Joseph W. McMoneagle - The Adventures of A Remote Viewer: Psychic Hacking

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REMOTE VIEWING The Adventures of a Remote Viewer

of McMoneagles experiences while remot e viewing
Most M emorable: I spent three and a half years doing pro-bono work, looking for two missing four-year old boyswho had been kidnapped. I did the w ork fo r a Stat e Pol ic e Department in the North East. I suc c essfully found the kids alive in Mexico and returned them to their mother four days before Christmas. I loc ated where they had been on two oc casions, but they had been moved before we c ould get to them. Most Exciting: Identifying the spec ific town and loc ation in whic h General Dozier was being held after he w as kidnapped by the Red Brigade in Northern Italy (even though my information arrived in Italy only minutes before he was found and released through other means). Most Frightening: Trac king and describing the last two weeks of the life of United Nations Lieutenant Colonel Higgins. This was when he was being s y s tematic ally and brutally killed by terrorists in Lebanon. Most Depressing: Climbing into the mind of a typic al terrorist. Most Inspirational: Knowing that I c an provide signific ant s uppo rt to nuc l ear non proliferation, anti-terrorism, and unique or creative ideas to major businesses.

Remote view ing is t he ab ility to p erceive p eop le, p laces or events anyw here in time or sp ace. Joseph W. McMoneagle w as one of the orig inal six Intelligence Officers recruited for the then secret military p rogramme in Octob er of 1977 to use remote view ing as a US intelligence-gathering tool. As a p sychic sp y he gained critical information rep orted in the highest echelons of the US military and government (including such national-level agencies as the Joint Chiefs of Staff, CIA, DEA, and the Secret Service), information that was not available from any other so urce. Michael Breen interview ed him for Kind red Sp irit.

Joe McMoneagle, the USA's N 1 remote viewer. Inset: As he was in the army.

emote vie wi ng is de scri be d by Joe McMone agle as a marti al art of the mind . More than twenty-one years exp eri ence as a remote vie wer adds weight to his definition of it as bei ng a b le to p r odu ce a ccur a te , verifiable informati on about a person, p lace or thing, to whi ch I am kept bl ind, am shie lded from, or that exi sts somewher e else i n time /space . I have no acce ss to the target, and I am operati ng withi n an approved a n d r e p l i ca bl e sci e n ti fi c protocol which pr ecl udes any other me thod of obtaining the informati on other than thr ough psychic functi oning.

He was re cruite d by the United States Army because, he beli eve s, they liked the fact that he w as open to the subject are a, as a result of a personal neardeath expe rie nce in 1970, but was also able to de monstrate that he retained a cri tical and sce p ti cal vi e wp oi nt o f th e paranormal a s well . Originall y, his j ob was to lear n all that h e could about remote vi ewi ng in the hope that he coul d actually perform as a p sych i c sp y. He b e gi n a n intense, nine-hour-a-day, si x-daya-wee k effort, where in he was i mme rse d i n al l asp e cts of psychic functioningwhil e under ver y stri ct controls de vel oped by the re searche rs at Stanford

Research Institute International. Then abruptl y it was time for action. McMone agle recalls: I and five other swe re very deep ly invol ved in that training when we wer e suddenly faced with the Iran Hostage Crisis. As a r e sul t of our de monstr ate d success wi th that par ti cul ar proble m over a fourtee n-month p e r i o d, w e w e r e l i te r a l l y swampe d w i th r e que sts for support from other agencies. Th e r e w e r e h un dr e ds of p r ob l e ms w hi ch sudd e n l y appeare d out of nowhere, for which other methods had failed; very much li ke an alternative healer who only gets the terminal patients after all conventional medicine or techn iques have

be e n th or oughl y e xh au ste d. I think e ve ryone was stunne d at the degree of succe ss we e n j o ye d a gai n st th e se proble ms. In ever y sense of the word he could be cal led a psychi c spy. Over a peri od of twentyone year s he estimate s that he has probably pe rforme d ove r two thousand missions using Psi (re mote vie wing) i n support of r e al -w o r l d i nte l l i ge nce proble ms; at least that many under controlswhi le supporting r e sear ch i n nume r ous l abs; a n oth e r th o u sa nd -p l u s i n support of private cli ents and busi ne sse s through hi s own co mp a ny; an d 4000 -p l u s practi ce sessions or in pursuit

Kindred Spirit Issue 44 - Autumn 1998

Case History: One Time Too Many
Target Parameter A Stanford Research Institute person and an outbounder* target. [*An outbounder target is where someone would randomly select one of several envelopes out of a locked safe each containing a different destination and task and then go to that destination and perform that task. Mc Moneagle w ould attempt to describe where they were and what they were doing.] Target Description The person went to a brick-yard. They made concrete cinder blocks and bricks. McMoneagles Response I proceeded to draw squares and cubes all over a sheet of paper and thats all I could get. The person who was monitoring the session said there must be more and they kept pressing me for more information. Finally I had an impression of a metallic tower in with all these cubes and it had flags on top. So I drew that on the page and then we logged all the material. One hour later we all w ent to the brick-yard so I c ould have my real-time feedback. We got there and then of course the cubes and squares were the bricks but unfortunately there was no metal tower with flags on it. The Missing Part of the Puzzle Then the owner came out and asked them what they were doing. They explained that it was a paranormal experiment. When he saw McMoneagles drawing he became very excited and went into his office and found a picture of the opening day ceremony, when the brick-yard was opened about 5 years previously. Parked in the middle of the brick-yard was a construction crane sticking straight up in the air and it had flags hanging all over it. Essentially it was what McMoneagle had drawn. Conclusion When you are open to information about something to do with reality, most of it comes from the particular time you are focusing on, but there is also information available about that particular event or location, which may have occurred sometime in the past or will occur at sometime in the future. You are not locked into a specific time. Information can leak through from other time periods. There is a tendency to get the information through a lot of different ways. It is unk nown where the information comes from: the mind of the man who owns the brick-yard who was there? through the eyes of the outbounder? from the files in the brick-yard office where the photos of the brick-yard were actually stored? It could even have c ome from the brick-yard itself! Theres no telling where the information comes from. Things are not as fixed in our reality as we may believe they are. And what we believe or what we know really has a huge impac t on how reality operates for us, according to McMoneagle. He suggests that time and causality are not a single directional view, but rather a perspective dependent on where you are v iewing from.

Above: Stanford Shopping Centre. Below: McMoneagles remote v iew ing draw ing.

of hisown answe rs to improvi ng th e t e ch n i qu e s o f r e mo te vie wing. He s ve ry familiar to the question one j ust has to ask how accur ate is he? I make contact wi th the target about 60 to 65 percent of the time. Wh e n I make co nta ct, my accur acy ranges from about 35 to 98 perce nt. The scientists who have tested me in l abs state that ...about 20 percent of what [Joe does] i s about as close to what one could call a mir acl e as you can get . Wha t they mean by this, is that my drawi ngs of the target w ill be as near the re al thing as possible, almost pictographic ove rlays. On simulate d inte lli ge nce targe ts, whe re I have only be e n

give n the name of a targe ted age nt, be en told that the target pe rson could be anyw he re in the Contine ntal Unite d State s and all othe r i nformation wa s withhe ld by the tasking agency, I ve be e n a bl e to p r oduce d r a w i ngs w h i ch e st a b l i sh whe re that a ge nt is wi th 98 to 100 percent accuracy, produce drawings and transcr ipts whi ch de scribe the details of what that agent i s actuall y doi ng with 75 pe rcent accuracy, and also pro vi de many draw i ngs and tr anscr i p ts on th e sp e ci fi c classifie d syste ms the age nt is workin g with what the y ar e , t h e i r fu n cti o n , h o w t h e y ope rate , and the ir p ri mary and se condary purp ose , wi th 88 pe rce nt accuracy.

Above: Wind Generation Grid. Below: Mc Moneagle s remote v iew ing draw ing.


Kindred Spirit Issue 44 - Autumn 1998

Beyond linear space and time

No one knows how r e mote vie wing works. At present, it s b e l i e ve d to b e a se nso r y function, probabl y l ocated in the anci ent or repti lian portion of the brai n, but the mechanism for transfer of information is unknown. McMone agles sense of how this actually ope rates is that the way r eal ity w orks is somewhat different from the way we like to think it does. I have a fir m belie f that eve rything thats real , incl uding things that we would co n si de r to ha ve actu a l l y happen ed to us in the past, or things that we would consider historical facts, things that are happen ing around us r ight now as we are talking and thi ngs that may or may not happen in the future al l of these thi ngs that repr esent our re ality, e xist. It al l just is. Its like havi ng all the ele me nts of reali ty pr esent and what we add to th at huge , compl ex colle cti on of real ity i s an observation by our pr esence . In other words, consciousness produce s an observati on whi ch puts all the ele me nts that are requir ed for that speci fic point in time into a picture which we call now. In a sense we are the ultimate time machine we pick wher e w e e nter re ality, w e p ick how w e wi l l construct our observations in a line ar time frame. McMoneagle came to this n oti on th r ough p r oduci n g addi ti onal i nfor mati on fr om target locationsabout things that hadnt happened or that had occur r e d ye ar s b e for e . He real ised that the target itself appears not to be totally fixed in time. It contains some e lements from both past and future. (Se e case history: One Time Too Many in box on previous page .)

wher e you can l ook for things of value or shifts and indica tors of how si tuati ons mi ght be changing or about to change. He gave a spe ci fic e xampl e of the Typhoon sub mar i ne : We were challe nged on the information w e we re obtaining. We w ere told that we w ere the only ones who were pre dicti ng some thi ng d i ffe r e ntl y fr om eve ry other intell igence agency in the w orld. We said that we could prove it. If they were to go and look at things 120 days from when we wer e re mote vie wing they would find that the submar ine w asi ndeed bei ng l a u nch e d. S o th e y se t u p methodologie s for going after the submarine 120 days later. Withi n 4 days of our pr edicted date, the submarine wasactually launche d. So w e w ere able to colle ct materi al on that which wouldnt have ordinar ily be en see n.

Remote viewing and historical truth- c hec king

Pe op l e ofte n p r e sume that because something is w ritten in a book or spoke n by some authority that the data is true . And that is not ne cessaril y so. According to McMoneagle , the more adept you be come at remote vie wing, the more you get a feel or a ch aracte risation for the real ity of somethi ng. He talks about it as a sort of a taste for informati on, or w hat he call s the heart truth or ground truth about something. The data he receives that has this ground truth fee l to it h as the same feeli ng that he has when he i s most accurate wi th real targets. This fee li ng to him is e ve n more rel iable than w hat other s may clai m to be hi storical facts. In some cases it has produce d information that is verifi able. McMone agle gave us an intriguing example of when he used remote vie wingto get an answe r to a rel igious question: I went to a conference whe re I met a man w ho was a Hassidic Je w. He h ad be e n stud yi ng th e Kabbalah for 18 years and he was a ve ry scholarl y pe rson. We got into a discussion about a

Seeing the future

Remote view ing has been used many times to look into the future. Accordi ng to McMoneagle, one of the things that it is ver y valuable for, from both an intel ligence standpoint as well as the ap pli cations format, i s be ing able to pre dict place s

speci fic rel igious point and I told him that I had a sense that something was not right about a speci fic a rgument. He asked me to go i nto de tai l and I di d. It w as a ve r y comp l i cate d response that I gave him. As I was giving hi m this re sponse he started getting this ver y funny look on his face. By the ti me I got to the end of the re sponse I said Are you okay? He had thi s ver y shocked look on his face. He said that what I had just said to him as a non-Je wish p erson, he ha d sp e nt tw e l ve ye ar s stu d yi n g th e Ka b ba l ah to understand. So I had arr ive d by remote vie wing, and my own curi osity, at exactly the same place he had spent twe lve year s studying to get to. I found that remar kable. And it shocked him. It a bsol ut e l y sh ocke d h i m be cause he vi e w e d i t as a compl ex secre t that requi red great scholar ly e ffort to obtain. It was like untangling a knot in front of him that I shouldnt have be en abl e to untangle and it stunned hi m. place d i n the ci rcumstance s which support the p ossibil ity of an experie nce , you are halfway ther e, he says. It is then simply a case of being appropr i ate l y ste e r e d thr ough th e mine fiel d of mistakes which do not need to be re peate d in or der to arri ve at some unde rstanding of how to repli cate the skill. It draws an analogy wi th those peopl e who deve lop a ver y hi gh de gre e of paranormal abi li ty who are usually the pe ople who have had to depe nd on it as a part of their normal ever yday functioning. For i nstance , the typi cal soldier who spends a lot of time walking point, the stree t cop who has wal ked a be at all hi s life in a bad neighbourhood or firemen w ho are ve ry good at predi ci ting danger in the ir li ne of work. These kind of people tend to be far more psychi c than the ave rage per son. The reason is that psychic functioning probabl y reside s not in the higher or ders of the br ain but closer to the repti lian are a and has more to do wi th survival functioning than the kind of detail ed appl ications McMoneagle is using it for. Also, the abili ty to block a remote vie wer has neve r been de monstr ate d, w hi ch hol ds si gn i fi ca nt q ue st i on s w i th regard to invasion of privacy, both per sonal as well as governme n ta l ; th e ft o f i d e a s o r industrial espionage; and the use of re mote vie wing for other than what most people would consi de r to be ap p rop r iate moral, the ologi cal, social or cultural re asons. we exp eri ence is of our own cre ation. That the ma gic of l ife and li ving be longs to everyone equall y, and we all have the me ans of tr ansce nd i ng th e common or medi ocre . I want to h elp make the world a better , safer and more co mfo r ta b le p l a ce fo r a l l humankind. I want to tell peopl e to le arn to che rish al l things as an expre ssion of the Creator. In simple r terms, to share my own joy of di scover y. R e a l j o y i n l i vi n g i s unde rstanding that all of our actions, no matter how small or how lar ge , affe ct our future , or what w e wi l l eve ntual l y expe rie nce . We give up control of our future wh e n we all ow ourse lve s to make de cisions for actions that are base d simply on fe ar. Whe the r that fear is a fe a r b a se d o n p o ssi b l e re pe rcussions, pe e r pre ssure , governme nt acti on, possibl e pain, fear of others, whate ver it doesnt matte r. I be lie ve w e can re clai m our future , and imp rove it, by be ing pr o-active i n th e de ci si on-maki n g, by choosi ng w hat w e w i l l do base d on moral attitude, how constructi ve i t mi ght be, or simply because it is the ri ght thing to do. The gre atest world leade rs have always understood thi s. It s now ti me for the common man to be nefit from the same per sonal expre ssion of power .
MORE INFORMATION Joseph McMoneagle is still an active research associate with the Cognitive Sciences Laboratory, and provides support to private customers and businesses throughhis owncompany: Intuitive Intelligence Applications, Inc., and is a f ull mem b er of t he Parapsychological Association. Hes written a book called Mind Trek, Hampton Roads Publishing, 1993, revised 1997 (availab le throughKindred Spirit),which details much of what he has learned about remote viewing, and has a second book beingprepared for release1st October (same publisher), called The Ultimate Time Machine. A workshop entitled: Advanced Applications of NLP:ExtendedSensory Performance, presented by Michael Breen with Joe McMoneagle as a special guest will take place in central London, 5th9th November 1998. For details: McKenna Breen Ltd, Aberdeen Studios, 22-24 Highbury Grove, London N5 2EA. Tel: 0171 704 6604 Fax: 0171 704 1676.

Personal consequences
McMone agl e s l ife has be en buffeted by a varie ty of ups and downsas a result of his activitie s as a remote vi ewe r: Ive been automati cal l y subj e cte d to r i dicul e , by the me dia, the mi li tary, Se nators, Congre ssmen, theologians, strangers and ex-frie nds usually for no other reason than ignorance or fear. Ive been deluged with requests for help in looking for missing chi l dr e n, hi tti ng t he l ott o, assi stance in tre asure hunts, and for pe rsonal re adings. Ive be en warne d that I wil l e ventual ly burn in the fire s of Hell, and suffer e te rnal damnation for doing the work of the De vi l. However , Ive met some of the most intere sting shakers and makers of hi story, pe ople who ar e dynami c, op en-mi nde d, cre ative and of great diver sity. I ve se n se d a n e no r mou s amount of love, cari ng, peace , contentment and radiance of enli ghtenmen t from far more peopl e than the opposite. Ive enjoyed the fullest support from world le ader s, famous actors, a r ti sts, h e a l e r s, j u d ge s, lawmakers, monks, prie sts, the Da l a i L a ma , a nd e ve r yda y h o use w i ve s a n d or d i na r y working stiffs. Its been exci ting, stressful, j o yfu l , a n d so me ti me s so profoun dly pai nful th at I ve wondere d why I started the journey in the fi rst place . But it has neve r been boring.

Remote viewing abil it y

Absolutely anyone can do it, a ccor di n g to McMon e a gl e . However , i t is ve ry much li ke an athletic tale nt or musical a bili ty. Some wi ll be ver y good at it. Others will not. However, just like r unning, whi le you may neve r compete in the Olymp ics, you can cer tainly le arn e nough to enjoy a good Sunday morni ng jog. From twe nty-five years of resear ch and appli cations, he says that nearly everyone who has ever been te sted in a lab displays some r emote vi ewi ng capabi lity. This is because i t is probably ver y much like one of our normal senses, but a sense which we do not ordinari ly use. Ther e seem to be a numbe r of level s or stages of clari ty, which equate to the degree or amount of exposure that one hasto remote viewi ng, and one s l e ve l of pe rsonal be l ie f and openne ss to the ph enome non. It is a ma tter of p racti ce. If you ar e cap abl e of te mp or ar i l y suspending your disbelief, and voluntari ly al low yourself to be

The implications of remote viewing

Ther e ar e a numbe r of ver y imp ortant imp lications. Since re mote vie wing is not time constrained it is possible to predi ct the eventual outcome of eventsi n the future, or change the percep tion of events which have happe ned in the past. According to McMoneagle , what we i nvest i n terms of ener gy, constructi ve or destructive , is what we are guaranteed as harve st somewher e wi thin our futur e . He cal l s it the ultimate e xpressi on of free wi ll! It impl ie s both a powe r as wel l as a responsibili ty that most of us have not eve n considere d. Understanding the full r ami fications of what that means can h a ve p r ofo u nd a n d e a r th shaking re sults in one s life . How we ap pl y our tal ents, e specially r e mote vi e wing, can ope n an e ntire world to us, whi ch or di nar i l y we woul d ne ve r se e .

The last word from remote viewer N001

I r e al ly want to h e l p pe opl e to know that they carr y the power of the Cre ator w ithin them. That nearl y eve rythi ng


Kindred Spirit Issue 44 - Autumn 1998

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