary and Secondary School situated in Chimwankhunda area of Blantyre. It includes an Orphan Care Center that consists of 6 centres and 600 children. It also assists the surrounding villages by providing micro-credit to 40 women and 10 youth groups. Provided seeds to over 10,000 farmers, and has provided other donations. The foundation has also constructed 4 clinics in 4 of the 200 villages it assists. the foundation also assists in rural development

National Awards

Woman of the Year, Malawi 1997 Woman of the Year, Malawi 1998 Nyasa Times Personality of Year 2010 3rd Africas Most Powerful Woman - 2011 International Awards

Women of Substance Award , 2010 - African women Development Fund Africa Prize for Leadership for the Sustainable End of Hunger, 1997 - Hunger Project of NY International award for entrepreneurship development, 1998 - Africa Federation of Woman Entrepreneurs and Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) 100 Heroines award, 1998 - Rochester, New York Certificate of Honors, 2001- Federation of World Peace and Love, Taiwan, Republic of China.

Extra content was taken from Wikipedia, I apologise for any errors or inconvenience caused.

Thank you MP Kambaika

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