System Dynamics Syllabus Materia

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MECE 3304 System Dynamics

Instructor: Ofce: Ofce Hours: Email: Web Page: Prerequisites: Text: Reference: Javier A. Kypuros, Ph.D. ENGR 3.250 TBA MECE 2304 and 3450 System Dynamics (4th Edition); K. Ogata. (Ogata) System Dynamics: Modeling and Simulation of Mechatronic Systems; D.C. Karnopp, D.L. Margolis, and R.C. Rosenburg. (KMR)

Course Description: The course covers lumped-parameter modeling of mechanical, electrical, hydraulic, and thermal systems. An energetic approach based on bond graph techniques, invented in 1959 by Henry M. Paytner, is introduced. Primary focus is on analysis of linear rst- and second-order systems. Time- and frequency-domain methods are covered. Students are shown how to model, analyze, and numerically simulate systems in MATLAB/Simulink. Advanced topics include state-space modeling and feedback control of dynamic systems. C OURSE S CHEDULE Week 1 2 3 4 5-6 7 8 9 10 11-12 13 14 15 16 Book Section(s) Topic KMR Ogata Power and Energy 2.1-4 1.1-4 Basic Bond Graph Elements 3.1-5 N/A Bond Graph Synthesis: Mechanical Systems 4.2&3 3.2-4 Bond Graph Synthesis: Electric and Hydraulic Circuits 4.1&4 6.2-3 and 7.2-6 Derivation of State Equations 5.1-6 5.3&4 Modeling in MATLABTM N/A 5.2&5 Review and Midterm all the above all the above Linearization N/A 7.4 Laplace Transforms N/A 2.3-5 Transfer Functions, Impedance, and Block Diagrams 6.5 4.2-4 Linear Systems I: Time Domain Analysis 6.2 8.2-4 Linear Systems II: Frequency Domain Analysis 6.3-4 9.2-6 Introduction to Control Systems N/A 10.2-5 Review and Final Exam all the above all the above G RADING1 Component Percentage Details Homework 15 Approximately 8-10 homework assignments Portfolio 5 Tabbed binder including homework, quizzes, etc. Pop Quizzes 25 Approximately 8 short in-class quizzes Midterm 25 Comprehensive midterm exam Final Exam 30 Comprehensive nal exam

Note, nal grade for the course may not exceed your quiz and exam average. The instructor reserves the right to make reasonable changes as needed.

last updated by jak August 30, 2011

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Homework Policy: Homework must be sumbitted in the format described below. Each problem should have the following sections: 1. Problem Statement. Restate the problem and include any schematics given to help describe the problem. 2. Given. List the given parameters including symbols, values with units, and descriptions. 3. Find. State the parameters that must be found or the questions that should be answered. 4. Solution. Provide a detailed solution showing all steps. Insure that the detail provided is sufcient for another to follow clearly how the solution was derived. 5. Remarks. Comment on the solution. Does it make sense? If so, why? Homework must be submitted neatly on 8.5 inch by 11 inch paper. It should be stapled in the top left corner and hole-punched for a standard 3-ring binder. Grid engineering paper is preferred. Only one side of the paper should be used; the back side should be left blank. Portfolio Policy: Each student is required to maintain a notebook a 3-ring binder no thicker than 1 inch with the students name and ID number. The binder should be neatly organized and maintained through the semester. Use dividers group and organize contents. The rst item in the binder should be the course syllabus and policies. The binder should be neatly organized with tabs for each of the following sections: 1. Notes, 2. Homework, 3. Laboratory exercises, 4. Quizzes, and 5. Exams. Your binder will be submitted near the end of the semester and will be graded on neatness, organization, and completeness.2 Class Rules: 1. No mobile phones (or turn them off). 2. Conduct yourself in a professional manner. 3. Absolutely NO cheating. All suspected violations will be dealt with accordingly. All students are expected to abide by the UTPA Student Conduct Code as detailed in section 5.5.2 of the Handbook of Operating Procedures. In particular, as required by the University, the instructor must report any violations to part C.19 which addresses scholastic dishonesty.
Copies of these materials may be used for external program reviews such as ABET visits . Your identity will be kept condential.

last updated by jak August 30, 2011

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Drop and Withdrawal: You may drop or withdraw through the Registrars Ofce until September 14 without it counting toward the six course drop limit. November 14 is the last day to drop a course or withdraw through the ofce of the Registrar. After this date student remains enrolled in the course and receive whatever letter grade is earned. ADA Notice: If you have a documented disability which will make it difcult for you to carry out the work as I have outlined and/or if you need special accommodations/assistance due to a disability, please contact the Ofce of Services for Persons with Disabilities(OSPD), Emilia RamirezSchunior Hall, Room 1.101 immediately, or the Associate Director at MAUREEN@UTPA.EDU, 316-7005. Appropriate arrangements/accommodations can be arranged. Mechanical Engineering Department Outcomes: (Outcomes in red are addressed by this course.) Students shall demonstate that they 1. are able to use knowledge of mathematics, basic sciences, and engineering to analyze (identify, formulate, and solve) problems in mechanical engineering; 2. are able to design and conduct experiments and interpret results; 3. are able to design mechanical devices, systems, or processes that meet given specications; 4. are able to function in multidisciplinary teams; 5. are able to communicate ideas effectively in graphical, oral, and written media; 6. understand the professional responsibility of an engineer and how engineering solutions impact safety, economic, ethical, political, societal, cultural, and contemporary issues; 7. understand the need for life long learning to keep abreast of current practice; and 8. are able to use state of the art computational hardware and software for analysis, design and documentation (techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice). Science and Mathematics Outcomes: (Outcomes in red are addressed by this course.) Students shall demonstrate that they S1. have knowledge of chemistry and calculus-based physics with depth in at least one; S2. have the ability to apply advanced mathematics to problems involving thermal and mechanical systems; and S3. have the ability to apply statistics and linear algebra to problems involving thermal and mechanical systems. Engineering Outcomes: (Outcomes in red are addressed by this course.) Students shall demonstrate that they E1. have the ability to create and annotate two-dimensional drawings, and generate three-dimensional computer based solid models of mechanical components;

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E2. have the ability to design and analyze components and systems for mechanical and energy performance; E3. have the ability to specify and evaluate materials and manufacturing steps for mechanical components; E4. have the ability to conceive and conduct experiments to measure the performance of materials, components and systems, and to communicate the results; and E5. have the ability to acquire new skills and specialized knowledge from published sources. Course Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, students shall demonstrate that they can C1. utilize concepts from courses across the Mechanical Engineering curriculum (including but not limited to Dynamics, Heat Transfer, and Electrical Systems) to derive constituitive relations for physical components or elements of dynamic systems (assessmentsH,Q,T,S and outcomes1,S1,S2,E2); C2. derive mathematical models multi-energy-domain systems using bond graphs (assessments H,Q,T,S and outcomes1,S1,S2,E2); C3. synthesize mathematical models of dynamic systems in the form of sets of differential and algebraic equations using bond graphs (assessmentsH,Q,T,S and outcomes1,S2,E2); C4. derive state-space representations from mathematical models of dynamic systems (assessmentsH,Q,T,S and outcomes1,S2,S3); C5. utilize impedance bond graphs to derive transfer function models of dynamic systems (assessmentsH,Q,T,S and outcomes1,S2,E2); C6. use Laplace transforms to model dynamic responses of rst- and second-order systems including mechanical, electric, and hydraulic systems (assessmentsH,Q,T,S and outcomes 1,S2,E2); C7. use MATLAB/Simulink or other similar numerical simulation package as a tool to simulate and analyze the responses of dynamic systems (assessmentsH,Ex,S and outcomes1,8,S2,S3,E2); and C8. understand the basic principles underlying the use and design of automatic controls for mechanical systems (assessmentsH,Ex,S and outcomes1,S2,E2). Assessments Key: Hhomework, QQuiz, Ttest, Exexercise, Ssurvey Both the assessment instruments that will be used to evaluate the success of the prescribed Course Outcomes (i.e. homework, quiz, project, or survey) and the corresponding Departmental, Science and Math, and Engineering outcomes are provided above in parentheses. The table below summarizes the correlation between the Course Outcomes (C1-C8) and the Departmental Outcomes (1-8), Science and Math Outcomes (S1-S3), and Engineering Outcomes (E1-E5). A X denotes a correlation.

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C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8

1 X X X X X X X X

S1 X X

S2 X X X X X X X X



E2 X X X X X X X X




last updated by jak August 30, 2011

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