Syllabus Soen6841 FF

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Concordia University Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering

Course Syllabus
SOEN6841/FF webpage: SOEN6841/Section DD (Dr. Constantinides) : SOEN6841/FF mailing list: soen6841-ff-f11 at (please, register to the mailing list
at )

SOEN6841/FF Instructor: Dr. Olga Ormandjieva, email: ormandj at Office: EV 3.165 Office hours: Fridays 2pm-3pm or by appointment SOEN6841/FF Lab instructor: Tamer Abdou SOEN6841/FF Lectures:
-M-17:45 - 20:15 (EV 1.162)

Description: Prerequisite: COMP 5541 or equivalent. Fundamental concepts of management activities,

demonstrating how it can relate to software engineering and how the two can be mutually supportive throughout software development. Overview of software measurement process and quality considerations; activity planning; risk management; monitoring and control; issues of professional ethics and practice, and legal issues. NOTE: please, send all questions regarding soen6841/FF material, teaching and marking to priv-soen6841-ff-f11 at

SOEN6841/FF Reference material:

1. Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK), CHAPTER 8: SOFTWARE ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT: 2. A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge

Page 1 3. Mike Cohn. Agile Estimating and Planning. Prentice Hall, 2008. ISBN 0-13-147941-5

4. Kathy Schwalbe. Information Technology Project Management, Revised, 6th Edition. Includes Premium Online Content Printed Access Card. ISBN-10: 1111221758. ISBN-13: 9781111221751. 704 Pages PB. 2011 Published 5. Shari Lawrence Pfleeger, Felicia Wu, Rosalind Lewis. Software Cost Estimation and Sizing methods: Issues and Guidelines: 6. Norman E. Fenton et al. Software Metrics: A Rigorous and Practical Approach, PWS Publishing, 3d edition (under revision, to be published in 2012) 7. ISO/IEC Standards : 15939, 19761, 9126, 12207, ISO/IEC/IEEE 16326 8. Lecture notes of Dr Constantinides.

Project (Groups of 4-5, 20%). Midterm (25%) Final (55% )

NOTE: Projects for this section have to be submitted through the Electronic Assignment Submission system: SOEN6841/FF Tentative schedule: WEEK Topic Part I: Basics of Software Engineering Measurement
Week 1 Course overview. Introduction to software management based on measurement. SWEBOK. Measurement framework (Why? What? When? Who? ) Classical metrics.

Week 2

Software Engineering Measurement (1): Establish and Sustain Measurement

Commitment. GQM. Measurement models. ISO/IEC 15939.

Week 3

Software Engineering Measurement (2): Plan the Measurement Process. Perform

the Measurement Process. Empirical investigation.

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Week 4

Software Engineering Measurement (3): Evaluate Measurement representational theory of measurement. Evaluate the measurement process and identify potential improvements. Exercises on software measurement

Part II: Software Project Management

Week 5 Initiation and Scope Definition: Determination and Negotiation of Requirements. Process for the Review and Revision of Requirements. Functional Size measurement of requirements (COSMIC) Software Project Planning(1): Process Planning. Determine Deliverables. Effort, Schedule, and Cost Estimation . Simple Effort estimation Model (effort as a function of CFP). Software Project Planning(2): scheduling. Resource Allocation Midterm Software Project Planning (3): Risk Management. Software Project Planning (4): Quality Management. Plan Management. ISO/IEC 9126. Software Project Enactment . Review and Evaluation. Closure.

Week 6

Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10

Part III: Agile Estimating and Planning

Week 11 Estimating Size with Story Points and Ideal Days. Re-Estimating. Planning for value. Scheduling. Tracking and Communicating. Why Agile Planning Works Review for the final

Week 12

Week 13 Group presentations of the project

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