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Brief list of solutions (temp for now until we will build a permanent section on the web) Hi folks here

is a quick summary for various solutions I'm aware of at the moment. It's really breif and to the point. Please do at least the basic research and don't just apply without proper understanding So lets get started. LAW Summons
1. 2. 3. 4.

Get a no trasspassing sign add article 41.1.1 of Bunreacht na hEireann if in Eire Stick this (write/print it) on the letter and send it back Listen to Mr t interviews (more Mr t) Provided the summons was regarding a civil matter (and you didnt kill or hurt nobody), see below for contracts

Contract/letters offering contract (if no injured party) of any kind fines, taxes, parking/speeding tickets, enforcing laws, acts, legislations, statues requiring you to pay or go somewhere
1. Stick this (get stickers and glue it over the window) on the letter and send it back. 2. Send a common law writ to the sheriff in your county listen to the podcast here (scroll

down to the Sheriff). 3. If some clown in a fancy uniform comes to your door. Are you addressing me, (give him the oath), Civil or criminal. Criminal, where is the injured party. Civil, document and verify the obligation. 4. Listen to Mr t interviews (more Mr t) 5. If an actual ongoing contract but you can't keep your end of the bargain see Official offer for a temporary solution that will give you some time to educate yourself. Official offer - Mortgages, loans, direct debits, etc... Listen to the official offer podcast here (scroll down to the Official offer). See the official offer thread Official offer Get a no trasspass sign (see pic below) add article 41.1.1 Bunreacht na hEireann if in Eire When counter offer received examine carefully (ask questions on the official offer thread Official offer if not sure) 5. Send a common law writ to the sheriff in your county listen to the podcast here (scroll down to the Sheriff)
1. 2. 3. 4.

Talking to Officials, Police, Judges, Magistrates or any other ACTING authorities

Basics of conversation (from Mr t interviews) see a good example here This is a very basic summary DO NOT USE if you havent heard Mr. T podcasts and havent done any research into law sovereignty etc
1. (Whats your name. Are you Mr Jon Doe etc) Are you addressing me? (repeat until

the other Person says he is addressing you or he asks you how you would like to be addressed).
2. (If asked to identify yourself or who are you or how would you like to be addressed)

Im sovereign flesh and blood standing in gods kingdom (or say Im just me). Do you have an oath of office?
3. (Give them the oath dont ask them to produce it, quote it, or any of that nonsense) Im

going to give you your oath. Under god, so help me god. Now we have a binding contract. If you have any more questions go talk to yourboss
4. (If a party is threatening and insists on you to produce a form of id) Get a piece of paper

draw a square and a smiley in it and give it to the Person asking.

5. (They:Under act We have suspicion to etc) Civil or criminal:

a. Civil Document and verify the obligation b. Criminal Where is the injured party Example: Boby: Under the Pace act you are required/obliged to produce a form of identification You: Document and verify the obligation. I do not recall signing any such contract. You see because you mostly dealing with civil matters with them, the majority of the laws they will refer to are essentially guides to contracts that have to be consented/agreed to or established at the point of contact/encounter with you. It only applies to you when contract is formed not simply because its written in some book or site.
6. (Document is produced: warrant, liability order, etc) Do not discuss the content if you

can see it youve contracted. Are you trained to read or understand these documents? Think what you are looking at its a paper that says (I didnt know papers can speak I do not hear anything) that a Person should be arrested. Are you that Person? Or can you even comprehend (make a legal determination about) that document? Can you really hear it speak or see it (I dont see anything). You deside

7. They will try to shift you into arguing, contempt, lying, giving them jurisdiction etc

DONT. Again listen to Mr t interviews Always stay passive and keep using logic and reason and asking questions.
8. If they unlawfully arrest you they are either breaking the law or youve done a mistake. 9. State that you are under duress and protest. Let them carry you out to the car by all four

limbs thats a real protest;) See the section below. !!! Keep it simple and do not get into discussion. It is very tempting to argue and discuss or get smart DONT do it or they will have Subject matter jurisdiction!!!

Arrested? What to do
1. Do not give them your name.

2. Remember its all about contract (not always written) your behavior can constitute a contract.
3. If they address you go through Section 1-5, Talking to officials above, again. 4. Do not sign in or book in (choosing what meal or providing them info on you certain

needs will be enough for them to book you in).

5. Do not answer their questions (are you vegetarian, what would you like etc) Either

stick with are you addressing me and Mr t tactics or dont talk to them at all saying Im under duress and am arrested so cant talk (if they say you can then 1-5 of talking to officials is on).
6. Once handcuffs are off in any situation you are free to go (say bye to all your new friends

youve just met and slowly proceed to the nearest exit (no running now)).
7. If you absolutely have to sign put by: (then your signature) and add under duress or UD

(if no time).
5. Think logically and always ask questions. Listen to Mr t interviews (more Mr t)

8. If end up in court against your will see court section below

Court Willingly/unwillingly
1. If you find yourself being unwillingly presented before a judge (or your life lacks

excitements and you willingly decided to go to court) handcuffs off you dont have to be there and are free to go proceed to the nearest exit.

2. First thing to say is that you are keeping your god given rights intact and you wave all

6. Think they are addressing you double-check (you want to make sure right). Ask Are you

addressing me (Listen to Mr t interviews (more Mr t). 3. Give the judge /magistrates their oath, dont ask them to produce it. Then say Under god so help me god, now we have a binding contract.
4. Then go on with the civil or criminal. If they get a doctor to evaluate you sack him same

with attorney/solicitor. If judge states contempt of court ask civil or criminal

5. If they come to grab you. Who are you, I do not recognize you, are you addressing me is

it civil or criminal?
6. If they grab you and take you away (by force) dont sign, dont answer their questions,

remain passive, keep asking questions and thinking logically.

7. Court cases can get as complicated as you want them to be or can be really simple Listen

to Mr t interviews (more Mr t)
7. Good example of a short case here

Absolute must books First book of Jurisprudence (Pollocks) Dictionary of Modern Legal Usage (Brian Garner) Practical treatise on Sheriff Law ( Outlines of constitutional Law (Chalmers & Asquith) Blacks Law dictionary (first and second edition)


I know its difficult to follow Mike Montagne. But once you make the effort and you really understand MPE you will truly understand that there really is only one singular solution to the economy and that

If you are not promoting mathematically perfected economy, then you condemn us to monetary failure.
I will attempt to cover the basics and lay down what I understood so far. This is nothing but a poor attempt to summarize the real thing and will never substitute the real MPE Stop being lazy and educate your self. The trinity

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