Security Manager or Ajudicator or Peersonnel Security Manager or

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Ronald C Conner 754 Stewart Court Pickerington, OH 43147 Home Phone: 614-833-0992 Work Phone: 614-827-1423 Cell: 614-833-0992

E-mail: Current Top Secret clearance, May 2010 SKILLS Accomplished, dedicated, and highly analytical National Security Professional wi th proven expertise in multiple aspects of Personnel Security Adjudications and Personnel Security Investigations for the Department of Defense and Office of Pe rsonnel Management (OPM). Proficient in the utilization of Joint Personnel Adju dication System (JPAS), Clearance Adjudication Tracking System (CATS), Personn el Investigations Processing Systems (PIPS), Electronic Questionnaires for Inves tigations Processing (e-QIP), Electronic Personnel Security Questionnaire (EPSQ) , Defense Clearance & Investigation Index (DCII), Case Control Management System (CCMS), Central Verification Authority (CVA), Industrial Security Facilities Da tabase (ISFD), Industrial Security System (ISS). EXPERIENCE: August 2009- Present Personnel Security Specialist, IA-03, 40 hrs/wk Defense Security Service (DSS) Defense Industrial Security Clearance Office (DISCO) 2780 Airport Drive, Suite 400 Columbus, OH 43215 Supervisor: David Hunt, 614-827-1699 Responsible for the review and adjudication of completed Single Scope Background Investigations (SSBI), Periodic Reinvestigation for Single Scope (SSBI-PR), Pha sed Periodic Reinvestigations (PPR), National Agency Check Law and Credit (NACLC ) investigation completed by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) for Secret and Top Secret clearances. Determine the adequacy and completeness of the inve stigation and of other means by which data were collected; evaluate the authenti city, veracity, and pertinence of the data to the case at hand; and request addi tional investigations or develop other information if needed. Make logical, wel l reasoned decisions based on all available, reliable information about the pers on, past and present, favorable and unfavorable, in considering whether to grant , deny, revoke, suspend, or restrict security clearances consistent with nationa l security and/or suitability issues. Understand and apply national guidelines that determine eligibility to access classified information to determine whethe r a person is able and willing to safeguard classified national security informa tion based on his her loyalty, character, trustworthiness and reliability. Rec ommends cases to be reopened for re-investigation by OPM, by preparing detailed requests for missing information needed to complete the adjudication process. Refers cases to the Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals (DOHA) for due proce ss leading to the potential denial or revocation of clearance eligibility and to other government agencies for review. Makes initial determinations for interim security clearance access by analyzing Electronic Questionnaires for Investigat ions Processing (e-QIP) submitted by defense contractors for correctness and mak es an adjudicative decision to grant or deny interim access to classified inform ation based upon established and newly-revised guidelines. Daily use of the lat est technology to include Joint Personnel Adjudication System (JPAS), Clearance Adjudication Tracking System (CATS), Defense Clearance & Investigation Index (D CII), Electronic Questionnaires for Investigations Processing (e-QIP), Personne l Investigations Processing System (PIPS), Central Verification Authority (CVA), Industrial Security Facilities Database (ISFD), Industrial Security System (ISS ), Electronic Personnel Security Questionnaire (EPSQ) and Access databases. W

orks both independently and in a collaborative environment with security profess ionals. Actively participates in branch meetings. SKILLS As the Personnel Security Project Manager I provide leadership and direction to a 20 member team of Personnel Security Analysts supporting the mission of Defens e Industrial Security Clearance Office (DISCO). EXPERIENCE: December 2008 a" August 2009 Personnel Security Manager, 40 hrs/wk Defense Industrial Security Clearance Office (DISCO) Northstar Technology Corporation 2780 Airport Drive, Suite 400 Columbus, OH 43215 Supervisor: Warren Matthews, 949-788-0738, Ext. 102 EXPERIENCE: November 2005 - Dec 2008 Personnel Security Manager, 40 hrs/wk Defense Industrial Security Clearance Office (DISCO) Science Application International Corporation (SAIC) 2780 Airport Drive, Suite 400 Columbus, OH 43215 Supervisor: Carolyn Davis, 703-925-4375 As the Personnel Security Project Manager I provided leadership and direction to a 20 member team of Personnel Security Analysts supporting the mission of Defen se Security Service, Defense Industrial Security Clearance Office (DISCO. Respon sible for assuring that personnel security clearances and trustworthy determinat ions are processed for personnel eligibility determinations as prescribed by the DoD Personnel Security Program, Industrial Security Program and NISP Operating Manual. Directed staff operations in collaboration with senior DISCO management . Align staff resources with workflow requirements and provide the staff with u p-to-date operational information. I planned, organized, and scheduled work in a manner that promotes a smooth flow and even distribution. Assess daily activ ities and processes; create and present weekly production reports for each staff member to DISCO management. Identified requirements, and initiate requests for additional resources including personnel, overtime, equipment, supplies and spac e. I prepared and deliver detailed briefings on staff functions to DISCO staff and visitors. Manage training, evaluations and mentoring programs. Establish ed core development standards, policies, and procedures and maintained administr ative records. Sustained an excellent staff retention record while leading a c ohesive team that earned exceptional ratings. As the Project Manager I served a s a trusted liaison with the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), Federal Inves tigative Services Division (FISD), E-QIP Rapid Response Team, and Suitability Br anch, concerning cases deemed unacceptable by OPM and cases with suitability iss ues. I implemented plans to optimize staff training on Joint Personnel Adjudic ation System (JPAS), Defense Clearance & Investigation Index (DCII), Electronic Questionnaires for Investigations Processing (e-QIP), Personnel Investigations P rocessing System (PIPS), Central Verification Authority (CVA), Industrial Securi ty Facilities Database (ISFD), Industrial Security System (ISS), Electronic Pers onnel Security Questionnaire (EPSQ) and Access databases in support of the overa ll performance of the task order. I ensured that Personnel Security Analyst's a ssigned were properly trained to perform their assigned duties which include, bu t not limited to; contacting defense contractor organizations and other Federal agencies to obtain information to enable processing of the various correspondenc es concerning the security clearance process; analyzing and reviewing newly subm itted e-QIP SSBI-PR's, to make a determination of approval or disapproval for fo rwarding to OPM, processing over 36,000 per year; analyzing and reviewing e-QIPS

rejects received from OPM and notifying the FSO via a JPAS message or letter as to the reason the e-QIP was rejected; processing over 5,000 per year, sorting, date stamping and filling incoming completed Reports for Adjudication (RFA) rec eived from OPM to be processed for adjudication; prepare Defense Office of Hear ing and Appeals (DOHA) reapplication requests for security clearances previously denied/revoked by DOHA, terminate an individuals access within JPAS as a result of being separated from a facility; notify OPM of individual's transfer or ter mination from initial requesting facility; track and distribute Reimbursable Su itability Investigation (RSI) and Reopen Investigations (REO) to adjudicators fo r additional information required to complete the adjudication process; review Classified Information Non-Disclosure Agreements (SF-312) for completeness and e ntering information in a database, processing over 50,000 per year; processing SSN changes received from FSO into JPAS; handle Unclassifiable Finger Prints re jected by OPM, processing on 11.00 per year, handle telephone call from USIS an d OPM concerning an individual status in JPAS; analyze and review Hard Copy Inci dents reports received from FSO's, enter the information into JPAS and assign to branch chiefs for completion. SKILLS: As a Contract Investigator for Kroll Government Services I planned, organized, a nd conducted Personnel Security Investigations (PSI's) on military personnel bei ng considered for assignments to positions requiring access to classified U.S. G overnment information or to sensitive DOD areas. My PSI on these individuals had to support or disclaim their suitability, reliability, and trustworthiness for such a position of trust with the U. S. government. I accomplished this by investigating an in dividual's perceived character and reputation in both the local community and in the workplace. My completed PSI was the major tool utilized by DOD adjudicativ e authorities in their decision making process. Therefore, my investigation cou ld have had an adverse impact on U.S. National Security if not completed in a co ncise, highly professional and thorough manner. EXPERIENCE: September 2005 - October 2005 Self Employment as Contract Investigator, 40 hrs/wk Kroll Government Services 1750 Foxtrail Drive, Loveland CO 80538 As a contract investigator I interviewed and conversed with a diversified range of individuals from the military and civilian sector. I used sound judgment, tac t and resourcefulness to solicit sensitive and sometimes embarrassing informatio n concerning an individuals alleged past or present use of illegal drugs and nar cotics, alleged alcohol abuse, moral misconduct, criminal misconduct, financial indiscretions, and any past or present mental or emotional issues. I recognize nonverbal responses or reactions suggestive of the requirements of efficacy of a dditional questions. I assumed responsibility for identifying and analyzing se curity, reliability issues, subversive affiliation or hostage situations when su ch issues are present or developed. I resolved conflicting facts or evidence th rough my investigative efforts. To do this required not only logical thought, b ut also common sense and flexibility. I interviewed the Subjects of PSI's to an alyze the accuracy of personal history information which they provided. I also interviewed the Subject's of PSI's to provide them the opportunity to acknowledg e, explain or refute any adverse information which I may developed through my in-de pth interviews of their peers, and associates. These Subjects interviews usuall y resulted in the development of previously undisclosed security suitability or reliability issues. In addition to interviewing Subjects of PSI's, their peers and associates, I conducted neighborhood inquires, interviewed developed and lis ted references, as well as former spouses do determine the presence of investiga tive issues. I reviewed, studied and analyzed facts and pertinent data contain

ed in an individual's educational, employment, and law enforcement records. Revi ews of medical records were also conducted and if required I conducted interview s of medical personnel and obtained copies of pertinent documents to support wri tten commentary. I compared and analyzed the data contained in those records to known or other developed information while being observant for any new or previ ously undisclosed facts or issues. After the investigative effort was completed, I carefully and methodically compa red and analyzed the information gathered to ensure all appropriate investigativ e requirements and issues were fully explored, recognized, and exploited to a na tural conclusion. Sound judgment, resourcefulness, adaptability and thoroughnes s were the foundations upon which I based all my completed PSI's in support of t he OPM mission. Essential to the successful completion of my PSI's was my abili ty to prepare and generate complex reports of investigation (ROI) which logicall y and concisely documented my findings. My completed ROI's rarely required edit ing by supervisory personnel because of my thorough knowledge of applicable OPM, DOD and DSS policies and regulations. I independently planned, organized and c onducted my assigned PSI's with very little supervisory guidance because of my d emonstrated ability to investigate, analyze and document my findings in a profes sional, coherent, and concise manner. I prioritized my investigation using OPM guidelines. Supervisor: Barry Atkinson, 866-667-3635 SKILLS As a Special Agent assigned to the Office of Personnel Management, Federal Inves tigative Services, Worthington, OH, and the Defense Security Service, Columbus, OH I planned, organized, and conducted Personnel Security Investigations (PSI's) on civilian, military and industrial personnel being consider for assignments t o positions requiring access to classified U.S. Government information or to sen sitive DOD areas. My PSI on these individuals had to support or disclaim their s uitability, reliability, and trustworthiness for such a position of trust with t he U. S. government. I accomplished this by investigating an individual's perce ived character and reputation in both the local community and in the workplace. My completed PSI was the major tool utilized by DOD adjudicative authorities in their decision making process. Therefore, my investigation could have had an a dverse impact on U.S. National Security if not completed in a concise, highly pr ofessional and thorough manner. EXPERIENCE February 2005- July 2005 Senior Investigator, GS-1810-12-6, 40 hrs/wk Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Federal Investigative Services P.O. Box 1121, Worthington, OH 43085 EXPERIENCE September 1989 - February 2005 Senior Investigator, GS-1810-12-6, 40 hrs/wk Defense Security Service 2780 Airport Drive, Room 450 Columbus, OH 43215 In accomplishing the OPM and DSS mission, I interviewed and conversed with a div ersified range of individuals from the civilian, military and industrial sectors . On a routine basis I have in the past and currently conduct more complex secur ity investigations that are designated for investigation by supervisory personne l. I used sound judgment, tact and resourcefulness to solicit sensitive and som etimes embarrassing information concerning an individuals alleged past or present use of illegal dru

gs and narcotics, alleged alcohol abuse, moral misconduct, criminal misconduct, financial indiscretions, and any past or present mental or emotional issues. I recognize nonverbal responses or reactions suggestive of the requirements of eff icacy of additional questions. I assumed responsibility for identifying and anal yzing security, reliability issues, subversive affiliation or hostage situations when such issues are present or developed. I resolved conflicting facts or evi dence through my investigative efforts. To do this required not only logical th ought, but also common sense and flexibility. I interviewed the Subjects of PSI 's to analyze the accuracy of personal history information which they provided. I also interviewed the Subject's of PSI's to provide them the opportunity to ac knowledge, explain or refute any adverse information which I may developed throu gh my in-depth interviews of their peers, and associates. These Subject intervi ews usually resulted in the development of previously undisclosed security/suita bility/reliability issues. In addition to interviewing Subjects of PSI's, their peers and associates, I conducted neighborhood inquires, interviewed developed and listed references, as well as former spouses do determine the presence of in vestigative issues. I reviewed, studied and analyzed facts and pertinent data contained in an individual's educational, employment, and law enforcement record s. Reviews of medical records were also conducted and if required I conducted i nterviews of medical personnel and obtained copies of pertinent documents to sup port written commentary. I compared and analyzed the data contained in those re cords to known or other developed information while being observant for any new or previously undisclosed facts or issues. After the investigative effort was completed, I carefully and methodically compa red and analyzed the information gathered to ensure all appropriate investigativ e requirements and issues were fully explored, recognized, and exploited to a na tural conclusion. Sound judgment, resourcefulness, adaptability and thoroughnes s were the foundations upon which I based all my completed PSI's in support of t he OPM and DSS mission. Essential to the successful completion of my PSI's was my ability to prepare and generate complex reports of investigation (ROI) which logically and concisely documented my findings. My completed ROI's rarely requi red editing by supervisory personnel because of my thorough knowledge of applica ble OPM, DOD and DSS policies and regulations. I independently planned, organiz ed and conducted my assigned PSI's with very little supervisory guidance because of my demonstrated ability to investigate, analyze and document my findings in a professional, coherent, and concise manner. I prioritized my investigation us ing OPM guidelines. I responded to inquires from high level OPM, DSS and DOD pe rsonnel concerning adverse information that was developed during the investigati ve process. Using computer skills I developed through military experience and attending comp uter related courses I have helped the field office complex as a computer coach. I developed programs that helped the agents assigned to the complex better man age their case loads. I also assist the Field Office Special Agent in Charge as an advisor on Automated Information Systems (AIS). I have performed a variety of tasks associated with installing, maintaining personal computers and telecomm unications equipment assigned to the field office complex. I maintain an up-todate knowledge of computer systems and software such as Case Control Management System (CCMS), Windows NT, XP 2000, and 98, Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Acces s, PowerPoint) Internet Explore, Netscape and Wang Imaging utilized by field office personnel. I provided assist ance and advice to users on versatility, adaptability and overall utility on var ious software or new work applications. I studied, identified and analyzed recu rring problems to make sure the systems that were assigned to the field office w ork efficiently and effectively. I recommended solutions to problems to the SAC and field office complex personnel and took the appropriate actions needed to so lve the problem. As the computer coach I determined training needs of the field office and implements training courses to insure that field office complex pers onnel were kept up-to-date on new applications that are received in the field of

fice complex.

I have acted as an AIS liaison at field office complex meetings.

In absence of the field office supervisor, I have served as the Acting Special A gent-in Charge. In his absence I assigned cases to agents, monitored their prog ress and have reviewed investigative reports for completeness. Supervisor: Gary L. Clarke, 614-561-9567 EXPERIENCE December 1987- September 1989 Master Sergeant (E-8) U.S. Army Headquarters, U.S. Army Military District Of Washington Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations, Plans and Security Law Enforcement Division Ft. McNair, Washington, D.C. 20319 As the Senior Non-Commissioned Officer assigned to the Law Enforcement Division I was responsible for advising the Division Chief on all Law Enforcement matters . I formulated plans and policies pertaining to law enforcement functions. I dir ected and supervised the enforcement of military and civilian laws, regulations and orders. Oversaw staff planning and controlled operations to include personne l administrations services, training, intelligence and logistical support. I par ticipated in the Armed Forces Disciplinary Control Board. I prepared, planned an d participated in law enforcement support of installation contingency, mobilization and disaster exercises. I was responsible for all administrative functions of the division to include controll ing of correspondence, records and forms. interpreted administrative directives and procedures. I reviewed and completed formal reports of results of investigat ions conducted. I maintained central files and safeguarded classified documents. I advised and assisted Commanders and staff members in formulating and administ ering security plans and procedures. I prepared, wrote and updated the divisiona s physical security plan. I provided assistance to unit commanders in performing investigative responsibilities in accordance with appropriate Army and DOD regulations. Law Enforcement and Physical Security: Planned military police patrols and inve stigations. Supervised the division's Crime Prevention program and Physical Secu rity program. Administered the traffic control and accident investigation progr am. Oversaw the absentee and Deserter program. Monitored the registration of p rivately owned weapons and vehicles. Maintained liaison with Federal, State and Local law enforcement agencies in the National Capital area. Developed, analyz ed and disseminated statistic's to support crime prevention and police activitie s of Military Police stations in the National Capitol area. Conducted local poli ce files checks for security clearances and other administrative requirements. Processed civil law enforcement agencies arrest war rants for military personnel. Established proactive anti-terrorism programs such as awareness campaigns and identified security/response training. Directed the Military Police training and Military Police investigations program. Responsible for investigating crimes involving personnel subject to the Uniform Code of Mil itary Justice and crimes affecting government property. Provided protective in c onjunction with the U.S. Service for the President, Vice President, Foreign Head s of State and VIP's visiting the National Capital area. Coordinated policies an d procedures for physical security matters with the Division Chief. Conducted c lasses, seminars and briefings on law enforcement matters. Budgeting: Prepared programming, budgeting and cost performances reports. Cond ucted multi-year planning for equipment, funds and manpower. Information Systems Management: Administered, programmed, operated and maintaine

d a 32 user Sperry 5000/80 mainframe computer system, operating at four differen t locations. Established and installed a local area network that allowed for the addition of six remote site users to the Sperry systems, by using existing phon e lines, saving the division 52,400 per month in phone costs. Developed a traini ng program for users of the system. Responsible for adding and deleting users, i nstalling programs and additional computer equipment to insure that the system o perated at its fullest potential. Developed program using ORACLE data base for u pdating the vehicle registration files of over 25,000 vehicles. This program all owed operators to add, modify and delete data from the data base. Contracting: Responsible for verifying that the contractor performed the technic al requirements of the contract in accordance with the contract terms, condition s and specifications. Performed or caused to be performed inspections necessary in connection with the contract. Insured that all DOD Form 250 and invoices were forwarded to the payment office to avoid interest penalties. Maintained Liaison and direct communications with the contractor. Monitored contractor performance and notified the contractor of any deficiencies, directed appropriate action to effect correction. Recorded and reported incidents of faulty or non conforming work, delays or problems. Submitted monthly reports concerning performance of the service rendered. Coordinated site entry f or contractor personnel and ensured that any government furnished property is a vailable when required. EDUCATION: High School Diploma, Mt. Vernon High School, Mt. Vernon, OH, 1969 SPECIALIZED TRAINING: 2010 DoD Personnel Security Adjudications Resident Course, Defense Security Serv ice Academy, 2009 DOD Personnel Security Adjudications Independent Study Course , 2010 Intelligence Oversight Awareness Training, Safeguarding Personally Ident ifiable Information, August 2008, Hiring Former Government Employees Training, J une 2008, DoD Information Assurance Awareness Training, February 2009, May 2008, May 2007, March 2006, Anti Terrorism Level One Awareness Training April 2007, J une 2006, OPM PIPS Training, March 2004, Resolving Financial Issues, September 1 998, DIS Continuing Education Seminar, December 1996, Introduction to Microsoft Office, May 1997, Personnel Security Investigation Course, January 1990, First S ergeants Course, 1985, Advanced Non-Commissioned Officer Course, 1981, U.S. Army Drill Sergeants Course, 1980, U.S. Army Counter Terrorism Course, 1983, U.S. Ar my Physical Security Course, 1983, Combat Intelligence Course, 1977, Non-Commiss ioned Officer Academy, 1976, Chemical Biological and Radiological Course 1974, U .S. Army Military Police School, 1969, Basic Combat Training, 1969 AWARDS Aspire Award Team Nominee, SAIC, 2007, Certificate of Recognition, April 2004, I ndividual Cash Award September 2003, Individual Cash Award, August 2003, Superi or Accomplishment Award, July 2001, Individual Cash, July 2001, Special Act Ser vice Award, December 1999, Special Act Service Award, December 1999, Special A ct Service Award, August 1999, Special Act Service Award, September 1998, Supe rior Accomplishment Award, February 1998, Special Act Service Award, February 1 998, Special Act Service Award, September 1997, Superior Accomplishment Award, February 1999, Special Act Service Award, February 1997, Certificate of Commen dation, January 1997, Special Act Service Award, January 1997, Performance Awar d, September 1996, Performance Award, October 1995, Performance Award, October 1992, Commendation Regional Director, October 1991

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