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I'm Finished Danny Ray Tanner 6271 E. Driftwood Dr.

Long Beach, CA 90803 Mobile: 562-477-3797 Day Phone: 562-477-8847 Email: Country of citizenship: United States of America Veterans' Preference: 5-point preference based on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces Contact Current Employer: Yes AVAILABILITY Job Type: Permanent Work Schedule: Full Time Part Time Desired Work Environment Experienced Professionals DESIRED LOCATIONS US-CA-Los Angeles US-CA-San Diego US-CA-San Francisco US-CA-Santa Barbara US-NY-New York City US-CA-Long Beach WORK EXPERIENCE Mary Lou Delong 12/2010 - 2/2011 Long Beach, CA US Salary: 35.00 USD Per Year Hours per week: 40 Hospice Homecare RN Delivered Hospice Nursing care to elderly gentleman requiring total care and me dication for Congestive Heart Failure, Alzheimer's, Hypertension, and Palliative care. Job ended when patient died. (Contact Supervisor: Yes, Supervisor's Name: Mary Lou Delong, Supervisor's Phone: 562-301-9607) Amy Lewis 3/2009 - 11/2010 Long Beach, CA. US Salary: 30.00 USD Per Hour Hours per week: 40 Registered Nurse Provided private duty nursing care for elderly man with Alzheimer's disease. Pr ovided nursing care, administered meds, observed environment for potential hazar ds, and checked blood glucose levels and gave insulin.Provided total patient car e, including all aspects of patients daily needs. job ended when patient require d around the clock nursing care. (Contact Supervisor: Yes, Supervisor's Name: Am y Lewis, Supervisor's Phone: 562-235-5602) Wells House Hospice 10/2008 - 4/2009 Long Beach, California US

Salary: 35.00 USD Per Hour Hours per week: 36 Charge Nurse Supervised, guided and directed 2 LVN's and 2 CNA's in providing exceptional ca re to 15 patients in a 15 patient unit while maintaining a strict adherence to s afety standards. Utilized the Nursing Process in managing, developing, implementing, and evaluati ng nursing care plans according to each patients' pre shift assessment and respo nse to the plan of care. Medicated patients' to provide pain relief and comfort during the dying process. Continuously monitored the environment for potential or actual safety hazards. Educated LVN's about pain management and CNA's about comfort measures they could provide within their respective scope of practice as well as ensuring patient s afety and adhering to safety standards. Collaborated with staff Physician, Primary Physicians, staff Psychologist, and s taff Chaplain as patient advocate to ensure all patients' needs were met. Informed family members of change in patients' status when transition to death b egan to occur. Educated family members that these occurrence's are a normal part of the dying process. Upon death, informed the family of patients death and fac ilitated the grieving process and provided bereavement counseling. Implemented t he concept that no patient should die alone and was with every patient under my care at the time of death. Performed extensive administrative work involving patient status for billing pur poses and frequent changes in nursing care plans. Please contact me first. Davita Dialysis-Harbor/UCLA unit 2/2008 - 9/2008 Torrance, California US Salary: 30.00 USD Per Hour Hours per week: 36 Charge Nurse night shift Supervised the care of patient's under the care of 2 RN's and 9 CHT's (Certifie d Hemodialysis Technician) for a total of 72 patient's per shift. Assessed treat ment plan for every patient treatment initiated by 9 CHT's. Guided and directed 2 RN's and 9 CHT's to provide an optimum level of care while maintaining safety during dialysis treatments and assuring adherence to strict safety procedures by all staff members. Monitored environment for potential or actual safety hazards . Tested Reverse Osmosis H2O for chlorine/chloramines and pH to ensure safe dial ysis treatments. Utilized the Nursing Process in creating nursing diagnosis, nursing care plans. Implemented, reassessed, and revised plans according to patients response . Impl emented nursing interventions as necessary according to the patients response du ring the dialysis treatment. Assessed patients and staffs learning needs and imp lemented teaching plans. Educated patients' about renal diet, diabetic teaching, and dialysis treatment teaching according to individual teaching plan. Educated patients' about signs and symptoms of potential problems during treatment and t he need to inform RN of any changes in status. Educated staff as to nursing inte rventions they could provide under their scope of practice for patients' in dist ress and provide maximum comfort during treatments Initiated dialysis treatment on 8-12 patients' with subclavian catheter access. Assessed site for signs and symptoms of infection. Maintained catheter patency. Performed trouble shooting of subclavian access during treatment. Provided dress ing changes and maintained catheter site. Initiated treatments accessing fistula or graft access via phlebotomy. Performed and supervised trouble shooting of dialysis machines on 72 patients' ensuring p atient safety. Collected and ensured timely pick up of lab samples. Assessed lab reports for ch anges in lab values on 72 patients'. Changed medication's secondary to changes i n lab values, e.g., Calcitriol, Epogen per facility protocol.

Provided input for staff evaluation to rating officials for Quality Assurance pr ogram. Performed weekly rounds with MD as patient advocate, alerting MD of any c hanges in patent's status or needs. Coordinated care and appointments with patient's, Nephrologists, MSW's, and othe r Medical Specialist's to promote collaborative practice and to provide and expe dite quality patient care along the health care continuum. Participated in studi es within the dialysis community in providing improvement in Quality Assurance a nd other program activities pertaining to the dialysis patient population. (Cont act Supervisor: Yes, Supervisor's Name: Pat Hall, Supervisor's Phone: 866-237-69 39) Long Beach Memorial Medical Center 6/2003 - 9/2007 Long Beach , California US Salary: 47.00 USD Per Hour Hours per week: 36 Staff RN Clinical Nurse II 2 years experience in Medical/Surgical clinical area and 2 years experience in Orthopedics/Urology clinical area. Self-directed and worked independently caring for 5 pt's per shift. Excellent nursing assessment skills, exceptional critical thinking skills, and t ime management skills as evidenced by Applause Card received from Tammie McMann, RN Interim CEO, LBMMC "for demonstrating the highest standards of service excel lence and providing that extra measure of care by practicing the accountability, best practices, compassion, and synergy values". Complete head-to-toe nursing assessment of 5 pt's under my care and post operati ve assessments of 1-3 pt's received from PACU.Utilized the Nursing Process in ma naging, developing, implementing, and evaluating each pt's individual plan of ca re with an interdisciplinary team to attain specific clinical outcomes. Implemen ted nursing interventions as necessary after assessing pt's response to surgical procedures. Provided nursing interventions as necessary to promote wellness, co mfort, and a sense of well being. Assessed pt's and environment for potential or actual safety hazards. Assisted MD during invasive treatments, provided wound dressing changes and asse ssed wound for changes in status. Performed phlebotomy and monitored IV site for changes in status, Initiated, monitored, and infused meds via multiple IV lines . Accessed, managed, maintained, and infused med's using PICC lines, Central Ven ous Lines, Permacath, EJ lines, and Subclavian catheters. Infused blood and bloo d products. Catheterized pt's and monitored continuous bladder irrigation, inser ted nasogastric tubes, and tube feedings via NG and PEG tubes. Monitored blood g lucose levels and gave insulin. Monitored chest tubes and performed trouble shoo ting of chest tubes. Assessed and managed pain coordinating med's ordered by MD or Pain Management Team. Guided and directed pt. care delivery by CNA's and other ancillary personnel inc luding phlebotomist's, physical therapist's, and pt. transport for treatments an d testing while promoting collaborative practice to provide and expedite quality pt. care along the health care continuum. Acted as pt. advocate to assure appro priateness and quality of care. Assessed learning needs of pt's and family members and implemented appropriate t eaching care plans. Delegated tasks to ancillary personnel after assessing educa tion levels and the ability to perform tasks while remaining within their scope of practice. Educated ancillary personnel of pt 's abilities and disabilities. Participated in and initiated Quality Assessment and Improvement program activit ies as applicable to the clinical area. Computer charted and maintained hard cop y charts. (Contact Supervisor: Yes, Supervisor's Name: Amanda Barton, Supervisor 's Phone: 562-933-1251) Various Chronic Dialysis Units 4/1983 - 5/2001 San Diego, Long Beach, Phoenix, CA & AZ US Salary: 17 USD Per Hour

Hours per week: 40 Certified Hemodialysis Technician After discharge from USN worked for 17 years as a Certified Hemodialysis Techni cian in various units in CA and AZ. Initiated, monitored, and discontinued dialy sis treatments. performed pre and post treatment vital signs before discharging patient to home. Performed troubleshooting of dialysis machine's and patient int ervention during treatments according to patients response to the treatment. (Co ntact Supervisor: Yes, Supervisor's Name: Lourdes Ignacio, Supervisor's Phone: 5 62 432 4444) EDUCATION Long Beach City College Long Beach, CA. US Associate Degree - 5/2003 60 Semester Hours Major: Registered Nurse Minor: N/A GPA: 3.7 out of 4.0 Relevant Coursework, Licensures and Certifications: California Board of Registered Nursing License # 623106 exp:05/31/2011 Status:Active Colorado Technical University Online Colorado Springs, Colorado US Bachelor's Degree Major: Nursing Minor: N/A Relevant Coursework, Licensures and Certifications: Currently attending Online classes at Colorado Technical University for a Bachel or of Science in Nursing. JOB RELATED TRAINING 4 years in the U.S. Navy as a Hospital Corpsman. Worked wit h MD on USS Enterprise on implementing Navy's Hearing Conservation Program. Perf ormed hearing tests on naval personnel, compiled data, distributed different typ es of hearing protection. Trained as Emergency Response Team in the event of Nuc lear accident. Sick call triage and writing of prescriptions under the license o f MD. While at 13th Naval District Sandpoint I was trained to do x-rays, ambulan ce attendant, EMT training, phlebotomy, suturing,sterilization of OR equipment, and sick call triage. LANGUAGES English Spoken: Advanced Written: Advanced Read: Advanced Spanish Spoken: Novice Written: Novice Read: Novice REFERENCES Darlene Peters Long Beach City College Professor Phone Number: 310-529-1596 Email Address: N/A Reference Type: Professional Antionette Dyer Miller Children's Hospital RN, BSN Phone Number: 310-963-8406

Email Address: N/A Reference Type: Personal Donna Simpson Long Beach Memorial Hospital RN Phone Number: 562-787-9833 Email Address: N/A Reference Type: Personal Carlos Jacobs Davita Dialysis RN, Administrator Phone Number: 562-618-3630 Email Address: Reference Type: Professional Marcella Arnaud Long Beach City College Interim RN Program Director Phone Number: 714-457-0330 Email Address: N/A Reference Type: Professional Home Health Care Amy Lewis Employer Phone Number: 562-235-5602 Email Address: Reference Type: Professional ADDITIONAL INFORMATION California Board of Registered Nursing license #623106 Ex piration:05/31/11 Status: ACTIVE

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