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Tracking the Crack in the Universe (Loosh 101) We don't have to be part of the human sacrifice system! We really can reprogram ourselves to be what we were intended to BE! Blowing the Whistle, Chpt. 5: Tracking the Crack in the Universe (Loosh 101) This is the fifth chapter in an evolving book, Blowing the Whistle on Enlightenment: Confessions of a New Age Heretic, by Bronte Baxter Did you ever wonder why a good God would build a world where the only way to survive is by taking life? How long would you stay alive if you refused to eat? You may love animals and grow plants inside your home and flowers in your garden, but every time you eat, you destroy the life of something. A something with a consciousness, that feels and desires to live, as we do. The other day I grabbed an onion from a basket to chop up, and I saw it had sprouted a beautiful, tender, light-green shoot. It had a life inside it, a consciousness that wanted to take root, breathe air and thrive. Any tears in chopping that onion did not come from the fumes. Im not a sentimentalist. Im a person questioning, increasingly aware of an insidious thread woven through biological life. We are born, we feed, and we die. Life is a process of consuming other living things in order to stay alive as long as possible until death in turn consumes us. We tell ourselves life is a whole lot more, but its reduced to that as long as we must feed to survive. If we cant stay alive more than a few months without food, how can eating not be fundamental to how we define our existence? Eating is a requirement for biological life as we know it. Its the thread that holds together material existence. More than a thread, its a chain, binding us to the law that we must consume each other. Rebelling is punishable by death. What kind of God or gods would create a world predicated on killing? We dont like to ask that, and we find every excuse to avoid looking at this question. But every time a dear one dies,

or you find a nibbled bird in the yard destroyed by an idle cat, or you read about an animal that has suffered mercilessly, or another molested child, or a nation ravaged by a quake thats buried thousands of living people, your mind goes back to that nagging question. Who would make a world like this? Was it truly a God of love? According to much evidence, it wasnt. The world was created by something else. Or if it was created by the loving God our hearts insist exists, then creation has been tampered with by someone else so merciless that it barely resembles the original divine vision. The biological universe is controlled by the law that to live we must take life or die. That is sinister. Something there is that makes us have to eat, that makes us age and disintegrate. This is the something wrong with the world, the crack in the universe. Knowledge of it works like a splinter in the mind, driving you mad, quoting The Matrix. Yet awakening to the truth of our predicament is the first step toward radical change. Only radical change can possibly right the fundamental flaw woven into physical creation. And how well-woven it is. Not only does violence wind through the lives of all Earth life like the fibres of a time-bomb attached to a victim. It reaches out into space, where supernovas implode, collapsing millions of stars along with all living beings on all their attendant planets. Death and devouring are so pervasive most people cant conceive of a world without them, or if they can conceive it, they label the concept preposterous. Yet quantum physics shows that matter is nothing but atoms: emptiness vibrating. Emptiness does not die and neither does the energy it oscillates. So why must bodies die that are made of up of these things? Robert Monroe, in his book Far Journeys, writes of contact he had with a light being in an out-of-body experience. (Monroe is arguably the worlds foremost researcher on OBEs; he started an institute with trainee/researchers to scientifically investigate the phenomenon.) Reportedly the light being told Monroe that when humans die, their energy is released and harvested by trans-dimensional beings, who use it to extend their own life spans. The claim is that the universe is a garden created by these beings as their food source. According to Monroes story, animals are intentionally positioned on this planet to feed on plants and on each other, thereby releasing the life force of their victims so it can be harvested. In a predator-prey struggle, exceptional energy is produced in the combatants. The spilling of blood in a fight-to-the-death conflict releases this intense energy, which the light beings call loosh. Loosh is also harvested from the loneliness of animals and humans, as well as from the emotions engendered when a parent is forced to defend the life of its young. Another source of

loosh is humans worship. According to Monroes informant, our creators, the cosmic energy farmers, intentionally equipped animals with devices like fangs, claws and super-speed in order to prolong predatorprey combat and thereby produce more loosh. In other words, the greater the suffering, the more life force is spewed from our bodies, and the tastier the energy meal for our creators. This story told to Monroe (which threw him into a two-week depression) corresponds to reports in some of the worlds oldest scriptures, the Vedas, Upanishads, and Puranas of India. There we read that the universe is upheld by sacrifice (Atharva Veda) and that all who are living (in this world) are the sacrificers. There is none living who does not perform yagya (sacrifice). This body is (created) for sacrifice, and arises out of sacrifice and changes according to sacrifice. (Garbha Upanishad) Again: (Death as the Creator) resolved to devour all that he had created; for he eats all. . . He is the eater of the whole universe; this whole universe is his food. (Mahabharata) In the writings of Carlos Castaneda, who chronicles the life and teachings of a Yaquii sorcerer called Don Juan, we find another story of the Divine devouring humans, in this case human consciousness. Reports Castaneda: The Eagle is devouring the awareness of all the creatures that, alive on earth a moment before and now dead, have floated to the Eagles beak, like a ceaseless swarm of fireflies, to meet their owner, their reason for having had life. The Eagle disentangles these tiny flames, lays them flat, as a tanner stretches out a hide, and then consumes them; for awareness is the Eagles food. The Eagle, that power that governs the destinies of all living things, reflects equally and at once all those living things. (The Eagles Gift, by Carlos Castaneda) The idea that man must sacrifice (must kill something or be killed in order to appease the gods) is apparently intrinsic to all the worlds root religions. We find blood ritual, including human sacrifice, in the Druidic tradition, Tibetan Buddhism, among the Indians of the Americas, in Greece and Rome, Africa, China, Arabia, Germany, Phoenicia and Egypt. Even the Old Testament (Judges 11:31-40) has a little-advertised story of human sacrifice, with the Israelite judge Jephthah ritually slaughtering his own daughter to fulfill a vow he made to Jehovah.

While we may not think of Judaism as typically promoting human sacrifice, it more than promoted it if we count the genocide Jehovah demanded of the Hebrews. In one day alone, they murdered 12,000 Canaanites and utterly destroyed everything in the city, both man and woman, young and old, and ox and sheep and donkey with the edge of the sword.(Joshua: 6:21) In Islam, the situation is similar. Allah, while paying lip service to the immorality of human sacrifice, orders his servants in the Koran to practice jihad against all unbelievers. When the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem of war. (Koran: 9:5) Peace-loving Moslems interpret such passages as symbolic in their desire to justify their faith, much as Christians try to justify Jehovahs sociopathic behavior with excuses. In many ways, the god of Islam reasons and rants like the god of the Israelites. Could it be the same entity? It isnt contradictory that he would support two separate peoples, then lead them to fight each other. Not if his agenda is to stimulate and harvest plenty of loosh. Christianity, the religion of brotherly love, is implicated in blood sacrifice by being rooted in the Jewish tradition. The Bible declares Jesus is the son of God (Jehovah), and Jehovah announces at Jesus baptism, This is My beloved Son in whom I am well-pleased. (Matthew: 17:5) Where was Jesus when his father was slaughtering the Canaanites? Jesus himself becomes a blood sacrifice, a fact that Catholics reenact in the mass and that Protestants bathe themselves in to be saved. Christians are no strangers to sacrifice. If suffering and death were part of creation that no one, including the gods, could help, thered be some reason to be more forgiving. I might even buy the story that they need us to support them with our homage and we need them to keep the universe running. But when you add blood sacrifice into the equation, I abandon ship. Its one thing if the gods cant prevent earthly suffering and death quite another if they seek it out and thrive from it or worse yet, created it. And thats what blood sacrifice, and the scriptures around it, indicate. When the oldest scriptures of the world tell us we were created as food for the gods, I have to ask myself if I want to live in a universe where that might be true. The fact is, I dont. I can no longer give my approval to that kind of reality. So if I wont live with it, I have to come up with something better. I have to find something more fundamental than the physical universe to

locate my identity in, and my power in. I sense, as many do these days, that theres something beyond the universe as it has been presented to us, something outside this box, outside this system. Thats what I seek to know, connect with, and draw from. Robert Morning Sky, a truth seeker of the Hopi and Apache traditions, tells a story he learned from his people about a race of beings who knew no limitations, who existed far outside this physical universe. One day one of them declared his intention to visit Earth and take on a body just for the adventure of it, for the experience. His friends cautioned him, as this universe had a reputation as amnesia-producing, a place of no return. But the entity laughed that off and promised to come back after one lifetime. Centuries passed, and the entity never came home. One of his comrades decided to enter the physical world to go look for his friend. He promised not to get lost in matter and to return with the other individual. More centuries passed, and neither being returned. So another immortal entered physical mass, and he also never came back. In time many members of these unlimited beings incarnated in human form, and the story goes, none of them yet has gone home. Maybe we are those people, starting to remember who we are. Maybe its time to break out of the hypnosis weve lived under for eons, the unquestioned assumptions that we must kill and eat, suffer and die, live in lack and sadness, and undergo all the human drama as it has been defined for us. Is it insane to think that humans can beat the system? That we could make a choice to stop the activities that supply our up-line with fuel? That we could minimize even stop our own refueling from the life force of creatures lower than us on the food chain? Is it madness to think that our bodies, made of undying energy, could themselves not have to die, that we might learn to live on the power of infinite consciousness, which we can access within ourselves, being part of it? While some may call that madness, I prefer it to the world I see around me. I certainly prefer it to death. I prefer it to loss of my dear ones, and to sickness and poverty. The greatest experiment mankind can engage in is mastery of the principles of freedom, creation, abundance, and immortality. Were wearing body suits that in 70-some years of use are programmed to self-destruct. What could be more important than changing that programming? In the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna warns: He who does not follow the wheel thus set

revolving lives in vain. The wheel is the cycle of birth and death, karma and retribution, human sacrifice and divine blessing. To rebel against this system is to fail in our life purpose as defined by those who say they are our creators and gods. But surely life was meant to be more than dinner for the next rung up on the food chain. If living in vain means breaking out of that, Im all for that kind of failure. Bronte Baxter

Blowing the Whistle, Chpt. 1: The Hidden Agenda of Mantra Meditation This is the first chapter in an online book, Blowing the Whistle on Enlightenment: Confessions of a New Age Heretic, by Bronte Baxter. What I expected to see when I came back to the Fairfield scene after 20 years away from Transcendental Meditation was a group of mainstay meditators true-blue to Maharishi and a group of robust dissenters, whose minds questioned everything they learned from their guru days. Instead, I found the true-blue meditators, but not the kind of dissenters I anticipated. I encountered people who had left the TM movement but hadnt substantially changed their belief system. This latter group had changed in the way that people change hats, or redecorate their homes, leaving unaltered the structure underneath. The dissenters had splintered into a myriad of Eastern or Eastern-related philosophies: Eckhart Tolle, Byron Katie and Andrew Cohen were popular, and Neo-Advaitin gurus had rallied many behind their minimalist philosophy. Saints like Ammachi visit Fairfield regularly, dispensing dharshan and picking up new recruits. Across town, small groups meet in satsangs to discuss their growing enlightenment or to chant songs to the gods. Heated debate is common between adherents of competing gurus, and people grow vitriolic over whether Maharishi has slept with young women or not. There is a smattering of hedonists and atheists, but ex-TMers in the Fairfield circuit mostly show up with an intact Vedic worldview. That worldview is a lens through which they perceive and measure all gurus and reality itself. I find this disturbing. Its rather like people whove been swindled by a con man, despising him for how they were treated while they continue to invest money in the enterprise he sold them on. Why doesnt the skepticism extend beyond the procurer, to that which he procured for? And what did Maharishi procure for? The Vedic gods. He sold us a meaningless word that was supposed to guide our minds to transcend superficial consciousness. Later we learned those meaningless words, our mantras, were names of deities. He taught us advanced techniques with the Sanskrit word namah at their core: I bow down. Mantra meditation is a form of paying worship to those who call themselves gods. When you scrape away all the fancy and misleading explanations like meaningless sounds and impulses of creative intelligence, what you get very simply is people with their eyes closed bowing down in their minds to an assigned Hindu deity. Of course we can explain this away using TM explanations, much like the townsfolk explained away the emperors nakedness using the reasoning they were fed by the tricksters who paraded him through the town. But the emperor has no clothes. Mantras worship the gods. Namah means bow down. Its right there on the surface for anyone to see if we toss out the excuses we were handed and look at the situation with even a shred of unbiased observation. Who are these gods, that were so willing to explain away as impulses of our own consciousness? The same gods have appeared in other religions and cultures, even in societies that had no contact with each other. They go by different names, but the entities are

the same. In Hinduism, you have Indra, god of thunder, ruler of the gods, married to Indrani, queen of the gods, known for her jealousy. In Greek mythology, you have Zeus, god of thunder, ruler of the gods, married to Hera, queen of the gods, known for her jealousy. Oneto-one correspondence like this is common. The gods are a global phenomenon, with their imprints on every society. Historically, the gods exacted worship and sacrifice blood sacrifice commonly, including the murder of humans. While Hinduism has a history of human sacrifice, it has been reduced today to worship of Kali, the goddess with her bloody tongue hanging out, whose body is adorned with a necklace of bleeding, decapitated human heads. Or Shiva, adorned with serpents, who dances on graves. Or Vishnu, whom Arjuna perceived in His cosmic form with pieces of devoured victims flesh sticking between his teeth. Gods feed on the energy of suffering, the fearful energy of the victim. In one South American sacrificial ritual, a bull has his throat slit, as slowly as possible. The reasoning given is that the gods cherish live blood as the blood with the greatest energy, so the animal must be kept alive while the blood drips from its body. In other words, the greater the fear and suffering of the sacrificial beast, the greater is the pleasure of the gods. The Shrimad-Bhagavatum, among other scriptures, explains the antipathy of the gods for human enlightenment. According to the Vedas and the mythology of other cultures, the gods feel threatened by the human race, afraid mankind might grow as powerful as they. The gods want humans to remain ignorant and inferior because if man realized his intrinsic nature as consciousness, he would no longer be subject to deva control. The devas wish us to believe, and have told us throughout scripture, that their divine hands manipulate and guide the laws of nature creation itself. For this reason we should worship them, chant to them, send them our soma (subtle energy generated in meditation). Because our energy feeds the gods and is needed by them to stay strong and in control of this material dimension. And they wish us to believe that their control is in our best interest. Who would make the rains come or the sun shine if the gods are rightful stewards of those things and we humans didnt support them? All creation would crumble without the blessing of the gods. That, scriptures tell us, is why we should worship, which is equivalent to paying an energy-tithe. Its the same reasoning human warlords use against the people they dominate: pay your tax, because you need us; we will protect you. Dont pay the tax, and we will punish you. The gods threaten to punish, even destroy mankind if he doesnt bend before their yoke and serve them. They fulfilled that threat in the Great Flood (a story which appears in disparate cultures) and in other visitations of divine vengeance recorded in countless tales throughout cultural history. But really, who are these characters? And do they really exist? The modern mind relegates gods to the overactive imaginations of pre-civilized peoples, and in so doing, dismisses the concept. But actually, deities appear in highly civilized early societies, including Sumeria, Babylon, Greece and Egypt. Isnt it ethnocentric of us to suggest that civilizations capable of constructing the pyramids or accurately charting the course of the stars for centuries into the future, should be dismissed as childlike and ignorant when they write of their experiences with other-worldly beings? Archeologist Zechariah Sitchen, in his voluminous tomes, details the countless references in ancient writings and artifacts to beings who visited this world in fiery flying ships, who taught mankind, interbred with humans, and set up a government of divine-right kingship. Visiting beings who called themselves gods.

Kings were considered sons of the gods, connected to the deities by bloodline, hence their right to rule. In the Mahabharata, Arjunas mother was said to conceive her numerous sons by intercourse with several different deities. The first chapter of Genesis speaks of the Nefelim, a giant race that interbred with early humans. In Egypt, the pharaohs were literally sons of the gods. We find stories of gods interbreeding with humans to create a kingly line in Zulu shamanism and in South American Indian lore. Time and again, in culture after culture, the gods appear doing the same things, demanding the same things. Even Christianity springs from a pantheistic tradition: Jehovah was one god among many for the Hebrews. A self-righteous fellow fond of war and genocide, he had to compete with the other local gods for the Hebrewsallegiance. Today, having beat out the competition, revered as God by his followers, Jehovah garners the worship not just of Jews but Protestants and Catholics as well. How foolish and arrogant is it to laugh off the existence of a race of beings who appear in the annals of every civilization? I was amazed to see ex-TMers, who spent years feeding soma to devas through chants and mantras, whose walls are still plastered with pictures of Lakshmi, Kali and Shiva, dismiss with a toss of their head the idea that gods might exist as real persons. Who, in truth, are the gods, and what do they want from us? Do deities sit at the controls of the universe, managing the laws of nature? Beings with such awesome power that our lives are in their hands? Entities we must never challenge at the risk of losing all we hold dear? I suggest, if the gods are innately as powerful as they purport to be, they would not need human worship to survive. They would be self-sufficient, drawing on the Infinite within them for every need. Instead, they tell mankind to bow down and pay tithe, and threaten in the scriptures to destroy us if we dont. What kind of power is it, that cant exist without feeding? It sounds more like psychic enslavement to me. Convince the people whose world you contrive to control that they are powerless without you, that the rains wont come and the sun will go dark if they dont please you. Drink their soma, the positive energy of worship, and drink their negative energy, too, when you can incite it and siphon it off. Feed yourself on human astral energy, whatever the quality, and you and your race can control human life as long as the system remains intact. Planetary farming. If anyone starts to wake up a little, divert their efforts at spiritual independence by luring them into mantra meditation. Consider this quote by the currently popular guru, Ramana Maharshi: Repetition aloud of His name is better than praise. Better still is its faint murmur. But the best is repetition within the mind and that is meditation. Better than such broken thought is its steady and continuous flow like the flow of oil or of a perennial stream. < !--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--><!--[endif]--> Ramana Maharshis statement represents mantra meditations goal: a state where the mind is timelessly identified with surrender to the name of ones god identical with the god himself. The mind itself has become self-negation at the feet of the deity. Empty of original thought and dynamic desire, the liberated persons ego is dissolved: the very thing that made him or her human. All that is left is a mind-body shell, a meat-robot, that moves through life as a surrendered instrument of some greater will. I suggest the greater will is not that of the Infinite. It is the will of the god who has taken the place of ones mind.


Does this sound like possession? It surely appears to be. Think of all the gurus youve met with their palpable shakti. An energy so real no one who experiences it can deny it. What is that light in their eye, a light beyond this world? Whose is that power they touch you with, embrace you with? Is it the shakti of Brahman, the light of pure consciousness? Or is it the power of Kali or one of her friends? Gurus often say they are the embodiment of Shiva, Kali, or some other god. Why do we not take them at their word? I would like to suggest that mantra meditation turns humans into zombies who serve the agenda of the gods. That agenda is procurement of more humans and more human energy. This explains the common phenomenon of proselytizing by the religious, including fundamentalist Christians, TMers, and disciples of other varieties. Servants of God or the gods feel a driving need to bring in more recruits. The god that moves through them fills them with this zeal, as a hungry stomach fills the mind with an overwhelming need to procure dinner. There are no gods, in the sense the gods would have us think of them. No one has been designated by the Infinite to control creation and administer the laws of nature. The sun shines by itself as an entity with its own consciousness. The rain and wind dont need a god to direct them; they move where they will in harmony with their fellow elements. All things are children of the Infinite, spirits or egos in their own unique right, expressing in physical form and also in astral dimensions. The gods are spirits/egos like everybody else. Most of the time they dwell on astral planes, which is why human senses normally dont perceive them. According to ancient records, they have visited the earth in ages past in physical forms of their own, as entities from the stars. They are no more divine than a ghost, no more cosmic than you or I, and no more entitled or intended to run the universe than any other gang of warlords might be. Somehow theyve gained control of this planet, and have held that control at least since the beginning of recorded human history. But that is no reason to think the Infinite wants it that way, or that life needs to continue that way. True empowerment is not the Indian concept of enlightenment. It is knowing what we are and living from there. We are spirit: individual and eternal, moving within the consciousness of That which created, sustains and pervades all life. Knowing this is not difficult. It only requires putting attention on that which is beneath the content of thought. Acting from this place of empowerment is natural: we can ordain reality from that quantum level. Everyone can do it. Everyone is equally powerful moving and creating in the depths of their own consciousness. Unfortunately, people rarely do that, though, as the mass hypnosis that governs human life convinces us that karma, fate or the will of God runs the world, that we as individuals have little direct control over what happens to us. The gods are the purveyors of this global hypnosis. It serves their agenda of control. True liberation does not mean rising above the illusion of ourselves as egos. It means rising above the illusion that as egos we are cut off from the powerhouse of creation. That as individuals we are something less than pure, eternal, powerful spirits in our own right, very much gods. Gods with a global case of amnesia.



The enlightened have surrendered their personhood to the deities who control their meditations. Their bliss is the euphoric stupor which their appeased deities grant them as reward. The words, the thoughts, the desires of the enlightened are not their own any longer, but those of their controlling god. The word zombie is appropriate because of its meaning as the walking dead. But all is not lost for such people. No one can keep the human soul enslaved against its will. An act of personal empowerment, of willfully recalling ones ego, must surely destroy enslavement by any possessing entity. One can recall surrendered pieces of ones being as a magnet can recall iron filings. Native American traditions speak of our ability to do just this, calling back the parts of our lost personhood. When people cease to surrender their energy and spirit to those who call themselves gods, the deceivers will lose their power over this dimension. They will shrink back to normal size, entities responsible for themselves like everybody else. Our world will know a freedom, creativity, harmony and joy it has never demonstrated in its history, because interdimensional manipulation will cease. The suffering on this planet, god-inspired and god-feeding, will dwindle and disappear. The need to kill to eat will no longer exist. Sickness, aging and death will have no substructure. Each wonderful created being animal, human or astral will thrive on the power of the Infinite source within itself, and victim/tyrant relationships, which ran the planet for eons, will fade into thin air. Living will become what surely the Infinite intended in Its original vision for the universe: a symphony of minds, not a competition; a tapestry of spirits, not a hierarchy; a garden of consciousness, not a painful struggle. When I hear the enlightened excuse all the atrocities of this world by saying that in their exalted perception, everything is perfect just as it is, I hear fraud. The God I perceive in the depths of my being is not a God who is content with fathers raping infants, animals being ripped apart alive, or human sorrow so great only suicide can quell it. This kind of world is not perfect, and anyone who sees it as such has something seriously wrong with them. If the gods were really beneficent and powerful, they would not operate a world that runs like this. When their mouthpieces and procurers tell us this world is just as it should be that shows you the true nature of the gods. These beings are not our friends, though surely, if there are scoundrels in astral dimensions, there must be virtuous entities there as well. Perhaps the ones who dont seek lordship over this planet are watching to see if humans take back control of our world or continue to surrender it, piece by piece, to the cosmic band of thugs who want to own it. Will we continue surrendering our governments, media, schools, workplaces, taxes and spirituality to those who would lead us farther away from personal freedom and self-actualization, closer to a world without responsibility, originality or joy? Such a world is the goal of the gods, because its more controllable. Their lackeys in the political arena (many George Bush, for instance are genetically linked to European royal families and the god-engendered lines of divine-right kings) call this future society the New World Order. Centralized control, humans functioning on autopilot. The death of free will, passion, desire and originality sounds a lot like enlightenment, doesnt it. The surrender of the individual to the collective. Control of the collective by divine-right rulers, and control of those rulers by the cosmic band of thugs themselves. The rise of the great Fourth Reich.


Who were the mystical entities Hitler conversed with and took guidance from? Why was group meditation a part of Nazi protocol? Why were many TM/ New Age slogans (established in Being, perform action, for instance) also slogans of the Third Reich? Total control and spiritual domination. The destruction of everything that makes life worth living. Creation imploding on itself, like a snake swallowing its tail. That actually is a symbol found in mystery schools, which were controlled by the gods. Its time to give up beads and mantras, chanting and bowing down to dirty feet. Its time to fire the gurus, stand up and be the powerful, sublime individuals we are. Its time to question the dogmas we swallowed whole from Vedic tradition and take a closer look at what is happening when we meditate. Its time to reclaim our birthright, our divinity and this Earth. Only we can do it, as the conscious beings we are. As Alice in Wonderland said, turning and facing the Red Queens army that was hot on her heels, Pooh! Youre nothing but a pack of old cards. That army toppled, turning into a heap of playing cards the moment the girl broke through her bad dream. Our controllers too will topple, and dragons will turn into geckos. Its time to give up the cosmic illusion and de-hypnotize. Bronte Baxter Bronte Baxter 2008 CLICK HERE TO GO TO THIS BLOGS HOME PAGE (TO VIEW ALL BLOGS BY BRONTE BAXTER). Anyone may republish this article on another website as long as they include the copyright and a back link to this site 54 Comments jay said, April 14, 2008 at 1:36 am Do you think meditation is helpful as long as its not focused on any deity or dogma? Do you believe in enlightenment or experiencing that there is no self as such but only pure experience? Reply brontebaxter said, April 14, 2008 at 2:49 am Bronte here, and thanks for your thoughtful comment. I dont believe in the Eastern dogma that there is no individual self. While consciousness is universal, it is also unique for all of us. When I say I, it is distinct from what you refer to when you say I. Telling us there is no unique I, or soul, is one major way gurus get people to give up


all the things about themselves that would be useful in defeating the New World Order. Why care what happens in this world if it is just an illusion anyway and I myself as a person am even just an illusion? Better to renounce everything earthly and focus on whats real, that other world. That kind of thinking allows those who want to control this world to do so unchallenged. Their teaching is a manipulation of the truth that all things are made of consciousness and held in place/changed by consciousness. The gurus dont tell you that. They twist that ever so slightly and say, The world is nothing but illusion. Thats true in a sense, but only as a portion of the truth. The important part they leave out is that all beings cocreate this illusory 3-D reality and that we can change and manipulate it through thought and intention. That truth is empowering, and thats the part they dont want you to know. Meditation that simply focuses the attention on the consciousness within can be very useful, in my experience, as long as no deity or mantra is involved and no teacher is telling you that you dont really exist. Do I believe in enlightenment? Not the way its defined these days. I believe the Eastern definition of enlightenment is a very dangerous thing to aim for. Rather, I believe in self-empowerment, empathetic kindness and spiritual exploration. I dont think theres a point of arrival for those who empirically explore the inner or invisible dimensions. Theres always more to experience and know, just as in the material world. Thats what makes life an endless adventure. Bronte Baxter Reply Barbara said, April 14, 2008 at 7:04 am I am interested in the the resolution of the palestine Israeli conflict and very sad to see media bias the whole thing being perpetuated. I was at a talk where the ancient geography was being explained. It came to me suddenly that these religions of Abraham were for the countries that they came from, not for us. Our religions would be about druids and Stonhenge maybe, A friend who was brought up a Catholic was talking about God and forgivness and how you are supposed to talk to God and to the rest of us God seemed to be a petty minded character indeed. I have a couple of small books by a local theologian who looks at bible stories and explains them. This shows how people are killed in the name of God, the people of Jericho for instance. God seems to be a very nasty character. There also seem to be two Gods the one in the old testament and the one in the new testament seem quite different. your blogs are shedding more light on the subject that I have ben trying to understand. Barbara Reply Jim Porter said, April 17, 2008 at 10:19 pm


The important part they leave out is that all beings co-create this illusory 3-D reality and that we can change and manipulate it through thought and intention. Fascinating, Bronte. May I point you in the direction of someone whose views are not a million miles from yours: Reply patty said, April 18, 2008 at 1:03 am right on Bronte BaxterI think all religions are full of shit including the mantra to what sounds like demonic energies feeding off of blood ritual sacrifice and energies of suffering. Im really glad I blew off all of these religions as well as the moonies which turned out to be another fraud! i felt the Spirit of Righteousness in a dream when I was able to make the choice to lose everything wordly for justice & the highest good-not an easy choice but the only right one. The Spirit I felt was of love, compassion and total Bliss and not the Nasty God in the Bible which by the way was revised by a Satanist-Sir John Dee-now called the King James Version (satanic revision). Does this make sense to you? It makes sense to me. Thank you so much Bronte Baxter for shining the light of truth amidst so much confusion. And others would do well to check out Bible Myths (15,000 discrepancies between Satanists version and original Mt. Sinai Bible. Heres to real enlightenment to all! Best Wishes to you all. God is LOVE. Patty Reply AK said, April 19, 2008 at 4:29 am A few months after the tsunami that killed hundreds of thousands people in Sri Lanka, Thailand and Indonesia, I had a dream. In the dream, I was a traveller in southern India. I was walking along a pristine beach, the sea calm, clear as a mirror. I reached a small village of a few score houses. A local celebration/puja was taking place in honor of Ramana Maharshi, who had lived nearby. I was invited to join the crowd. An altar with garlands and Maharshis picture was the focus of the celebration. People were kind and friendly and it was a simple neighborhood event. I looked around this small and peaceful village, and assumed it had always been this way. People were happy, at ease, content. To my amazement, I learned that just a couple of months before, thousands of people had lived here and they, and all their houses had been instantly obliterated in the tsunami. The people who surrounded me, so content, so peaceful, had lost family, friends, landmarks, had lost entire kinship networks.



Yet I saw no evidence whatsoever of sadness, of loss of grief, that all those deaths had made no impact whatsover. There was no sign of mourning. Pondering all this, I wondered, 1)Are the people here genuinely at ease because they miss their loved ones, yet really have found a spiritual perspective that enables them to mourn and yet not be overwhelmed in their grief? 2)Or is there something about this kind of spirituality that so trivializes emotions, whether of joy or loss, that human emotion flattens out, loss is trivialized and humanity is lost? It was in the middle of this question that I woke up from the dream. Reply Gus said, April 19, 2008 at 11:43 am always smile and laugh, both nourish the body! :) Reply PenName said, April 22, 2008 at 12:02 am Am so happy to land on this blog! I cannot tell you how lonely its been to have come to so many of these same realizations on my own. I remember two years ago I independently did some collection of factoids on blood sacrifice rituals in various religion. It is so clear that the gods and spiritual dimension powers thrive on the sacrifice of life preferring blood, gorging on death. That seems to summarize the Middle East situation. The powers over that region have always demanded continual wars and bloodshed on the land. From the time of birth when Jewish males are circumcised, or when Muslim babies foreheads are smeared with the blood of goats, blood is the currency of the religious. Once in awhile you see the same rituals performed with salt water or holy water. The salt-water seems to be a thinly veiled substitute for blood in these instances. Salt and iron are other commodities featured or conversely banned on the altars and in the rituals of many religions including wicca and pagan rites. All of these substances may have something to do with conducting energy better.



Your observation: I suggest, if the gods are innately as powerful as they purport to be, they would not need human worship to survive, has haunted me all my life. Even when I was young and a devout Christian at that time, the question kept nagging me that if God was omnipotent why did he need the sacrifice of Jesus in order to forgive us? Was Jesus like the higher version of a chicken sacrificed on some South American tribal alter? And that hymn theres power, power, wonder-working power in the blood of the lamb There is not a single holiday in America that is not accompanied by the massive slaughter of animals for the rite, and flesh-eating as the center of the celebration how many millions of turkeys killed at Thanksgiving, millions of pigs at Easter for hams, etc. I did spend some time reading the writings of the white brotherhood and summarily moved on but one phrase does stand out from a master who noted we arrogantly think we are at the top of the food chain, and we are mistaken. It has occurred to me that we live in a dimension of devouring we devour our resources, animals, goods and experiences in the constant gnawing hunger for happiness and satisfaction. In turn our energy is devoured by powers we know little of and are tricked into serving, be they vampiristic gurus, religions or higher dimensional parasites, or our own misguided self-destructive actions. The way out I am still working on it does have something to do with that kernel of divine energy and consciousness within each of us. We are each endowed with it. It is what makes us so desirable and delicious to the other worlds which perhaps are not endowed independently with such divine energy, but must constantly feed on ours. Reply Anna said, April 28, 2008 at 6:07 am Hi Bronte, I read this with interest. Archeologist Zechariah Sitchen, in his voluminous tomes, details the countless references in ancient writings and artifacts to beings who visited this world in fiery flying ships, who taught mankind, interbred with humans, and set up a government of divine-right kingship. Visiting beings who called themselves gods. I have heard theories (Edgar Cayce & some others) that rather than aliens, the beings who visited certain worlds in fiery flying ships may have been Atlanteans, who are said to have had remarkable technologies (including some kind of aircraft) before their continent of Atlantis sank into the sea.



The continent sank, according to Cayce, due to the arrogance of these people who abused their advanced technologies outrageously and came to believe that they were higher than God. That certainly might explain why they would look for worship from the technologically inferior peoples who they ended up living amongst. What do you think about this theory? Reply Anna said, April 28, 2008 at 6:13 am I like this comment of yours, Bronte, it helpful and a good insight from your obviously many years of spiritual research. Rather, I believe in self-empowerment, empathetic kindness and spiritual exploration. I dont think theres a point of arrival for those who empirically explore the inner or invisible dimensions. Theres always more to experience and know, just as in the material world. Thats what makes life an endless adventure. Reply brontebaxter said, April 28, 2008 at 3:11 pm Anna, in answer to your question, I think it goes much deeper than that. Check out a book called The Gods of Eden, by William Bramley. Its well-researched and scholarly yet very readable and fascinating. Bronte Reply Anna said, April 28, 2008 at 9:59 pm Thanks Bronte, you have given me a plenty of great food for thought and reading material. Im glad I joined the ex-amma group because Ive learned a lot in a short time. I really appreciate your help & feedback over these last few days :) (graceannrose) Reply Pilgrim said,



June 6, 2008 at 1:56 am A wonderful thought provoking site, thanks Bronte. I was wondering, do you have any thoughts regarding Eugenics and population control in connection with society becoming more enlightened. With the planetary alignment creating a quickening of that awareness and the 26000 year cycles or Yugas, wouldnt it be in the extraterrestrials interest to make sure global catastrophes occurred at this peak time, in order to create a groundhog day effect.? To knock us back to the stone-age and start the cycle over & over. Reply brontebaxter said, June 6, 2008 at 4:51 am Pilgrim, I dont get what you mean by creating a groundhog day effect. Please elaborate on your idea. Are you familiar with the theory that global warming and global catastrophes are being brought on by the return of Planet X? This would be the rogue planet Nibiru described in ancient Sumerian texts. See Sumerian scholar Zechariah Sitchins book The Twelfth Planet and this online article: According to Robert Morning Sky, Nibiru is not a planet but a planet-sized spaceship that houses the Annunaki (extraterrestrials who genetically engineered the human race). My second loosh article mentions Morning Sky and the comment underneath it gives more information about him and his research. These theories interest me. I think another possible explanation to your question is that global catastrophes create extra loosh, strengthening the loosh harvesters (they might need that extra boost of empowerment when mankind is so close to waking up, in order to maintain the deception). Youve given me an idea for a future blog topic. Thanks. Bronte Baxter Reply Pilgrim said, June 7, 2008 at 11:03 am Hi Bronte, Groundhog day was a film starring Bill Murray, in which he wakes up each morning reliving the same day over & over again, meeting the same people doing exactly the same things.



What I was trying to say in the last post I wrote was; are these gods waiting for us to reach the cusp of spiritual awakening as a species, thus creating a powerful desire, only to create catastrophies on Earth to wipe out billions of people. This would have a double whammy effect insofar as, a controllable population and loss of technical achievements. The survivors would be too traumatized trying to exist, therefore any knowledge that was gained, spiritual or otherwise, would be lost. (forgotten). Similar to Atlantis. Hence the reference to groundhog day, i,e. It all starts over again until the next cycle!! I hope this makes more sense to you, if not just say and I try again. lol. Yes, I have read about planet X, but the problem is there is so many conflicting versions about it, its hard to know which one to even start with. The David Wilcock spiritual convergence one, or Dan Burisch with timeline 2 has been averted and so on & on I just gave up on it to be honest. You book so far is enthralling and enlightening, cant wait for the next chapter. Thanks, Tom. Reply S. Singh said, June 8, 2008 at 11:14 pm I dont believe in the Eastern dogma that there is no individual self. Neither does the vast body of Eastern teachings. The yoga sutras, for instance, are dualistic based on sankhya philosophy, So too the Puranas.The oneness and illusion of individual existence is one school of Indian thought Advaita Vedanta, taught by one teacher Shankar Acharya. Transcending material conditioned ego and understanding ones consciousness in relationship to God or super consciousness is quite different. Almost any Indian would tell you that the loss of personal existence taught in advaita vedanta is not popular amongst the Indian masses. It is unfortunate that most westerners have not studied with more main stream philosophy teachers. The Indian concept of Deity is simple and is the one the Greeks and Romans and ancient Europeans followed. God is one, God has infinite manifestations. We are all spiritual souls eternal in an eternal relationship with a loving non-vengeful, non angry God who has no chosen or unchosen peoples. Reply Rabble said, June 18, 2008 at 3:23 am Bronte this was outstanding. Weve been conditioned to believe that we must worship, fear and give our very own divinity to someone elses ideas. It is negation of our birthrights and freedoms. its amazing that we do this so willingly. Fear is a powerful inducer, it is the very chain by which we are bound. We will reclaim our divine birthrights when we refuse to be mentally terrorized and dominated. As it stands right now we are afraid to think and live with our own thoughts. We would much rather be told what to think and how to feel But we are slowly returning to Loveit is the substance of our being.


Reply Rabble said, June 18, 2008 at 3:34 am Pilgrim RE: Groundhog Day The lesson in that movie is that Bill Murrays character LEARNED to treat each day differently despite them all looking the sameI believe that we as a people are learning albeit slowly that the same tactics and habits wont work anymoreThat we need to try different solutions and actions on the same problems that constantly reappear. The reason these same problems keep reappearing to us is because we havent gotten the act or answer right yet as a people. We constantly face war, poverty, disease and disasters because our response to them has been lacking. Groundhog Day was a great metaphor movie on our slumbering existence. I learned a lot from it. Reply AK said, June 25, 2008 at 3:47 am In the light of your post, how do you then view Buddhism? No gods to worship there, except for in the vajrayana Buddhism of Tibet which treats their gods as provisional mind constructs to eventually be moved beyond. And yet Buddhism, similar to Advaita Vedanta (which some say evolved as a Hindu response to the then growing popularity of Buddhism), focuses on no self. Who then are the Buddhists entrusting their consciousness to as they dissolve their egos? Do the gods or spirits take over even uninvited, same as in possessions? And what about how other human beings attempt to take over the lives of those who have given up their will in this manner. And I mean normal people, parents, workmates, partners etc . Its not just gods and those in authority who can be predatory. Reply Ron said, July 4, 2008 at 8:14 pm In Soviet Russia the gods worship you. Reply brontebaxter said, July 4, 2008 at 11:20 pm



Ron, would you care to elaborate on that? Bronte Reply AK said, July 15, 2008 at 5:59 am Why so rude? I asked a polite question of you Bronte, that pertained to the subject under discussion in this article. If you cant think of an answer to it, thats fine, but its simply good manners to acknowledge the comment rather than obviously snub them. Reply brontebaxter said, July 15, 2008 at 10:14 am AK, I really object to the tone of your post. First of all, if you have a personal gripe against me, address it to me personally at my email address, not on a public forum. THAT was rudeness. Second, when I first read your angry post, I didnt even know what you were referring to. I had to go into the old article to figure it out. Regarding your first post: I found it thought-provoking, with very good questions. It is not my job, AK, to respond to every posters post and answer every question. The comment section is a public forum, and I join in when I have something I feel is useful to say. I am not Miss Answer Woman, and this is not a question and answer section. Sometimes I dont respond to questions because I am thinking about them, still forming an opinion, and sometimes because I want other people to have a chance to think about them. There can be any number of reasons why I dont comment on a particular post, just as you may have any number of reasons for not choosing to comment on everything YOU read in the comment section. In this case, I didnt respond because I believed the subsequent articles in the Blowing the Whistle series, which I presumed you hadnt read yet, had adequately addressed the questions you brought up. Perhaps they didnt. If you have read the series and dont think they were answered, tell me, and Ill address this subject in a future article. But please, abstain from personal attacks toward me or others on this forum. That spoils the friendly tone of the forum and is not acceptable here. Bronte Reply Andrew said,



August 14, 2008 at 12:17 am Hi Bronte, Glad to see fellow light workers waking up to our prison planet. I was curious as to what your impression is of the ohm incantation. I have never come across any information hinting towards a hidden purpose/agenda with it but it is clearly used in tibetan and buddhist Mantra meditations. It has become a commonplace tattoo as well. Love and Light. Andrew Reply R Wenner said, August 17, 2008 at 9:27 am I like how you related one civilizations deities as corresponding by different names to those of another. As St Paul said, The gods of the pagans are demons. Reply alias said, August 30, 2008 at 4:36 am I didnt understand a word of this article, what the frack is the guy trying to say ? For one thing mantras are as natural as a sun rise, theres nothing evil or deceptive about them. The problem is when you have retards who know nothing about them write about it. Mantras are just a way of expressing something intentionally. FYI most of the new agers who study meditation dont have a clue. Blowing the whistle ha ha what kind of crack you smoking, there is no secret agenda to mantras, stop drinking the kool aide. Reply Mat said, September 25, 2008 at 7:37 pm Hello Bronte, thanks for your writing. Ive had a similar experience, but with another group, and I very much know what youre writing about. This was to introduce myself a bit. Im going to read all your articles and comments and add some thoughts to it, as you said to feel free to comment. Best regards, Mat



Reply Mat said, September 25, 2008 at 8:31 pm BB: I suggest, if the gods are innately as powerful as they purport to be, they would not need human worship to survive. They would be self-sufficient, drawing on the Infinite within them for every need. Instead, they tell mankind to bow down and pay tithe, and threaten in the scriptures to destroy us if we dont. What kind of power is it, that cant exist without feeding? Mat: I like your suggestion. It awakens the reasoning mind. To answer your question, one may say: it is full power in one sense and fool power in another. On one hand, we are fully dependent on the environment, including the Sun, the Moon, water, earth, wind, fire, etc. Somebody may see only impersonal energies in this case; somebody else may start wondering that maybe there are some beings that steer the wheels of these energies vehicles. Two different points of view which are well known in the philosophy. If we take the former stand (advaita), the problem of gods disappear, at least in our own, limited point of view. But taking the latter stand, the story starts to be interesting and full of adventures. So, we, humans, are fully dependent in our earthly life on the external energies, on gods (taking the dvaita position). According to Bhagavad Gita, chapter 3, verses 10 to 17, weve got three options: 1. We can simply forget about gods and immerse in sensual pleasures as much as possible, exploiting all available resources. Verse 16 says, this option is pointless. However, putting aside this scriptural conclusion, we may find stories of people who having all possible resources at hand had tried any sensual fancies available and still they were not satisfied. Unfortunately, most people do not read such stories and strive hard to achieve such a position to be able to enjoy life in any possible way. Long way to go. 2. The second option is to enter into the contract with the gods and play ones part in the give and take relationship. Im very sorry that you entered in such a contract by trick, without full consciousness and agreement. Unfortunately, this is a very popular model of relationships between institutions and individuals, when ordinary people are not conscious that they enter into the contract as soon as they state their name after having being asked by an officer for it. This is called master-slave relationship and it has been practiced for centuries in a many different forms in all civilizations. Even the Vedic Culture, which some say was/is the most advanced culture on earth, supported the master-slave relationships (Srimad Bhagavatam, canto 9, chapter 7). As long as you have no knowledge about the commercial relationships with gods, you are like an animal and you are treated accordingly. There are gods and powerful people who do not want such human animals to advance and get this knowledge. But in the same time, there are other universal forces (like true spiritual masters) who try and preach the true knowledge. Sadly, most humans who are animal-like do not take advantage of it. Fear is


the main restraining factor. And still, this option is a very troublesome one, even if feasible. 3. The third option is proposed by the verse 17 of chapter 3 of Bhagavad Gita. This is one is a very dangerous proposition as by realizing it, one advances beyond the gods jurisdiction they know it and they do not like it. So, the first point means that gods power is a full one. The second point brings some balance between both parties. However, the third point pushes the scale into a position which shows the gods power as that of a fool. Do you think that they will willingly and freely let anybody to come this point of inner spiritual freedom? I think they are the first to trick you, to put obstacles on your path, to cheat you and make a fool of you before you make a fool of them. Therefore, the process of awakening is called self-realiztion. And self is a key word. Best regards, Mat Reply brontebaxter said, September 26, 2008 at 2:00 am Hi Mat. I would argue your first point that we are fully dependent on the sun, rain, etc. Each person, each consciousness, influences the material universe (including influencing sun, weather, Earth, etc.) through thought. Thought is the creative force, and all of us possess it. The reason Native Americans could call for the rain and bring it is just this. As soon as we assume we are totally dependent on anything outside the Infinite itself, which is a field of all possibility and exists as the power source in each of us, we give up our power. Second, wed better share that verse with readers if you are going to reference it. Verse 17, chapter 3 of the Bhagavad Gita, Indias most respected holy book, says But one who remains ecstatic within the Self, self-illuminated and fully satisfied within the Self only, activities do not exist for them. Lord Krishna, who gives this teaching, also speaks outrightly in the same Bhagavad Gita about the rightness of the caste system and expresses other blatantly questionable atrocities, yet he is held up as an incarnation of the supreme god and this scripture of his is the core of Hindu teachings. Thats for context, for any uninitiated readers. Addressing this quote specifically, we get what? That true happiness only exists if you turn up your nose at action in the world as beneath you, as animal-like something for materialists and, withdrawing from involvement in the world, find that neutral place within the Indians call Bliss. To hell with what the world is doing or the suffering around you, because you are insulated now from all that. Youve reached the


pinnacle zombie state of dont care. You are untouched, unaffected, being superior to the masses, and free. Hundreds of thousands of wonderful people of my generation, who could have made the difference in waking up the world and turning it away from its march into the arms of the New World Order, were seduced by just this teaching which formed the core of the philosophy of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (see my other articles in this series). We were told all was well with the world really, the only problem was in ourselves, in our attitude. We bought this line, and abandoned our instincts that told us something was seriously wrong with the Cystem. Now we are paying the price for that seduction by Indianism. I believe there are no true spiritual masters, as you call them, from the Indian tradition trying to help people get free because the very core of the Indian tradition is this teaching of Lord Krishna. That teaching is that outer life is an illusion fraught with suffering and the door to freedom is to simply turn your back on the outer world, to not take it seriously. Detachment is their prized solution. What does this do, in fact, but give free reign to the gods and their emissaries on Earth to do whatever they like, with no opposition? The very purpose of this teaching by Lord Krishna is to neutralize human resistance to the takeover of humanity by the cabal of those who call themselves the gods. I dont think the gods care if people achieve this kind of freedom you talk about. I think its precisely what they hope will happen to those who are waking up enough to see they are in a master-slave relationship. Instead of getting them to challenge the System that allows the master-slave scenario to subjugate humanity, the awakening crowd is enticed with this detachment teaching to just walk away from the show. Theyre lured to do this partly by the suggestion that they are superior to the animal masses and that the animals deserve what they get on account of their materialistic ignorance. People arent animals and materialists, Matt. Theyre exhausted slaves, who barely have energy to keep their eyes open and find a little solace at the end of a long day or week in things like TV, sex and beer. The problem is the Cystem theyre enslaved to and work to support, not some essential hedonism in their character. But back to the design of the gods. Those seduced by this tricky detachment teaching that says being wise and blissful means walking away from the show those humans become the spiritual elite, new buddies with the gods whom they allow to do whatever they (the gods) like, unopposed. This is precisely as the gods want it. They only pretend to oppose enlightenment, much as a con man, selling you a piece of junk, will say something like, Now I wouldnt do this for everyone, and I really hate to part with this little beauty. Im taking a loss here, but I like you, so Im going to make you a really good deal. Ill sell it to you for half of what it cost me. The con man WANTS the fool to buy the thing hes selling. He only pretends to be losing by the sale, to make the fool feel special and like hes getting the better of the


seller. In the same way, the gods pretend to be opposed to enlightenment, but actually benefit from it. Heres how they really think about that state: If a human gets too smart and realizes hes a sheep to be shorn, let him jump the pen and leave our confines. Then praise him for what a smart sheep he is, so much better than the rest, and make a pet out of him. That way hell never return to rile up the other sheep. Never let a smart sheep continue identifying with and being moved by the plight of his fellow sheep, because if he does, hell not only jump the pen but take the whole flock with him. So encourage his detachment from the suffering of the crowd, explain that sheering is their karma and that it will help them to learn and grow spiritually. Make that fence-skipping sheep identify with you and your world rather than that of his fellows, and hell never give you any trouble. You can go on running the shearing operation, business as usual. Bronte Baxter Reply David said, December 16, 2010 at 3:17 pm Hi Bronte It seems one positive aspect of detaching from some of the things around us is much of it is contrived and staged by the Looshers. Unfortunately I feel about 90% of my life should be throw in the round file as a staged looshing. except what I can / have learned about their methods so I can avoid being looshed and how I can avoid being manipulated into causing others to spill their loosh to the looshers. They dont want to kill us right off. that would be like a farmer killing his good milk cows. Ive heard all kinds of opinions, that we are rebels put here to be punished or learn something or to grow. that seems far fetched. The looshers are very hungry right now. This is a strange place. It is too easy to slip back into thinking all is OK. The snapping back to the realization this is a managed illusion like a cattle farm. It is a little traumatic each time, snapping back to the Un reality Nice Site Thanks, David Reply



Kevin said, October 15, 2008 at 5:31 pm Dear Bronte Baxter, This is a great piece of work. I commend you for your courage to stand up to the Cystem. I spent many years as a student of the occult, practicing ritual and ceremonial magic. Within the practices is a particularly important part referred to as vibrating. The tradition demands the use of vibrating divine names of the gods during rituals and meditations. The idea is that by intoning or vibrating (like a mantra, although, repetition was not necessary) the divine names, one invokes the energy of that god. The notion is that these gods have a particular frequency that one taps into, and that, in reality, these gods are merely aspects of oneself. Most writers, of course, state that this is all part of the process, it must be done, and that the ultimate goal is to achieve godhead (i.e. self-empowerment). I mention this because it seems to be a similar teaching in that no one starts off by telling us that we are the divine, we already have godhead, and that we are the creators (or, at least, co-creators) in this holy experience we call life. That we are already powerful, limitless beings. Maybe if they started off that way, then we could go on about the business of discovering just how powerful and limitless we are. Instead we are fed this dogma of how life and reality are illusions, thus, we are, too. The individual does not matter, and that reverence to some god is the only way to salvation. I agree with you wholeheartedly that the true divine source of the universe is in no way involved with any of the religions of today. The Eastern religions have quite a history, but I think western religions bypassed their body count long ago. That is speculation, on my part, of course. Your reference to the snake eating itself is brilliant, by the way. It is known as the ouroboros. It is said to represent the process of life and death and the cycles of time, or infinity. Looking at it from a different perspective, however, reveals the true meaning of the symbol: the snake is eating itself, or its SELF. By consuming ones SELF the powers that be can control and manipulate. And that is the point I think you are getting at: that religion is a mechanism for control by convincing us to surrender ourselves and, thus, our energy and power. I, personally, prefer the Jungian construct of the psyche or self, in that it consists of a persona, ego, shadow, and the anima/animus. Why? Because it demands the acknowledgment of all aspects of the self, including the ego, as real and necessary. Through individuation we become whole (or holy). As for the practice of meditation, I am in favor of it, simply because I know it works. The problem, as you laid out, is this business of mantras and the bombardment of outdated and false teachings. I always understood meditation as having many purposes. For starters, it is an act of self-control. No one can deny that the mind is like a chaotic sea. By observing this through meditation, one becomes aware of this, and knowledge is power. Self-control will follow with practice. (Self-control is not a bad thing, in my opinion. Most people have none, and live their lives being controlled by their parents, peers, co-workers, bosses, governments, and religions. That is the control hierarchy from the bottom up, basically. Gods create religion. Religion controls the masses through the dogma. Dogma dictates how individuals act and think, thus, controls the people in government, our bosses, co-workers, peers, and finally our parents. The only


thing not controlling the individual is the individual.) There are visualization techniques, as well, that are very useful. For example, after achieving some degree of control of the chaos in the mind, one can visualize a keyhole in their mind, then see themselves walking through this key hole into another realm. This is useful for astral travel, and other techniques like this. Mainly, however, I feel meditation helps calm things down and heightens awareness, not just of oneself but of the outside world around us. It has worked for me. One just has to get rid of that garbage from the gurus and gods. Tap into yourself, not the gods, and the rest will follow. One other thing, I noticed your particular distaste for eastern religions with all of the death and blood sacrifice. Have you ever noticed the Eucharist ritual of the Christian church? The consumption of the bread and wine as symbols of the flesh and blood of Christ. Sounds like cannibalism to me. Kevin Reply K.Charanyanond. said, November 4, 2008 at 5:21 pm Thanks for your post,Ive learn some information and get new idea to work with.

Jesse said, November 19, 2008 at 7:00 pm YES! Every time I read one of your articles, I am overwhelmed and have to go away for a while to calm down, because I know exactly where you are coming from. Some highlights 1** According to the Vedas and the mythology of other cultures, the gods feel threatened by the human race, afraid mankind might grow as powerful as they. So dont forget the story of the Tower of Babel which also demonstrates this And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech. 2 And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there. 3 And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them thoroughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for mortar. 4 And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth. 5 And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower, which the children built. 6 And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they


begin to do; and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. 7 Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one anothers speech. 8 So the Lord scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city. 9 Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the Lord did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the Lord scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth So the interpretation of these passages, according to the point youve made, could very well mean that at one point in history, humanity was in a state of unity, all speaking one language, growing powerful and unlimited now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. The Lord (its funny how this supposedly single God refers to himself as us) went down and confounded humanity, scattered apart this unity, in order that we would not grow equal in power to these deities. 2**True empowerment is not the Indian concept of enlightenment. The Vedic concept of enlightenment is also the foundation of Buddhism, is it not? These Eastern concepts are pervasive throughout spiritual writings, being promoted as the ultimate noble truth. Yet I also feel that they are not. Howard Bloom, in The Lucifer Principle, illustrates this religion as the device with which one conquering group managed to validate its theft of power, prestige and goods from a rival [group] Hinduism has seemed to its admirers in the West as a profoundly spiritual view of the world. It rejects materialism, lays aside earthly desires, tells its adherents to go with the flow, to accept the world as it is, to build up a positive karma, and to strive for Nirvana in a selfless world. What could possibly be more benign? Under the surface, however, the Hindu religion is not what it seems.Why does this religion tell its adherents to go with the flow, to abhor the things of the world, to set aside earthly desires, to hope only for an improvement of their lot after this life is over? Because Hinduism was designed to keep the conquered [peoples] in their place. It told those in the lower castes to be content with their humiliation and shun the appalling actions that might spring from desire and discontent. It instructed them never to overthrow theirmasters 3*** The word zombie is appropriate because of its meaning as the walking deadBut all is not lost for such people. No one can keep the human soul enslaved against its will. An act of personal empowerment, of willfully recalling ones ego, must surely destroy enslavement by any possessing entity. One can recall surrendered pieces of ones being as a magnet can recall iron filings. Native American traditions speak of our ability to do just this, calling back the parts of our lost personhood. Bronte, Ive outlined some of my personal experience of how this almost happened to me; I became one of the living dead. I became disconnected, disassociated, and had a distinct feeling that pieces of myself were shattered. I fought against complete surrender, as it felt forced upon me, so the process was not complete. Some small part of my personhood still remained although it was very weak and almost dead.



Remember how I told you I felt like I had no face? I actually had a dream in which I saw my face shatter into pieces, and each piece was connected by a thin silvery thread to the center of my head. Over the years, I have managed to mostly come back and piece myself together by recalling my lost personhood! What you have said here exactly reflects my own experience. This is the first time I have read this article you posted. Reply January 24, 2009 at 6:19 am Bronte, this is a great site! I have some familiarity with Bramley, Sitchin & David Icke. I dont agree with everything in their books, but they have all caught the thread of something real. I dont have any doubt that UFOs are real just too much evidence from credible sources. Im glad youre aware that energy vampires are real and use energy generated from rituals, etc. Neville Goddard is my favorite LOA teacher, but I dont agree with everything he believed in either. It could spend I lot of time (I dont have) trying to respond to so many of the things youve written. But if I wanted to teach, Id start a book. This is a very strange Universe and although I agree with much youve written, there are many statements I disagree with. Topics that are just too complicated to get into. Reply gwen said, April 26, 2009 at 4:12 am on a websearch of ammas scheduled dates for seattle visitation (i just watched the movie darshan and was intrigued), i was fascinated to come across your article and subsequent links. while interesting, the negativity of the article surrounding the hugging saint almost made me give up, as in my initial scrolling (i was on a PDA), i just about had you pegged for a Christian fundamentalist(sorry!) who in my experience often love conspiracy and spend most of their time picking apart and building cases that reveal the evil in other world views and traditions rather than practicing (the more difficult path) of finding some truth or value (on any level) in them and putting it to work on a personal and/or global scale. i was ready to give up on you, that is, until i linked here, and found this, the one hope your personal philosophy/musings (as ive experienced them thus fari dont have time to read it all!) engenders: True empowerment is not the Indian concept of enlightenment. It is knowing what we are and living from there. We are spirit: individual and eternal, moving within the consciousness of That which created, sustains and pervades all life. Knowing this is not difficult. It only requires putting attention on that which is beneath the content of thought. Acting from this place of empowerment is natural: we can ordain reality from that quantum level. Everyone can do it. Everyone is equally powerful moving and creating in the depths of their own consciousness.



while this gave me pause and a reason to read on, it isnt very practical advice. its kind of at the 5, 000 foot level, actually. perhaps your role is not to offer advice? ill ask for it to see. i am a person who practices meditation, and have found a great opening of mind and spirit doing so. too general? sounds like a match dot com bio line doesnt it. let me be more specific: i practice yoga, iyengar and purna traditions (hatha), to quiet my monkey mind or constant desires and fears that often keep me from being present or calm in any moment and put me off course from my recognized and celebrated goals and resolutions that are at the core of my being and stem from my experiences here on earth. (i mean to say nothing more than that i practice to help in my struggle to navigate what i experience as the internal and natural contradictions between healthy choices/practices and non healthy ones on a daily and lifetime basis. this seems a central challenge of being human, and yoga has been for me a simple tool to aid.) however, i have absolutely no experience with TD meditation nor any other sort. i sit with my back straight, and exist in my body and cells. my meditation involves simply moving my body with focus and mindfulness, and then sitting still and examining the results (sometimes) from a place beyond what i consider, and have experienced to be, a superficial version of my conscious Self. i subscribe to no dogma. i worship no god in my practice, nor do i chant hindu namesand i must say i have never felt at risk of loosing mySelf to another entity, even when i practice moving away from my ego and instead practice operating from my heart center or what i would call my spiritual instincta very real and eternal place for me. i do sing occasionally and find chanting (as many spiritual practices to, as many cultures and human beings do), to be satisfying, uplifting, and fun. i like to smile. bear with me, im getting to my question. i am a professional person who believes that when presenting a problem or issue to my vp, i have a responsibility to also present at least one alternative solution, or a beginning to a solution. i find this practice helpful in all aspects of my life as well. i have shared this because im hoping you can present a working solution to what youve identified as pretty much the greatest conspiracy ever: gods (personages) exist, they like to aid in brainwashing folks who want to be liberated from suffering in order to steal their spiritual power, and no one is safe unless they can empower their own ego. im very hopeful for advice and perspective. questions: in your criticism of indian philosophy, do you separate the vedic tradition from the yogicfor example, the difference between what the bhagavad gita and patanjalis yoga sutras might have to offer a practitioner? i ask as a novice. your statement true empowerment is not the indian concept of enlightenment (im not sure empowerment is the focus of the scope of all indian philosophy in any event, but ill run with your statement regardless, as i get your point), you suggest instead that It is knowing what we are and living from there. We are spirit: individual and eternal, moving within the consciousness of That which created, sustains and pervades all life. Knowing this is not difficult. It only requires putting attention on that which is beneath the content of thought.


this last statement of yours is exactly how i see patanjalis advice (in the yoga sutras) on liberation, and so if reflection through meditation is unsafe as youve suggested (perhaps even on a quantum level), how do you advise (on a practical level) that one goes about putting attention to what is beneath thought? in other words, if it is not difficult, and anyone can do it, how do you practice? i ask because i find thinking about what is beneath thought confusing and difficultand thought provoking. help. namaste? gwen :) Reply brontebaxter said, April 26, 2009 at 10:22 am Gwen, youre right, Im not in the business of giving advice. But Ill comment on a few of the things you brought up. The kind of meditation you practice sounded much like my own a removal of attention from exterior objects and a focus inward, which results in a sense of peace and expansion experience of our innermost levels of being. I should say, your description sounded like what I do until you mentioned chanting that to me is a dangerous arena, as all the chanting practices Im aware of invoke mantras and similar god-related words. Chanting, in my experience, creates a passive, hypnotic, endorphine-rich state that is designed to resonate with the energy signature of the god whose name or mantra is being chanted. This opens the door to possession a blissful experience but possession nonetheless. Ones own ego seems to dissolve in the grandness of the Oneness, but what I believe is actually happening is a dissolution of personal self-hood, with the personal will being replaced with the will and self-hood of the god. This increases with practice until a state of enlightenment is reached where I act but I do not act where one witnesses ones thoughts and actions in a detached, noninvolved way, as if Something Else is acting through them. Indeed, something else is. This is the ultimate breakdown of ones personal will, ones doership that which makes us human. But back to your points what solution do I offer, you ask? You say you dont have time to read all I have written, but if you read the chapters written so far in Blowing the Whistle on Enlightenment: Confessions of a New Age Heretic, you will get the gist of what I see as the solution. I cant sum it all up here, but in essence, I believe that while meditation that reminds us of our deeper nature is useful, equally important is developing habits of thinking and choice that strengthen our personal freedom, that develop our will. It isnt just about developing universal love, or sensing our unity with all our life, though those things are important.



Becoming a master of life, a master of this dimension, requires being able to shape our own experience consciously, and this only happens through development of the will. My article on Creating Reality in the Blowing the Whistle series goes into this quite deeply, but theres much more to be written. This is an area Im fascinated by and am focusing on now in my research and in my personal life. I expect to write more about it when my perceptions and insights have gelled. Regarding your recommendation of looking for the good in the traditional solutions weve been given, rather than finding fault in them, I dont agree at all. To rise to a higher level of understanding, we need to think critically. We need to look past the established explanations, that bury self-contradictions behind easy answers, and really examine those places where the answers weve been given dont jive. Those places are the seams in the fabric of reality which, when examined, allow us to break through the facade into a higher level of knowledge. They are the hidden holodeck door that, when discovered, lead out of the illusion. Simply focusing on the good in essentially deceptive explanations keeps us locked in the system and ignorant. Of course, the system tells us that such questioning is negative (a term you also used), because that deters people from questioning. Calling critical thinking negative places a judgment on it, a social stigma that deters people for challenging the established order. It keep the sheep in the pen. In fact, there is nothing negative about insisting on truth or the questioning that requires. Is it negative to wash mud off your hands, because youre acknowledging the dirt? Is it negative to say no to someone who tries to manipulate you, because no is a negative word? Bronte Reply swissguy said, June 17, 2009 at 6:41 am I am glad I found this blog as I too was a seeker who got snared into the spider web of a Jamaica based guru who no longer walks this earth. Let me share a little of what I have found so far in my journey. Do not bow to any person as the only worthy of such praise is the only one, the Creator, God. All the others are impostors sucking your vital energy while killing your soul. We yearn to go back to our true home, the spiritual realm where love reigns supreme. This world seems so conflictive and karma is not the answer to our queries, the answer is too seek a true relationship directly with our Father. Gos is good, He has healed my heart, my knees and my spirit. Reply Dr Jacinto Pereira said, October 31, 2009 at 11:50 pm


If you are in spiritual une with your self go on to meditate, but mantras are very overpriced and this is the reason mouvement is in regression Reply Bob Ellal said, February 19, 2010 at 8:59 pm Good morning, I have practiced Taoist internal energy artsmainly standing post meditationfor 15 years. It helped me beat my four bouts of bone cancer in the early nineties. One doesnt chant, or focus on a deity, but concentrates on the breathing, or perhaps moving energy in various ways. Its used both to promote health and internal power for martial arts. Its a meditative technique employed by people of all religious beliefsor those with none at all. If anything, its done more to strengthen my individual will and ego. Ive found this to be true among my fellow practitioners; perhaps because we arise out of martial arts traditions. I find the notion of surrendering the will in some Eastern traditions to be extremely dangerous. Once this happens, critical thinking evaporates and one can be led down the garden path by the Deepak Chopras of the world: the bullshit that is the law of attraction, co-creation and manifestation of abundance. Great site. Bob Reply brontebaxter said, February 20, 2010 at 3:13 am Thanks for your interesting comment, Bob. The only thing I would disagree with is your disparaging of the law of attraction, co-creation, and manifestation of abundance. Please see my blog article on this subject (one of the chapters in my online book see left column on this blog site to find it), and youll understand why. Also, you may want to check out a book by Neville called The Law and The Promise, which is my favorite book on the law of attraction. Best regards, Bronte Reply Bob Ellal said, February 20, 2010 at 10:33 pm


Dont want to go round and round about the Law of Attraction, have done so many times on Chopras site. In a nutshell, people have added a metaphysical element to positive thinking, positive action, positive interactions with peoplewhich leads to positive outcomes. The universe is neither benevolent or malevolent; it just is. If one thinks its possible to bend it to ones will, like a sorcerethink of Aleister Crowley, the greatest mage of the last hundred years. He ended his life penniless, hopelessly addicted to morphine, sponging off people who were fascinated by his former celebrity. My life is in my hands, not in heavens. Taoist maxim. Which dovetails with Oliver Cromwells to one of his generals, asking whether his army should pray before battle: Certainly, pray to God. But keep the powder dry. At any rate, Im done with this site, off to find one that combines serious study of Eastern energy arts with critical thinking. Reply brontebaxter said, February 21, 2010 at 3:42 am Alister Crowley was a victim of his own demons. He thought he was powerful as a mage, but his power came from the beings he worshipped. Which of course is no power at all. Practitioners of magic are in debt to the beings they summon, and in time they must pay. Thats where the old stories come from about the price of selling your soul to the devil. Its a whole other story when you learn to access through will your own power within you, which to my way of thinking is infinite. We are all creative impulses of the infinite quantum field, and as such, can access it through intention. Have you ever studied quantum physics? I think not, because youd find it provides ample models to support this theory. Martial art traditions that teach accessing will are certainly on the right track. They teach one to harness ones own internal power. But if they address only the visible dimensions of reality, they stop short. We are so much more than bodies that disintegrate. Real freedom, real power, come of learning the subtle dimensions of mind and how to manipulate it. I caught your dig about critical thinking, obviously directed at me. Im actually usually accused of being way too critical, way too much of a skeptic. About the only thing Ive ever been taught that I still believe in is the power of the mind and will to create and bend outer reality. Thats not due to a lack of discernment but to my personal, direct experience. Ive been working in my own life for years, experimenting with personal power, and my theories are founded on what Ive found yields real results. I believe weve both just been conducting different kinds of experiments. Bronte Reply


Sunil said, May 1, 2010 at 1:06 am Thanks a lot for your articles. Im from India and i can 100% agree with your views. All gods and goddess in India are here for one reason. The battle for your souls. period. I was almost gone to the darkness by the sweet talk of yogis and gurus, its my will and to do what i felt right has gotten back my life. 99% of Indian population is claimed by the dark forcesi believe that is the case all over the world. In India it seems more extreme. With that being said, i have met with some individuals who are more powerful than all the gods and demons combined. Those were the beings that came in human body and help me get out of the hypnotism. Its not easy, it took me 4 years to come out of the programing the evil ones did all my life for 28 years. I believe there are forces that are helping humans beings to come out of hypnotism. Thank you again. Reply Carole said, August 29, 2010 at 8:07 am Bronte I certainly agree with most of what you have to say. As a former seeker I have spent many years trying to dehypnotize myself. When I was finally able to detach myself from certain spiritual groups I found myself saying, I think I was hypnotized. I also started to look at the teachers and gurus as psychic vampires. I am sorry to say that I had to have this experience several times, as at first I thought I had just not found a real guru or the right religion. Good grief, how many times must one get hit over the head? Its taken me a long time to be able to say I dont believe in any organized religion. It is so hard to deprogram. Ive tried discussing with friends that the whole idea of enlightenment as presented by eastern religions is a scam and a myth, but most people get disturbed when I bring up this notion. Its good to find some like-minded people. I look forward to reading more of your writings. Thanks, Carole Reply Kushta said, September 19, 2010 at 1:06 am Bronte, To say that your writings against the doctrine of Monistic Oneness that sprung up from the Advaita school of Vedanta are refreshing would be an understatement! I am thrilled to finally see somebody exposing the fallacy of this doctrine that has now began to cling


to the Western Religious Mystical Tradition with the atrophying of effect of rust clinging to iron. I have been increasingly disturbed by many well meaning adherents in both the Gnostic tradition and Jewish Kabbalah attempt to parallel their spirituality on par with Eastern traditions like Mahayana Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta creating oxymoronic terms like Buddhist Christianity or Yoga of the West. I have written a rebuttal on this current phenomenon called The Fallacy of Gnostic Monism that is very much in sync with your arguments and conclusions. As a Gnostic it is clear to me that the adherents of such paths do not understand the philosophical ramifications that proceed from the negation of the self into a monistic oneness with God that you have so eloquently pointed out here and in other articles. They also dont consider that the experience of merging into a oneness with God is done within the context of having both form and persona being an individual. They also dont consider that the experience of love requires a giver and receiver, duality. Any form of spirituality that negates the possibility of experiencing love in transcendence the true religion of the soul, is not worth pursuit, in my opinion. Dear sister, thank you for your Gnosis, it is both revolutionary and a necessity in a world drowning in agnosis and suffering. Blessings to you in the name of the Great Life - Kushta Ecclesia Gnostica Parakletos Reply m said, November 4, 2010 at 5:48 pm Bronte, You express yourself eloquently. You have a gift for communicating in writing. Your point of view is fascinating. Im surprised Id never come across your site, before tonight. Several of your paragraphs hit me with such force because they described my own thoughts and experiences exactly, yet arranged them with a perspective that Id not yet taken. Several times Ive had to stop reading and look to the side and think for a few minutes before continuing, and I dont do that ordinarily, no matter what the reading material is. Yesterday I prayed to God (my conception of which seems to be what you call the Infinite) to give me understanding of how things really work, to give me protection against the mysterious entities which have unexpectedly had me in their sights the last few years, and to give me courage to carry on as my lone self without the protection of an intercessionary junior god, Christian or otherwise, because I honestly just cant bring myself to believe in (so thoroughly that I could follow


it/him/her, even in my imagination) any of them, and to surrender to such an intermediary, even though Ive got ample respect for and vague fear of many such mythical-or-real beings, and I think that the few essays Ive read of yours tonight are a partial answer to that prayer request, because they have given me a perspective Id never considered before. It was an odd path I traipsed across the internet tonight, originally looking up something entirely different, to land here at 3 am. Ill bookmark your site and try to get through the rest of your posts/essays/chapters in the coming weeks. I have a feeling I will agree with 80% of what you say, which is more than I agree with most people, and that I will think that you are a bit la-la/woowoo on the other 20%. ;-) Thats not an insult! Many of the folks who comment on your posts also have thoughtful, interesting, insightful things to say. Its appreciated. Thank you (Bronte and everyone else) for sharing and being genuine. Reply paul rio said, December 14, 2010 at 5:42 pm Interesting analysis of mantra meditation. i have been contemplating a connection from TM to some astral plane for some time. Especially after reading Autobiography of a Yogi. This could explain the mental conditioning that is so prevalent in the TM movement. Has anyone noticed that John Hagelin, with a PhD in Physics, at times, sounds like a TM zombie? Is he under the influence of some astral dimension? Reply josey said, July 7, 2011 at 9:55 pm AK and Bronte, Your comments were so good that I had to post them and link your website. I hope you dont mind. AK, You awakened. When I was in these Eastern religions I noticed the same about people, the lack of empathy for those harmed. I even read a book by Dr. Margaret Singer, which is posted on my blog which link I already gave here, but if I am anon here, then here it is again so you will know: So this is to validate you feelings, yes, meditation according to dr. singer can flatten out your emotions.



Bronte, what I coped was your comment on the soul. So beautiful. I have given up eastern religions. I rather like the idea of experiencing the presence of God in everything. There has to be a soul, because without that there is not rebirth that the Buddhists talk about, even though they deny the soul. There just has to be a carrier of karma. Reply justdoit8 said, July 21, 2011 at 9:14 am Youve hit the nail on the head here. I believe these so called gods are serpent like. Reptilian in form maybe. I also believe they are the so called pleiadians and lovely spirit guides that so many psychics are channeling these days. I was once into all this New Age stuff myself. I used to meditate and do some forms of Yoga. Funny, I always felt drained after my Yoga sessions and had this feeling that energy was being sucked from the neck area. It took me some time to break out of it and found people such as yourself who put things into perspective for me. These gods are full of deception and can take many forms and give us all sorts of lovely sounding messages. I do believe there are good beings out there too. I just dont believe they need to channel through certain individuals, write books, have swanky internet sites, and make money. Money and spirituality dont mix. And the whole letting go of all your thoughts, feelings and emotions that a lot of meditation talks about I believe is totally wrong. Our individuality is a gift. Thanks again for your writing. Very well put together and I feel what youve said here is of absolute importance, especially in this day and age of money making gurus. There is no teacher who can teach you anything new, he can just help us to remember the things we always new. We are our best gurus! Reply Scanlon Sayer said, July 29, 2011 at 4:07 am Its been a while since Ive visited this site. Its an interesting one. I dont agree with many of Bronte Baxters ideas, but I dont find it necessary to argue. The Universe is large enough for maybe (?) infinite viewpoints. I would recommend The Gods of Eden even though I dont agree with all of Bramleys ideas its still worth reading. I agree with Sitchins basic idea that humans are part starseed, the genetic hybrid engineered by ETs. Ive just ordered a book that may give me some answers Ive been looking for. Currently, I lean towards the gnostic view that this material world is ruled by Satan (which may be different than the traditional biblical view of Satan). In any case, I believe the Elites who rule this planet do not have good plans for the average man/woman. Wars intentionally started to create chaos, etc. Reply



Blowing the Whistle, Chpt. 2: Where Have All the Flower Children Gone? Part One This is the second chapter in an online book, Blowing the Whistle on Enlightenment: Confessions of a New Age Heretic, by Bronte Baxter. The climate of the 60s: Americas youth uprising. Questioning everything, challenging the system and the established worldview. Refusing to serve in a war, bringing about the end of it. Experimenting with sex and drugs, toying with every new or forbidden philosophy. A better world was around the corner we were sure of it. Soon wed be, as Arlo sang, walking hand in hand with every man, sleeping in the sun with everyone. The times, they were achangin.



Fifty years later, the world is no utopia. Weve had two more wars. The only sleeping in the sun we do is on vacations. Theres less freedom, more surveillance. Independent journalism has virtually disappeared, original voices in the press replaced by dumbed-down TV nightly news. Our schoolteachers teach to standardized tests instead of teaching to kids. What happened? Where have all the flowers gone, and all the flower children? How did something as radical, colorful and vital as the hippy movement simply vanish one day when no one was looking? Perhaps the answer lies with the Maharishi. Maharishi MaheshYogi, 1970s version. Founder of Transcendental Meditation and the Students International Meditation Society. SIMS was an organization that descended on US campuses, grabbed pothead kids by the scruff of their raggedy necks, cleaned them up and turned them into upstanding members of society. Just by giving them a mantra and teaching them to meditate. It soon became the rage hippies converting to TM, trading in swear words for mantras, tie-dyed shirts for three-piece suits. Most kids were recruited to become teachers, pulling in still more people. In 1975, Merv Griffin featured Maharishi on his prime-time TV show then started TM himself. First promoted by the Beatles, the giggling gurus meditation program grew mainstream, with courses taught in corporations and schools so executives could relax and students could focus. A virtual army of TM teachers covered the globe, with centers in every major city, talks in every suburb. Maharishi said that world peace would happen better yet, an ideal world when enough people globally found inner peace by practicing TM. I was among that army, personally instructing 350 people in the course of six years. I fell in love with a starry-eyed boy, and we were going to create utopia together. We preached the message of transcendence: taking the mind inward to bask in its Source, the state of pure awareness, from which all good things spring. We drank of those waters daily. Refreshed from contact with the supreme, wed return to the world energized for more lectures and teaching. It was a glorious time. Hope was everywhere. Gone was the contentiousness of our generation. We were avant-garde leaders now, shouting a new message, a new answer, to the world. Challenging authority became a thing of the past. (Maharishi taught that people should respect it.) Working within the system, we were told we would bring about change, and change would happen by raising peoples consciousness. Get them all to meditate, and problems would vanish from this earth. We truly believed it. The idea was radical, new, and to our young minds it made sense. TM opened a brand-new vista on the future, where troubles, all born of mans separation from his pure infinite nature, would spontaneously disappear. The ex-hippie army was passionate: our full love and energy went into achieving Maharishis dream for the world. Hippie recruits who didnt feel called to become teachers found their way in businesses and vocations, becoming productive members of society. Those from wealthy families supported the movement with gargantuan donations, and received places of influence directly under



Maharishi. It was only a matter of time until the world would be transformed and mankind would enter a New Age. Maharishi called it The Age of Enlightenment. But something happened on the way to paradise. Slowly and subtly, the tone of the gurus teachings changed. What used to be 20 minutes twice a day became hour-long, then 90minute, meditations. The mantras were reshaped into advanced techniques, and chanting and Vedic readings (hymns to the gods) began. In a bold move, Maharishi began teaching courses in TM-Siddhis, a slew of paranormal abilities which he said humans could develop. Turning invisible was one of the siddhis; levitation was another. People took the siddhi training, told that it would elevate their consciousness. But instead of flying, people were bouncing around cross-legged on foam rubber mats on their posteriors. Flying is coming, Maharishi promised keep practicing: frog-hopping is only the beginning stage. No one turned invisible, and no one demonstrated the other special abilities the several-thousand-dollar siddhi course was supposed to teach. At the time of this writing, 30 years after the inception of the TM-siddhis, no one in Maharishis organization has yet demonstrated any levitation beyond frog-hopping. Meanwhile the movement snapped photos of smiling butt-bouncers caught in mid-air and plastered the pictures on posters and fliers as advertisements: Come learn yogic flying. TM teachers who completed siddhi training were called Governors of the Age of Enlightenment, because Maharishi said our elevated consciousness would regulate negative tendencies in the world. Governors were told not to reveal to TM teachers or mediators that butt-bouncing was all that was being achieved on the siddhi courses to date. That would spoil the innocence of the new initiates, interfering with their ability to learn. For the first time, more than a few disciples started questioning. Why was TM deceitful in its advertising, pretending that people were flying? Why were we asked to pay thousands of dollars for something that didnt work? And how had a simple meditation technique, that was supposed to be all we needed for cosmic consciousness, gotten so complicated? Originally, we signed on for a nonreligious relaxation technique practiced a few minutes twice daily as an adjunct to dynamic activity. TM had its roots in Hinduism, but we had ignored that. As teachers or initiators, we had to perform a puja, a ritual of offerings performed on an altar before a picture of Guru Dev, Maharishis master. We were ordered to do this in the presence of every new initiate before dispensing their mantra. We were to kneel down and bow before the picture, making a hand gesture to indicate that the student was expected to kneel down, too. At the time we teachers convinced ourselves that we werent being deceptive. Maharishi said the initiates would understand in time, after their consciousness was raised through meditation. He repeatedly told us that TM was not a religion. As if saying it enough would make it so! But when the TM-Siddhis started, things got even more religious. We were instructed to read prayers to the gods after every meditation and to listen to audiotapes of chants to Hindu deities as we fell asleep at night. Maharishi reassured us: the gods are not actual personal entities but impulses of creative intelligence that exist within ourselves. The fact that Hinduism anthropomorphizes deities just signals immature consciousness, he said, and that, of course, was something the movement was far too sophisticated to be guilty of.


The changes in the movement were so gradual that I hardly blinked an eye the day I got my own advanced technique, which consisted of adding the Sanskrit word namah to my original mantra. I didnt quite understand, as I was told the mantras were meaningless sounds that have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. I didnt know any translation for my mantra Eima, but I did know, from the puja, what namah meant in English. It means, I bow down. Who was I bowing down to, I wondered? Well, it must be a god. Eima must be a name for her, and she must be my escort on the path to higher consciousness. Another hidden teaching, obvious only to an advanced spiritual aspirant. I felt privileged and superior to be let in on the secret. Around this time in the movement, many people started to complain of physical problems, as well as irritability and/or depression. Once I was assigned to spend the night guarding one meditator who was being sent home from a siddhi course because she was unstable. She was being shipped out the following day, and course leaders were concerned that she might harm herself or create an embarrassing scene in the meantime, hence her need for a guard. In 1978, an article appeared in Psychology Today reporting that a substantial number of individuals develop anxiety, depression, physical and mental tension and other adverse effects from meditating. (San Francisco Examiner, September 10, 1989) The scientific criticism was just starting. While over a hundred studies had been done by TM scientists showing outstanding benefits from TM for mind and body, new studies by independent researchers failed to corroborate such claims. Some new studies even suggested adverse mental and physical effects resulting from meditation (depersonalization, the onset of mental difficulties, psychological disorders). TM was accused of failing to conduct double-blind experiments, and of influencing test results with the prejudice of the tester. One insider, a friend of mine who was exceptionally devoted to Maharishi and who worked with TM psychologists as their research assistant, became shaken and left the movement when she found the scientists she worked with doctoring test results to make them better conform to Maharishis desired outcomes. (See the following site for more about independent studies done on meditators: Around this time, people started leaving the movement, but most of us held strong. A meditating community had sprung up in Fairfield, Iowa within and on the borders of MaharishiInternationalUniversity. The town became home to a thousand meditators, teachers and TM governors, many of whom had a hard time fitting into normal jobs and living situations in the world. We were told to meditate and fly together daily. That was the new strategy to create world peace as well as success in our lives. Maharishi began mens and womens monastic groups (the Purusha and Mother Divine programs) and encouraged people to join them as the most rapid lifestyle for unfolding enlightenment. People gave up dreams of love and a family to follow their gurus advice, believing they were serving their enlightenment and the highest social good. My best friend, intensely in love with her husband, was divorced by him when the monastic programs started. He became a celibate, while my friend tried to live as a nun with her broken heart. Within months she developed cancer, dying a couple years later. She forewent Western treatment to pursue an alternative healing system: Ayurveda, Indias ancient world medicine which then was being revived by Maharishi. Her physician was Deepak Chopra, at the time TMs poster boy and its leading Ayurvedic physician. My friend Sharon withered away and died, but Ayurveda grew in popularity.


What troubled me most about the movement in the 80s was a growing sense of subterfuge and surveillance amidst an atmosphere of increasingly artificial positivity. Movement leaders instructed the rank and file to never entertain negativity, which meant never criticize and always wear a happy face. There was a sense that we were being watched, that unknown people within the organization had been assigned as spies for the rest of us. Any person suspected of entertaining doubts about Maharishi and the movement or visiting other spiritual teachers would find themselves refused admittance to new courses or group meditations in the central flying hall. The outcasts were never told what they had done to merit excommunication. You know, was the cryptic reply, or Reapply in a few months whenever the rejects asked, But what did I do? The significance of being tossed out by the TM movement was devastating to those it happened to. The depth of their turmoil can only be fathomed by understanding that Maharishi was teaching then that two twenty-minute meditations a day no longer would cut it. Regular expensive advanced courses and meditating with the group in the flying hall had become pre-requisites not just for world peace but also for personal salvation. Unless you wanted condemned to many future lifetimes of ignorance and suffering, it was vital to keep up with the program. Our goal was liberation, enlightenment: an egoless state where blissful pure consciousness suffuses the awareness at all times, trivializing everything that used to seem important. In enlightenment, nothing touches you, success and loss dont affect you. Because liberation in this lifetime required staying on the good side of the TM gestapo, people became artificial and prone to quoting movement slogans in front of each other. Everyone wanted to appear kosher so they could stay on the campus and evolve. The movie Man on the Moon depicts what happened to Andy Kaufman, a Hollywood comedian and TM governor who after years of movement involvement was found to be mysteriously wanting. There is a scene where a smiling TM-Siddhi administrator informs him he is not welcome on Maharishis campus anymore, no reason given. For an earnest meditator, that was like telling a cancer patient the drug he needs to live is being withdrawn. In 1987, when I left TM and Fairfield, I had lived 17 years within the movements perimeters. Id seen the world go from flower power to mantra power. My friends had changed from buoyant folks delighting in free expression to paranoid people with phony smiles and legislated attitudes. It took me two years to break free of the thinking that kept me in Maharishis orbit. It felt traumatic, like a failed marriage. I didnt know what was happening, but I knew I could no longer be part of it. In the 20 years since I left the Transcendental Meditation movement, Maharishi raised the price for learning to meditate into the thousands. Disciples able and willing to kick in a million dollars (apiece) were offered (in the last years of the gurus life) proximity to him, a golden crown to wear, and the title of raja or king. Maharishi had created a world government he called The Global Country of World Peace, and his rajas are the rulers. Ive come to personally know two women who confide they were sexually propositioned by the lifelong monk. One of Maharishis closest disciples from the 70s, a Swedish man named Conny Larson, published an autobiography in which he says he left the TM movement when he realized the girls who came into Maharishis room in the wee hours, leaving disheveled, werent really in there reading him his mail. Since Maharishis death last February, one of his former girlfriends, Linda Pearce, is expected to come forward with


her full story (first covered in a newspaper article in 1981, some years after John Lennon announced in a Rolling Stone interview that the Beatles believed Maharishi had tried to rape Mia Farrow). In the years since I left the movement, the truth about the mantras has also come out. The mantras (which Maharishi gave to the teachers to give in turn to the lower initiates) turn out not to be meaningless sounds with life-supporting qualities as he said. They are, rather, names of Hindu gods, a fact made public with the advent of the Internet. Wikipedia, in its section on mantras, lists three of the mantras Maharishi gave me and other teachers to dispense: Eim, Hrim, and Shreem. Eim, says Wikipedia, is the Hindu goddess Saraswati, Hrim is the goddess Durga, and Shreem is the goddess Kali. (Wikipedia quotes these facts from The Shakti Mantras, by Thomas Ashley Farrand, Ballantine Books, 2003, pages 43, 124 and 138, but you can find the same information appearing dozens of places in a simple Google search.) This intentional deception by Maharishi, perpetrated on his teachers and through them on the public, is to me the worst thing this man of God did to society. Through this lie, telling us that the mantras were meaningless sounds, Maharishi got unsuspecting Westerners to worship his gods under the guise of teaching them a simple relaxation technique. This is even more reprehensible than sex seduction of young disciples. He seduced the minds of 6 million people, or should we call it rape? Ive written elsewhere about the hidden agenda of mantra meditation, how it connects with psychic realms and why it was important to Maharishi to pass this lie off to the world. The power of recitation of the name of a god in meditation is very real power indeed. It connects a person to trans-physical dimensions, where vital energy is siphoned off, eventually crippling and destroying the personality. As individual identity disintegrates, the meditator continues his practice, because, hes told, this implosion is a good thing. Oneness consciousness is taking the place of his formerly limited self. He is nearing his goal: universal awareness, the death of ego, annihilation of the illusion of I. This is why the flower children disappeared. Maharishi transformed a generation of dissenters, the hippie generation, into pimps for the gods. He turned their spiritual yearnings into spiritual servitude. The ambition of 60s/70s youth to make a better world was undermined first by drugs and then by mantras that freed from drugs but turned the saved into thralls of invisible forces. Grateful thralls to boot, who would always remember that they were rescued and how much they owed to their guru. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi: diverter of seekers, seducer of minds, stealer of souls. Any of those would be an appropriate epitaph. The mainstreaming of meditation in Western culture is this mans questionable legacy. Bronte Baxter Bronte Baxter 2008 CLICK TO GO TO PART TWO OF THIS ARTICLE (the next and third chapter of this book).



CLICK HERE TO GO TO THIS BLOGS HOME PAGE (TO VIEW ALL BLOGS AND ARTICLES BY BRONTE BAXTER). Anyone may republish this article on another website as long as they include the copyright and a back link to this site. 71 Comments John M. Knapp, LMSW said, April 17, 2008 at 12:01 pm Congratulations, Bronte, on a great new blog. I know your valuable insights will be useful to your readers here! John M. Knapp, LMSW TM-Free Blog Reply Thom Knoles said, April 17, 2008 at 4:54 pm Ms Baxters bizarre reflections upon the ostensibly ghastly effects of TM fly in the face of the many benefits of its long-term daily practice as cited by millions of people today. Her assertion that people who meditate somehow are being hijacked spiritually by malevolent gods does not raise any serious question about the independentlydocumented and acclaimed benefits of meditation. Questions raised? No. Eyebrows raised?well Ms Baxters fanciful conspiracy-of-the-gods theory hardly serves her articles avowed insistence upon using rigorous science when researching the effects of meditation. Surely, the truth is that Ms Baxter hides an agenda that would have us desert meditation, en masse, in aid ofwhat?fundamentalist protestant christianity? atheism?what is her ulterior motive in attempting to rubbish meditation by frightening her more gullible readers; why does she attempt to carry out character assassination upon Maharishi Mahesh Yogi? Is it really credible that if the then Mrs. Frank Sinatra (Mia Farrow) was the victim of attempted rape, that we should never have heard about it from Farrow, but should have to wait 40 years to be given the inside story by Ms Baxter? Once we all decide to stop meditating because Ms Baxter scared us about these soulhijacking gods, what would she have us do instead? I fear that our correspondents honest answer to that question is that her readers embrace religious ideas considerably more far-fetched than Maharishi Mahesh Yogis own simple teaching: Be. Reply



brontebaxter said, April 17, 2008 at 5:46 pm Oh good, some stimulating discussion. As to my ulterior motive, Im neither a Christian nor an atheist. I guess youd say Im an independent: I believe in human empowerment. I also believe the Infinite has a considerably more sublime vision of what life on Earth could be like than the life were collectively living today. As far as your statement about the independently-documented and acclaimed benefits of meditation, I suggest that your own words betray an agenda. Anyone familiar with TM, which you clearly are, knows that almost all of the studies done on TM are far from independent. Most have the names Wallace, Dillbeck, or Orme-Johnson listed as the researchers, as the Wikipedia article on TM demonstrates. In the 1980s, Robert Keith Wallace was the president of Maharishi International University, Michael and Susan Dillbeck were faculty members, and David and Rhoda Orme-Johnson were TMteachers/researchers also on staff at the movement-run facility. Independently documented and acclaimed studies? This is just another one of TMs careful lies. Bronte Baxter Reply PJ Lockabey said, April 17, 2008 at 7:50 pm It sounds to me that, like anything else taken to extremes, TM simply went to far , and went from an enlightened simple practice to a servant of something darker. Moderation, in all things, is the path of the enlightened, at least as far as I am concerned. As to detrimental effects of meditation, I dont think the original poster is saying that at all, but rather that this extreme version of it is harmful. I personally have found occasional meditation to be quite stimulating and helpful, but I can see where doing so while ignoring the world is detrimental. I honestly can see the original posters point, and would tend to agree with it. I do not think Bronte means to say that all meditation is bad, but only that THIS FORM of it is detrimental because of its intent. And as we all know, intent is everything. Reply ptor said, April 17, 2008 at 7:51 pm I didnt get the impression that Bronte is poo-pooing meditation in general. Meditation needs no rules or masters or mantras nor any association with any religious scenario.


The case with Maharishi is very important and exactly like that of all major religions (read: cults) where peoples good intentions and universally righteous principles are taken advantage of by half-truths, misleading ceremonies and conniving sorcerers misdirecting spiritual energies and the awareness of malign entities vampiring earth. The basic law of life is as above so below and being led/distracted into apathy of physical realities through insidious transcendental philosophies is extremely unbalanced. The prime example of this was Maharishis instructions to respect authority. Yeah, keep respecting the fat, evil bankers that enslave society and shut up and keep repeating your mantra. Amen is another example of people fooled into repeating a bogus mantra. If they only knew! The meditators were missing out from actually flying in reality by remaining unaware of the advent of hang-gliding in the early 70s and further on paragliding, non-motorized human flight like birds, where you actually fly, integrating the material world (not shutting it out) while also flying in the mind and spirit. This is an example of what can manifest when the sprit, mind and physical world are intertwined harmoniously. Thanks Bronte for your insights which are of great relevance to the mystery of what happened to all the flower children. What we all do next or instead is up to us as conscious, aware, independent and interconnected individuals. This is the point of the whole matter, autonomy over our own minds and souls. If we all just be well be constantly taken advantage of like we have been. Its time for Be+! doesnt matter how much you close your eyes and chant, if you still eat McDonalds, you fuck over everybody. Oops did I say Fuck? Fuck yeah. Reply brontebaxter said, April 17, 2008 at 8:21 pm You get me, guys. Im not dissing all meditation. I meditate myself. Mantra meditation, however, and any form that involves you guru, me dirt under your feet has ulterior agendas. Im putting up a page soon with cool books I like and recommend. Some of these have to do with meditating. I also intend to write an e-book, whenever I get time, on how to practice the Law of Attraction and the physics of why it works. Manifesting entails some meditation. Bronte Reply David said, April 18, 2008 at 1:41 am Where have they all gone???? Why they and their children have gone into the government. They and their kids are the ones running the government and denying us of today the rights they were so ardent to use in the 60s.



Reply Jeebus said, April 18, 2008 at 2:06 am If TM really did off with the hippie movement, Id have to say thats a point in its favor. Reply Frank said, April 18, 2008 at 4:07 am My dad was involved with the TM movement in the 1960s & 70s in the UK and personally knew the Maharishi and was actually in India when the Beatles went out there and claimed to have got into a fight with one of the Beach Boys over a girl , which to a young lad at the time was pretty cool . He went onto become a trainer but over the years became very disillusioned with the TM movement and the Maharishi himself .He said that , whilst initially TM had benefits ( he stopped smoking and drinking ) the whole thing lost its original message and he basically confirmed your story of obsession with strange practices like yogic flying , and money .The people who he reported to were only concerned how much money was made from the courses . He was also concerned that his students used the mediation as a drug to block out the world , rather than as a spiritual tool and claimed that the Maharishi was just a fraud and an old letch ! His story confirms your post , but he was never against Meditation as long as it was used in a responsible manner , even though he stopped practicing . Having said all that it is not the first spiritual practice that claims miracles and has failed to deliver . Some would suggest that Christianity , Islam and the rest are just the same and I would not argue with that . Reply Bronte Baxter said, April 18, 2008 at 4:30 am Hi Frank. Bronte here. For the record, I do believe in miracles including paranormal abilities. A miracle is just a possibility of life we havent explored or understood yet. One of the saddest results of TMs yogic flying and the worlds other spiritual promises that never delivered is that they reinforce our cynicism, our belief that this 3-D reality is all thats available to us. THAT is the biggest illusion, and the one that most limits humankind. Bronte Reply Frank said,


April 18, 2008 at 6:54 am Bronte-I would agree with you completely . Even though this is a time of turmoil , I am actually quite hopeful . My take on the human psyche is that our unconscious beliefs such as the belief in death , deprivation and self hate are rooted in us like a weed . Most people accept these beliefs without questioning them . I do not think that these thoughts are our true thoughts and so we see the world we expect to see . I believe/hope that this weed is being pulled up at the moment , but its roots are very deep . The problem is that the only way of bringing these feelings to the surface for release is to create events which allow us to feel the deeper emotions and this can be very painful , unless one is aware of what is happening . Also there is very strong resistance in us , which wants us to continue with our view of the world . With regards to miracles , I find it is very difficult to create deliberately but works a treat for things that I do not have a great emotional connection with .Anything , I wish to really happen , never seems to materialize, damn it . Back to the Maharishi- I hope that the time for Gurus is over .Whilst spiritual teachers will always be needed , hopefully future Gurus will not have other agendas apart from teaching . Frank Reply elizabeth walker said, April 18, 2008 at 7:32 am I never wanted to be apart of TM. The Maharishi always looked peculiar to me. I feel lucky to have been a natural mystic, have had many visions, so am sensitive to hype connected to certain so called spiritual groups. It saddens me that many here have made disparaging comments about the hippies and the 60s, they were some of the most advanced times in history, in my opinion, and true hippies were-are profoundly courageous. That there were charlatans who took advantage of the innocence of many is only natural, but it shouldnt obscure the fact that so much of what we are today in a good way came out of those years. The return to spiritualism, popularizing of health foods, relaxation of many formalities, breaking down of many barriers between genders, generations, races, cultures. I believe it was the Right which perverted much of what was valuable of the 60s to discourage future young people from seeking further truths and freedoms. In Journey Without Distance, a book describing the flow that brought together the people who put together A Course in Miracles, the voice received by Helen Schuckman(sp?) said that there was a celestial speed up because things had gotten so bad. Such things must cause confusion among those unready to experience so much rich energy. I studied zen beginning in 1989. I got a lot of flack for my independent attitude from them, and my visions there were very unpopular. I loved the zen master, Dae Soen Sunim, but never let him lead me by the nose, which he liked very much. It was the group that made it impossible for me to stay. Especially the abbot, he was furious that I was so intense and independent, and hated especially that I could speak to Dae Soen



Sunim with confidence, ask him strong questions, and that he complimented me for that. Though I loved meditating, I stopped doing it every day and only did it when guided to. I had places in the woods I sat at, I went to one of them last week for the first time in 15 years, it was different, but wonderful. My guide sometimes would ask me to sit and I would to find that I had forgotten to do something, stuff like that. My practice was-is about reaching, connecting with the spirit, and theres no predictable path for that, no formula, no time table, no map. You simply have to have faith. They, my spirit friends, say to me, stay with it, Elizabeth. Anyone who tells you they can give you enlightenment is well full of it, sorry. You give it to yourself in a way, it must be your own choice, your personal journey. And it may not be so comfortable, not so full of material breaks, wealth, success. The spirit might need a kind of breaking up or down of the worldly values to lessen fear of want and need, it might need to show lessons in not needing or wanting, of looking to something else for comfort, another source of courage and love. A source within. And so it is still quite the rare thing for us to pursue, though we all in our way are doing just that. The Maharishi was a good teacher, he taught us what not to trust. The way George Bush is showing us what we dont like in a government. Sometimes the bad guy is a great galvanizer for good. Good blog! Reply Fairy said, April 18, 2008 at 10:46 am Matthew Deloozi wrote a book Is It Me for a Moment where he talks about HOW other dimensional entities, whove governed and controlled humanity for thousands of years, are harvesting our life force from another dimension or interdimensional place. What Bronte says is the same. By repeating the gods names besides the bow down word, is the same. Doing it, you give them respect and agree with their will. Same with kneeling in front of the picture. You surrender to them. The biggest danger to these controllers are humans who want to be free and live free and do not care much about obeying authorities. The hippy movement was such, and something had to be done about it. To invent a guru was the solution to change the direction of millions of hippies who were yearning for freedom. Millions of people cannot be controlled by physical force, it has to be done in a different way. And it was done. ALL these movements (like the Feminist movement) are artificially created for the same purpose: THEM to advance their agenda and you to lose all your freedom. Microchiping is part of the same agenda. Reply patty said, April 18, 2008 at 3:38 pm



The only spiritual leader I trust is David Icke who puts truth above all else. I originally was attracted to Sylvia Brownes spiritual messages but found out she defrauded her early followers out of $20,000., chronically lies, and deceives people-see The Tv psychics are in it for the $ and celebrity and want people to worship them. People need to always seek out the TRUTH above all else and when finding out a spiritual leader is a con, rapist or deceiver need to make their findings public. There was really bad publicity about this TM yogi trying to rape Mia Farrow and having sex with his followers-if that is his level of spirituality who needs it?! patty Reply philiptravers said, April 18, 2008 at 8:04 pm I did it for awhile too.But, for all the avowed changes for good that were supposed to happen,that period of my life was chaotic.It seemed odd that if things were to become more easier to flow with,a rail station gate closed and just too far to walk using public transport seemed the opposite of a transition to a more harmonious life.On limited income,it wasnt easy.The fact I went to school with a teacher in Melbourne,meant a sort of friendly reminder,of how kids end up doing similar things,I was a little surprised however when a saw a teacher visiting the town where I lived.I am uncritical of TM today.I was essentially antagonistic also to being called a hippy,even though pot and L.S.D use were experiments.I am sort of disgusted with the seventies,as I mature..being blamed for world conditions today,baby-boomer blues,seems totally and residually unfair.I was anti-nuke before I did TM..I have an inkling that suggests whatever the failures of TM are or were, maybe some people have failed themselves badly as well.After all,to be still alive to see what one sees proves that the critical faculty is a wonderful tool,that may lead to good outcomes in the world as is.DavidIcke isnt a teacher to me,although I say that not having read any of his books.More a compiler of accounts that require the potentially world have an aha in eureka,plus an aha moment as in this road sign is more mysterious than the bloody town. Reply Thom Knoles said, April 18, 2008 at 8:32 pm and this was only Bronte Baxters Part One (!) on her favorite whipping-post Watch out, transcendental meditators and Vedic gods, shes on the warpath Ms Baxters self-distracted attempt (comment 3., above) to effect a dismissive rejoinder to my comment (2., above) simply underscores several of my points. In her rush to aggrandize her apparent status as her readers new spiritual leader, Ms Baxter is willing not only gleefully to monger a hackneyed rumour (which has been discredited repeatedly, see below), or to cite selectively mere hearsay of the negative experiences of a few to be the definitive invalidation of the good experiences of


millions. No, in her haste to dismiss her critic (me) merely as someone whose own words betray an agenda , Ms Baxter dodges flagrantly mutely my pointed question: what is it she proposes to teach us? What are the details of Ms Baxters replacement program for us, her potential faithful and eager unquestioning believers and followers? Evidently, millions do love their daily experience of transcendental meditation and enjoy its benefits. After all, it has been practised in the West for fifty years now, and it will continue to be practiced, and learned by more thousands, unless we all are saved by Ms Bronte Baxter and her cheerleaders (such as Mr. John Knapp, comment 1, above). Ms Baxter and the ubiquitously self-promoting and commercialised anti-transcendental meditation poster-boy, John Knapp, would have the world believe that the millions who have learned transcendental meditation all have had equally dreadful experiences (or eventually will have). That we all conform to BBs own bitter and resentful depiction of the miserable and abused transcendental meditator, as she claims she was for so many years. Seemingly, we, the vast multitude of transcendental meditators, lack the superior intelligence of Ms Baxter, who had the good sense on her own(!) to cease that diabolical transcendental meditation before those mischievous soul-milking Vedic gods tricked her forever.* Are we really to believe Ms Baxter, that millions of transcendental meditators somehow simply are imagining their desirable experiences, even decades into their daily practise; that they should shake off this terrible hypnotized illusion of benefit before its too late? If we are to follow Ms Baxters advice (once we accept on her say-so that her negative judgment is more authoritative than our own personal experience), then, having discarded obediently what we imagined was our lovely meditation experience, what is it specifically Ms. Baxter (our apparent successor-teacher) wishes us to practice and believe in? Let us hope her response is not merely more of hate with me again: transcendental meditation and Maharishi (and all gurus and mantras and gods). Ms Baxter will not save us from meditating with mantras by simply repeating again the ever-repeating known). Bronte Baxters solitary (Comment 3, above) to my simple question, posed in my original comment (read it yourselves) is: Im an independent: I believe in human empowerment. I also believe the Infinite has a considerably more sublime vision of what life on Earth could be like than the life were collectively living today. I am afraid this is not a breakthrough replacement teaching sufficient to get millions to ditch their twice daily practice of transcendental meditation. No; unless we are frightened successfully into submission by Ms Baxters scary(?) idea of gods milking us when we practise any form of mantra meditation (other than her own), then, in order to assert her replacement authority over us, Ms Baxter will need something more of a clearly delineated and cohesive belief system, one that does not rely upon her preposterous ideas such as this one, asserted in her the hidden agenda of


mantra meditation (link in the in the thirty-fourth [34th!] paragraph of her polemical i-hate-TM & Maharishi diatribe): I would like to suggest that mantra meditation turns humans into zombies who serve the agenda of the gods. That agenda is procurement of more humans and more human energy. This explains the common phenomenon of proselytizing by the religious, including fundamentalist Christians, TMers, and disciples of other varieties. Servants of God or the gods feel a driving need to bring in more recruits. I return to this point below. Now I wish to address the discredited rumour touted so gleefully as fact by the poorly-informed Ms Bronte Baxter (she failed entirely to deal with, or perhaps even to notice, my casting of aspersions upon her eligibility as The Credible Historian in the Maharishis Secret Attempted Rape of (the then) Mrs. Frank Sinatra (Mia Farrow) rumour. I recommend Ms Baxter undertake more serious research before lashing out recklessly, since her future as our replacement guru may be a stake. Since Ms Baxter has such faith in the trustworthiness and authority of whatever she agrees with that also happens to be written in Wikipedia, then she and her readers should Google and otherwise research Magic Alex, a.k.a. Alex or Alexi Mardas, a.k.a. Yanni John Alexis Mardas , then wince as they read about who it was that concocted the Maharishis Secret Attempted Rape of (the then) Mrs. Frank Sinatra (Mia Farrow) rumour. It was The Beatles one-time flunky groupie, Alex Mardas, jealous that he was not invited into the ashram because he was using drugs. I copy here an extract: Along with appearing (uncredited) in the Beatles TV movie Magical Mystery Tour, he (Alex Mardas) accompanied them to India to study with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in the spring of 1968. When he suggested to Lennon and George Harrison that the Maharishi had been making sexual advances toward Mia Farrow and other women at the camp (a suggestion not supported in Farrows autobiography What Falls Away), they took the suggestion seriously enough to confront him. When the startled Maharishis answers didnt satisfy them, they and their wives departed the camp. (McCartney and Starr had already left, for other reasons.) After returning to England, Lennons wife Cynthia accompanied Mardas and his flatmate Jenny Boyd on a vacation trip to his native Greece (the island deal had been abandoned), while Lennon remained at home. Coming back early, Cynthia discovered her husband sitting at breakfast with Japanese artist Yoko Ono, both clad in bathrobes, and all the signs the two had been cohabitating for several days. She left with Alex and Jenny, staying with them overnight; Cynthia was clearly upset with what had happened with John, and she proceeded to sleep with Alex. She said she woke up in his bed the next morning disgusted with herself. There it is: Bronte Baxters attempted rape of Mia Farrow by Maharishi was a lie made up by a drug-dealing addict who schemed to confuse The Beatles so they would leave India and pay him to build an alternative recording studio in London. Not convinced? Read these references: John by Cynthia Lennon (Hodder & Stoughton)


The Sunday Times, 18 September, 2005 George Harrison: The Quiet One by Alan Clayson (Sanctuary Publishing) The Love You Make by Peter Brown and Steven Gaines Shout! by Philip Norman (Warner Books) All You Need is Ears by George Martin (St. Martins Press) Hawkers by Appointment, New Statesman, 3 August 1979 Here, There, and Everywhere: My Life Recording the Music of The Beatles by Geoff Emerick (Gotham Books) Still not convinced? Watch The Beatles Anthology in which George Harrison, Paul McCartney, and Ringo Starr discuss openly Alexis Mardas false rumour and its basis. It was a fabrication, and Ms Baxter fell for it, as did many. But then, Bronte had so much wanted it to be trueneeded it to be true. more later *as she enjoins you to do, please do click on Master Baxters link (above, paragraph 34) the hidden agenda of mantra meditation to receive a hint of her own agenda to become our saviour by teaching us how to shrink the vedic gods back down to size by virtue of everyone eschewing all gurus (other than her) and mantras (other than hers), thereby ceasing immediately the god-feeding, and starving those psychic leeches. One cannot but marvel how John Knapp, the self-described anti-cultist (comment 1, above) sleeps at night after condemning transcendental meditation through one side of his mouth while singing simultaneously the praises of Master Bronte Baxter through the other side. It appears he is a master ventriloquist when it suits his commercial purposes. Reply Carole said, August 30, 2010 at 12:05 am Although Ms Farrow does not say the Maharishi attempted to rape her, she does say that after meditating alone with the guru in his cave, I became aware of two surprisingly male, hairy arms going around me. I panicked, and shot up the stairs, apologizing all the way. She was so freaked out she immediately packed and fled the ashram. Im not familiar enough with the Maharishi to know if this was a common practice. Reply brontebaxter said, August 30, 2010 at 1:17 am A book has just come out by one of the women (at the time a young girl) who Maharishi had an affair with. Her name is Judith Burquist, I believe (last name may be off, as Im writing this from memory). The title is


Robes of Silk, Feet of Clay, and a friend is sending me a copy this week. Judith leaves in Europe, and right now the book is only available by ordering it through her ($37 or something), but I imagine in time it will be available much less expensively on I knew about Judith through a friend who is friends with her, and shes been saying for years that she would write a book about what happened between her and Maharishi, but only after Maharishi died. He passed away a couple of years ago, and now the book is out. In to your comment, Im sure that those two male, hairy arms would have given Mia Farrow much more than a bear hug had she not packed up and left. There have been many stories over the years of Maharishis indiscretions, but this book thats come out is the first written testimony. I know the intimate details of how Maharishi attempted to seduce two different women, whom I know personally and were just young girls at the time. The guy was no saint. Boyd said, November 2, 2010 at 1:04 pm The movie Rosemarys baby was filmed in the Dakota Building were John Lennon was shot to death by Mark David Chapman (A Big Beatles Fan). It also appears that John Lennon knew the director Roman Polanski personally. Roman Polanskis wife Sharon Tate was Murdered by the Manson Family, when she was pregnant. Charles Manson has a connection to the Beatles via the song Helter Skelter, and had his own special interpretation of the song. Charles Mansons followers wrote Helter Skelter in blood when they killed Sharon Tate. mo said, April 18, 2008 at 9:22 pm how it connects with psychic realms and why it was important to Maharishi to pass this lie off to the world. The power of recitation of the name of a god in meditation is very real power indeed. It connects a person to trans-physical dimensions, where vital energy is siphoned off, eventually crippling and destroying the personality. Absolute rubbish! Mantra does not siphon off energy. Maharishi and other such gurus make the mistake of introducing people to mantra in a diluted fashion that is the reason why even being a teacher you are not able to even understand the mantra Eim or Hreem, never mind achieve anything of use with it. mantra meditation and the process of achieving siddhi through mantra takes a lot of effort and conscious understanding of the various facets symbolized by the mantras. It is not spiritual servitude and its effect will never manifest in people who think in those terms. Its a pity you wasted so many years and more a pity you personally initiated 350 people in 6 years. Reply



Bonnie said, April 18, 2008 at 11:20 pm Hi, Just linked to your article from Ickes site, and found fascinating because I have just asked the question to the universe and has been happening the answers are coming almost instantly. GO UNIVERSEand I am concerned about Echart Tolle. Opra has unleashed on the world it seems another unbelievable scam as awful as Dr. Phil, The man disturbs me. I was excited about the prospect of mass awakening to the infinite intelligence that is what I so love about my own awareness, so I bought the book and it was the worst book I have ever tried to get through. I only watched about 5 minutes of the program and have seen other exerpts from it and it was equally as bad. I had ordered a dvd from netflex and could only watch 2 minutes of it. Unbelievable!!! He sleeps on stage, and stares strangely and basically says the same things Deepak and Dyer and all the others say but is putting the audience in trance and then dispensing with their EGO and killing off the person in a very diabolical way. I feel its the most deceptive work in a long time, and people are falling for it in masses. YICKES!!! NOT the awakening I was hoping for. IF this is part of the NEW WORLD, Its very much the same with a hypnotic twist. Reply Karl said, April 19, 2008 at 12:26 am This is a home tape recording by John Lennon recorded in 1968 after the Beatles trip to Rishikesh,India. It was recorded before the idea of Sexy Sadie came upHowever in this song John is half-talking,half-singing about his impressions of his trip to India and of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi: The Beatles disillusionment with the Maharishi during their stay with him in India in 1968 involved allegations that Maharishi had sex with a visiting American student (Anthony, et al., 1987). [T]he Maharishi burst into the Beatles lives, offering salvation with a price tag of only fifteen [sic] minutes of devotion a day. It seemed too good to be true, Paul McCartney later quipped. I guess it was (Giuliano, 1989). The Beatles parted with Maharishi in 1969 with the public comment that he was addicted to cash (Klein and Klein, 1979). However, it is true that Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Mia Farrow all deny the alleged attempted rape story. Reply ptor said,


April 19, 2008 at 2:37 am Whether or not the rape thing is true or not, its besides the point and has nothing to do with the power of mantras and the vampiring of spiritual energies of those people weak enough to be entranced by a guru and/or religion. Thom has not refuted or even engaged in the main point of her essay in his schoolyard diatribe that is actually pointing in the direction of Tavistock directives and Project MKULTRA. It is rather obvious that she has no agenda and is not implying any mastership on her part. Besides, knocking down the guru is a universal step in any spiritual process to self empowerment and transcending the limitations of ANY particular belief system. I believe the point is we are all our own masters and must figure out what is best for ourselves in meditation, which is as simple as breathing. Her suggestions are essential in questioning the esoteric aspects of meditation and avoiding degenerative and dogmatic aspects of something as universal and simple as meditation. Keep questioning everything and authority and be your own Guru! i.e. go figure it out yourself Thom! P.S Check, it out.. Now the Pope is calling for obedience to the U.N. Same shit, different pile. Reply bill sigler said, April 19, 2008 at 2:50 am So glad to see you back and writing, Bronte Baxter! Your original expose was one of the most powerful things Ive ever read, and very important to my spiritual development. I cant wait to delve into your new blog, as you tackle the sacred cows udder by by delusional udder. Just another indication that the internet has kicked it up a notch offering an alternative to the discerning Reply CNN SUCKS said, April 19, 2008 at 2:54 am You want to know what really happened to the flower children of the 60s. Ill tell you. First one must understand that the so called peace movement and its very symbol for peace are simply another twisted version of a pentagram. The broken and inverted cross that morphed into a peace sign. The dope and free sex used to help opened the door that we cannot close. When the make the world a better place, make love not war, tent dwelling hippies moved on into the 70s, they started the ball rolling and became the greatest, biggest materialistic generation to date. Buying up all the giant houses, huge gas guzzling cars and anything to do with sex and drugs and violence, are the reason we have the failing and hopeless dumbed down braindead grandkids they now see before


them today. Seeing where the 60s lead us to where we are now, they know it is because of them not caring enough about the future generations that have now mutated into selfish , greedy , violent , blood loving lowlifes that rule the world today. Reply cHAd latimer said, April 19, 2008 at 4:48 am Give a flower to a stranger day July 18thvery simple, go out into the street and hand a random person a flower. Turn around and walk away or converse with them. not complicated PEACE. Reply cHAd latimer said, April 19, 2008 at 5:24 am Nice article by the way. Reminds me when i was 17 attending a Sant takar Singh initiation at a Radisson Hotel. Buddy and I were first approached by a couple of stiffs in expensive looking suits who greeted us by saying are you here to see the master ? San takar Singh was sitting in the center on a stack of puffy white pillows on a huge pedestal looking down at all of us. He preached for 8 hours straight in punjabi and distorted english. We were told not to look nowhere else but the center of his forward and that eventually we will begin to see him metamorph into different shapes and identities. It worked but i was sure if i did this with anybody, it would also work, and it has. Just a mind trick. He made us meditate for an hour after the initial 8 while chanting the names of 5 gods repetitively. Other lost souls during this session were breaking down and crying. Looking back at this i truly believe this was nothing more than mind control program. When i walked out of there my mind was really scrambled and fuzzy. Ill never forget the guys in the suits, they were completely washed. You could see it in their eyes and by the tone of their voices. Just thought id share this little story. Sorry if it might be a bit off topic. Peace. Reply Michelle said, April 19, 2008 at 12:10 pm I loved this article! Thank you. I think that if we allow ourselves to be lead by God, by love then we understand that no man can lead you to spiritual freedom. One must tap into their own being and focus in on love, compassion, kindness, peace and understanding for the all. First love yourself, and forgive yourself for whatever you feel you need forgiven. Prayer is powerful . Love is powerful. Be real about how you feel, get it out and move on. Be real with the pain felt, the anger created, But dont hold on to it, let it go and seek that which nurtures. we all have the


capacity to make this world a better place. It is a gift we all share, BUT we must choose, we must choose to love, to respect, to empower one another. We must have patience as well, cause everyone goes at their own pace. Maharishi doesnt sound honest, he didnt seem honest. That is definitely a requirement for leadership. Stop looking on the outside 100% and go within. You have all the answers. You too are powerful made in the mighty image of God! Youre powerful! Blessings. Reply Bill Lanphar said, April 19, 2008 at 12:27 pm Im Sorry but we will never do to a generation what LSD did to a generation and you will never change the minds of men Like LSD did. You can say what you want I havent triped in 20 years .. But nothing ever moved me like triping. We were different because we walked in a place of awareness without an ego to filter and mess with everything we precieved . The powers of this world demonized the Mind expanding drugs but mankind took a giant leap forward and the CIA and gov sponsored herion and cocane brought us back down to a place where they could control the situation again. Its the truth and I really dont care if its politically correct or not you all know what Im saying is true if you were there tripping on the edge of the grand cayon at sunrise .. We have Dick Chenney now and a chip for a president just what we deserve for giving up on the greatest movement that ever touched this Nation. Thats my 2 cents worth Reply Rob said, April 19, 2008 at 5:46 pm Ive been wondering where all the flower children went since about 1978, when I finally left my commune in the Sierras to return to straight life (straight meant middle class back then). Well, thats where a lot of us went! Whos to blame? Well, I guess I am too. The Movement just seemed to disintegrate. In my little corner of the world, it was first fractured when everyone divided into my guru is better than your guru camps. In San Francisco (where I moved to), hippies were replaced by yuppies, whose guru was Werner Erhardt of EST fame. Battered VW vans were replaced by brand-new BMWs, LSD by cocaine and it was all over. On the upside, 30 years later I have settled down in Cambodia and in retrospect, for me at least the intervening years have been years of ripening, so to speak, mistakes and all. As Michelle says, you have all the answers that means you, not me or the Maharishi. The closest thing I have to a guru remains Neem Karoli Baba (best known as Ram Das guru). Amongst the words of wisdom he gave me were these: Why are you asking me all these questions? Im just an old man. Im serious! Those words were like a cold shower on a hot day to me shocking and refreshing at the same time.


I met almost all the big name gurus of the era (Satchitananda, Yogi Bhajan, Swami Muktananda, Satya Sai Baba and a bunch of others) and taught meditation and hatha yoga and spent a year in India etc. etc. Wow! Come to think of it, I should be a guru by now! I could make a bundle! Seriously I think we got what we deserved our shallow, self-centered society got shallow, self-centered gurus. The downside of the Law of Attraction. Thanks to the David Icke Headlines page for referring me to this entertaining blog. Reply A Flower Child, nigh on 40 years hence said, April 19, 2008 at 5:51 pm Water falls and flows. When it falls, it flows freely, and takes with it what it finds in its flow. When it falls upon a pristine mountain top it flows clean and clear and fresh. When it falls in a city it flows everywhere, it makes no distinction between trees, flowers, dog piles and sewers. It falls and flows and transforms everything it finds in its path. It doesnt judge. It just moves along, sometimes clear and transparent and sometimes murky and dark with the elements dissolving away within it. I think that water might laugh with love as it listens to the E. coli pointing its finger at the nitrates and hissing Pollution! Contamination! as theyre swirled along together in eddies and whirlpools down splashing gutters or roaring streams. Water flows differently in a river or in rivulets down skyscrapers, in waves smashing against rocky coasts or in droplets from fresh clean leaves. By its very nature it adapts to the shape and energies of where it for a time has come to flow. Transforming all it touches, not judging or caring what particles it comes to hold within for a time. It just flows. And transforms. Peace. Reply gregory said, April 19, 2008 at 7:22 pm



i rode the same train, in the same era, and what a great, fabulous, concentrated learning experience it was, and is. i learned more about more stuff than in any other facet of my life. would not have missed it for the world. everything in life has come and gone, cities, jobs, relationships, houses, circumstances, but that door opened by meditation has never closed, and the room inside simply gets larger and larger and larger. let it out, if you have some pain around the tm thing, but keep going, the flow just keeps on opening. enjoy, gregory Reply AK said, April 20, 2008 at 9:57 pm What made the flower children possible was a set of social factors that clustered together that are not in the same cluster today: 1) A baby boom that generated a critical mass of young people right at the same time. 2) A big incentive to question and protest the Vietnam war because there was a draft in place. That lit a fire under lots of people. Today, theres no need to fear a draft. 3) The dollar had greater purchasing power than today and life was much more affordable. You could rent an apartment in San Francisco for very much less than today, having room-mates brought the costs down further, and one didnt have to work ultra long hours to pay rent, food,etc. 4) Students did not graduate with the sheer, crippling loan burdens as todayless debt bondage. 5) News coverage of the Vietnam war was much more openand frank. It was brought right into peoples living rooms. By contrast, the news today is dumbed down. We are no seeing footage of people being killed in Iraq and not seeing coverage night after night of coffins being unloaded from planes or wounded veterans being carried down in stretchers. A friend of mine who lived through those years and who was in France as well as the US said that it was different in Europethe student protest movements were not only based on emotion but also ideology. He said that in France he was asked what his philosophical stance was, and it wasnt enough for him to say he was an anarchist. He was asked, What kind of anarchism do you follow? As he put it, French youngsters assumed one had to have a solid intellectual foundation, and to have been able to think it throughtheir rebellion was not just based on emotionemotions come and go and are not a solid foundation for a lasting social change movement. My pal thought that was one of the reasons why things dissipated in the US much of the protest and flower child movement was emotion driven, and without a solid intellectual foundation.


People wanted to groove trip out and not be bothered by thinking things through. This climate of trust and gullibility made us very easy pickings for a multitude of charlatans. Joyce Collin Smith who was a very early English convert to Maharishi, noted in her book Call No Man Master, that MMY didnt start out in the UK by ministering to the emigre Hindusthey would have known exactly how to fact check his lineage claims in relation to Guru Dev. The internet was not yet available, but they could have written letters to family and friends back in India and made inquiries about MMY. But Westerners didnt know how to investigate lineage claims. It is noteworthy that in addition to MMY, Baba Muktananda made lineage claims that also turned out to be questionable and was most successful among Westerners, and that Rajneesh adroitly mastered the art of creating an entire, trippy scene that was highly attractive to Westernersand that utterly mortified his Indian neighbors in Pune. To this day I have met people from Pune who cringed in misery when I noted I had first heard of their city in connection with Rajneesh (whose followers are still propagating his stuff, only they now call him Osho to hide the history of it all) So the flower child/protest movement IMO was brought about by a combination of social factors that we do not have today. Reply gregory said, April 21, 2008 at 7:35 pm yeash, AK, but what caused the social factors? and what causes anything, including gurus and followers? if there is no real cause, just the play of time, how can anyone be blamed for anything? punished, ok, but no one is trying to do anything other than do what they can see to do, sont you think? Reply AK said, April 21, 2008 at 9:56 pm Social Psychology has a lot to say about what causes social factors that enhance risk that power will be abused. Social Psychologist Stanley Zimbardo did a Prison Experiment at Stanford University involving college students who were screened to exclude those with possible mental illness. The students were randomly assigned roles either as guards or as prisoners and were told that at any time they were free to leave. Butover time, everyone, whether in the part of guard or prisoner forgot they were free to leave. The guards got more nasty, the prisoners became more helpless and


submissive. Zimbardo himself forgot it was just an experiment. It was one of Zimbardos senior granduate students who saved the situation from getting worse and said it had to stop. She dropped by for a visit, was horrified, and told Professor Zimbardo things had gone too far. It was an outside visitors perspective, no special magic, just speaking truth to power and saying, This is cruelty, and it has to stop! that broke the trance of power abuse and brought the Stanford Prison Experiment to a prematureand necessary end. MMY, Werner Erhard, L Ron Hubbart, Gurdjieff and sundry other cult leaders ran social experiments that ran amok. No one was able to come in from the outside and say Stop! And there were no entities, no equvalent of the American Psychological Association (which has ethical guidelines for experiments) and no Academic Senate to which these people were answerable in any structured way. Reply PenName said, April 21, 2008 at 11:19 pm Great article. Never got into TM (too expensive and something inside said no). I totally agree that chanting mantras that are really worshipful phrases to dieties would indeed siphon energy off into that other dimension. I think much of religion is such and does the same thing. Icke gives me a headache but I do agree that the fundamental manipulation of this world is happening through the control of other-dimensional entities via political and religious and cultural channels. Tried to find book referenced above by Fairy (she noted a book by Matthew Deloozi called Is it me for a momentcan anyone help me find it?) I loved Tolles first book, but my intuition said NO to his second and to everything since. Bronte I just have to say that I have been also On alert about the whole Law of Attraction thing. The affirmation-based new agey, draw what you want to you with positive thinking philosophy is rife with a selfish spirituality where we all feel entitled to health, prosperity and happiness. By refusing to entertain anything negative, its adherents are whistling through the graveyard, refusing to see a world in shambles. This law of attraction stuff comes around often under different guises, via different channels, teachers and books and movements all the time. With adherents growing by the day, thousands of people working with its principles, our world keep getting sicker and sicker. Sure it works. I worked with laws of attraction visualizing positive outcomes, affirming them, etc. and made awesome things happen. However all of them turned to dust in the end and were far inferior to what came when I just let go and stopped trying to control and enforce my own agenda on the spiritual world.



Perhaps Law of Attraction may be just another form of sorcery which that other dimension will only happily oblige to put you in its debt and thrall. Reply Ed Largy said, April 22, 2008 at 4:19 am The entire scheme of the nwo people who desire to micro manage all the slaves in the world with the earths wealth is manufactured by the Tavistock Institute out of Suffox University, England. The PsyOps think tank is privately funded by the elite wealthy hiarchy who desire to psychologically or psychodelically manage the entire population. How do they do this? Conditioning, conditioning, and conditioning. We are now seeing the financial system being manipulated to increase the speed of this process as they are getting ready to globally govern via centralized government. The worlds nations are now being regionalized, e.g. the US, Mex., Canada is merged into the North American Union with the Amero to be the new money for all three countries by 2010. These regions are tied into the Euro with the United States of Europe. Psychology is a scam that has been used from Freud onwards to dope up the people into thinking they can change their behavior into a continuous improvement to achieve nirvana like utopia. All of these social systems are a scar by the hiarchy to manipulate the slaves of the world and take away their wealth. Sad but true. Reply brontebaxter said, April 22, 2008 at 5:06 am Very thoughtful post, PenName, and Id like to respond to what you say about practicing the Law of Attraction. It surely is utilized sometimes for selfish purposes, even destructive purposes. The Law of Attraction is a value-neutral law, like the Law of Gravity. If you hurl yourself off a building, the Law of Gravity will take you to your demise. But the fact that in the last year so many people have been finding out about the Law of Attraction (primarily through Oprahs show on The Secret), I find exciting and encouraging. The message of the Law of Attraction is personal empowerment, human empowerment, and thats a message it seems to me this world sorely needs. It undercuts the prevailing philosophy that so much isnt possible. That, of course, is the philosophy that makes us feel weak, helpless and therefore in need of more powerful entities who exist outside ourselves (primarily religious or spiritual entities) to manage things for us and to take the lead. Thats why we give our power away to gurus, to a gods, to ascended masters, channelers, etc. How much better to wake up to our own powers of knowledge, creation and selfdetermination, to discover that we can make things happen in the outer world by consciously focusing thought. Sure, there can be destructive consequences, but it is also dangerous learning to ride a bike or to paraglide. With time and experience, you figure


out whats good for you and what isnt. You found emptiness in the awesome things you say you made happen. Maybe you created selfish or non-harmonious realities, that werent good for you or others in the end. Those you would naturally regret. Ive created awesome things too but most of them still exist and have made my life better. I LOVE working the Law of Attraction, but I think through in advance what side effects or repercussions I could be creating. Then I add in elements to my wish that keep anyone from getting hurt. For instance, I may put, as a tag on an affirmation, with all good benefits for everyone whom my life touches. Since my life touches everything in creation ultimately (in the same way a ripple touches all the water in a pond), then all creation is protected and benefited by such an affirmation. Assuming it doesnt contain the contradiction of being a wish for something bad, but in that case, the tag on the end would cancel the wish itself out. The Law of Attraction can be used as easily to create a better world as to create selfish realities. We can, for instance, be envisioning the kind of world wed like every night before we fall asleep, letting our imaginations run with it and creating a world without sickness, where everyone is abundant, where the conspiracy has a died a natural death and all beings live in joy and harmony. What if everyone who knew about the conspiracy did that, every night? Wouldnt that start to shake reality as we know it? You write that it is selfish spirituality to feel entitled to health, prosperity and happiness. With this I completely disagree. We are all entitled to those things, why wouldnt we be? To assert otherwise is to say that sickness, poverty and sorrow were part of the original divine intention for this life. My heart cannot believe that. Ever since I was a little girl, Ive had moments of pure, uncaused joy, where I knew all beings were precious and filled with God and loved. Everything alive shined in such moments. Those seconds were charged with life, with the power and joy of life itself. That joy was the opposite of death, the opposite of lack altogether. It was all fullness. I think most of us have had such moments. THAT is what I think life is supposed to be like, and will be like, when we get over the illusion that control and truth are outside of us. Everything living from such a place is, was, I think, the original intention for this universe. Theres so much fantastic potential, just waiting to be discovered. So much universal fun to be had we havent even dreamed of yet. The Law of Attraction is a big part of actualizing that potential. It is the key that unlocks the door of experience that allows us to prove to ourselves that we can be captain of our own ship. When each person wakes up to the divine power within them, and wakes up as well to the beauty in everyone else, well all be creating realities that bless and benefit both ourselves and this world. I cant think what could be better. Bronte Reply PenName said, April 22, 2008 at 5:54 am



This way of thought has been around for at least 100 years. Louise Hay, Unity, Christian Science-related authorsThe Secret perhaps marketed it better. It pops up every few years in another guise, and will continue to. I dont know enough about spiritual realities to refute what you are saying. However I know enough to remain humble and not feel my own vision for what is right in the world or my life is truly the best outcome. BTW: I used the power for selfless things justice, social reform. Somehow I just feel there is a different way of truth other than affirmationism and also different from Hindu/Buddhist non-action. Ive read happiness books and power of positive thinking books, and Change your thinking change your world books, for over 35 years and it just doesnt stick with me. I have to constantly be reading them, bolstering myself with them in order to maintain the positive mind necessary to keep it up. I cant be alone judging by the thousands of books, articles, self-improvement seminars and happiness the power is within you gurus out there. Other people must need such constant immersion and bolstering as well. Rather than accept profound guilt and self-reproach for the constant slipping back into negativity, Im exporing new avenues on why and how the mind my mind is influenced and why it is negative to begin with, or drifts that way with inertia. It feel as though the mind is a dirty tool or at best a radio receiver that is bombarded by countless bad stations broadcasting out there. I do not wish to create my own station full of self-soothing BS, so much as to tune into the real station that I know must be somewhere. I have learned that the real station is not out there, not out in the spiritual world and its denizens, but rather deep within me. But it is not at the level of my thinking mind and its drivel whether that drivel be my imagined blessing for the world or my darkest fears. The eastern gurus had it partly right in that we need to clean the mind through meditation, but then they steered this into passivity and relinquishing of our power to them and their overlords on high. The western gurus of happy-think assure us the power is within us, but they have us use our greedy, filthy and value-cluttered minds to weild it. Those moments of the joy of life you had since you were a little girl, were they choreographed from a mental exercise or intention based in the law of attraction or did they spontaneously emerge from the fresh uncorrupted experience of you in the moment? I know the most profound spiritual experiences in my life were not the fruit of some exercise, desire or agenda of mine at that moment, but arose quite spontaneously and seem to be quite unduplicable by any mental intention or cause and effect attraction. Reply


Ruebin said, April 22, 2008 at 9:14 am Ive been meditating for 40 years since 1968. For 18 of those years I studied Zen under a zen roshi. It took me a long time to figure out what was really going on ALL of the sanctioned religions today here in the west have been infiltrated, and their purpose changed to actually divert people away from true liberation. It took me many years to finally figure this all out. This includes ALL religions here in the west, including Buddhism, and that covers Zen and Vipassana as well. Yes, there are some good people out there trying to teach this stuff, but the real movers and shakers in this new age eastern religion movement here in the U.S. are exactly like Bronte Baxter describes the Maharishi nothing more than very slick snake oil salesmen. Check out the zen apron that all of these supposed advanced zen masters wear to show the students just how spiritual they are these are nothing more than Masonic apron only a much more stripped down zen version! And yes in most zen sects here in the U.S., when you go into see the Roshi for a personal talk, you are required to prostrate down to this person when you first enter the room. Sadly, I see SO MANY unsuspecting people going into Buddhism these days, whether its Zen, Vipassana, Tibetan Buddhism, or some other form of it, and very rarely do ANY of these people do ANY homework about this before blindly joining one of these cults. They are so blinded by the seductive talk of enlightnment, entering the Dharma, ending all suffering and the cycles of birth and death here in this life the list goes on and on Ive found meditation to be real simple, and NOBODY needs a teacher to be taught any of this. For me it just boils down to learning to follow ones breath thats ALL! And I dont call it meditation anymore. I just refer to it as sitting quietly. And when one becomes quiet by sitting quietly, the rest will gradually come. Weve been too spoiled by quick fixes, fancy dharma centers that cost money to simply SIT in. If there really were such a person as the Buddha, I sometimes think that hed roll over in his grave if he could see what we have done here in America with his teachings! Reply Ruebin said, April 22, 2008 at 9:43 am One final comment Here is an excellent book that exposes this whole western zen myth for what it really is, and they also expose several well known American zen teachers as well. Zen at War, by Brian Victoria, who himself is a Zen Master. Heres a little bit from this book, if anybody is really interested in what is behind so much of this zen bluff and bluster that we see so many of todays supposed zen masters acting out. As the author himself questions what exactly IS this type of


enlightnment that these Japanese masters have brought over here to the west? And even the spokesperson for zen buddhism, the well known D.T. Suzuki questioned if these zen masters could have satori, kenso, etc but with absolutely no compassion. Read these two essays very carefully, because THIS is the real zen that we have imported over from Japan res=9905EED91F3EF932A25752C0A9659C8B63&sec=&spon= Reply brontebaxter said, April 22, 2008 at 10:21 am Ruebin, you express this very well, and Im very much in agreement. PenName, Im copying an excerpt below from a ten-lesson course I wrote in how to imaginate how to take control of ones thoughts and of ones life. This excerpt doesnt talk about how to imaginate, but how to eliminate the things that get in the way of it. This is copyrighted material to which I dont own the copyright, but anyone interested in purchasing the course can obtain it by writing to the college I wrote the course for: Health and Harmony Colleges in Australia, at Before the excerpt, a response to what you wrote. I think the reason we have to bolster ourselves to keep on utilizing the Law of Attraction is all the negative programming were saddled with that gets in the way of the new, empowering way of thinking. The negative habitual thinking spontaneously springs up and gets in the way, like weeds getting in the way of young new plants in a garden. The human mind is much like a radio receiver, picking up the frequencies and thoughts around it. Unhappy trans-dimensional entities sometimes influence us psychically, transmitting discouraging thoughts that we think are our own. They can take a momentary dip in our emotional equilibrium and exacerbate it by plying us with negative, subtle thoughts. I think we can get into a pretty routine low from that sort of thing, and once were down, its hard to break out of it. Ive had some first-hand experience with this. Depression runs in my family, and Ive always been susceptible to it. During a particularly difficult time, I sought help from a healer who suggested I make the following statement, out loud and with full attention, three times in a row several times a day: I happily disconnect myself from all energies, entities or programs that may be or are feeding upon me. Amazingly, out of everything I tried, thats what broke me out of the dark doldrums. I felt lighter and freer the first day I tried it. Once I got un-depressed, I stopped saying those words regularly, but I still use them or something similar when I feel I may be picking up negative influences psychically. I havent fallen into depression again, and its been a couple of years. Before that, I got depressed regularly. Excerpt from Imaginate Your Way to a Better Life by Bronte Baxter



The Deepest Part of You You have had some experience now in the practice of imaginating. So what exactly are you doing when you do this process? You are programming your subconscious mind with an idea, an image you want made manifest in the outer world. But why is it necessary to engage subconscious mind when you want to create a reality? If your conscious mind is part of universal mind (which of course it is), why do you have to get sub- to get down to business? Why cant a conscious intention be enough? If it were true that conscious mind can make intentions come true all by itself, affirmations would always work every time anyone used them. Every goal a person attempts to accomplish through diligent action in the world would also result in success. But we know that neither affirmations nor earnest effort always bear fruit. Why is that? The reason is that conscious thoughts are only what were thinking on the surface. Underneath is our real opinion, the opinion held by our subconscious mind. And that is what has the power to create reality. Which is more powerful in your own experience, a conscious fleeting thought that passes momentarily through your mind or an attitude you have carried with you for years? Which is more likely to influence your outer reality? The deeper, more established thought, of course. Its clear that if we want to better our lives and create reality through pure intention, we need to deal with this thing called the subconscious. Every time you think a thought repeatedly, or think a thought with great feeling or conviction, you are programming your subconscious mind. It doesnt matter if your thoughts are positive or negative, if they pass idly and routinely through your head or if you think them on purpose. Every time you think habitual or emotional thoughts, you are creating. You are building an attitude, a point of view, that is recorded in the deepest part of you. Such opinions become as much a part of who you are as your breathing. And like breathing, they arent noticed unless you make an effort to pay attention to them. Subconscious mind is not somebody elses mind, or some incomprehensible part of you that is severed from your personality. Subconscious mind and conscious mind are not two separate things but rather two levels of one mind: yours. When you think habitual thoughts or emotion-based thoughts, they turn into subconscious beliefs, and what the subconscious mind believes it naturally creates in the outer reality called your life. Your Life and How You Built It How do you turn a thought in your head into an exterior fact? Through a sequence. First you have a perception. If you persist in that thought, it becomes your opinion. The more you reflect on that opinion, the more of a habit it becomes, until it is an attitude. The more you think from the point of view of your attitude, the more automatic the


attitude becomes. In time, it is adopted as part of your personality, part of the definition of who you are. So a perception has turned into an opinion has turned into an attitude has turned into part of your personality at the deepest level, the subconscious level. Subconscious because even when you dont put your conscious attention on it, the attitude is an integral part of you, influencing everything you think and do. When a conscious thought or activity gets habitual enough that it is automatic, we say becomes subconscious. That means subconscious mind has taken over the conscious behavior and continues to generate it automatically, without our having to be aware of it. Think about your breathing again. What if you had to consciously think about breathing in order to take each breath? Youd spend all the day doing nothing but breathing because thered be no room in your conscious attention left over for anything else. The body knows this, so it makes breathing automatic, an activity supervised by the subconscious aspect of yourself. That frees up your conscious mind to take care of the business of the moment. Think about the beautiful posture exhibited by dancers. They walk about more erectly than most people because they have trained themselves that way. It began with a conscious thought reminding themselves to hold their bodies in a certain manner. But after standing and walking erectly long enough, the behavior became automatic, something performed by their subconscious mind. Trained dancers dont have to think to walk erectly, they just do it. The rest of us, for the most part, have to think about our posture if we want it to look that good. For us, its a conscious activity, not a subconscious one. The moment we withdraw our conscious awareness from the way we are standing and start to think of something else, we fall back into our habitual posture again. In the same way that standing erectly can be taken over by the subconscious mind if the thought to stand that way becomes habitual enough, so any thought takes root in subconscious mind if it we think it repeatedly. Another way thoughts root in the subconscious is if emotion attaches to them. The rate at which a subconscious impression is made is often directly proportional to the degree of emotion accompanying the perception. Consider, for example, a small child being suddenly frightened by a huge dog. No habitual thought is necessary to turn that sort of experience into a subconscious impression. From that moment on, from just a single experience, the childs subconscious mind will probably be programmed with a fear of large canines. The more the emotion involved, the less repetition is needed to turn a conscious thought into a subconscious one. The less emotion involved, the more repetition is required. All this illustrates how a perception or thought by the conscious mind turns into a subconscious impression or belief. Subconscious mind is the part of us responsible for creating realities in our outer world. What blueprint does it create from? The



impressions, beliefs and desires it receives from the conscious mind, through habitual thought or emotional thought. So heres how the cycle of creation goes, from the time you think a thought to the time it manifests in your life: Perception Opinion Attitude Subconscious Belief Outer Fact This is both good news and bad news. The bad news is that youre walking around with a lot of subconscious impressions you didnt intentionally mean to pick up, impressions which have created the thing you call your life. The good news is that you can eliminate subconscious impressions that create bad things in your life and replace them with impressions that generate good things and happiness instead. Weeding the Mind Garden All of us have been programming our subconscious minds through our habitual and emotional thinking since the day we were born. Its hard to know what all is buried there. Understanding the complexity of your subconscious mind by looking at whats in your conscious mind at any given moment is like trying to understand the programs that run your computer by reading the document youre typing on the screen in front of you. You dont get a very big picture. How do you know whats in your subconscious mind so you can eliminate what you dont want and replace it with what you want? By listening to the thoughts, just below your conscious awareness,that run through your head all day long. All those little whisperings, mumblings, grumblings. Often they sound something like This will never work I cant do this Im stuck it was a stupid dream anyway well, thats life. The more you try to attune yourself to your subliminal inner dialogue tapes some people call them the more aware youll become of this under-layer of thought. Youll observe it more often, more easily. What do you do when you detect self-sabotaging chatter? You replace it with a clear and positive statement that negates the words on the old tape and substitutes what you really want your subconscious mind to think about the subject. By developing the habit of doing this whenever you slip into negative thought, the self-destructive programming harbored in the deepest part of your personality will be eliminated, a little at a time. This principle of replacement happens to be at the heart of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, a psychotherapy that is used to cure all types of self-destructive thinking. Remarkably, studies show it to be as successful as drug therapy in restructuring the brain chemistry of people who suffer from major depression. This therapy works by identifying negative thoughts as they arise and replacing them with more constructive self-talk. Part of creating a better life for yourself and getting the things you want is eliminating the subconscious programs that are creating and maintaining bad things in your world. Imaginating is another part of the solution. But for imaginating to really take root, you


need to clean the weeds out of the soil of your subconsciousness. Do this by becoming aware of negative internal habitual chatter, and when you become aware of it, substitute what you were thinking with a clear statement that represents what you want to think. Sometimes just firmly stating the truth of the matter to yourself is all it takes. Sometimes that wont work and the negative thought will bounce right back into your head again. In that case, withdraw yourself from activity for a few moments, close your eyes, and repeat several times (mentally or out loud, but with focus) the replacement thought you want your subconscious mind to accept. That sows the new seed. An example makes this clearer. Suppose you catch yourself repeatedly thinking, I am never going to get over being impatient with my son. He just keeps pushing my buttons. You might construct, write down and mentally repeat the following replacement thought: I am naturally growing more patient with my son. Everyday I understand him better. The important thing here is to think (or say out loud) a clear and specific affirmative thought. If you dont go that far, and just say to yourself, Oh, theres that negative thought again, just the act of becoming aware of the destructive thought will somewhat reduce the intensity of your subconscious belief. But that is not nearly as effective or swift a way of rooting out negative programming as is inserting a substitution thought in the old ones place. Dont fight with yourself, try to block destructive thoughts, or get upset if the negative thoughts keep on recurring. They will for a while, just as weeds keep popping up in a garden even after you begin weeding regularly. But youll notice progressively fewer and fewer weeds, and with consistent attention to introducing substitute good thoughts when bad ones sprout up, the bad seeds will die out eventually and the new seeds will take over. Persistence pays off! If you combine imaginating morning and evening (more often if you prefer) with self-monitoring your thought patterns during your waking hours, you will in time eliminate all the self-sabotaging attitudes that hurt you and restrict your happiness. In their place, youll be creating wonderful new subconscious beliefs that will manifest as outer realities. Time Is on Your Side Imaginating works on the same principle as the self-programming youve been doing all your life. It impresses the subconscious mind, through repetition and emotion, with specific thoughts. Unlike your former self-programming, however, this intentional programming will result in life-supporting realities in the outer world, not distressing and damaging ones. Dont be discouraged if you have years of bad programming to root out. We all do. Fortunately, new self-programming takes far less time to establish than the old


programming did because we do it with focus and intentionality. In weeks or even days, youll start to see results. In a few months, youll see even more. Not only will you feel better psychologically, but bad things in your life will begin to disappear and the good things you want will start coming to you. Its all a matter of exercising a little self-regulation, or thought management, and some focused imagination we call imaginating. Stop all of the old mechanical negative inner talking and start a new positive and constructive inner speech from premises of fulfilled desire. Inner talking is the beginning, the sowing of the seeds of future action. To determine the action, you must consciously initiate and control your inner talking. Construct asentence which implies the fulfillment of your aim, such as I have a large, steady, dependable income, consistent with integrity and mutual benefit, or I am happily married, or I am wanted, I am contributing to the good of the world, and repeat such a sentence over and over until you are inwardly affected by it. Our inner speech represents in various ways the world we live in. ~ Neville Goddard Reply PenName said, April 23, 2008 at 12:04 am Ruebin said: ALL of the sanctioned religions today here in the west have been infiltrated, and their purpose changed to actually divert people away from true liberation. AMEN! I do believe that truth-tellers have come over the years, but by the second generation of disciples the message is warped infiltrated in each instance by the same layer of energy which will steer the prime truth of The kingdom is within you back to Seek power outside yourself and follow all these rules and get involved with a hierarchical system, accept all this fear and guilt, etc. The infiltration process is probably very easy for these guys by now, and is executed in perfunctory fashion time and again. All these traditions have a little bit of truth and something not quite right.. the something not quite right was implanted after the original transmission and is hard to wash out down the road. Thanks for the links on Zen, Ruebin. I look forward to investigating them. Bronte, you said: The human mind is much like a radio receiver, picking up the frequencies and thoughts around it. Unhappy trans-dimensional entities sometimes influence us psychically, transmitting discouraging thoughts that we think are our own. They can take a momentary dip in our emotional equilibrium and exacerbate it by plying us with



negative, subtle thoughts. I think we can get into a pretty routine low from that sort of thing, and once were down, its hard to break out of it. I agree 100% and that is the rub! I dont feel that affirmations and vigilance toward positive thinking is enough it is a good start and important, but somehow we need to clean the receiver, or bypass it altogether to get to the correct broadcasting station of our true selves. I think that these deceiving trans dimensional can fool us into thinking we are doing good, when we are still following their hidden directives. Many times I thought I was thinking and doing the selfless, giving, beneficial and positive thing in my spiritual life, only to find out later it got me deeper into a worse trap. These interdimensional beings dont come at us always with the obvious negative, depressive, fear-based thoughts they dress themselves up as sparkly good, happy, co-creator notions as well. Not reason enough to abandon positive-thought based visualization/feeling efforts, but reason enough to stay open, observant and very humble to other possibilities. We all have bad programming to root out but we are also affected by the signals from dynamic, intelligent energy beings who will change the game continually the bad programming is not always a static thing addressed with a static affirmation. The other tricky item is that the other side knows the rules better than we do while we are in this dimension. They have a higher ability to see past, future, our weaknesses, our karma, and we operate very blind. We are handicapped going in if we play on their dimension, which is the dimension we access partially by thoughts and dreams. Perhaps we can win if we bring the effort down to a dimension they cannot access the living human energy and spark of life within each one of us. Bring it back to our turf and get out of theirs. Reply brontebaxter said, April 23, 2008 at 6:46 am Pen Name, youre right on here on almost every point, in my opinion. I agree about the positive programming and the need to be vigilant. My blog entry yesterday Channeled Messages: Whos Really Talking? cites an example of just that sort of deception. As far as your remark that the bad programming is not always a static thing addressed with a static affirmation, I would respond that I think static affirmations are across the board pretty worthless. Use of affirmations alone is a dead-end trail, in my experience. The Law of Attraction stuff is so often dismissed as affirmations and its often explained very superficially. But if you delve into the subject of manifesting, theres a wealth of information available if you access the best sources. Nevilles book, The Law and the Promise does one of the best jobs Ive seen of explaining how to manifest. It is wholly unlike the superficial treatments of this subject Im seeing lots of places around the Internet. Bronte


Reply Rob said, April 25, 2008 at 12:13 pm Hello again, this blog remains one of the most refreshing and enlightening blogs Ive come across in a long time. Reubens entry said so elegantly everything Ive felt about western-style Zen. So thank you, Bronte, for starting a wonderful exchange. I had a very strange experience the other day that Ive recounted in my website: Coming on the heels of my reading and contributing to this blog, its timing couldnt have been better. Note: while my website is a .com Im not trying to sell anything. Later maybe, but not now. Id just like to share my flashback story with anyone whos interested Reply Rob said, April 25, 2008 at 12:23 pm This remains one of the most refreshing and enlightening discussions Ive read on the subject of gurus, cults, etc. in a long time. Reuben expresses the whole western-style Zen subject so elegantly. Thank you, Bronte, for opening the subject. A lot of us who have contributed to this blog lived during that magical era. Strangely, the day before yesterday I relived it again in a very weird way. Ive published it on my website, and my blog, if anyones interested in reading about it. Thanks again Rob Reply Rob said, April 25, 2008 at 1:06 pm So many of the comments on this blog have been so wonderfully refreshing, Id like to ask for comments on A Course in Miracles, if anyone has anything to offer. I recently went back to it after a long lapse and am having the same uncomfortable reaction I had before: as much as I cant argue with the text itself, I feel Im being told what to think and how to feel. For instance, the statement, my attack thoughts are attacking my invulnerability (lesson 26, I think). While its true that when one is caught up in an angry, reactive inner dialogue one loses their peace of mind, it also seems true that sometimes anger is an entirely appropriate response to a situation. Many of us woke up to what our gurus were trying to do to us when we heeded warning signals in our minds



in my case at least, those signals came in the form of anger. I hope Im not taking us off topic, but this has been on my mind for awhile. On mantras: yes, I agree about watching your breath and it reminds me of an amusing and enlightening (in the small e sense of the word) exchange I witnessed between Swamis Kriyananda and Muktananda back in about 1969. Paramahansa Yogananda (my guru) taught a technique where the meditator silently chanted hong on the incoming breath and sau on the outgoing, but Muktananda taught it exactly the opposite sau on the incoming, hong on the outgoing. The argument about which was the right way got almost heated, though both swamis managed to retain their benevolent , spitritual smiles throughout. Reply Bronte Baxter said, April 25, 2008 at 5:33 pm Hi Rob. Great comment. I think you find interesting the eight pages on A Course in Miracles that appear in a wonderful book called, The Guru Papers: Masks of Authoritarian Power, by Joel Kramer and Diana Alstad. Here is an excerpt: The Course operates through giving a lesson each day consisting of a statement to be repeated like an affirmation, mantra or prayer. It unabashedly states that the function of the lessons are first, the undoing of the way you see now, and next, the acquisition of true perception. These two steps undermining a persons framework for integration, and then programming in so-called truth are basic to all mind-control. We find absurd the idea that truth, true perception, or any kind of wisdom can be instilled first by inculcating self-mistrust and then programming the so-called truth through repetition. Bronte Reply Carole said, August 30, 2010 at 6:07 am I remember reading a Course in Miracle many years ago. I was enjoying it and using it as a meditation aid. I would read just one page and then go into meditation. As I recall there was a lot of talk at the beginning of the book about eliminating guilt and fear. I could certainly relate to those ideas. However, half way through the book the narration suddenly took a very intimidating and authoritarian tone. A tone that seemed designed to make you feel guilty. I stopped reading the book at that point. Something just didnt feel right. Reply I Can See Clearly Now the Rain Has Gone I Can See Clearly Now the Rain Has Gone said,


April 30, 2008 at 11:37 pm [...] I never thought about the New Age movement. Recently I have read some of the writings of Bronte Baxter, who writes a lot about Hindu religions and they have brought to mind new ideas about some New Age [...] Reply DAS said, May 3, 2008 at 5:55 am Thank you all for discussing this subject. I was a TMer for 11 years, and somehow felt disgusted by the whole money/corporate image that it encouraged. I was even accepted to MUM in Fairfield for the PhD program in Ayurveda. After being interviewed (interrogated) by a governer in order to enter the school, I never responded to such arrogance again. I simply walked away, and was quickly ostracized by my friends who also meditated with TM. Yesit is definitely a mind-control cultright up there with the Vril Society and the Nazis. Reply DancesWithBunnies said, May 7, 2008 at 8:28 am This conversation is so very pertinent to a whole host of people out here on the internet who are coming or have come to the same conclusion about much of the new age material and the imported eastern style religions.. thank you Rob, and Bronte. I need to get that book the Guru papers. Yes much of the new age appears to have some authentic material mixed with poison..and many of us have gone through material including ACIM (Gary Renards books and the new one Take Me To the Truth, Undoing the Ego by Nouk..and find something is not quite right.) I know we are all connected on a fundamental level..back in 1999 before i had ever delved into spirituality seriously i had a dream i which i asked a little girl if everyone in the dream was actually meshe said yes and if you think that is scary i awoke in terror. she was about to tell me that everyone in real life was really me as well. Which is why many of the Eastern Religion SEEM to fit in with what i experienced in my dream. ACIM is just western style advaita. I had heard Groeshel, a catholic priest , knew Helen Schucmann and wrote that she spent the last two years of her life in an almost psychotic depression.



I also am looking for information on new age groups as well as the major religions feeding some forces that keep us imprisoned., i deeply appreciate this blog. Thank you guys so very much! Bunny Reply brontebaxter said, May 7, 2008 at 9:04 am Regarding Bunnys comment Surely we are all one on a fundamental level, because everything that is made out of consciousness. That level of oneness is the reason harmony between all of us is a real possibility, and why love is a possibility. The problem is the way this truth is twisted by the manipulators to serve their agenda. They want us to give up our personal autonomy so they can be in control, and the argument they use to do that, in the Indian tradition, is that oneness is THE truth and individuality is an illusion. They want us to feel ignorant and toxic if we identify with and cherish our uniqueness. But spiritual empowerment actually involves embracing both aspects of our nature functioning from the level of Basecamp (the Infinite) but inside the embraced perimeters of our personhood. Bronte Reply hiarchy of us government said, May 10, 2008 at 8:20 am [...] They and their kids are the ones running the government and denying us of today the rights Hierarchy of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles,File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat View as [...] Reply Lisa Charity said, May 14, 2008 at 7:35 am wow, interesting stuff written on here! I was a child hippy doing LSD by age 13. It definitely expanded my mind and influenced my art. But I dont see meditation being the answer to anything. I do pray and I have come to the conclusion the world will be what it is. You cant change the world, only yourself. But the evil forces running this show are making it difficult to be yourself. They want you to be what they say you have to beThose in the know can relate to what Im talking about. We will see this world fall apart at the seams. Its being destroyed as I type.Even a revolution couldnt stop it now.Its like a freight train out of control. What can we do..nothing. Wait and see.I


dont think we have to wait much longer to see the results of this chaos spiraling out of control. BTW they have our implant chips ready.Just dont accept it.Even if it means death. Then you will see truth. And the true messiah..he was called Jesus when he was here before. He will be called your Majesty when he returns to put an end to the evil bastards thinking they are in control of the universe.~peace~dont hate the messengerBTW im still a hippy, just a truly enlightened one and it has nothing to do with organized religion.They polluted God. Reply brontebaxter said, May 14, 2008 at 9:33 am Mmm, I dont agree with you there, Lisa, about the Jesus part. Or about our ability to do nothing. Its doing nothing that has led to this state of affairs. No one is going to save us, as the whole saving mindset is the problem. There are multiple groups of beings vying for control of human consciousness, but they all have the same agenda: using mankinds energy to make themselves more powerful. The true God does not want to be called Majesty and doesnt require human worship. Only insecure gods who rely on others life force need that. Bronte Reply C. said, May 14, 2008 at 10:29 am as the whole saving mindset is the problem... Exactly, its time we mature and realize we are the ones we have been waiting for. No more waiting for metaphorical Mom and Dad to correct our mistakes and make it all better. Thats what we did for two thousand yearsit doesnt work! It just got infected! The definition of stupidity? Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Its time to stop the blame game, stop picking at where things went wrong and start looking at how to dig ourselves out of this hole. Im not saying we should not be aware of the errors though. Claiming our own power of choice based on experience, is what defines humans differently than animals. Some would even call that divinity. We can turn this seeming world destruction into a world transformation. But we have to take action God helps those who help themselves. That much is clear. Reply Lisa Charity said,



May 15, 2008 at 12:49 pm well see about that, garunteed. The collective mind is god.But its not happening with these people on the earth. Try explaining that to your neighbor or a stranger at the grocery storeIts personal. Point blank Reply Lisa Charity said, May 15, 2008 at 12:58 pm and thats what we did for 2 thousand years maybe you should count back a lil farther. Its been around since man started worshipping God,way before Jesus. He was the last incarnate of God. Guess you better get digging deeper and deeper. Maybe youll hit China. I suppose you all think the implant chip to survive in this world happened by chance.Id really like to see someone stop the illuminati and yes they are real.Not what they claim to be..worse. And sorry they control the world,but not my mind. And no implant in this body,EVER Reply Lisa Charity said, May 15, 2008 at 1:08 pm My point is basically no one is collectively going to do anything.. Just try or explain to me how that can or will happen. People will never agree on anything..a few here a few there..not happening. Reality sucks people. So live in your dream and be happy. Thats about the most you can expect till the shit hits the fan. Take it up with the worlds leaders who could care less about what you or I think. They have thier own agenda. Its definetly wrong. But those with the most power and money in this world call the shots.. truth..for now so thats all I have to say about it. ~peace~

Williams said, December 4, 2008 at 2:57 am Remarkable writing, the words fill my heart with truth and empowerment. I am a writer on the subject too. I feel for every word being said as it explains perfectly what I have always felt inside. The only question I have, is where can I find this book when it becomes published? Please someone notify me or email me. Any information would be appreciated with my sincere gratitude.



BRONTES RESPONSE: Thanks, Williams. Its heartening to get this response from readers. And it makes sense people should have it, because if somethings true, many different individuals should be arriving at a perception of it independently of one another. Im interested in hearing from such people. Ive put your email address on a notification list for the book. Other readers are welcome to write to me at and ask to be put on the list as well. I will also announce the books availability on this blog site when Whistle is finished. Reply Kathy Terry said, April 7, 2010 at 8:42 pm Bronte, I stumbled onto your website last week. Your assertions are shockingly enlightening and worth pondering. I will write more later, but for today I want to share another perspective of the baby boomers that I read this morning and suggest that there is a link between these two threads. Kath a former TM enthusiast-turned WCG member-now happily free of both! Reply Ulla de Mora said, November 20, 2010 at 6:59 pm I must be doing something right regarding the Law of Attraction to have found this conversation above, even though it appears I am two years behind everyone here. Thank you, Bronte, for sorting through these complex issues and showing the way out of the confusion. TM was for me only a brief encounter with cultlike organized take-over of my mind- I never liked the vibe of shreem. But despite stopping TM at an early stage my life at that point went out of my control and I am now, thirty years later, actively and consciously emerging from those ruins. The energy flows where the focus goes is now my motto, and accepting full responsibility for whatever happens to me. Yes, the subconscious mind does need weeding and cultivating, and all of our creativity can only bloom once we understand that our reality begins in our thought processes, and subsequent decisions. Knowing this, obviously the big shot controllers want to collect adherents to increase



the power of their own minds. But their lack of conscience ultimately will become their downfall. Man was not created to become someone elses robot. There may be no greater obstacle to the planned hijacking scenario of earth than individuals taking back their own minds and defining their own vision of utopia. If I want to meditate, and use a mantra, it will be this: Oh, God increase Thou my wonderment at Thee! Reply brontebaxter said, November 21, 2010 at 3:27 am Ulla, I like everything you said here until the last part. Sounds too much like worship to me. The true God does not seek worship only those who think they must feed on the energy of humans to survive seek that (the so-called gods). (If you read further in the Blowing the Whistle article series, youll find the case for that argument.) Seems to me there is enough wonder in the world (and in our minds) already. We neednt ask God for more. Rather, lets summon within ourselves the courage to face all thats truly wrong with this world, and the wisdom and strength to repair it. Wonderment (to me) equates with whitewashing everything troubling as Gods will. Bronte Reply Clare said, February 6, 2011 at 4:04 am Thank you Bronte. Much of what you have written resonates with me.. I think that any ritual involving worship of any kind is not a good thing. You are the power and your intention is all there is. I have tried this form of meditation and it just did not feel right. There was something about it that made me feel uneasy so I decided not to continue. Maybe while we are busy looking within, the negative powers-that-be are stealing from our (emotional and physical) wallets . Reply Ethyl Tomasek said, April 15, 2011 at 12:18 am Hi there, Youve done an incredible job. Ill definitely digg it and personally recommend to my friends. I am confident they will be benefited from this website.


Reply Reply Karen Mattern said, September 14, 2011 at 3:05 pm Bronte, you wrote: Rather, lets summon within ourselves the courage to face all thats truly wrong with this world, and the wisdom and strength to repair it. When I think of the Flower Children (I was perceived to be one at the time), and where they have gone, I reflect that most of them were formed by a Judeo-Christian worldview in which there is a right and a wrong. We wanted to right the many wrongs we saw around us and we were passionate about it, until as you and everyone else points out things changed. Some people seemed to get caught in political rhetoric (but without effective action), others got caught in drugs or other forms of escapism, some went back to school and/or got jobs and moved into a higher socio-economic bracket (and many went overboard in playing rich kids to the detriment of society as a whole), and some went spiritual. Im not a proponent of religion at this point in my life, although I was earlier, but in my many years and travels in spiritual/religious/cult circles Ive seen that people often dont understand whats going on, whats best for them, and they make mistakes which they later regret. But nobody made them do it they did it themselves gave all their money to the guru, or whatever. The religionists are just doing what they do. Some of them may be crooked or misguided themselves, but its still up to individuals to make their own choices and decisions. Ive only been involved with one guru, and that guru has never asked me to do anything I felt I couldnt do. That person helped me during a difficult period, and now Im free to come or go, no strings attached. When I needed help, I had a closer relationship during that period, got the help, said thanks and moved on. Now I just do what I want to do, get involved as much as I want and nothing more. But I already had a lot of spiritual experience before meeting the guru, had studied Jungian approaches to spiritual growth and understand the nature and power of symbols. The reality they represent. For example, for me, repeating names of Gods only means repeating names of qualities. For me there is only the Infinite, but that infinite has qualities, just as I , as an individual being have qualities. The Sufi teacher Hazrat Inayat Khan helped me to understand that while I may lose the sense of alienation that we think of as us the ego, i dont lose my ego but only transform it, or my experience of it, in the process of spiritual growth. Like many here on this site, for me sitting quietly has been the greatest practice. Adding names of qualities and attention to the breath and to sound has only added to that practice and is optional. Turning inward and tuning to the Infinite within myself has always been the main practice. Id like to think that there is an opportunity today to reconnect with genuine spirituality without the lashings of religion, and an option to take what is beautiful and true from religious traditions without having to subscribe to them in their organized forms. But I think it will be difficult to do that, as they all trail such lengthy histories and traditions behind them. But back to the Flower Children maybe we were in reaction to our Judeo-Christian upbringings and cultural backgrounds, but we were still acting out of that place of righteous indignation and we may have lost that energy and belief in our own righteousness when we stepped out of that tradition. Boomers are often accused of being very self-righteous people but now its all dedicated to relative



trivialities, like sprouted bread versus non-sprouted, the best sound systems, and so forth. Lost the fire of a righteousness based in compassion and caring about ethics. Reply Blowing the Whistle, Chpt. 3: Where Have All the Flower Children Gone? Part Two This is the third chapter in an online book, Blowing the Whistle on Enlightenment: Confessions of a New Age Heretic, by Bronte Baxter.

The hippies were an aware generation, on the edge of discovering and achieving remarkable things. Spiritual growth divorced from restrictive religion. A government accountable to the people. Wars that couldnt happen because kids wouldnt serve in them. The questioning of authority. Noncompliance with idiocy. Community empowerment through back-to-the-land living and support of local trades and local commerce, breaking the growing stranglehold of Big Business. The flower children challenged all the assumptions: spiritual, political, social, economic. They asked the big questions and were willing to go to jail for their principles. The hippies knew something was wrong with the world, and even tried to name it: the Establishment, the System. They were so close to the truth that they had to be stopped. Since they couldnt be stopped, they had to be diverted. The hippie movement was poisoned from within. Drugs, thrills and depersonalized sex ate away at flower-power vision and resolve. Heads were clouded by pot and heavy metal. Icons announced that getting the latest kick was the way to personal freedom. Drugs werent bad the Establishment only said that to stop our having fun. Drugs would set our mind free. Multi-partnered sex would set our soul free. The focus turned from activism to pleasure, thrills that never satisfied. We grew bloated with decadence, and longed for a way out. We wanted to be spiritual, but didnt believe in Jesus. We lost our self-confidence, mourned our lost innocence. If only someone would show us the way back to feeling wonderful again. Thats where Maharishi found us in the 1960s and 70s when he made his trips to America. He tossed life vests into our turbulent sea. We followed his voice and made it to the shore. Wed be forever grateful. The hippies could not be allowed to grow into adults and assume responsible places in society. Not without being purged. Our enemies corrupted us, and then we begged for purging. One of their own, Maharishi obliged us. He taught TM to take our stress away. We gladly gave it to him. But stress, our cares, were attached to our souls. When TM took them away, it took part of us with it. Instead of working our problems through and becoming integrated, we gave them to a mantra, the hypnotic song that transported them, with pieces of our personality, into another dimension. Is it a stretch to allege that the death of the hippie movement was intentional? A form of cultural genocide? The Establishment lost its critics once the hippies were assimilated. Gone


were the voices crying foul! and fraud! The Establishment and the agenda that drives it wanted the hippie movement killed. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi was their henchman. Transcendental Meditation diverted the hippies to changing the system from within. We were taught to respect authority, and teacher/initiators were ordered to wear the Establishments suit-and-tie uniform. Maharishi said wed been wrong in our rebellion, and because he had saved us, we believed it. How could a man who lifted us from our lost lives of drugs and hedonism not be telling the truth? We never questioned the man for a minute. Was it coincidental, the sheepifying of the flower children? Look what the gods got out of it, those psychic off-world entities the mantras carried our worship to. The hippies were too conscious to fall for the Christian religion. It seemed juvenile to us, the idea that God needed blood sacrifice, the blood of his son no less, to be satisfied with sinful mankind. We didnt see ourselves as sinners, and even if we were, why would a loving Gods solution to sin be stringing someone up on a cross? Nope, it didnt compute. And so a whole generation was moving into adulthood refusing to pay toll to the divine. No prayer would come from the hippies. No aroma of worship would waft up to the heavens, full of human emotion and energy. No helpless cries for forgiveness from the flower kids. The psychic vampires were hungry, and they knew things were going to get worse. Someone had to convert our generation into dinner-producing devotees, energy batteries for the divine plan. The only way to pull that off was to give religion in the West a major facelift. So Maharishi took Eastern religion and brought it to the West disguised as a relaxation technique. He taught it to the hippies, saying the mantras (which are names of gods) were meaningless life-supporting sounds. (See Where Have All the Flower Children Gone? Part One for a discussion of this deception.) His strategy worked. We fell for it. By the time we learned we were worshipping gods and had taught six-million people to do the same, we were so deeply mired in the teachings we barely batted a blink. It was easy to just go along: so much of our will had already been surrendered to our guru and what he stood for. I find it ironic that we who smirked at the silly idea of a decent God wanting blood sacrifice wound up sacrificing something every bit as precious as blood on the altar of gods no more decent than Jehovah. That something was our life force, contained in our consciousness. We gave ourselves away piece by piece, breath by breath, meditation by meditation, our minds lulled and soothed by a mantra, while Indra, king of the gods, drank and distributed our Soma to his clan. But Ill get to that in a minute. The final goal of meditation is to become a vessel for the divine, a conduit of the Infinite. Your consciousness merges with the mantra, and you become one with the word. Your body, mind, will, desires all get surrendered to the That. You become a pure vessel of divine will. The detachment you experience is called witnessing. You no longer recognize yourself as the doer. You observe your thoughts and actions as separate they happen independently, disconnected from your conscious will or control. Someone else, God, is doing them.



Does that sound terrifying? Not to TMers. Theyre taught dogmas that make this scenario equate with achieving the ultimate purpose of life. Its called liberation, enlightenment. Of course, from the gods perspective, thats exactly what enlightenment is: complete possession of the human personality: purpose of life achieved. Why People Still Meditate If Transcendental Meditation is as debilitating as Ive made it out to be (see Part One of this two-part article for a discussion of the effects of TM), why is anyone still doing it? I think there are two answers, as there are two types of meditators who could answer this question. The first group is people who only went as far as learning the initial technique, the 20-minutes-twice-a-day routine. Many of them still happily meditate several times a week, and still claim benefits. I have a friend like this who has practiced beginner TM for years. She changed her mantra to a word she made up when she learned that mantras are names of Hindu gods. She reports she continues to get the same good results, a calm centeredness when she meditates and a rejuvenated feeling as she goes about her day. On days she doesnt meditate, she misses this. The second group that continues to meditate are people who went deeply into the teachings, learned advanced techniques and the TM-Siddhi Program, and typically became teachers. While its hard to tell how many have left this group, its clear that at least several thousand still belong, judging by the TM community in Fairfield, Iowa where dyed-in-thewool meditators came together to live, at Maharishis behest, in the 1980s and continue meditating together to this day. From my experience, observing many old friends and acquaintances, veteran advanced TMers (and those who have switched to other gurus but continue to meditate) are, as a group, troubled in a host of ways. Some developed health problems at an early age. Some exhibit bizarre emotional reactions and personality or psychological disorders. Others, who claim theyre now enlightened, see themselves as superior to their fellows. One woman reports its a drag for her to shop these days because her dharshan (aura) is so compelling that other people helplessly follow her about, seeking her advice and attention. This person compared the rank-and-file meditators of Fairfield to beggars whom she must limit contact with in order to protect her high-grade spiritual experiences. Why do the veterans hang on? Not counting those on an ego trip, the reason seems to be because things in the beginning were so good. People talk about how great it felt in the early days, before they learned advanced techniques or the TM-Siddhis. Many cite how TM got them off drugs. One man who lived on the outer edge of Maharishis inner circle for years recounts how his mother was cured of suicidal and schizophrenic tendencies when he (the son) asked Maharishi for help. How do we explain this, cures and reprieves from drugs, if TM is bad for you? The answer lies in some subtle understandings. First, Maharishi was a powerful man, as alleged in Part One of this article, a procurer for the gods. The powerful typically reward faithful servants, so its reasonable Maharishi would be rewarded by the gods with some special abilities. In the same vein, its no surprise that Maharishi would reward his own higher-ranking disciples. Does the fact that he healed the


mother of one of his staff prove Maharishis work was intended to bless mankind? No more than a hunter giving a bone to his dog proves that the hunter is too kind to kill animals. Second, lets look at the contention of many ex-hippies that TM got them off drugs. This is undeniably the case. Maharishis movement required that new initiates had to be clean for 14 days before they could be initiated. We were told that if we cheated and took drugs in the meantime, the chemicals in our system would keep the meditation from working. Once we started the practice, we were told that if we returned to drugs, all would be spoiled. We liked the high from TM better than drugs, so we gave up drugs in its favor. Thats how Maharishi saved us from drugs. Not really a very big miracle. I dont deny that the beginners TM technique, as taught to new meditators, produces some positive results. It settles down the mental chatter, bringing the mind to stillness. I believe experiencing that stillness is very beneficial. I also believe consciousness is the stuff of creation, that dipping in its waters refreshes, heals, clarifies and energizes. This is why TM feels great in the beginning and produces a sense of peace plus tangible life improvements. Its later that the problems begin, with advanced techniques and the siddhi course. Why? Because as the initiate progresses, the toll he must pay to the gods for the privilege of spiritual experience increases. In the beginning, he was reciting the name of a god for 40 minutes a day. After advanced techniques and the siddhis, hes reciting the name of the god along with the words I bow down, and the 40 minutes has grown to 3 hours. Besides that, hes reading hymns to the gods for 20 minutes daily and listening to chanted hymns on audiotape at night as he falls asleep. How do all these god-focused extras change the meditation experience? The mind is now deflected from experiencing pure consciousness in meditation. Advanced techniques inhibit that because the mind is too busy putting out for its deity, the god of the mantra, too busy bowing down to That. The gods harvest human consciousness, a source and storehouse of energy. Our life force becomes their food, and they receive it through the worship of advanced meditation. Maharishi himself taught this, although he put a spin on it to make this seem like a good thing. He told us that the hymns we read generate Soma in the body, which the gods rightfully take from us during the hymn reading. Soma he defined as a substance, part physical/ part ethereal, that is produced in the body during meditation. He said this is what the Greeks meant by ambrosia and nectar of the gods. It is the duty of mankind to provide the gods with Soma, in return for which well be blessed with enlightenment and good fortune. Rig Vedas Ninth Mandala is called Soma Mandala in India. One oftrepeated line is, Flow Soma, for Indra to drink. Indra is king of the gods, and we recited such lines to him many times a day. Its when you reach this stage of meditation that the good effects wane and the problems usually begin, things like chronic health issues, depression, irritability, arrogance, difficulty focusing, difficulty working. Meditators are told theyre just unstressing, ridding themselves of the impurities in their consciousness, that in time the good feelings will be back again. In the flying hall during group meditation when I was a meditator, over half the people would typically fall asleep. Yet our routine provided plenty of time for sleep. Rest was built


into our schedules. I suggest that advanced meditators sleep so much because of all the life force being depleted through the Soma mandala and through the increasingly worshipful nature of the mantras. In case any meditators were squeamish about the god thing, Maharishi reassured us that gods are not real entities in the sense we humans think of them. Rather, they are impulses of creative intelligence, laws of nature that exists within ourselves and that were merely activating. There was never talk of energy depletion. Always it was represented that giving the gift of Soma to the gods was an honor and duty for humans and something of great benefit to us personally. Our lives were so entwined with the TM movement by then that most people didnt question this, in spite of all the problems we were having. We wanted so badly to believe Maharishi. The bottom line is, TM changes as you do it. In time the initial good results turn into a curse. An allegory helps explain how this happens, and why it is so hard to break free. (A copy of the allegory appears at the bottom of this article). Breaking the Charmed Sleep There are thousands still asleep on the cosmic beach, the victims of Maharishi and other masters who teach that the ocean of pure consciousness cannot be accessed without a guru or mantra, without their sacred teachings. Disciples pay a high price, less in dollars than in the loss of personal autonomy. The authoritarianism of the master/disciple relationship, coupled with the stripping of the ego, work to create the surrender to the One that Eastern religions taut as the great goal. Gone is self-trust and independence. People become mouth-pieces of the masters they serve. Like the nuns and monks on Maharishis Thousand-Headed-Mother-Divine and Thousand-Headed-Purusha programs, meditators whove gotten in deep turn into another head of the cosmic beast, the monster that calls itself deity and devours within its maw all that will bow down. Mantra meditation not only turns people into batteries for the gods. It makes us an extension of the gods and their will. Under the guise of getting disciples to surrender to higher consciousness, gurus get their flock to surrender to the deities their mantras name and serve. Rather than becoming an embodiment of the Infinite, the advanced meditator comes to embody the entity whose name he surrenders his mind to several hours a day. His eyes become cosmic, his charisma irresistible. He is a vessel of that to which he has given himself. Like a tuning fork that hums the pitch of the ringing fork beside it, the enlightened entrain to the will of the beings they serve. Through them, divine will flows into the world, unimpeded by the thoughts, will or desires of the meditator, which have long since been sacrificed. In time TM declined in popularity, as many disciples woke up and exited the movement. In Maharishis wake, other procurers for the god realm arrived on the Western enlightenment scene, writing books and riding the cosmic circuit. They converted the disillusioned and reinitiated them back into the racket, which they represented as (through them) reformed. Fairfield is awash with thousands of people who extracted themselves from the clutches of Maharishi only to march into the embrace of gurus who are even more blatant and aggressive in extracting their personhood.


The new gurus achieve this miracle by explaining that there are good gurus and bad ones, true masters and false. If you had a bad experience, it means you just had a false guru, an unfortunate experience from which you can only recover by finding a true guru. The breed of gurus who flowed into the West as TMs heyday waned serve up new promises, attractive new personalities, and teachings tweaked to correct the Indian dogmas that had started bothering people. Just as TM renovated religion so those who could see through Christianity would accept its more palatable teachings, the new schools of Indianism make over the obvious inconsistencies and scandals of TM, while operating from the same fundamental lies. The lie that you need a master to find yourself. That your guru is divine and you are ignorant. That obedience to the teacher is the door to Truth. That youre not pure until you surrender your personhood to the One. That attachment to people, desires, or things is a mark of ignorance, but attachment to the guru bestows eternal life. The good news is, while many continue going around in circles, increasingly more are kicking the habit. Old hippies are dusting off their old ideals and ideas. Were evaluating the detour we took and learning from it, ready to go forward rather than ride forever on the godand-guru merry-go-round, losing more of ourselves over time. Conspiracy is not a far-fetched concept to reviving hippies. Its what we sensed but didnt have a word for back in the 60s and 70s. The lid is off the truth again, and people are whispering. Were talking about it, old hippies and younger men and women of independent thought and quickening awareness. People are spinning words into a freedom-web, an anarchical Internet, spanning the globe. Through posts and blogs, forums and emails, were sharing truth as we find it: fact by fact, experience by experience, thought by thought, website by website. The freedom-web is spinning not only on the Internet but in kitchens and coffee shops, on sidewalks and hiking trails, in bars and lunchrooms, across the world. As it grows, this buzz we spin will catch every liar it touches. Those who feed off human consciousness and all who serve them surely will be brought down. Not in blood and hatred, but in a new consciousness, an empowered human freedom, that does not tolerate consigning ones individuality to others or being told by self-serving tyrants what to think and do. Oz is not really the fierce head spouting thunder and smoke. Hes the pudgy man hiding behind the screen, frantically working silly buttons and levers. Once we pull back the curtain and reveal him, the game is up. Until then, expect him to thunder like never before. Hes desperate now and shaking in his boots. He knows we are so close to the unveiling. Bronte Baxter 2008 The Untold Cost of the Cosmic Toll-Road (An Allegory by Bronte Baxter) Suppose you want to go visit the ocean, only you know of no road that goes there. One day you find one. Its owned by a man who tells you youre free to use his road anytime you like. He seems like a real nice fellow. After you use his road a few times, though, you learn hes been stealing a dollar from your pocket every time you pass by. You dont mention this, as it


seems a small price to pay for the use of the road. Or maybe you do mention it, and he tells you thats his toll-road charge. He took it without saying for your own good, because if you knew you had to pay you might have backed out of your first excursion and never would have had that wonderful experience. Now that youve been there, hes sure you wont mind paying the dollar. This explanation seems a little off, but you buy it. After all, what really matters is the great time youre having at the beach. After a while, the man announces hes raising the toll. Now it will cost you five dollars every time you pass. You go to the beach every weekend, and its great, but the price for using the toll-road keeps getting higher. Its very expensive now, hundreds of dollars a week. You inquire again if there are other roads that will take you to the sea, free ones maybe, but the man and your friends who use the road tell you this route is the only one . So you keep going there and paying. But after a while, the beach isnt such fun anymore. Youve taken a second job to support the toll-road, and by the time you get to the sea you have no energy left for anything but a nap. You only go into the water on rare occasions. While youre sleeping on the beach, goons who work for the toll-guy patrol the premises, picking the pockets of the sleeping sunbathers. You hear rumors among the crowd that someone is robbing people, but you dont believe it. True, youre missing some money, but youre sure you left it at home and only thought you had it with you. The fact that this starts happening every weekend doesnt disturb you. Youve been so spacey and foggy-headed lately you cant expect yourself to remember if you had your money when you got to the beach or not. All that matters is the sun and the sand feel so good. Youre so tired, and they are so soothing. Youve forgotten about boating and swimming, picnicking and flying kites in the wind, all the things you used to enjoy in the early days when you would come to the oceanside, back when it was practically free. All that matters now is how good it feels to get to the beach and fall asleep. Yours cares dissolve away. You dont think you could live without it. One day you wake up from a beach nap to see a couple of people flying kites on the sand, in between all the snoring bodies. A couple more people are playing in the surf. It looks fun, and you call out and ask them, where do they get so much energy? They yell back that theyve found a free road that takes them to the ocean and they dont have to work to pay the toll-guy anymore. In fact, coming to the ocean energizes them now, the way it used to do back when the toll-road only cost a dollar or two. You say, thats impossible. Everyone knows this toll-road is the only route to the beach. No, say the others, the toll-guy lied to us. This free road has been there all along. Its even older than the toll-road. In fact, its not even the only free road that will take you here. There are plenty of them. They just take a little work to find, and then youre on your way. You hear this, and you start to get mad. Who are these guys, coming in here telling you nonsense like that, and saying bad things about the toll-guy? If it werent for him and his generosity, letting you use the toll-road, your life would be empty. You never would have found the beach. You are eternally indebted to the toll-road guy for that. You wonder why these kite-flyers and swimmers are lying, telling you all the money youve spent on the toll-road all these years was a waste. You simply cant accept that. It would mean youve been a fool, and you wont let anyone make you look like one. No, they must be


lying. Theyre just here to make trouble. You lay back down in the sand, tune out everything you just heard, and fall back into the welcome numbness of sleep. Bronte Baxter 2008 CLICK HERE TO GO TO THIS BLOGS HOME PAGE (TO VIEW ALL BLOGS AND ARTICLES BY BRONTE BAXTER). Anyone may republish this article on another website as long as they include the copyright and a back link to this site. 16 Reply Brian said, May 2, 2008 at 8:46 pm Oooooooooh, How sweet it is! Thanks for reminding me about Gleason. He was a guy who had a great exuberance for life. Or I should say has. In an interview with him he said that death is just a continuation of life. Personally I think were on the brink of a planetary transformation that will mark the end of the death process altogether. How ironic is it that the simple essence of that whole TM thing is in being aware of the life force within and that when that awareness moves through the heart the consciousness of love becomes known. In a nutshell thats all the meaning of Christ really is. The energy vampires saw an awakening coming and were ready for the flower children well in advance. Its so obvious now that the soma referred to=sleep. Just the opposite of awake. Deferring our power is what ultimately perpetuates the death culture that has virtually defined human history. The combination of true awareness and keeping the power of love that that awareness exemplifies as YOUR OWN is the hallmark of the awakening. Duane S said, May 2, 2008 at 10:19 pm I am 77 years youngthis is the first time I have heard this type of commentary about the MaharishiI find it very enlightening. I loved the flower Children even though, as a working man (often self-employed) I was not a physical part of the movement. But your article (part two) clearly points to the method of dumbing down the awakening young people in order to prevent them from really doing some radical changing to the terrible system. Yes, I see know what the Establishment has done:clear out the dissenters/ squash the truth-seekers (like the Berkeley Barb) and there will be a much more compliant citizenry! The only people daring to call the cops by their real name, ie:Pigs! got squashed. The media became the subordinate to powerjust as they had been before. Thank you for your thoughts. DS Reply



Gary said, May 3, 2008 at 1:47 am Life is a process and there are many lessons along the way. I was part of a back-to-theland experiment on the west coast based on meditation in the early seventies and, prior to that had many wonderful experiences and met many wonderful people while immersing myself in the incredible window of energy that had opened and found fruition in the mid-sixties to mid-seventies. I found the intention of wanting to do something with the energy that emerged in the early seventies especially poignant. Steven Gaskin took his caravan on the road in search of a place in the sun and many other movements set down roots to try and manifest as vital a signpost as they could The movements all went through the same basic pattern of grounding and dispersion in the late seventies, with leaders falling back to earth and the idea of losing oneself to find oneself appearing to some as just so much brainwashing and gullibility. But there are those that did not become jaded, that did not throw the baby out with the bathwater, and saw in the bigger scheme of things, how life could magically respond to a window of energy. The Hopis have a symbol that show a skunk in the middle of a sun symbol, reflecting that once you have had the experience of immersing yourself to the core in the innate divinity and love inherent in life, that the scent will never leave you. I dont know if such a window will open again, but the memory of possibility is in my thoughts dailyJana said, June 1, 2008 at 2:20 am Just found your website today through a link on David Icke. This is truly wonderful. What you are saying totally fits with my own experiences with a Yoga Group. I thought I should share a book with you that picks up fascinating parallels: Proofs of a Conspiracy Against All the Religions and Governments of Eurpose and Carried on in the Secret Meetings of Freemasons, Illuminati and Reading Societies. By John Robison, written in 1798. We are so easily controlled. Also shocking is: Propaganda by Edward Bernays: 1928. Let me share the first paragraph:The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habit and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. Thank you for being here. Reply Kathleen said, July 26, 2008 at 6:26 am Do you think mediums are contacting this level of consciousness controlled by the inter-dimensional beings or are they genuinely contacting the departed? Reply brontebaxter said,


July 26, 2008 at 6:30 am Kathleen, I ask the same question.

Mat said, October 27, 2008 at 4:06 pm I like your Allegory very much. I think that the very first thing to do when you embark on the spiritual path is to shake off the mood of complacency. I found that constant vigilance and constant asking and answering, Is this what I want? Is this where I want to go? and similar questions, is the price to be paid. Spiritually, more and more people are advancing now from a state of childhood to adulthood, from being carried and steered to being free to walk independently. Respect, teamwork and excellence. George said, October 19, 2010 at 11:22 am Like your friend changing her mantra I did the same but more because I was afraid I would forget my mantra shortly after I learned tm. I really dont know why I did that but Ive never really used the TM mantra for some reason. I also sensed that those TM people were strange as well as all the religious ideology too. Recently I found out about a new meditation that a former TM-Sidhis teacher is selling on the internet for a small price and states that its like TM. I did the meditation and it makes pretty dizzy and created undesired side effects. Its called Natural Stress Relief and it is a mantra. Ive noticed that there on the horizon that there is a new Vedic Meditation movement gaining power now promising the same benefits of TM. Reply

Leave a Blowing the Whistle, Chpt. 4: When Deepest, Cherished Beliefs Come Tumbling Down This is the fourth chapter in an online book, Blowing the Whistle on Enlightenment: Confessions of a New Age Heretic, by Bronte Baxter. A person determined to examine their programming and figure out the truth about the world is an adventurer. Like explorations in the physical world, those in mind or spirit can be laced with surprises and challenges, even dangers. But the person intent on truth is willing to face them, trusting in something within to show them the way.



I want to write today about that something. When cherished beliefs are assaulted by new knowledge, the foundations of our world take the hit. That means the foundations of our psyche itself, because that is where our deepest beliefs are structured, deep in subconscious mind. I dont think a person can question and explore reality without feeling shaken, even shattered, from time to time, and I want to talk about how I personally deal with that. Because the ability to deal with that determines whether we move forward in our quest or turn tail and beat it back to base camp, trying to block out what we heard and saw in the forest. How deep does the rabbit hole go? We still dont know. Those of us who research the secrets of the elitist global agenda have not yet reached the end of it. I still get shaken from things I sometimes find. Here is how I deal with that experience. I know I have a choice, whether to accept fear or whether to trust myself and the essential goodness in the universe. No one can harm me without my tacit permission, and I give that permission when I get into fear. Fear is a decision we make that we cant take care of ourselves. Once weve decided that, it opens the door for harm to enter our lives. Subconscious permission counts as permission, and thats why the manipulators of this dimension go to such lengths to secure ours. Through religion, schooling, news and entertainment, we are programmed to accept ideas that take away our natural autonomy and empowerment. Were taught that we are born into sin, or that were born into ignorance. Were told were selfish and greedy, and that ego identification (cherishing our individuality) is the root of all suffering. Were told we must forfeit freedoms so we can have safety and justice. Were told the world is a dangerous place and only governments, rules and restrictions can protect us: the bigger they are, the better the protection. The more we accept these ideas, the more fear takes over our subconscious minds in the form of deep-seated attitudes that tell us we cant trust ourselves, and that we are little and powerless. By the time we are adults, our subconscious is in a pretty saturated state of selfdoubt, which is why our conscious mind builds so many cathedrals to things outside ourselves that we trust to take care of us and explain the world to us. Spiritual teachers, religious leaders, charismatic politicians, celebrities we let what they say determine what is real and what is right. Because we have no faith in our ability to know what is real and right for ourselves. Thats unconscious fear, and that attitude is what our manipulators manipulate us through. If it werent there, they couldnt touch us. Its that subconscious acceptance of ourselves as lacking that keeps the door open to entities outside ourselves messing with us. Whats the solution? I think, to really examine who we are. To really look at what were made of. At bottom, I find Im a consciousness, a unique spiritual identity empowered with perception and creativity. I am unique and at the same time totally one with the wholeness of consciousness, the First Consciousness, in which all individual consciousness is structured and of which it is made. Where is the lack? Where is the ignorance, selfishness, and greed that we have been told we are? Those lame concepts are only attitudes we have picked up about ourselves, not our inner reality. Before consciousness doubted itself, it was complete and perfect. That little


thought, but what if maybe Im not? was the seed thought that started all the chaos and suffering in the universe. Its nothing but a wisp of fear, and it is unfounded. How can we be rightfully afraid when we are infinite, when our very consciousness is the stuff of creation, and a manager of creation? The belief that fear is founded is the ultimate illusion. When we unseat that attitude from our subconscious, through thoughtful examination of who we really are, followed by emotional acceptance of that wonderful reality, theres nothing to be afraid of anymore. We have found a storehouse of power and goodness within ourselves, and that is our new home base. The place we go back to when life starts to overwhelm us again. Life cannot be scary when you know what you are made of. You can relinquish your worship of middle-men who claim they will take you to God, or that they are God, once you know you are God as much as anybody else could ever be. You have direct access to the Source, because youre a child of the Source and part of the Source. Dogmas and beliefs you previously fell for, you can let go of now. Youre equipped for the adventure of living, and nothing can deflect you from your consistent talent for self-referral. Your personhood, established in your Source, is the authority you run things by. Nothing outside can program you again. When I start to feel shaken by whats going on the world, or what Im finding in my research, this is what I go back to that always sustains me. Manipulating entities cant mess with me, because I dont give them permission. If I fall into temporary self-doubt and fear, thereby opening the door to their return in the realm of my thoughts, I have only to remember what I am, and they are ousted. Its easy, once I self-examine and remember. Then the power of the Source, its creativity and joy, flow into me again. While the thought demons sit on the sidelines wondering, How the heck does she do that? When I encounter new information that shakes my current paradigm and whispers I may need to let go of another belief, I take a deep breath and say, I can survive that. My beliefs are not who I am, theyre something I own. And I want to clear out any that dont correctly match the nature of the universe. This puzzle-piecing business requires lots of paradigm revision. When that starts to feel scary, I focus again on who I am and reexperience that inner reality. Then I can handle anything. Bronte Baxter Bronte Baxter 2008 Anyone may republish this article on another website as long as they include the copyright and a back link to this site. 8 Comments 8 Comments Stuart Resnick said, July 31, 2008 at 4:43 am



> Through religion, schooling, news and entertainment, we are programmed > to accept ideas that take away our natural autonomy and empowerment. > Were taught that we are born into sin, or that were born into ignorance. > Were told were selfish and greedy, and that ego identification (cherishing > our individuality) is the root of all suffering. If we really want to take responsibility and control of our lives is it fruitful to place blame on religion, schooling, entertainment etc that we received over our lives? Or would it be better to be focus on how were keeping our own minds, & our own behavior, moment-to-moment, just now? What were doing right now, both how we act and the thoughts we choose to hold thats the most extraordinarily powerful thing. Its just a distraction to be so concerned with external things like religion, past schooling, etc. Reply brontebaxter said, July 31, 2008 at 6:22 am I agree, Stuart, that how we choose to act and think right now is everything. I also think that to free our minds from unconscious programming is essential to understanding and exercising that kind of free choice. Until we see where weve given our power away, we cant reclaim it and exercise it. I dont believe were as far apart in our viewpoints as you seem to think. Bronte Reply cultofthehuggingsaint said, August 12, 2008 at 5:45 pm Fantastic article. So true. There is much inspiration to be found in your articles. Reply David More said, September 17, 2008 at 3:08 pm Hi Bronte, What you say makes a lot of sense, I read you articles just at the right time. I have been into mantra stuff for a while and something just started to wake me up in the last few days when I started to get the message that I could just stand on my own vs being dependant on gurus or mantras and make choices that suited me vs spiritual ones. Last night I had a dream where I saw a big, black, organic sort of space ship / pod


floating outside the window of the office building I work in. It seemed to me to be sort of a power station or satellite designed to capture the energy of people. Amazing. I think I really wanted to know the truth of things. Thanks for your adventurous writings. I feel an sense of relief knowing that I be myself again. David Reply Tim K said, November 5, 2009 at 7:47 am Thank you for sharing Bronte, excellent insight, very well articulated ! Reply rodin said, December 8, 2009 at 7:31 am belief is the enemy of truth Reply Carole said, August 29, 2010 at 10:19 pm We have found a store house of power and goodness within ourselves, and that is our new home base. The words power and goodness within ourselves is so beautiful and liberating. It is so simple and so clean. My beliefs are not who I am, theyre something I own. I love this concept, it is so powerful. Thank you, Bronte Reply Kushta said, September 19, 2010 at 11:03 pm Bronte Said: You can relinquish your worship of middle-men who claim they will take you to God, or that they are God, once you know you are God as much as anybody else could ever be. You have direct access to the Source, because youre a child of the Source and part of the Source.



Indeed,I am a Son of God, infinitely superior to all that is insensate, and never will I surrender that freedom to another. Reply Blowing the Whistle, Chpt. 5: Tracking the Crack in the Universe (Loosh 101) This is the fifth chapter in an online book, Blowing the Whistle on Enlightenment: Confessions of a New Age Heretic, by Bronte Baxter. Did you ever wonder why a good God would build a world where the only way to survive is by taking life? How long would you stay alive if you refused to eat? You may love animals and grow plants inside your home and flowers in your garden, but every time you eat, you destroy the life of something. A something with a consciousness, that feels and desires to live, as we do. The other day I grabbed an onion from a basket to chop up, and I saw it had sprouted a beautiful, tender, light-green shoot. It had a life inside it, a consciousness that wanted to take root, breathe air and thrive. Any tears in chopping that onion did not come from the fumes. Im not a sentimentalist. Im a person questioning, increasingly aware of an insidious thread woven through biological life. We are born, we feed, and we die. Life is a process of consuming other living things in order to stay alive as long as possible until death in turn consumes us. We tell ourselves life is a whole lot more, but its reduced to that as long as we must feed to survive. If we cant stay alive more than a few months without food, how can eating not be fundamental to how we define our existence? Eating is a requirement for biological life as we know it. Its the thread that holds together material existence. More than a thread, its a chain, binding us to the law that we must consume each other. Rebelling is punishable by death. What kind of God or gods would create a world predicated on killing? We dont like to ask that, and we find every excuse to avoid looking at this question. But every time a dear one dies, or you find a nibbled bird in the yard destroyed by an idle cat, or you read about an animal that has suffered mercilessly, or another molested child, or a nation ravaged by a quake thats buried thousands of living people, your mind goes back to that nagging question. Who would make a world like this? Was it truly a God of love? According to much evidence, it wasnt. The world was created by something else. Or if it was created by the loving God our hearts insist exists, then creation has been tampered with by someone else so merciless that it barely resembles the original divine vision. The biological universe is controlled by the law that to live we must take life or die. That is sinister. Something there is that makes us have to eat, that makes us age and disintegrate. This is the something wrong with the world, the crack in the universe. Knowledge of it works like a splinter in the mind, driving you mad, quoting The Matrix. Yet awakening to the truth of our predicament is the first step toward radical change. Only radical change can possibly right the fundamental flaw woven into physical creation. And how well-woven it is. Not only does violence wind through the lives of all Earth life like the fibers of a time-bomb attached to a victim. It reaches out into space, where supernovas implode, collapsing millions of stars along with all living beings on all their


attendant planets. Death and devouring are so pervasive most people cant conceive of a world without them, or if they can conceive it, they label the concept preposterous. Yet quantum physics shows that matter is nothing but atoms: emptiness vibrating. Emptiness does not die and neither does the energy it oscillates. So why must bodies die that are made of up of these things? Robert Monroe, in his book Far Journeys, writes of contact he had with a light being in an out-of-body experience. (Monroe is arguably the worlds foremost researcher on OBEs; he started an institute with trainee/researchers to scientifically investigate the phenomenon.) Reportedly the light being told Monroe that when humans die, their energy is released and harvested by trans-dimensional beings, who use it to extend their own life spans. The claim is that the universe is a garden created by these beings as their food source. According to Monroes story, animals are intentionally positioned on this planet to feed on plants and on each other, thereby releasing the life force of their victims so it can be harvested. In a predator-prey struggle, exceptional energy is produced in the combatants. The spilling of blood in a fight-to-the-death conflict releases this intense energy, which the light beings call loosh. Loosh is also harvested from the loneliness of animals and humans, as well as from the emotions engendered when a parent is forced to defend the life of its young. Another source of loosh is humans worship. According to Monroes informant, our creators, the cosmic energy farmers, intentionally equipped animals with devices like fangs, claws and super-speed in order to prolong predator-prey combat and thereby produce more loosh. In other words, the greater the suffering, the more life force is spewed from our bodies, and the tastier the energy meal for our creators. This story told to Monroe (which threw him into a two-week depression) corresponds to reports in some of the worlds oldest scriptures, the Vedas, Upanishads, and Puranas of India. There we read that the universe is upheld by sacrifice (Atharva Veda) and that all who are living (in this world) are the sacrificers. There is none living who does not perform yagya (sacrifice). This body is (created) for sacrifice, and arises out of sacrifice and changes according to sacrifice. (Garbha Upanishad) Again: (Death as the Creator) resolved to devour all that he had created; for he eats all. . . He is the eater of the whole universe; this whole universe is his food. (Mahabharata) In the writings of Carlos Castaneda, who chronicles the life and teachings of a Yaquii sorcerer called Don Juan, we find another story of the Divine devouring humans, in this case human consciousness. Reports Castaneda: The Eagle is devouring the awareness of all the creatures that, alive on earth a moment before and now dead, have floated to the Eagles beak, like a ceaseless swarm of fireflies, to meet their owner, their reason for having had life. The Eagle disentangles these tiny flames, lays them flat, as a tanner stretches out a hide, and then consumes them; for awareness is the Eagles food. The Eagle, that power that governs the destinies of all living things, reflects equally and at once all those living things. (The Eagles Gift, by Carlos Castaneda)


The idea that man must sacrifice (must kill something or be killed in order to appease the gods) is apparently intrinsic to all the worlds root religions. We find blood ritual, including human sacrifice, in the Druidic tradition, Tibetan Buddhism, among the Indians of the Americas, in Greece and Rome, Africa, China, Arabia, Germany, Phoenicia and Egypt. Even the Old Testament (Judges 11:31-40) has a little-advertised story of human sacrifice, with the Israelite judge Jephthah ritually slaughtering his own daughter to fulfill a vow he made to Jehovah. While we may not think of Judaism as typically promoting human sacrifice, it more than promoted it if we count the genocide Jehovah demanded of the Hebrews. In one day alone, they murdered 12,000 Canaanites and utterly destroyed everything in the city, both man and woman, young and old, and ox and sheep and donkey with the edge of the sword.(Joshua: 6:21) In Islam, the situation is similar. Allah, while paying lip service to the immorality of human sacrifice, orders his servants in the Koran to practice jihad against all unbelievers. When the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem of war. (Koran: 9:5) Peace-loving Moslems interpret such passages as symbolic in their desire to justify their faith, much as Christians try to justify Jehovahs sociopathic behavior with excuses. In many ways, the god of Islam reasons and rants like the god of the Israelites. Could it be the same entity? It isnt contradictory that he would support two separate peoples, then lead them to fight each other. Not if his agenda is to stimulate and harvest plenty of loosh. Christianity, the religion of brotherly love, is implicated in blood sacrifice by being rooted in the Jewish tradition. The Bible declares Jesus is the son of God (Jehovah), and Jehovah announces at Jesus baptism, This is My beloved Son in whom I am well-pleased. (Matthew: 17:5) Where was Jesus when his father was slaughtering the Canaanites? Jesus himself becomes a blood sacrifice, a fact that Catholics reenact in the mass and that Protestants bathe themselves in to be saved. Christians are no strangers to sacrifice. If suffering and death were part of creation that no one, including the gods, could help, thered be some reason to be more forgiving. I might even buy the story that they need us to support them with our homage and we need them to keep the universe running. But when you add blood sacrifice into the equation, I abandon ship. Its one thing if the gods cant prevent earthly suffering and death quite another if they seek it out and thrive from it or worse yet, created it. And thats what blood sacrifice, and the scriptures around it, indicate. When the oldest scriptures of the world tell us we were created as food for the gods, I have to ask myself if I want to live in a universe where that might be true. The fact is, I dont. I can no longer give my approval to that kind of reality. So if I wont live with it, I have to come up with something better. I have to find something more fundamental than the physical universe to locate my identity in, and my power in. I sense, as many do these days, that theres something beyond the universe as it has been presented to us, something outside this box, outside this system. Thats what I seek to know, connect with, and draw from. Robert Morning Sky, a truth seeker of the Hopi and Apache traditions, tells a story he learned from his people about a race of beings who knew no limitations, who existed far


outside this physical universe. One day one of them declared his intention to visit Earth and take on a body just for the adventure of it, for the experience. His friends cautioned him, as this universe had a reputation as amnesia-producing, a place of no return. But the entity laughed that off and promised to come back after one lifetime. Centuries passed, and the entity never came home. One of his comrades decided to enter the physical world to go look for his friend. He promised not to get lost in matter and to return with the other individual. More centuries passed, and neither being returned. So another immortal entered physical mass, and he also never came back. In time many members of these unlimited beings incarnated in human form, and the story goes, none of them yet has gone home. Maybe we are those people, starting to remember who we are. Maybe its time to break out of the hypnosis weve lived under for eons, the unquestioned assumptions that we must kill and eat, suffer and die, live in lack and sadness, and undergo all the human drama as it has been defined for us. Is it insane to think that humans can beat the system? That we could make a choice to stop the activities that supply our up-line with fuel? That we could minimize even stop our own refueling from the life force of creatures lower than us on the food chain? Is it madness to think that our bodies, made of undying energy, could themselves not have to die, that we might learn to live on the power of infinite consciousness, which we can access within ourselves, being part of it? While some may call that madness, I prefer it to the world I see around me. I certainly prefer it to death. I prefer it to loss of my dear ones, and to sickness and poverty. The greatest experiment mankind can engage in is mastery of the principles of freedom, creation, abundance, and immortality. Were wearing body suits that in 70-some years of use are programmed to self-destruct. What could be more important than changing that programming? In the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna warns: He who does not follow the wheel thus set revolving lives in vain. The wheel is the cycle of birth and death, karma and retribution, human sacrifice and divine blessing. To rebel against this system is to fail in our life purpose as defined by those who say they are our creators and gods. But surely life was meant to be more than dinner for the next rung up on the food chain. If living in vain means breaking out of that, Im all for that kind of failure. Bronte Baxter Bronte Baxter 2008 Anyone may republish this article on another website as long as they include the copyright and a back link to this site. 23 Comments 14 Comments Pat said,


September 20, 2008 at 4:52 am I am overcome with emotion in reading your thoughts about this life and universe. I have agonised in the same way and thought there must be something wrong with me that I felt so alienated from life itself. I, too am sure something better does exist. If this physical dog eat dog, universe, were the only possible expression, then we could not even envision another alternative, but the fact is we can and Im truly grateful for that fact. Reply Sara said, May 8, 2009 at 6:08 am Do have a look at this? Its about sungazing as a safe substitute for food. I think you will like this, Bronte and all others seeking to solve this. Love Sara Reply Peter Jennings said, September 8, 2009 at 2:07 am really interesting theory thank you Reply Tim K said, November 5, 2009 at 8:11 am Yes, it is Them/It , The All Seeing I group(so-called prime Archetypes), they are in Error, the creators of the Demiurge- they project their Error onto It. It knows not what It does. They think they control Creation, they think they are The Highest Authority. NO! I AM THE ALL THAT IS, WAS, AND EVER WILL BE- speaking through Me Now, I recognize no authorative hierarchy within MYSELF, I see an unawareness within MYSELF, that is UNAWARE OF MY WHOLE SELF, it thinks It is the absolute ALL, and must systematize and control CREATION, They are in Error and the TRUTH Will be revealed to Them- and IT WILL BE UNDENIABLE. I Am of THE I AM, Now and always, no other part of Myself is superior to any other! This predatory/parasitic paradigm and unaware Self-harming aspect of MYSELF Will Be Healed and forgiven. It is the part of me that Knows I AM utterly alone, Why?,


How?, rejected?, abandoned? The Demiurge was. But They are not alone, and neither AM I, Everything Within ME IS ALL I NEED. Reply David said, November 25, 2009 at 6:33 am I am overcome with emotion in reading your thoughts about this life and universe. I have agonised in the same way and thought there must be something wrong with me that I felt so alienated from life itself. I, too am sure something better does exist. Reply Mike said, May 3, 2010 at 1:25 pm I too am familiar with the writings of Robert Monroe and the concept of Loosh. Although I have no personal experience on the subject of Loosh, I have experienced several non physical levels that Im sure Mr. Monroe had experience with. In the non physical there is so much that cant be explained or described that I find it hard to fathom contact that is so informative and so explainable. If the concept of Loosh is as you have described, maybe our best hope lies in the concept of CHI cultivation. Concerving and storing Chi as they do in Tai Chi and other various forms of martial arts may allow us to retain the power within us and create a freedom we have not experienced in many eons. Reply Joe Pilot said, June 7, 2010 at 1:47 pm He who created us in turn was created. Perhaps as you create others some of the essence is diluted. I do not know this. In my mind, a God is a perfect being and needs nothing, it is a complete being. Does not need to be worshipped, does not need to be wanted, does not need anything from anyone. Following this line of thinking, we can deduce that some of these protagonists are imperfect. More so when they need to inflict pain and suffering on others so they can collect their loosh. Further more, such situation would reveal that As above, so below. Meaning that the politics Up there is as screwed up as down here. Very sad! I went to Monroes and attended his Gateway program, did that sometime before his death. While there, we used to have nightly chats. One time we talked about airplanes in a semi private setting. I asked him about the Loosh issue and wondered why he did


not go more deeply into it. I got the feeling he was not supposed to say, and that he knew more. I did not want to intrude, so I did not go further into it. In retrospect, I should have. He is no longer with us to answer that question. Talking about questions. What do we do now? Reply Kushta said, September 19, 2010 at 1:28 am Bronte, The concept of loosh is new to me. Is there a connection between the pursual of nonviolence, specifically, dietarily, in the form of eating life forms with lesser froms of consciousness as in vegetrainism, that would negate the release of loosh? In both Gnostic Nazoreanism, and its later off shoot Manichaeanism, the adherents were restricted to a non-violent vegetrain diet. The Manichaeans in particular believed that only vegetabale matter contained particles of spiritual light that were dispersed by the malign creators of this world when they became entangled with the benevolent aeons of light in a primordial battle. I believe humanity has evolved to the point, through science and technology, where we no longer have to sustain ourselves through the cruel law of predation that rules this world. Thus allowing us to be in alignment with our eternal benevolent Parent(s) whose image our eternally benevolent souls are a mirror image of. The concept of loosh offers a viable answer as to why the law of predation exists in the first place also giving further credence to the applicability of non-violence as a means to counter the malign forces attempt to harvest loosh. I would like to hear your thoughts on this. - Kushta Reply brontebaxter said, September 19, 2010 at 3:22 am Hi Kushta What a great message. If you continue reading deeper into the blog, you will find quite some discussion of vegetarianism and how it relates to the idea of loosh. The discussion occurs between the readership and me in one of the comments sections that is perhaps one, two, or three articles (chapters) forward from the one youre commenting on here. You may have to poke around a bit, as there are TWO places where people leave comments on each of the Blowing the Whistle articles. Thats because of a defect in WordPress: if you read an article as a post, you find one set of comments for it (thats where this discussion Im referring you to


occurs, at the bottom of the post version of one of the Blowing the Whistle articles); if you read the same article as a page (through the links on the left side of the blog), you get an entirely different set of comments underneath the article. So be persistent in hunting this down, and youll find some interesting stuff. Ill also comment here briefly with some information not contained in that earlier discussion: your question as to whether only vegetable matter contains spiritual light. A Vedic creation myth talks about the world being created through sacrifice, namely the sacrifice of one of the gods, Brihaspati, of his own life. The story goes that he allowed the other gods to cut him up into pieces, which is what they made the world from. The reason the earth has life, so the explanation goes, is that it is made up of parts of Brihaspatis personal divine energy. This relates to many other Hindu stories and even European fairytales that talk about one thing being destroyed and from it many new and smaller things being born for instance, a god killed a certain demon, and from his blood falling on the earth, an army sprang up. Or a witch killed an innocent young maiden, and where she was buried, roses grew out of the ground. In nature, we see the same thing: you destroy the living garlic by taking it apart, and from each piece of it that you bury, new garlic plants are born. Why is meat appealing? Because it tastes good. Why does it taste good? Because the animal it comes from is good. We eat the goodness. Why is some animal flesh more appealing than others? Humans prefer animals like chickens, cows, deer, and rabbits to animals like cats, dogs, coyotes, or tigers. It seems to be the gentler, sweeter, vegetarian animals who have the sweetest meat. So perhaps an animals goodness (we could say the animals loosh, and the quality of its energy) is consumed by the animals destroyer, and that goodness or loosh gives them energy. This is not to justify eating animals. I think its horrible. But perhaps it explains why we have the craving to do it. There seem to be two ways of getting energy: by tapping the infinite within or by taking it from something outside. Sometimes the energy is given willingly, as in a love relationship or an employee/employer relationship, where one entity gives something to the other voluntarily. Sometimes the energy is demanded or stolen, as in slavery, emotional manipulation, theft, rape, killing an animal for food, or taking leaves of a plant for food. I think the key to freedom is learning to access and draw from our own inner infinite source of energy and relying less and less on taking in energy from things outside that dont want to give it to us. I have no problem with a willing gift of energy from someone who wants to bless us with it, as the love/energy a mother gives a child (she WANTS to nurture it), or the donation a person gives a charity they believe in (they WANT to support it). Sharing energy and moving it around into various combinations and shapes in the world can be fun, so long as no one is depleted from it (generally, if we give willingly and with joy, its because the energy were giving comes from a feeling of energetic abundance, and we therefore not depleted by the gift).



Im actually working on a new article right now working title Strength and Support: Can They Be Opposites? which I hope to publish here on the blog in a few days. Some of these ideas will be gone into more in that article. Bronte Reply Gary said, September 20, 2010 at 11:04 am Read The Vegetarian Myth by Lierre Kieth. She tried every form of vegtarianism and veganism for over 20 years and it destroyed her health. She also did a lot of research into the big arguments in favor of vegetarianism and found a lot of interesting info. The biggest blight on the planet is farming. It has depleted our topsoil and it displaces a lot of the wild animals and destroys their habitat. The other main argument is the issue of killing. As you have noted, eating involves the killing of something else (with the possible exception of fruit-and, no, fruitarianism is not the answer). Not just plants, more animals die from the harvsting of grains and veges than from eating meat. Vegetarianism is awesome in theory but in actual practice it doesnt pan out. I dont wish to get into any arguments here, Ive read all the John Robbins books and just about every veg book and have tried it for many years and Im just throwing in a contrary opinion based on my own experience. I urge everybody to read the book. Its REALLY well done. If anything it just validates the fact that this is a messed-up planet. Reply brontebaxter said, September 20, 2010 at 3:46 pm Please could you explain why you say, Not just plants: more animals die from the harvesting of grains and veges than from eating meat? Bronte Reply Kushta said, September 21, 2010 at 4:18 am Hello Gary, Humanity evolved on meat for thousands of years, and through personal experience I can tell you that I agree that veganism is not as healthy as an omnivorious diet. The strength of the vegtarian argument will always be ethical, in my opinion. Yet, I also recognize that humanity is in a constant state of war with nature as is clearly gleened through our dependence on science and technology. It is through science and


technology that I feel we have finally gotten to a point where we do not have to live under the law of predation anymore, that we can limit the suffering we impose upon other beings by eating life forms in a much denser form of consciousness like plants, and, animal bye-products that do not require the killing of the animal in order to sustain ourselves. For me, the choice to eliminate animal flesh from my diet is my benevolent souls indignant response towards the malign nature of this world. In this way I see the path of non-violence as a path towards liberation from natures law of predation, and, the actualization of my own inherent divinity. A form of rebirth, and resurrection, if you will. Blessings to you In the name of the Great Life, - Kushta Reply Gary said, September 23, 2010 at 10:46 am Lierre Keith was a very dedicated vegetarian for over 20 years. She researched the subject very thoroughly and it went against everything she believed (and what I believed, too). She broke her book into 4 main categories: Moral vegetarians; Political vegetarians; Nutritional vegetarians; To save the world. I urge all to read it if you dare. As far as the killing of animals, I will quote her: North America used to be so thick with forest that a squirrel could travel from Maine to Texas without touching the ground. When the rains gave out and the prairies began the grasses ran root to root for 2000 miles99.8% of the native prairie is now gone About the only animal that escaped the biotic cleansing of the agriculturalists are small animals like mice and rabbits, and BILLIONS of them are killed by the harvesting equipment every yeardont forget to add them to the death toll of your vegetarian meal. They count and they died for your dinner, along with the animals that have dwindled past the point of genetic feasiblityGrowing annual grains is an activity that cannot be redeemed. It requires wholesale extermination of the ecosystem- the land has to be cleared of all life. Reply justdoit8 said, July 26, 2011 at 8:46 pm I agree with what youre saying here Bronte. BUT, for example Perennial fruit trees, and also vegetables, such as apples, strawberries, artichoke. Would you say they have more a giving nature? Where they actually produce fruit for us to enjoy? They dont die afterwards. Albeit the fruit they produce does, but could it be that some things were meant for us to eat and enjoy and take pleasure in? Such as trees that bear fruit?



Blowing the Whistle, Chpt. 6: The Forgotten Key to Freedom (Loosh 102) This is the sixth chapter in an online book, Blowing the Whistle on Enlightenment: Confessions of a New Age Heretic, by Bronte Baxter. Lets talk more about loosh. If you havent read Loosh 101: Tracking the Crack in the Universe, thats the foundation for what well talk about here, so check that out before you continue. This is Loosh 102. The concept of loosh, in my opinion, holds a major clue to human freedom. What is loosh, as it was described to Robert Monroe? It is a kind of energy that animals and humans generate in situations that involve two things: an intense desire plus a negative emotion. In the last article I equated loosh with life force, but when loosh arises in the harvestable form, it is laced with some form of negativity: fear (in the example of a mother defending her young), sadness or hopelessness (in the example of a lonely person), fear again (in the example of prey/predator combat). So how do we explain this? Life energy isnt negative, so what really is loosh? It seems to me loosh is a strong inrush of vital energy caused by a strong desire in the individual experiencing it. Its that adrenaline surge you feel in a fight-or-flight situation. But its more than a chemical, because we are told loosh is also generated in a situation like a lonely person pining, where no adrenaline is involved. In both cases, there is a common element: a strong emotional desire. Negativity seems to be what makes the harvesting possible, but it is not the loosh. Its something that sometimes laces loosh, and its presence is necessary for access to the substance by interdimensional energy-eaters. Negativity is not the essential emotion but an overlay emotion, and when it is present, it creates a drain on the inrush of vital energy. Let me explain more concretely. Whenever we have a strong desire without tangential feelings of fear, sadness, remorse, etc., what do we experience? A surge of life, a re-charge. We say Im pumped or Im psyched. We feel power. But when we have a strong desire accompanied by the negative emotions, thats another story. Then our strong desire seems to churn inside us, causing anguish. In the first case, our life energy is infused into us from somewhere. In the second case, its being infused and at the same time being drained away. Hence no re-charge. Negative emotions come from an attitude, a decision that has been struck by a very deep part of us, the subconscious mind. The subconscious decision behind a negative emotion like fear or sadness is something like This wont work, I can never have it, Im sure to fail. Self-messages from the deep influence what happens to us in outer, material reality. If were engaged in combat, a self-defeating attitude determines that we lose. If were trying to create something nice, this attitude jinxes us. If we have a fabulous dream, a negative subconscious decision ordains that the dream remains a wish and never becomes reality. Negative self-talk, which results from self-doubt on the subconscious level, also opens the door to being harvested. When the subconscious has decided that we cant get what we want, that we will fail, that fundamental ruling relinquishes the reins that control our destiny, in spite of the positive thoughts we may be consciously thinking. Self-doubt puts the outcome of any endeavor on the cosmic freebie shelf, where anyone who wants can come and take it over. Thats the reason behind the expression, Victory belongs to the most committed. The individual with the least negative self-talk about a competitive outcome


wins, because that is the person with the fewest internal obstructions to manifesting their desire. Negative self-talk makes it possible to be defeated by an opponent with a more user-friendly subconscious. It also opens the door for trawling psychic entities, like the gods or Monroes light being, to lap up the influx of energy that our strong desire has instigated. No such in-road exists when a strong desire is accompanied by a determined intention. The energy drain only happens when negative self-talk contaminates the process of strongly desiring something. Then the tears come, or the sadness, or the fear or the outrage, and that self-undermining mindset that shouts I cant do this! shoots a hole in our manifestation, letting the wonderful energy drain away to benefit those who know how to cart it away and make use of it. Did they steal it, these loosh harvesters? Actually, they didnt. We gave them permission subconsciously. We said I cant handle this, so somebody else decided. Thats what happens when you put your life or desires on the freebie shelf of the universe. To put this in a nutshell: <!--[if !supportLists]--><!--[endif]-->Strong desire + authoritative intent = influx of life energy stored (spiritual empowerment) <!--[if !supportLists]--><!--[endif]-->Strong desire + self-defeating attitude = influx of life energy siphoned (spiritual harvesting) Whats emerging from this picture is that intent is everything. Intent is the reverse side of permission. Holding a determined intention is the key to both success in a given situation and to personal empowerment from that situation, while having a weak intent (a desire polluted by self-doubt) is tantamount to permission for someone else to step in.This spills the life energy and places the key to a situations outcome into the hands of something outside ourselves. Lets look at this from another angle. What is that inrush of energy you feel when you have a powerful desire, the kind thats uncorrupted with negative mind chatter? When you get that flush of inspiration, that idea of something wonderful you could be or do or create or experience, how do you feel? You are flooded with energy and joy. If it happens in the middle of the night, you are up for hours. Theres power in a dream, in a desire. Because dreaming and desiring are what? theyre attached to something. Theyre like a pipeline, bringing in an unbounded rush of energy. Where does that come from? What is it that such great thoughts tap into? Whatever it is, it seems to be the font of the life force itself. The energy that rushes in from that place is strong enough to empower people to lift cars that have fallen on the body of a loved one. Its strong enough to give the victory in battle to the physically weaker party. Quantum physics has revealed that matter is not solid. Its made up of atoms, which are not particles and waves as we once believed, but waves only. Matter is nothing but vibration: waves in some unseen medium. We could call that unseen nothingness, or we could call it consciousness, or energy. I suggest that consciousness and energy are better names for the material emptiness at the core of physical life, because how can nothing manifest as matter and all the varied activity of this world? Surely its more reasonable to assume that the energy we see around us comes from a source of energy, rather than from zip. Our



experience suggests that we ourselves are linked to a source that is a font of energy, something outside physical matter, something on which matter is predicated. When we desire something, or dream of something that instills a desire, that need reaches into the deepest part of ourselves, a realm that is a powerhouse of energy and consciousness. Unless we obstruct the natural process by throwing up self-doubt, the Infinite, this powerhouse, responds to our desire like a reservoir responds to an opening pipeline: it rushes in to fill it. Thats why energy suffuses us in our inspired moments and in our crisis moments. We are becoming more powerful, more filled with life, at those times. We are garnering spiritual power. In those moments we are fulfilling the intention of the life force to create and to manifest, and to become a unique embodiment of itself: an empowered creator, making manifest more creation, more expressions of life. Powerful, authoritative desire is the key to personal empowerment, spiritual empowerment. Thats why those who feed off human life created religious teachings that tell us desire is bad. If we believe its bad to want things, our desires will never be powerful, never full of confident intent. They will be wimpy and ridden with self-doubt: just the thing the psychic trawlers like, because then our pipeline to the Infinite has holes in it, making any incoming energy harvestable. So passion, or what Ive been calling authoritative intent, brings in spiritual power. Selfdoubt brings in the harvesters. Loosh is the power of the Source, the power of life. When we access it through desire, it infuses us, unless we let it be drained off by doubting ourselves, by shooting holes in our pipeline. Intent and permission are reverse sides of will, and will is one of the faculties of personhood. We can give it away through permission, letting our energy be siphoned and our souls assimilated into oneness with the harvesters. Or we can build our will and grow in personal empowerment. We are told that being spiritual means surrendering our ego (our desires and our self-hood). But true spiritual empowerment will never be achieved by bending before the gods in self-abnegation. Spiritual empowerment means living the power of the Infinite as unique expressions of the Infinite, which is what our spirits were long before the gods got hold of us. Long before the creation of this physical universe took place. Freedom means taking back control of ourselves through will, taking back control of our spirits. It means exercising will to think the thoughts we desire, not the thoughts the trawlers want us to think. And freedom means much more. It means, through intent, hooking up our bodies to run on the intelligence, love and energy of the Infinite, rather than on the limited grid of DNA. DNA was created by (or at least is currently controlled by) the gods, our harvesters. It is programmed with our decay and death. We can overcome the program by establishing ourselves in our nature as one with our spiritual Source. When we ordain, from our authority as sons and daughters of the Infinite, then the power behind our wishes brings them to fruit, whatever our declaration might be. We can ordain a parking place, or we can ordain a healing, or immortality. We can ordain personal freedom from harassment by purveyors of the global agenda. We can also work together with other awakening creators, and ordain freedom for mankind. Working on behalf of all material creation, we can ordain freedom and happiness for all beings in the physical universe. We can establish material life on a new level, where death, lack and suffering are never part of the picture again. We can claim our


own divinity, and oust the regime that controls this dimension. And if we choose to ordain that, we must do it in love and compassion for the trawlers, not in revenge and hate, because a made-new world is no place for negative things. The harvesters are hungry, like everybody else. The gods are no worse than we are when we eat chicken or beef, or when we set up pens on a farm. They eat our energy because they know no other way to live. Our life force sustains them, while they make us their minions. But just as we dont need meat to live, just as we can rewire ourselves to live off the power of the Infinite within us, so, too, can these gods. What better way to help them learn to tap their internal spiritual resources than by removing their external food source, rendering ourselves unavailable? When humankind takes back its power and its home in the universe, the psychic vampires will have empty nets from their trawling and will have to look to the same Source were being forced to look to for ongoing life. This learning process, for both mankind and gods, wont be easy and may not always be pretty. But its the door to everyones freedom, the door to a new life. We can no longer afford to let paradise remain a metaphysical concept. We have to make it reality. Because its the only alternative, at this time in history, to assimilation. Our enemies wish not only to harvest our energy but to assimilate our consciousness, our individual souls. That is their plan with their New World Order, where all will be microchipped servants of global government. That is their plan with a universal religion, where all will surrender their egos and amalgamate into Oneness consciousness: the impersonal consciousness of enlightenment stripped of desires, originality, joy, passion, and the power to choose. We either let them accomplish this by doing nothing, or we take action now. We pick up the forgotten key to freedom, call it whatever you will: choice, personal will, authoritative intent, impassioned and confident desire. We elect to become the children of the Infinite that we forgot how to be. We take back our birthright as sons and daughters of the original, loving, joyous divine intention. How will that happen? The Infinite will show the way. Once we hook up our pipeline of desire and shore up the holes of self-doubt in other words, once we take back our power Original Consciousness can pump its life into our flagging bodies and spirits once more. With that will come inspiration and ideas. Connections will get made. When that starts happening to enough of us, how can the New World Order do anything but fail? Bronte Baxter Bronte Baxter 2008 Anyone may republish this article on another website as long as they include the copyright and a back link to this site. 10 Comments 20 Comments PeteO said, February 24, 2009 at 1:42 am


ThanQ so much Bronte, You have enlightened many dark shadow soul sores that have long ravaged as suffering within me. I am so greatfull to you for contributing this overstanding, and the dedication courage wisdom and compassion you have manifest within this website. My best wishes, With Deep Gratitude Peter Reply Sara said, May 2, 2009 at 12:48 am Thank you Bronte! Thank you so much! You point a finger at the core of my heart. I feel like I could cry! I will not worship you although I am very grateful. Especially for the last passage. We dont need an enemy! Were all in this together. I could run a million miles but I am going to continue drumming for a while. First love for myself and then compassion for the gods. So much in my life and what I have been through makes more and more sense now. Thank you for keying and for being a fountain of truth. Love Sara Reply weatheredtome said, May 12, 2009 at 5:41 am i just thought of something in herbology herbs create an enviroment for wich the body can heal and each herb creates certain enviroments for healing. is the healing process caused frome us ingesting the life force from the plants. . . . . .And the loosh expelled from the plant trys opening the blockages allowing for normal circulation. . . . or something like that kind of a random thought, i was just reading something about medicinal herbs the other day, and saw a kinda trend in this article that kinda related to what they were saying in the book. . . .



Reply Tim K said, November 5, 2009 at 8:30 am The depth and scope of the subliminal manipulation boggles the mind. If ya step back and just look at it. its RIDICULOUS, like SPOILED BRATSman, its pathetic what They are doing. But, I Know, they dont really know, otherwise they wouldnt be doing it. AS BELOW-SO ABOVE, right?? Yeah. The Cure is in progress, from Below, from Within, and from Above. IT WILL BE DONE. Reply Rawgod said, November 24, 2009 at 6:05 pm I couldnt stop reading your blog, this is amazing stuff. It puts all my thoughts into a coherent whole and much much more. Thanks Bronte Reply Tim K said, December 17, 2009 at 11:34 pm There is another aspect of loosh they exploit Im thinking that our Creative potential in these bodies has been specifically rewired to be directed in a way that reinforces the physical limitations of creating. I am speaking of sexual activity the orgasm, and what is emitted basically sex without love may set up the condition where that energy is used by other enities(thoughtforms, that are projected by Them/It)) that are possessing/controlling the couple involved. Masterbation is another questionable activity. I know how this sounds, but lust and objectification/sexualization is hardly conducive to creating a world/reality of a higher spiritual nature, right? Think about so-called sex-magic and then think about all the detached from love orgasms that are happening in this reality every day then think about subliminal symbology- subconsciously embedded associations projected by the media, and etherically by what/whoever. At best all this is a misdirection of creative energy and a focus/identity on the body at the expense of the spiritual, at worse its a specific program designed to capture our strongest creative energy and use it to enslave Us. Reply Mike said,



May 3, 2010 at 1:45 pm Just by being aware of the process allows us the opportunity to succeed! Reply Mike said, May 4, 2010 at 2:37 am Along with our daily experince with suffering and inspiration we must also become conciously aware of ourselves during the dreamstate. The Dreamstate will allow us to experience many more conciously uncontrolled instances in a shorter period of (time) than we could experience in the waking state. Could the dreamstate be the perfect vehicle to create and induce the desired situations needed for those who use and harvest Loosh? Reply Jamil said, May 6, 2010 at 4:42 pm So my question now is. What kinds of meditation practices are fruitful, in that they dont mire us in the further energy harvest game? Are kundalini cultivating practices safe? FROM BRONTE: I havent decided yet what to make of kundalini practices there is clearly a lot of energy involved, but are we being consumed by something, or is it our own energy rising in the body? I know people with severe kunalini who describe it as burning alive, their self-identity being pulverized by an outside force, which they think must be God. This makes me very suspicious. I meditate almost daily and find it a useful centering process, a place of answers and inspiration. I dont use a mantra or any specific technique. I simply reign in my awareness and focus it on itself. I have a friend who never studied any formal meditation who has naturally taught herself to do the same thing (without ever talking to anyone about it, including me). I believe coming back to home base is a natural ability all of us have, if we but take the time to sit down, close our eyes, and do it. In fact, its such a powerful process that the dark entities running the world must ensure that its somehow railroaded, that they themselves garner the energy and power the practice would normally give to the practitioner. There was a time when I quit meditating, in disgust over the lies I had been taught. Now I realize I was only cutting myself off from my own power source, throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Its important not to stop spiritual pursuits just because self115


serving entities try to step between ourselves and our mastery of life. Such defection plays right into their plan. Bronte Reply Question said, September 3, 2010 at 1:27 am Im not sure what to make of loosh. Are you saying its an electrochemical event? At one point you compared it to adrenaline. Adrenaline, serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine, GABA etc are all neurotransmitters produced by the thalamus and adrenal cortex for a variety of functions, not just fight or flight. They influence mood, sleep and thought. So are you saying that these subtle beings are so subtle that they are microscopic, that they are in our synaptic clefts stealing our neurotransmitters? How are they utilizing those chemicals? Do they have recptors in their subtle bodies (the bodies which are somehow small enough to fit in our clefts?) Why dont they just rob a pharmacy? They could get all the synthetic neurotransmitters they could ever wish for. Its true that there are unseen forces. Quantum physics has established that. But to assign these forces motives and blame them for our own maladaptive behaviours and failed coping mechanisms seems a little far fetched. To place oneself in the center of some cosmic battle seems a bit delusional and grandiose. Perhaps we are simply this gigantic wave you described not some individual entity drowning in it. Perhaps we dont need to fight for peace, freedom or utopia. Perhaps we are delusional to think that we should be free from suffering and only experience endless pleasure. It sounds like the same belief that these loosh-eaters promote. You say they steal the loosh from us to be happy. We turn around and steal the loosh from plants who have a desire to live and grow just like us. But we justify it by saying their level of consciousness is too primitive for it to matter. Maybe the gods think of us a stupid plants too. Maybe thats why Kali ate only fruits, then switched to dry leaves and finally only water. Maybe the only way to free oneself from the cycle of stealing loosh and being robbed of loosh is to stop being a hypocrite and perform penance. Maybe thats why Jesus repeatedly said to fast and pray. Reply brontebaxter said, September 3, 2010 at 5:16 am The goddess Kali ate only fruits then leaves then water? I guess youre not counting the buckets of blood she loved to consume. She was ravenous for blood, and thats why shes depicted in Indian art with a bloody tongue hanging out and garlanded with a necklace of blood-dripping skulls. Thats a thoughtful question about HOW the loosh energy is consumed, and one I also contemplate. I believe its hard to determine because were dealing with


entities more sophisticated than us on the food chain the same way it would be hard for a sheep to figure out what happens to its fleece after its shorn, and why its family members keep disappearing. It doesnt see the axe, the stew pot, and the dinner table. Robert Morning Sky wrote an interesting white paper about mitochondria and their possible role in all this. I dont recall the details, but mitochondria are different from other elements in the cell independents or something and play a major role in metabolism. Could it be through these that the energy is transferred to the gods? But even though some physical substance that acts as a portal or gatekeeper is probably involved, part of the energy transfer must take place on an astral or ethereal level, since the energy will be consumed in an ethereal form. Just as ice can transmute into water and then into vapor, energy can shift from physical form to etheric form and back again. We know our emotional energy can transmute into physical energy, as when we get a burst of adrenaline due to extreme fear. It also can reverse and go the other way, as in cases of physical healing following emotional prayer or emotional focused visualization. Somehow, I expect, ethereal beings siphon off human emotional energy and retain it in their own emotional grid. Perhaps its not that different from what we do to one another when we encounter strong emotions in someone we love, hate, or otherwise are emotionally connected to. We seem to absorb the persons emotion, while the other persons intensity seems to diminish. The articles in this blog series give evidence from a variety of perspectives supporting the theory that we are being siphoned energetically. Try reading Making a Soul by Bennet, a student of Gurdjieff, for another interesting take on this. I do agree with you that its hypocritical to be outraged at being siphoned when we ourselves siphon others, which is what we do when we kill something and eat it. Youre right, the plants have a desire to live, just as we do. Eating seems to be the essential weakness and the essential flaw in the universe. Everything wears down, nothing can sustain itself on its own intrinsic energy forever, so everything takes the life of others in order to continue living. Surely it need not be like this, for there to be life. Surely, if all life springs from an infinite, undying energetic source, it should be possible for the expressions of that energy field to sustain themselves with the infinite energy that is their own essential nature. I think the problem must be that we get so focused on outward things that we forget who we are, forget how to self-sustain. This problem is universal throughout known creation: even suns flame and die out, unable to sustain themselves forever. Why is that? If we all are made of eternal, infinite energy, why dont we manifest eternity and infinity? Doesnt make sense that we dont, unless weve gotten so absorbed in the process of creation and living with what weve created that weve forgotten ourselves. Then the solution would be to reconnect with our essential nature and reconstruct the way we habitually live. Since we each are cells in the universe,


when the cells start getting this, the universe itself can conceivably change from a dying entity that literally eats itself to a being that can sustain itself on infinite energy forever. In other words, our minds, being part of the universe, influence the way the universe thinks. Bronte Reply Trish House said, August 31, 2011 at 12:49 am You are confusing the physical universe with the universe of the spirit which is exterior to the physical. I believe that it is in the non material universe of thought that all physical manifestations are created. As they become agreed upon by us at that level they become more real. It is our habit of making them manifest automatically that creates confusion. We forget we have manifested them and then we become the effect of them. You are a spirit, then a god, full capable of making space and energy and time and all things well. And there you crouch, forgotten to yourself and hidden from the eyes of all pretending there to be a beast that walks and eats and dies. L. Ron Hubbard Me said, November 9, 2010 at 3:48 am Hi, ive read Loosh 101 and on my way to read loosh 102, just want to tell u how i feel, is like ur words are mine, u speak things i think of, i embrace ur ideeas and theories and feel them as mine, they are right and fair i cant describe it into words as they come from withtin me, i what i belive is right even if i have read it just a few minutes ago, makes me think at a random post some1 made on my youtube page Every day we slaughter our finest impulses. That is why we get a heart-ache when we read those lines written by the hand of a master and recognize them as our own, as the tender shoots which we stifled because we lacked the faith to believe in our own powers, our own criterion of truth and beauty. Reply


Nominus said, May 12, 2011 at 4:02 am Wow. An existence-changing article masterfully articulated. Bravo. Reply Brendon said, May 12, 2011 at 11:37 am Hi, I believe loosh is the same entity/thing that Eckhart Tolle refers to as the pain body. Its continually seeking out drama and falling in love relationships. Reply brontebaxter said, May 12, 2011 at 7:39 pm Hmm. Sounds like youre thinking, but I dont agree with your conclusion. Loosh is energy, either positive or negative. Monroe distinctly states in his book that worship is a form of loosh, one of the more prized forms. So is the love of a mother for her children, he says. Neither of these would equate with Tolles the pain body, which Tolle describes as a negative entity (or trapped, congealed consciousness) within each individual that struggles to have a life of its own as a separate entity. Tolles idea of a pain body is wholly negative, whereas the loosh concept includes both positive (loving) and negative (hating). In my opinion, Tolle is inventing something that doesnt exist, suggesting we imagine the more tender, vulnerable aspects of our psyche as a living, negative entity in its own right that must be dissolved. He even suggests giving it a name, like Bob or something, as if it were a person. This way of looking at the hurting part of ourselves, seeing it as an entity and something that has a craving to feed, something that creates drama and negativity that only makes us want to cut off this part of ourselves and destroy it, be free of it. Its the same as religion telling us we have an ego that is negative, selfish, and arrogant by nature and must be destroyed or transcended. All of these approaches to the self cause a person to think of him/herself in terms of compartments, instead of regarding and embracing oneself as a whole. When we act negative, its because our psyche is hurting over something. We need to understand what is hurting and heal the attitude or belief behind the hurt, and that dissolves the negative feelings. But Tolle would have us observe the negativity, disdainfully seeing it as the drama created by an irrational child living within us, who needs to be dissolved and destroyed. This judgmental attitude toward ones own pain can only create more of it, or worse, compartmentalize part of ourselves. When we do that, we move away


from personal wholeness. Tolle would have us live so: with part of us coldly observing and part of us acting, separate and unowned by the observing superior part of ourselves. To me, this is a dissociative state not unlike that experienced by sociopaths. Religion calls it enlightenment. I call it a breakdown of ones personhood, a destruction of personal integrity and personal identity, an abdication of ones selfhood by the soul. My other articles in the Blowing the Whistle series go more deeply into this. Bronte Reply mike said, September 1, 2011 at 2:15 pm Ive recently just started looking into this. For sometime now Ive been obsessing over truth. Truth is all that matters to me, for once we know the truth, we know how to live. As I am somewhat cynical, I am unsure as what to think of all of this. All I know is that it feels like something keeps pushing me to keep exploring, and I feel like Im getting closer to my goal. Truth. Henry Ford said, whether you believe you can or cant, youre probably right. This just reinforces all of that. There is power in belief, and self-doubt certainly robs us of that power. Believing in this knowledge will only lead to a better future for me. Hearing someone quote something and then hearing the sort-of science behind the quote is what it takes for me to be a believer. I have to rationalize. Ive read articles where those who say the culprits behind the loosh stealing is Satan and all of his demons. I used to see dark entities as a child. They would watch me and I called them hordaks after the villain in the he-man cartoon. I know other things exist. More advanced beings. Ive experienced sleep-paralysis where I was surrounded by shadows. When I was a child my mothers mini-van was picked up by a bright light while we were driving. These memories I have. I will keep searching and listening to my heart to try and decipher what feels to be right. Hopefully i will find what I am looking for. Reply some guy from somewere said, October 25, 2011 at 8:05 am I have also read the works of Robert Monroe. I thought about all this quite a bit when I was in my early twenties. If the refined form of loosh can be called love, and there are those that harvest it, is it really a problem? Whether we humans produce or harvest loveBoth feel good. The one who gives love feels not a sense of being drained but there is an abundant energy there as well. Perhaps refined loosh production is indeed


the same way? What would a person do with love they could not express? Store it in a jar for another time? Both the giving and receiving of hate, feels awful.At least that is what I perceive to be true for (almost?) all humans. One learns not to hate because of the consequences. It can take a while to learn from our own mistakes or negative actions. I have never seen a person filled with hate and anger that is fulfilled or successful in any meaningful way. Yes, they can gain power.But the plan never works out and they eventually fail and/or are killed by the people who were formerly repressed. With love, It seems we have the opposite: there is infinite growth, opportunity and an increase in the ability to use ones will to succeed. But then the question comes: If I did not receive a negative feeling from my own negative actions, How would I learn? I dont really enjoy a fire being lit under my ass until I learn, But you have to admit its very effective! I avoid pain and seek pleasure and do believe that every human on this earth is like this. Reply brontebaxter said, October 25, 2011 at 12:10 pm Im afraid you are missing the point here. Loosh is not love, but love combined with angst and suffering. The example Monroe gives in his book is a mother bird fighting to her death in an effort to protect her young. The love intensifies the suffering, and the intense suffering feeds the ehteric vampires. As far as your comment goes that we need negative feelings to turn us around when we take a wrong direction, again thats missing the point: that vampiric entities instigate and generate suffering in humans and animals so as to feed off of the negative energy of suffering. Reply some guy from somewere said, October 26, 2011 at 11:05 am Your interpretation of Robert Monroes experience sounds a little funny to me. Have you actually read all 3 books? In this particular encounter Monroe was given information from a being who was something like an inter-dimensional tour guide. This was not a high level entity and certainly not an actual graduate of the Human Space/Time Illusion. This entity gave Monroe information about what its alien culture knew about earth. Of course the interpretation that the entity gave was distorted by its own experience, culture, mythsThis is evidenced by the first timer into the earth system thinking it is going to be no big deal. They all think they will get one lifetime full of it, and then leave. I believe it was in the 2nd book, called Far Journeys. It is a story of a naive energy form entering the earth system for the first time and finding out that it is Addiction + Amnesia.



One can see this to be true with an example of common human thinking: So lets say you really love someone. You might think to yourself, I want to stay with this person forever. What if an emotional habit energy held you to that desire? You might feel an urgent need to return to this loved one at any cost. And so we do. We come back and back again for reasons real or imagined because we just cant let go. We get caught up in the human drama and die with unfinished business every time around. That unfinished business is what I personally interpret as karma. The human experience sticks to us like glue and keeps us in low orbit. We are unable to as Monroe puts it reach escape velocity. So perhaps spiritual seekers are those who have had enough of it all and are done with the amusement park, but finding it hard to leave because they are just not done yet? In the book, the naive energy form called BB goes through a similar scenario. So Impressed by the energy and radiations of a graduate of this system, the lifeform wanted nothing but to gain this graduate status. After the beings first incarnation and death, Robert and this entitys friend try to snap him out of it. The being does not remember who it was before it came to earth and believes itself to be a male human warrior who had just died in battle(not aware that he had died). The strongest desire for this human was to get back into the battle and kill more Romans, or something like that. But of course when he tried to pick up the sword that lay on the ground, his hand passed right through it in bewilderment. Reply Blowing the Whistle, Chpt. 7: Enlightenment: From Siphoning to Assimilation This is Chapter 7 in an online book: Blowing the Whistle on Enlightenment: Confessions of a New Age Heretic, by Bronte Baxter. The worlds religions have changed from their ancient demands for blood sacrifice to their modern insistence on a more personal commitment to the divine. Blood provided life-force renewal to the interdimensional predators who call themselves the gods. But blood-ondemand is nothing in loosh quality compared to willing, devoted worship. Robert Monroe was told as much in his encounter with the light being (see my two last articles). Yet there is another, more insidious reason why the ancient religions, which taught fear of God, have morphed into modern religions and spiritual practices that teach surrender or love of God. The reason concerns free will. If that deeply human element can be won over, if the heart and ability to choose can be wholly offered to the divine, those on the receiving end no longer have to siphon humans for their energy, they can simply assimilate us. We become one with their system, with their collective consciousness. Our personal energy signature the soul or ego, individual self that which makes us creative, original, reasoned, deliberate beings of action that is taken from us. Or more precisely, we give it away. We give ourselves to the divine, and in so doing, align our personal frequency with those who have fed on humans since the dawn of history. We become entrained with them, like a tuning fork that hums the pitch of the humming forks around it or a soldier that marches in step with his army. As in the military, the surrender of personal choice results in a strengthening of the collective. Soldiers fall out of step when they cross a bridge, because the power of marching in unison is great enough that it could break the structure. Assimilation strengthens the collective that is the gods.


If the Star Trek image of The Borg comes to mind, the parallel is not inappropriate. The Borg in the sci-fi TV series were a civilization of beings half biological and half cyber. Like a hive, they were ruled by a central queen, whose will ran the collective. They thrived by discovering new planets and assimilating their inhabitants. Assimilation was accomplished by mind-controlling a person and then inserting, in place of the individuals mind, the mind of The Borg. The victims will became the will of The Borg, his actions entrained, like an ants, to work for the collectives purpose. Cosmic consciousness is not what we are told: a state where the individual mind merges with its own interior pure consciousness. Cosmic consciousness (enlightenment or Brahman) is a fusing of ones personal self with the force that has hijacked the universe. We can reason that the Infinite Source of all the egos in the universe must be an unlimited consciousness of love, life, joy, creativity and immortality. It knows no destruction or death, either for Itself or its children. Why would a self-fulfilled, joyous being want to make individuals that dont share in and express Its own qualities? Brahman is quite different than this original entity. Brahman is the consciousness that enfolds the physical universe, spitting out supernovas and destroying them with all their attendant life forms. We are told Brahman is the creator, the maintainer, and the destroyer. Brahman is that consciousness that feeds and depends on physical matter, creating and devouring it at will, as humans breed then slaughter animals on a farm for food. When meditators have cosmic visions of themselves as all the universe, this is the consciousness they identify with. By uniting with and surrendering to it as their Higher Self, they become possessed by the entities who have taken charge of (and perhaps created) the physical universe. I remember a chilling moment in a videotape of the popular spiritual teacher, Eckhart Tolle, where he describes the movement of thePresence in the world. He reaches out a long arm and makes a swooshing sound with his mouth, drawing the arm back in. Then he makes a swipe in the air with his other arm, then the first one again. Thats Consciousness, he tells us, creating then sucking back in life form after life form. That is what Tolle has aligned himself with, the Presence that creates and destroys individual life. A loving and unlimited creator of individual awareness would not create life forms only to destroy them. That is the act of a farmer, not of an artist or innovator. Creative people dont make things in order to feed off their creations. They make things to express whats inside them: the joy or beauty or humor or wisdom. We know this from our own life experience. Happy people create good things around them, and cherish and take care of those things. They dont decide to blow them up or devour them. If we as humans naturally behave like that, how could the Infinite Being from whose cloth we were cut think and behave like a savage? How could It be unfeeling or uncaring, when we by nature are feeling and caring? How could the children be greater in character than their own Creator? Its not a very reasonable premise. It cannot be God, in the sense of a supreme consciousness, that requires sacrifice, worship, surrender of ego and ultimate physical death. That can only be the agenda of limited spiritual beings, who see the manifest universe as their playground. They are the playground



bullies. Theyve convinced everyone that they by rights run the show and that they even created it. I remember Tolles story of his awakening. After suffering for years from severe depression, he decided he would commit suicide, at which point he felt an energy vortex sucking him in and heard the words Resist nothing. He blacked out and when he awoke, the world was fresh and new. He was a man without depression, without desires, without thoughts. He was a clean machine, devoid of his former sense of personal self. From that day on, he has moved through physical reality without an ego. Life moves through him, he says, and he identities that wholeness as his Self. But Tolles wholeness is a small particle in the vastness of the Infinite. It is not the Infinite, however much he believes it must be. Brahman is not Infinite, it is the collective consciousness of the material universe, which embraces good and evil, birth and death, as equal in value. The consciousness of the Infinite surely never intended suffering or death for its children. Tolle, like the enlightened guru-followers, has accepted all that happens in this world, horrendousness included, as the wonderful will of the divine. He regards what happened to him the night of his transformation as an awakening to the highest truth. I suggest what he awoke to was assimilation of his will, his personhood, all that made him uniquely human. He became a vessel for the voice that told him, Resist nothing words that eerily echo the voice of The Borg, telling its victims the moment before assimilation: Resistance is futile. Brahman, what Tolle calls Presence, does bring euphoric peace to the experiencer. The grave is peaceful, too, but I wouldnt want to spend time in one. There is peace when an individual surrenders their personal self. Gone is the responsibility of making choices, of finding motivation, of coming up with creative solutions. Gone is the need to think and the sting of emotional repercussions from former bad decisions. The enlightened need to do nothing, say nothing, become nothing. But to achieve that iced-over state of detachment, that cosmic disassociation, they must sacrifice the most precious thing they have ever been given: their personal divine spark. The enlightened willfully self-implode. And Gods very purpose for making them, as a unique, personal expression of Itself, gets subverted. Surely we were meant to be more than automatons, possessed zombies, walking around the earth while something else moves through us. Surely Gods plan was not for Its creatures to become mindless robots, with glassy grins and empty hearts, who regard suffering and happiness, death and life, as all the same in value. Surely there is something beyond what the gurus teach as the ultimate, Something that celebrates, supports and cherishes each being It ever created, that desires them to live forever and in harmony and joy, as Itself. The gods have not stopped living off human sacrifice. The rules of the game have only changed a little. Blood-on-demand is not as delicious as the willing offering of a human soul. Siphoning is evolving into assimilation. This is the tyranny of One, the reason the New Age teaches that awakened consciousness means seeing small self as illusion and Cosmic Self or the One, as the true reality. The intent is to fuse all egos into the will of the One, the will of the Overmind. The gods are masquerading as Cosmic Self. We either open our minds and recognize our programming, and reason our way out of this snare, or we grin like foolish children and


follow the Pied Piper right into the maw of the mountain. Will we choose to amalgamate or to shoulder the burden and joy of becoming conscious, empowered individuals? The fate of the universe rests on our decision. Bronte Baxter Bronte Baxter 2008 Anyone may republish this article on another website as long as they include the copyright and a back link to this site. 9 Comments Paul said, July 27, 2008 at 8:50 pm Hello Bronte, Oh my ! I have just got off the roller coaster ride of following a guru (which I wont name as I would rather move on with life) I see you were more in depth with the following of a guru than i was but your situation rang true with me on so many levels. I had to do my own thinking and my own awakening. At first it was rough but now I actually enjoy thinking for myself and coming up with my own creative solutions to life. Some work some dont but at least I am getting a hang on creating in joy for myself again. I too followed a mantra style group mediataion requiring 2. hours a day and my motivation for doing so was based on fear..Oh no if I dont do it I will have top come back again and I wont get full enlightenment.Quick better get my arse back on the meditation cushion or else. This is the hypnotic garbarge that is spewed out in most groups. I wanted to thank you sincerely Bronte for placing your articles up because I felt happy that someone else had gone through what I did and came to similar conclusions. I think star treck 4 or 5 (not sure which movie) where Kirk finds a god and he demands a starship from them and he says What would God need a Starship for? I think that is the best line in a movie and sums up in one question what people should ask about their so called weak gods. Thank you so much for your writing Bronte , much appreciated. Sincerely Paul in Japan Reply Doven said, November 8, 2008 at 6:32 pm This mirrors my opinion almost exactly after my own experience and years of study. Its easy to see through the incoherencies of what the mainstream spiritual psyop agents


purport. Just begin thinking on your own and observe openly. Something is wrong in eden. We have parasites glomming on to our cosciousness. Reply Jesse said, November 18, 2008 at 6:34 am Bronte, Youve gotten it right in a nutshell! This is exactly the conclusion Ive reached, after all that I have seen, experienced and researched. I even remember some other so-called enlightened master saying that he wanted to be devoured by God. There are quite a few who propound this poisonous doctrine, who believe that enlightenment means giving up your individual spark and being assimilated what I believe is the Luciferic hive mind. Its like an implosive spiritual black hole. They appear as angels of light, however their intentions are actually to get wellintentioned people to willingly surrender their souls by misleading them into thinking that this is the highest spiritual act. Even the Buddhist term for enlightenment, nibbana or nirvana as we Westerners call it, means to QUENCH or extinguish to blow out a flame. Enlightenment in this way is actually a quenching or extinguishment of your individual spark! Eckhart Tolle is one of these offenders. J Krishnamurti appears to be another. Also, Osho, or Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, also reached enlightenment in the same way through a deep period of depression. Osho says in one of his articles: Enlightenment is finding that there is nothing to find. Enlightenment is to come to know that there is nowhere to go. Enlightenment is the understanding that this is all, that this is perfect, that this is it. Enlightenment is not an achievement, it is an understanding that there is nothing to achieve, nowhere to go..Enlightenment is when all hope disappears. Enlightenment is disappearance of hope.Hope arises no more; desire is created no more. Future disappears. When there is no desire there is no need for the future. My theory on whats actually happening when reaching enlightenment through a depression, is that the individual spark stops hoping, stops desiring, stops wanting to exist or to be, and then basically relinquishes itself to the master devourer of consciousness or other entity, which then takes over the body and mind. This person then becomes another vessel, spouting off their doctrine, inviting others to be assimilated. A good example of this type of doctrine is A Course in Miracles, supposedly channeled by Jesus Christ! Its another one of those anti-ego, kill the ego teachings. One would have to be stupid to think that Jesus Christ actually dictated the words in that book, yet thousands of people are misled by these poisonous teachings.



They are spreading memes throughout the world of spirituality and those who seek higher consciousness can become trapped by these memes and unwittingly help to spread them around. Reply Janos said, August 12, 2010 at 8:10 am These are perhaps the most important words on this web page: The gods are masquerading as Cosmic Self. We either open our minds and recognize our programming, and reason our way out of this snare, or we grin like foolish children and follow the Pied Piper right into the maw of the mountain. Will we choose to amalgamate or to shoulder the burden and joy of becoming conscious, empowered individuals? The fate of the universe rests on our decision. Keep it up write your book! You are a brilliant and engaging writer. Janos Reply Carole said, September 1, 2010 at 1:50 am All I can say is Bravo! Great writing, great insight! During my first encounter with an enlightened teacher I didnt really mean to surrender anything. I had had a profound out of body experience and was very dazed, at this point this teacher literally hypnotized me to the point of losing consciousness. When I came to it was as if I had been set on some auto-pilot. I quit my job which I was passionate about, gave notice and moved in with this person. It felt as if my will had been stolen. It took me four years to gather that will back and leave. Reply Frederich said, December 18, 2010 at 6:54 am All I see here is a desperate attempt of the Ego to hold on to its illusionary powers. I suggest you read Schopenhauers Prize Essay on the Freedom of the Will. Free will is a myth. At any point in time we are the exact product of our genes and cumulative environmental influences. each and every decision we make is dictated by our genes and the sum total of our past experiences. Nothing in the universe is uncaused. Our thoughts and actions are caused too. There is no freedom, only the illusion of freedom. Also look into Nobel prize winner Benjamin Libets empirical experiments, which point to the conscious mind being a movie screen displaying unconscious decisions already made, as opposed to an actual decision making mechanism.


Here is what Albert Einstein said: I do not believe in free will. [The words] Man can do what he wants, but he cannot will what he wills, accompany me in all situations throughout my life and reconcile me with the actions of others, even if they are rather painful to me. This awareness of the lack of free will keeps me from taking myself and my fellow men too seriously as acting and deciding individuals, and from losing my temper. We are part of an enormous chain of cause and effect a kind of matrix, if you wish. If you identify with the Ego, you identify with this chain of cause and effect, i.e. you are bound by it. You are so much more than your name, the color of your eyes and your likes and dislikes all created by the chain of cause and effect, originally brought in motion by appetite (desire). By penetrating the ever-hungry illusionary Ego we arrive at the true, content Self. This is the message of all great spiritual teachers. It stands in direct contrast to protecting and feeding the Ego. Reply Kushta said, December 31, 2010 at 8:03 am @ Frederich You said: All I see here is a desperate attempt of the Ego to hold on to its illusionary powers. Or perhaps an even higher aspiration reflecting a Soul that has realized her identity in transcendence. You said: I suggest you read Schopenhauers Prize Essay on the Freedom of the Will. And I suggest that you stop pleasuring the intellectuals you adore and create some original thought of your own. You said: There is no freedom, only the illusion of freedom. How very fascist of you! ;-) You said: If you identify with the Ego, you identify with this chain of cause and effect, i.e. you are bound by it. You are so much more than your name, the color of your eyes and your likes and dislikes all created by the chain of cause and effect, originally brought in motion by appetite (desire). You are clearly mistaking the Ego i.e. Self with the False-Ego born of the Selfs misidentification with matter. The eastern notion of removing desire is contradictory because one must have the desire to remove desire thus desire is as eternally present as the immortal



Soul it inhabits. In fact, it is evidence of the positive affirmation of our emotional fulfillment in transcendence. Imagine that! ;-) You said: By penetrating the ever-hungry illusionary Ego we arrive at the true, content Self. Until you can differentiate between the False and Pure Ego on the inner dimension through direct experience your words will continue to remain without the substance of authenticity. You said: This is the message of all great spiritual teachers. It stands in direct contrast to protecting and feeding the Ego. And here we see the basis of your motives. No amount of goosestepping or monistic propaganda parroting will stop this ball from rolling. One day you will appreciate the courageous souls who refuse to drink the Kool-Ade that has robbed you of your divine faculties. - Kushta Reply Kushta said, December 31, 2010 at 8:07 am Any religious, social, spiritual, or philosophical notion that denies the sanctity and primacy of human relationships is, in fact, Self- denying, and consequently, Selfdefeating. The greatest joy I will ever know will come from the relationships I have with people, and while the ignorance that plagues our human condition may leave me vulnerable to pain and disappointment it remains to be the highest aspiration of a creature such as me who pursues the paradox of Love in a darkened world. In the end I will remain victorious for I will have lived, and have loved to the fullest, thus I have cast my lot with humanity and the God whose image I reflect! Reply justdoit8 said, July 22, 2011 at 8:40 am Flippin awesome stuff! Finally someone has seen through the bullshit and put it down so well in writing (or typing!). Thanks Bronte. Your words are what Ive been feeling for a few years now. We need to let go of things that demand our worship and start seeing who the real controllers of this reality are. In this way we can finally change it, evict the current tenants and bring back what was meant to be. Heaven for all.



Blowing the Whistle, Chpt. 8: Catching More Flies with Honey: How Love and Oneness Teachings Are Used to Disempower This is Chapter 8 in an online book: Blowing the Whistle on Enlightenment: Confessions of a New Age Heretic, by Bronte Baxter.

Love one another. We are all one. Such beautiful sentiments. Love is the balm that heals the heart, and oneness the reality that joins us. But spiritual teachers with an agenda use love and oneness teachings to keep the lid down on their disciples spiritual development. Lets look at these teachings one at a time and see how they are used to manipulate. When a teacher or religion preaches love, at first glance that seems to be a good thing. It encourages people to be selfless and to help their fellows. Because of love teachings, religious people give to the poor, volunteer their time, and bite their tongue a lot. They say the right thing and dont do things that other people wont like. They put their desires on the backburner and focus instead on doing what they think will make others happy. Whenever sentiments of discontent or rebellion arise, they quash them with the stern heel of conscience. They know such feelings are from the dark side, and that they must be vigilant against them. Years go by, and these well-meaning people become frustrated and repressed. The rebellion in them grows, because they are not listening to themselves. Their soul cries out for experiences, for learning through experience, but they have been taught that personal desires are selfish, so the cries of their soul go unheeded. They grow depressed or angry, because their purpose of embodiment in human form has been thwarted. The frustration comes out in many negative ways: short-temperedness, jealousy, vindictiveness, gossip, judgmentalness. The sincere people who faithfully follow love teachings typically live in a box with the lid down, able to express but little of themselves because instinctual wants are considered suspect or evil. Repressed, their souls turn miserable or spiteful, like a dog chained for years to a stake. See, its a bad dog, people say when the animal snarls and nips, convinced by such nasty behavior that they were right in chaining that animal all along. Telling people to be unselfish creates a shadow personality inside them, the very ego that religions decry and that wouldnt exist without religion. Its ego, teachers preach, that makes the spirit discontent and rebellious. The vices their followers find in their private hearts are proof that the soul is a tainted thing, needing to be risen above or controlled. So people redouble their efforts to be kind and loving. They volunteer more time, give more money to their church or their guru, and bite their tongue so hard that it hurts. But their wicked spirit only becomes sulkier, their negative thoughts stronger, their suppressed rage greater. The spiritual teacher has, of course, the solution to all this. The Christian struggling with wicked thoughts is told to surrender his soul to Jesus. The disciple plagued by negativity is told to surrender her ego to Oneness Consciousness. It amounts to the same thing. Spiritual aspirants must make an oblation of the will (the souls chief attribute and mode of expression) to something perceived as greater and purer than themselves. If they do this,


God, they are promised, will destroy the evil in their hearts. Oneness, or Brahman Consciousness, will dissolve their selfish cravings and negative mental chatter. The soul will melt away into the wholeness that is their true cosmic nature, or into the love that is Jesus. The troublesome entity they have fought with for years, their inner self, will be gone. In its place will come a peace that surpasseth understanding, the presence of the Divine alive in their heart. People who succeed in going the final steps to such surrender do indeed experience peace, but it is the peace of spiritual death. Gone is the cry of their spirit for expression, for freedom to live and do things in the world. Gone is the frustration of the heart that lived in a box all its life. All noise is silenced. The soul has been snuffed out. All that exists in the shell called the body is the presence of something else: a new, holy or cosmic consciousness. The consciousness that takes over when we surrender our souls only claims to be divine or of the Source. It is a consciousness that hates life, that abhors uniqueness and diversity. It wants to wipe out the creative spark whose expression was the purpose of creation. That spark, individual consciousness, burst forth from the Source Consciousness in a brilliant firework display at the beginning of time. We are those sparks, children of the Infinite, and our play and display is the reason for the world. The play has been thwarted for millenniums. The display has been forbidden. Any original impulses that dont align with institutionalized spiritual programming, in religions of East or West, are judged egoistic or evil. While a few people in society break free from these fetters (becoming our artists, our inventors, our thinkers), most of mankind lives under the yoke of spiritual repression, judging their deepest instincts as suspect, selfish, and wrong. So we live in miserable marriages, work at miserable jobs, go places we dont want to go for the happiness of our families, and do things we dont want to do to help the less fortunate. Religious people work so hard to make sure everyone else is happy, but no one does anything that makes anyone happy, because happiness is a luxury theyre told they have no right to expect or experience. I remember as a girl, how Sundays my family would sit around asking one another how theyd like to spend the day. Would you like to go to the park? one person would ask. I dont know, would you like to go to the park? would come the reply. Everyone was so busy being unselfish, trying to do what the others supposedly wanted, that no one ever answered honestly about what they thought would be fun. So we went to the park or museum, never knowing if even one family member really wanted to go there. We were that intent on being good Christians, on sacrificing our personal desires for the sake of everyone else. We thought that made us moral and pleasing to God. I often think of this sad and ridiculous scenario that was acted out so many times when I was growing up, and what a metaphor it is for all decisions that are based on repressing our inner spark for the supposed higher good. What if instead we all listened to the promptings in our hearts, without judgment? What if we stopped calling those promptings ego and considered them messages from the divine within us, messages there to guide us through life?



Those who have succumbed to the teaching that the ego is a self-serving, antisocial, antispiritual entity that lives inside waiting to undermine, can never free the creative spark and do the things that truly bring happiness to themselves and to others. When we trust our desires and stop judging them as selfish, the nastiness that once accrued to our inner spirit strangely disappears. The soul isnt repressed anymore. It is free and expressing, fulfilling its divine promptings. Gone is its envy toward others, its anger and resentment. The soul fills with its own innate joy, and wishes no less for everybody else. Egoism and evil are not born of this entity; they are born of repressing this entity. Left to itself, unjudged and uncensored, the soul desires good things for itself and for all creation. So where is the selfishness? Spiritual teachers tell us to love, but true love is never born of an edict. Love is not biting your tongue, doing what someone else wants, repressing your desires, giving money to charity or doing prescribed service. All those things come from an effort at love, not from having love. When you have love, you need no mandates. Love is a tenderness of feeling, an empathy to what another is going through, a perception of the beauty in another. Not only is a mandate not needed for real love a mandate is useless in bringing love about. How can a spiritual rule make you feel tenderness or empathy, or appreciation of beauty? Only an open soul can experience those things. A soul shrouded in judgment of itself as egoistic and selfish cannot feel tenderness, empathy or appreciation. It is way too hurt and closed for such delicate feelings. Expecting a judged soul to bloom forth in genuine love is like expecting a seedling you poured drain cleaner on, to sprout forth in beautiful, new, green shoots. Any spiritual leader who makes love the core of their teaching or who talks of dissolving the small self or ego leads mankind further into the dark. A truly awake person knows that love cannot be achieved through effort and that egoism is the product of self-flagellation. The truly awake dont tell people to be loving, they suggest people be true to themselves. They advise self-trust. They are also aware of the nature of religion and its destructive role in the world. They speak out against it in all its forms. Truly spiritual people recognize that religions use teachings of love and oneness to manipulate humanity into first judging and then surrendering their precious, unique souls (in the form of their will). They perceive that someone stands to gain from this, those who stand at the top of religions, those who call themselves God, gods, or gurus. They know that the true God, the Source Consciousness, has no need for worship and never mandated such. They know that anyone asking for adulation is less than Infinite, less than divine an imposter pretending to be those things. The truly aware know that Source Consciousness wants only that its purpose in creation be fulfilled: the play and display of happiness, in a myriad expression of souls, unique in their wonderful forms. They know that religions teachings of mandated love and dissolving ego thwart the Infinites purpose by destroying those souls. People who know the truth encourage free expression, independence, individuality. They cheer for things like questioning, dissent, and nonconformity. They never codify truth and they never set themselves up as teachers. They dont allow others to put them on a



pedestal. They dont appear on the rolls of the holy or the Self-realized. They are simple, confident people going about their lives with the light on inside. No one turns to them as gurus or quotes them as spiritual authorities. They bring light to the world by being who they are and living freely and differently. Their joy and originality inspire those around them to re-evaluate the shrunken, judged personhood inside themselves, to consider whether it, too, might be capable of such luminosity. The truly awake inspire envy and anger in many, whose first reaction to the possibility of freedom is outrage, because it means they may have been traveling in the wrong direction all their lives. Love is the sweetest expression of life, the flower of Gods creation. Oneness is our deepest nature, the place we all join with God (to quote the poet, Matthew Arnold) like islands linking (our) coral arms beneath the sea. Love and Oneness what could be better? But teachings that tell us to practice love and to surrender to Oneness are quite another thing. There are those who would twist mankinds natural spiritual instincts to serve their sinister purposes. Love and Oneness are their calling cards. (For more about those sinister purposes, see my other articles in the Blowing the Whistle on Enlightenment series.) Bronte Baxter Bronte Baxter 2008 Anyone may republish this article on another website as long as they include the copyright and a back link to this site. NOTE TO COMMENTERS: The comment section of this blog is now reserved for short remarks and for information readers wish to contribute that is relevant to the subject of the article. (12 lines of typed text show up as 15 lines in the published text. Please restrict any comment to 12 lines of typed text.) Longer comments, off-topic comments, as well as back-and-forth discussion between posters are now restricted to the Yahoo Groups forum created for that purpose. Bronte Baxter does not affiliate with new forum, and the comments there do not represent her opinions. Any reader may access the Splinter discussion group at: 8 Comments 5 Comments Doven said, November 8, 2008 at 6:41 pm



Yes the psyop here is one of giving your power away in a cleverly disguised form of separation. There are many siphons in the form of spiritual practices that act as pied pipers for the soul purpose of redirecting your life force energy to a harvester outside yourself. Reply Jesse said, November 19, 2008 at 9:45 pm Damn it Bronte, youve done it again. Every article I read in this series hits the bullseye right on the mark for me, and I feel overwhelmed with appreciation that someone is expressing all the things I have been thinking over the years. As if weve both, through experience, seeking and research, assembled the pieces of the puzzle in the same way, independently, without knowing each other.its amazing. The only difference is that Ive never organized these ideas coherently or said them out loud; Ive kept them to myself, waiting for the day when I would have the motivation to organize it all together or the courage to speak. Reply Jim said, March 31, 2009 at 5:50 am Yes bronte. Good job. People try too hard and are not risky enough. The custodians create a controlled rebellion deep in the soul of people. The only rebellion left is true love and instinct. Being good is just being. So be. And watch where it takes you and be surprised at how safe you can be in a crowd of scared insecure lunatics. Fuck yeah. Reply Alena said, April 28, 2009 at 10:02 am Very well said, very well said. Appreciated reading this as it clarified what my instincts were trying to tell me. Thank you. Reply Teo said, August 25, 2010 at 12:51 pm



Very very excellent read. I especially love the part about how we have been taught that Ego is something that is self-serving, antisocial, anti-spiritual entity that lives inside waiting to undermine, can never free the creative spark and do the things that truly bring happiness to themselves and to others. I have always felt extreme indignancy somehow everytime my ego gets manipulated, in turn manipulating me into not reaching for my own potential. We now live in the world where anyone who tries to be the best they can be, get called egoistic and cocky. Anyone who tries to tell the others that they can do alot better, is called judgmental. Really it is no wonder why eventually our education systems have become completely obsolete, and why the world is increasingly filled more and more with the insecure because so many of us have been chained to the prison that actually prevents us from expanding and growing; all under the Name of Humility. Humility has become a calling card for those who want to control others, or simply put down others! Now of course Im not saying that we shouldnt be humble at all. The frustrating thing is we all practice humility in the areas that just dont matter, or worse, detrimental to our spiritual growth! Reply Blowing the Whistle, Chpt. 9: Amma, the Mother Saint Hugging Away Your Personhood This is Chapter 9 in an online book: Blowing the Whistle on Enlightenment: Confessions of a New Age Heretic, by Bronte Baxter. What do stuffed dolls have to do with enlightenment? Lots, if youre into the cult of Amma, known also as Ammachi, Mata Amritanandamayi, and the hugging saint. Ammas devotees talk to dolls made in her image that are sold on Amma retreats. They tell the doll their problems, seek its comfort, and listen in their minds for its advice. Amma calls the devotees her children, and clucks syllables like baby talk into their ear in her trademark ritual of lining people up, watching them kneel before her, then embracing them. She tells them she is their mother and that she hears their prayers. She says shed no more charge them for her darshan (i.e., being in her presence) than a mother would charge an infant for breast milk. Yet insiders have estimated Amma rakes in upwards of 3 million dollars in a 7-week tour, through donations and sales of items like her toothbrush, fragments of a garment she has sat on, Amma dolls, Amma posters, and books by devotees extolling her divinity. Devotees believe Amma is a living incarnation of the being they consider the supreme God: Kali in Hindu religion, who is depicted in Indian art wearing a necklace of bloody human skulls and a girdle of severed arms but who somehow translates to devotees as a loving maternal figure. Amma events consist of childlike lectures on Hindu doctrines, Amma blessing water which devotees then drink, hymn singing, worship ceremonies, and the hugs. At some events, Amma wears a two-foot-high sparkling crown.


Amma marries people on stage, gives babies their first taste of solid food, tells couples to break up or to stay together, and ordains some of the faithful to abandon their family and live as monks in her ashram. Amma teaches that love is all we need, and it is her divine love that will save us. In Seattle a couple of months ago, she predicted nuclear war and that no child younger than 5 will live to adulthood after the year 2012. After spreading fear and despair through such prophecies, she announced that only meditation and self-effacing acts of charity can possibly mitigate the sentence for humanity. Meditation means mantra/obeisance meditation to the divine mother. Self-effacing charity means donations to her organization and service to her cause. At public sessions, devotees chant hymns to Amma that grow in volume and frenetic intensity, gesticulating in unison with their arms in the shape of an arc, from their midsection up and out towards Amma, who sits on a dais in front of them. The words of the chant are Aum Parashaktyai Namah. That translates to I bow down/ pay homage to the Supreme Mother of the Universe.The arm gesture is body language for surrendering ones soul to Kali in the form Amma, her living embodiment. I am one of the moderators of the Ex-Amma Forum, a place where people whove left the Amma cult come together to help each other heal from their ordeal. The group is open to exfollowers, questioning devotees, concerned family and friends of devotees, and people seeking more information. I became involved with the forum when I watched a close friend of mine grow farther and farther away from the person he once was, the deeper he sank into Ammas hypnotic embrace. On the forum, Ive read hundreds of first-person accounts of what people experience with Amma, the side of her no one wants to talk about. Ive seen an email from her former joint-secretary alleging she cooks the books, that the money she gathers for charity doesnt go to the charities she claims. Ive read accounts by her former monks of the unexplained wealth of Ammas family, how her charity hospitals wont take the very poor because the poor dont have money enough for treatment. Ive read aboutsuicides and unexplained deaths of ashram devotees. So many dead bodies have appeared in the waters outside the ashram that The Indian Express, New Delhis daily newspaper, printed an account of local citizens demanding a police investigation into the matter. Ive read of organ selling and beatings. I saw a video of Amma performing a puja (worship ceremony) to a portrait of Sai Baba, the guru who gives penis massages to his favorite boy disciples. I read a letter from a former Amma monk alleging he was told by an Indian holy man not to share what he knows about Amma if he values his safety. Ammas website sells pujas performed on behalf of the paying devotee for prices ranging from $30 to $250. We read there an explanation of what happens in Kali puja, which is performed on Ammas birthstar: The puja is offered to a lamp representing the Goddess The puja starts with a worship of the Guru The central aspect of the puja is the symbolic offering of the five elements of creation to God. Our body is composed from these five elements The puja symbolizes the surrender of the devotee to God Each element is represented by a material symbol, such as flowers, or fire These are offered at the foot of the lighted lamp. The desire of the


devotee to offer his or her surrender is effected by these symbolic offerings. During the entire puja the temple resonates with the continuous chanting of the holy names of Kali. (emphasis mine) Ammas PR is impeccable. She presents as the hugging saint, a portrait of sweetness and universal love, and the media promotes her unquestioningly as such. There has never been an investigation into her movement, the dead bodies, where the money goes, or what is really happening in her hospitals and orphanages in India. In July, 2005, the United Nations awarded Amma with Special U.N. Consultative Status, according to her website. She is one of 25 core leaders in the United Nations Parliament of World Religions. Her website contains over a dozen pages extolling the humanitarian work of the U.N. One page compares the U.N.s Millenium Goals with Ammas goals, which are word-for-word identical. (Click here to view both documents.) The ashram is among 30 Indian NGOs to receive formal U.N. affiliation, according to Ammas website. This will provide opportunities for joint collaboration between the U.N. and her organization, it goes on to state. Ammas website openly extols the U.N. for its advances toward global government: The United Nations has been in the forefront of tackling problems as they take on an international dimension, providing the legal framework for regulating the use of the oceans, protecting the environment, regulating migrant labor, curbing drug trafficking and combating terrorism, to mention a few. This work continues today, with the United Nations providing input into the trend towards a greater centrality of international law ingoverning interaction across a wide spectrum of issues. (emphasis mine) Pulling all this together, what are we seeing here? Amma is a globalist, working intimately with the U.N. to bring about its agenda. That agenda is world regulation and control a wolf that hides in the sheeps clothing of humanitarian ideals. The U.N.s aim is a global Orweillian state held in place by a world bank, a centrally controlled media, a world peacekeeping unit (world army), technological surveillance, and control of the worlds water, food and other life-essential resources. As one of the 25 core leaders in the U.N.s religion parliament, Amma supports and promotes these Big Brother goals. For anyone wondering if the efforts by the global elite to create a New World Order have a spiritual component, Amma provides ample evidence. My earlier articles in the Blowing the Whistle on Enlightenment series explain the real meaning of the kind of surrender that Amma and other Indian gurus promote among their followers. It is surrender of the personal self to the gods, whom Amma calls the Lord. Ammas hugs, her relics, her blessed water and food, are ways of infusing her energy signature into the minds and bodies of those who visit her, be they devotees or unsuspecting guests. Not only her energy signature but, I submit, the energy signature of the astral entities who work through her, who call themselves gods, and who feed on the psyches of mankind. Ammas energy transfer helps devotees entrain with her vibration and meld their minds and souls with the godhead. In other words, it helps them become assimilated, or possessed by the same cosmic forces that possess and work through Amma. Gurus call such a change in consciousness attaining enlightenment or liberation. Its a state of ego death, where


one no longer functions as an independent individual but as a receptacle of the Supreme Consciousness. Translation: as a tentacle of the astral entities who live off human worship and suffering. What makes Amma both so successful and so sinister is the loving image she hides behind. The media uses it to promote her far and wide. If it seems remarkable that no investigative reporting has been done, that no one from the mainstream media has questioned Ammas PR, the mystery evaporates when we recall who the mainstream media is run by these days. Large corporations have bought and own our press and television, and dictate the news that journalists are permitted to report. Behind those corporations, as behind our governments, lurk the privileged aristocracy, who control both news and world events by means of puppets who do their bidding. Our world leaders, the mainstream media, and the saint Amma work in tandem. Thats why the media and world leaders sing her praises. Why do I single out Amma among the dozens of gurus I could write about? Because she is so popular, and so unquestioned. Even that guru-busting website, Guruphiliac, seems to miss the shadiness of Amma, voting her the least bad of the gurus. But Amma is one of the worst. Powerful and successful, she ropes in new recruits by the thousands on her yearly worldwide tours. Ammas movement claims that the saint has hugged over 26-million people people who often return as devotees, worshipping her godhood and donating to her coffers. Ammas brand of religion is a return to the infantile. She makes babies of grown men and women, giving them dolls to babble to and telling them shes their mother. While speaking fine words about the God within each of us, her actions teach something different. Allowing people to pray to you, kneel to you, and worship you as God Incarnate is not the behavior of someone who wants people to recognize themselves as magnificent, powerful expressions of God. Ammas disciples get their power from hugs, dolls, mantra obeisance, and the group euphoria of retreats, not from the core of their own being. Theyre conditioned to believe that their inner self is less than the glorious entity before them. Theyre told, in fact, that their unique, individual personhood is nothing but a self-serving ego flawed, proud and devious, something to be destroyed before they can be happy. Every time they bow down to Amma and the gods who work through her, Ammas devotees shut the door more tightly on the divinity within themselves. Its a tragedy, but we can stop it: by spreading this information far and wide. When enough people know the other side of Amma, her crown and power will topple. Just as the global government she promotes will crash down about itself when the public sees through the fairy tales. The emperor has no clothes. Pass it on. Once the message ripples through the crowd, the game will be up, and the illusion will be over. Bronte Baxter Bronte Baxter 2008



Anyone may republish this article on another website as long as they include the copyright and a back link to this site at 12 Comments jeremy said, September 23, 2008 at 7:58 pm Whats upsetting about this is that it seems like such a nice loving movement. Reply Doven said, November 9, 2008 at 3:05 pm Loving movements can tap into emotional addictions. Love is not what most humans think it is and anything that creates separation or hierarchy is NOT love but anti love with the design to harness it to co-create a reality that may not be in your best interests. ;-) Reply Stewart said, February 2, 2010 at 4:53 am I have been to the hugging saint and got my hugs. But what I really got was an awareness by observing both myself and the crowd. Human slaves collecting cash and zapping credit cards. I can honestly say I felt nothing. No warmth, no love, just that I had hugged the woman who has hugged 30 million people. Now Bronte, seems that once two people join forces and start something, something else is born. A control organization will eventually grow out of the successful ones. This will always be manipulated to serve the lords and gods. Our power is surely being alone and free. Reply Sunil said, May 1, 2010 at 12:17 pm Im from India and from the same state of kerala that Amma belongs tooyou have hit the nail again by the brilliant article Bronte. No body dares question her method in India, its so subtle, barely noticeable, only a trained person could see whats goes behind the facade of Amma.


You know how India is, every one is a follower of some cult or religion99% of people here have lost there soul to some 1000 gods and goddess we have here. I dont think there is any hope for people in India. Unless, people like you come forward and awaken us. Most of the people here are soulless and i could see through them, they are taken over by higher evil beings that they call devas, devi, gods and goddess. There are yogis, gurus and Ammas, in every nook and corner of India, ready to take the soul of anyone, who crosses there path. Please tell all your friends, to never come to India, its start with beautiful tourism and exotic cultural experiencethen through yoga and then they take your soul away. Thanks again. Reply chiaradina said, July 28, 2010 at 7:15 am I totally agree with Stewart. It was the same with me when I was in Kerala at her Ashram. Reply Jefferson said, August 10, 2010 at 2:36 am Interesting resport on your experiences. If you have not already read the book, the following information on sourcing the Guru Papers may prove useful. > Reply Jefferson said, August 10, 2010 at 2:39 am Interesting report on your experiences. If you have not already read the book, the following information on sourcing the Guru Papers may prove useful. >



Reply brontebaxter said, October 15, 2010 at 10:06 am Yes, that is an excellent book. I highly recommend it. Bronte Reply Diana Trimble said, October 15, 2010 at 5:41 am Thank you for publishing this piece. I am completely in agreement with your rejection of the claims of this charlatan. I am on the verge of exposing a couple more right now but have to be careful cuz I live in the UK which has terrible libel laws that protect the guilty. But I do feel I can mention Amma by name, because her scam is (should be) well known by now. Anyway, thought you might enjoy my irreverant essay on frauds: Bullshit! Reply justdoit8 said, July 24, 2011 at 7:07 pm Theres a blog been created to counteract what Bronte has exposed called Cult Of The Huggling Saint Exposed: A Closer Look At The Critics Of Amma Ammachi Mata Amritanandamayi Maa. This person or persons is rather p*ssed that Bronte has had the guts to tell it how it really is. Ive read their little defense of such gurus and it holds no water. All theyve really done is seek to ridicule those who see that there is a dark force leading world leaders and that reptilians or gods do indeed exists. Funny, how such people who blab on and on about seeking enlightenment have to turn to ridicule to defend themselves. These people believe in hugging dolls yet cant get their head around the fact that dark multidimensional beings may indeed be controlling the game here? Then they feel the need to ridicule Bronte for having a brain, for having integrity to see whats in plain sight. And then feeling the need to ridicule David Icke. Ha. I suggest they do some real research before feeling the need to ridicule David Icke and such people whove had the guts and bravery to expose how sick this world is. At least they dont have their heads up their asses whilst the world goes to hell in a hand basket. But ohhhh why listen to these negative, fear-based people they say? Doesnt do anything for raising the vibration you say? Lol, all you people are programmed to


spew such silly catch phrases such as fear-based, negativity, polarities, which are usually dripping with contempt and resentment by you folks who have allowed yourself to be part of the great muppet show whenever you want to marginalize or downplay any valid information about whats happening here. Additionally, I dont find people such as David Icke or Bronte Baxter negative at all. If anything theyre giving people real hope for our future. That we dont need to bow down to anything. That we have the power to change the programming of this superholographic reality. Thats our destiny. If youd bother to read and listen to what David Icke has to say youll find that he is nothing but positive and optimistic about our future. So is Bronte. But you didnt do any work in bothering to find out. Id rather acknowledge when something is wrong in order that we can change it. But these people with their new age ultra positivist outlook have decided its easier and much less work not to look and not to confront what is obvious. But no worries, keep your head up your asses. When you do finally decide to wake up and smell the snakes you better hope that you have the freedom to move from A to B. If you people would bother to do any real research, then ask yourself whyyyy so many people, from all around the world have seen these beings. How do you explain away as absurd the endless themes of `Serpent` and `Dragon` Gods in the ancient texts from all corners of our planet? Or are you gonna say that these people were indeed primitive and knew no better? Well, this is from the same generation that erected the pyramids (or had help), which cannot be reconstructed today! At very least Bronte Baxter has created a blog whereby others can and share their thoughts and feelings, you havent. Theres no program on your blog. Why? Because you dont wanna hear it do ya? Your childish diatribe and ridicule against these people who speak out against the sickness of the world shows that you and your ability to think for yourself has in effect been NEUTRALIZED and all you have in your defense is mere personal attacks and this does nothing to credit yourselves or the hugging of dolls. Bronte, well done. Youve had the guts to do the right thing and expose what unfortunately so many people will laugh at. Leave them laugh. Theyre in for a hell of a shock. Reply justdoit8 said, July 24, 2011 at 7:23 pm All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. All those that seek to ridicule whats being exposed here do so at a knee-jerk reaction because you dont want to face what inside you know is true. That something is very wrong. The fear doesnt come from people like Bronte Baxter or David Icke, it comes from the thing inside you that doesnt want its belief system challenged. Well give yourself a damn challenge for once! Bronte did, David did, I did. Its not easy. Just like a person who is ridding their system of dangerous drugs, youll have a few dark nights of the soul. But the clarity that comes


after is well worth it. Youll be able to see things in a new light. Youll feel much more powerful and much more confident in your ability to make real change. So dont be scared. Do it! Reply Sir Franklin said, October 24, 2011 at 2:37 am Bronte, you did a great job explaining what Amma is all about, but I would like to add my own realization. I too was drawn to her a few years back and upon my first meeting, felt nothing from her hug. I returned for Devi Bhava, out of the advice of one of her devotees and did the works-holy water, food, chant and hug. I was feeling great, but again didnt feel anything from the hug, but was feeling good from something else hmmm. I had mystical experiences from her and thought that she was the real deal. The mystical experience wasnt anything I had conjured up myself, because I already had a guru- who is not in the physical form-and I wasnt looking to worship or follow Amma, because I do not worship my own guru, but the spirit of God within and without. But, AMMA appeared to me in a vision (as you stated imprinting her vibrations while chanting in your ear, holy water, food ect.) a few times and the following year I returned to see her one last time in Devi Bhava. I was shocked that after receiving a hug, one of her workers ran after me and tried to give me a mantra initiation. I was shocked and declined it, to the surprise and apology of her worker. She shouldve known that I had a guru and was making rapid progress with him. The attempt to recruit me when I didnt sign up for a mantra was a little alarming, but, I let it go. But over time, it was revealed to me, what and who AMMA is. Although, I will agree with almost all your observations, I would like to add a little something. I do not think that she is your typical fake/charlatan that can be found in India and across the globe. She is a trickster entity that has its place in creation and evolution. Most people who follow her are those who are trapped in the clouds and not grounded in reality. Most of her followers are those who want to worship and want their sins/karma to be resolved primarily through an entity being as such she represents. They want the process of evolution and life to be all so motherly and sweet. They want the process of enlightenment to be all so motherly and sweet. They do not want to face their own life/self of hard work and self-realization, but want a guru or person to do most of the work for them. So, I can see how the Creator created the role for her to trick those who are delusional. And from what I hear it seems that once she gets you in, she shows her true self, which is reality. If you look at the documentary Darshan: The Embrace, you wont see a charlatan playing nice for the cameras, you will see the volatile entity, Amma. Youll also see that same entity giving her devotees a tough time, shattering their image of an all nice motherly figure. I do believe many people in her organization are also being spun in her web, but by their own deceit/greed. Yes, they are probably using her prestige, money and powers for their own gain, but they are being tricked by the entity as well. People liken her to Kali and if you know the real cosmic Kali, then Amma would qualify as manifesting aspects of that entity. If one is drawn and follows that entity, then one is in for a lesson that often times is not easy. I personally can not classify her as good or bad, but a necessary


lesson for those who are drawn and follow her. She will break your illusion and oftentimes its not pretty, but at least it is progress. P.S.- I was being tested when drawn to her to see if I would follow the path/guru/guide that God has sent me or follow the path of illusion. Though I was pulled, I broke free and passed the test. I since have not had a vision or prompting from Amma, the lesson is over. The lesson has made me stronger and wiser. She will move on to others to see if they need to be broken. Although, I agree with your observation, I believe that God has a purpose for all. God is always in control and manifests a role if their is a need for it. Many people are still stuck in the dark ages, clinging to idolatry worship, instead of invoking that same entity within. If entities like Amma manifest, its to cause pain and discomfort on that path, so that people can find the true path back to within themselves. Reply

Leave a Blowing the Whistle/ Chpt. 10: Creating Reality from Thought This is Chapter 10 in an online book: Blowing the Whistle on Enlightenment: Confessions of a New Age Heretic, by Bronte Baxter.

Lots of questions surround any discussion about creating reality (or manifesting desires) by using what is popularly called The Law of Attraction. What is this philosophy something of genuine value or another New Age spiritual detour? Is it selfish and superficial or actually healing and useful? Can it help the state of the world? Doesnt it contradict the Law of Karma? If the Law of Attraction is real, why do affirmations seldom work? Is there a more effective way to create reality through thought than the simple advice given in The Secret DVD? Lets look at all these questions and start with a definition. The Law of Attraction is a law of nature that says whatever you think, you get: our thoughts determine what happens to us in the physical outer world called reality. Is this valid theory or New Age nonsense? The theory is a sound one. The Law of Attraction operates at the heart of personal selfempowerment. Its also the key to unlocking new possibilities in the universe. As such, its a powerful tool for defeating the New World Order and creating a magnificent world. To understand why consciously utilizing this law offers so much, we must first understand the relationship of thoughts to matter, because the Law of Attraction is a mind-over-matter philosophy. So lets get philosophical for a moment. Thought creates outer reality for one reason: because thought is consciousness vibrating, and thats all physical matter is, too. The difference between thought and matter is only the level of density. Theyre two layers of the same cake. Matter is just a slightly slower vibration of consciousness.



The analogy of a fan demonstrates the difference in frequency between thought and the physical world. When a fan moves slowly, you clearly see its distinct blades. They are unquestionably solid. They block out your view of anything positioned behind them. But when you turn the fan on high, suddenly the blades become blurry. Earlier perceived as solid, they seem to grow translucent, almost invisible. You can see objects through and behind the fan, things that before were hidden by the solidity. Physical reality is like a fan on low-speed. It operates on a slow vibration, which makes it appear defined and dense. Thought is like a fan on high-speed. The higher frequency makes this level of reality fluid and invisible to the senses, but it is actually the same reality as matter, only vibrating faster. Another analogy is H2O. Ice, water and vapor are the same substance expressing differently. One expression is solid and dense, another is fluid and without boundaries, while a third is gaseous and practically invisible. Consciousness, too, has layers or levels: gross, subtler and subtlest. Thought is a manifestation at a subtle level. Matter is a gross manifestation of the same thing. Quantum physics has discovered that matter is not solid, in spite of its appearance being so. Matter consists of atoms, which are not combinations of particles and wave vibrations as scientists once believed. It turns out, atoms are pure vibration. So the physical world is pure vibration, appearing as solid the way fan blades appear solid when they slow down. If matter is vibration, what is it thats vibrating? Apparently, emptiness. But because its vibrating, that emptiness must be energy. And because it vibrates in the shape of organized forms, that emptiness must be intelligent. So intelligent energy is the stuff of creation, the power that underlies all things that exist. Consciousness is one name for that intelligent energy, and a subtle movement in consciousness is a thought. Thought results in changes in matter. Here is an example, on a gross level, of how thought moves the material world. If I want a glass of water, I first have the thought to get a drink, then I walk to the sink, fill up a glass, and sip. The water, the glass, and my body physical objects made up of atoms all three shift and change a bit in response to the thought that Im thirsty. Every minute of the day, thoughts shape physical reality. The world is a collection of atoms in various combinations, all of them pulsing in an intelligent energy field. Besides moving reality around, thoughts can create reality from scratch. An example of this is inventing something that never has been thought or felt before: a symphony, a theory, a relationship If you consider any object or situation in creation, and think back in reverse to its origins, everything came together from a series of thoughts. Thoughts are pulsing consciousness, and matter is a denser, responsive expression of the same thing. Since thoughts and matter are two levels of one essence, theyre linked. Thought is the creative aspect, and matter the receptive aspect, of consciousness. While its easy to see how thought moves matter in the case of a thirsty person reaching for a drink, the way thought moves the world is not always perceivable by the senses. If you desire a better job, and focus on having that with confident expectation, a better job will


manifest in your life. You wont see all the mechanics of how this transpires because so much takes place behind the scenes, like stage hands scurrying about behind the curtains of an ongoing play. It isnt magic when a scene changes in a dramatic production, nor is it accidental. When the scene we call reality changes, that isnt magical or accidental either. It happens in response to the needs and desires of the actors on the stage of life, who directly influence what the stage crew (the dynamic substructure of the universe) is doing. When you have a desire, that thought sends a pulse through the fabric of creation. Your desire vibrates the ether, the energetic consciousness, of which everything is made. That desire draws to you whatever is needed to materialize your thought, because thought is dynamic and magnetic. Then presto, the wish becomes an experienced reality. This power of consciousness, to desire and manifest thought into form, is what makes us co-creators with the Infinite. Manifestation of thoughts into reality happens automatically, whether we intend it or not. Contemplate the people you know and how their outer lives reflect their attitudes (which are the sum of their thoughts). We can either create reality on autopilot, by thinking random thoughts indiscriminately, or we can elect to be conscious of how we think and make thought work for us to fulfill our most cherished desires. But if thought moves and manifests physical reality, why do so many people have poor results when they try to consciously utilize the Law of Attraction? Why dont more people get what they want from affirmations or from telling the universe their desires? To understand the answer to that, we need to understand the nature of subconscious mind, because that is what fulfills or fails to fulfill our wishes. Subconscious mind is that deep level of ourselves where our individual self begins to link up with everything else. It is like the place beneath the ocean where all the islands touch the ocean floor as Matthew Arnold poetically put it, linking their coral arms beneath the sea. One persons subconscious mind is connected to all other minds in that subterranean place, and when mind is stirred at that level, it sends a ping through the universe. It influences creation, because mind is the base or ground state of creation. Thats why connecting with subconscious mind, and persuading it to accept our desire, is essential to our wish becoming manifest as reality in the world. When we have a strong or repetitive thought especially a thought thats emotionally charged it is always recorded in the subconscious. We are constantly imprinting this powerful level of mind with every belief and attitude we pick up. Our past thoughts have programmed our subconscious. Every old impression is written and retained there. When we have a desire thats in harmony with our programming, deep mind accepts the desire without question because it is congruent with the program. The subconscious accepts this sort of desire without resistance, and spontaneously manifests the inner thought into exterior reality. An example would be a successful business person starting a new product line about which hes very excited. Because he trusts ability to succeed (i.e., he has a winning attitude


engrained in his subconscious), the new product line will probably be a success. The thinkers conscious desire, being in alignment with his subconscious belief, brings his idea into form on the material level. Consider, by contrast, a person who has no confidence in himself . His talents may actually exceed those of the person in the first example, and he might have an idea for the identical product line. But in this persons hands, the project will almost surely fail. Why? Because his subconscious mind holds the belief that he is a loser. It therefore sabotages his good intentions and efforts with quiet negative self-talk that creates fear or doubt. His conscious desire is not aligned with his subconscious beliefs about who he is, what hes capable of, and how the universe works. So the circumstances and opportunities never come together for this person that are requisite for success, in spite of affirmations he repeats, prayers he makes, time he puts in, or anything else. The ensuing failure of the project reinforces his original belief that he is hopeless. The next time he tries to accomplish something, his chances of success are even slimmer than last time he made an attempt. This kind of mental self-sabotage keeps us all, to some degree or other, from having what we long for. We may be successful at manifesting certain desires, around which we carry no subconscious baggage, but most of us house programming that tells us we are limited, at least in certain areas of life. We may be materially successful and affluent but always bat zero in personal relationships. Perhaps we have loving family and abundance, but cant get rid of our asthma or some nagging extra pounds. Maybe were doing fine personally, but feel were helpless to solve the serious problems of the world. And almost everybody accepts that aging and death are necessary few people even consider using thought to create eternal youth or physical immortality, because the collective programming is so deeply entrenched against this. How do we get around this problem of a self-sabotaging, negatively programmed subconscious mind? The first thing is to realize that what looks like lack of personal power is really tremendous power hiding behind the mask of self-doubt. The person who cant get what she consciously longs for is very powerful in creating what she subconsciously thinks she deserves: failure and unhappiness. Once she can see how her beliefs about herself are what undercut her, once she becomes conscious of the negative self-talk, she comes to an understanding that allows her to change the situation. The trick is to persuade the deeper levels of mind to accept the new consciously held opinion that I should have, experience, or be able to do the thing I wish. How does a person persuade subconscious mind to give up its long-held attitudes and biases that subvert that? We come to realize that if our subconscious harbors self-defeating attitudes, it is our own conscious thoughts that created the situation. Telling ourselves again and again for years, I cant, Its dangerous, Its impossible, or Ill look stupid has colored the subconscious mind with matching beliefs. But what conscious mind created, it can uncreate. The computer programmer can always overwrite the program he has written for himself.



We are each the author of our personal story, and we can revise it at any time. We can only do this if we can perceive how our thoughts have created and/or allowed all of our experience. Looking back on our childhood, or on incidents of victimization in our lives, we may find it hard to believe our thoughts either created or allowed the whole scenario. But if were willing to let go of the karma doctrine long enough to consider an alternative idea, what if we planned our own incarnation? Freely made plans in the between-life place would then have determined the circumstances of our birth. (For more on this fascinating concept, read psychologist Dr. Michael Newtons Journey of Souls, a book of transcripts of conversations with hypnotically regressed subjects who revisit their pre-incarnation plans for their various lifetimes.) Once we consciously accept that we are indeed the authors of our reality and should, in theory, be able to change and direct it, we are ready for the next phase of empowerment, which is to start to rewrite the programming we no longer want in our subconscious mind. How do we do that? There are several parts to this, and more than one right way to go about it. One excellent strategy, outlined beautifully in Nevilles books, The Law and the Promise and The Power of Awareness, is to imagine, before falling asleep, precisely what you desire to experience, in all its color and glory. As your drowsy mind fantasizes, your subconscious mind becomes more alert and receptive (because deeper mind is most lively and open in a drowsy or trancelike state). Using this technique, the image of what is desired is recorded by the subconscious mind clearly and powerfully. Resistance to the desire is less than in normal waking consciousness, because the mental chatter is absent in a drowsy, alpha state. You know youre making progress when you find yourself getting into the fantasy, experiencing it as you would a movie in which youre emotionally involved. When you find your emotions and/or your senses responding to your imaging, it means your subconscious mind is accepting your desire without blocking it. Deep mind is seeing your wish as a doable thing. The program is being rewritten! When you practice this technique (which I like to call imaginating), its important to visualize the scene from the perspective of being in it, not from the perspective of a watcher. Imaginating is different in that sense from watching a movie. You become an actor in the scene, as opposed to an outside observer. Rather than seeing an image of yourself thin, let yourself experience the feeling of being thin, and imagine doing the things you would do or feel as a thin person. If you want a visual image of yourself, you can imaginate looking in a mirror. The point is to imaginate from the perspective of being in the movie. If you find that visual images dont spontaneously come to you, it doesnt matter. You can imaginate through any of the senses: sound, touch, taste, smell you dont have to get visuals. You can even imaginate without sense involvement, by imagining the feeling of an experience. For most of us, though, starting out using some sense image helps generate the feeling were looking for. Having the feeling of the wish fulfilled is the culmination of properly practiced imaginating. When you imaginate, picture the scene as if the desire has already been accomplished. Dont imagine looking at the title of your home imagine holding it in your hand. Dont think of a


piece of land in the country imagine sitting on the grass in the front yard, or working in the garden. Imagine however your heart directs you, but always from the perspective of the wish fulfilled. If you imaginate a bike in a store window, the bike will always stay in the store window. Instead, feel yourself riding the bike, with your personal paraphernalia attached. By practicing this technique right before sleep and sometimes falling asleep in the midst of the fantasy, a person will often find their desire realized in the outer world in a very short time. Circumstances come together, sometimes in remarkable ways, to bring the wished-for results. While subconscious mind may seem dumb in that it blindly accepts whatever we tell it, theres nothing dumb about an intelligence that can move the universe to bring us what we want. The subconscious mind deserves to be respected, but we need to understand that it is we, as conscious mind, that gives the orders. We also need to understand that what we consciously desire may not always be good for us. Its advisable to contemplate all desires at the deepest level of mind, the level of Infinite Source Consciousness, before deciding whether to imaginate on them. If upon Self-referral a desire seems in alignment with Infinite Source, then it has the support of God behind it. That will help overwrite any resistant attitudes to the desire that the subconscious may hold. We can directly solicit Infinite Source to overwrite our self-defeating attitudes, and God will work with us to accomplish that. Affirmations, while pretty useless by themselves, are powerful when practiced in concert with imaginating. Theyre especially potent uttered a few times after getting into bed, before starting the technique. Theyre also potent when thought or uttered on waking, since waking up and falling asleep are both twilight junctures when the mind is in alpha state just on the borders of sleep. (For this reason, waking-but-still-drowsy is another very effective time to imaginate). Keep written affirmations under your pillow or on your nightstand. Pronounce them with attention and feeling when you think or say them, or they are only empty words. Now we get to the number-one difficulty so many people experience in manifesting desires: negative self-talk. This can happen anytime your desire is not in alignment with your subconscious long-held attitudes and beliefs. Imaginating goes a long way toward overwriting ancient negative attitudes, because once the subconscious accepts the new image, through an emotional response to the imaging, the old program is already being revised. But if your desire dramatically contrasts with the old you or your old worldview, the subconscious mind may (not necessarily) give you some backtalk before it fully accepts what you are selling it. An analogy to this is falling in love. The boy and girl are having wonderful feelings for each other. Something powerful is happening. But sometimes, when theyre apart, they have doubtful thoughts about themselves, the beloved, and what theyre experiencing. Thats the subconscious mind questioning the new direction, asking for an explanation that reconciles the old view of reality with the new emerging view. Lovers who give in to the doubts lose each other. Those who talk themselves through it, and reassure their subconscious mind that these new feelings are safe and good, are rewarded with the blissful experience of deep intimacy.



In the same way, as conscious creators, we have to talk down the doubts our subconscious minds might kick up, in the way of negative self-talk, about why we cant or shouldnt have what we wish for. One popular argument we hear from the Big Sub is that the world doesnt work that way. It tells us were chasing a pipedream. It says weve gone around the bend. Just the same argument the Sub gives to the lover for why what he is feeling isnt real. This back talk usually comes in quiet ways, as little nagging feelings throughout the day. It whispers on a barely conscious level, poisoning our good mood and self-confidence. After a perfectly blissful morning imaginating session, where we joyfully knew our dream was in the process of coming true, we can, by 11 oclock, be irritable and depressed, asking ourselves, What on earth was I thinking? How to handle this? Ive found head-on confrontation to be most effective. When I notice negative self-talk, I try to take a break from whatever Im doing and give a little feedback to the Sub. I close my eyes, get quiet, and look at the nagging thought my subconscious mind has presented. Then I genuinely consider the possible truth of the negative thought, in light of my desired ideal. I listen to the argument of my sadly programmed subconscious as I would to an opposing parent or spouse: with patience and attention. Then Im able to see the fallacies in its point of view, which is easy, because I now know more about life than I did when I taught those attitudes to my subconscious. So I explain to the Sub where its thinking is wrong, why life does not work quite that way, or why it doesnt have to. I do this little internal conversation using reason, logic, emotion, love, whatever my instinct tells me is necessary to heal the old attitude. Its like telling a little child, afraid to jump in the water for the first time, why its all right and doable. You listen to the fears, and then you address them. You reassure and explain, in light of your greater knowledge. And the child, or in this case, subconscious mind, adjusts its thinking to reflect your reassuring understanding. This idea, about talking things through with your subconscious, comes from Dr. Joseph Murphys The Power of Your Subconscious Mind. That wonderful book illustrates several different ways of programming deeper mind to reflect what you consciously choose and desire for your life. Combined with Nevilles books, it serves as an excellent primer in how to consciously work the Law of Attraction. But back to negative self-talk. Sitting down and having a little chat with your subconscious is the most useful technique Ive discovered for rewriting old self-defeating programs. You may have to do it a number of times. In the first session, youll answer and erase the first Yes, but. Later that same day or the next, your subconscious will raise another, different objection, one that underlies the doubt you just resolved. So you sit down and address that issue, too. Then a still deeper layer of programming will expose itself in the form of another nagging fear or doubt. Again, you consciously and compassionately address it. You keep on doing this, peeling the onion, until all the objections have been aired and answered. After this happens, the self-talk will be far less powerful. Thats because the overwrite is well underway. But sabotaging self-talk may still occur. At this stage, negativity is mostly a matter of old habit. The subconscious mind has understood the new explanations youve sold it, but it hasnt completely bought the package. Its used to the old habitual way of seeing and doing. That is more familiar, more comfortable. At this point, a little self-discussion about comfort


zones may be in order. When youve talked that through and have the feeling your subconscious mind is basically in league with you, but hesitant to commit, that may be the time to simply tell it: Enough were going to do this thing. This is a form of ordaining that works when subconscious mind is 99 percent with you and just needs a little nudge over the edge. But dont order your deeper mind around unless youve fully listened to it first. If you start out your work on a manifesting a desire by telling self-talk to stop, your deep mind will obey you. The doubts and fears will go underground and become repressed. Then your desire wont materialize, and youll be stymied as to why. Your subconscious wont tell you, of course, because you told it to shut up. Never regard your subconscious mind as stupid or a nuisance, something to be sneered at or bossed. Its doubts and fears are trying to protect you, based on what you taught it is safe from before. Treat it like a concerned friend. But after youve explained everything to the friend, if they have no objection left other than being nervous at the newness of it all, its time to nudge them encouragingly and say, Come on, buddy, lets go for it. Ive found my negative self-talk to be dramatically affected by these strategies. On most of the former issues in my life, self-sabotage has stopped completely. I feel in once piece, in an optimistic, happy frame of mind most of the time. Ive manifested dramatic things, mostly using imaginating and conversations (when needed) with my doubting mind. Now that my subconscious operates from a program more in alignment with my conscious values, I find myself spontaneously moving to a new level of manifesting. I call this level ordaining simply willing, or giving the order, that something is so. This works if you do it from a state of consciousness that is a unity of conscious mind, subconscious mind, and Infinite Source. Ordaining has resulted in instantaneous healings and some other remarkable results. But this is a new area for me that I am only starting to learn to move around in, so I cant write much about it at this point. Remember to use the conversations with the Sub strategy alongside your imaginating. The two work together, because its the imaginating that stirs up and challenges the old programming blocking your manifestation. If you just sit around waiting for the subconscious to kick up and reveal its buried attitudes, without any imaginating to stimulate that, the mind will oblige you in the form of its typical daily background mental chatter, and indeed its always worthwhile to address that. But if you combine this with imaginating, youre actively stirring up the buried mud, which starts flying to the surface. Then you can clean out old attitudes much more quickly. Cognitive psychology teaches people to reframe negative self-talk by becoming aware of it, then considering in what way the negative thought isnt true, then replacing it with a conscious thought that better reflects the truth (this could be an affirmation). Studies have shown that this strategy changes brain chemistry in people suffering from chronic depression to the same degree that brain chemistry is altered through anti-depressive medications. Cognitive psychology is clearly onto something, and it doesnt hurt to borrow the strategy. Basically, you overwrite negative self-talk, when noticed, with an affirming statement that supports the new attitude or desire youre working on. This complements the other techniques were talking about here.



The Law and the Promise contains many first-hand accounts from Nevilles students about what happened when they practiced his method. I could add stories of my own. The miraculous events that have already happened in my life have generated a confidence that drives me to work on still greater manifestations. My experience has completely convinced me that thought can create anything we want to experience! There are no limits, because consciousness is unlimited. What about when you want something and someone else desires the opposite? Since both people have the power of creation, their desires can cancel each other out, or weaken the power of each other. If you desire something that conflicts with someone else, the best solution is often to move to a higher level of desiring, to envision a solution where both of you will be satisfied. For instance, if you apply for a job and 15 other people are competing, you can imaginate yourself being thrilled with your work, creative and happy as you go about your day, doing the kind of work you love and having a great income this, rather than imaginating snagging that particular job, which places you in conflict with the creating energies of 15 other people. You can word an affirmation in a way that promotes all 15 people finding jobs they love, right along with you. If your ideal job matches the job youve applied for, the position will then be yours, without any conflict from the desires of the other applicants. If the job in question is perfect for someone else, they will get the job while you find something better, a position better aligned with your desire. Everyone winds up happy because you imaginated in a harmonious way that brought fulfillment to everyone, not just to yourself. The universe can easily fulfill a desire like that, as there is no resistance. The Law of Attraction is the key to creating in this world, and also to protecting ourselves from other peoples creations that we dont wish to be involved in. Whatever the world is doing around us, we can carve our own path through the woods and go wherever we wish. We can use affirmation to disconnect from any negative influences, entities or programs that have previously controlled or manipulated us. We need to consciously withdraw ourselves from thoughts, activities and alliances that have allowed others to dominate our lives. Conscious choice, or alternatively, unconscious acceptance, determines what we get to experience in this world. We have the choice of being conscious creators or victims. That is The Secret, the key to everything wonderful in life, including realities most people dont even dream are possible. Some people use the Law of Attraction to manifest selfish or superficial things. Thats rather like Frodo, finding the ring of power and mistaking it for a piece of trinket jewelry. We can use the Law of Attraction to fundamentally change our experience. We can use it to create good for others. We can use it to make a better world. Perhaps its foolish to use the genie that can grant any wish by asking for something trifling. On the other hand, if some people need to do that for a while to establish their confidence in the genie, then materializing toys probably serves a good purpose. Each successful



manifestation leads to more trust in the process. In time, our confidence rises to the point where we can ordain reality like a master. If consciousness creates the outer reality, then consciousness is king. Thought is king. We can think and create unconsciously and get more of the same old thing. Or, we can think fresh thoughts, dream bold dreams, and talk ourselves into a finer state of existence. Whether we live on purpose or on autopilot, we are creating and/or allowing everything that appears in our path. Once we know this our power to choose, our power of permission we move from passive victims to masters of living. Karma is a lie that keeps us enslaved to the past. Our future is not determined by what we did but by what we presently choose to think and experience. Karma only exists in the mind, in the ancient attitudes that keep us enslaved to tired-out negative patterns. Karma dissolves when we change our thinking, first consciously, then subconsciously. When conscious and subconscious agree, and take their direction from the harmonious Infinite within, life opens out into beauty and miracles. This is the new consciousness humanity is moving into. When we arrive there, well transform the world into paradise. Bronte Baxter Bronte Baxter 2008 Anyone may copy or republish this article on another site as long as they include the copyright and a back link to the Splinter in the Mind website at 7 Comments 6 Comments Doven said, November 8, 2008 at 6:49 pm When conscious and subconscious agree, and take their direction from the harmonious Infinite within, life opens out into beauty and miracles. This is the new consciousness humanity is moving into. When we arrive there, well transform the world into paradise. Yes coherency is necessary for us to project our reality with expected results. Reply Rhonda Olsen said, August 20, 2009 at 10:31 am Wow! Bravo on a brilliant chapter! You clarified several things that I had been curious about. The way you described co-creation The power of consciousness, to desire and


manifest thought into form, is what makes us co-creators with the Infinite. finally makes perfect sense to me. Thanks! Also, I love the imaginating idea in conjunction with affirmations. As you say, affirmations alone are just words. And listening to the fears instead of repressing them. This whole chapter is magnificent! :0) Reply Kushta said, September 20, 2010 at 11:48 am While I am convinced that we can change human civilization through our ability to change ourselves, the Gnostic in me is equally convinced that we cannot change the very fabric of nature itself. This world is not equipped to satisfy the immortal longings of our soul, only people (souls) can, and ultimately the Supreme Soul Father-Mother God. Reply brontebaxter said, September 20, 2010 at 3:51 pm Not sure what youre saying you think we cant change. What do you consider the fabric of nature that is unchangeable? Seems to me nature was produced from infinite mind, and infinite mind has the freedom to change its mind, in any respect it wishes. (If it couldnt, it wouldnt be infinite.) Individual mind is part of infinite mind. If enough individual minds change their mind, infinite mind itself starts to change. The individual is powerful enough to change nature itself, by changing infinite mind through new the choices made within himself. We are that magical! Bronte Reply WhiskeyRiver said, February 21, 2011 at 2:10 pm Ahhh,but can you manifest a solid form of matter.Not just look at a table and have it change its molecular structure from brown to blue,but to make something real and solid appear in this world.Something that was created out of thought,an entity created from someones energies. Energies which were focused strongly enough for them to believe it was real,for a short time.,then released when they were finished with it.I spoke to a Professor in Evergreen State College who said that all energy that has been channeled,created,is never dissipated.It all just circles out there until it is tapped into,and used.That is what Id like to find out.



Reply josey said, July 7, 2011 at 11:44 pm Great article. I learned the power of positive thinking after 13 years of severe depression. I began changing my negative thoughts to positive ones, much like using a silent mantra all day. The first day I tried it my depression lifted, and I knew I was onto something, so I continued. And I used to use what some call creative visualization where I would visualize something I wanted and get it for free, but I never tried for expensive objects and dont know why. But somehow the material aspect of The Secret seems wrong to me, but only because that is where you will always be, neglecting the spiritual for the material. I hink that is why I never went overboard. Reply

Leave a Blowing the Whistle/ Chpt. 11: Goal of The Oneness Doctrine: Kill Everything Oneness Cares About This is Chapter 11 in an online book: Blowing the Whistle on Enlightenment: Confessions of a New Age Heretic, by Bronte Baxter.

Individuality in league with Oneness (not Oneness alone) will win the day and restore human freedom. The gospel of Oneness, all by itself, supports the New World Order. Proponents say it doesnt matter if the world goes to hell in a hand basket, because after all, this world is an illusion and only Oneness Consciousness is real. If we know that, they argue, it doesnt matter what happens, because theres really no happiness or suffering, right or wrong, life or death, good or no bad only the Oneness. So who cares? I understand how people caught in the web of Eastern religion and New Age mumbo jumbo come to those conclusions. Their teachers purpose is to make them passive, surrendered to the One, their ego (personal selfhood) made into the enemy that must be killed. The teachers state it outright: ego death is the goal. But that conspiracy-conscious people can fall into the same plight, instead of raising a cry for freedom and life in this world, came as a shock to me. I realize now its because Truth Movement leaders themselves sometimes combine the Oneness Doctrine with their research and information on the conspiracy. These people may have mystical experiences of their own that they trust in the way the religious trust their gurus, never questioning where they came from or why they were given to them.



The assumption seems to be that if it happened in my head and was accompanied by euphoria and fireworks, it must be true, and proof of the nature of the universe. But if the Illuminati extend to realms between visual perception (and evidence indicates they do see my article series, Blowing the Whistle on Enlightenment), the Illuminati could be the source of much of mankinds mystical experience. Its easy for beings in the Unseen, adept at thought transference, to implant ideas in the minds of willing seekers, generating chemical changes in their brains and bodies and making them feel like theyve been kissed by God. This would be particularly easy if the seekers have imbibed hallucinogenic substances. I believe that well-intentioned, semi-depressed people are being implanted with messages that God has sent them to save the world. The urgency this produces gives their lives a particular sense of meaning. The message they receive is either that there is a war on among the Powers of Light and Darkness, which they must help fight, or that seeing through the illusion called reality and uniting with Infinite Oneness is the end-all and be-all of human existence. Both messages hold enough truth that they appeal to those who receive them as genuine. Both are so flawed as to point the receiver in the wrong direction, toward beliefs that favor humanity handing the universe into the Illuminatis conniving hands. The Light and Dark War of Principalities is nothing more than the Good Cop Bad Cop Game taken to celestial levels. Like the eternal war between the Democrats and Republicans, it is unreal a smokescreen designed to hide where the real action happens. Lucifer and Jehovah are on the same side: control of humanity. The gods and demons of Indianism are on the same side. As long as mankind provides the loosh (life energy) to the nether worlds through worship or suffering, all in the Fourth Dimension are happy. It doesnt matter if you call for help from Satan or Jesus, Krishna or Kali, youre aligning your soul with the gang of brigands who have hijacked our lives by controlling us at our most intimate level. This control is not a takeover, but rather, freely given. Worshipers of their own accord give their lives to management by these beings, whom they regard as divine. They think in so doing they fight on the right side in the battle of good against evil. But all they do in fact is supply the life force, the loosh, needed for humanitys hijackers to continue feeding off our hearts and souls. Those who surrender their flawed human egos to the Oneness are no different. They, too, give their souls to management by the Fourth Dimensions united company of tricksters. This is the point so many in the Truth Movement miss. We think that by making Oneness consciousness our supreme goal we are becoming pure. We think by embracing The Doctrine of Oneness we acquire supreme wisdom. But the doctrine as it is taught today, even as the greatest Indian masters once taught it, is corrupt. The truth has been contaminated by the Fourth Dimension. Because the doctrine teaches that individual ego is a perversion of the Infinite, something that must be dissolved back into the universal consciousness for us to become wholesome and free. As such, that doctrine erodes the integrity of humanity. It does so because it puts our worlds future up for grabs when it tells us to abdicate personal desire and intention as constructs of the ego. If we regard our individual nature as a corruption of Oneness, we conclude we must negate our ego to know Truth. We abdicate everything about us that makes us aware, decisive, will-exerting doers in this world in



favor of melting into the One, whose cosmic workings are thought to be automatic and perfect once humans remove their will and personality from the equation. Whether or not the Doctrine of Oneness entails mantras and worship of gods, it is destructive. Because the doctrine is taught at the expense of the personality, the part of us that makes choices, that makes a difference in the world. When ego is taught as something essentially corrupt, or essentially unreal, it ceases to have value for us, and we naturally want to abandon it. This is exactly what the Illuminati desire from us, more than anything else we can give. When we turn our backs on our ego, on the individual will and personality that is the very spark of the Infinite within us, we set our souls on the freebie shelf of the universe, to be absorbed or manipulated by Fourth Dimension entities. Our acts no longer appear to be our own they feel like the work of forces moving through us. That perception is correct. But those forces are not the winds of Infinity, as the possessed assume: those forces are the egos of the possessors, who cherish this surrender of human selfhood. By making the choice to regard all except the Oneness as flawed, unreal or insignificant, we turn over control of this universe to anyone who hasnt abdicated their authority as a doer. Those are the only players still left on the field. This non-surrendered-ego group includes the Fourth Dimension band of brigands as well as those humans who accept neither the Oneness Doctrine nor the Doctrine of the War of Principalities in other words, those who respect and retain their personhood and all its attendant faculties of will and desire. I am not saying that Oneness, the Infinite Oneness that is the source from which we came, that place deep within us where we are all united, does not exist or is not important. Its of supreme importance. The Infinite is the font of all life, all joy, all inspiration, all creativity. It is that which inspires us. It is pure genius. That Infinite, and our conscious connection with It, holds all the hope for our breaking out of the slavery we have let be visited on us materially and spiritually. But to say It is the only reality, that everything except for It is a corruption of the Oneness which is how the Doctrine of Oneness is perpetually preached that is a perversion of the truth, designed to control us. If the Illuminati, functioning in the field of spiritual teachings, can get us to believe that we as individuals are illusory, that all we really are is the One, we will give up treasuring our will and desires as gifts of the divine, expressions of the Infinite, and throw them onto the waste pile as impure. From that waste pile, they will be collected by the brigands who are able to use our abandoned will and desiring mechanism to achieve their own desires. When you abandon responsibility for your ego, which never can be destroyed since it is the stuff of consciousness, it is not the Oneness that takes over your personhood and absorbs it, it is other egos. The vulture-like, thieving egos who want to control all beings and bring them into alignment with their will. When you surrender your ego, it does not dissolve as you have been promised, because the spark that you are can never dissolve. Your ego is either absorbed by the god you worship, increasing that entitys personal power, or, if you do not worship a god, it is absorbed by any passing brigand who happens to notice that it has been abandoned. Ego = personhood = individual soul. This is soul-stealing, by permission.


Why cant we all just dissolve into the Oneness? Because the Oneness didnt make us individuals by accident, as some big cosmic mistake. We were created on purpose, as expressions of the joy of the Infinite. Just as a serene artist takes the joy in her heart and turns it into a fountain of expressions, each art piece revealing a unique aspect of her thoughts and nature, so the Infinite made us all unique expressions of aspects of its limitless self. It WANTS to see its oneness made into myriad shapes. It created the universe to be a delight, a mirror story of its own joy and greatness. Instead creation has slid into a nightmare, delight overshadowed by the misery and cruelty that comes of forgetting the nature of our inner being. The flaws in creation are not because the Infinite individuated, but because its unique expressions you and me forgot our deeper nature, forgot the infinite power, bliss, and goodness that only can be located and tapped deep within ourselves in the place where were one with the Infinite. The solution to our suffering is not to surrender our egos to the cosmic freebie shelf/ dump heap under the guise of awakening to Oneness. Rather, it is to bathe our personhood in the purity of the Infinite, to drink deeply of its waters, to melt our cares in its bliss and consciously become again what we are at core: pure molecules within that infinite ocean. From the bath, we return to the world and make it better, more joyful, more free, more inspired. We spontaneously grasp solutions to problems that eluded us before. After enough bathing in the Infinite, its possible to move through this world and act here without ever leaving the consciousness that holds us in that embrace. The world becomes Gods ocean where we splash and cavort. That is Gods dream for the world not amorphous, static Oneness. The amorphous is where God started from, and God found it boring. Thats why It created diversity, to play in. Because sitting being amorphous simple Oneness got dull. Why would we make being amorphous our end-all and be-all, when it was the Infinites starting point, the very place it was endeavoring to emerge from in hopes of creating something interesting? Oneness isnt interesting, its blissful. Just being blissful by itself gets old. Bliss needs to express in myriad creations to be fun and dynamic. It needs to desire, intend, make, choose, and act all functions of ego. To say getting back to the Oneness is the whole point of life is like saying getting back to the first scene of the play is the whole point of the play, or getting back to the starting line is the whole point of the race. The point is to run the race, play the play, dance the dance and to do it in a way that retains contact with the consciousness that inspired the endeavor: the Infinite joy and oneness. When we learn to connect with the Oneness without abdicating the beauty and importance of multiplicity (variety), then will the purpose of creation be accomplished. Then we will know how to dissolve the malignity that afflicts us. We will see that those who wish to control the rest are confused parts of our Greater Self. We wont wish to destroy them but to help them. Our love, our inmost nature, will forgive and heal them. Then all Gods children will sport on the cosmic playground in laughter together no more bullies and victims. No more battles and taking sides. No more stopping playing and being amorphous/ withdrawn in some corner. Life will be joy as we have not known it, for from the perspective of Infinity we will learn to dissolve everything that causes suffering here.



That is the divine vision, not destruction of one team on the battlefield, and certainly not the destruction of creation through abdication of personhood. But unless we awaken to the lies in the Doctrine of Oneness, the end of creation is what we promote. When the brand of brigands has consumed every ego in the universe through clever spiritual lies, it will be the proverbial snake that has swallowed its own tail. Creation will implode if that is allowed to happen. We contribute to cosmic implosion when we accept the Doctrine of Oneness, striving for dissolution of ego into Oneness as our highest goal. The truly highest goal is Oneness expressing in joy in the forms of its myriad children, who make up the infinite garden of the world. Bronte Baxter Bronte Baxter 2008 Anyone may copy or republish this article on another site as long as they include the copyright and a back link to the Splinter in the Mind website at

11 Comments h. said, January 13, 2009 at 6:59 pm I cant shake the feeling that this, everything what we see, this universe of endings and death and scarcity and fear, all experiences, thoughts, forms, formless states of being, as well as the unseen gods, the heavens and hells, the demons and parasites, the world of humans that this /everything/ is some sort of amazing kindergarten, that were here to learn something, to prepare us for something else, something incomprehensible, on an unimaginably larger scale. something as far beyond these silly things the gods, the doctrines, the wars in heaven, the conflict, all aspects of existence, the death and the fear as the world of international politics would be beyond a twoyear old, shaking its rattle in a pen and that the gods sit there on our level, bullying siblings a year or two older maybe, oblivious still to a vast, incredible world beyond the walls. I think, maybe, that we are in training to be something far, far more than gods. and the gods are in training with us, yet afraid of us: needlessly, I suspect, because I think that when we graduate, when we do come fully into our own, we will be benevolent. and everything may well be transformed. Reply Curtis G. Norman said,


February 19, 2009 at 11:24 am Hello Bronte; The idea of Loosh (that the energy produced from our experiences serves as a kind of food for higher beings of some sort) has been addressed in the past in a book by John G. Bennett (himself a student of G.I. Gurdjieff during the early part of the last century) which book is entitled Making a Soul and was published around 1954. On page 11 of that book he makes the following statement: Man exists on the earth in order to produce energy of a certain intensity and quality, and this energy is liberated through his eperiences of joy and suffering and through his his response to the forces of death and birth.He goes on to address this topic at length in his book. I thought this might interest you in that the topic and the idea of humanitys existence serving the purpose of providing food for other beings is older than Monroe and his books on Astral travel. Bennett goes on in his book to describe the idea that it is possible to escape the fate of dying only to have lived for this purpose of producing such energy (as noted above) and that it is (according to Bennett and Gurdjieffs teachings) possible to awaken from the dream life that we live and produce energy for the purpose of developing a kind of separate existence for ourselves as independent souls (hence the title) in the afterlife. Here I am only paraphrasing what he takes an entire book to say, but that is the gist of it. I feel that you and your readers may find his book of some interest. I know that when I first read it I was astonished at the idea of our being a kind of astral farm product, or sheep, if you will. But, it did seem to fit, to make a kind of morbid sense of you will, and the whole idea of Loosh and the negative nature of this world of suffering is the only answer to the question of existence that makes sense to me. Reply Shane said, February 10, 2010 at 2:10 am I am very confused. I had read this chapter and most of the rest of your book already so far. (Chapters 1-8 and then 11.) You talk specifically in this chapter about how we should not be giving our minds away to Oneness as that is part of the new world orders plan and that it will destroy this world and thwart Onenesss purpose in creating this world and the multiverse. However, you also recommend in your great books section Infinite Love is the Only Truth Everything Else is Illision by David Icke. I love David Ickes work and that is a great book that helped me wake up to Oneness and laid the foundation for me to understand your book and Punk Science: Inside the Mind of God. However, Chapter Ten of Infinite Love is titled, Logging Off. In this chapter David admits that it is sometimes difficult to put high level spiritual teachings into words. He then goes on to, as far as I can tell, go back on everything the rest of the book (the other nine chapters before this one) talks about. He talks about Oneness and the nature of reality and the multiverse (he calls it the matrix.) He points out the fraud of mainstream religion in one chapter and then points out the fraud of much of the, new age, in another chapter. Unfortunately, it seems to me at least, he then proceeds in the final



chapter of the book to assert the same type of things that he calls out as fraud in the other chapters. He tells us to not give our minds away to the sun god jesus or to the, new age, ashtar, sananda, or to any new age guru. He bases the entire book, and all the rest of his work in other books and presentations Ive read and seen in videos, on logic, thought, and fact. He then, in chapter ten, tells us not to think and to not identify with this world. In no uncertain terms David Icke describes this world as an illusion and a world of polarity. He then describes fighting the new world order as wrong as it contributes to the polarity and empowers the new world order. His answer, the name of the chapter, logging off. He also tells us we should log off from thought and emotion and that thought and emotion are part of the body computer. He tells us that thought and emotion are polarities of the body computer and thus illusions. Im sorry if Im stepping on toes, and I love the rest of Ickes work as he really laid the foundation for my awakening, but isnt Chapter 10 of Infinite Love everything you warn us to stay away from in Chapter 11? And, if so, why do you recommend this book? You tell us we should be active in this world. David is telling us to log off. You tell us we should not log off from emotion as that makes us heartless. David tells us to log off from emotion an that Oneness is above emotion and is love. (Sounds like what you warn about in Chapter 8 to me.) You tell us we should not log off from thought as that makes us easy to manipulate. Yet David tells us thought is polarity and we should log off from it and opt instead for some spiritual knowing concept which was archaic and hard for me to understand. Sounds to me like hes telling me I shouldnt think and should just do what Oneness says to. (Something you warn about extensively in your book.) You tell us of gurus who lead humanity in the wrong way by telling us to dissociate from this world, log off, and leave it up for grabs for the new world order. And you tell us how we should visit Oneness and bring its love back to save this world. Whereas David Icke clearly tells us to head toward Oneness. Which, if done as he seems to describe here, would collapse this world as we leave it to the new world order snake to eat itself. I hope I have misunderstood and am wrong about David Icke. He seems genuine and the rest of his work really helps to wake people up. (Myself included.) But in chapter ten he sounds like the new world order gurus who are advising people to give their minds away to Oneness, just like you warn about here in this chapter. Please, if I am wrong, (which I hope I am) explain to me what I am misunderstanding about chapter 10. Otherwise, if I am right, shouldnt David Icke be put in the, guru and god-scams, section instead of the, great books, section. His chapter ten is written in very confusing language, unlike the rest of the book, and perhaps I just misunderstood him. Love your book so far and hope to have this cleared up because right now I am confused. Thank you. Reply


brontebaxter said, February 10, 2010 at 12:41 pm Shane, those are very perceptive observations. I, too, have problems with some of Ickes ideas, and for the same reasons. I see him as very strong on exposing the conspiracy, on his investigations into whats going on in this world. But I find his spiritual ideas increasingly problematic. I still recommend his books because theyre some of the best things out there. But the more he gets into these spiritual subjects, the more he gets mixed up, I believe. Indeed, he is way too into the Oneness Doctrine for my comfort. I feel his intentions are sincere, but that hes getting off-track. He claims to have had revelations, and to be guided by them. That concerns me. Who is giving them to him? Is he playing into the wrong hands? But perhaps we have to go through disenchantment even with a great figure like David Icke to find our spiritual adulthood. There can be no great leader in the kind of society I dream of, where all of us are masters of life. We each must get there individually, independent of people who want to lead the charge and show us the way. It is a quiet spiritual maturing that takes place in the heart, between the soul and God. There can be no teacher, no intermediary. Only a claiming of our birthright and who we are as a powerful son or daughter of the Infinite. I think you are getting to the stage where you are growing beyond David Icke. I think thats a great sign, confusing though it may feel at the moment. Keep on thinking. Best regards, Bronte Baxter Reply Shane said, February 11, 2010 at 1:49 pm Thank you very much. That makes a lot of sense. I love your book and am looking forward to more. I will keep on thinking. :-) Reply Amar said, May 1, 2010 at 9:03 pm 1. Very interesting discussion. I have had doubts about all gurus i have encountered



including David Icke. I have had the feeling of being awakened in an ungrounded way by reading his work. Maybe that is necessary for a closed up Mind. 2. getting stuck I think that each individual has his/her personal path wich might cross others for a while in whatever way. That might be beneficial or detrimental to ones own Self/Ego/independant viewpoint. At the end it directs me back to self-responsibility in whatever energy i take in and integrate it into my viewpoint/awareness of Life and thus changing my future interactions. We have the choice, but we forget sometimes and start to run an automatic old program. I got stuck in a fear/panick reaction for a while because of my personality at that time. Now i got out of that , i try to be more careful in the future. I dont meditate anymore , but try to be observant of my inner thoughts, emotions and bodily sensations wich act as a feedback/intuition throughout the day in a way i feel my Ego growing instead of declining. 3. I find theres a big confusional problem with individual definitions of words. examples : Thinking- i think there are different ways of thinking. i have my way. I think David Icke is not telling to stop thinking, but stop thinking from a conflict based i am better mentality. Oneness- can be seen from different angles like the Facets of a diamond. I think that david is not asking to log off and disconnect in an escapist way.


He might ask to experience the Oneness state and take that as a ego/self-enhancing tool to step out of fear-based programming and thus feeling more autonomic instead of automatic. 4. Beneficial entities I have the feeling that there might be intelligent beings out there wich might have had the same experiences as us. Maybe they became gods , demons, angels , etc. Some chose to become predatory for whatever reason. Some might have chosen to be independent from the parasitic tendencies and master-slave game. I dont know. I think that the possibilities are greater than we might imagine. 5. Spiritual peak-moments I agree that predators might give a mental or body high to make you a complying victim. Just like a toxin wich paralyzes. I think that these highs need cyclical reconnection in order to keep up the feelings. ( annual religious festivals, like Ramadan, Holi, Easter etc. The sabbath ? football games, drinking at the Bar) If the feeling from an experience stays with you without the need to recharge it all the time, it might be a non-parasitic high. 6. Begging / asking mercy / Sinner mentality I have been brought up in an islamic way. The adults always were asking for mercy and repenting to god all the time. Also in thought out of Fear of Damnation and Hell. The Sufi way appealed to me for a long time, because it recognizes the divine spark in man. But the way the reconnection with god is envisioned puzzles me. Because it puts


all the power outside oneSelf. It is like going into oblivion, consumed by fire. Surrendering is the central thought. I think that Oneness doesnt need Constant begging in any way, and feeding attention. It rather experiences itself through all individual viewpoints wich we all are. Only a lesser God , a confused fearful, insecure, hateful creature needs the constant feeding. 7. Uniformity The lesser gods demand uniformity, arrested creative development, Control, repeating,cheering,tradition and a false copy and paste creativity. I think that individuality and true creativity ( wich comes from oneself) strenghten the ego and make the gods less intruding in your energy field. It breaks their Hold over humanity. Because these gods are Static. In every mythology story , like the greek for example, the world wich is envisioned seems rather static and Dull, Zeus is forever praying on (sexual) energy of humans, his wife always is after his ass. like a cyclycal energy loop. Most of these mythologies have a purpose of confining the possibilies in your thinking not expanding. Thanks for your time reading my words. Amar. Reply OhZone said, July 31, 2010 at 3:27 am This is the best concurrance with my own thought I have ever seen. I was beginning to think that I was alone. Thank You. Reply


Kushta said, September 20, 2010 at 12:44 pm Any rational person can clearly see that evil exists, it has a face, and its villainous fingerprints have been left all over this malign creation.The person who has come to know themselves and thus know their eternally benevolent Parent(s) knows that the fingerprints are not those of God, but of some other, some bastard usurper, imposter. It is within the context of knowing our eternally benevolent nature that we come to know Gods because we are Gods children. No child of God could ever tolerate the suffering and injustice that plagues this world, and, is this not our plight? Are we not outraged by the many masks that evil wears? Of course we are, as we should be, because we are by nature benevolent beings, mirror images of God Most High. This means that the the very purpose of our lives on this planet is to oppose evil in all of its overt and subtle mainfestations. It is our souls indignant response to evil that serves as the womb by which heroes are born! And as Children of God we can be nothing less than this. Our spiritual empowerment and awakening is directly proportional to our participation in the primordial battle between the darkness and the light, because we literally ARE the battleground. No villain, no hero, no opponent, no victory Bronte your efforts on this blog are no less than that of one such soul whose heart cannot bear the intermingling of darkness and light. Thank you for exposing the Lie. - Kushta Reply brontebaxter said, September 20, 2010 at 4:03 pm Kushta, Im enjoying your comments on this blog, but Im not sure we agree entirely about the nature of evil. I dont see evil as an entity in itself, but as a lack of goodness (in the same way that darkness is not an entity in itself, but a lack of light). Beings who are evil are not intrinsically so. At heart we are all good. How could we not be, since we are all made of God, and God in infinite good? The problem seems to come in when individual beings, expressing as God in the world, lose their memory of their godness in the process of absorbing themselves in living. Then they disconnect from their Source, and bad attitudes (based on their sense of spiritual alienation) start to develop. They are no longer aligned with their pure inner God. They perform evil, not because evil is some tangible thing that must be destroyed, but because of a lack in their awareness. If we can help evil beings find their way back to experience of the Source, they will naturally rehabilitate, and not be evil anymore. Thats my take on it. Bronte Reply Kushta said,


September 22, 2010 at 2:21 am I think that we are on the same page regarding evil. I do not believe that evil is absolute as in the radical dualism of Manichaeanism where both are considered eternal principles. My current understanding of evil is derived from within the Gnostic Mythos that posits inferior Archonic beings who have become estranged from God and fallen into fear and ignorance as a result of that estrangement. Here is a small piece taken from my an article on my intrepretation of the aforementioned Gnostic Mythos that I think will better explain my position on evil: The Testimony of Truth asks the question, What sort is he then, this God? To the Gnostics it is apparent that this God is not the true benevolent primal Father & Mother of Life, but a bastard usurper who is responsible for the malevolent nature of the world rife with its abominating monstrosities. Sophia is the symbol for our soul, the nature of her fall the symbol for our own, and her redemption marks the blessed hope of our own eventual redemption. Yaldabaoth stands as the symbol of Sophias and thus our own estrangement. His ignorance, arrogance, and malevolence are but signs of the deep rooted fear that permeates his psyche, a psyche of limitation and death. Yaldabaoth is created through Sophias psychic torment thus he was created in an imbalanced way marked by Sophia bringing him into being without the assistance of her consort Christ. Thus rather than being an androgynous being as posited by many Gnostic exegetes, Yaldabaoth is a being brought about through chaos and imbalance reflected in his own imbalanced and chaotic nature. The connection between Yaldabaoth represented as a male being and his imbalanced and chaotic nature are thus unmistakable. He is a male being with no female counterpart that languishes in the agony of his deprivation. Yet even he can find redemption in the wings of his mother Sophia if he so chooses. Evil then, is the result of a being that has become estranged from its divine source and fallen into a state of agnosis (ignorance) and fear, a temporary manifestation, not an eternal principle. - Kushta Reply Robert said, March 18, 2011 at 8:41 pm I have been wondering about Icke for some time. I have this feeling that his spiritual ideas are a bit short of the mark. But hey maybe hes learning, just like me. Blowing the Whistle/ Chpt. 12: Human Will, the Forgotten Freedom Faculty This is Chapter 12 in an online book: Blowing the Whistle on Enlightenment: Confessions of a New Age Heretic, by Bronte Baxter.


Modern spiritual teachings, both Christian and New Age, tell us love is the answer to all the problems humanity is facing. But love without will is powerless. Thats why love is touted as the singular solution, because such teachings lead mankind away from the path to freedom. That fulfills the purpose of religion, which is to keep mankind enslaved through the powers of erroneous thought. When is the last time you heard anyone talk about the importance of that forgotten human faculty, the will? When did you read anything about it? The last time I heard it discussed, I was a child, back in the 1950s. Adults then spoke of willpower. But even though will was talked about, mostly it was a topic of humor. People were fond of saying how they didnt have any willpower, giggling about it as they dove into their cigarette pack or their second helping of dessert. The assumption was that will was the gift of the superhuman, that ordinary flawed humanity could not be expected to find it in themselves. The human will has been ignored as a serious subject for a very long time. We talk about our other faculties constantly: our brains, our sexuality, our athletic prowess, our emotional sensitivity, our empathy, even our intuition and psychic abilities. But the human will the ability we have to decide and to choose, and to do so in a way that carries power that part of our humanness is buried. Not because its weak or incapable of doing, but because our social programming has conspired to make us forget it exists. Theres an old story called Acres of Diamonds about a man who traveled the world as a pauper looking for riches, only to discover as an old man that the land his home had always been on contained acres of undiscovered diamond mines. The diamonds represent the will, the faculty we possess thats capable of choosing and molding our future. Right now when were threatened with tyrants at every turn, with the very loss of all that makes life worth living, we need to connect with this forgotten part of our humanity and call on it for answers and solutions. I believe this is the lesson we were born for. Have we not been born into a world of bullies and the bullied? Of hunters and the hunted? People aware of the global conspiracy have woken up to this. But theres more to the story, if we want to be free. We have to dig deeper. Why is the world an interplay of tyrants and victims? Why is that the biggest game in town? Why does genuine love get short billing, in spite of our good intentions to be loving and evolved? The reason is that will controls the playing field, and the ones exerting the will are the tyrants. The rest of us, unaware of the power of will, fall prey to the schemes of those who know how to use it. Adopting a loving attitude when we havent yet broken out of being victims will not save us personally nor will it save the world. Our fear will constantly drive us to abdicate our lovingness. Even if we manage to stay loving in the face of injustice and enslavement, love does little to help if it isnt upheld by will. I cry, you cry, we embrace and hug all the way to the FEMA camp. As a frequent visitor at the Alex Jones website, I value all the information available there. I sometimes read the comments at the end of the articles and am troubled by the hopelessness so many posters feel about our future. I found the same attitude in many emails and comments I received when I was very active writing this blog.



The truth movement has awoken to the realities preying upon mankind, but has yet to take the step to become a genuine liberty movement. Truth movement, liberty movement one focuses on knowledge, the other on empowerment. Only when we make that shift can we take back the control of our lives and our world that the tyrants are sucking from us. People are hopeless because they dont believe they have any power over the threatening situation. They think the tyrants hold all the cards. Indeed, the tyrants are brilliant, and have posted guards at every exit. Theyve planned their chess moves well in advance, while we, the novice players, are just waking up to how to play the game. But human intelligence, buttressed by will, does have the ability to throw a wrench in their strategy, just as a savvy chess opponent can defeat any strategy if hes determined and clever enough. No set of moves, however brilliantly orchestrated, is guaranteed to win every game. It only succeeds if the opponent is less clever than the other player. With enough will and deep thought, any brilliant chess play can be defeated. In the same way, determination and cleverness can defeat the strategists planning the New World Order. Think of determination as will in action. Will decides what we allow (the passive aspect of willing) and what we initiate (the active aspect). Then determination implements the decision. For all practical purposes, will, choice, and determination refer to the same thing. From this point on, Ill use the terms interchangeably. I am increasingly certain that reclaiming our will is the door to our freedom the only door to our freedom. Ignorance of the power of will is what keeps us afraid and enslaved. Ive written elsewhere in this blog about the power of thought to create real things in the outer world. Some call it the Law of Attraction. Some call it Creating Reality. Thought is powerful and creative because it rides on will. A thought without a strong intention, without passion behind it, is nothing but a pipe dream. A thought infused with will is a force to be reckoned with. Determined thought or intention moves the machinery of the universe, not only on the gross level but at the subtlest level of life. Quantum physics talks about the intention of scientists in experiments determining the path taken by quantum particles. This isnt just a theory, or feelgood pretending: its scientific fact. In your own life, think about the times youve accomplished something, or someone you know accomplished something. Compare that to the times you didnt accomplish. Was not will the differentiating factor? When you succeeded, was it not because you refused to have it any other way? Some time ago I was an activist on a neighborhood project attempting to save our town from encroachment by a powerful government agency with destructive designs. There were several people at the helm, organizing the fight. Ill never forget one day when one of them told me, with the utmost determination and confidence, that the agency would without a doubt be defeated. This was at a time in the campaign when everything looked like the agency would win. Lynn is a spiritual woman with a high degree of personal will and empowerment. She had made up her mind that the plan would be defeated, and that was the end of it. It was simply a


done deal. Not just a done deal in her mind, but a done deal in the real world. She had decided it so, with all the passion and confidence she possessed. This beautiful person understood the power of her own determination. She fully got that if she made up her mind that the agency could not have her home, then it could not take it. She knew she had the right and power to decide whether to concede it to them. I knew in that moment, from the way she said it, that she had created the defeat of the agency. All the motions we all went through from that point onward were merely the denouement, the winding up of the story. The outcome had already been decided. This master of reality had made up her mind that the bullying stopped at her front door, and it did. Were so much more powerful than we realize. Mothers with will in gear have lifted automobiles off their trapped children. Prisoners with will have broken out of impossible-toescape prison camps (see the movie Rescue Dawn for one such remarkable true story). We all know someone who with the confident innocence of determined desire succeeded in something the world considered impossible. We think of them as exceptional, but the only difference between them and the rest of us is that they access a faculty that most of humanity doesnt remember it possesses. Im working on building my will. When I find something in my life I dont like a situation, a negative habit I now say to myself, I dont accept this. I say it with confidence and a sense of being finished. I may not know at the time how Im going to get out of the thing that has bound me, but the ropes begin to loosen the moment I make the decision that Im done. Circumstances develop from that point onward that bring about the end of the thing I want rid of. Its quite dramatic sometimes, even miraculous. Other times, its gradual and subtle. Always it works. I build my will in little things and in so doing develop my confidence in taking on matters of substance. I fully believe if the time comes when I face someone demanding I get vaccinated or microchipped, I will spontaneously access the power to make them leave me in peace. I remember the moment in the first Star Wars where Obiwon waves his hand in front of an Empire cop, and the dazed guy lets him pass. And the moment in the book/movie, The Education of Little Tree, where officials come to drag the boy to a reservation school, but the granddad sees them coming from the hilltop; he and the boy are safe in the woods every time the would-be enslavers come to their door (another great true story). Those who are afraid (and do not master their fear) that they will be sent to FEMA camps or killed, are creating being sent to FEMA camps or killed. Those who believe global tyranny is a done deal are creating experiencing global tyranny. By passively accepting the horrendous as inevitable, the passive aspect of our own will kicks in to allow it, stamping the plans of the tyrants with our own personal seal of permission. We live on the Earth at this time because we chose to be here. We allowed it, we willed it. Perhaps we did that so we might experience the drama of bullies and bullied being played out in the extreme, as it is being played out today. Perhaps we wanted the stakes to be this high in order to jog our will awake, so we might become at last fully human, fully empowered, reality creators, masters of living.



We are only victims if thats how we perceive it. We can take the bull by the horns, take charge of any situation. No one ever does anything to us that we dont on some level allow. Allowing can be as simple as believing theres no way out. It can be as simple as fear, or any other form of helpless acceptance. What happens in our future is up to no one but us. The rest of the world can do what it likes, experience what it wants to, for its own ultimate freedom and wisdom. But no one can force anyone to be a slave who does not accept it. Whatever your fellows choose to do, you are safe and free if you determine to be. But can your choice for personal freedom help save the world from the New World Order? I think its the only thing that can save it. But thats the subject for another article. Bronte Baxter Anyone may copy or republish this article as long as they include a link back to this site at Bronte Baxter 2009 4 Comments intj123 said, December 29, 2010 at 3:01 am in childrens new textbooks the new age, or new world order was fully established in the 1970s or 80s I forgot exactly. But it was before I was even born. But I was rather suprised because I thought they wernt fully esablished yet, to this day. Whats weird is that exactly from that point in history also is when counter culture started, rebellion of the system has run amok since, perhaps in response to their agendas of control, or perhaps it was a response they wanted to create to make the next generation of adults irresponsible. Reply CC said, September 3, 2011 at 9:51 am Most people dont have any real understanding of how powerful our thoughts are. Ive experimented with this over and over again and am here to tell you, these things she said are true. We truly create our own reality by the thoughts we think and the visions we hold in our heads. This year I may be faced with take the flu shot or lose your job. This year will be the ultimate test. I will not take the flu shot and I will not lose my job in 2011. peace to you all in these coming times, CC



Reply Zev said, October 1, 2011 at 11:27 pm Bronte, I am 12 years old an happen to chance upon this in the search for answers to questions for people older than me. Long story short I now believe in the infinite and all this powerfully, but I go to a catholic school with a fanatic religion teacher and everyone in my family( exept my uncle) is catholic and they think I am to. Please, I need your advice Reply brontebaxter said, October 2, 2011 at 1:26 am Hi Ryan My goodness, Im guessing you are the youngest person to ever post here. Good for you for asking profound questions at such an early age. It takes most of us much longer to see through the programming. Im not in the position to be an advice column and am not sure what kind of advice youre even asking for here. Is it possible you could ask your parents to get you some counseling? If so, you may meet a counselor who you can confide in about your concerns and conflicts. This might feel helpful to you, and may give you some ideas for how to deal with your family on this matter. It is hard growing up in a family where you believe differently than your parents, but its not impossible. Many people have done it. I wish you all the best, Ryan. Bronte Reply Blowing the Whistle/ Chpt. 13: The Power of Will (Continued) This is Chapter 13 in an online book, Blowing the Whistle on Enlightenment: Confessions of a New Age Heretic, by Bronte Baxter. The last chapter talked about that least-remembered talent we human beings possess: the power of will. I equated it with choice and determination, but will deserves some closer examination. After all, how can we draw on its power if its only a shadowy concept, something weve mentally assigned to the realm of boring philosophers and 19th Century preachers?


Yet will is the force that moves everything in the universe. It is the magnetic energy behind thought, that draws to itself whatever it dreams of. Will stirs the pot of creation, and adds new colors to the mix. It is the creative power behind thought, behind everything. By learning to use it, we can deflect any aggression, defeat any predator, and create whatever in life we wish to experience. We need to really get this, intuitively, or its only an empty theory. It needs to become a deep understanding that we live from. Only then can will empower us. So lets think deeply for a few moments, reason things out, and consider our own experience. What evidence is there that will exists and that it is the power that moves the universe? Well, what does the universe consist of? Stuff. Matter. Things. Where did it all come from? Unless it existed eternally, matter had a beginning: there was a time before it appeared on the scene. Is it reasonable to think matter has always been there? That would mean matter is God, the endall and be-all. Does that make sense? That rocks, fish, air, planets, stars have existed forever, without any beginning? Its more reasonable to think that they came from something, something more basic than themselves. Scientists speak of a Big Bang, from which all matter appeared. What did the Big Bang come from? What was it that was exploding? If nothing existed yet, then what exploded in the Big Bang was something immaterial, something that pre-dated matter. What could that possibly be except energy or thought? In fact, it had to be both: energetic thought, because thought is naturally energetic and energy is naturally intelligent. Think about it. Think how energy moves in an intelligent direction. In its solid form as matter (people, animals, objects), energy moves in response to desires and intentions: a dog gets thirsty, it moves toward the water; you miss your mom, you call her on the phone. Energy moves with purpose directing it, not randomly and meaninglessly. Thats why we know energy is by nature intelligent. We see this even on the finest levels of creation, where subatomic particles display attraction and move in response to the attention of the observer. So energy is intelligent. Is the reverse true: is intelligence energetic? If so, then energy and intelligence are one and the same thing. Energy and thought are one and the same thing. Im using intelligence to mean thought, because thought is the active expression of intelligence. Stay with me here. This is what I mean by thinking long thoughts. This is the kind of deep thinking we need to do to understand what we are and what were made of and how the universe works. Once we deeply grasp that, we grow in power. Perceiving our deeper nature, we start to operate from there. And that means finding our way out of the fix we and the rest of mankind are in. So lets get back to the drawing board Is thought energetic? Obviously it is. Thoughts are what drive us to do things (to expend energy). A powerful thought (one with great energy) attracts other minds to it (examples: reading a book, buying a popular item, joining a cause). Even the random mental chatter that flows through our minds when were idle has a level of energy (enough to keep us awake at night if too much of it is going on).



Weve seen for ourselves that energy is intelligent and that intelligence (thought) is energetic. So thought and energy are essentially one and the same. We also saw that energy/thought, being immaterial, must have preceded the creation of the universe. In fact, it is what the universe had to be born of, because there was nothing else. Since energetic thought is the parent of the universe, it is also what the universe is made of. Matter (the universe) is simply congealed thought, congealed intelligent energy. And matter (creation) moves in response to our energetic thought. This is the principle behind the Law of Attraction, the reason thoughts are magnetic. Theres very little difference between a thought of something and that thought congealed in the form of a thing. Our thoughts are creative and destructive, depending on the direction of their energy. Thinking bad things will happen, attracts energy to the thought that encourages the bad thing to occur. Intending and expecting good things to happen has the opposite effect. So where does will come in? Will is all of it. Will is the force behind the thought (its the energy). Will is the intention directing the energy (its the intelligence). Will is the energetic thought, the directed energy, that is the source of the universe. It is the oven from which the Big Bang exploded. It is the force that moves everything in the universe. In fact, it is the only thing that ever makes anything happen. Without will, without energetic thought, everything would be static. There would be no life. Whenever something happens, someones will has caused that event. Someone had an intention, a desire, strong enough (energetic enough) to move the soup of creation around in some way, or to add something new to the soup. People who live mostly on random thoughts, on their own repetitive mind chatter, have very little influence on the direction of creation, let alone the direction of their own life. Because they think from a level of low energy, not from focused intention. The people we call the movers and shakers of the world live mostly on focused thoughts. They control what they allow in their minds, and think thoughts purposefully. Their minds are filled with plans, with intentions. The energy behind their focused thought is powerful, because focus gathers energy. Such people are the architects of the world, of reality. The reality that the rest of us mostly just react to and experience, because we, floating in the soup of our own random thoughts, allow others to determine our direction. The movers and shakers are swimmers. The rest of us are floaters. And the swimmers of the world, having the game down as they do, right now are having fun pushing the floaters around the pond. Their scheme is to shove all the floaters into one little corner of the pool and keep us there, while they splash and play and enjoy all the rest of the place by themselves. Its called the Great Conspiracy. And theyre pulling it off because we cry and moan about how mean they are, how clever they are, and how powerful they are, when in fact, the only difference between us and them is that they know how to think! They know how to think with purpose, with will. They think with intention. They think with bad intention, but this is partly our own fault. We earn and deserve their scorn for being floaters, always reacting to life, never grabbing life with our hands and shaping it to our purpose. Our passiveness, our lack of will, has let the willful assume control of the playing field. They despise us for our weakness and stupidity and would like to see most of us exterminated (although theyll keep a few around to do their bidding).


We have been weak and stupid, but not because the bullies are by nature stronger or smarter than we. Everyone came from the same Big Bang, the same intelligent energy. Some of us just learned the power of will while others forget that faculty existed. Those who did learn the secret conspired to keep the rest of us in forgetfulness. But the power is there within our own thoughts to take back control of our destiny. To take back our lives, personally and collectively. It is only a matter of changing our minds, of thinking with new purpose, of determining not to self-destruct over the machinations of the bullies who are having a great laugh at our expense, as we float every which way they think to push us. Its a matter of learning to swim. It doesnt matter how advanced they are in implementing their plans. When the floaters wake up and start swimming, they will create a force in the water that pushes back those trying to herd them. The bullies know that, and it is why they want to get rid of us, to destroy most of the worlds population before we get wise to the game. A cornered animal is likely to get wild, to discover its will, to assert its power. The bullies want to eliminate most of mankind before we reach that point. The trick is for us to wake up soon enough. Not wake up in the sense the Truthers have already awakened: to knowledge of the conspiracy. We must wake up much more profoundly, to our power of will. We must decide NEVER to allow what they are orchestrating, that it will NOT happen, that we draw the line right here. We mustnt say Ill let them shoot me before Ill go to a FEMA camp, because then we create being shot. Then we enter the next world as a victim, still vulnerable to bullying, still pursued, still the plaything of the strong and malicious. When will it stop? When will we have enough and DECIDE it ends here? How much must we get pushed around before we catch on that when it ends depends entirely on us? Its our lack of will that allows their will to determine everything. Its our lack of assertion. By remaining passive, mentally and physically, we allow them to do to us whatever they will. We are victims by choice. By default. Our will, operating in passive mode, has allowed it. All we have to do to reverse the situation is to summon that will, to summon our passion, to understand the difference between us and them is only in the level of determination. Victory belongs to the most committed, goes the saying. They are more committed. They scheme, plan, and act. We bitch, moan, and hide under the bed. Not all of us, but so many of us aware of the conspiracy. So many of us feel hopeless. And it is that very hopeless attitude that will be our downfall, unless we take the bull by the horns and correct that. Its time to grab hold of our attitude and will ourselves to grow powerful. First by addressing everything in our personal lives that we let hold us back, every lame excuse for why we havent succeeded, for why we suffer, for why we cannot have what we desire. Then by addressing the Great Conspiracy itself. All there is in the world is one essential element: thoughtful energy, energetic thought. Thats all there is. Everything material is a distillation of that, a result of that. Each of us is essentially a thought thinking itself, a thought made of energy. Energy that is eternal and infinite. By thinking with focus, with passion, with determination, we access our unlimited energy to create or experience anything we want. There are no victims when all are infinitely powerful at


their core. There is only forgetfulness of our nature, failure to access will, and a choice to let the bullies make all the decisions. Bronte Baxter Bronte Baxter 2009 Anyone may copy or reprint this article as long as they include a link back to this website at Blowing the Whistle/ Chpt. 14: Brahman, the Doughnut that Eats Itself This is Chapter 14 in an online book, Blowing the Whistle on Enlightenment: Confessions of a New Age Heretic, by Bronte Baxter. The last chapter examined human nature and argued, through reasoning and experience, that we, at core, are thought-energy-will. That is how we animate our bodies and how we move through the field of matter. Thought-energy-will in the form of I is an individual, a little spark that woke up within the infinity of intelligent potential that some physicists like to call the unified field. We are each pieces of the Infinite, totally connected with the Infinite, yet independent as doers and experiencers. As individualized expressions of thought-energy-will, we are the way the Infinite expresses itself, the way it creates. We are the reason for creation. Our individuality is precious to the Infinite, and if we ever dissolved that, we would defeat the purpose of life. The part of my being that makes me individual is my unique thought and will. The will is the impulse within me to do and to choose and to create. What I do, choose, and create is unique in all the universe. No other impulse of the Infinite (no other individual) will ever or can ever observe life from quite my perspective, nor will they ever do or allow or create exactly as I choose to. Our choices and inspirations are based on our positions where we stand as an individualized sparks of infinity. When all the sparks know their nature as the Infinite and at the same time fully engage their individuality, the world will become like a symphony, with every note sounded full and sweet, harmonizing with and adding to every other note. It will become a colorful flower field, every blossom vibrant in its distinct and separate uniqueness, yet each contributing to the perfume and beauty that is all the flower field together. Religion works against this. It tells us to surrender our will to something greater, but the Infinite actually delights in our will and its expression. Religion tells us to dissolve our ego the author of our doing, creating, and choosing into the cosmic ego of the whole. This is completely counter to the purpose of the Infinite. It would be like every flower in a garden surrendering itself to the garden, wilting in its self-hood instead of being the best flower it can be. The entire garden would die. Each person is an individualized expression of thought-energy-will like a car and driver, moving across the universe. Mind is the automobile, energy is the fuel, and will is the driver. Telling me to surrender my will is a way of taking over my thought and my energy.



The car goes nowhere without a will to drive it. If I step out of the drivers seat of my life, merely reacting to the world instead of initiating things in it, someone else will climb behind the wheel and direct where I go. This is especially true if I invite such an arrangement through self-deprecating prayer or by prostrating myself before the gods in mantra meditation. When we dissolve our will or ego, I no longer exists. All that remains is the shell of what was once a person. We are left with body (energy) and mind (thoughts). The lights are on, but no ones at home. Or rather, someone new has taken up residence, the entity to whom one has surrendered ones ego or will. Some call this enlightenment. Its actually possession. The will has been abdicated, that which makes us uniquely human. One becomes a vessel for the will of that to whom one has given oneself. Decades back, when I was a girl, religion outright asked for surrender of the will. Thats back when will was talked about still in common parlance. Now, religion has evolved and asks instead for surrender of our ego. But will and ego are the same thing. By demonizing our desires, by telling us ego is arrogant and selfish, religion has made the will seem like something that must be relinquished for perfection or goodness to be attained. In fact, when we surrender that spark, through namah-ingour way through years of mantras or asking Jesus to save us, the very reason for our existence is defeated. We become empty shells, sounding to the noise of that which blows through us and possesses us. That entity is not God, for True God is the Infinite which never wants to take over anything. God desires its childrens freedom, their will unfettered, so they may dance wherever and however they like, and in so doing, delight their creator. When we truly get that we are thought-energy-will in our essential nature, that this impulse is our spirit, the eternal and infinite personhood that animates our body, then it becomes possible to command the body and control it. We understand that every physical limitation is a limitation of thought, and that thought can reverse it. If all matter, including our bodies, is made of nothing but energy, then by thinking our physical energy patterns different, they must change. Weve accepted that we must age and die, and so we do. But if we decide to reject that thought and supplant it with a better one, we can order the body to thrive and to live forever. This is why I went into such detail in my last article examining what we are at our core. Because unless we intuitively get that, unless its something weve reasoned to ourselves, so thoroughly and deeply that it becomes our essential reality, then the idea that we are thoughtenergy-will pulsing in an infinite field of potential is only a pretty concept. It must become our most fundamental experience. When our true nature becomes as clear and real to us as the ground we walk on, we can start to live from that reality, with the authority that understanding grants us. We can ordain things and they happen. We can tell the body to do what we will. We can infuse the body with the infinite energy of the unified field and never need to eat (take life from others) in order to survive. We can survive on our essential, infinite nature. And if all beings learned to do this, if all egos understood their essential power and immortality, no one would need to feed on anyone else. We all would exist in our own selfempowerment. The basic premise on which this universe is founded would dissolve, and that premise is the need to take life from others in order to live. The universe would start to operate on a different principle, the principle of its essential unlimited potential.



Lets look at this from another perspective. Jewish mystical texts, as well as other esoteric manuscripts, describe the shape of the universe as a torus. A torus looks like a doughnut, a doughnut capable of turning in on itself. Think of it like a piece of vacuum cleaner tubing, taped to itself to form a circle, a doughnut shape. Imagine rotating the tubing, so the part that is the top moves toward the center, then down to the bottom, then back up to the top again. That is the description of a torus. In this model, the universe is a black hole on one of the sides of the torus, a white hole at the other side. The white hole is constantly spitting out new creations, that live, thrive, then decline as they move around the outside to the reverse side of the torus, where they are absorbed by the black hole there. As they move through the center of the doughnut, all creature is destroyed then recycled, emerging from the white hole as new forms. Individual bodies have been consumed; new bodies have been created. And so the cycle of creation and destruction continues. This torus is the physical shape of the universe, according to mystic sources, and the shape resembles that of someone eating, digesting, and defecating. Food in, food processed, food out. It resembles the interior shape of human and animal bodies: mouth at one end, digestion and transmutation of food in the center, anus at the other end. And as animals defecate, their feces fertilizing the earth and becoming new plants, that which was defecated gets consumed again in the form of a new dinner. This is the pattern or shape of the torus. It is our essential shape as organic beings, as long as we are eaters, dependent on taking life to survive. The torus also appears to be the shape of Brahman, the Vedic/ East Indian name for the entity or consciousness that is or upholds the universe. Brahman functions in a self-destructive feedback loop. Curving back on myself, I create again and again, says Krishna in the Bhagavad-Gita, speaking for the consciousness of the universe. Energy in, energy out. Forms created, forms dissolved. An endless cycle of creation and destruction. The universe is like a dog endlessly chasing its tail. The ancient mystery schools depicted the reality of the universe another way: through the symbol of a snake swallowing its tail. (Picture a dot on the torus, and the path it takes as it moves from the top inner side down the outer side, across the bottom, up the inner side and back to its position on the top. It makes a perfect circle, which is the shape of a snake swallowing its tail.) The symbol is one of self-destruction, because a snake that devours itself will die. The universe will also someday die, because it cannot go on eating itself endlessly. In time its energy will wear out, from the endless recycling project. It will self-implode. Brahman knows this, and it is terrified. Thats why all its children are terrified. All beings are afraid of death, and are subject to death. Because the great entity we are part of, the universe, is subject to death. Like Brahman, the great torus, we little toruses must eat to continue our existence. Or so we think. But in fact, we are no more in need of consuming others to continue existing than a dog needs to chase its tail in order to stay alive. Its a thought we had that became a belief. Its a thought Brahman had, that became a belief. And what we think, we manifest. The universe is self-destructive because it thinks that way. Brahman eats its children because it thinks it has to, to survive. Brahman is an insane parent, pursuing a course that is madness, knowing no other. But healing is only a thought away. Brahman only needs to conceive of another possibility, and it can change its pattern of existence.


In fact, Brahman, like us, is an individualized expression of the unified field: pure and infinite intelligent energy. If Brahman could but remember its nature as infinite, it would stop trying to eat itself. It eats itself in an effort to consume energy. But its very nature is thought-energywill, and the energy it expresses from is infinite. By remembering that, Brahman would no longer need to consume itself to stay alive. It can simply shine in its own self-effulgence. It can bask in its own infinity of energy, and dance an endless dance in the forms of its immortal children. The insanity can end, when the insane thinking ends. We are children of Brahman, and we also ARE Brahman, as a leaf is an individual but is also the plant it is part of, as a cell is an individual, but also the body it is part of. If the leaves change their minds, the plant changes its mind. If we, as children of the universe, wake up to our essential nature as unlimited and undying, then Brahman must wake up to the same. If we stop needing to consume and stop agreeing to be consumed, consumption stops not only for us, but for that which we are a part of. The universe starts to change its mind with every one of us that changes our mind. When enough people wake up to our limitless nature, Brahman will wake up, and the torus that is the universe will morph into a new shape. The insanity will end, and the dog will stop chasing its tail. The need for anyone to devour anyone else will cease, and the lion will lie down with the lamb. It all starts with remembering what we really are, then using our wills to ordain change from that infinite, powerful place. The definition of religion is from the root religio, which means to bind back. Think of the torus that is Brahman as a great firework explosion, where the sparks reach outward, then curve back to their source. Religion gives us the thinking that binds us back to the hole in the doughnut, where we must be destroyed and recycled. By seeing through the lies of religion, by refusing to surrender our wills / egos to Brahman or to any other limited entity that religions may call God, we free ourselves from the need to cycle around from birth to ultimate death. We identify with something much greater than Brahman the infinite intelligence from which Brahman and all universes sprang. In so doing, we immortalize ourselves, body and spirit. We save ourselves, and we also save the universe. For being its unit members, we are the universe. Bronte Baxter Bronte Baxter 2009 Anyone may copy or republish this article as long as they include a link back to this website at


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