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ROBERT L _ROBERT L. BECKMAN, __PH.D._ 3816 North 18th Street Arlington, Virginia 22207 Cell 703/346-8432 rb12cf750@westpost.


OBJECTIVE: Lead or contribute to a Team via rapid prototyping of a knowledge management system that gives situation awareness while developing business rules to deliver semi-automated business intelligence and proactive analysis. CLEARANCE. Department of Defense, Top Secret/SCI, with CI poly. CURRENT: _CAREVECTOR LLC,_ Chief Knowledge Officer. CareVector is one of the founding members of a consortium working pro bono to run the National Brain Injury Rescue and Rehabilitation (NBIRR) study. NBIRR is designed to test the safety and efficacy of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in the treatment of the brain injured suffering from TBI and PTSD. This first of its kind clinical trial has organized over two dozen clinics nationwide to recruit, treat and report on progress in treating and healing traumatic brain injury. A knowledge platform was built for data collection and analysis. Results to date have been dramatic. MOST RECENT _January 2009-December 2010._ Chief Knowledge Officer for Rapid Equipping Force (REF), US Army, Ft Belvoir. Duties included requirements development, research, development and implementation of the knowledge management system and infrastructure; liaison for external providers of information and knowledge related to technologies to transform the battlefield and respond to warrior immediate needs; facilitation of knowledge connections, coordination and communications; design, management, facilitation, and direction of the development of organizational memory, web site development, portal implementation, intranet development, threaded discussions, and communities of practice implementation; development of a comprehensive professional KM education and training program to promote a knowledge-based, network-centric enterprise; mentoring Information Technology manager; and serving the Director in whatever ways enhanced his ability to effect economy, efficiency and effectiveness in acquisition and equipping troops at an accelerating pace, with the mission to save lives and end wars on favorable terms. ON-GOING AND PRIOR PROFESSIONAL ENGAGEMENTS _July 2005 a" January 2009._ Chief Information Officer (CIO), Defense Policy Analysis Office, USD(I), Office of the Secretary of Defense. Duties included assisting in the development of security assessments, strategies and policies; support to the Services, Agencies and combined commands; technical assessments of the adequacy of operations, personnel, communications, and information security; counterintelligence; threat, vulnerability and risk assessments; and development of a PL3 compliant network and Common Operational Picture to provide Business Intelligence and Situational Awareness. Originally hired as the Knowledge Management Team Chief, to adapt KM systems, data and processes for strategic analysis and risk assessment in such

areas as Acquisitions strategy, Information Operations, Counter Terror, WMD and nuclear non-proliferation. Completed National Defense University course of studies for CIO Certificate. Simultaneous co-author of Policy study on China-Taiwan issues. _November 2001 a" June 2005._ Counterintelligence Field Activity (CIFA), Directorate of Information Systems, Knowledge Management Group; and Directorate of Operations. Consulting support to CIFA and their primary customer bases: the Counter-intelligence (CI) and Counterterrorism (CT) communities, as well as Law Enforcement entities engaged in CI, CT and Homeland Security. Team lead in the Knowledge Management Group for Insider Threat and use of data for proactive analysis. Primary CIFA liaison to the Intelligence Community for CI data issues. Assist CIFA senior managers in drafting policies, plans, and proposals to affect the primary function of the organization, e.g., analysis of potential adversarial targeting of US technology, infrastructure, and / or conduct of military functions as directed by the DoD. Also, provided technical consulting support to CIFA personnel to include identifying data sourcesa"classified and unclassifieda"as well as coordination with potential customers to establish continuing analytic and customer requirements as they relate to CI and CT issues. This process included establishing collaborative relationships with customers to procure data, establishing technology and reporting requirements, designing feedback mechanisms, performing technology evaluations, and reviewing processes to ensure consistency in quality of CIFA products, development of knowledge-based enterprise rules and processes and, most importantly, providing operational intelligence analysis and support to the edge. _Intelligence Community, Strategic Planning__._ Teamed with a small group, Dr. Beckman was involved in identifying opportunities in an Operations Directorate for collaboration with the CINCs. Using a systems approach and Problem Formulation methods, the Team was charged with a rapid turn-around study to make recommendations in such areas as: transforming the culture from a aproducta to aservicea mentality; identifying core competencies and building or modifying processes to clarify and satisfy customer requirements; technical requirements to achieve analytical outcomes; measures of effectiveness; and budget implications of recommended changes. _Biennial Review._ Teamed with representatives from the Department of Defense and the commercial sector, Dr. Beckman developed a model for defining and using Intellectual Capital. Survey mechanisms, electronic media for capture of data, and a knowledge repository for analysis and decision making are being prototyped. The Project began a first-time effort to conceive of the DOD in business terms, beginning with a "value-chain" proposition: missions, products and services, customers, and satisfaction indices. Syndicating these data with a variety of other data available (e.g., human resources, project histories, personnel, evaluations, etc.) will lead to a more comprehensive picture of individual, team and organizational competencies and aspirations, and potentials for collaboration. This was the third Biennial Review in which Dr. Beckman was involved. _Organizational Mapping and Enterprise Analysis._ ALTA has over twenty yearsa experience with visually analyzing organizational structures. The technology allows us to identify how people function, using communication flows, decision making processes, and task functions within an organization.

_Knowledge-Based Targeting and Decisionmaking._ Teamed with representatives of the DOD and Law Enforcement Agencies, Dr. Beckman has over 15 years experience creating knowledge repositories for litigation support and strategic planning. The objective is to learn via rapid prototyping with real data the types of information that Task Forces use and could use to do near-real-time targeting in such environments as terrorism, proliferation and organized crime. _Competitive Intelligence._ ALTA provides services to commercial clients in the areas of: database selection, acquisition, correlation, data mining, visualization and analysis, technology and resource investment, and corporate strategy. _The War Room._ Teamed with DoD, Evidence Based Research, IDA, Trident Systems and others, Dr. Beckman helped to automate executive information for strategic planning and decision-making. Coupling knowledge engineering techniques with database building, systems integration and visualization routines, ALTA has helped bring several data bases together to display complex relationships and linkages associated with complex and multidimensional strategic planning and process control. The result is a competitive intelligence, strategic planning and "technology investment strategy" decision-making model, along with years of rapid prototyping experience. _Foreign Technology Database_. The ALTA Team developed interfaces to a DoD program to allow analysis in such areas as: weapons acquisition strategies; forecasting; technology transfers; and proliferation investigations. ALTA technology was also integrated into a development program to use expert knowledge and visualization strategies to automate and enhance the quantity and quality of analyst performance. _Project Multiplier._ Dr. Beckman helped a government client with revolutionary changes to information processing to automate the "order of battle" problem. Through systematic assessment of data handling and analytic processes, dramatic improvements were realized. Multiplier was designed as a knowledge center of best practices and technologies to serve traffic analysis and target development analysts. _The Wire Transfer Project._ Dr. Beckman helped the Phoenix HIDTA Financial Task Force with technology and strategic planning to afollow the moneya in complex financial fraud, illicit drugs, and money laundering cases. _Project DrugMARKET._ Teamed with integrators and the Counter Drug Technology Development Program Office in Dahlgren, VA, Dr. Beckman consulted on computer systems and advanced analysis. The project was aimed at base lining methods and technology used in money laundering investigations. _Project WARP_. Teamed with four other integrators and the US Government, Dr. Beckman helped to create management and information technology solutions to transnational problems. We built processes and knowledge-based systems for executive information and decision making in the areas of national security and situation awareness. A major undertaking was to help senior management confront the needs,

technology, techniques and challenges of analysis and collaboration around the issues affecting proliferation. _DIA/DISA._ ALTA helped integrate advanced visualization capabilities into the Anti-Drug Network. ALTA has also applied visualization techniques to integrate multidimensional data from disparate locations into a shared analytical environment. _Project Worldtech (DoD)._ Via a set of database interconnections, Dr. Beckman and the Team helped to design a system to visually track information related to technology transfers, foreign ownership/control/influence, foreign sources of technologies and products, and risks to national security. Other uses inform policy in such areas as: export controls, treaty inspection verification, industrial security programs, cataloging foreign R the Pickett Hotel Company's employee training program; the U.S. Air Force, and IBM. In the areas of systems analysis, strategic planning and management consulting, he specialized in such areas as user/analyst interface and systems design; human performance and motivation; complex problemsolving; strategic analysis; and public policy, with particular emphasis on the intelligence community. During that phase of his career, Dr. Beckman had extensive experience lecturing, writing, and consulting in such technical areas as nuclear power policy making, telecommunications, energy, and such other complex scientific/political areas as nuclear waste disposal, radiologic source term, nuclear power plant emergency planning, and the reliability of the North American Bulk Electric System. _1987 - 1990 Senior Consultant, NETMAP International, San Francisco, CA_ Organizational Analysis, Intelligence linkanalysis, Systems Design, Management Consulting, and Organizational Analysis and Development. Assisted NETMAP International in designing numerous applications of their software products ORGMAP and INTMAP. This involved client relations, conceptual design of paper and screen interfaces, design of technical, user and training documentation, analysis of technical and user needs, hardware and software systems integration, along with feasibility study and report writing. Clients included the Office of the Secretary of Defense, AT International Relations. Advanced: Comparative European Politics; U.S. Foreign Policy; Vietnam; Nuclear Weapons, Arms Control, and National Security; Political Methods; Ideology, Religion and Terrorism. 1986 a" 1987 _Consultant, The Orkand Corporation_. Studies on national security, terrorism, nuclear power, and technology. 1985 a" 1987_ Assistant Professorial Lecturer, George Washington University, Washington, D.C_.: Graduate Program in Legislative Affairs, Arms Control, National Security and Disarmament; and Foreign Policy. 1984 a" 1986_ Consultant, Nuclear Control Institute: Executive Director of Task Force, Nuclear Terrorism Prevention Project._ Principal consultant to develop policy documents for U.S. and international efforts to strengthen nuclear safeguards, physical security, and export controls. 1983 a" 1985_ Consultant, Congressional Research Service, Library

of Congress. _Studies in Science Policy Research Division and Environment and Natural Resources Policy Division on nuclear nonproliferation, nuclear power plant emergency planning, and reactor safety. Also assisted specialists in areas of energy and nuclear policy, fusion and laser technologies, nuclear energy, arms control, reactor safety and licensing, and nuclear weapons effects. 1977 a" 1984_ Instructor, The American University, Washington, D.C._ Introductory: International Relations; Western Traditions. Advanced: Nuclear Power and Arms Control; Policy Analysis; Comparative Foreign Policies. 1970 a" 1975_ Pilot, U.S. Air Force_: Aircraft commander, Strategic Air Command, KC135, 32d ARS, Vietnam veteran. SELECTED PUBLICATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS Author: Nuclear NonProliferation: Congress and the Control of Peaceful Nuclear Activities. Boulder, Colorado. Westview Press. (August 1985) 446 p. aTaiwan: U.S. Policy Choices.a Strategy reassessment for OSD(P) of Taiwan/PRC/US technology and economic ties. 2009. Classified. aThe Phoenix Financial Task Force.a March 1999. Available from Counter Drug Technology Development Program Office, Dahlgren, Virginia. "Knowledge: Where does it come from and where should it go?" Presentation to the Intelligent Technology Group, US Government, December 1997. "Date Visualization and the Analysis Cycle in Law Enforcement Agencies." South Florida Criminal Intelligence Group, November 1997. "Data Visualization for Financial Crimes and Money Laundering Investigations" (with others). Proceedings of the ONDCP/CTAC International Symposium on Tactical Technologies and Wide Area Surveillance, Chicago, IL, 1993. "Data Integration and Visualization Methods" (with others), Sixth Joint Service Data Fusion Symposium, Johns Hopkins Univ. Applied Physics Lab, Laurel, MD. 1993. "Multisource Heterogeneous Data Visualization" (with others), presented at the Symposium on Advanced Information Processing and Analysis , McLean, VA. 1993. "Visualizing Patterns and Trends in Data" (with others), presented at the Symposium on Advanced Information Processing and Analysis, McLean, VA. 1993. "Converting Data Into Intelligence" (with others), Proceedings of the First International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Baltimore, MD. 1992. "Intelligent Information Integration" (with others), presented at

the Symposium on Advanced Information Processing and Analysis, Reston, VA. 1992. The Treaty on the NonProliferation of Nuclear Weapons: The 1985 Review Conference and Matters for Congressional Concern. (Washington, D.C.: The Congressional Research Service, March 1985). With Warren H. Donnelly. 169 p. "Nuclear Powerplant Emergency Planning." Congressional Research Service Print. April 13, 1984. 32 p. "Nuclear Powerplant Safety and Licensing." Issue Brief EB80081. Congressional Research Service. February 10, 1984. With Robert L. Civiak. "Nuclear Explosions in Space: The Threat of EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse)." CRS Mini Brief MB82221. January 15,1984. With Robert L. Civiak. U.S. Congress. House. Committee on International Relations. Export Stimulation Programs in the Major Industrial Countries: The U.S. and its Major Competitors. (Chapter 5: France). 95th Cong., 2d Sess., October 6, 1978. With John A. Costa. "Conference Report. International Terrorism: The Nuclear Dimension." Terrorism 8:4. April 1986, pp. 66107. Reprinted in Leventhal and Alexander (eds.) Nuclear Terrorism: Defining the Threat (1986). "Background on Nuclear Proliferation: Preventing the Spread and Use of Nuclear Weapons." Roosevelt Center for American Policy Studies. August, 1985. "The Treaty on the NonProliferation of Nuclear Weapons." Roosevelt Center for American Policy Studies. August 1985. "Train Smart: Interactive Partnerships." Proceedings (U.S. Naval Institute) 114/10/1028 (October 1988), pp. 158160. _Robert L. Beckman, February, 2011. - 9 -_

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