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11 20 er, mb ce De

Vida Estudiantil
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic our students in evangelism and discipleship. S e c o n d l y, o u r student-leaders really stepped up in ownership of the movement, and have done very well in leading several activities of the movement, especially our weekly meetings (comprised of prayer, testimony sharing, fun game, message, and sometimes worship). Thirdly, communion and unity within the movement has been healthy and attractive, and several new students have involved themselves in the group simply from having felt welcomed and wanted. Fourthly, we had three effective outreaches where the Gospel was shared to mass numbers of students. The climax of our semester is always our Christmas dinner. This year students showed up to perform dances, dramas, and worship. We ate well, danced, and took lots of photos for Facebook (group pic on left). So many came, yet this is only a fraction of how big the movement is. It was especially meaningful to me to see the student-leaders we entrusted the movement to back when I was here the first time in 2009 to still be involved (pic left). Seeing fruit like this surpasses my understanding, and makes me love God all the more.

Ministry Update
Its finally the end of December, and I find it strange that instead of sweaters Im still wearing Tshirts! However, I dont find it strange that the Lord has accomplished more than ever in this one semester. Allow me to joyfully recap all the good-ness God has done. Firstly, relations between us and our national staff had improved, and with greater organization and planning we were successful in leading

one of our bout Pedro! He is tes in just a tly participa ere. en ? H e s th who consist v a n g e li s m ch . E e. Outrea e v e r y th in g Hes ther ip? y how Disciplesh . I also enjo job He steps up oes a great volunteers? is and he d kly he o u r we e welcoming f many of r the host o ected leade being highly resp es a a doubt meetings. H nd without movement a ty ways. within the him in migh ord is using the L

met... aaaaave you udent leaders Ha st

Jimmy Davis

Jesus + Nothing = Everything

Simple equation; profound implications, all on the basis of our faith and Gods grace. And this is it spelled out in black & white. Either Jesus is not everything, and I secure for myself approval, acceptance, significance, and meaning through legalistic self-righteousness or rebellious disobedience, or I believe that Jesus is everything when it tells me that Christ has secured and sustains all that I could ever want or need.

Wh tea ats G chi od ng me

Take a closer look?

5 ydavis e: jimm .me/ /Skyp b Twitter k:http://on.f boo Face org uscm. cqfY0y my.davis@ dates, up jim Email: e frequent or g! For m W blo my NE read Jimmy Freely elyjimmy.tum re www.f


o u be pra REST y ing? !!! This s emester taxing, s was quit o pray w e e mentally , and sp rest physically, irit word an d presen ually in Gods ce . Family visits! Pr a several family m ise the Lord tha t embers visiting in are Jan. (inc That w luding m e would y own!) start pla for this n nning we ext sem ll ester in late Jan .

Ho w c an

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