North York-Business Administration

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Wlen youre looklng io make a clange ln your llle,

and lor a sclool io lel you gei ilere, look no

luriler. Were commliied io lellng you ldenilly
a career wlere you can succeed and rovldlng
ile iralnlng io gei you ready. We oller a unlque
envlronmeni deslgned io lel siudenis excel-
wlil lands-on learnlng, small work ieams and
lnsiruciors wlo make learnlng lnieresilng. You
gei io racilce ln a real-world seiilng, so you gei
everyillng you need io siari-and llourlsl-ln
your new career.
- Seclallzlng ln lands-0n learnlng
- llexlble Class Scledules
- lnsiruciors wlil Real-World lxerlence
- Siudeni llnanclal Plannlng-llnanclal Asslsiance
May Be Avallable lor 1lose Wlo uallly
- Career Servlces Asslsiance
- A Close Communliy ol Siudenis and lnsiruciors
1le buslness world ls a consianily clanglng envlronmeni
ollerlng ooriunliles lor lndlvlduals wlil ile skllls
necessary io adai io ilose clanges. Craduaies ol ills
rogram wlll lave lnierdlsclllnary skllls, allowlng ilem
io be valuable members ol ile buslness communliy.
Craduaies wlo lave ile rlgli comblnailon ol academlc
skllls, ersonal drlve and dedlcailon, can execi dlverse
career ooriunliles ln buslness llelds sucl as:
- Accounilng
- Banklng
- Cusiomer Servlce
- llnance
1le Canadlan economy ls execied io creaie aboui i.z0 mllllon
new jobs over ile nexi llve years
. Almosi iwo-illrds ol
ilese new oslilons wlll be ln occuailons requlrlng a
osi-secondary educailon
. 1odays dynamlc global economy
ollers a wlde range ol exclilng career ooriunliles ln every
aseci ol buslness. Wleiler you cloose admlnlsirailon,
accounilng, llnance, loslialliy, or buslness managemeni,
emloymeni ooriunliles are avallable ln every secior. A
career ln buslness can mean more emloymeni ooriunliles,
a llgler siandard ol llvlng, and ile lreedom io use ilese
skllls ln any reglon ol Canada.
i Source: lRSLC, lcc||n A|ccJ. A 1cn-ycc/ 0u||cc| /c/ ||c
tcncJ|cn lcocu/ Mc/|c|. zoo) - zot,
Meei ile clallenges ol ile buslness world lead-on!
1lls rogram can reare you lor an exclilng career ln
ile cororaie world by rovldlng you wlil ile iralnlng
you need ln ile mosi relevani asecis ol buslness
managemeni and admlnlsirailon. Craduaies wlo lave
ile rlgli comblnailon ol academlc skllls, ersonal drlve
and dedlcailon can seek emloymeni ln a varleiy ol
buslness llelds sucl as accounilng, banklng, markeilng
or cusiomer servlce.
0ur rogram lncludes iralnlng ln ile lollowlng key areas:
- Buslness lssenilals lncludlng lllecilve Buslness
Wrlilng, Prearlng a Buslness Plan, Buslness law
and lconomlcs
- Comuierlzed Accounilng uslng Slmly
- luman Resources, Markeilng and llnance
- Manual Bookkeelng and llnanclal Accounilng
- Mlcrosoli Word and lxcel
- Prolesslonal,lnierersonal Skllls
- Projeci Managemeni
- Wlndows lundamenials
- Ceneral Managemeni
- Markeilng
- Personnel

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